making a movie in 2020 written by sherwin yu | illustrated by candice cirilo WE DRIVE FOR HOURS, two or three or five; I can’t tell anymore. Daniel is behind the wheel, and I sit in the passenger seat making a fruitless attempt at reading some thrifted novel I had unknowingly stuffed into my bag days ago. Anna and Joel sit behind napping, (generously) sharing the backseat with a pile of backpacks, bulky camera cases, and road trip snacks. Distracted from my
book, I turn to face the view of the desert from my passenger window, the same view we have seen now for miles and miles. Dry dirt is all the landscape offers, that and the occasional tumbleweed. Heat waves emanate menacingly from the sunbleached soil. A range of jagged peaks run along the horizon, and if I look just far enough, I can see all the way to Mexico.