Halle Handel Edition
Operas I Church Music
Oratorios and Large Cantatas
I Orchestral Works I Instrumental Music I Solo Instruments with Orchestra I Solo Voice with Orchestra I Study Scores I Facsimiles I Books on Music
M U S I C I A N S‘
H a l l e
H a n d e l
E d i t i o n
Introduction by Terence Best
The HHA has made an important contribution to modern Handel scholarship, and continues to do so; its mission is to provide texts which enable the music to be performed in an authentic form. The leading Handel scholars of our time are all involved, whether as volume editors, members of the Editorial Board or the Editorial Office, or as advisers to the edition. In those works which require vocal scores and performing parts, we work closely with the publisher, Bärenreiter-Verlag, which produces these materials, and we assist in proof-reading them. Our approach is expressed in the statement which is printed in all our prefaces: »The Hallische Händel-Ausgabe (HHA) is a Collected Critical Edition of Handel’s works based on a comprehensive study of the surviving sources. It is intended to serve both scholarly and practical needs.«
Editing Handel in a modern edition For modern scholarly editions of classical composers, there is no generally agreed formula for the presentation of the material; each has developed its own st yle and philosophy. The principal question is to decide how we present for the modern user an image of a musical text originally written according to different notational principles. At one end of the spectrum of possibilities is the approach which alters as little as possible of the composer’s image, retaining for instance his layout of the staves in a full score (such as brass instruments at the top, oboes below t he violi ns), h is keysignatures and time-signatures, his use of accidentals, his spelling of the text in vocal works; in other words to give with a modern typeface something only one step away from a facsimile of the original. At t he other end of the spect rum is the approach which offers a totally m o d e r n i s e d l ayo ut, w it h s t ave s a r ra nge d i n t he order wh ic h i s customary in modern scores (woodwind at the top, etc.), modernised key- and t i m e - s i g n at u r e s, a c c i d e n t a l s a n d word-texts. Convincing arguments have been and still are put forward in favour
of one system or another, sometimes involving debates about which is the more scholarly. T he HHA adopts t he moder nising principle, on the grounds that the music of such a major composer will often be performed by musicians, both amateur and professional, who are not Baroque specialists, and will be more comfortable with such presentation; it follows of course that the further we move to the end of the spectrum which we now occupy, the more detailed must be our Critical Report, because it would be indeed unscholarly not to show in that document the original form of everything we have modernised. It was originally planned to publish the Critical Reports as separate booklets, as in the Neue Bach-Ausgabe, but we now include them in the music volumes. It is inevitable that in an edition whose production is spread over many years, small changes in presentation will happen as new thinking finds them to be desirable. A good example is the way in which we indicate the instrumentation of the basso continuo: Handel often gave no indication, sometimes just B. or Bassi, since it was obvious to him, to his copyists and to his
Editor in Chief of the Halle Handel Edition performers what instruments should play his bass-line, that is violoncellos, double basses, bassoons if they have no independent part elsewhere in the score, and chordplaying instruments such as harpsichord, organ and lute. In earlier HHA volumes, we marked the bass-line Bassi, then in parentheses an editorial suggestion about which instruments are probably meant: (Violoncello, Contrabbasso, Fagotto, Cembalo). Eventually we came to the conclusion that this was too prescriptive, since we do not know precisely what function the bassoons, for instance, had in Handel’s performances: did they play all the time, or only in the tuttis, or not in piano passages? In recent volumes, therefore, we print only Bassi, and explain in the Preface that performers must make their own judgment about the finer points of instrumentation. Similarly, in secco recitatives, and in arias accompanied by continuo only, we now give only Continuo, where as formerly it was Continuo (Violoncello, Cembalo).
Contents The HHA is a bilingual edition: in the Prefaces and the footnotes to the music text both German and English are used; the Critical Reports, on the other hand, are given in either German or English, according to which language is more convenient for the editor of the volume, and it is assumed that nowadays scholars and performers who wish to read these documents will have a sufficient understanding of the two languages. Each volume has a statement of Editorial Policy, and a Preface setting out the history of the work’s composition and performance, including revivals, with a summary of the sources of the music, and
also of the librettos in operas, oratorios and other vocal works, and remarks on performance practice. This document is printed first in German, then in English. The Preface is followed by some facsimiles of significant pages of the sources (usually about five), then for the operas and oratorios there is a facsimile of the original word-book, and a modern translation of the libretto into German (also into English if the word-book does not have an English text). In the music pages, for operas and oratorios the main text gives the music of the first performance, or sometimes that of the first performing run; this is followed by an Appendix, which contains all the music which was originally composed but rejected before performance, and everything that was added for revivals. Finally there is the Critical Report, which lists and describes all the sources, and in the section »Einzelnachweise« or »Detailed Notes«, there is an examination of the individual movements, listing instrumental and vocal indications found in the sources and discussing all relevant variant readings, including passages cancelled or altered during composition. The listing of variant readings is selective, because to print everything including copying errors in secondary sources would be excessive and not relevant to the establishment of the text; we feel that any scholar who needs such information would want to study the sources at first hand. In vocal works the spelling of the word-text is modernised, except where the original form would be pronounced differently from the modern one or has a different number of syllables (e.g. in Italian »cor« instead of the modern »cuore«).
A short history of editing Handel A short history Between 1858 and 1901 the Handel scholar Friedrich Chrysander, one of the giants of nineteenth-century German musicology, published a nearly complete edition of the composer’s works, with the imprint of the Deutsche Händel-Gesellschaft which he had founded for the purpose with Gottfried Gervinus in 1856. The edition was a remarkable achievement, and all later scholars and editors are heavily indebted to him for laying the foundations of modern Handel scholarship. He produced on average two volumes a year, almost single-handed, in an age when microfilms and photocopying were unknown; in order to study Handel’s autographs in the Royal Music Collection he had to make frequent journeys to England, and was allowed access to the manuscripts in uncomfortable circumstances in Buckingham Palace. He made use of earlier editions, such as those of Walsh and Cluer in Handel’s time, and the two previous attempts at a collected edition, Arnold (1787-1797), and the English Handel Society (1843-1858), but these were far from complete, and his principal resource after the autographs was the collection of Handel’s performing scores which he persuaded a consortium of Hamburg businessmen to purchase in 1868. Of the other secondary manuscript sources which we now have at our disposal - the Malmesbury, Lennard, Shaftesbury, Granville and Münster collections - he knew little or nothing, nor did he ever see the small but significant group of autograph manuscripts in the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge. His inability to study such material inevitably affected the quality of edition: in particular he was often unsuccessful in assessing those aspects of the sources which involve Handel’s
alterations, revisions and substitutions for revivals, and he sometimes printed in his main text movements which the composer rejected before performance; on the other hand the level of accuracy that he achieved in transcribing the sources that he did consult was commendably high, and in this respect he set a standard which we have to work hard to emulate. In 1940 Karl Vötterle, the founder of the firm of Bärenreiter, mooted the idea of a new edition of selected works of Handel, amounting to just ten volumes. He had thought of a collaboration with an English publisher, but the war clearly made that impossible. The idea was pursued in Halle, and by 1941 the title »Hallische HändelAusgabe« had been established. There was some uncertainty about how the new edition should relate to Chrysander’s. In 1943 Vötterle wrote that the proposed volumes should have at their core works suitable for domestic use (»Hausmusik«), to be expanded to a complete edition if that were felt desirable. In a document issued by Bärenreiter on 20 July 1943 the question of editorial principle was discussed; Vötterle wondered whether photocopies from England might be had via Switzerland, after Rudolf Steglich, who was to oversee the volumes, had considered the problems of such acquisition. It was agreed that the edition should proceed, even if source material could not be obtained because of the war. The volumes proposed were a vocal score of Deidamia and the 1720 set of keyboard suites, both edited by Steglich, and the Op. 4 organ concertos edited by Karl Matthaei; the next volume would be Serse, edited by Steglich. Deidamia appeared in 1945, but the other three were not published until the 1950s,
A short history of editing Handel after the foundation in 1952 of the GeorgFriedrich-Händel-Gesellschaft, and the edition had been set up officially as being issued under its direction. The Deidamia vocal score was based on Chrysander, but with much editorial addition in the stage directions, expression marks and phrasing, and rewriting of the continuo cadences of the recitatives. There is no doubt that the idea of the HHA being a complete critical edition took some time to be established: the first volume to be published, as Series IV volume 1, was Steglich’s edition of the 1720 Suites, based on the Cluer edition, with minimal input from the autographs; volume 2 was Matthaei’s Op. 4, with copious editorial expression marks and phrasing, and additional inner voices in the organ part. Volumes 3 and 4, from 1955, are respectively the sonatas for flute and recorder, and those for violin. These early volumes were presented as practical editions based on Chrysander, and gave the impression that this was what the HHA was all about. In 1958 came Alexander’s Feast, edited by Konrad Ameln; this was the first volume to have a full Critical Report, published separately as a 51-page booklet. Serse, edited by Steglich, appeared also in 1958, with no Critical Report, and based once again on Chrysander, with features similar to those of the Deidamia vocal score. The volumes issued thus far were severely criticised by British, American and German scholars, and these criticisms led quite rapidly to a re-assessment of what the edition was supposed to be. The process was helped by the great expansion of Handel scholarship in the fifties, sixties and seventies, which revealed the importance of the secondary manuscript collections, and made them accessible to scholars, especially the purchase of the Newman
Flower Collection by the Manchester Public Libraries in 1965, and the opening of the Malmesbury Collection to Handel specialists in 1967. British and American scholars, who had easy access to the sources, were brought in as volume editors, and real efforts were made to advance the scholarly standards of the edition. This process was facilitated by the new techniques of paper-analysis - the study of watermarks and rastra - the availability of microfilms, and the publication of the thematic catalogue (HWV) by the distinguished Halle scholar Bernd Baselt. In 1984 an Editorial Board was set up with members from Germany, Great Britain and the United States, with the function of overseeing the production of the volumes, and appointing monitors to scrutinise them.
The Halle Handel edition today So in the last twenty years the HHA has developed into a modern critical edition, whose administration is organised to ensure the highest degree of scholarly accuracy. As well as the Editorial Board which oversees the whole process, there is an Editorial Office (Redaktion) in the Händel-Haus in Halle, staffed by three experienced musicologists, whose task is to scrutinise in great detail the work submitted by the individual volume editors, checking every note and every reference against the original sources, and correcting the publishers’ proof-sheets in collaboration with the editors. Alongside the production of new volumes, there has been a process of issuing revisions (»Neuausgaben«) of the unsatisfactory early volumes, and so far these have been welcomed by subscribers and reviewers.
Einleitung von Terence Best
Die HHA leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zur modernen Händel-Forschung; ihr Ziel liegt darin, Ausgaben vorzulegen, die es ermöglichen, die Musik in authentischer Form aufzuführen. Alle bedeutenden Händel-Forscher unserer Zeit sind als Bandherausgeber, Mitglieder des Editorial Boards, der Redaktion oder als Berater der Ausgabe an ihr beteiligt. Für Werke, die Klavierauszüge und Aufführungsmateriale benötigen, arbeiten wir eng mit dem Bärenreiter-Verlag zusammen und die HHA beteiligt sich am Korrekturlesen. Die in allen Vorworten abgedruckte Aussage beschreibt unsere Herangehensweise: »Die Hallische Händel-Ausgabe (HHA) ist eine Kritische Gesamtausgabe der Werke Händels auf der Grundlage aller bekannten Quellen. Sie soll sowohl der Forschung als auch der Praxis dienen.«
Händels Werke in zeitgemäßer Edition Es gibt keine allgemeingültigen Regeln, wie moderne wissenschaftliche Ausgaben klassischer Komponisten ihr Material auswerten; jede Ausgabe hat ihren eigenen Stil und ihre eigene Philosophie entwickelt. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage, wie dem heutigen Nutzer ein Notentext präsentiert werden kann, der eigentlich nach anderen Notationsprinzipien entstanden ist. Auf der einen Seite steht der Versuch, so wenig wie möglich am Notenbild des Komponisten zu ändern, indem beispielsweise die Anordnung der Systeme innerhalb der Partitur (z.B. oben die Blechbläser, Oboen unter den Violinen), Ton- und Taktartenbezeichnungen, Einsatz von Vorzeichen und die Schreibweise des Textes in Vokalwerken beibehalten werden; also eine Wiedergabe in modernem Schriftbild, das nahe am Faksimile des Originals ist. Andererseits gibt es den Ansatz einer gänzlich modernen Darstellung: die Systeme werden so angeordnet, wie es heute in modernen Partituren üblich ist (die Holzbläser ganz oben u.s.w.), und es werden die üblichen Ton- und Taktartenbezeichnungen, Vorzeichen und Textunterlegungen verwendet. Überzeugende Argumente wurden und werden immer noch zugunsten der einen oder anderen Herangehensweise
vorgebracht, die bisweilen zu Auseinandersetzungen darüber führen, welcher Ansatz der wissenschaftlichere ist. Die HHA wendet den modernen Ansatz an, da die Musik eines so bedeutenden Komponisten häufig sowohl von Laien als auch von professionellen Musikern dargeboten wird, die keine Barockexperten sind und denen deshalb eine solche Darstellung angenehmer ist. Der Kritische Bericht muss natürlich umso detaillierter sein, je stärker wir den modernen Ansatz anwenden, weil es äußerst unwissenschaftlich wäre, nicht die originale Form der von uns veränderten Bestandteile zu zeigen. Ursprünglich sollten die Kritischen Berichte – vergleichbar der Neuen Bach-Ausgabe – in Einzelheften veröffentlicht werden, jetzt erscheinen sie in den Notenbänden. Innerhalb einer Edition, deren Entstehung sich über viele Jahre erstreckt, sind kleine Änderungen in der Gestaltung auf Grund neuer Ansichten unvermeidlich. Ein gutes Beispiel hierfür ist die Besetzungsangabe der Basso-continuo-Stimme: Händel bezeichnete sie nur selten, zuweilen mit B. oder Bassi, da er und seine Kopisten und Musiker genau wussten, welche Instrumente
Editionsleiter der Hallischen Händel-Ausgabe die Bass-Linie spielen sollten: Violoncelli, Kontrabässe und Fagotte, falls diese nicht bereits in einem eigenen System innerhalb der Partitur notiert waren, sowie Akkordinstrumente wie Cembalo, Orgel oder Laute. In früheren HHA-Bänden wurde die BassLinie mit Bassi bezeichnet und in Klammern folgte ein redaktioneller Vorschlag der möglichen Instrumente: (Violoncello, Contrabbasso, Fagotto, Cembalo). Letztendlich kamen wir zu dem Schluss, dass diese Vorschrift zu einschränkend ist, da beispielsweise nicht geklärt ist, welche Rolle die Fagotte in Händels Aufführungen übernahmen: spielten sie durchgängig, oder nur bei Tutti-Stellen und nicht in piano-Passagen? In neueren Bänden schreiben wir deshalb nur Bassi vor und erläutern im Vorwort, dass die Ausführenden die Feinheiten der Besetzung nach eigenem Ermessen entscheiden müssen. Ebenso geben wir bei Secco-Rezitativen und Continuobegleiteten Arien nur noch Continuo an, wo früher Continuo (Violoncello, Cembalo) stand.
Zum Inhalt Die HHA ist eine zweisprachige Edition: Vorworte und Fußnoten im Notenteil werden auf Deutsch und Englisch wiedergegeben; der Kritische Bericht hingegen entweder auf Deutsch oder Englisch, je nachdem, welche Sprache dem Bandherausgeber vertrauter ist. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass Wissenschaftler und Praktiker, die diese Texte lesen möchten, beide Sprachen hinreichend verstehen. Jeder Band beinhaltet auf deutsch und englisch einen Abschnitt über die editorischen Richtlinien und ein Vorwort zur Kompositions- und Aufführungsgeschichte des Werkes (Neuinszenierungen eingeschlossen), eine Aufstellung der musikalischen Quellen und bei Opern, Oratorien und
anderen Vokalwerken auch der Libretti, sowie Anmerkungen zur Aufführungspraxis. Dem Vorwort folgen einige aussagekräftige Faksimileseiten der Quellen (etwa fünf) und bei Opern bzw. Oratorien ein Faksimile des originalen Textbuchs sowie dessen moderne deutsche Übersetzung, außerdem eine englische, falls diese im originalen Textbuch nicht vorhanden ist. Bei Opern und Oratorien wird im Notenteil die Fassung der ersten Aufführung abgedruckt, mitunter auch der ersten Aufführungsserie; diesem Teil folgt ein Anhang, der all jene Musik enthält, die zwar ursprünglich komponiert, jedoch vor der Aufführung verworfen wurde, sowie neue Stücke für Wiederaufnahmen. Am Ende steht der Kritische Bericht, der alle Quellen nennt und beschreibt. Im Abschnitt »Einzelnachweise« bzw. »Detailed Notes« findet sich eine Auswertung der Einzelsätze, in der die instrumentalen und vokalen Abweichungen aus den Quellen gezeigt und alle relevanten alternativen Lesarten erörtert werden, einschließlich der Passagen, die während des Kompositionsprozesses gestrichen oder geändert wurden. Es wird nur eine Auswahl der alternativen Lesarten gezeigt, weil es übertrieben und nicht wichtig für den Notentext wäre, alle, wie z.B. Fehler der Kopisten in Sekundärquellen, abzudrucken. Wir glauben, dass ein Wissenschaftler, der diese Informationen zusätzlich benötigt, primär die Quellen studieren sollte. In Vokalwerken wurde die Orthographie der Textteile modernisiert, es sei denn, die Aussprache der ursprünglichen Form unterscheidet sich von der modernen oder hat eine abweichende Anzahl von Silben (z.B. im Italienischen »cor« anstelle des modernen »cuore«).
Händel edieren – ein kurzer geschichtlicher Überblick Kurzer geschichtlicher Überblick Zwischen 1858 und 1901 brachte der HändelForscher Friedrich Chrysander, einer der Giganten der deutschen Musikwissenschaft des 19. Jahrhunderts, eine fast vollständige Edition der Werke Händels heraus. Dafür gründete er zusammen mit Gottfried Gervinus 1856 die Deutsche HändelGesellschaft, in deren Namen die Ausgabe erschien. Diese Edition war eine außergewöhnliche Leistung und alle späteren Wissenschaftler und Herausgeber sind ihm für die Begründung der modernen HändelForschung außerordentlich verpflichtet. Durchschnittlich legte er in einer Zeit, in der es weder Mikrofilme noch Fotokopien gab, pro Jahr zwei Bände vor. Um Händels Autographe in der Royal Music Collection studieren zu können, musste er regelmäßige Reisen nach England unternehmen und erhielt nur unter widrigen Bedingungen Zugang zu den Manuskripten im Buckingham Palace. Er nutzte frühere Ausgaben, wie die der Händel-Zeitgenossen Walsh und Cluer sowie zwei frühere Versuche einer Sammelausgabe von Arnold (1787-1797) und der English Handel Society (1843-1858), allerdings waren diese von jeglicher Vollständigkeit weit entfernt. Als Hauptquelle neben den Autographen diente ihm eine Sammlung von Händels Dirigierpartituren, die ein Konsortium Hamburger Kaufleute auf Grund seiner Überzeugungsarbeit 1868 erworben hatte. Von den weiteren Sekundärquellen, wie die Sammlungen Malmesbury, Lennard, Shaftsbury, Granville und Münster, die uns heute zur Verfügung stehen, wusste er nur wenig bzw. nichts, auch bekam er niemals die wenigen, aber aussagekräftigen Autographe, die sich im Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge befinden, zu Gesicht. Die Qualität der Edition wird zwangsläufig dadurch beeinflusst, dass er dieses Material nicht studieren konnte: vor Allem war es ihm häufig nicht 10
möglich, die Quellen hinsichtlich Händels Veränderungen, Überarbeitungen und Ersetzungen für Wiederaufnahmen zu beurteilen, und er druckte deshalb in seinen Notenhauptteilen manchmal Sätze ab, die der Komponist vor der Aufführung verworfen hatte. Andererseits wertete er die ihm zur Verfügung stehenden Quellen so sorgfältig aus, dass er damit einen Standard setzte, dem wir noch heute nacheifern. Karl Vötterle, der Gründer des BärenreiterVerlags stellte 1940 die Idee einer neuen zehnbändigen Ausgabe ausgewählter Werke Händels zur Diskussion. Er hatte dabei an eine Zusammenarbeit mit einem englischen Verlag gedacht, jedoch war dies durch den Krieg einfach unmöglich. Die Idee wurde in Halle weiterverfolgt und 1941 etablierte sich der Name »Hallische Händel-Ausgabe«. Es gab einige Unsicherheiten, in welcher Form sich die neue Ausgabe auf Chrysander beziehen sollte. 1943 schrieb Vötterle, dass die vorgeschlagenen Bände im Kern Werke für den häuslichen Gebrauch (»Hausmusik«) enthalten sollten und nach Wunsch zu einer Gesamtausgabe erweiterbar seien. In einem Schreiben von Bärenreiter vom 20. Juli 1943 wurden die editorischen Richtlinien erläutert; Vötterle stellte Überlegungen an, Fotokopien aus England über die Schweiz zu beschaffen, nachdem Rudolf Steglich, der die Bände betreute, die Beschaffungsprobleme zu bedenken gegeben hatte. Man war sich einig, dass die Edition weiterlaufen sollte, auch wenn man wegen des Krieges auf Quellenmaterial verzichten müsste. Zu den geplanten Bänden zählten der Klavierauszug zu Deidamia und einige Klaviersuiten aus dem Jahr 1720, beide von Steglich herausgegeben, sowie die Orgelkonzerte op. 4, herausgegeben von Karl Matthaei, dann Serse, in der Edition von Steglich. Deidamia erschien 1945, aber die folgenden drei wurden erst in den 1950er Jahren veröffentlicht, nach der
Händel edieren – ein kurzer geschichtlicher Überblick Gründung der Georg-Friedrich-HändelGesellschaft im Jahre 1952, der die Ausgabe offiziell unterstellt wurde. Der Deidamia-Klavierauszug basierte auf der Chrysander-Ausgabe, enthielt jedoch viele herausgeberische Zusätze hinsichtlich der Bühnenanweisungen, der Vortragsbezeichnungen, der Phrasierung und der neu verfassten Continuo-Kadenzen zu den Rezitativen. Es steht außer Frage, dass es einige Zeit dauerte, bis sich die Idee der HHA als einer vollständigen kritischen Gesamtausgabe durchsetzte: der erste Band, der als Serie IV, Band 1 veröffentlicht wurde, war Steglichs Ausgabe der Suiten von 1720, nach der Cluer-Ausgabe mit geringem Einfluss des Autographs. Als Band 2 erschien Matthaeis op. 4, der eine Fülle von editorischen Kennzeichnungen bezüglich Ausdruck und Phrasierung sowie zusätzliche Mittelstimmen im Orgelpart enthielt. Die Bände 3 und 4 von 1955 beinhalten jeweils die Sonaten für Flöte bzw. Blockflöte und für Violine. Diese frühen Bände wurden als praktische Ausgaben, basierend auf der Chrysander-Ausgabe, vorgelegt und vermittelten einen Eindruck der HHA. 1958 erschien Das Alexander-Fest, herausgegeben von Konrad Ameln, als erster Band mit einem – separat als 51-seitiges Heft veröffentlichten – vollständigen Kritischen Bericht. Steglichs Serse erschien so ähnlich gestaltet wie der Deidamia-Klavierauszug ebenfalls 1958, ohne Kritischen Bericht und wieder basierend auf Chrysander. Die bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt erschienenen Bände wurden von britischen, amerikanischen und deutschen Wissenschaftlern stark bemängelt; diese kritische Beurteilung führte recht schnell zu einer Neufestlegung der Editionsgrundsätze und -ziele. Dieser Prozess wurde durch das schnelle Wachsen der Händel-Forschung in den 50er, 60er und 70er Jahren gefördert, die die Bedeutung der Sekundärhandschriftensammlungen verdeutlichte und sie Wissenschaftlern zugäng-
lich machte (insbesondere durch den Verkauf der Newman Flower Collection durch die Manchester Public Library im Jahre 1965 und die Öffnung der Sammlung Malmesbury für Händel-Spezialisten 1967). Britische und amerikanische Wissenschaftler, denen die Quellen leicht zugänglich waren, wurden als Bandherausgeber gewonnen und man bemühte sich, den wissenschaftlichen Anspruch der Edition zu verbessern. Dieser Prozess wurde durch die Anwendung neuer Technologien in der Papieranalyse – also die Untersuchung von Wasserzeichen und Rastralen –, die Verfügbarkeit von Mikrofilmen und die Veröffentlichung des Thematischen Werkverzeichnisses (HWV) durch den hochrangigen Hallenser Wissenschaftler Bernd Baselt erleichtert. 1984 wurde das Editorial Board mit Mitgliedern aus Deutschland, Großbritannien und den USA eingerichtet. Es hat die Aufgabe, die Herstellung der Bände zu beaufsichtigen und einen Monitor zur Prüfung zu ernennen.
Die Hallische Händel-Ausgabe heute In den letzten zwanzig Jahren hat sich die HHA zu einer modernen kritischen Edition gewandelt, die so geführt wird, dass ein höchstes Maß an wissenschaftlicher Genauigkeit sichergestellt ist. Neben dem Editorial Board, das alle Vorgänge betreut, gibt es zudem eine mit drei erfahrenen Musikwissenschaftler besetzte Redaktion im Händel-Haus in Halle, deren Aufgabe es ist, die eingereichten Arbeiten der einzelnen Bandherausgeber genauestens zu prüfen – jede Note und jeden Verweis direkt mit der originalen Quelle zu vergleichen und die Korrekturfahnen des Verlags in Zusammenarbeit mit den Herausgebern zu korrigieren. Neben der Erstellung neuer Bände erscheinen auch einige Neuausgaben früherer mangelhafter Bände, die bislang von den Subskribenten und Rezensenten sehr begrüßt wurden.
Contents Introduction.........................................................................................................................4–7 Einleitung........................................................................................................................... 8–11 Halle Handel Edition · Complete Critical Edition................................................................. 14–22 Oratorios and Large Cantatas............................................................................................ 23–26 Operas............................................................................................................................. 27–32 Church Music...................................................................................................................33–36 Orchestral Works..............................................................................................................37–42 Instrumental Music · Solo Instruments with Orchestra
Organ........................................................................................................................... 43
Keyboard Instruments
Keyboard.............................................................................................................. 44
Organ................................................................................................................... 44
Violin................................................................................................................... 45
Viola / Viola da gamba.......................................................................................... 45
Winds · Mixed Instruments
Recorder............................................................................................................... 46
Flute..................................................................................................................... 46
Oboe.................................................................................................................... 46
Chamber Music..................................................................................................... 46
Brass.................................................................................................................... 46
Solo Voice with Orchestra
Solo Voice................................................................................................................47–48
Vocal Scores to Oratorios and Large Cantatas............................................................49–50
Vocal Scores to Operas............................................................................................. 51–52
Study Scores · Facsimiles · Books on Music.........................................................................53–57
Study Scores.................................................................................................................. 54
Books on Music........................................................................................................55–57
Index by Edition number...................................................................................................58–59 Index by HWV number..................................................................................................... 60–62 Abbreviations........................................................................................................................ 62 13
Halle Handel Edition · Complete Critical Edition Halle Handel Edition · Complete Critical Edition Published by the George Frideric Handel Society The ›Halle Handel Edition‹ is a complete critical edition which serves the needs of scholars and performers by drawing on all available sources and the latest musicological findings. Within each volume the works are presented, wherever possible, in chronological order and the numbering of the works follows the Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (HWV). In addition to complete works, the series also includes alternative versions, discarded sections, drafts and fragments. Editions of vocal works contain literal German and, if necessary, English translations of the text. Since 1991 the volumes in Series I and II have also included, in facsimile, the libretto printed for the first performance. Key examples from the source material appear inside the volumes, reproduced in facsimile. The critical report (English or German) is generally incorporated within the relevant volume, or published separately in the case of a few large-scale works. General Editors of the Halle Handel Edition: Terence Best, Wolfgang Hirschmann International Board of Editors: Graydon Beeks, Donald Burrows, Siegfried Flesch (=), Hans Dieter Clausen, Hans Joachim Marx, John H. Roberts Editorial Office: Stephan Blaut, Annette Landgraf, Michael Pacholke The edition will be published in approximately 128 volumes divided into the following series:
I. Oratorios and Large Cantatas II. Operas III. Church Music IV. Instrumental Music V. Shorter Vocal Works
32 41 14 19 7
volumes volumes volumes volumes volumes
Supplement c. 6 volumes Handel Handbook 5 volumes Preface in German and English, except volumes which were published before 1992, where it is only in German; Critical Report in German or English. 1955–, 5 series, approx. 128 volumes. Format: 25.5 x 32.5 cm, cloth bound. Parts for chamber music: 25.5 x 32.5 cm, paperback. Critical reports, if separately published: 17 x 24 cm, paperback. The ›Halle Handel Edition‹ is scheduled for completion in 2023. Available on subscription.
Halle Handel Edition · Complete Critical Edition Series I Oratorios and Large Cantatas Volume 1 Alexander’s Feast [Das Alexander-Fest oder Die Macht der Musik] Ode for St Cecilia’s Day by John Dryden HWV 75 Appendix 1: Recitative ›Your voices tune‹ [›Vereint im Chor‹]; 2: Duet ›Let’s imitate her notes above‹ [›Lasst tönen hell den Lobgesang‹]; 3: Chorus ›Your voices tune‹ [›Vereint im Chor‹]. Critical report published separately. Ed. Konrad Ameln (German/English) BA 4001 Volume 2 Passion nach dem Evangelisten Johannes [St John Passion] (misattributed to Handel). Ed. Karl Gustav Fellerer (German) BA 4022 Volume 5 Aci, Galatea e Polifemo Serenata a tre HWV 72. Libretto by Nicola Giuvo. Text of the serenata with German and English translation. Critical report Ed. Wolfram Windszus, with Annerose Koch and Annette Landgraf (Italian) BA 4068 Volume 6 Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne HWV 74. Appendix: Solo ›Let flocks and herds their fear forget‹ (Tenor or alto). Critical report published separately Ed. Walther Siegmund-Schultze (English/German) BA 4007 Volume 7 Passion nach Barthold Heinrich Brockes HWV 48. Appendix: variant to No. 6 ›Wir alle wollen‹ Ed. Felix Schroeder (German) BA 4021 Volume 8 Esther Oratorio in six scenes (first version, 1720) HWV 50a. Critical report Ed. Howard Serwer (English) BA 4047
Volume 9/1 Acis and Galatea (first version) HWV 49a. Appendix: variants to numbers 9, 10 and 20. Critical report Ed. Wolfram Windszus (English/German) BA 4039 Volume 12 Athalia Oratorio in three parts HWV 52. Part 1: Premiere version 1733 Part 2: Appendix I: 1735 Version; Appendix II: Draft versions for 1743 for the planned 1743 version; Appendix III: 1756 Version; Critical report Ed. Stephan Blaut (English/partly Italian) BA 4082 Volume 13 Saul Oratorio in three acts HWV 53 Critical report published separately Ed. Percy M. Young (English/German) BA 4020 Volume 14 Israel in Egypt Oratorio in three parts HWV 54. Part 1: Parts I-III Part 2: Alterations and additions for the second performance on 11 April 1739, Alterations and additions for the 1756 and 1757 versions, extra aria for 1757; Critical report Ed. Annette Landgraf (English) BA 4063 Volume 16 L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato HWV 55. Appendix: Additional versions and variants to numbers 4b, 18c, 19b, 20b, 21b, 29a, 32b. Critical report published separately Ed. James S. Hall and Martin V. Hall (English/German) BA 4023 Volume 17 The Messiah Oratorio in three parts HWV 56. Appendix: additional versions and variants to numbers 6a, Recitative ›But who may abide‹, 13a, 16a, Recitative ›Then shall the eyes of the blind‹, 17a, 32a, 32b, 34b, Recitative ›Thou shalt break them‹. Critical report published separately Ed. John Tobin (English/German) BA 4012
Halle Handel Edition · Complete Critical Edition Volume 28 Susanna Oratorio in three acts HWV 66. Appendix 1: chorus originally following No. 10; 2: Accompagnato – original version from bar 22 of No. 11; 3: chorus originally following bar 58 of the recitative ›Thou artful wretch‹. Critical report published separately Ed. Bernard Rose (English/German) BA 4013 Volume 29 Theodora Oratorio in three parts HWV 68 Ed. Colin Timms (English) BA 4085 in preparation Volume 30 Jephtha Oratorio in three acts HWV 70 Ed. Kenneth Nott (English) BA 4014 in preparation Volume 31 The Choice of Hercules HWV 69. Critical report published separately. Ed. Walther Siegmund-Schultze (English/German) BA 4011
Series II Operas Volume 1 Almira, Königin von Kastilien Opera in three acts HWV 1. German version of the text by Friedrich Christian Feustking after a libretto by Giulio Pancieri. Appendix: Overture in G minor HWV deest; arias: ›Der Mund spricht zwar gezwungen Nein‹ No. 22, ›Quillt, ihr überhäuften Zähren‹ No. 55, ›Schönste Rosen‹ No. 9, ›Der Himmel wird strafen‹ No. 45. With a facsimile of the libretto in German (libretto printed by Friedrich Conrad Greflinger, Hamburg 1704) and an English translation. Critical report Ed. Dorothea Schröder (German) BA 4050 Volume 2 Rodrigo (Vincer se stesso è maggior vittoria) Dramma per musica in tre atti HWV 5. Text adapted by an unknown editor from a libretto by Francesco Silvani. Appendix: arias and alternative versions from the lost performing score Critical report Ed. Rainer Heyink (Italian) BA 4083 16
Volume 4/1 Rinaldo (1711 version). Opera seria in tre atti HWV 7a. Text by Giacomo Rossi after a scenario by Aaron Hill. Appendix 1: Fragments and early versions; 2: additions from 1711; 3: additions from 1717; 4: arias not assigned to Rinaldo with certainty. With a facsimile of the libretto in English and Italian (libretto printed by Thomas Howlatt, London 1711) and a German translation. Critical report Ed. David R. B. Kimbell (Italian) BA 4033 Volume 4/2 Rinaldo (version 1731). Opera seria in tre atti HWV 7b. Text by Giacomo Rossi after a scenario by Aaron Hill. With a facsimile of the libretto in English and Italian (libretto printed by Thomas Wood, London 1731) and a German translation. Critical report Ed. David R. B. Kimbell (Italian) BA 4059 Volume 8 Amadigi Opera seria in tre atti HWV 11. Text by Giacomo Rossi (?) after the tragedy Amadis de Grèce by Antoine Houdar de la Motte. Appendix 1: Aria ›Io godo‹; 2: Aria ›Affannami‹; 3: Aria ›Torni la gioia in sen‹; 4: Aria ›Minacciami‹. Critical report published separately Ed. J. Merrill Knapp (Italian) BA 4031 Volume 9/1 Radamisto Opera seria in tre atti HWV 12a (first version). Text by Nicola Francesco Haym after Domenico Lalli. Appendix: music rejected before the first performance. With a facsimile of the libretto in English and Italian (libretto printed by Thomas Wood, London 1720) and a German translation. Critical report Ed. Terence Best (Italian) BA 4062 Volume 9/2 Radamisto Opera seria in tre atti HWV 12b (second version). Text by Nicola Francesco Haym after Domenico Lalli (libretto printed by Thomas Wood, London 1720). With a German translation of the libretto. Appendix: alternative versions Critical report Ed. Terence Best (Italian) BA 4066
Halle Handel Edition · Complete Critical Edition Volume 11 Il Floridante Opera in tre atti HWV 14. Text by Paolo Antonio Rolli after Francesco Silvani (libretto printed by Thomas Wood, London 1721). Text of the main part in German translation; texts of additional arias in German and English translation; score of 1721; Appendix: I. Original version of the first half of the opera; II. Early versions of individual numbers from the second half of the opera; III. New numbers for the 1722 and 1727 performances; IV. Editor’s suggestions; Critical report Ed. Hans Dieter Clausen (Italian) BA 4080 Volume 12 Ottone, Re di Germania Dramma per musica in tre atti HWV 15. Text by Nicola Francesco Haym after a libretto by Stefano Benedetto Pallavicini. Ed. Fiona Mc Lauchlan (Italian). Critical report Part 1 and 2. BA 4090 in preparation Volume 13 Flavio, Re de’ Longobardi Dramma per musica in tre atti HWV 16. Text by Nicola Francesco Haym after a libretto by Matteo Noris. Appendix 1: Pieces composed for Flavio, but not performed; 2: Alterations for the 1732 revival. With a facsimile of the libretto in English and Italian (libretto printed by Thomas Wood, London 1723) and a German translation. Critical report Ed. J. Merril Knapp (Italian) BA 4046 Volume 15 Tamerlano Dramma per musica in tre atti HWV 18. Text by Nicola Francesco Haym after a libretto by Agostino Piovene. Appendix: material composed for Tamerlano, but not used in the 1724–5 performances. With a facsimile of the libretto in English and Italian (libretto printed in London, 1724) and a German translation. Critical report Ed. Terence Best (Italian) BA 4052 Volume 16 Rodelinda, Regina de’ Longobardi Dramma per musica in tre atti HWV 19. Text by Nicola Francesco Haym after Antonio Salvi. Appendix: movements written for the first revival and music which was discarded before the first performance. With a facsimile of the libretto in English and Italian (libretto printed in London, 1725) and a German translation. Critical report Ed. Andrew V. Jones (Italian) BA 4064
Volume 20 Riccardo primo, Re d’Inghilterra Opera in tre atti HWV 23. Libretto by Paolo Antonio Rolli after Francesco Briani. With a facsimile of the libretto in Italian (libretto printed in London, 1727), with German translation of the main part and appendix, and English translation of the appendix. Appendix: first version of spring 1727. Critical report Ed. Terence Best (Italian) BA 4081 Volume 22 Tolomeo, Re d’Egitto Dramma per musica in tre atti HWV 25. Text by Nicola Francesco Haym after Carlo Sigismondo Capece. Appendix: 1730 and 1733 versions. With a facsimile of the libretto in English and Italian (libretto printed in London, 1724) and a German translation. Critical report Ed. Michael Pacholke (Italian) BA 4058 Volume 23 Lotario Opera in tre atti HWV 26. Libretto by Giacomo Rossi after Antonio Salvi. With a facsimile of the libretto in Italian and English (libretto printed in London, 1729) and a German translation. Critical report Ed. Michael Pacholke (Italian) BA 4074 Volume 26 Ezio Dramma per musica in tre atti HWV 29. Text adapted by an unknown editor from a libretto by Pietro Metastasio. Critical report Ed. Michael Pacholke (Italian) BA 4086 in preparation Volume 28 Orlando Opera seria in tre atti HWV 31. Text (editor unknown) after a libretto by Carlo Sigismundo Capece. Ed. Siegfried Flesch (Italian) BA 4027 Volume 32 Ariodante Opera in tre atti HWV 33. Text adapted by an unknown editor after a libretto by Antonio Salvi. Appendix: music cancelled before the first performance and alternative versions Critical report Ed. Donald Burrows (Italian) BA 4079 17
Halle Handel Edition 路 Complete Critical Edition Volume 33 Alcina Dramma per musica in tre atti HWV 34. Text after a libretto by Antonio Fanzaglia. Critical report Ed. Siegfried Flesch (Italian) BA 4061 in preparation Volume 39 Serse Opera in tre atti HWV 40. Libretto after Niccol貌 Minato and Silvio Stampiglia. With a facsimile of the libretto in Italian (libretto printed in London, 1738), and a German translation of the main part by Michael Pacholke. Appendix: Aria No. 8 (first version); Arietta No. 21 (first version); Arioso No. 23 (first version); Aria No. 30 (bars 1-22, sketch); Aria No. 32 (first version); Aria No. 35 (sketch). Critical report New edition by Terence Best (Italian) BA 4076 Volume 40 Imeneo Dramma per musica in tre atti HWV 41. Text adapted by an unknown editor after Silvio Stampiglia (libretto printed by Thomas Wood, London 1740). With a German translation of the main part. Additional text from Appendix I with German and English translations. Critical report Ed. Donald Burrows (Italian) BA 4072 Volume 41 Deidamia Opera in tre atti HWV 42. Text after a libretto by Paolo Rolli. Appendix: first versions of 5 arias. With a facsimile of the libretto in English and Italian (libretto printed by John Chrichley, London 1741) and a German translation. Critical report Ed. Terence Best (Italian) BA 4070
Supplement to Series II Volume 1 Oreste Opera in tre atti HWV A11. Text (editor unknown) after Gianguelberto Barlocci. With a facsimile of the libretto in English and Italian (libretto printed by Thomas Wood, London 1734) with a German translation. Critical report Ed. Bernd Baselt (Italian) BA 4045
Series III Church Music Volume 1 Dixit Dominus Psalm 109 (110) HWV 232. Ed. Eberhard Wenzel (Latin) BA 4002 Volume 3 Te Deum and Jubilate for the Peace of Utrecht HWV 278, 279. Appendix: 3. Duet: Be ye sure that the Lord he is God (Alto, Bass). Critical report Ed. Gerald Hendrie (English) BA 4054 Volume 4 Anthems for Cannons I HWV 246-248, 249b. Appendix: Arioso to HWV 249b. Ed. Gerald Hendrie (English/German) BA 4038 Volume 5 Anthems for Cannons II HWV 250a, 251b, 252, 253. Appendix: Symphony and Trio to HWV 252. Ed. Gerald Hendrie (English/German) BA 4042 Volume 6 Anthems for Cannons III HWV 254, 255, 256a. Critical report to Anthems for Cannons I-III (English). Ed. Gerald Hendrie (English/German) BA 4044 Volume 9 Anthems for the Chapel Royal HWV 249a; 250b; 251a,c,d,e; 256b. Critical report Ed. Gerald Hendrie (English/German) BA 4051 Volume 12 Anthem for the Funeral of Queen Caroline HWV 264. English version from 1737 (libretto by Edward Willes; German translation of the text included). Appendix: version with Italian text, 1738. Critical report Ed. Annette Landgraf (English/Italian) BA 4075
Halle Handel Edition ツキ Complete Critical Edition Series IV Instrumental Music Volume 1 Keyboard Works I First Set of 1720. The Eight Great Suites HWV 426-433. Appendix: original final movement from Suite No. 2 HWV 4421b; first version of the original final movement from Suite No. 2 HWV 488; early version of Suite No. 3, 1st movement HWV 565; variant to Suite No. 3, 5th movement; first version of Suite No. 3, 6th movement HWV 495a; early version of Suite No. 3, 6th movement; variant to Suite No. 3, 6th movement HWV 495b; original version of Suite No. 4, 2nd movement; original version of Suite No. 4, 4th movement, bars 41-48; early versions of Suite No. 5, movements 2-4; autograph version of Suite No. 6, 4th movement. Critical report (in Volume 7, BA 4067) Ed. Rudolf Steglich. New Edition by Terence Best BA 4049 (replaces edition BA 4005) Volume 2 Organ Concertos I Six Concertos for Organ and Orchestra op. 4 HWV 289-294; Concerto in B-flat major for Harp and Orchestra HWV 294; Appendix: (1) original version of the 4th movement of the Concerto in G minor HWV 291; (2) Organ part for the second version of the Concerto in G minor HWV 291; (3) original ending to the 4th movement of the Concerto in F major HWV 292, with the Allelujah Chorus; Critical report (English). New Edition by Terence Best and William D. Gudger BA 4069 (replaces edition BA 4006) Volume 3 Eleven Sonatas for Flute and Basso continuo HWV 359b, 360, 362, 363b, 365, 367b, 369, 379. Appendix: Three Sonatas of doubtful authenticity for Flute and Basso continuo (HWV 374-376). Critical report (English). Ed. Hans-Peter Schmitz. With part. New Edition by Terence Best BA 4057 (replaces edition BA 4003) Volume 4 Six Sonatas for Violin and Basso continuo Sonata in A major HWV 361; Sonata in D major HWV 371; Sonata in G minor HWV 368; . Sonata in F major HWV 370; Sonata in A major HWV 372; Sonata in E major HWV 373 Critical report New Edition by Terence Best BA 4071 (replaces edition BA 4004)
Volume 5 Keyboard Works II Second Set of 1733: Suites de Piティces pour le Clavecin HWV 434-442. Appendix: earlier versions of single movements. Critical report (in Volume 7, BA 4067) New Edition by Terence Best BA 4065 (replaces edition BA 4009) Volume 6 Keyboard Works III Miscellaneous Suites and Pieces, First Series . No. 1-22 HWV 447, 452, 454, 468, 476, 477, 481, 483, 490, 492, 496, 562, 570, 572, 574, 575, 577-579, 582, 585, 605-610. Critical report (in Volume 7, BA 4067). Ed. Terence Best BA 4028 Volume 7 Critical report to Keyboard Works I窶的V Critical report to BA 4049, 4065, 4028 and 4032 by Terence Best BA 4067 Volume 8 Organ Concertos II Two Concertos for Organ and Orchestra HWV 295, 296a, Ed. Siegfried Flesch and Wolfgang Stockmeier; Six Concertos for Organ and Orchestra op. 7 No. 1-6 HWV 306-311 Ed. Eva Gerlach and Ingeborg Schneider. Critical report BA 4041 Volume 9 Six Sonatas for two Oboes and Basso continuo HWV 380-385. Sources and interpretations Ed. Siegfried Flesch. Continuo realisation by Walter Heinz Bernstein. With parts BA 4034 Volume 10/1 Nine Sonatas for two Violins and Basso continuo Six Sonatas op. 2 HWV 386-391; Sonatas in F major, G minor, E major HWV 392-394. Appendix: Sonata in C minor HWV 386a, variant to Sonata 4, 5th movement (Allegro). Ed. Siegfried Flesch. Continuo realisation by Ingeborg Schneider. With parts BA 4029
Halle Handel Edition · Complete Critical Edition Volume 10/2 Seven Sonatas for two Violins and Basso continuo op. 5 HWV 396-402. Appendix: variant to the Allegro from Sonata 3, variant to the Menuet from Sonata 6. Critical report published separately (German). Ed. Siegfried Flesch using preliminary work by Walter Serauky. Continuo realisation by Max Schneider. With parts BA 4026 Volume 11 Six Concerti grossi op. 3 No. 1-6 HWV 312-317. Appendix: Concerto 4 from the first edition, variants to Concerto 2 and 3. Critical report published separately Ed. Frederick Hudson BA 4017 Volume 12 Eight Concerti HWV 287, 288, 301, 302a, 302b, 303, 304, 332. Appendix: Concerto in D major. Ed. Frederick Hudson BA 4030 Volume 13 Water Music · Music for the Royal Fireworks Concert F major HWV 331 / Air F major HWV 464 / Music for the Royal Fireworks HWV 351 / Ouverture D major HWV 341 / Suite for keyboard instrument D major HWV deest. Critical report New Edition by Terence Best and Christopher Hogwood BA 4088 (replaces edition BA 4018) Volume 14 Twelve Concerti grossi op. 6 No. 1-12 HWV 319-330. Appendix: original 2nd movement to Concerto 2; variants to the 5th movement of Concerto 3, the 6th movement of Concerto 5; movement crossed out by Hanel in the autograph of Concerto 6; minor key variant of the final movement of Concerto 10; original final movement to Concerto 12. Critical report published separately Ed. Adolf Hoffmann and Hans Ferdinand Redlich BA 4016 Volume 15 Six single surviving instrumental works Overture in B-flat major HWV 336, Sinfonia in B-flat major HWV 338, Sonata in G minor HWV 404, Overture in D major HWV 337, Concerto grosso in C major (Alexander’s Feast Concerto) HWV 318, Overture in D major HWV 424. Sources and variant readings Ed. Terence Best and Frederick Hudson BA 4036
Volume 16 Concerti a due cori HWV 332-334, 335a, 335b. Appendix: HWV 305a/b; March from Judas Maccabaeus in F major. Sources and variant readings (German). Ed. Frederick Hudson BA 4037 Volume 17 Keyboard Works IV Miscellaneous Suites and Pieces, Second Series No. 1-34 HWV 443-445, 448-450, 453, 465467, 470-472, 475, 478, 484-487, 489, 494, 563, 564, 566-568, 571, 573, 576, 580, 581, 583, 586, 611. Appendix: HWV 458, 459, 584. Critical report (in Volume 7, BA 4067) Ed. Terence Best BA 4032 Volume 18 Nine Sonatas for one Solo Instrument and Basso continuo HWV 357, 358, 359a, 363a, 364, 366, 367a, 377, 378. Appendix: variant to HWV 367a. Critical report Ed. Terence Best. With parts BA 4040 Volume 19 Single surviving instrumental works II Music for Orchestra: HWV 340, 343b, 344, 345, 347, 352-356, 413 / Music for wind ensembles: HWV 346, 410, 411, 414-416, 418, 422, 423 / Music for one Solo Instrument and for one or two Solo Instruments with Basso continuo: HWV 395, 403, 405-408, 412 (with parts) / Music for Keyboard Instruments: HWV 434, 446, 451, 456/1-5, 469, 474, 482/1,2; 497, 612 / Music for musical clock: HWV 473, 578, 587, 589-604 / Works without scoring indications: HWV 417a,b; 419/1-6, 421, 422, 425, 453, 457/3,4; 460-463, 491, 498, 500, 504-506, 507a,b; 509, 511, 513a,b; 514a,b; 515a,b; 516a,b; 517-533, 534a,b; 535a,b; 536, 537a,b; 538a,b; 539b, 540a,b; 541-549, 551-554, 555a,b; 556, 559, 560, 591. Appendix: 37 menuets after opera arias: HWV A15/1-37. Three keyboard versions of opera arias: HWV 482/3-5. Critical report Ed. Terence Best BA 4043
Halle Handel Edition 路 Complete Critical Edition
Invitation to open-air music in Vauxhall Gardens 21
Halle Handel Edition · Complete Critical Edition Supplement to Series IV
Volume 1 Aufzeichnungen zur Kompositionslehre [Sketches for Composition Lessons] From the manuscripts in the Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge / Composition lessons. From the Autograph Collection in the Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge. Ed. Alfred Mann (German/English) BA 4035
Händel-Handbuch Published by the Board of Trustees of the Georg-Friedrich-Händel-Stiftung [George Frideric Handel Foundation] by Walter Eisen and Margret Eisen. Format 20 x 28 cm. Supplement to accompany the Halle Handel Edition. Cloth bound
Series V Shorter Vocal Music Volume 3 Cantatas with Instruments I HWV 78, 79, 81-83, 89, 92, 96-98. Appendix: 1. Arietta ›Di questa selva‹ from HWV 79; 2. Recitative ›É ben degna di lode‹, Recitative ›Carco sempre di gloria‹, Aria ›Sei del ciel dono perfetto‹ from HWV 89; 3. Recitative ›Mentre la pastorella‹, duet ›Senza occhi e senza accenti‹ from HWV 96; 4. Accompagnato ›Look down, harmonious Saint‹, Aria ›Sweet accents‹ from HWV 124. Critical report (in Volume 5, BA 4060). Ed. Hans Joachim Marx BA 4048 Volume 4 Cantatas with Instruments II HWV 99, 105, 110, 113, 119, 122, 123, 132c, 134, 140, 142, 143. Appendix: beginning of the arias ›E se non lice‹ and ›Io languisco fra le gioie‹ (reconstructions) from HWV 119; arias and recitatives from the Cantata ›Mi palpita il cor‹ (from the versions B-F, HWV 132b-d, HWV 132 deest); catalogue of text incipits. Critical report (in Volume 5, BA 4060) Ed. Hans Joachim Marx BA 4055 Volume 5 Cantatas with Instruments III HWV 150, 165, 166, 170, 171, 173. Catalogue of text incipits. Critical report to the Cantatas with Instruments I-III. Ed. Hans-Joachim Marx BA 4060
Volume 1 Lebens- und Schaffensdaten [Chronology of life and work] Compiled by Siegfried Flesch. Thematic-systematic catalogue (HWV) Stage works. By Bernd Baselt (1978). 540 pages, several indices ISBN 978-3-7618-0610-4 Volume 2 Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis [Thematic-systematic catalogue] (HWV) Oratorios, vocal chamber music, church music. By Bernd Baselt (1984). 800 pages, several indices ISBN 978-3-7618-0715-6 Volume 3 Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis [Thematic-systematic catalogue] (HWV) Instrumental music, pasticcios and fragmentary works. By Bernd Baselt (1986). 442 pages, several indices ISBN 978-3-7618-0716-3 Volume 4 Dokumente zu Leben und Schaffen [Documents relating to life and work] Based on Otto Erich Deutsch: Handel. A Documentary Biography. Ed. Editiorial Board of the Halle Handel Edition. Appendix: foreword to the 1955 edition by Otto Erich Deutsch, several indices (1985). 623 pages, 17 autograph and print facsimiles included in the text ISBN 978-3-7618-0717-0
Oratorios and Large Cantatas
St. Paul's Cathedral in London 23
Oratorios and Large Cantatas Acis and Galatea HWV 49a Masque in two acts by John Gay. Text by Alexander Pope and John Hughes Urtext / Ed. W. Windzus Soloists: STTB - Chorus: SATB – Picc. - - Timp - Str - Car - Bc / 90’ BA 4039 Full score (English/German) Performance material on hire BA 4039a Vocal score (English/German)
2 Recorders (Flutes). 2.0.2 - Timp - Lute - Str - Bc / 150’ BA 4082 Full score (English/partly Italian) BA 4082a Vocal score by A. Köhs
Belshazzar HWV 61 Oratorio after a text by Charles Jennens Ed. W. Brückner-Rüggeberg Soloists: S(Bar)A(Bar)TBB - Chorus: SATB - - Timp - Str - Bc / 120’ BA 4093 Performance material on hire (English/German)
The Choice of Hercules HWV 69 Oratorio. Text by Thomas Morell Urtext / Ed. W. Siegmund-Schultze Soloists: SSMezT - Chorus: SATB - - Str - Bc / 50’ BA 4011 Performance material on hire (English/German)
Cor fedele, in vano speri (Clori, Tirsi e Fileno) HWV 96 Cantata in two parts Urtext / Ed. H. J. Marx Soloists: SSA - - - Harp Str - Bc BA 4294 Full score in BA 4048 (Halle Handel Edition V/3, Italian) Performance material on hire
Esther HWV 50a
Alexander’s Feast / Das Alexanderfest HWV 75 Ode for St. Cecilia’s Day. Text by John Dryden Urtext / Ed. K. Ameln Soloists: STB - Chorus: SATB - - - Timp - Str - Bc / 90’ BA 4001 Full score (German/English) Performance material on hire BA 4001a Vocal score by K. Ameln (English/German)
Athalia HWV 52 Oratorio in three acts. Text by Samuel Humphrys Urtext. Ed. S. Blaut Soloists: SSSATB - Chorus: SSAATTBB 24
Oratorio HWV 50a (First Version 1720). Text by John Arbuthnot and Alexander Pope Urtext / Ed. H. Server Soloists: SSATTTTB - Chorus: SATTB - - - Harp - Str - Bc / 90’ BA 4047 Full score (English) Performance material on hire BA 4047a Vocal score by A. Köhs
Israel in Egypt / Israel in Ägypten HWV 54 Oratorio in three parts with the 1739 and 1756/7 versions Urtext / Ed. A. Landgraf Soloists: SSATBB - Chor: SATB + SATB - - - Timp - Str - Bc (2 Harpsichords/Org) / 150’ BA 4063 Full score (English) Performance material on hire BA 4063a Vocal score by A. Köhs (English/German)
Oratorios and Large Cantatas
Music example: Israel in Egypt · Vocal score BA 4063a
Jephtha HWV 70 Oratorio in two parts. Text by Thomas Morell Ed. C. Neher / G. Rennert Soloists: SATTBarB - Chorus: SATB – Children’s choir: SA - - - Str - Bc / 120’ BA 4097 Performance material on hire (German) in preparation: Urtext Halle Handel Edition I/30 Ed. Kenneth Nott (English) BA 4014
L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato HWV 55 Oratorio in three parts after John Milton Urtext / Ed. J. S. Hall / M. V. Hall Soloists: SATB - Chorus: SATB - - Timp, Perc - Str - Bc / 120’ BA 4023 Performance material on hire (English/German) BA 4023a Vocal score by A. Köhs (English/German)
Messiah HWV 56 Oratorio in three parts Urtext / Ed. J. Tobin Soloists: SAATB - Chorus: SSATB - - - Timp - Str - Bc / 120’ BA 4012 Full score (English/German) cloth bound Performance material on sale BA 4012a Vocal score (German/English) by M. Schneider BA 4012b Vocal score (English) TP 175 Study score (English/German)
Passion nach Barthold Heinrich Brockes HWV 48 (The Dying Christ, Marter’d for the Sins of the World) Urtext / Ed. F. Schroeder Soloists: SAATTBB - Chorus: SATB - - Str - Bc / 150’ BA 4021 Full score Performance material on hire BA 4021a Vocal score available on hire
Oratorios and Large Cantatas
Music example: Messiah · Vocal score BA 4012b
Samson HWV 57 Oratorio. Text after John Milton Ed. K. Ameln Soloists: SATBB - Chorus: SATB - - Timp - Str - Bc / 120’ BA 4099 Performance material on hire (English/German)
Saul HWV 53 Oratorio in three acts. Text by Charles Jennens Urtext / Ed. P. M. Young Soloists: SSATTTTTBBBB - Chorus: SATB - - Timp, Car - Harp, Org, Harpsichord - Str / 150’ BA 4020 Full score (English/German) Performance material on hire BA 4020a Vocal score by H. Moehn
Susanna HWV 66 Oratorio in three acts. Text by Thomas Morell Urtext / Ed. B. Rose Soloists: SSSMezTBB - Chorus: SATB - - - Str - Bc / 160’ BA 4013 Full score (English/German) Performance material on hire
Theodora HWV 68 Oratorio in three acts. Text by Thomas Morell Ed. G. Weißenborn Soloists: SAATTB - Chorus: SATB - - - Timp - Str - Bc / 140’ BA 4107 Performance material on hire (English/German) in preparation: Urtext Halle Handel Edition I/29 Ed. Colin Timms (English) BA 4085
View of Covent Garden 27
Operas Agrippina Dramma per musica in three acts HWV 6 (1708/1709) Libretto: Vincenzio Grimani (Italian) Arrangement and translation: Hellmuth Christian Wolff (German) Soloists: SSATBarBBB - Chorus - Orchestra: - - Timp - Str - Bc / c. 180’ BA 1636 (Italian/German) in preparation: Urtext Halle Handel Edition Ed. John E. Sawyer (English) BA 4092
Alcina Dramma per musica in three acts HWV 34 (1735) Libretto: unknown arranger (after Cantos 6 and 7 of Ludovico Ariosto’s epic Orlando furioso of 1516 in the version from Antonio Fanzaglia’s libretto to Riccardo Broschi’s dramma per musica L’isola di Alcina of 1728) (Italian) Ed. Siegfried Flesch (Halle Handel Edition) Translation: Peter Brenner (German) Soloists: SSSMezzoATB - Chorus - Ballet Orchestra: Picc.0.2Rec.2.0.1 - - Str Bc / c. 195’ BA 4061 Full score (Halle Handel Edition II/33, Italian) in preparation BA 4061a Vocal score (Italian/German) Performance material on hire
Spuk im Händelhaus Magic opera after Handel’s Alcina for children and adults (2002) Text: Eberhard Streul (German) Musical arrangement: Andrea Csollány and Andreas Weisser Soloists: SMezzoTTT - Ensemble: Rec - Piano Vc / c. 60’ AoE 10544
A listing of arias published in the Halle Handel Edition can be found under: www.haendel-edition.de · www.handel-edition.com Performance material for each aria is also available separately.
Amadigi Opera seria in three acts HWV 11 (1715) Libretto: Giacomo Rossi (?) (after Antoine Houdar de la Motte’s libretto for André Destouches’ tragédie Amadis de Grèce of 1699 and Philippe Quinault’s libretto for Jean-Baptiste Lully’s tragédie en musique of the same name of 1684) (Italian) Ed. John Merrill Knapp (Halle Handel Edition) Translation: Michael Pacholke Soloists: SSMezzoAB - Ballet - Orchestra: 2(2Rec).2.0.1 - - Str - Bc Duration: feature-length BA 4031 Full score (Halle Handel Edition II/8, Italian) BA 4031a Vocal score (Italian/German) Performance material on hire
Arianna in Creta Dramma per musica in three acts HWV 32 (1733/1734) Libretto: Francis Colman (after Pietro Pariati’s libretto for Francesco Bartolomeo’s dramma per musica Teseo in Creta of 1715) (Italian) Ed. Fritz Lehmann Translation: Emilie Dahnk-Baroffio (German) Soloists: SATBarBarBassBarB - Ballet Orchestra: - - Str - Bc / c. 150’ BA 1632 (German) in preparation: Urtext Halle Handel Edition Ed. Reinhold Kubik
Ariodante Opera in three acts HWV 33 (1734/1735) Libretto: unknown arranger (after Antonio Salvi’s libretto for Giacomo Antonio Perti’s dramma per musica Ginevra, principessa di Scozia of 1708, based on Ludovico Ariosto’s epic poem Orlando furioso of 1532) (Italian) Ed. Donald Burrows (Halle Handel Edition) Translation: Reinhard Strohm (German) Soloists: SSMezzoATTB - Chorus - Ballet Orchestra: 2.2Rec.2.0.2 - - Str - Bc / c. 180’ BA 4079 Full score (Halle Handel Edition II/32, Italian) BA 4079a Vocal score (Italian/German) Performance material on hire
Operas Deidamia Opera in three acts HWV 42 (1740/1741) Libretto: Paolo Antonio Rolli (Italian) Ed. Terence Best (Halle Handel Edition) Translation: Michael Pacholke (German) Soloists: SSSMezzoBB - Chorus - Orchestra: - - Timp - Str - Bc / c. 180’ BA 4070 Full score (Halle Handel Edition II/41, Italian). BA 4070a Vocal score (Italian/German) Performance material on hire
Ezio Dramma per musica in three acts HWV 29 (1731) Libretto: unknown arranger (after Pietro Metastasio’s libretto to Pietro Auletta’s dramma per musica of the same name of 1728) (Italian) Ed. Michael Pacholke (Halle Handel Edition) Translation: Reinhard Strohm (German) Soloists: SATBarB - Orchestra: - Str - Bc / c. 180’ BA 4086 Full score (Halle Handel Edition II/26, Italian) New Edition 2008 BA 4086a Vocal score (Italian/German) in preparation
Flavio, Re de’ Longobardi Dramma per musica in three acts HWV 16 (1723) Libretto: Nicola Francesco Haym (after Paulus Diaconus’ Historia Longobardorum of 787, Pierre Corneille’s Le Cid of 1637 and Matteo Noris’ libretto Flavio Cuniberto of 1696) (Italian) Ed. John Merrill Knapp (Halle Handel Edition) Translation: Peter Brenner (German) Soloists: SSMezzoAATB - Orchestra: - Str - Bc Duration: feature-length BA 4046 Full score (Halle Handel Edition II/13, Italian) BA 4046a Vocal score (Italian/German) Performance material on hire
Giove in Argo Opera in two acts (Pasticcio) HWV A14 (1739) Libretto: unknown arranger (after Antonio Maria Lucchini’s libretto to Antonio Lotti’s melodramma pastorale of the same name of 1717-19) (Italian) Ed. John Roberts (Halle Handel Edition) Soloists: SSSMezzoAB - Chorus - Orchestra: - - Str - Bc Duration: feature-length BA 4084 Full score (Halle Handel Edition, Supplement II/3, Italian) in preparation, pre-publication score available Performance material on hire
Giulio Cesare in Egitto Dramma per musica in three acts HWV 17 (1723) Libretto: Nicola Francesco Haym (after Giacomo Francesco Bussani’s libretto to Antonio Sartori’s dramma per musica of the same name of 1677) (Italian) Ed. Frieder Zschoch (Halle Handel Edition) Translation: Eberhard Schmidt (German) Soloists: SSAAAABB - Chorus - Ballet Orchestra: 1.2Rec.2.0.1 - - Str - Bc Stage music: 2Ob.Bsn.VI/II.Va.Vagb.Vc. Harp.Theorbo / c. 195’ BA 4078 Full score (Halle Handel Edition II/14, Italian) in preparation, pre-publication score available BA 4078a Vocal score (Italian/German) Performance material on hire
Imeneo Dramma per musica in three acts HWV 41 (1738–1740) Libretto: unknown arranger (after Silvio Stampiglia’s libretto to Nicola Porpora’s componimento dramatico of the same name of 1723) (Italian) Ed. Donald Burrows (Halle Handel Edition) Translation: Michael Pacholke (German) Soloists: SSABB - Chorus - Orchestra: - Str - Bc / c. 120’ BA 4072 Full score (Halle Handel Edition II/40, Italian) BA 4072a Vocal score (Italian/German) Performance material on hire
Operas Lotario Dramma per musica in three acts HWV 26 (1729) Libretto: Giacomo Rossi (after Antonio Salvi’s libretto to Pietro Torri and Giuseppe Maria Orlandini’s dramme per musica Adelaide of 1722 / 1726) (Italian) Ed. Michael Pacholke (Halle Handel Edition) Translation: Gerhard Müller (German) Soloists: SMezzoAATB - Orchestra: - - Str - Bc Duration: feature-length BA 4074 Full score (Halle Handel Edition II/23, Italian) BA 4074a Vocal score (Italian/German) Performance material on hire
Orlando Opera seria in three acts HWV 31 (1732) Libretto: unknown arranger (after Carlo Sigismondo Capece’s libretto to Domenico Scarlatti’s dramma per musica Orlando ovvero La gelosa pazzia of 1711) (Italian) Ed. Siegfried Flesch (Halle Handel Edition) Translation: Peter Brenner (German) Soloists: SMezzoMezzoAB - Orchestra: - Str - Bc / c. 180’ BA 4027 Full score (Halle Handel Edition II/28, Italian) BA 4027a Vocal score (Italian/German) Performance material on hire
Radamisto (First Version) Oreste Opera in three acts (Pasticcio) HWV A11 (1734) Libretto: unknown arranger (after Giovanni Gualberto Barlocci’s libretto to Benedetto Micheli’s dramma per musica of the same name of 1723) (Italian) Ed. Bernd Baselt (Halle Handel Edition) Translation: Bettina Bartz and Werner Hintze (German) Soloists: SSMezzoATB - Chorus - Ballet Orchestra: - - Str - Bc / Duration: feature-length BA 4045 Full score (Halle Handel Edition II/S1, Italian) BA 4045a Vocal score (Italian/German) in preparation Performance material on hire
Francesco Bernardi, called Senesino (c.1680-c.1750). Engraving by Charles Grignion after Thomas Hudson 30
Opera seria in three acts HWV 12a (1720) Libretto: Nicola Francesco Haym (after Domenico Lalli’s libretto to Francesco Gasparini’s dramma per musica L’amor tirannico in the version of 1712) (Italian) Ed. Terence Best (Halle Handel Edition) Soloists: SSSSATB - Ballet - Orchestra: - Str - Bc / c. 180’ BA 4062 Full score (Halle Handel Edition II/9.1, Italian) Performance material on hire
Radamisto (Second Version) Opera seria in three acts HWV 12b (1720) Libretto: Nicola Francesco Haym (reworking of the libretto of the first version of Radamisto) (Italian) Ed. Terence Best (Halle Handel Edition) Translation: Michael Pacholke (German) Soloists: SSSSABB - Orchestra: 2.2.2Tromb in F.0.0 - Str - Bc / c. 180’ BA 4066 Full score (Halle Handel Edition II/9.2, Italian) BA 4066a Vocal score (Italian/German) Performance material on hire
A listing of arias published in the Halle Handel Edition can be found under: www.haendel-edition.de · www.handel-edition.com Performance material for each aria is also available separately.
Operas Ritter Rinaldo [Rinaldo the knight] Music theatre piece after the opera Rinaldo by Georg Friedrich Handel for children and young people aged 8 and upwards (2004) Text: Eberhard Streul (German) Musical arrangement: Jürgen Weisser Soloists: SMezzoTBarBassBar - Ensemble: Rec(S,Sopranino,A,T) - Vc - Keyboard Perc(drum) / c. 180’ AoE 10567
Rodelinda, Regina de’ Longobardi Dramma per musica in three acts HWV 19 (1724/1725) Libretto: Nicola Francesco Haym (after Antonio Salvi’s libretto to Giacomo Antonio Perti’s dramma per musica Rodelinda, Regina de’ Longobardi of 1710, based on Pierre Corneille’s Tragédie Pertharite, roi des Lombards of 1652) (Italian) The Handel monument in Westminster Abbey
Riccardo primo, Re d’Inghilterra Opera in three acts HWV 23 (November 1727) Libretto: Paolo Antonio Rolli (after Francesco Briani’s libretto to Antonio Lotti’s dramma per musica Isacio tiranno of 1710) Ed. Terence Best (Halle Handel Edition) Translation: Michael Pacholke (German) Soloists: SSAABB - Orchestra: Picc.2Rec.2.0.1 - Timp - Str - Bc Duration: feature-length BA 4081 Full score (Halle Handel Edition II/20, Italian) BA 4081a Vocal score (Italian/German) Performance material on hire
Rinaldo (First Version) Opera seria in three acts HWV 7a (1711) Libretto: Giacomo Rossi (after a scenario by Aaron Hill based on Torquato Tasso’s Gerusalemme liberata ovvero Il Goffredo of 1575) (Italian) Ed. David R. B. Kimbell (Halle Handel Edition) Translation: Peter Brenner (German) Soloists: SSSSSMezzoAATB - Chorus Orchestra: Flageolet. - - Timp Harpsichord - Str - Bc Duration: feature-length BA 4033 Full score (Halle Handel Edition II/4.1, Italian) BA 4033a Vocal score (Italian/German) Performance material on hire
Ed. Andrew V. Jones (Halle Handel Edition) Translation: Reinhard Strohm (German) Soloists: SAAMezzoTB - Orchestra: 1.2Rec.2.0.0 - - Str - Bc / c. 195’ BA 4064 Full score (Halle Handel Edition II/16, Italian) BA 4064a Vocal score (Italian/German) Performance material on hire Ed. Rudolf Gerber Translation: Emilie Dahnk-Baroffio (German) Soloists: SAAATB - Orchestra: - Str - Bc / c. 195’ BA 1639 (German/Italian)
Rodrigo (Vincer se stesso è la maggior vittoria) Opera in three acts HWV 5 (1707) Libretto: after Francesco Silvani’s Il Duello d'amore e di vendetta Ed. Rainer Heyink (Halle Handel Edition) Translation: Peter Brenner (German) Soloists: SSSAT - Orchestra: 0.2Rec.2.0.0 - - Str - Bc Duration: feature-length BA 4083 Full score (Halle Handel Edition II/2, Italian) BA 4083a Vocal score (Italian/German) in preparation Performance material on hire
Operas Serse (Xerxes) Dramma per musica in three acts HWV 40 (1737/1738) Libretto: unknown arranger (after Niccolò Minato’s libretto to Francesco Cavalli’s dramma per musica of the same name of 1654/55, in Silvio Stampiglia’s arrangement for Giovanni Bononcini’s dramma per musica of 1694) (Italian) Ed. Terence Best (Halle Handel Edition) Translation: Eberhard Schmidt (German) Soloists: SSSMezzoABB - Chorus - Orchestra: 0.2Rec.2.0.0 - - Str - Bc / c. 180’ BA 4076 Full score (Halle Handel Edition II/39, Italian) BA 4076a Vocal score (Italian/German) Performance material on hire
Tamerlano Dramma per musica in three acts HWV 18 (1724) Libretto: Nicola Francesco Haym (after Agostino Piovene’s and Ippolito Zanella’s Libretti to Francesco Gasparini’s Tamerlano of 1711 and Il Bajazet from 1719, based on Jacques Pradon’s Tragédie Tamerlan ou La Mort de Bajazet of 1675) (Italian) Ed. Terence Best (Halle Handel Edition) Translation: Peter Brenner (German) Soloists: SMezzoAATB - Orchestra: 2.2Rec.2.2.0 - - Str – Bc / c. 180’ BA 4052 Full score (Halle Handel Edition II/15, Italian) BA 4052a Vocal score (Italian/German) Performance material on hire
Tolomeo, Re d’Egitto Dramma per musica in three acts HWV 25 (1728) Libretto: Nicola Francesco Haym (after Carlo Sigismondo Capece’s libretto to Domenico Scarlatti’s Dramma per musica Tolomeo ed Alessandro, ovvero La corona disprezzata of 1711) (Italian) Ed. Michael Pacholke (Halle Handel Edition) Translation: Michael Pacholke (German) Soloists: SSMezzoAB - Orchestra: 1.2Rec.2.0.0 - - Str - Bc Duration: feature-length BA 4058 Full score (Halle Handel Edition II/22, Italian) BA 4058a Vocal score (Italian/German) Performance material on hire
Handel‘s House. 1725 57, Lower Brook Street, Hanover Square 32
A listing of arias published in the Halle Handel Edition can be found under: www.haendel-edition.de · www.handel-edition.com Performance material for each aria is also available separately.
Church Music
The Marktkirche in Halle 33
Church Music Anthems Urtext / Ed. G. Hendrie O sing unto the Lord HWV 249a Soloists: AB - Chorus: SATB - - Str - Bc BA 4263 Full score (English/German) Performance material on sale BA 4263a Vocal score (English/German) I will magnify thee HWV 250b Soloists: SATB - Chorus: SATB - Ob Str - Bc BA 4264 Full score (English/German) Performance material on sale BA 4264a Vocal score (English/German) As pants the hart HWV 251e Soloists: SAATBB - Chorus: SAATBB - 2Ob Str - Bc BA 4265 Full score (English/German) Performance material on sale BA 4265a Vocal score (English/German)
Music example: The Lord is my light 路 Vocal score BA 4268a 34
My song shall be alway HWV 252 Soloists: SATB - Chorus: SATB - Ob Str - Bc BA 4292 Full score (English/German) Performance material on sale BA 4292a Vocal score (English/German) O come let us sing HWV 253 Soloists: ST - Chorus: STTB - (2Rec) - Ob Str - Bc BA 4293 Full score (English/German) Performance material on sale BA 4293a Vocal score (English/German) O praise the Lord HWV 254 Soloists: STTB - Chorus: SATB - Ob Str - Bc BA 4291 Full score (English/German) Performance material on sale BA 4291a Vocal score (English/German) The Lord is my light HWV 255 Soloists: STT - Chorus: SATTB - (2Rec) Ob - Str - Bc BA 4268 Full score (English/German) Performance material on sale BA 4268a Vocal score (English/German)
Church Music
George Frideric Handel, statue 35
Church Music
Music example: Utrecht Te Deum · Vocal score BA 4246a
Let God arise HWV 256b Soloists: AB - Chorus: SATB - Ob - Str - Bc BA 4266 Full score (English/German) Performance material on sale BA 4266a Vocal score (English/German) Anthem for the Funeral of Queen Caroline HWV 264 Urtext / Ed. A. Landgraf Soloists: SATB - Chorus: SATB - - Str - Bc BA 4267 Full score (English/Italian) Performance material on sale BA 4267a Vocal score (English/Italian) Dixit Dominus HWV 232 Psalm 109 (110) Urtext / Ed. E. Wenzel Soloists: SA - Chorus: SSATB - - Str - Bc / 40’ BA 4002 Full score Choral score Performance material on sale BA 4002a Vocal score by E. Wenzel Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne HWV 74 Serenata Urtext / Ed. W. Siegmund-Schultze Soloists: SATB - Chorus: SATB - - Str - Bc / 22’ 36
BA 4007 BA 4007a
Choral score Performance material on hire Vocal score by I. Chrysander (English/German)
Ode for St. Cecilia's Day HWV 76 Ode of Georg Friedrich Händel arranged by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart K. 592 Urtext / Ed. A. Holschneider Soloists: STB - Chorus: SATB - - Timp - Lute-Organ - Str - Bc / 45’ BA 4556 Full score Performance material on hire Te Deum laudamus HWV 238 Dettingen Te Deum Ed. E. Kruttge Soloists: SATB - Chorus: SSATB - - Timp - Str - Bc / 50’ BA 2038 Full score Performance material on hire Utrecht Te Deum HWV 278 Urtext / Ed. G. Hendrie Soloists: SSAATB - Chorus: SSAATTB - - - Str - Bc / 20’ BA 4246 Full score Performance material on sale BA 4246a Vocal score by L.-H. Nysten. (Latin)
Orchestral Works Instrumental Music
Orchestral Works Concerti grossi op. 3 Nos. 1-6, HWV 312-317 Urtext / Ed. F. Hudson - No. 1 in B-flat major HWV 312 - - Str - Bc / 10’ BA 4201 Full score Performance material on sale - No. 2 in B-flat major HWV 313 2V, 2Violoncellos conc - - Str - Bc / 12’ BA 4202 Full score Performance material on sale TP 66 Study score - No. 3 in G major HWV 314 V conc - 1(Oboe). 0.0.0 - - Str - Bc / 9’ BA 4203 Full score Performance material on sale TP 67 Study score - No. 4 in F major HWV 315 - - Str - Bc / 13’ BA 4204 Full score Performance material on sale TP 68 Study score - No. 5 in D minor HWV 316 (ad lib.) - - Str - Bc / 12’ BA 4205 Full score Performance material on sale - No. 6 in D major HWV 317 - - Str - Org - Bc / 8’ BA 4206 Full score Performance material on sale
Concerti grossi op. 6 Nos. 1-12, HWV 319-330 Urtext / Ed. A. Hoffmann / H. F. Redlich
- No. 3 in E minor HWV 321 2 Violins, Violoncello conc - - Str - Bc / 14’ BA 4211 Full score Performance material on sale TP 163 Study score - No. 4 in A minor HWV 322 2 Violins, Violoncello conc - - Str - Bc / 11’ BA 4212 Full score Performance material on sale - No. 5 in D major HWV 323 2 Violins, Violoncello conc - - Str - Bc / 19’ BA 4213 Full score Performance material on sale - No. 6 in G minor HWV 324 2 Violins, Violoncello conc - - Str - Bc / 19’ BA 4214 Full score Performance material on sale - No. 7 in B-flat major HWV 325 2 Violins, Violoncello conc - - Str - Bc / 17’ BA 4215 Full score Performance material on sale TP 167 Study score - No. 8 in C minor HWV 326 2 Violins, Violoncello conc - - Str - Bc / 18’ BA 4216 Full score Performance material on sale TP 168 Study score - No. 9 in F major HWV 327 2 Violins, Violoncello conc - - Str - Bc / 17’ BA 4217 Full score Performance material on sale TP 169 Study score
- No. 1 in G major HWV 319 2 Violins, Violoncello conc - - Str - Bc / 13’ BA 4209 Full score Performance material on sale
- No. 10 in D minor HWV 328 2 Violins, Violoncello conc - - Str - Bc / 17’ BA 4218 Full score Performance material on sale TP 170 Study score
- No. 2 in F major HWV 320 2 Violins, Violoncello conc - - Str - Bc / 13’ BA 4210 Full score Performance material on sale
- No. 11 in A major HWV 329 2 Violins, Violoncello conc - - Str - Bc / 19’ BA 4219 Full score Performance material on sale TP 171 Study score
Orchestral Works
Music example: Music for the Royal Fireworks · BA 4208
- No. 12 in B minor HWV 330 2 Violins, Violoncello conc - - Str - Bc / 15’ BA 4220 Full score Performance material on sale
Concerto a due cori HWV 332-334 Urtext / Ed. F. Hudson Concerto a due cori in B-flat major HWV 332 Wind Chorus I: Ob I, II, Bsn I, II Wind Chorus II: Ob I, II, Bsn I, II Str (V I, II,Va) - Bc / 16’ BA 4239 Performance material on hire TP 281 Study score Concerto a due cori in F major HWV 333 Wind Chorus I: Ob I, II, Bsn I, II Wind Chorus II: Ob I, II, Bsn I, II Str (V I, II,Va) - Bc / 18’ BA 4240 Performance material on hire
Music for the Royal Fireworks HWV 351
Urtext / Ed. H. F. Redlich Cbsn - - Timp - Str - Bc / 25’ BA 4208 Full score Performance material on sale New edition 2008 TP 173 Study score
Water Music HWV 348-350 Urtext / Ed. H. F. Redlich 2 Violins conc - Picc (Rec). - Str - Bc / 60’ BA 4207 Full score Performance material on sale New edition 2008 TP 174 Study score
Concerto a due cori in F major HWV 334 ›Concerto in Judas Maccabaeus‹ Wind Chorus I: Hn I, II, Ob I, II, Bsn I, II Wind Chorus II: Hn I, II, Ob I, II, Bsn I, II Str (V I, II,Va) - Bc / 18’ BA 4241 Performance material on hire 39
Orchestral Works Overtures to Operas and Oratorios Acis and Galatea Masque HWV 49a Urtext / Ed. W. Windzus - - Str - Bc / 3’ in BA 4039 Performance material on hire
Alcina Opera HWV 34 Urtext / Ed. S. Flesch - - Str - Bc / 6’ in BA 4061 Performance material on hire
Alexander’s Feast Ode for St. Cecilia’s Day HWV 75 Urtext / Ed. K. Ameln - - Str - Bc / 6’ in BA 4001 Performance material on hire
Amadigi Opera HWV 11 Urtext / Ed. J. M. Knapp - - Str - Bc / 6’ in BA 4031 Performance material on hire
Ariodante Dramma per musica HWV 33 Urtext / Ed. D. Burrows - - Str - Bc / 9’ in BA 4079 Performance material on hire
Deidamia Opera HWV 42 Urtext / Ed. T. Best - - Str - Bc / 4’ in BA 4070 Performance material on hire
Ezio Dramma per musica HWV 29 Urtext / Ed. M. Pacholke - - Str - Bc / 5’ in BA 4086 in preparation
Flavio, Re de’ Longobardi Dramma per musica HWV 16 Urtext / Ed. J. M. Knapp - - Str - Bc / 5’ in BA 4046 Performance material on hire
Il Floridante Urtext / Ed. H.-D. Clausen - - Str - Bc / 7’ in BA 4080 Performance material on hire
Giulio Cesare in Egitto Dramma per musica HWV 17 Urtext / Ed. F. Zschoch - - Str - Bc / 5’ in BA 4078 Performance material on hire
Imeneo Dramma per musica HWV 41 Urtext / Ed. D. Burrows - - Str - Bc / 5’ in BA 4072 Performance material on hire
Lotario Opera HWV 26 Urtext / Ed. M. Pacholke - - Str - Bc / 8’ in BA 4074 Performance material on hire
Messiah Oratorio HWV 56. Symphony Urtext / Ed. K. Ameln - - Str - Bc / 4’ in BA 4012 Performance material on hire
Oreste Dramma per musica HWV A11 Urtext / Ed. B. Baselt - - Str - Bc / 5’ in BA 4045 Performance material on hire
Orlando Opera seria HWV 31 Urtext / Ed. S. Flesch - - Str - Bc / 6’ in BA 4027 Performance material on hire
Orchestral Works Passion nach Barthold Heinrich Brockes HWV 48. Sinfonia Urtext / Ed. F. Schroeder - - Str - Bc / 4’ in BA 4021 Performance material on hire
Radamisto Opera seria HWV 12b (2nd Version 1720) Urtext / Ed. T. Best - - Str - Bc / 4’ in BA 4066 Performance material on hire
Riccardo primo Re d’Inghilterra Opera HWV 23 Urtext / Ed. T. Best - - Str - Bc / 5’ in BA 4081 Performance material on hire
Rinaldo Opera seria HWV 7a (1st Version 1711) Urtext / Ed. D. R. B. Kimbell - - Str - Bc / 5’ in BA 4033 Performance material on hire
Rodelinda, Regina de’ Longobardi Dramma per musica HWV 19 Urtext / Ed. A. V. Jones - - Str - Bc / 8’ in BA 4064 Performance material on hire
Rodrigo (Vincer se stesso è la maggior vittoria) Opera HWV 5 Urtext / Ed. R. Heyink - - Str - Bc in BA 4083 Performance material on hire
Serse (Xerxes) Dramma per musica HWV 40 Urtext / Ed. T. Best - - Str - Bc / 6’ in BA 4076 Performance material on hire
Susanna Oratorio HWV 66 Urtext / Ed. B. Rose - - Str - Bc / 6’ in BA 4013 Performance material on hire
Tamerlano Dramma per musica HWV 18 Urtext / Ed. T. Best - - Str - Bc / 7’ in BA 4052 Performance material on hire
Tolomeo, Re d‘ Egitto Dramma per musica HWV 25 Urtext / Ed. M. Pacholke - - Str - Bc / 7’ in BA 4058 Performance material on hire Titlepage of the libretto for the first German performance of Handel’s opera Rinaldo 41
Orchestral Works Overtures to Operas and Oratrios not based on the Halle Handel Edition Agrippina Dramma per musica HWV 6. Sinfonia Ed. H. Chr. Wolff - - Strings - Bc / 6’ in BA 1636 Performance material on hire
Arianna in Creta Dramma per musica HWV 32 Ed. F. Lehmann - - Str - Bc / 8’ in BA 1632 Performance material on hire
Belshazzar Oratorio HWV 61 Ed. W. Brückner-Rüggeberg - - Str - Bc /6’ in BA 4093 Performance material on hire
Samson Oratorio HWV 57. Sinfonia Ed. K. Ameln - - Str - Bc / 7’ in BA 4099 Performance material on hire
Saul Oratorio HWV 53. Sinfonia Urtext / Ed. G. Raphael - - Str - Bc / 14’ in BA 4094 Performance material on hire
Teseo Dramma per musica HWV 9 Ed. R. Gerber - - Str - Bc / 7’ in BA 1638 Performance material on hire
Theodora Oratorio HWV 68. Ed. G. Weißenborn - - Str - Bc / 6’ in BA 4107 Performance material on hire
Jephtha Oratorio HWV 70 Ed. G. Rennert - - Str - Bc / 7’ in BA 4097 Performance material on hire
Oval portrait reliev of Handel (in plaster) in Sir John Soane’s Museum, London 42
Solo Instruments with Orchestra Organ Concertos op. 4 Nos. 1-6, for Organ and Orchestra HWV 289-294 New Edition. Urtext / Ed. T. Best / W. Gudger - No. 1 in G minor HWV 289 (ad lib.) - - Str - Bc / 11’ BA 8341 Full score Performance material on sale - No. 2 in B-flat major HWV 290 (ad lib.) - - Str - Bc / 11’ BA 8342 Full score Performance material on sale - No. 3 in G minor HWV 291 Violin, Violoncello conc - (ad lib.) - Str - Bc / 10’ BA 8343 Full score Performance material on sale - No. 4 in F major HWV 292 (ad lib.) - - Str - Bc / 13’ BA 8344 Full score Performance material on sale - No. 4 in F major HWV 292 (4th movement) HWV 292 was conceived from the outset as part of the oratorio Athalia in the version performed in London in 1735. Its fourth movement leads seamlessly into an Allelujah chorus that was only later replaced by an Adagio ending for publication purposes. Thanks to the relative simplicity of the chorus, our volume makes a useful addition to the material already published for this concerto (BA 8344). BA 8348 Full score Performance material on sale
Portrait of the young Handel [?] at the harp
Concerto (No. 13) in F major for Organ and Orchestra HWV 295 ›The Cuckoo and the Nightingale‹ Urtext / Ed. S. Flesch / W. Stockmeier Oboe part in two versions (based on manuscript sources and the Walsh print of c. 1761). Appendix: 2nd movement (first version) - - Str - Bc / 14’ BA 4231 Full score Performance material on sale
- No. 5 in F major HWV 293 (ad lib.) - - Str - Bc / 7’ BA 8345 Full score Performance material on sale
Concerto (No. 7) in B-flat major op. 7/1 for Organ and Orchestra HWV 306
- No. 6 in B-flat major HWV 294 (ad lib.) - - Str - Bc / 12’ BA 8346 Full score Performance material on sale
Urtext / Ed. E. Gerlach / I. Schneider (ad lib.) - - Str - Bc / 19’ BA 4233 Full score Performance material on sale
Concerto in B-flat major for Harp and Orchestra HWV 294 New Edition. Urtext / Ed. T. Best / W. Gudger 2Rec, Bsn (ad lib.) - - Str - Bc / 12’ BA 8347 Full score Performance material on sale
Concerto in G minor for Flute (Oboe) and Orchestra HWV 287 First Edition. Urtext / Ed. T. Best Fl trav (Ob) solo - Str - Bc BA 8533 Full score Performance material on sale BA 8533a Piano reduction by A. Köhs 43
Keyboard Instruments Keyboard
Keyboard Works I
Organ Concertos op. 4 HWV 289-294, for manuals
First Set of 1720. The Eight Great Suites HWV 426-433 Urtext / Ed. R. Steglich New Edition by T. Best BA 4224
Keyboard Works II Second Set of 1733: Suites de Piティces pour le Clavecin HWV 434-442 Urtext / Ed. P. Northway New Edition by T. Best BA 4221
Keyboard Works III Miscellaneous Suites and Pieces First Part Urtext / Ed. T. Best New Edition BA 4222
Keyboard Works IV Miscellaneous Suites and Pieces Second Part Urtext / Ed. T. Best New Edition BA 4223
Complete Keyboard Works I窶的V BA 4262
Easy Piano Pieces and Dances Ed. M. Tテカpel BA 6578
adapted from the original Ed. K. Matthaei Vol. 1: Concertos No. 1-3 BA 1894 Vol. 2: Concertos No. 4-6 BA 1895
Organ Concertos op. 4 HWV 289-294 for Organ solo (with pedal) transcribed Ed. H. Keller Concertos No. 1-3 SM 1491 Concertos No. 4-6 SM 1492
Organ Concertos op. 7 HWV 306-311 for Organ solo (with pedal) transcribed Ed. H. Keller Concertos No. 1-3 SM 1493 Concertos No. 4-6 SM 1494
Strings Violin
Viola / Viola da gamba
Complete Works for Violin and Basso continuo
Sonata in C major for Viola da gamba (Viola) and Cembalo
Sonata in G major HWV 358 Sonata in A major HWV 361 Sonata in G minor HWV 364 Sonata in D major HWV 371 Sonata in D minor HWV 359a Sonata in G minor HWV 368 Sonata in F major HWV 370 Sonata in A major HWV 372 Sonata in E major HWV 373 Allegro in C minor HWV 408 Andante in A minor HWV 412 Urtext / Ed. T. Best New revised edition BA 4226
Ed. F. Längin HM 112
»All violinists should buy this volume, not only for its completeness and clarity, but because it es exceptionally good value for score and parts.« (News & Views, ESTA)
Trio Sonata in G minor op. 2 No. 5 HWV 390a for two Violins (Flutes, Recorder, Oboe [Oboe, Violin]) and Basso continuo Urtext / Ed. S. Flesch BA 4247
Two Trio Sonatas op. 5/7, 5/1 for two Violins and Basso continuo Sonata in B-flat major HWV 402, Sonata in A major HWV 396 Urtext / Ed. S. Flesch BA 4242
Three Trio Sonatas op. 5/6, 5/3, 5/2 for two Violins (Flutes) and Basso continuo Sonatas No. 2 in D major HWV 397, No. 3 in E minor HWV 398, No. 6 in F major HWV 401 Urtext / Ed. S. Flesch BA 4228 Handel statue in Halle 45
Winds · Mixed Instruments Recorder Complete Works for Recorder and Basso continuo Sonata in G minor HWV 360 Sonata in A minor HWV 363 Sonata in C major HWV 365 Sonata in F major HWV 369 Sonata in E-flat major HWV 377 Sonata in D minor HWV 367a Urtext / Ed. T. Best BA 4259 »Let’s hope that this is he final ›scholarly edition‹ of the Handel recorder sonatas. I do not see a need for any more!« (American Recorder)
Two Sonatas for Treble Recorder and Basso continuo Sonata in D minor HWV 367a and B-flat major HWV 377 Urtext / Ed. T. Best HM 269
Trio Sonata for Treble Recorder and Basso continuo in F major HWV 405 Urtext / Ed. T. Best BA 4261
Rodrigo Suite Overture in eight movements from the opera ›Rodrigo‹ HWV 5 (1707) for Recorder Quartet (SATB) and Basso continuo. Arranged by H. und E. Dancker EN 519
Flute Eleven Sonatas for Flute and Basso continuo Urtext / Ed. H.–P. Schmitz New Edition by T. Best BA 4225
Sonata in G major HWV deest for Flute and Basso continuo First Edition. Series ›Flute Music‹ Ed. R. Kubik BA 6809
Oboe Complete Works for Oboe and Basso continuo Sonata in B-flat major HWV 357 Sonata in C minor HWV 366 Sonata in F major HWV 363a Urtext / Ed. T. Best BA 4260
Chamber Music Six Sonatas HWV 380-385 for Oboe, Violin (Oboe) and Basso continuo Urtext / Ed. S. Flesch Volume 1 Sonatas in B-flat major and in D minor BA 4251 Volume 2 Sonatas in E-flat major and F major BA 4252 Volume 3 Sonatas in G major and D major BA 4253
Brass Music for Brass Ensemble Seven Movements from Music for the Royal Fireworks, Water Music and Jephta for Brass Instruments (Trumpet, Horn, Trombone and Tuba) Ed. R. Schweizer BA 6684
Choruses and Marches from Oratorios Nine Choral Movements and three Marches for Brass Instruments (Trumpets, Trombones) Ed. R. Schweizer BA 7502
Solo Voice
Solo Voice with Orchestra Solo Voice Crudel tiranno Amor Cantata con stromenti. Version for Voice and Keyboard Instrument HWV 97b Urtext / Ed. B. Over Facsimile edition and first edition in modern notation with vocal part included ISBN 978-3-7618-1915-9
Gloria for Soprano and Orchestra HWV deest. First Edition Urtext / Ed. H. J. Marx Soloists: S - Str - Bc / 18’ Piano reduction by A. Köhs BA 4248a Vocal score by A. Köhs Performance material on sale
Da quel giorno fatale (Delirio amoroso). Cantata HWV 99 for Soprano and Orchestra (Italian) Urtext / Ed. H. J. Marx Solo: S - Rec. - - Str - Bc / 29’ BA 4244 Performance material on hire
Music example: Gloria · Vocal score BA 4248a 48
Dietro l’orme fugaci (Armida abbandonata). Cantata HWV 105 for Soprano and Orchestra (Italian) Urtext / Ed. H. J. Marx Solo: S - 2 Violins - Bc / 12’ BA 4250 Performance material on hire
La terra è liberata (Apollo e Dafne). Cantata HWV 122 for Soprano and Orchestra (Italian) Urtext / Ed. H. J. Marx Soli: SB - - - Str - Bc / 40’ BA 4104 Performance material on hire
Nine German Arias HWV 202-210 for Soprano, Solo Instrument and Basso continuo Urtext / Ed. W. Siegmund-Schultze BA 4245
Tra le fiamme (Il consiglio). Cantata HWV 170 for Soprano and Orchestra (Italian) Urtext / Ed. H. J. Marx Solo: S - 2 Rec. - - Str (2V, Vagb) Bc / 22’ BA 4243 Performance material on hire
Vocal Scores to Oratorios and Large Cantatas Acis and Galatea HWV 49a (English/German) J. Gay, A. Pope, J. Hughes / M. Pacholke Urtext / Ed. W. Windszus Piano reduction by M. Pacholke BA 4039a Performance material on hire
Anthems Urtext / Ed. G. Hendrie Piano reductions by A. Köhs Performance material on sale - The Lord is my light HWV 255 BA 4268a - I will magnify thee HWV 250b BA 4264a - Let God arise HWV 256b BA 4266a - My song shall be alway HWV 252 BA 4292a - O come let us sing HWV 253 BA 4293a - O praise the Lord HWV 254 BA 4291a - O sing unto the Lord a new song HWV 249a BA 4263a - As pants the hart HWV 251e BA 4265a Each with English original text and German translation underlaid
Anthem for the Funeral of Queen Caroline HWV 264 Urtext / Ed. A. Landgraf Piano reduction by M. Focke BA 4267a Performance material on sale
Handel, frontispiece to Alexander‘s Feast by Jacobus Houbraken, London, Walsh, c. 1738
Messiah HWV 56 (German/English) Urtext / Ed. J. Tobin Piano reduction by M. Schneider BA 4012a Performance material on sale
Messiah HWV 56 (English) Urtext / Ed. J. Tobin Piano reduction by M. Schneider BA 4012b Performance material on sale
Dixit Dominus HWV 232 Urtext / Ed. E. Wenzel Piano reduction by E. Wenzel BA 4002a Performance material on sale
Alexander’s Feast HWV 75 (English/German) N. Hamilton, K. Ameln Urtext / Ed. K. Ameln Piano reduction by K. Ameln BA 4001a Performance material on hire
Esther HWV 50a Urtext / Ed. H. Server Piano reduction by A. Köhs BA 4047a Performance material on hire 49
Vocal Scores to Oratorios and Large Cantatas Israel in Egypt HWV 54 (English/German) Urtext / Ed. A. Landgraf Piano reduction by A. Köhs BA 4063a Performance material on hire
Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne HWV 74 (English/German) C. Jennens / F. Chrysander Urtext / Ed. W. Siegmund-Schulze Piano reduction by I. Chrysander, W. Siegmund-Schulze BA 4007a Performance material on hire
Saul HWV 53 (English/German) C. Jennens / W. Siegmund-Schulze Urtext / Ed. P. M. Young Piano reduction by H. Moehn BA 4020a Performance material on hire
Music example: Messiah · Vocal score BA 4529a 50
Utrecht Te Deum HWV 278 (English) Urtext / Ed. G. Hendrie Piano reduction by L.-H. Nysten BA 4246a Performance material on sale
W. A. Mozart / G. F. Handel Messiah K. 572 (German) C. Jennens / C. D. Ebeling Urtext / Ed. A. Holschneider Piano reduction by E. Barthel BA 4529a Performance material on hire
L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato HWV 55 Urtext / Ed. J. S. Hall, M. V. Hall Piano reduction by A. Köhs BA 4023a Performance material on hire
Vocal Scores to Operas Stage Works Alcina HWV 34 (Italian/German) A. Fanzaglia / P. Brenner Urtext / Ed. S. Flesch Piano reduction by M. Töpel, O. Kroupová BA 4061a Performance material on hire
Amadigi HWV 11 (Italian/German) G. Rossi / M. Pacholke Urtext / Ed. J. M. Knapp Piano reduction by M. Schelhaas BA 4031a Performance material on hire
Ariodante HWV 33 (Italian/German) A. Salvi, L. Ariosto / R. Strohm Urtext / Ed. D. Burrows Piano reduction by A. Köhs BA 4079a Performance material on hire
Deidamia HWV 42 (Italian/German) P. A. Rolli / M. Pacholke Urtext / Ed. T. Best Piano reduction by M. Pacholke BA 4070a Performance material on hire
Ezio HWV 29 (Italian/German) P. Metastasio / R. Strohm Urtext / Ed. M. Pacholke Piano reduction by A. Köhs BA 4086a Performance material on hire New Edition 2008
Flavio, Re de’ Longobardi HWV 16 (Italian/German) N. F. Haym / P. Brenner Urtext / Ed. J. M. Knapp Piano reduction by H. Fuchs BA 4046a Performance material on hire
Giulio Cesare in Egitto HWV 17 (Italian/German) N. F. Haym / E. Schmidt Urtext / Ed. F. Zschoch Piano reduction by K.-H. Müller BA 4078a Performance material on hire
Imeneo HWV 41 (Italian/German) S. Stampiglia / M. Pacholke Urtext / Ed. D. Burrows Piano reduction by M. Pacholke BA 4072a Performance material on hire
Lotario HWV 26 (Italian/German) G. Rossi, A. Salvi / G. Müller Urtext / Ed. M. Pacholke Piano reduction by A. Köhs BA 4074a Performance material on hire
Oreste HWV A11 (Italian/German) G. Barlocci / B. Bartz, W. Hintze Urtext / Ed. B. Baselt Piano reduction by H.-G. Kluge BA 4045a Performance material on hire New Edition 2008
Orlando HWV 31 (Italian/German) C. S. Capece / P. Brenner Urtext / Ed. S. Flesch Piano reduction by M. Pacholke BA 4027a Performance material on hire
Radamisto HWV 12b (Italian/German) N. F. Haym / M. Pacholke Urtext / Ed. T. Best Piano reduction by M. Pacholke BA 4066a Performance material on hire
Riccardo primo Re d’Inghilterra HWV 23 (Italian/German) P. A. Rolli, F. Briani / M. Pacholke Urtext / Ed. T. Best Piano reduction by A. Köhs BA 4081a Performance material on hire 51
Vocal Scores to Operas
Music example: Rinaldo · Vocal score BA 4033a
Rinaldo (First Version 1711) HWV 7a (Italian/German) G. Rossi / P. Brenner Urtext / Ed. D. R. B. Kimbell Piano reduction by M. Rot BA 4033a Performance material on hire
Rodelinda, Regina de’ Longobardi HWV 19 (Italian/German) N. F. Haym / R. Strohm Urtext / Ed. A. V. Jones Piano reduction by M. Rot BA 4064a Performance material on hire
Rodrigo (Vincer se stesso è la maggior vittoria) HWV 5 (Italian/German) after F. Silvanis / P. Brenner Urtext / Ed. R. Heyink Piano reduction by A. Köhs BA 4083a Performance material on hire New Edition 2008 52
Serse / Xerxes HWV 40 (Italian/German) N. Minato, S. Stampiglia / E. Schmidt Urtext / Ed. T. Best Piano reduction by A. Köhs BA 4076a Performance material on hire
Tamerlano HWV 18 (Italian/German) N. F. Haym / P. Brenner Urtext / Ed. T. Best Piano reduction by M. Rot BA 4052a Performance material on hire
Tolomeo, Re d’Egitto HWV 25 (Italian/German) N. F. Haym / M. Pacholke Urtext / Ed. M. Pacholke Piano reduction by M. Pacholke BA 4058a Performance material on hire
Study Scores Facsimiles Books on Music
Structures for the Fire Work Music in Green Park, London 53
Study Scores Concerti a due cori in B-flat major HWV 332 Urtext / Ed. F. Hudson TP 281
Concerti grossi op. 3 Urtext / Ed. F. Hudson - in B-flat major op. 3/2 HWV 313 TP 66 - in G major op. 3/3 HWV 314 TP 67 - in F major op. 3/4 HWV 315 TP 68
Concerti grossi op. 6 Urtext / Ed. H. F. Redlich, A. Hoffmann - in F major op. 6/2 HWV 320 TP 162 - in E minor op. 6/3 HWV 321 TP 163 - in B-flat major op. 6/7 HWV 325 TP 167
The Haymarket Theatre in London 54
- in C minor op. 6/8 HWV 326 TP 168 - in F major op. 6/9 HWV 327 TP 169 - in D minor op. 6/10 HWV 328 TP 170 - in A major op. 6/11 HWV 329 TP 171
The Messiah HWV 56 Urtext / Ed. J. Tobin TP 175
Music for the Royal Fireworks HWV 351 Urtext / Ed. H. F. Redlich TP 173
Water Music HWV 348-350 Urtext / Ed. H. F. Redlich TP 174
Facsimiles · Books on Music Facsimiles
Books on Music (Text German)
The Musick for the Royal Fireworks HWV 351. Concerti HWV 335a & 335b
Facsimile of the autograph score in the . British Library (Manuscript R. M. 20.g.7). Introduction and Commentary by Christopher Hogwood. Bilingual edition in English and German. Documenta musicologica II, Volume 32 (2004). 96 pages; hardbound ISBN 978-3-7618-1666-0 This bilingual edition is rounded off with a contemporary account of the fireworks, décor and rockets employed, thereby conveying something of the majesty and magnificence of the occasion. It is also illustrated with various engravings showing the extravagant sets for the fireworks display. The renowned conductor and musicologist Christopher Hogwood has supplied an introduction in which he draws attention to two concertos related to the Fireworks Music: HWV 335a for trumpet and horns, and HWV 335b for horns and organ. These, too, are reproduced in facsimile.
Herausgegeben vom Kuratorium der Georg-Friedrich-Händel-Stiftung von Walter und Margret Eisen. Supplement zur Hallischen Händel-Ausgabe. Leinen Band 1 Lebens- und Schaffensdaten zusammengestellt von Siegfried Flesch. Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis (HWV) von Bernd Baselt: Bühnenwerke (1979) Band 2 Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis (HWV) von Bernd Baselt: Oratorische Werke – Vokale Kammermusik – Kirchenmusik (1984). 800 Seiten, davon 749 Seiten Notenincipits, mehrere Register
Crudel tiranno Amor Cantata con stromenti. Version for voice and keyboard instrument HWV 97b. Facsimile and transcription of the autograph score, Mus.ms. 4468, fols. 49r–54v, preserved in the Bavarian State Library Munich. Facsimile and First Edition. Edited by Berthold Over and the Bavarian State Library Munich in collaboration with the editorial staff of the Halle Handel Edition. Facsimile edition and first edition in modern notation with enclosed vocal part. Documenta musicologica II, Volume 34. 32 pages and 8 pages insert; hardbound ISBN 978-3-7618-1915-9 The sensational discovery was made in 2004 by the musicologist Berthold Over, who identified the anonymous manuscript of the Italian solo cantata Crudel tiranno Amor as a work by Handel in his own hand (HWV 97).
Messiah BÄRENREITER FACSIMILE Facsimile of the autograph score in the British Library. Edited by Donald Burrows. approx. 340 pages, 282 pages facsimile. Preface and Commentary in English, German and Japanese ISBN 978-3-7618-2109-1 in preparation
Band 3 Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis (HWV) von Bernd Baselt: Instrumentalmusik – Pasticci und Fragmente (1986). 442 Seiten, davon 414 Seiten Notenincipits, mehrere Register Band 4 Dokumente zu Leben und Schaffen Auf der Grundlage von Otto Erich Deutsch, Handel – A Documentary Biography, herausgegeben von der Editionsleitung der Hallischen Händel-Ausgabe (1985). 622 Seiten, mehrere Register Alle 4 Bände im Paket ISBN 978-3-7618-1850-3 in Vorbereitung / in preparation (English à page 22) 55
Books on Music (Text German)
Halle view of the city; engraving by Johann Mellinger
Händel-Jahrbuch Herausgegeben von der Georg-FriedrichHändel-Gesellschaft e.V. Internationale Vereinigung, Sitz Halle (Saale). Schriftleitung: Konstanze Musketa ISSN 0440-0992 46. Jahrgang 2000 (2000). 428 Seiten; kartoniert ISBN 978-3-7618-1441-3 Bericht über die Wissenschaftliche Konferenz 1999 mit dem Thema »Die italienische Kirchenmusik zur Zeit Händels«, sowie freie Beiträge. 47. Jahrgang 2001 (2001). 460 Seiten; kartoniert ISBN 978-3-7618-1537-3 Die Vorträge der wissenschaftlichen Konferenz »Musik und Musikleben in Mitteldeutschland zu und nach Händels Zeit«, 5.-7. Juni 2000 im Händel-Haus. 48. Jahrgang 2002 (2002). 352 Seiten; kartoniert ISBN 978-3-7618-1442-0 Die Referate der Wissenschaftlichen Konferenz, die unter dem Thema »Händel-Forschung – Händel-Festspiele« stand. 49. Jahrgang 2003 (2003). 425 Seiten mit 56 Abbildungen (z. T. vierfarbig) und 34 Notenbeispielen; kartoniert ISBN 978-3-7618-1443-7 Das Jahrbuch enthält u. a. die Referate der interdisziplinären wissenschaftlichen Konferenz zu den Händel-Festspielen 2002 in Halle. 56
Die Konferenz stand unter dem Thema »Musik und Theater als Medien höfischer Repräsentation«. Sie widmete sich hauptsächlich den zahlreichen Werken, die Händel im Auftrag und zu Ehren des englischen Königshauses geschrieben hat, und beleuchtet sie in ihrem sozialen und ideologischen Kontext. 50. Jahrgang 2004 (2004). 431 Seiten mit 31 Abbildungen (z. T. vierfarbig) und 89 Notenbeispielen; kartoniert ISBN 978-3-7618-1444-4 Die Beiträge der wissenschaftlichen Konferenz während der Händel-Festspiele 2003: »Les Gôuts-Réunis«. Zur Vermittlung und Vermischung der Stile zur Zeit Händels, Festvortrag und freie Forschungsbeiträge. 51. Jahrgang 2005 (2005). 431 Seiten mit 20 Abbildungen und 59 Notenbeispielen; kartoniert ISBN 978-3-7618-1445-1 Die Beiträge der wissenschaftlichen Konferenz während der Händel-Festspiele 2004: »Händel und die deutsche Tradition«, freie Forschungsbeiträge, Berichte und Informationen. 52. Jahrgang 2006 (2006). 351 Seiten mit 15 Abbildungen, 12 davon farbig; kartoniert ISBN 978-3-7618-1446-8 53. Jahrgang 2007 (2007). 384 Seiten; kartoniert ISBN 978-3-7618-1447-5 54. Jahrgang 2008 ISBN 978-3-7618-1448-2 in Vorbereitung / in preparation
Books on Music (Text German) Silke Leopold Händel. Die Opern ca. 400 Seiten; gebunden mit Schutzumschlag ISBN 978-3-7618-1991-3 Erscheint im Herbst 2008 Rund vierzig Opern hat Händel geschrieben. Viele davon sind inzwischen auf CD und DVD verfügbar, einige, wie »Alcina« und »Giulio Cesare in Egitto«, haben sogar den Sprung in das ganz normale Bühnenrepertoire geschafft. Das ist nicht selbstverständlich für eine Opernform, die lange Zeit als unaufführbar galt: Bis heute haftet der Opera seria der Vorwurf an, schematisch, starr und undramatisch zu sein. Mit diesem Vorurteil aufzuräumen ist ein Anliegen des Buches von Silke Leopold. Dabei geht sie nicht nur der Frage nach, wie Händels Opern in ihrer Zeit wahrgenommen wurden, sondern auch, warum diese Opern, die jahrzehntelang überhaupt nur in entstellenden Bearbeitungen aufgeführt worden waren, in jüngster Zeit nahe an der Originalgestalt und in voller Länge, die durchaus Wagnersches Ausmaß erreicht, das heutige Publikum so faszinieren: Die Aktualität der Barockoper hat nicht nur mit den Werken selbst zu tun, sondern auch mit denen, die sich in den musikalisch erzählten Geschichten von Leidenschaft und Politik, von Teufelsweibern und Intriganten, von mutigen Heroinen und edlen Jünglingen wiederfinden. Bei allen Betrachtungen steht die Musik im Zentrum: Händels Fähigkeit, den handelnden Personen in ihren Arien und Ensembles mit den Mitteln der Musik einen unverwechselbaren Charakter zu verleihen, seine Kunst, ihnen ihre Geheimnisse zu entlocken, ohne sie zu denunzieren. Händels Opern sind unterhaltsam und ergreifend zugleich, keine historischen Monumente, sondern lebendiges Theater. Das Buch enthält außerdem ein Lexikon aller Händel-Opern mit ausführlichen Angaben zur Besetzung, zur Stoffgeschichte und zum Inhalt. Aus dem Inhalt l l l l l l l
Das Gesetz der Seria Die Ordnung der Gefühle Plädoyer für die Da-capo-Arie Happy endings Kastraten als Liebhaber Starke Frauen – schwaches Geschlecht Über das Komische in der ernsten Oper
Andreas Waczkat Georg Friedrich Händel Messias Bärenreiter Werkeinführungen ca. 160 Seiten mit Notenbeispielen; Taschenbuch ISBN 978-3-7618-2107-7 Erscheint im Oktober 2008 Das berühmte »Halleluja« fehlt auf kaum einem Klassik-Sampler, und das Oratorium als Ganzes gehört zum Standard-Repertoire vieler Chöre. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen Werken erlebte der »Messias« eine nahezu ununterbrochene Aufführungsgeschichte. Wie gelang es Händel, eine solch zündende Komposition zu schaffen? Welche Botschaften wurden für die Zuhörer damals transportiert, wo setzten Händel und sein Librettist Charles Jennens die Akzente? Andreas Waczkat erläutert diese und weitere Fragen in drei Schritten. Ein erster Teil widmet sich der Entstehung des Werkes sowie dem Libretto und seiner theologischen Brisanz für die Zeitgenossen. Der zweite Teil untersucht Text und Musik des gesamten Oratoriums Satz für Satz, so dass gezielt bestimmte Stellen nachgeschlagen werden können. Der dritte Teil skizziert die Wirkungs- und Rezeptionsgeschichte des »Messias« nach Händels Tod, die den triumphalen Erfolg der Uraufführung fortsetzte. . Praktische Hinweise zu den verschiedenen Fassungen und Editionen des Werks runden die façettenreiche Werkeinführung ab.
Index by Edition number AoE AoE 10544 ............................ 28 AoE 10567 ............................ 31 BA BA 1632 ................................ 28 BA 1636 ................................ 28 BA 1639 ............................... 31 BA 1894 ............................... 44 BA 1895 ............................... 44 BA 2038 ............................... 36 BA 4001 .........................15, 24 BA 4001a .......................24, 49 BA 4002 .........................18, 36 BA 4002a .......................36, 49 BA 4003 ................................19 BA 4004 ................................19 BA 4005 ................................19 BA 4006 ................................19 BA 4007 .........................15, 36 BA 4007a ...................... 36, 50 BA 4009 ................................19 BA 4011 .........................16, 24 BA 4012 .........................15, 25 BA 4012a .......................25, 49 BA 4012b .......................25, 49 BA 4013 .........................16, 26 BA 4014 .........................16, 25 BA 4016 ............................... 20 BA 4017 ............................... 20 BA 4018 ............................... 20 BA 4020 .........................15, 26 BA 4020a .......................26, 50 BA 4021 .........................15, 25 BA 4021a ............................. 25 BA 4022 ................................15 BA 4023 .........................15, 25 BA 4023a ............................. 25 BA 4026 ............................... 20 BA 4027 ......................... 17, 30 BA 4027a .......................30, 51 BA 4028 ................................19 BA 4029 ................................19 BA 4030 ............................... 20 BA 4031 .........................16, 28 BA 4031a .......................28, 51 BA 4032 .........................19, 20 BA 4033 .........................16, 31 BA 4033a .......................31, 52 BA 4034 ................................19 BA 4035 ............................... 22 BA 4036 ............................... 20 BA 4037 ............................... 20 BA 4038 ................................18 BA 4039 .........................15, 24 BA 4039a .......................24, 49 BA 4040 ............................... 20 BA 4041 ................................19 58
BA 4042 ................................18 BA 4043 ............................... 20 BA 4044 ................................18 BA 4045 .........................18, 30 BA 4045a .......................30, 51 BA 4046 ......................... 17, 29 BA 4046a .......................29, 51 BA 4047 .........................15, 24 BA 4047a .......................24, 49 BA 4048 ............................... 22 BA 4049 ................................19 BA 4050 ................................16 BA 4051 ................................18 BA 4052 ......................... 17, 32 BA 4052a .......................32, 52 BA 4054 ................................18 BA 4055 ............................... 22 BA 4057 ................................19 BA 4058 ......................... 17, 32 BA 4058a .......................32, 52 BA 4059 ................................16 BA 4060 ............................... 22 BA 4061 .........................18, 28 BA 4061a .......................28, 51 BA 4062 .........................16, 30 BA 4063 .........................15, 24 BA 4063a .......................24, 50 BA 4064 ......................... 17, 31 BA 4064a .......................31, 52 BA 4065 ................................19 BA 4066 .........................16, 30 BA 4066a .......................30, 51 BA 4067 .........................19, 20 BA 4068 ................................15 BA 4069 ................................19 BA 4070 .........................18, 29 BA 4070a .......................29, 51 BA 4071 ................................19 BA 4072 .........................18, 29 BA 4072a .......................29, 51 BA 4074 ......................... 17, 30 BA 4074a .......................30, 51 BA 4075 ................................18 BA 4076 .........................18, 32 BA 4076a .......................32, 52 BA 4078 ............................... 29 BA 4078a .......................29, 51 BA 4079 ......................... 17, 28 BA 4079a .......................28, 51 BA 4080 ................................17 BA 4081 ......................... 17, 31 BA 4081a ....................... 31, 51 BA 4082 .........................15, 24 BA 4082a ............................. 24 BA 4083 .........................16, 31 BA 4083a .......................31, 52 BA 4084 ............................... 29 BA 4085 .........................16, 26 BA 4086 ......................... 17, 29 BA 4086a .......................29, 51 BA 4088 ............................... 20
BA 4089 ................................16 BA 4090 ................................17 BA 4092 ............................... 28 BA 4093 ............................... 24 BA 4097 ............................... 25 BA 4099 ............................... 26 BA 4104 ............................... 48 BA 4107 ............................... 26 BA 4201 ............................... 38 BA 4202 ............................... 38 BA 4203 ............................... 38 BA 4204 ............................... 38 BA 4205 ............................... 38 BA 4206 ............................... 38 BA 4207 ............................... 39 BA 4208 ............................... 39 BA 4209 ............................... 38 BA 4210 ............................... 38 BA 4211 ................................ 38 BA 4212 ............................... 38 BA 4213 ............................... 38 BA 4214 ............................... 38 BA 4215 ............................... 38 BA 4216 ............................... 38 BA 4217 ............................... 38 BA 4218 ............................... 38 BA 4219 ............................... 38 BA 4220 ............................... 39 BA 4221 ............................... 44 BA 4222 ............................... 44 BA 4223 ............................... 44 BA 4224 ............................... 44 BA 4225 ............................... 46 BA 4226 ............................... 45 BA 4228 ............................... 45 BA 4231 ............................... 43 BA 4233 ............................... 43 BA 4239 ............................... 39 BA 4240 ............................... 39 BA 4241 ............................... 39 BA 4242 ............................... 45 BA 4243 ............................... 48 BA 4244 ............................... 48 BA 4245 ............................... 48 BA 4246 ............................... 36 BA 4246a ...................... 36, 50 BA 4247 ............................... 45 BA 4248a ............................. 48 BA 4250 ............................... 48 BA 4251 ............................... 46 BA 4252 ............................... 46 BA 4253 ............................... 46 BA 4259 ............................... 46 BA 4260 ............................... 46 BA 4261 ............................... 46 BA 4262 ............................... 44 BA 4263 ............................... 34 BA 4263a ...................... 34, 49 BA 4264 ............................... 34 BA 4264a ...................... 34, 49 BA 4265 ............................... 34
Index by Edition number BA 4265a ...................... 34, 49 BA 4266 ............................... 36 BA 4266a .......................36, 49 BA 4267 ............................... 36 BA 4267a .......................36, 49 BA 4268 ............................... 34 BA 4268a ...................... 34, 49 BA 4291 ............................... 34 BA 4291a ....................... 34, 49 BA 4292 ............................... 34 BA 4292a ...................... 34, 49 BA 4293 ............................... 34 BA 4293a ...................... 34, 49 BA 4294 ............................... 24 BA 4529a ............................. 50 BA 4556 ............................... 36 BA 6578 ............................... 44 BA 6684 ............................... 46 BA 6809 ............................... 46 BA 7502 ............................... 46 BA 8341 ............................... 43 BA 8342 ............................... 43 BA 8343 ............................... 43 BA 8344 ............................... 43 BA 8345 ............................... 43 BA 8346 ............................... 43 BA 8347 ............................... 43 BA 8348 ............................... 43 BA 8533 ............................... 43 BA 8533a ............................. 43 in BA 1632 ........................... 42 in BA 1636 ........................... 42 in BA 1638 ........................... 42 in BA 4001 ........................... 40 in BA 4012 ........................... 40 in BA 4013 ............................41 in BA 4021 ............................41 in BA 4027 ........................... 40 in BA 4031 ........................... 40 in BA 4033 ............................41 in BA 4039 ........................... 40 in BA 4045 ........................... 40 in BA 4046 ........................... 40 in BA 4048 ........................... 24 in BA 4052 ............................41 in BA 4058 ............................41 in BA 4061 ........................... 40 in BA 4064 ............................41 in BA 4066 ............................41
in BA 4070 ........................... 40 in BA 4072 ........................... 40 in BA 4074 ........................... 40 in BA 4076 ............................41 in BA 4078 ........................... 40 in BA 4079 ........................... 40 in BA 4080 ........................... 40 in BA 4081 ............................41 in BA 4083 ............................41 in BA 4086 ........................... 40 in BA 4093 ........................... 42 in BA 4094 ........................... 42 in BA 4097 ........................... 42 in BA 4099 ........................... 42 in BA 4107 ............................ 42 EN EN 519 ................................. 46 HM HM 112 ................................ 45 HM 269 ................................ 46
SM SM 1491 ............................... 44 SM 1492 ............................... 44 SM 1493 ............................... 44 SM 1494 ............................... 44 TP TP 066 .......................... 38, 54 TP 067 .......................... 38, 54 TP 068 .......................... 38, 54 TP 162 ................................. 54 TP 163 .......................... 38, 54 TP 167 .......................... 38, 54 TP 168 .......................... 38, 54 TP 169 .......................... 38, 54 TP 170 .......................... 38, 54 TP 171 .......................... 38, 54 TP 173 ...........................39, 54 TP 174 ...........................39, 54 TP 175 ...........................25, 54 TP 281 ...........................39, 54
ISBN 978-3-7618 -0610-4 . ............................... 22 -0715-6 ................................. 22 -0716-3 ...........................22, 55 -0717-0 ...........................22, 55 -1441-3 ................................. 56 -1442-0 ................................. 56 -1443-7 ................................. 56 -1444-4 ................................. 56 -1445-1 ................................. 56 -1446-8 . ............................... 56 -1447-5 ................................. 56 -1448-2 ................................. 56 -1537-3 ................................. 56 -1666-0 ................................. 55 -1850-3 ................................. 55 -1915-9 .......................... 48, 55 -1991-3 ................................. 57 -2107-7 ................................. 57 -2109-1 ................................. 55 ISSN 0440-0992 .................. 56
Index by HWV number
HWV .............................page
HWV .............................page
HWV .............................page
1 5 6 7a 7b 9 11 12a 12b 14 15 16 17 18 19 23 25 26 29 31 32 33 34 40 41 42 48 49a 50a 52 53 54 55 56 57 61 66 68 69 70 72 74 75 76 78 79 81 82 83 89 92 96 97 97b 98 99 105 110 113
119 122 123 124 132 132b 132c 132d 134 140 142 143 150 165 166 170 171 173 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 232 238 246 247 248 249a 249b 250a 250b 251a 251b 251c 251d 251e 252 253 254 255 256a 256b 264 278 279 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295
296a ..................................19 301 ................................. 20 302a ................................. 20 302b ................................. 20 303 ................................. 20 304 ................................. 20 305a/b ................................. 20 306 ....................19, 43, 44 307 ...........................19, 44 308 ...........................19, 44 309 ...........................19, 44 310 ...........................19, 44 311 ...........................19, 44 312 ...........................20, 38 313 ....................20, 38, 54 314 ....................20, 38, 54 315 ....................20, 38, 54 316 ...........................20, 38 317 ...........................20, 38 318 ................................. 20 319 ...........................20, 38 320 ....................20, 38, 54 321 ....................20, 38, 54 322 ...........................20, 38 323 ...........................20, 38 324 ...........................20, 38 325 ....................20, 38, 54 326 ....................20, 38, 54 327 ....................20, 38, 54 328 ....................20, 38, 54 329 ....................20, 38, 54 330 ....................20, 38, 39 332 ....................20, 39, 54 333 ...........................20, 39 334 ...........................20, 39 335a ...........................20, 55 335b ...........................20, 55 336 ................................. 20 337 ................................. 20 338 ................................. 20 340 ................................. 20 343b ................................. 20 344 ................................. 20 345 ................................. 20 346 ................................. 20 347 ................................. 20 348 ...........................39, 54 349 ...........................39, 54 350 ...........................39, 54 351 ..............20, 39, 54, 55 352 ................................. 20 353 ................................. 20 354 ................................. 20 355 ................................. 20 356 ................................. 20 357 ...........................20, 46 358 ...........................20, 45 359a ...........................20, 45 359b ..................................19
..................................16 ............. 16, 31, 46, 52 ...........................28, 42 ..............16, 31, 41, 52 ..................................16 ................................. 42 ............. 16, 28, 40, 51 ...........................16, 30 ..............16, 30, 41, 51 ..................................17 ..................................17 ..............17, 29, 40, 51 .................... 29, 40, 51 .............. 17, 32, 41, 52 .............. 17, 31, 41, 52 .............. 17, 31, 41, 51 .............. 17, 32, 41, 52 ....................30, 40, 51 ..............17, 29, 40, 51 ..............17, 30, 40, 51 ...........................28, 42 ..............17, 28, 40, 51 ............. 18, 28, 40, 51 ............. 18, 32, 41, 52 ............. 18, 29, 40, 51 ............. 18, 29, 40, 51 .................... 15, 25, 41 ............. 15, 24, 40, 49 .................... 15, 24, 49 ...........................15, 24 ............. 15, 26, 42, 50 .................... 15, 24, 50 ...........................15, 25 ...... 15, 25, 40, 49, 54 ...........................26, 42 ...........................24, 42 .................... 16, 26, 41 .................... 16, 26, 42 ...........................16, 24 .................... 16, 25, 42 ..................................15 ....................15, 36, 50 ............. 15, 24, 40, 49 ................................. 36 ................................. 22 ................................. 22 ................................. 22 ................................. 22 ................................. 22 ................................. 22 ................................. 22 ...........................22, 24 ...........................22, 55 .......................... 48, 55 ................................. 22 .......................... 22, 48 .......................... 22, 48 ................................. 22 ................................. 22
................................. 22 .......................... 22, 48 ................................. 22 ................................. 22 ................................. 22 ................................. 22 ................................. 22 ................................. 22 ................................. 22 ................................. 22 ................................. 22 ................................. 22 ................................. 22 ................................. 22 ................................. 22 ................................. 22 ................................. 22 ................................. 22 ................................. 48 ................................. 48 ................................. 48 ................................. 48 ................................. 48 ................................. 48 ................................. 48 ................................. 48 ................................. 48 ....................18, 36, 49 ................................. 36 ..................................18 ..................................18 ..................................18 ....................18, 34, 49 ..................................18 ..................................18 ....................18, 34, 49 ..................................18 ..................................18 ..................................18 ..................................18 ....................18, 34, 49 ....................18, 34, 49 ....................18, 34, 49 ....................18, 34, 49 ....................18, 34, 49 ..................................18 ....................18, 36, 49 ....................18, 36, 49 ....................18, 36, 50 ..................................18 ...........................20, 43 ................................. 20 ....................19, 43, 44 ....................19, 43, 44 ....................19, 43, 44 ....................19, 43, 44 ....................19, 43, 44 ....................19, 43, 44 ...........................19, 43
Index by HWV number
HWV .............................page
HWV .............................page
HWV .............................page
360 361 362 363 363a 363b 364 365 366 367a 367b 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 386a 387 388 389 390 390a 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 410 411 412 413 414
415 ................................. 20 416 ................................. 20 417a,b ................................. 20 418 ................................. 20 419/1 ................................. 20 419/2 ................................. 20 419/3 ................................. 20 419/4 ................................. 20 419/5 ................................. 20 419/6 ................................. 20 421 ................................. 20 422 ................................. 20 423 ................................. 20 424 ................................. 20 425 ................................. 20 426 ...........................19, 44 427 ...........................19, 44 428 ...........................19, 44 429 ...........................19, 44 430 ...........................19, 44 431 ...........................19, 44 432 ...........................19, 44 433 ...........................19, 44 434 ....................19, 20, 44 435 ...........................19, 44 436 ...........................19, 44 437 ...........................19, 44 438 ...........................19, 44 439 ...........................19, 44 440 ...........................19, 44 441 ...........................19, 44 442 ...........................19, 44 4421b ..................................19 443 ................................. 20 444 ................................. 20 445 ................................. 20 446 ................................. 20 447 ..................................19 448 ................................. 20 449 ................................. 20 450 ................................. 20 451 ................................. 20 452 ..................................19 453 ................................. 20 454 ..................................19 456/1 ................................. 20 456/2 ................................. 20 456/3 ................................. 20 456/4 ................................. 20 456/5 ................................. 20 457/3,4 ................................ 20 458 ................................. 20 459 ................................. 20 460 ................................. 20 461 ................................. 20 462 ................................. 20 463 ................................. 20 465 ................................. 20 466 ................................. 20
467 ................................. 20 468 ..................................19 469 ................................. 20 470 ................................. 20 471 ................................. 20 472 ................................. 20 473 ................................. 20 474 ................................. 20 475 ................................. 20 476 ..................................19 477 ..................................19 478 ................................. 20 481 ..................................19 482/1,2 ................................ 20 482/3 ................................. 20 482/4 ................................. 20 482/5 ................................. 20 483 ..................................19 484 ................................. 20 485 ................................. 20 486 ................................. 20 487 ................................. 20 488 ..................................19 489 ................................. 20 490 ..................................19 491 ................................. 20 492 ..................................19 494 ................................. 20 495a ..................................19 495b ..................................19 496 ..................................19 497 ................................. 20 498 ................................. 20 500 ................................. 20 504 ................................. 20 505 ................................. 20 506 ................................. 20 507a,b ................................. 20 509 ................................. 20 511 ................................. 20 513a,b ................................. 20 514a,b ................................. 20 515a,b ................................. 20 516a,b ................................. 20 517 ................................. 20 518 ................................. 20 519 ................................. 20 520 ................................. 20 521 ................................. 20 522 ................................. 20 523 ................................. 20 524 ................................. 20 525 ................................. 20 526 ................................. 20 527 ................................. 20 528 ................................. 20 529 ................................. 20 530 ................................. 20 531 ................................. 20
...........................19, 46 ...........................19, 45 ..................................19 ................................. 46 ...........................20, 46 ..................................19 ...........................20, 45 ...........................19, 46 ...........................20, 46 ...........................20, 46 ..................................19 ...........................19, 45 ...........................19, 46 ...........................19, 45 ...........................19, 45 ...........................19, 45 ...........................19, 45 ..................................19 ..................................19 ..................................19 ...........................20, 46 ................................. 20 ..................................19 ...........................19, 46 ...........................19, 46 ...........................19, 46 ...........................19, 46 ...........................19, 46 ...........................19, 46 ..................................19 ..................................19 ..................................19 ..................................19 ..................................19 ..................................19 ................................. 45 ..................................19 ..................................19 ..................................19 ..................................19 ................................. 20 ...........................20, 45 ...........................20, 45 ...........................20, 45 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ...........................20, 45 ...........................20, 45 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ...........................20, 46 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ...........................20, 45 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ...........................20, 45 ................................. 20 ................................. 20
Index by HWV number
HWV .............................page
HWV .............................page
HWV .............................page
532 ................................. 20 533 ................................. 20 534a,b ................................. 20 535a,b ................................. 20 536 ................................. 20 537a,b ................................. 20 538a,b ................................. 20 539b ................................. 20 540a,b ................................. 20 541 ................................. 20 542 ................................. 20 543 ................................. 20 544 ................................. 20 545 ................................. 20 546 ................................. 20 547 ................................. 20 548 ................................. 20 549 ................................. 20 551 ................................. 20 552 ................................. 20 553 ................................. 20 554 ................................. 20 555a,b ................................. 20 556 ................................. 20 559 ................................. 20 560 ................................. 20
562 563 564 565 566 567 568 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 589
590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612
..................................19 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ..................................19 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ..................................19 ................................. 20 ..................................19 ................................. 20 ..................................19 ..................................19 ................................. 20 ..................................19 ...........................19, 20 ..................................19 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ..................................19 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ..................................19 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ................................. 20
................................. 20 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ..................................19 ..................................19 ..................................19 ..................................19 ..................................19 ..................................19 ................................. 20 ................................. 20
A11 ............. 18, 30, 40, 51 A14 ................................. 29 15/1-37 A ................................. 20
Abbreviations A....................................................................... alto ad lib........................................................ad libitum B...................................................................... bass Bar............................................................. baritone Bc.....................................................basso continuo Bsn............................................................. bassoon Car............................................................... carillon Cbsn................................................ contra bassoon conc....................................................... concertato Ed.................................................................. editior Fl. trav...............................................flauto traverso Hn....................................................................horn Mezzo............................................. mezzo-soprano Ob................................................................... oboe
Org................................................................. organ Perc.........................................................percussion Picc............................................................... piccolo Rec............................................................. recorder S..................................................................soprano Str................................................................. strings T......................................................................tenor Timp............................................................ timpani TP..................... study score (format 14.5 x 18.5 cm) Tromb.......................................................trombone V..................................................................... violin Va..................................................................... viola Vagb................................................ viola da gamba Vc............................................................violoncello
Editorial deadline: February 1, 2008 · 1/2008-02/18 · Printed in Germany · SPA 194 Errors excepted and delivery terms subject to change without notice Bärenreiter-Verlag · Karl Vötterle GmbH & Co. KG · D-34111 Kassel www.baerenreiter.com · E-Mail: info@baerenreiter.com · Printed in Germany 62
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