EMPLOYEE FIRE EXTINGUISHER TRAINING • Do you have fire extinguishers around your workplace? • Do you know how to use them?
Industrial Safety Inc. provides training for many local businesses. Training includes both classroom and hands on training. EVERY EMPLOYEE will get the opportunity to operate an extinguisher!
Contact us today to talk about your needs or to schedule training for your company.715.263.3330. POINTS OF INTEREST:
• You may have fire extinguishers around your workplace, used to control or extinguish fires that are small or have just begun. But did you know that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) prohibits employees from using this tool unless they’ve had training? • Organizations are required to provide this training when employees are first hired and annually thereafter. Employers are also advised to establish a policy clarifying who is qualified to use fire extinguishers, the situations when they can and should be used, and the proper procedures for their use. • Exemptions to OSHA’s Training Requirements: 1) When the employer has established and implemented a written fire-safety policy that requires the immediate and total evacuation of all employees upon the sounding of a fire alarm and that includes an emergency-action plan and a fire-prevention plan that meet OSHA’s requirements. 2) When the company has an emergency-action plan that designates certain employees to be the only ones to use the available portable fire extinguishers and that requires all other workers to immediately evacuate the affected area after the fire alarm sounds.
360 - 4TH STREET - P.O. BOX 68 - CLEAR LAKE, WI 54005 TELEPHONE: 1-800-822-1633 - WEBSITE: industrialsafetystore.com
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