Discretionary Assistance Fund (DAF) - User Questionnaire We are trying to gather some evidence on the use and impact of the Discretionary Assistance Fund in Wales and would welcome your help by answering the following questions. The survey should take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete.
Section One Have you ever applied for a payment from the Discretionary Assistance Fund? ☐ Yes - If Yes, please go to Section Two ☐ No If No, why not? ☐ Didn’t need to ☐ Didn’t know about the scheme ☐ Other (please specify) If you would like further information about how you can access money in an emergency from the scheme go to: www.adviceguide.org.uk/the_discretionary_assistance_fund -
Now, please go to Section Four
Section Two Did you apply for an Individual Assistance Payment? ☐ Yes ☐ No - If No, please go to Section Three How did you apply? ☐ Telephone ☐ Post ☐ Online Did you have any assistance in making the application? ☐ Yes ☐ No 1
If Yes, who helped you and how?
How would you rate the application process? (Please circle the appropriate number with 1 being easy to use and 5 very difficult to use) 1
(Easy to use)
5 (Difficult to use)
Any particular comments about the process?
How much money did you ask for? ☐ Under £50 ☐ £50 - £100 ☐ More than £100 What did you need the money for?
Did you get the amount you wanted? ☐ Yes all of it ☐ Some of it ☐ Nothing
If Yes, did you have any problems accessing the money/goods that you were awarded? ☐ Yes ☐ No If Yes, how did you deal with this problem?
If you were not given an award what impact did this have on you?
If you were given an award what would have been the impact if the scheme did not exist?
Did you challenge the decision? ☐ Yes ☐ No If No, why not? ☐ No need ☐ Didn’t know I could ☐ Didn’t know how ☐ Didn’t think it was worth it If Yes, and you challenged the decision how did you find the process? (Please circle the appropriate number with 1 being easy to use and 5 very difficult to use)
(Easy to use)
5 (Difficult to use)
Section Three Did you apply for an Emergency Assistance Payment? ☐ Yes ☐ No - If No, please go to Section Four How did you apply? ☐ Telephone ☐ Post ☐ Online Did you have any assistance in making the application? ☐ Yes ☐ No Who helped you and how?
How would you rate the application process? (Please circle the appropriate number with 1 being easy to use and 5 very difficult to use) 1
(Easy to use) Any particular comments about the process?
How much money did you ask for? ☐ Under £50 ☐ £50 - £100 ☐ More than £100 What did you need the money for? 4
5 (Difficult to use)
Did you get the amount you wanted? ☐ Yes all of it ☐ Some of it ☐ Nothing Did you have any problems accessing the money/goods that you were awarded? ☐ Yes ☐ No If Yes, how did you deal with this problem?
If you were not given an award what impact did this have on you?
If you were given an award what would have been the impact if the scheme did not exist?
Did you challenge the decision? ☐ Yes ☐ No If No, why not? ☐ No need ☐ Didn’t know I could ☐ Didn’t know how ☐ Didn’t think it was worth it If Yes, and you challenged the decision how did you find the process? (Please circle the appropriate number with 1 being easy to use and 5 very difficult to use) 1
(Easy to use)
5 (Difficult to use)
Section Four Any other comments about the scheme?
What is your gender? ☐ Male ☐ Female ☐ Prefer not to say Which of the following includes your age? ☐ Below 25 years ☐ 25 – 34 ☐ 34 - 44 ☐ 45 - 54 ☐ 55 and over ☐ Prefer not to say Do you have a long-term health condition or disability? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Prefer not to say How would you describe your ethnicity? ☐ White British ☐ White Irish ☐ White Other ☐ Mixed White and Black Caribbean ☐ Mixed White and Black African 7
☐ Mixed White and Asian ☐ Mixed Other ☐ Asian or Asian British - Indian ☐ Asian or Asian British - Pakistani ☐ Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi ☐ Asian or Asian British - Other ☐ Black or Black British - Caribbean ☐ Black or Black British - African ☐ Black or Black British - Other ☐ Chinese or Chinese British - Chinese ☐ Chinese or Chinese British - Other ☐ Prefer not to say What is the first part of your postcode? (Please circle the appropriate letters) CF
Thank you for your assistance Cyngor Ar Bopeth Cymru Tŷ Quebec, Pont-y-Castell 5-19 Heol Ddwyrain Y Bontfaen Caerdydd CF11 9AB
Citizens Advice Cymru Quebec House, Castlebridge 5-19 Cowbridge Road East Cardiff CF11 9AB
Ffôn: 0300 023 1011 www.citizensadvice.org.uk
Tel: 0300 023 1011 www.citizensadvice.org.uk
Cyngor Ar Bopeth Cymru/Citizens Advice Cymru yn enw gweithredol ar Gymdeithas Genediathol Cyngor Ar Bopeth Rhif elusen Gofrestredig 279057
Cyngor Ar Bopeth/Citizens Advice is an operating name of The National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux Charity registration number 279057