Inform info sheet

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Pa ents and Carers Stories about Mental Health and Primary Care INFORM is a mental health awareness training package for all staff working in primary care that can be delivered at your prac ce. It is an excellent way for prac ces to meet the Mental Health Direct Enhanced Service criteria (DES 2013) as it has been developed and delivered by people locally who have experience of mental health-related condi ons. INFORM aims to raise awareness among prac ce staff of pa ent and carers’ experiences of accessing primary care for a mental health-related condi on. The training is delivered using a variety of interac ve methods including digital stories, group work and presenta ons to highlight common themes and demonstrate how simple changes to working prac ces can be extremely effec ve in suppor ng people. By the end of the training, parƟcipants will be able to: • Recognise examples of good and poor prac se in primary care se ngs. • Iden fy examples of support that is available in the local community. • Demonstrate an awareness of the Pa ent and Carer ‘Top 10’. To book the training, please contact the General Medical Services (GMS) team on 01443 715047 or e-mail: for a booking form. In addi on to the training session, your prac ce will receive a complementary training resource which includes a training pack and a dvd of six Pa ent and Carer stories. In order for the INFORM project to remain sustainable, we have set a fee of £50 that is payable per prac ce for each 2.5 hour session that is delivered. The training requires 6-12 par cipants, who should ideally include a variety of roles from within your prac ce. If you have more than 12 members of staff who wish to a end, you will need to book two separate sessions.

Quotes from ParƟcipants: ‘I found the session enjoyable and thought-provoking. Even though I am aware of the issues I found myself pondering on the stories later that evening’ ‘Highly illustra ve and the top 10 ps illustrate how simple changes can be effec ve.’

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