International Cmmercial Arbitration Books

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International Commercial Arbitration Books

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Having achieved successful outcomes in numerous previous international commercial, investment and construction arbitrations, the IAA Network's members provide "great" arbitration legal representation "at the highest level" in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and North America. Its prize-winning members have at least seven years of previous experience at the world's best international corporate firms or are prize-winning professors of international law.

International Commercial Arbitration Books

A number of leading international commercial arbitration books have been made freely available online in recent years, providing a large virtual library for parties, in-house counsel, practitioners, students and academics alike to consult. While the number of pages of text that can be viewed is limited, a vast amount of detailed information can be accessed. Below, you will find a useful collection of leading international commercial arbitration books that are searchable and provide answers to most of the issues that are likely to arise during the course of an international commercial arbitration.

Arbitrability: International & Comparative Perspective, by L. Mistelis, S. Brekoulakis (2009)

Not every dispute is arbitrable, that is to say capable of resolution via arbitration. This book explores the concept of arbitrability under the New York Convention and various national laws, and also examines the limits of arbitration with respect to specific classes of disputes, such as those concerning taxes and insolvency. Although primarily academic in nature, the book is well-written.

Arbitration Act 1996, by R. Merkin, L. Flannery (2014)

The English Arbitration Act 1996, which was inspired by the UNCITRAL Model Law but varies in many significant ways in relation to it, is explored in detail in this useful tome, which was recently updated and cites the jurisprudence of a multitude of courts in England and Wales. It is essential reading for international commercial arbitrations with their seat in London, covering most aspects of international arbitration law in England, both domestic and international.

Arbitration Advocacy in Changing Times, by A. J. van den Berg (2011)

This book includes essays by various practitioners of international arbitration, focusing on topics relevant to arbitration advocacy such as discovery, the use of the media for certain disputes, witness preparation, and the correction and clarification of arbitral awards. While some essays are of more practical interest than others, it is a useful tome for arbitration practitioners.

Arbitration Rules-National Institutions, by L. Mistelis, L. Shore (2010)

While other books explore institutional arbitration rules in far greater depth, this book is useful since it provides an overview of the arbitral rules of many different arbitral institutions, such as the Dubai-based DIAC, the Australian-based ACICA, the Milan-based CAM, the Serbian FTCA, the London-based maritime LMAA, and the Japan-based JCAA, which have received little critical commentary elsewhere.

A Guide to the ICC Rules of Arbitration, by Y. Derains, E. Schwartz (2005)

This book includes detailed article-by-article commentary on the ICC Rules of Arbitration, as well as numerous references to relevant national court judgments and international commercial arbitration awards, together with a discussion of doctrine. Although it has yet to be updated to take into account the changes instituted by the 2012 ICC Rules, as these changes have merely codified existing practice this book remains a valuable reference work on ICC arbitration practice.

A Guide to the ICDR International Arbitration Rules, by M. Gusy, J. Hosking and F. Schwarz (2011)

This ambitious book is a useful starting point for ICDR arbitrations. It is organized thematically, providing commentary on each of the 37 articles in the ICDR International Arbitration Rules, with comparisons to the rules of other leading arbitral institutions.

A Guide to the LCIA Arbitration Rules, by P. Turner, R. Mohtashami (2009)

While nearly all books on international commercial arbitration also cover LCIA arbitration, this is currently the leading reference book dedicated exclusively to it. It is grouped thematically, providing a thorough commentary to each rule.

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