1 minute read
Board of Trustees
Getting closer to our 50th anniversary as a school, I would like to reflect on how we keep on opening new chapters in ISB’s history.
As a dynamic Board of Trustees, we have worked together in a cohesive and positive manner with the ISB Leadership Team.
This relationship was commended highly in November’s triple accreditation as an extremely positive one. As a continuation, this sparked several concrete results, with the most prominent being finishing ISB’s strategic five year plan.
It is also worth mentioning the strength of working with a stable and established Leadership Team. An obvious indicator of the school’s success is that we have reached the highest number of students in the school’s history. We are now have 250 students.
Growing as a school was the Boards main goal since moving to the Sandsli premises. As a result of growth new and exciting opportunities are given to our students. This again shows the need for an inter- national school in Bergen. As a school that continually innovates, we are proud to share our new vision with you. Pulling together accreditation recommendations, along with our strategic Board aims, will allow the creation of a path towards expanding and creating opportunities for the coming five years.
An unexpected challenge has been the law change demanding that Pre Schools with more than 30 students are required to be a separate unit. The effect on our Early Childhood Centre was immediate and decisions had to be made swiftly. Our youngest learners have always been an important and cherished part of ISB.
The Board is thoroughly committed to continue the ECC at its present size, which led to the establishment of an separate entity. All aspects of learning, staffing and community support continue, despite the law changes and we aim for the ECC to continue to be an integral part of ISB.
The Board has actively maintained relationships with the wider community. Meetings with Bergen Kommune are ongoing and their support allows for the school to continue thriving, including giving us access to these outstanding facilities.
Through the ISB weekly newsletter, the Board has communicated directly with the community. In addition to meeting with ISB staff, it has made an effort to be visible and approachable at school events.
On a final note, we want to thank our community. We will continue to provide a captivating learning environment for our students with the help of our new Strategic Plan and we are looking forward to the years ahead.
Silje Hopland Lien, On behalf of the ISB Board.