Best online florists of New Zialand Interflora Pacific Unit Ltd is proud to be a New Zealand Cooperative Company, owned and operated by our member florists. You can contact us at our Headquarters located in Christchurch or visit our member florists who are operating retail studios in towns around New Zealand. 01.The business of Interflora is the 24 hour delivery of flower orders throughout the world. 02. Interflora covers 150 countries with almost 40,000 florists and handles around 75 orders every minute with an Annualturnover of $2 billion
Renaissance From NZD $63.70
Harakeke From NZD $73.70
Carnival From NZD $78.70
Raglan From NZD $73.70
Carnival From NZD $73.70
Claret From NZD $73.70
Contact or visit website more flowers that you love to get delivery for any of your occasion.
Interflora Pacific Unit Limited PO Box 1048, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand Free Phone: (NZ Only) 0800 80 88 80 Phone: +64 3 366 5882, Fax: +64 3 365 5076 Email: