Archie's Newsletter

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Soul Care Trellis guiding, growing and gardening souls for Christ

June-July 2011

Brother Archie’s missionary journey

in North Carolina– a festival of art, spirituality, music and

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

goers and help create a sacred space– we used a camping tent

I created my outline for this newsletter’s edition and I was inti-

Richard Twiss, one of the most respected missiologist and

mated by how much I want to write. I worried because of Facebook and Tweeters, some of you might not have the patience anymore

reading too many “status” in one letter. Well, I know you’ll read my newsletter in installments and I expect some kind of “comment” or maybe “like”

Summer—camps, retreat, and fun adventures with Tamara We had a refreshing Soul Care Retreat last July 8 -9th at Father Serra Retreat Center in Malibu. We had 15 Urban Youth Workers from differ-

justice. I came as a volunteer spiritual director for festival – I also participated for the first time at a sweat lodge– led by leader of Christian contextualization movement of indigineous people. He is the founder and leader of Wiconi International ministry. During the festival, I had the honor of playing my Native American flute (given by mother-in-law) during one of the worship service.

Another camp I went to was “ Teen Camp” with Adventist

Christian Camp in Idyllwild, Ca. My good friend Lilly Lewin brought me along and together we created an experential

prayer chapel for teens and I taught prayer of Examen, and

Centering Prayer. Teenagers easily grasped this simple form

of prayer that is so relevant today for our church. Coinceden-

ent local churches in Southern California. On

tally, after the Teen Camp, I only had to a few miles to drive

Project” ministry for helping underwrite a big part of the cost.

for the leaders of “Youth Force”, the King’s Kids GO Network

Behalf of Urban Youth Workers Insitute we thank the “Soul Care

to after Teen Camp to guide a contemplative prayer retreat and

group from Temcula that I have been working with the last 2

Niko– Youth leadership development course

do this for a long time.

Our Niko camp this summer was a success. We had 50 youth mostly first time participants and the rest are Niko alumni and staff leadership.

years. I really enjoyed teaching simple prayer practices, I can

It was a great summer of ministry and thank you for your prayers and support.

We started Niko in the mid 90’s. We’ve seen teenagers grow in their servant leadership qualities and we have an informal board of excellent young leaders in their early twenties practically running our Niko program the last five years. Dnaiel Cheung, one of our NIKO executive leader, a 21 years, recent

Our Family Life-

graduate of Coro Fellow program in San Francisco was one of our

Remember the 5-day bike trip that I mentioned in the last

Niko teenagers. Niko was instrumental in Daniel’s formation as a

newsletter? It was great, Tamara said, it is her “best bike trip

servant leader. Daniel and I are praying and now working together to see where our Niko ministry is being guided by God the next 5 or 10 years in releasing tomorrow’s leaders today.

Spiritual Director, Sacred Space Designer and Retreat Guide

Like I mentioned earlier, I led and guided a soul care retreat for urban youth workers last June. I also served at the Wild Goose Festival

ever”. Her high school friend Amber and her husband Stefan was wonderful. From Monterey to Gaviota along the Pacific Coast Highway, California. I was the crew chief but I had the chance to ride with Tamara from San Cabrillo to Pismo Beach – less than 50 miles. Of course she left me behind with my hybrid bike. Next time, I’ll get a road bike. Thanks again Amber and Stefan for such a great time.

San Francisco Marathon– Tamara was one of the finisher– 5

Trellis- Like I mentioned earlier on the NIKO section, Daniel

hours. She told me before the race to meet her at mile 13 be-

and I are meeting regularly for prayer and strategic planning in

cause she thinks, she might not make it and I have to pick her

reconstructing and replanning the former King’s Kids ministry

up there. I was on my bicycle and I got a call from her from

to our new name “ Trellis”. Trellis in essence is youth leadership

mile 11 or 12, I think it was,; when I heard her voice, I knew

development for the 21st century– releasing tomorrow leaders

there was no stopping this woman. I saw her at mile 20 and I

today in partnership with the families and the local church.

texted her sister and I said, “ yes, no one can stop her now.”

Our mission is not just to train and encourage young people to

Congratulations again Tamara.

pursuit a “full-time ministry”, but also to dialogue and through

The other fun little less physical adventure we did this summer was Tamara’s birthday barbeque and Bocce games. Tamara

“thought leadership, prepare them to the market place. Please continue to pray for God’s guidance and wisdom.

and I are hooked on Bocce and we introduced it to our friends on the barbeque and beach party we had this summer. Wow, writing all this summer activities, makes me be truly grateful for the life and blessings of God. What about this Fall? 

National Youth Workers Conference/Youth Specialties– in San Diego, CA. and Atlanta, GA. I will be one of the spiritual directors, curator for the prayer chapel, and prayer practice presenter at our sanctuary space. There will be approximately 4-5 thousand youth workers to this annual convention Please pray that I can be fully present and listening deeply to the youth workers that I will meet one on one for spiritual direction. I also enjoy that I can create

Prayers for our finances: Our goal to raise $2,500./ monthly support by Summer 2011 has not been reached through personal supporters, donors, grants, honorariums and fees through teaching or writing. With your prayers, please continue to stand with us in believing and seeing the release of the finances we need . YWAM is a faith based ministry and none of us are salaried or paid, we have to raise our own financial support. Be one of my monthly or a one time supporter, corporate sponsor for: $500, $400, $300, $200, $100, $50, $20, or any amount you are able to give. You are gifts are tax-deductible. Please let me know if want to unsubscribe to my newsletter. I’ve enclosed an envelope to send your gift. You can mail the self-addressed and stamped envelope to our YWAM Los Angeles office.

new experential prayer stations and lead a guided city

If you want a tax-deductible gift, please write YWAM on the check and do not

prayer walks in San Diego and Atlanta. Website:

You can also give and donate online through my pay pal account by going to

write my name on the check . You can write my name on a post it note.

my website;

Christian Community Development Association CCDA–

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always Your Brother in Christ Archie

October 12-16, Indiniapolis. IN. I will be leading a Soul Care retreat for Christian community development workers to help them find time and spaces to renew their soul.


Most of the workers are activists, youth workers in underresourced communities in big U.S cities. check their web-

My Calendar– September– October 2011

site: . All of the presenters for this con-

September 30-October 2nd, National Youth Workers Convention, San Diego , CA

ference are volunteers and we have to pay for own airfare. October 12-16, Christian Community Development Association, CCDA, IndianThey have local family hosting us. Please pray that I could apolis, IN. raise the airfare ($450.)

November 17-20th- National Youth Workers Convention, Atlanta, GA.

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