Research Supports for IB Practitioners

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Research Supports for IB Practitioners Justin Sanders Marcia Behrenbruch Friday, 13.7.2012, 10:45am -12:00pm Expocenter 9-12


Overview of Research Department Jeff Thompson Research Award IB Journal of Teaching Practice International Education Research Database (IERD) Resources Finding Research

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2007

Research across the IB

Š International Baccalaureate Organization 2007

Jeff Thompson Research Award To IB practitioners interested in conducting research 17 Awardees from 13 countries to date Individual awards will be granted up to a maximum of $5,000 each. Award funds may only be used for expenses directly related to the conducting of research outlined in the proposal. Examples of acceptable budget items include:

Specific travel expenses Fees for online survey programs Printing fees Translation services © International Baccalaureate Organization 2007

History In 1998 during his tenure with the IB as director for international education and then as academic director, Professor Jeff Thompson established a small IB research unit housed at the University of Bath. This award seeks to honour Professor Thompson's efforts to establish the research profile of the organization by providing a number of practitioners within IB schools with small incentive awards in recognition of their efforts to conduct research related to IB programmes.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2007

What we fund Relevance and importance to the IB:

Enhancement of IB programmes—development and assessment Contribution to studies in international education Impact of programme implementation Impact of IB programme study on subsequent academic success, acquisition of international mindedness and the attributes of the learner profile Contribution to the development of the local school and practitioner research

Evaluation rubric:

Feasibility of the application Clear and realistic specification of outcomes and deliverables Use of appropriate methodology Access to and capacity to process data and analyze results Appropriateness of budget items Ability to disseminate findings to a variety of audiences Ethical considerations © International Baccalaureate Organization 2007 Clear support from the head of school

Some previous winners

The Impact of US Educational Policy on the Implementation of the PYP: A Case Study of an Urban, Low-income Public School Language Teaching Strategies and Techniques Used to Implement the Programme of Inquiry Development and Implementation of Effective Formative Assessment Strategies for Students in the PYP The Benefits of Criterion Based Assessment in the MYP The perception and practice of CAS in the IB DP for students, teachers and schools Writing to enhance learning and inform teaching in mathematics The roles of language and culture in the mathematics education of students at an international school How three Learner Profile attributes (principled, caring, open-minded) are conceptualized by students in a residential IB-UWC programme The IB mission statement; does it permeate the everyday teaching and learning of the DP? © International Baccalaureate Organization 2007

A cooperative initiative: •Global Professional Development •Programme Development •Publications (EIS)

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2007

The Journal 2 Co editors: Drs Behrenbruch and Harrison 8 editorial advisory board members from IB, Universities, an experienced IB teacher from each programme, English, Spanish, French, Mandarin 42 Peer reviewers: All programmes, all regions, all official languages Submissions published in English, Spanish and French. Abstracts in English Other languages published with a translation into one of the official languages. Multimodal © International Baccalaureate Organization 2007

Action research reports: Describe how a practitioner (or a team of practitioners) has used action research to address a relevant, significant, challenging or engaging issue in classroom practice or school organization How it has led to a change in practice and an improvement in student learning Priority will be given to submissions that support and describe collaborative learning Action research reports should be no longer than 3,000 words or 10 single-spaced pages © International Baccalaureate Organization 2007

Studies into practice: Focus on classroom or organizational practice Situate the research in the context of other significant studies Any methodology is acceptable. Submissions in this category may include (but are not limited to): A meta-analysis of the previous research on a topic to inform current practice or propose future directions A summary of a current research initiative at a university or other educational institution. This type of submission should summarize preliminary findings and discuss implications for teaching practice in a way that is accessible to practitioners

Studies into practice should be no longer than 5,000 words or 15 single-spaced pages

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2007

Resource reviews: Should inquire into new resources that are relevant to the IB programmes, including books, periodicals, websites, audio-visual products, documents and events Journal Editors have the right of refusal if resources do not support the mission and vision of the IB or the IB Standards and Practices Resource reviews should be no longer than 1,500 words or 5 single-spaced pages © International Baccalaureate Organization 2007

The next deadline for submissions will be 15 September 2012. We welcome research that: • has a clear applicability to the IB programmes • addresses a relevant issue in classroom practice or organization • supports and describes collaborative learning • employs written and/or multimedia formats (such as video)

Call for peer reviewers © International Baccalaureate Organization 2007

International Education Research Database (IERD) A free online resource for students, researchers, teachers and other educators involved in all aspects of international education research. A collaborative effort by a range of different parties interested in the field, and its success depends heavily on the additions of its users. While the IB continually updates, new references from users are highly encouraged Because it is a referencing resource rather than an online library, does not hold the actual full text publications however in many instances a link is provided to the full text or to the publisher's website © International Baccalaureate Organization 2007

The IERD • Journal articles • Dissertations & theses • Conference papers & presentations • Reports

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2007

What’s included? Inclusion categories:

All publications related to international education, international schools or the IB. Articles from such journals focusing on comparative and international education. Comparative or other publications that involve educational fieldwork in more than two countries, and are concerned with issues that transcend national borders. Publications international in nature that concern schools, colleges, universities, other educational institutions, the educational experiences of students, parents, teachers or administrators, or multicultural, management or linguistic studies.

Exclusion categories:

Publications that are concerned with education, whether in theory or practice, if they do not refer to international education. Publications concerned with teaching practices, or any article that serves as a manual for a particular practice or system. Publications concerned exclusively with national issues. Comparative or other publications with a very narrow scope. References which are not scholarly in nature. © International Baccalaureate Organization 2007

What we are finding In 2011, over 70 pieces of research on the IB were identified. Of these: Common topics: postsecondary performance of DP students, implementation of the programmes, schools, student performance, international-mindedness and the growth of the organization 48 references related to the DP, 17 to the MYP and 7 to the PYP. 12 were related to the IB as an organization, or applied to either all programmes or no particular programme 21 journal articles, 21 conference presentations, 17 theses/dissertations, 10 research reports, 4 books or chapters in books and 2 IB position papers 42 took place in IBA, 7 in IBAEM, 9 in IBAP and 18 were global in scope

Nearly double what was identified in 2010 © International Baccalaureate Organization 2007

Making Information Accessible

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Where to find research Regional newsletters, Coordinators’ Notes, OCC, etc. © International Baccalaureate Organization 2007

Š International Baccalaureate Organization 2007


Š International Baccalaureate Organization 2007

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