International florists make your day special by delivering flowers within 24 hours Interflora is one of the top florists who send flower throughout the world. International florists offer same day flower delivery throughout New Zealand and offer delivery within 24 hours. Our highly talented team who has an It’s an absolute passion for creating beautifully designed flower bouquets and gifts. Interflora covers 150 countries with almost 40,000 florists and handles around 75 orders every minute with an annual turnover of $2 billion.
We send flower on different occasions such as:
Christmas Birthday Anniversary Wedding/Engagement Congratulation Valentine’ Day Father’s Day Mother’s Day Thank You and many more
Flower styles we provide are:
Bouquets Container Designs Water Filled Boxes Best Sellers No matter where your loved ones are, our international flower delivery network will allow you to let them know how much you care.
For more details visit:
Interflora Pacific Unit Ltd 153B Lichfield Street Christchurch, Canterbury 8011 Phone: 03 372 0700 Fax: 03 365 5076 Web:
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