Interlam - Laminated Glass Systems

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Thes l eekl ookoft hes eL GSpa nel sc a nbr i nga na ddeddi mens i onofbea ut ya nd i ns pi r eddes i gnt oa nyr oom, a ndt heyl endt hems el v esea s i l yt oanumberofdi f f er entus es :a swa l lpa nel s ,r oom di v i der s ,s howerwa l l s ,c ount er t opsa nds omuc h mor e. Thes eey ec a t c hi nga ndea s yt oc l ea npa nel sa r ec r ea t edf r om s pec i a l l ypa t t er nedpa pert ha tha sbeenl a mi na t edbet weent wos heet sofgl a s s ,bondi ngt he t hr eepi ec esi nt oas ol i dpa nel .Thepa t t er noft hepa pera ppea r swi t hc l a r i t ya nd r i c hnes s , whi l et hegl a s sgi v esi tas ens eofdept ha nds hi ne.

PE 003-T wi l i ghtComet

PE 021-E bonyBa r k

PG007-Si l v erI l l us i on

PG043-Pl a t i num L ea f

PO070-I r onBa t i k

PO075-CopperBa t i k

PO100-CopperL ea f

PT061-Wa l nutBa r k

PT065-T opa zI l l us i on

PV111-J uni perBa r k

PW005-Bi r c hBa r k

PW009-I c eComet

PW015-I c e

WN801-Si l k yChes t nut

WN803-UmberChes t nut

WN805-Ci nna monChes t nut

www. i nt er l a mdes i gn. c om

WN807-Pea r l Ches t nut

WX400-Cr ea m Sa t i nwood

WX405-But t er s c ot c hSa t i nwood

WX410-Cof f eeSa t i nwood

WX430-Ni ghtSk ySi l k wood

WX435-E mberSi l k wood

WX437-Ti gerE y eSi l k wood

WX439Cha r r edSi l k wood

WX441-T er r aSi l k wood

WX721-But t er s c ot c h

WX731-Coa l

WX742-Br a ndy

WXC01-Br a ndyComet

WXC05-Coa l Comet

WXC07-Cr ea m Sa t i nwoodComet

WXC09-But t er s c ot c hSa t i nwood Comet

WXC11-Cof f eeSa t i nwoodComet

WX721-But t er s c ot c hComet

391Hi c k or yS t r eet MountAi r y , NC27030 3367866254 www. i nt er l a mdes i gn. c om

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