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B: List of Acronyms

ACCT (Philadelphia) Animal Care & Control Team BIPOC Black, Indigenous, and People of Color CACFP Child and Adult Care Food Program CDBG Community Development Block Grant CDCs Community Development Corporations CLIP Community Life Improvement Program CRSH (Philadelphia) Coalition for Restaurant Safety and Health CSA Community Supported Agriculture CTE Career and Technical Education

DCED (Pennsylvania) Department of Community and Economic Development DCNR (Pennsylvania) Department of Conservation and Natural Resources DHCD (Philadelphia) Division of Housing and Community Development DVRPC Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission



Electronic Benefits Transfer

ECA Energy Coordinating Agency EHS Environmental Health Services (within Philadelphia Department of Public Health) EPA (US) Environmental Protection Agency FMNP Farmers' Market Nutrition Program FPAC Food Policy Advisory Council GJLI Garden Justice Legal Initiative GMOs Genetically Modified Organisms GSI Green Stormwater Infrastructure

HBCU Historically Black Colleges and Universities HELP Homeowner's Emergency Loan Program HFGS Healthy Foods Green Spaces L&I (Department of) Licenses & Inspections LAMA Land Management LAMS Land Administration and Management System MANNRS Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences MBE Minority Business EnterpriseAPPENDICES

MOU Memorandum of Understanding NGT Neighborhood Gardens Trust NRCS (US) Natural Resources Conservation Service NSNP Norris Square Neighborhood Project OOS Office of Sustainability OST Out of School Time

OUAIP (USDA) Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production PASA Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture PBTs Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxins

PCAC Philadelphia Coalition for Affordable Communities PECO Philadelphia Electric Company PGDC Philadelphia Garden Data Collaborative PHA Philadelphia Housing Authority PHDC Philadelphia Housing & Development Corporation PHS Pennsylvania Horticultural Society PIDC Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation PILCOP Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia POP Philadelphia Orchard Project PPR Philadelphia Parks & Recreation (Parks & Rec) PWD Philadelphia Water Department Rebuild City of Philadelphia Rebuilding Community Infrastructure Program RCAP Racially Concentrated Areas of Poverty RFP Request for Proposals ROC Restaurant Opportunities Center SEAMAAC Southeast Asian Mutual Assistance Association Coalition SEPTA Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority SNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program TANF Temporary Assistance for Needy Families UAC Urban Agriculture Conservation USDA (US) Department of Agriculture WIC Women, Infants, and Children

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