Banana Shape The characteristics of Banana shaped body are: Hips measurement is as wide as shoulders Waist is slightly smaller than the hips Legs are long and bottom is flat The best pair of jeans for Banana shaped girl is one that attempts to give the illusion of curves. Low rise waistline might be the perfect choice. Avoid stretch fabrics as they get lose soon.
Apple Shape The characteristics of Apple shaped body are: Broad Shoulders Large Chest Hips measurement is as small as waist The best pair of jeans for apple-shaped is one that draws attention away from the mid-section. Try skinny jeans and avoid jeans that have too high of an inseam and low rise.
Pear Shape The characteristics of Pear shaped body are: Large hip with wide thighs Narrow shoulders Small chest The best pair of jeans for pear-shaped body is one that balance your wider hips. Try jeans that have wider leg with boot cut or straight leg opening. Avoid skinny jeans as they are too tight for your widest areas.
Hourglass Shape The characteristics of Apple shaped body are:  Shoulders measurement is similar to hips  Small defined waist The best pair of jeans for hourglass-shaped body is one that balances you out. Try jeans that have wide legs and are bootcut.
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