IB Americas December 2012 eNewsletter

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Twelfth edition

IB Americas December eNewsletter

Welcome to the December 2012 edition of the IB Americas eNewsletter Welcome to the December edition of the IB Americas eNewsletter. Reflecting on 2012, I am proud of all that we have accomplished this year. At the beginning ng of 2012, we unveiled one of the most significant research studies to date about the impact of the IB Diploma Programme on students in neighborhood schools in Chicago, Illinois, USA. In May, we welcomed the th 2,000 school to our IB Americas family, and have continued to grow since. In July, we held the Conference of the Americas in Latin America for the first time since the creation of IB Americas in 2009. Shortly after, nearly 300 IB Diploma Programme students from across the globe gathered in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, for the first ever IB-sponsored World Student Conference in this region. Earlier this month we convened a group of Independent School heads to hear their ideas of how we can support their schools better and the following week, we convened the IB’s first Common Core Summit for experts and IB stakeholders from the US. If you are interested two of the sessions from the summit are available online at: http://www.livestream.com/ibamericas. http://www.livestream.com/ibamericas In this edition of our eNewsletter—the third and final of 2012—Colegio Británico de Cancún, a candidate school, shares their experience and involvement with the 2012 Conference of the Americas held in Riviera Maya, Mexico. While we reflect on the successes of this year’s conference, we are also looking forward to the 2013 Conference of the Americas, which will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA from 18-21 July. We encourage you to register now as there are limited spaces available at the early registration rate. I hope you will find the articles within insightful and helpful to you as you offer an IB education to your students. As always, I welcome your feedback and ideas. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly at iba.director@ibo.org. I wish you all a happy holiday season and a prosperous new year. Warm Regards, Drew Deutsch Director, IB Americas

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Featured IB World School

A wonderful experience for both teachers and students at the Colegio Británico who participated in the Conference of the Americas 2012 By Silvia Barra Arias, Head of School, Colegio Británico de Cancún, Mexico

At the end of our first year as a Candidate School for the PYP programme, it was a surprise to learn that the venue of the Conference of the Americas 2012 was so close to our city, Cancun, and more specifically in the Riviera Maya. This meant that, as teachers, we had the opportunity to attend the conference and also to be considered as a host school. Being the host school meant that we were more actively involved in the conference, offering participants a taste of the IB spirit through an exhibition displaying a sample of the work that we do at the school, with displays from both students and teachers. As preparations progressed, and thanks to a visit to our school from Paul Campbell and Michael Leshner, four of our students were selected to welcome the participants at the start of the conference. Each of the students gave a brief greeting message to the participants in Mayan, Spanish, French and English. We then suggested that our school band and choir could take part in the closing event for the conference, something that was welcomed by the organizing committee. Our participation also included an exhibition of student work in the foyer of the conference center. It was a real challenge to select the best examples of student work to display over the three days. In the end, we had so many great pieces to display, from the drawings of the youngest students to the models from the third graders. The exhibit also included paintings and photographic images. I should also highlight the work that left the greatest impression on the participants, namely paintings made from recycled materials. “La mujer de los alcatraces” by Diego Rivera and “El hijo del hombre” by René Magritte. For all of us who are involved with the candidate PYP programme at the Colegio Británico de Cancún, the chance to interact with IB teachers from across the continent and representatives of the organization, as well as the opportunity to meet IB Director General Jeff Beard and Regional Director Drew Deutsch in person and to attend various workshops and conferences was truly an unforgettable experience. The exchange of ideas during the conference provided us with a clearer picture of the work that we are expected to do with our students. The feedback we received from other teachers, with their many years experience of teaching IB programmes, gave us a greater vision of what we can achieve. Meeting so many teachers from around the world who are committed to education, like us, gave us a sense of direction and energy to continue learning, growing, developing and sharing our knowledge with our students. From a personal perspective, I must say that this experience allowed me to see the work that the

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conference planning committee does close up. As a host school we had the opportunity to attend some of the local arrangements committee meetings prior to the conference and we saw firsthand the tremendous amount of work that this entails for them. By attending these meetings, I got to know other coordinators and heads of school in Mexico. I feel very honored to have been part of this select group. In the Yucatan peninsula and especially in the state of Quintana Roo, we are the first candidate school for the PYP and the Diploma Programme. We established relationships and contacts with other schools in Mexico, so that they are able to share their knowledge and experiences with our teachers and students. I would like to thank the IB for the invitation to be a host school for the 2012 conference and for the opportunity to attend the conference. From the opening of the conference with four of our students welcoming participants in the three official languages of the IB and Mayan, to the conference itself with more than 800 participants and culminating with the participation of the band and choir, the days were filled with excitement, learning, collaborative work, friendship and fun. I would encourage all teachers to try their best to attend the 2013 Conference of the Americas. It has really been a great opportunity for both professional and personal growth for teachers and students alike at the Colegio Británico de Cancún.

Featured IB student

Alexandra Badeaux, 17, Diploma student, UWC Costa Rica Not many high school students can say they lived in Louisiana and took IB classes in Costa Rica—or received a fellowship from Earthwatch, a global conservation organization, to study songbirds in the Grand Tetons, while also being a two-time member of the U.S. Paralympics Track & Field High School All-American Team. Alexandra Badeaux can. The 17-year-old junior at UWC Costa Rica in Santa Ana is a first-year IB student with a mixed bag of interests and life experiences. Just don’t call her boring. Before she started at UWC Costa Rica, Alexandra attended Catholic High School in New Iberia, Louisiana. When she wasn’t running to class, she was running between lanes on the track. Years of dedication and training have led to her many accomplishments. Alexandra’s resume is impressive: two-time member of the U.S. Paralympics Track & Field High School All-American Team— she was listed in the top five for Javelin and Long Jump—and member of the Louisiana State Team, The Mudbugs, for the past five years. “My mom got me involved in track and field when I was five to help with my mild cerebral palsy,” Alexandra said. “I went to my first national track meet, the National Junior Disability Championship in 2005 in Tampa, Florida, and have only missed one NJDC since.”

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Now in her first full year at UWC Costa Rica, Alexandra is hard-pressed to find time to train. She faces the challenge of adjusting to life away from the bayou, as well as the rigors of the Diploma Programme. Alexandra has come a long way to be an IB student—in more ways than one. In November 2011, she received a letter inviting her to apply to UWC as a result of her performance on the ACT. After writing three essays, submitting test scores and four letters of recommendation, Alexandra was one of 50 finalists out of an applicant pool of 600 to receive the prestigious UWC scholarship. UWC Costa Rica is one of 12 UWC schools and colleges worldwide, all IB World Schools, educating students between the ages of 2 and 19. These schools are connected by the same values: international and intercultural understanding, celebration of difference, compassion and service and respect for the environment, among others. UWC Costa Rica was authorized to offer the Diploma Programme in December 2002. Since then, hundreds of students have tackled its creativity, action, service (CAS) requirement, theory of knowledge course and the extended essay, for which Alexandra already has a game plan. For now, although it’s realistic to think that her extended essay topic can change on whim, Alexandra will be researching and writing about birds. “I became interested in birds simply because I’ve always had them around,” Alexandra said. “My mom started raising parrots when she was 18 and I had my first one when I was three—so for science fair projects, they became the easiest subjects.” Alexandra’s fascination with birds led to a fellowship with Earthwatch. For two weeks in June 2011, she studied songbirds in Wyoming’s Grand Teton National Park. During that time, Alexandra realized her passion for conducting field research on birds. So with Costa Rica’s burgeoning habitat for birds in the school’s backyard and the extended essay in the back of her mind, Alexandra is once again looking to the sky for her studies. In particular, she’s thinking about examining the feeding behaviors of Social Flycatchers, a bird species, to see if they have a preference perching on structures and whether or not they’re feeding up or down. Alexandra is thankful for this opportunity—to receive an international education. “I think that international education is important because it helps us understand other cultures better and appreciate my own country more,” she said. “It allows for so many possible perspectives on subjects that may have been more one-sided in people’s home countries, such as history or literature. I can take the ideals I learn here and bring them back home to expand the view of other Americans.”

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After high school, Alexandra hopes to attend a college that fits her two main criteria: a good undergraduate program for biology and a study abroad program. One thing is clear—she will be following her own path, wherever that may lead her.

2013 IB Conference of the Americas in New Orleans, LA, USA We are excited to announce that registration for the 2013 IB Conference of the Americas in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, is now open! The theme of this year’s conference is Innovate, Educate, Create. The conference will include a region-wide service learning opportunity for all schools that would like to participate. The opportunity will be announced in January and culminate at the conference in July. More information will be provided in future emails. We encourage you to register now as there are limited spaces available at a discounted rate. Please also visit www.ibo.org/iba/conference/hotelandtravel to make reservations at the conference hotel, the Hilton Riverside. For information created specifically for IB conference attendees to help plan travel and maximize conference experience, visit this site created by the New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau especially for the IB: www.neworleanscvb.com/ibo/.

Come one day early and participate in one of five pre-conference sessions. Cathy Berger Kaye, author, international consultant and service learning expert, will lead a session that provides participants with the essential tools to design and promote service learning projects in schools and classrooms. It will include actual field work at one of several local sites throughout New Orleans, followed by guided reflection on lessons learned. Bertie Kingore, Ph.D., international consultant and award-winning author of 26 books, will discuss how to integrate the Common Core and collaborate with colleagues and parents while transforming classrooms into rigorous learning environments. Look out for even more pre-conference sessions to be announced in the coming weeks. Finally, don’t miss your opportunity to engage your fellow educators on the topics that you are most passionate about—lead one of over 100 breakout sessions offered during the four days we will be gathered together at the conference. Sessions may include presentations of conceptual models, professional applications, scholarly analyses, skill-building programs, and case studies. You may submit

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your proposal in one of three languages: English, Spanish, or French by 28 February 2013. Click here to submit your proposal. If you have any additional questions, please contact the IB Americas Conference Team at iba@ibo.org or by calling +1.301.202.3025.

Programme Models We are pleased to announce the roll-out of our new programme models. These have been created to illustrate the coherence across the four IB programmes and to highlight each programme’s unique elements. The design is no longer hexagonal, but circular, illustrating the alignment of structure and terminology across all four programmes and a seamless, holistic and integrated continuum of education for children aged 3-19 years old. The new models continue to be built around the learner profile, with an underpinning theme of international-mindedness. Approaches to teaching and learning are now embedded within all four programmes, which are further aligned by each one culminating in a learning experience. More information and details of how the changes affect each programme is available in this PDF document. Links to download the new models are on the left. This information is also available on the OCC and via the public website. https://www.ibo.org/communications/schools/downloads/curriculummodels.cfm

MYP: Next Chapter Updates on the OCC Lots of exciting development is underway as the Next Chapter of the Middle Years Programme hits many of its developmental milestones. Keep up-to-date about milestones for schools on the OCC! Navigate to the list of school milestones (PDF) online: OCC home > MYP home > Implementation of the programme > MYP: Next Chapter

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Here is a summary of important MYP Next Chapter news items: 1. There is a detailed development report on MYP: Next Chapter posted to the OCC. You can locate the document using the navigation shown above. The report details the shape of the new curriculum and assessment, and gives information for plans to support schools in terms of authorization and evaluation, subject choice, and professional development. Ongoing professional development events support teachers in starting gradual implementation of some of the changes. 2. In order to prepare for the introduction of e-assessments into the MYP, four expert advisory group meetings were held in 2012, involving leading global thinkers in assessment. Assessment trials will be conducted throughout 2013-14 using materials currently being designed by Chief Examiners. The optional e-assessments will be provided to schools electronically; candidates will sit for the e-assessments using computers in either offline or online environments. 3. Current professional development offerings have been updated to cover aspects of MYP: Next Chapter and the upcoming changes to the programme. New MYP PD offerings can be found on regional calendars as well as in the 2012-13 IB catalogue (PDF) of workshops and resources posted online. Events such as “Global context for teaching and learning,” and MYP: Next Chapter seminars are recommended for all IB educators involved in the transition from MYP to MYP: Next Chapter. 4. Messaging about new subject group flexibility was sent to MYP coordinators and heads in October. Starting September 2013, new flexibility related to the number of subject groups required for MYP students, during years 4 and 5 will be introduced. The IB prefers that schools offer all 8 subject groups to all students in years 4 and 5 and this is made clear in the new rule. If this is not viable for a school, the IB strongly encourages offering all 8 subject groups to allow students to choose a minimum of 6 subject groups (which must include Language A, Language B, Science, Math and Humanities). The new flexibility recognizes that some student choice is appropriate for students aged 14-16. With the new flexibility, it remains a requirement in MYP 4-5 that a minimum of six subject groups be studied concurrently at all times. Please visit the OCC and review the development report for further explanation of this new rule. It’s an exciting journey to the MYP: Next Chapter! We’ll keep you informed all along the way. If you have questions or need more information, please contact us on the OCC.

Professional Development Announcements 2013 workshops are open for registration IB Americas is pleased to announce that registration is now open for workshops in 2013. For workshop descriptions and to register please visit: http://www.ibo.org/events/index.cfm. In the next few days, you should receive a January-June Professional Development calendar in the mail. It is our hope that you will display this calendar in a common area where your IB teachers can easily access it.

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IB Professional Development is a requirement for all IB World Schools. Professional development sustains the entire life cycle of the IB educator. All workshops are research-based and use peer-to-peer models that encourage leadership and teacher collaboration.

As a reminder, when selecting workshops, please make sure you choose the correct category: Category 1 • •

An introduction to educators new to the IB programme and schools applying for IB authorization Relevant for educators who are new to a school with an existing IB programme and those interested in joining an IB World School

Category 2 • •

For experienced IB educators, focusing on programme delivery, and emphasizing assessment, teaching and learning methodologies and best practices Enhancing understanding of the IB philosophy and programme model and improving the quality of programme delivery

Category 3 • •

For experienced educators to build on and enhance their professional development portfolios Exploring educational ideas and areas of interest and providing in-depth investigation into specific areas of interest and expertise

Continuum •

Continuum topics and content are at the category 3 level, and are relevant to two or more programmes

To find a workshop that fits your needs, please visit http://www.ibo.org/iba/workshops. If you have any questions related to your IB Professional Development, please contact ibpd@ibo.org. Please send any and all feedback on this new resource to iba.comm@ibo.org.

New professional development catalogue The IB has released the 2012-2013 catalogue (PDF) of professional development opportunities for IB educators, and in some cases, also for educators who work outside the IB teaching and learning environment. The new catalogue describes dozens of workshops across a wide range of subject areas and learning activities and includes online and in-person activities. Each workshop listed in the catalogue describes its recommended audience: workshops are targeted for administrators, teachers, librarians, heads of school, counselors, career guidance officers and specialist teachers; others are introductory workshops for teachers from schools that don’t offer the IB.

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Workshops are led by IB-trained educators, members of the IB Educators Network (IBEN) who have three or more years of experience teaching at an IB World School, and have a solid history of IB Professional Development. IBEN members are trained by the IB Academy, an intensive training event held several times a year to prepare IB educators to successfully lead workshops. The 2012-2013 catalogue is available in English, Spanish and French and can be accessed here: http://www.ibo.org/events/documents/Catalog-112812.pdf (PDF).

Subject-specific seminars (SSS) in 2013 Don’t miss these special workshops that cover important changes to Diploma Programme and Middle Years Programme subject guides. Diploma Programme – Theory of Knowledge – Category 3 • 2-4 March 2013 Detroit, MI, USA • 9-11 March 2013 Memphis, TN, US • 2-4 May 2013 Buenos Aires, Argentina • 16-18 May 2013 Guayaquil, Ecuador • 23-25 May 2013 Santiago, Chile Middle Years Programme – MYP: The Next Chapter – Category 3 • 24-26 January 2013 Mexico City, Mexico • 22-24 February 2013 New York, NY, USA • 2-4 March 2013 Detroit, MI, USA • 6-8 April 2013 Portland, OR, USA • 17-19 October 2013 Mexico City, Mexico • October 2013 Lima, Peru What is a subject-specific seminar? The IB publishes new subject guides at the beginning of the calendar year, and then offers subjectspecific seminars to help educators understand and implement the changes. Who should attend? Subject-specific seminars offer an important opportunity for experienced IB teachers to fully acquaint themselves with changes to a particular subject area. Why should I attend? Subject-specific seminars explain and exemplify the teaching and learning framework, the guidelines and requirements for implementation, the objectives and criteria, and the assessment tools and task types. Academic staff from the IB programme development team and/or a member of the curriculum review team will be on hand throughout the workshop to answer questions and participate in discussion. Don’t miss these special workshops that cover important changes to Diploma Programme and Middle Years Programme subject guides. All workshops held after the subject-specific seminars will use the new guide; those workshops held before the subject-specific seminars will still use the current guide.

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For more information and a schedule of subject-specific seminars please visit: http://www.ibo.org/events/index.cfm. District Workshop Applications IB Americas offers on-site district workshops for PYP, MYP and DP programmes in all three categories. These workshops are currently available only through application and are not available to IB associations. To download an application form, please visit our website at http://ibo.org/iba/workshops/documents/IBAmericasDistrictApplication2013.pdf.

Paperless workshop in Minneapolis, MN The International Baccalaureate is committed to being an environmentally conscious and sustainable organization. To that end, we are excited to announce that the IB Americas Minneapolis regional workshop this 20-22 April 2013 will be our second paperless workshop. More information about this initiative will follow shortly.

Airline Discounts The IB offers special discounts for airfare through select airlines to our regional workshop events. For more information about these special offers, please visit our event calendar at http://www.ibo.org/events/workshops.cfm.

IB Research Update Programme Development There are three new programme development research papers available on the OCC. •

Academic honesty in the IB by Jude Carroll o This paper outlines conceptual aspects of plagiarism and challenges that learners face in demonstrating honesty and integrity, and indicates how teachers, schools and learners can share responsibility for supporting academic honesty in the IB programmes.

Curriculum integration in the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme: A literature review by Kimberley Daly, Gordon Brown and Chandra McGowan o This literature review aims to define interdisciplinarity, multidisciplinarity, and transdisciplinarity in education and identify common ground between these approaches in the MYP.

Discussion document for the curriculum review of creativity, action, service by Catherine Elliott, Cheryl Keegan and Cathryn Berger Kaye o The document aims to revisit the theoretical and practical perspectives embedded in the DP creativity, action, service (CAS) framework, and explicate the implications and applications of service learning for the development of the course.

Programme Impact

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There are several new programme impact research studies just getting underway exploring the DP in such diverse contexts as China, Ecuador and Mexico, the relationship between an IB education and civicmindedness, Theory of Knowledge (ToK), and more. International Education Research Database We are very excited announce that after months of work the IB’s newly redeveloped International Education Research Database is now live! The new site has hundreds of new references and a number of new features that will allow us to keep the database much more up to date, as well as make for a more user-friendly experience. You’ll now be able to sort references and save your favorite searches and results. The International Education Research Database is not only a great resource to find references on international education, but you can also find loads of published (and some unpublished) research and writing on the IB and its programmes. So have a look, search, and even upload your own references. Happy hunting! http://research.ibo.org

Jeff Thompson Research Award There is a new completed study on language teaching in PYP classrooms, by Natascha Thomson, posted on the JTA winners page: http://www.ibo.org/research/resources/jeffthompson/jtwinners/index.cfm. Review of the latest rounds of applicants is currently underway. Thank you to all of our submitters. The next deadline for applications is 31 March 2013.

Announcements Changes to the MYP School Services team The MYP school services team would like to communicate some new staff changes to you. MYP Associate, Melissa Whitlock, has recently left the IB to complete a Masters degree at George Mason University. We have hired Marta Manzano as the new MYP Associate to replace Melissa and you may now send queries to Marta (marta.manzano@ibo.org) that were previously sent to Melissa. MYP Associate Manager Sofia Dolega is on maternity leave until 1 April 2013. In the interim, Gail Fribush, a long-time IB educator and former MYP coordinator from Montgomery County Public Schools is filling in for Sofia. Gail is located in the IB Americas Global Centre in Bethesda. Kiri Stevenson stepped into the new role of MYP/DP Associate in October 2012. We ask for your patience with these new transitions. Below, the names and roles of the IB Americas MYP school services team are clarified in order to assist you with your questions regarding the authorization and evaluation processes of the MYP. For questions regarding the substance of school application, consultancies, programme implementation, authorization and programme evaluation: •

Manager: Ted Williams o ted.williams@ibo.org - (English language assistance)

Temporary Associate Manager: Gail Fribush

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gail.fribush@ibo.org - Now through 1 April 2013 (Spanish and English language assistance)

Associate Manager: Sofia Dolega o sofia.dolega@ibo.org - Returning 1 April 2013 (Spanish and English language assistance)

IB Representative at SÉBIQ: Jean-Pierre Fabien o jeanpierrefabien@sebiq.ca - (French language assistance)

For questions regarding site visit logistics, forms, expense claims, document needs: •

Temporary Associate Manager: Gail Fribush o gail.fribush@ibo.org - (Spanish or English language assistance) All Evaluation visit and Applications for Authorization feedback reports

Associate: Marta Manzano o marta.manzano@ibo.org (Spanish, English and French language assistance) All general queries

Associate: Kiri Stevenson o kiri.stevenson@ibo.org (Spanish and English language assistance) All consultant queries and general questions

IB Representative at SÉBIQ: Jean-Pierre Fabien o jeanpierrefabien@sebiq.ca (French language assistance)

Superstorm Sandy wreaks havoc, impacts IB World Schools in the northeastern U.S. As Hurricane Sandy tore through the Caribbean and inched closer to the United States, few could have predicted its impact. Sandy, now considered a superstorm, began as a tropical wave in the Caribbean on 19 October and quickly developed into a Category 2 hurricane. By the time it touched down in the U.S. at around 8 p.m. on 29 October, Sandy was downgraded to a Category 1 hurricane, but over the next several days, it would ravage the entire eastern seaboard up into Canada. According to the Associated Press, Sandy killed at least 125 people in the U.S. and 71 people in the Caribbean, in addition to causing about $62 billion in damage and other losses in the U.S. and destroying hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses. Within the education community across the northeast region of the U.S., Sandy has disrupted life. Schools have been forced to embrace change under extreme circumstances in order to open their doors to students. Al Penna, president of the Guild of IB Schools of the Northeast (GIBS) association of IB World Schools and the rest of the 14-member board, spoke with a number of IB coordinators, including

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some whose schools were located right in Sandy’s path, about the welfare of their schools. “A total of 16 schools contacted me—some were more affected than others,” Penna said. Penna noted the total upheaval to ordinary school life, not only for IB World Schools, but for all schools severely impacted by Sandy. For some IB World Schools, this came in the form of applying for a deadline extension for exam registrations. But for other schools, the damage was much greater. Linden High School in Linden, New Jersey and Southside High School in Rockville Centre, New York struggled to return to normalcy due to their losses from Sandy. Linden was forced to cancel classes for almost two weeks until they regained power. At Southside, the situation was a little different. On the Friday of the storm, Penna spoke with John Murphy, IB coordinator at Southside High School, who said that students were lined up outside the door to register to come to the school because they had been displaced. “If you’re an IB senior this is serious because you don’t have a school to go to, have to study for tests, so there’s a lot at stake for students,” Penna said. “A lot of families went shopping for an IB school.” More than a month later, the northeastern U.S. is still reeling from the devastation caused by Sandy, which carries a high price tag emotionally and financially. Yet, while the rebuilding efforts have just begun, Penna has a reason for optimism: the spirit of human resilience. “People bouncing back and recovering, I think is amazing,” Penna said. “That’s part of what IB is about—being resilient, being hopeful.”

New publications and resources to support IB programmes Here are some of the excellent, new resources that will be available at the IB store in 2013:

Primary Years Programme PYP Storytellers: Ten Tales from Different Cultures Look out for PYP Storytellers: Ten Tales from Different Cultures, a beautifully illustrated set of 10 books for young readers to read in school or at home. They will be available to buy as a set or individually and there will also be accompanying teacher support materials and activity ideas to download for free. Due for publication in April, register your interest here and we will send you an email when they are available.

Middle Years Programme MYP Taskbank Online for Spanish B We will add MYP Taskbank Online: Spanish B to the Taskbank series. Due for publication in February, register your interest here and we will send you an email when this is available. As MYP: The Next Chapter approaches, we will keep you updated about the wide variety of excellent resources that we have planned for late 2013 and throughout 2014 to support MYP teachers and students during this transition and beyond.

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Diploma Programme Diploma Programme IB Questionbanks Online: geography, history route 2 (in English) and history route 2 (in Spanish) We will be adding IB Questionbanks Online in 2013 for geography, history route 2 (in English) and history route 2 (in Spanish). With all the same great features of the existing series of IB Questionbanks on CDROM plus plenty more. Due for publication in April and May, register your interest here and we will send you an email when they are available.

Professional Development Inside IB Classrooms Take a look inside a variety of IB classrooms with this new online library of video clips and related materials showing IB teachers in action. Due for release in January 2013 you will have the option to get full school access, individual access or access to individual videos, priced accordingly. Relevant for all IB programmes. IB Journal of Teaching Practice We are fast approaching the publication of the first of two annual editions of the new IB Journal of Teaching Practice in February. This journal will share the best ideas in teaching and learning practice, written by teachers, reviewed by teachers, published for teachers. Find out more on the dedicated Journal website. Creating Lifelong Learners (2nd edition) We will be publishing an updated second edition of this popular book in February. Active, lifelong learning has always been important to the IB, but what we know about learning has changed incredibly in recent years. Research into brain development, theories on learning styles and environments and innovative technologies all have had revolutionary implications for education. How can teachers and school leaders put these developments to use as they encourage lifelong learning? And how can the IB mission statement and the learner profile support teachers in adopting brain-friendly classroom practices? Creating Lifelong Learners makes a case for embracing these new educational considerations and brings educators up to speed on the latest research and global developments that affect learning. Creating Lifelong Learners (2nd edition) features new case studies drawn from a variety of regions and IB programmes.

Journeys series - individual e-chapters now available Just select one or more of the chapters that interest you from the following two books in the Journeys series so that you only purchase what is relevant to you for US$5.00 per chapter.

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• Journeys in Learning Across Frontiers: Stories, strategies and inspiration from the IB community. Real stories of IB learning experiences that have forged connections across political, social, economic and cultural boundaries • Journeys in Implementation: Proven Strategies from IB World Schools. An assortment of IB World Schools share their journeys in implementing the International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes, documenting their strategies for dealing with various challenges. You can register your interest for any or all of the new 2013 publications here and we will send you an email when it is available to buy on the IB store. Many of them will have sample pages for you to download before you buy and you will find these on the individual product pages. Please contact sales@ibo.org with any queries.

Four IB World Student Conferences to be held in 2013 The 2012 IB World Student Conferences were a resounding success—so much so that the IB is offering not two, but four conferences for DP and IBCC students in 2013! To be eligible to attend, students must be entering the first or second year of an IB Diploma or IBCC Programme in the 2013 school year. The 2013 conference venues, dates, and themes are: •

Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA, 23-28 June Social Justice: Contemplating the Past, Confronting the Future

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 21-26 July ECOnomics: Creating a Sustainable Future

Warwick University, Coventry, UK, 4-9 August Utopian Visions: Employing the Arts for Social and Political Change

University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 11-16 August iResponsibility: Exploring our Engagement in the Online World

Registration for the 2013 World Student Conferences is currently open. These exciting and action-packed conferences will be the highlight of any IB DP or IBCC student’s year. See how past conference attendees enjoyed and benefited from the conferences through their blogs, videos, and photos on the WSC web page. Each conference program will build on its theme, provide collaborative learning and CAS support, and guarantee lots of fun for each participant. A limited number of scholarships will be available—look for more information online at the WSC web page in the coming months. Student registration is US$950 for each conference. Can’t find something online about the Word Student Conferences? Send your questions to ibwsc@ibo.org.

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New IB World Schools in the Americas We are pleased to officially welcome schools that have been authorized to teach an IB programme between 1 September 2012 and 2 November 2012

Primary Years Programme Avalon Elementary School, St. Clair Shores, MI, United States Crooked Creek Elementary School, Indianapolis, IN, United States Elmwood Elementary School, St. Clair Shores, MI, United States Fox Hill Elementary School, Indianapolis, IN, United States Greenbriar Elementary School, Indianapolis, IN, United States Harding University Partnership School, Santa Barbara, CA, United States James A. Foshay Learning Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States Lake Forest Hills Elementary School, Augusta, GA, United States S.G. Ellis Elementary School, Manassas, VA, United States Salisbury Elementary School, Salisbury, NH, United States Seneca Academy, Darnestown, MD, United States Spring Mill Elementary School, Indianapolis, IN, United States The International School at Mesa del Sol, Albuquerque, NM, United States The Magellan International School, Austin, TX, United States Webster Elementary School, Webster, NH, United States

Middle Years Programme Gateway High School, Aurora, CO, United States Hastings Middle School, Upper Arlington, OH, United States Jones Middle School, Upper Arlington, OH, United States

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Rogers International School, Stamford, CT, United States Southwest Middle School, Savannah, GA, United States Upper Arlington High School, Upper Arlington, OH, United States Windsor Forest High School, Savannah, GA, United States

Diploma Programme Colegio Católico José Engling, Quito, Ecuador The British School, Rio de Janeiro – Barra Site, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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