22 minute read



A true visionary, in his own words


Dr. Werner Jager has “The Glass Word”


Reduce - Reuse - Recycle and the Time of DEED


The construction industry is critical to our future since it consumes 40% [1] of all resources that are extracted globally and 40% [2] of the energy needed to operate those buildings accounts for approximately 40% of annual carbon emissions worldwide. Within 4 to 8 years, it is necessary to achieve the goal established to limit world average temperature increases to +1.5° [3]. The building

challenges brought on by global warming.

What´s next?

It is the climate crisis that serves as the priority driver for the future of our sector:

a. Reduce – the volumes of materials used and of the energy needed to extract, transport, produce, fabricate, maintain and re-use after lifetime span. The remaining energy needed must be based on low to zero carbon energy production means; a challenge, as today, close to 90% of this energy is produced with carbonbased materials fuels (gas, oil, coal).[4]

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), air conditioning [5] will be a significant energy consumer and may eventually account for more than 10% of all world energy demand as a result of both temperature increases brought on by global warming and an increase in customer comfort expectations.

industry is crucial in addressing the tasks and The construction industry is critical to our future since it consumes 40% [1] of all resources that are extracted globally and 40% [2] of the energy needed to operate those buildings accounts for approximately 40% of annual carbon emissions worldwide. Within 4 to 8 years, it is necessary to achieve the goal established to limit world average temperature increases to +1.5°


. The building industry is crucial in addressing the tasks and challenges brought on by global warming.

Picture 1 [I]: Global total material uses by resource typePicture 1 [I]: Global total material uses by resource type

What´s next?

It is the climate crisis that serves as the priority driver for the future of our sector:

a. Reduce – the volumes of materials used and of the energy needed to extract, transport, produce, fabricate, maintain and re-use after lifetime span. The remaining energy needed must be based on low to zero carbon energy production means; a challenge, as today, close to 90% of this energy is produced with carbon-based materials fuels (gas, oil, coal).

Picture 2 [II]: Global electricity growth 2018-2050 by energy use category


According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), air conditioning [5] will be a significant energy consumer and may eventually account for more than 10% of all world energy demand as a result of both temperature increases brought on by global warming and an increase in customer comfort expectations.


b. Reuse – Because some building components, after being disassembled from outdated building stock, are still in a state where they could be used for a second application, new business models may develop, creating a market for items like flat glass, windows, shading devices, or ventilation ducts, new IGUs and the associated carbon emissions. Reusing and upgrading on-site could also which can sometimes be given a new life after be considered as a new business model and potential for larger building complexes. some maintenance and upgrading, of course. Up to 235 million window units (WU) in Germany alone could from an energy efficiency update

The refurbishment of the Empire State Building [6] in 2010 demonstrated how updating the building stock and refurbishing on site can quickly impact the energy demand of buildings during operations. All the glass units installed inside the building were upgraded, creating IGUs with a much higher thermal insulation performance while keeping the former flat glass units in service. More than 90% of all the originally installed flat glass were re-used again. Imagine how much less transportation was needed because all work was done in a temporary IGU factory placed inside the Empire State Building, reducing the demand for new IGUs and the associated carbon emissions. Reusing and upgrading on-site could also be considered as a new business model and potential for larger building complexes. Up to 235 million window units (WU) in Germany alone could from an energy efficiency update [7] .


Window types in the building stock of Germany [7]

Source: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerd Hauser, Technische Universität München / Dr. Rolf-Michael Lüking

Energetic renovation potential of windows in Germany 2020 Type 5

With thermal insulation glass 3-IGU

Type 4

With thermal insulation glass 2-IGU

Type 3

Uncoated with insulating glass

Type 2

composite and box windows

Type 1

window with single glass Sum of the renovation worthy

Types 1 to 3 Units

Window inventory in window unitsWU (1 WU = 1,69 m2) 90 309 185 39 11 235 million WU

Mainly installed by ... until...

UW value until 1978 g-value



UW value up to 1978 g-value UW value 1978-1995 g-value UW value from 1995 (2-IGU) g-value UW value from 2005 (3-IGU) g-value

0.8 - 1.1

45 - 60

1.8 - 1.3

58 - 63

With a degree-day number factor of 75 kWh and an annual efficiency of the heating system of 85 % (eg = 1.2), taking into account solar gains, energy savings in kWh based on WU (1.69 m2) result:

Conversion to m3 natural gas

Replacement does not give significant advantages in energy savings.





222,0 176,0 491,0

22,2 17,6 49,1









kWh /(WU*a)

m3 /(WU*a)

Energetic renovation potential in billion kWh

Equiv. reduction in billion m³ of natural gas

Converted into saving million tons of CO2 41,0 6,9 5,4 53,3

4,1 0,7 0,5 5,3 Billion kWh/a

Billion m³ of natural gas/a

9,48 1,59 1,25 12,32 million tons CO2/ a


c. Recycle – Too many of us make proposals for the future “we will when…” instead of “we act now…” or we argue on principles of “re-cyclability” which amounts to displacing some necessary actions into the future. Only an almost 100% “closed loop re-cycling” approach can support a rapid decarbonization of our industry, among other actions.

As a result, just 10% of the world’s materials are currently recycled, yet recycling is becoming of growing importance [8]. Recycled end-of-life material will stay as an alternative but cannot serve all market needs short- or midterm. This implies that primary materials must also minimize, for example, their carbon footprint and environmental impact in the short term.

This is the first immediate step the worldwide construction industry needs to take. It is a “do it” and “now” mentality; even if it isn’t flawless, dare to attempt. If your organization does not start taking steps today, it may not be around in the market by 2030, and certainly not by 2050.

The importance of recycling is shown through the latest embodied carbon simulations done by Lendlease UK. To fulfil the 2030 LETI[9] targets for new buildings in London, the façade area must not exceed a targeted embodied carbon value of 39 kg CO2 eq/ m² GIA (Gross Internal Area) [10] or - assessed per m² façade area- a maximum value of 75 kg CO2 eq/ m² façade area. In contrary to this target, todays installed aluminium unitized curtain wall constructions can reach values of up to 99 kg CO2 eq/ m² GIA which equals 190 kg CO2 eq/ m² façade area or more, as picture 4 [10] indicates. These values encompass the stages A1 to A5 of an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD).

The impact of various materials, including recycling schemes, was further modelled by Lendlease, and the results showed that only the lowest embodied carbon materials could be used to design, construct, and install new aluminum unitized curtain walls in London after 2030. Re-use of post-consumer scrap materials plays a vital role in that analysis, as picture 5 [10] shows.

Industry has started to lead the way, for example, by achieving such a high purity in the sorting of aluminium scrap, that today, the first aluminium extrusion billets with almost 100% post-consumer (End-of-Life) Scrap HYDRO CIRCAL 100R are being made available.

These guarantee that extrusion plants operate at peak efficiency and comply to the alloy EW-6060 requirements. With at least 75 percent incorporated EoL post-consumer scrap and certification from the external DNV GL (Det Norske Veritas German Lloyd) organization, the usage of this material has been pushed in the markets under the tradename HYDRO CIRCAL 75R [11] from 2019.by the external DNV GL (Det Norske Veritas German Lloyd) organization.

According to a paper by Clay Nesler that was presented at the World Economic Forum in 2020 [12], projects that use DEED-embedded techniques will lead the road to Zero Carbon Buildings:

d. Decarbonization e. Electrification f. Efficiency Enhancements g. Digitalization

This must not only include the operational period, but also material production and processes needed for the fabrication and

Picture 4 [IV]: Embodied Carbon of different façade types and Solutions. Values and Chart by Lendlease.


Picture 5 [IV]: Embodied Carbon of Facades – (EPD stages A1-A5) Values and Chart by Lendlease.

erection of a building until it is re-used or recycled. More doing and less “talking”; concrete actions and quantifiable achievements, as the word DEED implies.

Solutions Available and Areas of Innovation

9 Topics for Building Envelope Industry

1Materials – Use the Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) to compare will help you get the entire, accurate truth

2Engineering – Dare to disrupt, create a market

3Decarbonization – Take a cradle-to-cradle approach

4Digitalization – No gadgets, consider business strategies, and put the requirements of customers first

5Revitalization – There is no waste, just new opportunities 6 Efficiency Enhancements – Human-centric or fail

7Sustainability – Not a nice-to-have, a MUST

8ESG – Social and Environmental in symbiosis, independently controlled

9Responsible Sourcing – It matters, it makes an impact, it enables us to do the right thing right

Of course, we all aim for perfection, but realize that getting there requires more than one step.

All nine of these are worthwhile issues in and of themselves, but let’s concentrate on three of them:

Engineering, Decarbonization and ReVitalization. Here, we’ll provide some preliminary information that is by no means exhaustive but rather serves as the first step in the process of disrupting the construction sector into a self-sufficient, low-carbon emission-based contributor to social progress and environmental preservation.


Standards and regulations are crucial, but they ought to allow for more innovation. A strategy similar to that used in the auto sector can help to balance the demands for safety, lifeserviceability, and further innovation.

Innovations to mention include:

a. Thin Glass in construction industry

When a 3D approach is taken into consideration, this can not only lead to a reduction in the amount of material used, but also to novel glass designs that may be strengthened using chemical hardening techniques.

As an illustration, the most recent research of Prof. Neugebauer [13] indicates the potential for greenhouse applications as a new type of greenhouse shape was developed, which is light weight, hail resistant, and maximizes natural light conditions inside the greenhouse. This was made possible by the reduced thickness and chemically strengthened unit.


Picture 6: Finalized Origami Greenhouse [13] by Prof. J. Neugebauer Picture 7: up to 100 mm Opening of the envelope without hinged solutions of the sash at the Origami Greenhouse [13] by Prof. J. Neugebauerwithout hinged solutions of the sash at the Origami Greenhouse [13] by Prof. J. Neugebauer

Picture 8 [V] Possible Areas for Electrical Energy Generation at Building Envelopes

In turn this could enable the possibility of adjustable facades for orientation and openness degree; facades that can be opened and closed without hinges.

b.Energy Production by the façade

There are known solutions available such as BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaic solutions). Ready to use and enabling the façade to become at least partly autarkic when electrical energy supply is considered. Combined with a local energy storage device and a smart grid management, a structure could become self-sustaining.

But not all areas of a facade, especially in high rise buildings and if in close proximity to other buildings can utilize BIPV. transparent by design and is meant to allow natural daylight into the spaces within. Further developments and increasing the versatility of transparent BIPV modules in this situation would offer more flexibility.

Transparent BIPV modules could be combined with electrochromic switchable IGU designs to create a multi-functional transparent envelope layer.


Picture 9 [VI] Emergence of highly transparent photovoltaics for distributed applications. a - conventional opaque PV, no passage of the complete light spectrum b - spatially segmented PV, partial passage of the complete color spectrum c - thin film module, the thickness of the visual absorber film is optimized - luminescent solar concentrator e - wavelength-selective TPV f - wavelength-selective LSC

“With the need to decarbonize materials, transport, and processes, use cities as urban mines, and increase the use of renewable energy, on-site, while maintaining the architectural design intent, our construction industry may be beginning its most significant change process in decades”.


Picture 10 [left VII right VIII] :

Oscar Niemeyer Sphere Leipzig switchable IGU with eyrise liquid crystal layer from MERCK KG. Executed by Architect Harald Kern

In other cases, BIPV becomes less efficient in its cost-to-output ratio. But here wind or air born sound emissions could be captured in addition to enable taller buildings to develop their own harvesting.

Current research [14][15][16][17] demonstrates a new field for piezoelectric applications: energy gain through the conversion of sound and wind energy. There are two principal approaches:

The use of nanorods such as zinc oxide structures on polymer substrates which are usually produced by electrochemical or


Picture 11 [V] Wind induced forces at building envelopes

Picture 12 [16][18]: left Schematic structure of a sound-absorbing triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) [16] right Electron microscope images of ZnO nanorods [18]

chemical processes. [18] This significantly increases the usable surface and thus the yield over a regular surface. A research project conducted in 2014 at the ‘Queen Mary University of London’ in co-operation with Microsoft using zinc oxide piezoelectric showed that it is possible to produce a voltage of up to 5V in the laboratory with a surface the size of a smartphone [17].

This approach uses a combination of the triboelectric effect (electrical charging of two materials through contact – static electricity) and electro-static induction. The vibrating membrane shown in Picture [16] is only 5 μm thick, and the spacers are 50 μm thick. Initial research results show that, with such nanogenerators, a surface area of 0.01 m² and laboratory conditions of 114dB, 138 LED lamps can be powered. In field trials on the street, values of 0.1–0.8V were achieved. [16]


DOW announced a 2022 program to massively reduce the carbon footprint of its silicone products [19]. The project is under external supervision and PAS 2060 verified to ensure that the required quality, performance and environmental impact meet necessary standards. The “Carbon-neutrality initiative for DOWSILTM silicones” serves as a point of reference and motivation for others in the industry.

Saint-Gobain, another global player, declared in May 2022 that it had produced 2,000 tons of carbon neutral flat glass, enough to make up to 100,000 windows while decreasing carbon emissions by 1,000 tons [20][21]. One of the leading material suppliers to the construction sector is paving the way on the zero-carbon roadmap.

A third example would be HYDRO’s recent efforts to expand its business in the recycling of post-consumer waste. In 2019, 20,000 tons of end-of-life (EoL) post-consumer scrap entered the building market as new doors, windows, or curtain walls. Today, Hydro has a manufacturing capacity of up to 60,000 tons per year for


extrusion alloy EW-6060/ 6063. Circular Economy has evolved into a truly closed-loop recycling project, and HYDRO is leading the way by investing in a new recycling facility that will add 120,000 tons of recovered aluminum to the industry each year [22].

The US-based facility will start production in 2023. Using EoL aluminium HYDRO CIRCAL 75R one can reduce the carbon footprint by factor of 4 (compared to EU primary aluminium use mix) or by factor of 8 (compared to primary aluminium produced using coalbased electricity production). Considering the nearly 60,000 tons of HYDRO CIRCAL 75R aluminum that will be recycled and sold in 2022, depending on the energy source the aluminum is supplied from, this will reduce the annual carbon footprint by 378,000 tons of CO2 emissions (compared to the EU aluminum use mix) or even by more than 1,000,000 tons of C02 emissions. The goal of 100% postconsumer content, branded as HYDRO CIRCAL 100R; lowers the carbon footprint down to 0.5 kg CO2 emissions/ kg aluminium or even less, by also reducing the remaining CO2 sources like transport or by compensating the emissions by related schemes, making zero carbon aluminium possible for selected projects.


The 100 Liverpool Street project is one of the most recent Net Zero Carbon Building projects accomplished in London, demonstrating that the revitalization of obsolete building stock is feasible and can be used as a model for such projects to come. The initiative was established by British Land in collaboration with Sir Robert McAlpine, MACE, Hopkins Architects, and other parties and was realized through the analysis of embedded carbon in the materials used and re-used.

They achieved it by [23]

• Bringing the embodied carbon intensity for product and assembly stages A1–A5 of an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) closer to the LETI (London Energy and

Transport Initiative) targets for buildings starting in 2030 by reducing it to 395 kg

CO2e per m2 GIA (Gross Internal Area).

In contrast, many modern construction projects have an embodied carbon content of 850 kg CO2e per m2 GIA or higher. This demonstrates that a fundamental strategy for significantly reducing carbon emissions in the construction sector is the revitalization of the existing building stock.


• Just over 30% of the existing steel structure was not only retained but reused from the formerly existing building, saving up to 3,435 tons of carbon. • Close to 50% of the foundations and floor slabs made from concrete were also retained and therefore partly reused from the former building, reducing the carbon footprint by another 4,086 tons. • In instances where new materials were needed, lower carbon choices were utilized. For example, concrete and cement production. • Latest technologies were used to minimize energy demand during operation. For example, Closed Cavity Facades cover part of the building envelope • and the remaining 26,000 tons of carbon emissions were offset via certified schemes, reducing the carbon impact to zero.

Additionally, only FSC-certified sources were used to obtain the timber used in construction, and the building now only uses electricity generated from renewable sources in accordance with the REGO (Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin) product regime.

Picture 14 [IX]: 100 Liverpool Street London - Re-vitalized. Pictures by Sir Robert McAlpine.


Picture 15 [X]: Getting to Zero – London Energy and Transport Initiative LETI.

To conclude

With the need to decarbonize materials, transport, and processes, use cities as urban mines, and increase the use of renewable energy, on-site, while maintaining the architectural design intent, our construction industry may be beginning its most significant change process in decades. Architecture determines the behavior and well-being of its users, a foundation for positive social interaction between humans. Industry has demonstrated that it is willing to work toward decarbonizing the built environment and that it is capable of doing so. The built examples, such as those in London or New York, demonstrate that it is currently conceivable and that it may be further improved.

By setting goals and deadlines for achieving them, authorities or initiatives like LETI (London Energy and Transport Initiative) will be a huge help. As engineering will support the achievement of the established targets at all levels, from material, transport, manufacturing, and installation to the maintenance and re-use phases, targets are needed in this situation rather than pre-defined solutions.


[1] Krausmann, F., Gingrich, S., Eisenmenger, N., Erb, K.-H., Haberl, H. and Fischer-Kowalski, M., 2009, ‘Growth in global materials use, GDP and population during the 20th century’, Ecological Economics 68(10), pp. 2696–2705.

[2] Energy World Magazine 02.2017

[3] https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/05/1117842

[4] Vaclav Smil (2017). Energy Transitions: Global and National Perspectives. & BP Statistical Review of World Energy

[5] https://www.statista.com/chart/14401/growingdemand-for-air-conditioning-and-energy/

[6] https://time.com/6026610/empire-state-buildinggreen-retrofit/

[7] https://www.window.de/fileadmin/redaktion_ window/vff/Shop_pdfs/VFF-BF-Studie_2021_-_ Energetische_Modernisierung_Fenster_-_DE-ES.pdf

[8] https://www.oecd.org/environment/waste/ highlights-global-material-resources-outlookto-2060.pdf

[9] https://www.leti.london/cedg [11] https://www.hydro.com/de-DE/aluminium/ products/aluminium-mit-niedrigen-co2-emissionen/ circal/

[12] https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/01/zerocarbon-buildings-climate/

[13] Prof. Jürgen Neugebauer et al.: Thin Glass Technology for Structural Glass Applications Josef Ressel Zentrum für Dünnglastechnologie für Anwendungen im Bauwesen -2022

[14] Fang LH, Hassan SIS, Rahim RA et al. (2017) Exploring Piezoelectric for Sound Wave as Energy Harvester. Energy Procedia 105: 459–466. doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.341

[15] Fang LH, Hassan SIS, Rahim RA et al. (2017) Charaterization of Different Dimension Piezoelectric Transducer for Sound Wave Energy Harvesting. Energy Procedia 105: 836–843. doi: 10.1016/j. egypro.2017.03.398

[16] Cui N, Gu L, Liu J et al. (2015) High performance sound driven triboelectric nanogenerator for harvesting noise energy. Nano Energy 15: 321–328. doi: 10.1016/j. nanoen.2015.04.008

[17] Briscoe J, Dunn S (2014) Mobile phones come alive with the sound of music. https://www.qmul. ac.uk/media/news/items/se/137892.html


[18] Briscoe J, Dunn S (2014) Nanostructured Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters. Springer International Publishing, Cham

[19] https://corporate.dow.com/en-us/news/pressreleases/introducing-carbon-neutral-silicones.html/

[20] https://www.saint-gobain.com/en/group/netzero-carbon

[21] https://www.bloomberg.com/news/ articles/2022-05-16/zero-carbon-flat-glass-made-forthe-first-time-by-saint-gobain

[22] https://www.hydro.com/en/media/news/2022/ new-aluminium-recycling-plant-in-cassopolis-u.s.will-bring-local-jobs-and-lighter-vehicles/

[23] https://www.srm.com/projects/engineeringexcellence-at-100-liverpool-street/


[I] http://www.uni-klu.ac.at/socec/downloads/ Online_data_global_flows_update_2011.xls

[II] https://www.statista.com/chart/14401/growingdemand-for-air-conditioning-and-energy/

[III] http://blog.lightopiaonline.com/lighting-articles/ the-empire-state-building-goes-green/

[IV] Internal paper; Lend Lease London UK

[V] Autorenbeitrag WICONA Neugebauer Jager Bugenings Schaffer 032019;

[VI] Traverse CJ, Pandey R, Barr MC et al. (2017) Emergence of highly transparent photovoltaics for distributed applications. Nature Energy 2(11): 849–860. doi: 10.1038/s41560017-0016-9 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41560017-0016-9

[VII] https://www.merckgroup.com/de/research/ science-space/envisioning-tomorrow/smarterconnected-world/niemeyer-sphere.html

[VIII] https://www.bft-international.com/de/artikel/ bft_Niemeyer_Sphere_Visionaere_Baukunst_aus_ Beton_3622694.html

[IX] https://www.srm.com/projects/engineeringexcellence-at-100-liverpool-street/

[X] https://www.leti.london/_files/ugd/252d09_3b0f 2acf2bb24c019f5ed9173fc5d9f4.pdf

[XI] https://mb.cision.com/Public/12934/3485804/ adde03d96c8a098d_800x800ar.png Werner Jager’s vast knowledge of the industry include positions as Director International Project Sales and Technical Application at Hydro Building Systems Germany GmbH Ulm, and previously Director Marketing and Technical Application DACH.

Werner also founded and was general manager at ai³.

Additionally, Werner was external R&D consultant of FRAUNHOFER Institute for Building Physics Stuttgart / Kassel / Holzkirchen, Professor for Building Physics at the University of Applied Sciences Augsburg. Managing Director and Head of Research and Development of the Wicona Brand Centre HBS Technical Center, of the Wicona Brand Centre.




AESG Senior Façade Consultant Cayan Business Tower 6th and 7th Floor Barsha Heights PO Box 2556, Dubai, UAE info@aesg.com +971 (0) 4 432 6242 www.aesg.com


Moriyama & Teshima Architects Partner 117 George Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5A 2N4 mtreception@mtarch.com +1 416 925 4484 www.mtarch.com


HOK Senior Writer and Principal 10 South Broadway Suite 200 St. Louis, Missouri 63102 USA hokcontact@hok.com +1 314 421 2000 www.hok.com


NAGA Architects Principal and Senior Design Architect Office 3505-3506, Marina Plaza, PO Box 73033, Dubai, U.A.E. info@naga.ae +971 4 332 4455 www.naga.ae


Buro Happold Associate Façade Consultant Rolex Tower DIFC, Sheikh Zayed Road 30/F, Office 3001 PO Box 117291 Dubai UAE info.dubai@burohappold.com +971 (0) 4 518 4000 www.burohappold.com


ASCA Senior Vice President Business Development & Project Management ASCA SAS 20, rue Chevreul 44105 Nantes CEDEX 4, France +33 (0) 2 4038 4000 www.asca.com


NBBJ Senior Associate, Designer 223 Yale Avenue North Seattle, WA, USA 98109 seattle_office@nbbj.com +1 (206) 223 5555 www.nbbj.com


Avenue Jean Monnet 4 1348 Louvain-La-Neuve Belgium +32 2 409 30 00 www.agc-glass.eu


Avenue Jean Monnet 4 1348 Louvain-La-Neuve Belgium +32 478 559 579 www.agc-pyrobel.com


eyrise B.V. Head of Global Design eyrise B.V. De Run 5432 5504 DE Veldhoven Netherlands Bruce.nicol@merckgroup.com +31 6 286 32087 www.eyrise.com


200 South Wilcox Drive Kingsport, Tennessee, USA, 37660 +1 (423) 229 2000 www.saflex.com


200 South Wilcox Drive Kingsport, Tennessee, USA, 37660 +1 (423) 229 6564 www.eastman.com


Solar Visuals BV CEO Schuit 14. Oudkarspel, 1724 BD Netherlands info@solarvisuals.nl +31 226 31 20 21 www.solarvisuals.nl


ArtRatio and Smart Glass World Founder Ronda Vall d’Uxo 125, 03206 Elche Spain info@artratio.co.uk +34 965 641 239 www.artratio.co.uk and www.smartglassworld.net


Kuraray Europe GmbH Senior Technical Program Manager Philipp-Reis-Str. 4 65795 Hattersheim, Germany +49 331 200 888 1 www.kuraray.eu


Keller Minimal Windows Managing Director 38-40 route de Wilwerdange L-9911 Troisvierges Luxembourg +352 28 38 66 01 www.minimal-windows.com

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