Training programme april2014 september2014 new

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Interlink Training Calendar Training


Dealing with Challenging Behaviour - 12 May 2014


Mental Health First Aid Training - 14 & 21 May 2014


Employment Law - 15 May 2014 - Master Class


Managing your Organisation- Exceptional Committees - 27 May 2014 - Master Class


Running your Organisation – Excellent Employee Involvement - 5 June 2014 - Master Class


First Class Funding Strategies - 17 June 2014 - Master Class


Marketing-Reaching your Target Audience - 19 June 2014


Market Research - 26 June 2014


Health and Safety - 27 June 2014


Practice Exchange Group: Young People’s Participation - 9 July 2014 - Master Class


Taking Co-Productive Practice To The Next Level - 16 July 2014 - Master Class


Community Development Level 2 - 9,16 & 23 September 2014


Safeguarding Children and Young People - 11 September 2014


Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults - 11 September 2014


Design Your Own Training


Reduction of Suicide and Self-Harm Level 2

12 & 13

Domestic Abuse Awareness Level 2


Sexual Health Engaging with Young People


Interlink Meeting & Conference Rooms


Directions to Interlink


Who are we? Interlink is a local charity with over 480 member organisations. We work with the individuals, communities, voluntary organisations, not for profit enterprises and partners to make a real difference in RCT through community action. What do we do?  If you have an idea - we can work with you to develop your ideas, make plans, help with fundraising and involving others who can help.  If you want to make a difference - we can help make it happen  If you want to be better connected - we can help you to connect to people, communities and organisations.  If you having something to say - we can help you influence what goes on in your community and have a stronger voice.  If you are interested in being a volunteer - we can help get you started. It doesn’t matter what you need, whether you are a self-help group, a sports club, a social enterprise, a youth group, community centre or larger voluntary organisation, or from the public or private sector, we are here to help connect people to make a difference through community action. We will help in any way we can, so please call us on 01443 846200 or visit us at


Interlink Training Calendar Are you a third sector organisation who wants to be involved in delivering this programme? If you wish to join in, call Simon on 01443 846200. Interlink’s training programme continues to expand, develop and to offer the training courses that YOU tell us you need. Interlink is also committed to delivering the more informal, ‘bespoke’ training that your organisation want. Call us to chat about what you want. Price Bands A B

Interlink Members or members of any County Voluntary Council. Non-members.

Fees apply to staff and volunteers. If you do not fit any of the above categories or are unsure which category applies to you please contact Interlink on 01443 846200

Dealing with Challenging Behaviour   

This session will enable the participant to have a better understanding of what is group dynamics Participants learn about assertiveness and how to assert themselves through adopting different behaviours Participants look specifically at the problems that their group encounters and how these problems can be resolved

Date: 12 May 2014 Time: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Venue: Interlink Cost: A: £40 B: £ 80 Facilitator: Eleanor - Cynon Valley Crime Prevention Association Ltd

Mental Health First Aid Training Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is for everyone. It allows individuals to raise their awareness and learn new skills, and helps organisations to improve mental health in the workplace. MHFA is a 2 day course that improves mental health literacy and helps people to recognise the signs and symptoms of someone with mental health problems; to respond to various mental health crises; and to engage with, support and signpost people to appropriate professional help.

Date: 14 & 21 May 2014 Time: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Venue: Interlink Cost: A: £40 Facilitator: Jackie - Journey’s

Excellent training course which greatly increased my knowledge of mental health issues – I just wish I had attended this training a few years ago (Mental Health First Aid course participant)


Interlink Training Calendar Employment Law THE LEARNING OUTCOMES:  Recent Changes in Employment Law  Recent Case Law including issues around holiday entitlement  TUPE changes 2014  Restructuring and Redundancy  Forthcoming Changes in Employment Legislation  Question and Answer Session

Date: 15 May 2014 Time: 9:30 am - 12:00 pm Venue: Rhondda Heritage Park Cost: Free Facilitator: Roger Davies - P4B Law

Master Class!

Managing your Organisation- Exceptional Committees This course aims to give managers and boards the knowledge they require to be effective and sustainable. We will think through the keys steps you need to take to develop an Exceptional Committee. Committees of all kinds often get trapped into a cycle of fire-fighting and dealing with every day issues. This course helps committees (committee members, trustees, company directors) clear away the smoke and see the wood from the trees, addressing the future needs of the organisation. Together we will discuss and discover the essential ingredients of the best performing committees, looking at establishing a committee or board that:      

Gives strategic direction Works successfully with partners Is fit for purpose with the right knowledge and skills Supports managers, staff and volunteers Fully involves members / the community / service users Brings a direction that leads to sustainability.

WHO IS IT FOR: This course is suitable for:  Voluntary board members, whether they call themselves committee or board members, charity trustees or company directors;  Anyone with a responsibility for developing boards and committees. THE LEARNING OUTCOMES: You will:  Understand the key role of a board in setting direction  Able to identify key characteristics of a well performing board  Be aware of how the board can better support staff and volunteers  Gain knowledge of how to involve members / the community / service users Date: 27 May 2014 Time: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Venue: Interlink Cost: A:£20 B:£40 Facilitator: Simon James - Interlink

Master Class!


Interlink Training Calendar Running your Organisation- Excellent Employee Involvement The best and most successful organisations in the world empower their staff through involvement, they achieve excellent performance through investing in their staff and volunteers. This course aims to give board members, managers and staff the knowledge they require to empower individuals to make a difference. In the current climate, we are all being asked to do more for less – and this means staff are asked to take on more work and responsibility. This course will enable you to take advantage of this to empower staff, to manage change successfully and make your organisation exceptional. Together we will discuss and discover the essential ingredients of the best employee involvement, looking at establishing an organisations that:  Is focused on involving and empowering staff and volunteers  Make optimum use of the knowledge and skills of staff and volunteers  Manages change to improve performance  Motivates your people to make a difference  Fully involves members / the community / service users WHO IS IT FOR: This course is suitable for:  Voluntary board members, whether they call themselves committee or board members, charity trustees or company directors;  Managers  Staff  Volunteers THE LEARNING OUTCOMES: You will,  Be able to identify key characteristics of Excellent employee Involvement  Learn techniques on how to involve staff and volunteers in decision making  Understand how employee involvement will help you manage change  Gain knowledge of how to involve members / the community / service users Date: Time: Venue: Cost:

05 June 2014 9.30 am - 12.30 pm Interlink A:£20 B:£40

Master Class!

Facilitator: Simon James - Interlink


Interlink Training Calendar First Class Funding Surgery Successful organisations plan for the future while being creative, innovative and responsive. This course aims to give board members, managers and staff key tips to transform their funding strategies into vibrant plans for growth and development. In the current climate, we are all being challenged to find new sources of funding. This requires involving the whole organisation and the all the people you work with in identifying creative ways to meet your outcomes and to generate new sources of income. It involves developing relationships with key individuals and organisations who want to work with you to achieve similar outcomes. Together we will discuss and discover the key actions you can take to become a well-resourced, well-funded organisation that works with members / the community / service users / partners to:     

To raise funds to meet key organisational outcomes To diversify income streams Make optimum use of the knowledge and skills of board members. staff and volunteers members, the community / service users Motivates people to make a difference Works with and fully involves strategic partners in setting direction

WHO IS IT FOR: This course is suitable for:  Voluntary board members, whether they call themselves committee or board members, charity trustees or company directors;  Managers  Staff  Volunteers THE LEARNING OUTCOMES: You will:  Be able to identify key elements of an exceptional funding strategy  Gain knowledge on how to generate new income streams  Understand how involving others is essential for a successful funding strategy  Learn techniques of how to work with strategic partners on meeting shared outcomes. Date: 17 June 2014 Time: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Venue: Interlink Cost: A:£20 B:£40 Facilitators: Simon James - Interlink

Master Class!


Interlink Training Calendar Marketing- Reaching your Target Audience OBJECTIVES:  At the end of the session the learner will be able to:  Define Advertising  Discuss branding for an idea or project  Discuss Unique Selling Point (USP) of a product/service  Understand the steps to developing an advertising campaign  Implement some basic advertising to the target audience – Who? What? Where? How?  Determine what worked best in attracting customers to your product/service This session will be highly interactive, learning through doing and fun! There will be a Graphic Designer guesting at the session providing an invaluable insight in getting your message across clearly to your target audience. Date: 19 June 2014 Time: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Venue: Interlink Cost: A: £20 B: £40 Facilitators: Meriel Gough & Lucy Foster - Interlink

Market Research AT THE END OF THE SESSION THE STUDENT WILL BE ABLE TO:  Investigate the potential market for their chosen product/service  Uncover information from potential customers about the product/service idea  Identify and investigate competition  Estimate the size of the businesses potential market  Use Market Research to inform the business plan The session would be useful for those thinking about setting up a social enterprise/ a trading arm to their Group. It would be particularly interesting for those developing a business plan. Date: 26 June 2014 Time: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Venue: Interlink Cost: A: £20 B: £40 Facilitators: Meriel Gough & Lucy Foster - Interlink


Interlink Training Calendar Health and Safety This course is designed to ensure that all employees are aware of their own safety and the safety of customers, contractors and the public. WHY IS THIS TRAINING IMPORTANT? Employers are responsible for providing safe and healthy workplace conditions as well as the right systems and methods for safe activities. Nevertheless employees also have a vital part to play in the equation. They need the right knowledge and the right attitude which demands proper training in the basics of health and safety, as well as specific training for individual tasks. Learning outcomes  Understanding the principles of health and safety and accident prevention  Ability to contribute to any health and safety management system  Understand the importance of risk assessment as a technique for accident and ill health prevention  Understand the responsibilities placed on employers and employees  Understand the hazard, risk and main causes of harm to workers (manual handling, hazardous substances, exposure to noise and vibration)  Understand the importance of following systems, procedures and rules  Understand how individual action can reduce risks to health and safety  Appreciate how workplace equipment and task design affect health and safety Date: 27 June 2014 Time: 9:15 am - 3:00 pm Venue: Interlink Cost: A: £45 B: £90 Facilitator: Ruth Thomas - CRT Training

Practice Exchange Group- Young People’s Participation This course aims to enhance the participative practice through the principle of ‘learning from each other’, sharing experiences and best practice methods. Knowledge exchange is a two-way process, allowing for the sharing of ideas and experiences from within their own work settings. Collaborative working leads to a better understanding of each other’s methods and tools, and an appreciation of different ways of working with children and young people. WHO IS IT FOR: This course is suitable for people who are about to work with or are currently working with children and young people. THE LEARNING OUTCOMES: You will:  Gain an awareness of recent guidance and legislation in relation to the rights of children and young people  Broaden your knowledge and skills in the art of effective participation  Learn creative techniques to encourage involvement  Have the opportunity to take part in further peer support sessions. Date: 9 July 2014 Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Venue: Venue TBC Cost: Free Facilitators: Sue Phillips - Interlink

Master Class!


Interlink Training Calendar Taking Co-Productive Practice To The Next Level This facilitated session will support you look at where you are at in your practice and to work out how you can strengthen your performance and outcomes by engaging with service users or community members at a range of levels. WHO IS IT FOR: People who are interested in co-productive approaches to service delivery and community development. After you have booked onto the course, the course tutor will discuss with you, your contexts and your key challenges to ensure that you get as much out of the session as possible. THE LEARNING OUTCOMES:  Strengthen your skills in putting people and the centre and valuing their skills and interests  Strengthen your skills in involving community members / service users in the design and delivery of services.  Strengthen your skills in facilitating a mutual / ‘give and take’ relationship with service users and community members.  Strengthen your skills in facilitating a peer support infrastructure  Strengthen your reducing barriers between professionals and service users / community members. Date: 16 July 2014 Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Venue: Interlink Cost: Free Facilitators: Jenny O’Hara - Jakeway - Interlink

Master Class!

Community Development Level 2 You can attend all 3 days and achieve an accreditation or attend individual training days. 9 September

Why community development is needed, the different types of communities, skills and values of a community worker and the National Occupational Standards for Community Development. In the afternoon we will learn how to complete a community research study using variety of techniques.

16 September Group dynamics; the roles of individuals within a group, where the power lies and how to communicate effectively. We will look at group life cycles and examine how to Work inclusively to break down barriers that prevent people getting involved. 23 September Action planning, prioritising and evaluating your community development work. We will have useful evaluation and planning tools for you to take away. Date: Time: Venue: Cost:

9,16,23 September 2014 (3 days) 9:30am - 4:00 pm Interlink A: £30 (£10 each day) B: £90

Facilitator: Lucy - Foster-Interlink


Interlink Training Calendar Safeguarding Children and Young People This is a level 2 awareness raising session for voluntary and community groups which will increase the participants’ confidence in identifying and referring safeguarding issues. The course is endorsed by RCT LSCB - ‘Raising Awareness to Referral’. OUTCOMES:  Develop a basic understanding of child protection and abuse  Gain knowledge of child protection terms  Consider how to report/respond as an individual This course is aimed at those with a limited knowledge of safeguarding issues who are looking to set up, or review safeguarding policies and procedures within their organisation Date: 11 September 2014 Time: 9:30 am - 1:00 pm Venue: Interlink Cost: Free Facilitator: Maria James - Interlink / Fframwaith

“A very worthwhile course, ideal for all those working with children” Safeguarding Children and Young People

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults This is a level 2 awareness raising session for voluntary and community groups to include: OUTCOMES:  The background to legislation  Definitions and indicators of abuse  Current trends in adult protection in RCT This course is aimed at those with a limited knowledge of safeguarding issues who are looking to set up, or review safeguarding policies and procedures within their organisation. Date: 11 September 2014 Time: 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm Venue: Interlink Cost: Free Facilitator: Anne Morris & Lucy Foster - Interlink

“Clear, concise information. Makes you reevaluate your way of thinking” Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

Although both Safeguarding courses are free, funded through the Social Care Workforce Development Partnership, you will be charged at the full rate if you do not attend


Design Your Own Training Support for you and your group Interlink offers courses for individuals and groups You choose the time and place Brought to your community Mix and Match- Pick different courses and we will design a training day for you! Safeguarding Children and Young People

Mental Health Awareness

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Health and Safety Mental Health First Aid

Stress Management Running Your Group ( Governance ) Business planning

Dealing with Challenging Behaviour

Running Your Community Building


Equalities & Diversity Environmental Management Systems

Employment Law Training Managing your OrganisationExceptional Committees Excellent Employee Involvement First Class funding Strategies Practice Exchange Group: Young People’s Participation Taking Co-Productive Practice to The Next Level! Food Hygiene Finance Involving your Employees Community Development Level 2,3 & 4 ICT / Social Media

Introduction to Social Enterprise Participation- Involving People Alcohol & Drugs Awareness Skills for Peer Support’ Mix of Coaching / Counselling / Mentoring Action Learning Set Dealing with Difficult Situation Effectively Team Building / Working Together Effectively Sexual Health Foundation Course Person Centred Creativity Marketing Research

How much will I need to pay? We can provide free support for groups of 1 to 3 people. Member rates: Most courses can be run over half a day at a cost for £40 for between 4 and 15 people (£80 for a full day). That the bigger the group, the lower the cost! Non members rate: £80 per half day or £160 per day If you are not a member, but would like to join, please see our website for details. Training fees are negotiable, we offer lots of free options. If you want training - contact us! If you are interested in any of the courses listed or want us to design a course for you, please contact us on: 01443 846200 11

Reduction of Suicide and Self Harm Level 2 Training This one-day introductory course regarding suicide and self harm is provided in conjunction with Cwm Taf Safeguarding Children Board. The training aims to ensure that all staff have an understanding of the issues relating to suicide and self harm in children and young people and to equip them with the confidence to recognise and respond appropriately to any related concerns. The focus of this training is from recognition through to evaluating concerns, responding appropriately and referring to the relevant agencies if necessary. The training is aimed at staff members who have direct contact with children, young people (under the age of 25) and families and will be in a position to identify concerns, for example, classroom teachers, non-teaching staff, youth workers, primary care clinical and non-clinical staff, community support police officers, probation officers, youth offending team, etc. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Have improved awareness of what constitutes self harm and suicide Be more able to identify the risks Be more able to recognise the differences between suicidal and self harming behaviour Have some basic skills to manage disclosures and take appropriate further measures Multi-agency training dates for 2014/15 are provided over leaf. Service-specific training sessions can also be facilitated including half day / twilight sessions. For further information please contact Heather Smith at the address below. Due to the sensitive nature of this topic there will be a maximum of 25 delegates per training session and we would ask that all staff are made fully aware of the learning outcomes before being nominated to attend. Please complete a booking form, clearly stating your preferred training date and send to: Heather Smith Partnership Emotional and Mental Health Project Officer: Ynysmeurig House Navigation Park Abercynon CF45 4SN Email: Telephone: 01443 744862 12

Multi-agency Training Dates for 2014/15 Reduction of Suicide and Self Harm Level 2 Training 6th May 2014

The Pavilions, Clydach Vale

13th May 2014

Keir Hardie Health Park, Merthyr Tydfil

5th June 2014

Keir Hardie Health Park, Merthyr Tydfil

12th June 2014

The Pavilions, Clydach Vale

1st July 2014

Heddfan, Rhydyfelin

9th July 2014

Keir Hardie Health Park, Merthyr Tydfil

6th August 2014

The Pavilions, Clydach Vale

9th September 2014

Ysbyty Cwm Cynon, Mountain Ash

10th September 2014

Keir Hardie Health Park, Merthyr Tydfil

8th October 2014

Heddfan, Rhydyfelin

9th October 2014

Keir Hardie Health Park, Merthyr Tydfil

5th November 2014

Keir Hardie Health Park, Merthyr Tydfil

6th November 2014

The Pavilions, Clydach Vale

26th November 2014

Ysbyty Cwm Cynon, Mountain Ash

2nd December 2014

Keir Hardie Health Park, Merthyr Tydfil

3rd February 2015

Keir Hardie Health Park, Merthyr Tydfil

4th March 2015

Keir Hardie Health Park, Merthyr Tydfil

This training course is provided free of charge. If you are unable to attend we ask that you let us know as soon as possible so that your place can be offered to someone else. Line managers will be contacted if participants fail to attend and there may be charges incurred. Booking form is attached at the back.


Domestic Abuse Awareness Level 2 2 June 2014

DA Awareness Raising (half day pm)

16 June 2014

Honour Based Violence (half day am) Full Day Domestic Abuse & its Effects on Children

20 June 2014 15 September 2014

MARAC (Multi Agency Risk assessment Conference) & Risk Assessment (half day

18 September 2014

- DA Awareness Raising (half day am)

13 October 2014

Full Day Domestic Abuse & its Effects on Children

17 November 2014

Honour Based Violence (half day am)

17 November 2014

DA Awareness Raising (half day pm)

18 November 2014

MARAC (Multi Agency Risk assessment Conference) & Risk Assessment (half day am)

19 January 2015

- MARAC (Multi Agency Risk assessment Conference) & Risk Assessment (half day am)

20 January 2015

Full Day Domestic Abuse & its Effects on Children

23 February 2015

DA Awareness Raising (half day am)

27 February 2015

Full Day Domestic Abuse & its Effects on Children

If you would like to book onto this course, please contact Angela Rowlands at Heddfan on 01443 668879 or email:

Sexual Health– Engaging With Young People This 1 day foundation course is aimed at those working with children and young people. The aim of the course is to improve knowledge and issues around sexual health, including facilitating of the condom card scheme. Areas include:  The Law.  Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s).  Contraception.  Equipping attendees to run the C-Card scheme. 11th July 2014 – Keir Hardie Health Park – Places available January 16th 2015 April 24th 2015 July 10th 2015 If you would like to book onto this course, please contact Julie McDonald on 01685 351448 or Email: 14

Interlink Meeting and Conference Rooms

Conference Room Members: ½ Day


Full Day


Non Members: ½ Day


Full Day


Training Room Members: ½ Day


Full Day


Non Members: ½ Day


Full Day


Interview Room Members: ½ Day


Full Day


Non Members: ½ Day


Full Day


Interlink offers a range of meeting and conference facilities, whether your requirements are for a training venue, workshops, conferences, small business meetings, one-to-ones or just time out from your current environment. Breakout rooms are also for hire subject to availability. All room hire charges are inclusive of: Laptop Internet Connection Overhead Projector

LCD Projector Flip Chart, Pads and Pens Hearing Loop

Projection Screen Dry Wipe Board and Pens Speakers

Refreshments are available on request for a small charge. We can also advise on local caterers. 15

Directions to Interlink

By Road From Merthyr and the North Exit the A470 at junction signposted Rhydyfelin, Gellihirion Ind. Est. Take the 5th exit onto the A4054 signposted Hawthorn passing the Upper Boat pub on your left and Focus Do It All on your right Continue for approx. half a mile and Melin Corrwg are the new office buildings on your left, Interlink's Office is at the far end (Unit 6) From Cardiff and the South Exit the A470 at junction signposted Rhydyfelin, Gellihirion Ind. Est. Take the 3rd exit on to the A4054 signposted Hawthorn, passing the Upper Boat pub on your left and Do It All on your right Continue for approx. half a mile and Melin Corrwg are the new office buildings on your left, Interlink's Office is at the far end (Unit 6) Parking: We have limited parking in our car park adjacent to the building, spaces numbered 6/1 - 6/12 only. Additional parking is available opposite the office in Dynea Road. By Train: The nearest station is Treforest Industrial Estate Railway Station which is a 20 minute walk away with 2 trains an hour. Head North on Gwaelod y Garth Road, bear right and follow the road around. Continue until you reach a roundabout where you will see the Upper Boat pub on the left. Take the 1st exit on the round-about passing the Upper Boat Pub. Continue for approx half a mile and Melin Corrwg are the new office buildings on your left, Inerlink's office is at the far end opposite the bus stop.

Interlink 6 Melin Corrwg Cardiff Road Upper Boat PONTYPRIDD CF37 5BE 

01443 846200

Registered Charity Number :1141143 Company Limited by Guarantee Number: 07549533


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