District 15 — Winter 2019 Newsletter

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FEB2019 Since 1920, The International College of Dentists has honored dentists in 122 countries for their continued exemplary service to their patients, their communities, and to their profession. My name is Kavin Kelp and like all if you, I was nominated as a Fellow to this global honorary society. The induction into the college was a great honor and a highlight of my career. Soon, I will be your next Texas Section President and I look forward to a busy and productive year. On September 8, 2018, a very informative program on practice transitions was held in Dallas at the ICD breakfast in conjunction with the Southwest Dental Conference. As is always the case, the breakfast program was engaging and of great benefit. I urge all members to attend the breakfasts and luncheons held by the college and supported by your membership. They are very informative and entertaining. We will do our best to keep you informed about upcoming events. Last summer, ICD awarded a grant to the Capital Area Dental Foundation in the greater Austin area for support of the Community Dental Days. The last event was held at three facilities around Austin on November 17, 2018 and 142 patients were served. I am proud to say that ICD banners were prominently displayed and that I am proud to be a part of ICD!

Dr . Kavin Kelp Pr esident -Elect

I know many of you have similarly great service experiences and we would like to hear about them so that we may include them in future newsletters. Please share! If you have any questions or would like to become more involved in the college let me know @512-632-2391. Again, I am honored to serve you as incoming president.

INTERNATIONAL COLLEGEOF DENTISTS USASECTION 610 Pr of essi on al Dr . Su i t e 201 Gai t h u r sbu r g, M D 20879 (301) 251-8861 | w w w.u sa-i cd.or g | of f i ce@u sa-i cd.or g


MESSAGE FROM THE EDI TOR BY DR. CLAUDE STEPHENS If you are like me, you most probably were invited to apply for membership in the ICD through a close friend; Dr. Jon Williamson was the colleague and friend who invited me to apply. As part of our commitment to maintaining professional relationships, Jon and I have met for Wednesday dinner along with several other dentists from our area for a number of years. Since his recommendation that I join this organization, I, in turn, have sponsored a few ICD members myself. In each case they were someone I considered a friend, though I can assure you they did not get into the ICD because of our friendship. They were accepted because they have deserved to be here. You all are aware that the ICD has a vetting process to insure our organization is truly made up of deserving doctors. I challenge you to think about your dental colleagues that you consider close friends and make sure you are not overlooking a dentist who deserves to be recognized with the honor of being an ICD member. Speaking of Dr. Williamson, he is the first person appointed to fill our new Dr . Claude St ephens Communications Director position. Jon derives a great deal of personal satisfaction from serving others and we welcome him as an officer of the 15th District. In this issue we are again presenting a letter from our last newsletter that got quite a bit of attention at the last meeting of the officers. We felt the letter from Dr. Parth Mukherji of Ft Worth was a great communication and needed to be seen again. It particularly saddens me to see the name of Dr Moody Alexander in our In Memoriam report; he was a friend I once described as ?pathologically optimistic." Would that we all had such an affliction. He was the one who encouraged me to step up and assume this Editor position when my predecessor died suddenly. He was a champion of young dentists and a great encourager. We miss you, Moody.

t abl e of Cont ent s Page 1

Pr esident 's Message

Page 2

Message f r om t he Edit or

Texas Mission of Mer cy

Page 7

Gr eat Expect at ions I n Mem or iam

Page 8

Table of Cont ent s Page 3

Page 6

On Leader ship by Par t ha Mukher ji

Tr easur er 's Repor t Regent 's Repor t

Page 10

UTSA in Jam aica

Page 4

New Texas I CD Mem ber s

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I CD Of f icer s

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Of f icer 's Dinner

Page 12

Texas I CD Of f icer s

25 Year Mem ber s

Page 13

TDA and I CD Annual Meet ings SWDC Annual Meet ing



Beginning Balance:

$ 12,825.64

Ending Balance: $ 20,572.71

Checks written: $ 4,587.93 Deposits: $ 12,235.00 Bob?s Steak and Chop has been secured for next year ?s officers dinner. We are changing to a Thursday night dinner due to a shortened 2-day Dallas County Dental Society meeting that conflicts with Texas-OU weekend. Breakfast will be staged on Friday, October 11, 2019. An audit of ICD books was scheduled, but ultimately delayed due to illness of the auditor. The audit will be rescheduled and a report forthcoming.

Dr . Mar k Gannaway


In Hawaii our International President and USA Section President offered the traditional Hand of Fellowship to the new College inductees while bestowing the College Key and certificate, the bedrock symbols of our society. Each new member is challenged to accept the ICD motto and objectives to continue service to his or her profession and to humankind. We are all proud to be nominated and inducted into the preeminent honorary dental organization in the world. We have all participated in local and community humanitarian projects to give back to those who need it the most. Knowing of the many avenues of service the ICD provides allows us to take extra pride in being a part of this College?s outreach to serve with compassion and integrity around the globe. Some of the programs your ICD supports are: Great Expectations mentoring, the Global Health Student Organization, the Global Visionary Fund, Peace Corps examinations, International Student Dr . Jay Adkins Exchange, Volunteer Opportunity Seminars, Fisher House, and International Humanitarian Efforts. Check www.ICD-USA.org for opportunities that fit your talents and passion. District 15 has a slate of progressive and innovative officers that will continue the great tradition of leadership our District has enjoyed. I am proud to serve as your Regent and approach 2019 with great anticipation. Share the honor of ICD membership by nominating deserving colleagues to be inducted in San Francisco on Friday September 6, 2019 (Labor Day week).


I NDUCTI ON OF NEW 15TH DI STRI CT MEMBERS Congratulations to the new 15th District ICD members inducted at the national meeting in Hawaii! Ensy Ann Atarod from Austin, TX

Bryan T Moore from Fairview, TX

Simon Garcia Jr from Austin, TX

Anna M Munne from Houston, TX

Shailee Gupta from Austin, TX

Richard M Potter from San Antonio, TX

Matthew J Heck from Austin, TX

Wayne E Pundt from Killeen, TX

Ryan T Higley from Lubbock, TX

June Sadowsky from Houston, TX

Robert Dean Jasper from Austin, TX

David Slaughter from Austin, TX

Trisha Kimes from Austin, TX

Victoria Ann Vickers from San Antonio, TX

John B Mason from Corpus Christi, TX

Dr. Paul Stubbs and his wife enjoying a luau at the 2018 ICD USA Section Annual Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii.




Texas ICD officers and spouses enjoying dinner.

We would like t o acknowledge t he f ollowing I CD f ellows f or achieving 25 year s of m em ber ship in 2018: Dr . John Adcock

Dr . Phillip Cam pbell

Dr . M. Elber y Coker

Dr . Gus Gat es

Dr . Bar r y Doyne McNew

Dr . Mar vin Ogle

Dr . St ephen F. Schwar t z

Dr . Gene Shelham er

Dr . David Tullis 5

73RD TEXAS MI SSI ON OF MERCY On Nov 9-10, 2018 Texas ICD members were integral parts of the 73rd Texas Mission of Mercy. Held in Farmers Branch, TX, the Veterans Day weekend served as the background for the 2-day free dental clinic for our military heroes. Over 560 patients received the chartable oral health care to the tune of $622,887.00. Averaging over $1,110 per patient, this event had the highest average per patient since we began in 2002! 102 partials and dentures were fabricated that weekend. The acts of care that we provide to these brave men and women may seem small to us, but are often life-changing for them. If you are interested in joining other ICD members in volunteering, check out the TDA Smile Foundation website www.tmomvolunteer.org.



The San Antonio Great Expectations group enjoying dinner and drinks at Aldaco's after touring Dr. Alexandra Forney's office.

C. Moody Alexander of Dallas, Texas Don Allen of St . August ine, Flor ida Cor ky Car nahan of San Ant onio, Texas


Edwin Jack Mar t in, Jr . of San Ant onio, Texas George A. Richar ds of Addison, Texas


ON LEADERSHI P BY PARTHA MUKHERJI "A good leader inspir es ot her s wit h conf idence in him ; a gr eat leader inspir es t hem wit h conf idence in t hem selves." - Unknown "A leader is som eone who dem onst rat es what is possible." - Philant hr opist Mar k Yar nell I often refer to the aforementioned two quotes when pondering leadership. In a simple sense, leadership is often thought of as the action(s) by an individual(s) to fulfill a mission or goal for (and with) his or her members all the while hoping to reveal the potential for greatness within the members. For me, I look at leadership as a fluid process. Rhetorically, is leadership exhibited by an entity, an event, or perhaps even an experience? What or who unlocks confidence in yourself or the group one is leading? The Harvard Business Review teaches that an effective leader has high emotional intelligence (measured by EQ: emotional quotient.) Emotional intelligence (EI) is twice as important as technical skills or IQ. Borrowing from the theme of Marvel's "Avengers: Infinity War," the 5 "infinity stones" of EI awould be self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill. These are skills that can be learned. I would add that whatever EI "stones" a leader may possess, he or she must keep the goals of the team in mind. A leader must always be a follower and follow other leaders. A leader should humbly accept he or she is still part of a greater team. A leader should also unselfishly provide a service of value to the members, unlock their potential, and as Yarnell mentioned: demonstrate what is possible. It is an honor and privilege to currently serve as the President of the Fort Worth Academy of General Dentistry. The Fort Worth area continues to grow and many of our colleagues have called "Cowtown" their home. A unique challenge is we cover an expansive area and we are tasked to provide quality and affordable continuing education. In the current era, one can attend education courses almost every weekend either within a 3 hour drive or flight, or even learn in the comfort of their own home online. Our leadership team set few simple goals for our organization this year which include: a) providing 16-20 hours minimum of quality CE that will go towards members' Fellowship or Mastership awards, b) promoting an environment for networking and fellowship, c) learning about the importance of service for our communities, and d) advocating for our profession. I am very fortunate and humbled by the team of leaders I get to work with. There are indeed challenges and as mentioned before this leadership position is a fluid process. I am trying to learn and earn my 5 EI infinity stones. Our team leaders are a very diverse group not just personally, but in various stages of our professional career. We have board members, a national trustee with the AGD, and leaders that are outstanding clinicians, educators, not to mention full time moms, dads, spouses, practice owners, etc. This team put together the first ever Fort Worth AGD symposium that was held in March. Normally such a task would take at least 4-6 months to prepare. We were able to, along with the help of the TAGD offices, put together this very successful event in just 2.5 months. We are already planning to make this an annual event, and may even add another half or full day of continuing education, camaraderie and fun! This was only possible because of the team we have at the FWAGD, and our outstanding members. Without a doubt, we demonstrated what was possible. I am inspired by our team because we volunteer our time and efforts all in the name of service to our members. We are on pace to fulfilling our goals this year. Our organization will continue to build upon the foundation that was set before as well as create a framework for our future leaders. (cont.)


ON LEADERSHI P BY PARTHA MUKHERJI (2) On a personal level, it would be remiss of me not to acknowledge a few other people as leaders that inspire me. I am inspired and blessed by the leadership of my parents, my sister (also a dentist and inventor), my faith, my teachers, my team I work with at my office, my patients, personal trainers, etc. I have had the chance to work with the Evidence-Based Dentistry Leaders Network at the ADA level and I just sit in awe at this group of clinicians, researchers, and educators. They work tirelessly to sift through the plethora of scientific literature so that we can provide evidence-based care for our patients. I am inspired by my colleagues who I teach with at the dental school. I am inspired by those in our profession who believe in pro-bono work either in their office or in underprivileged parts of the country and the world through recurring mission trips. I am inspired by those who fail and keep getting back up. I am inspired by events or experiences that promote unity, altruism, and the ability to unlock the potential within. There is a scene in the movie "Forrest Gump" where Forrest uses his speed to land a position with the Alabama football team. He returns a punt for a touchdown by running aimlessly and continues to run even after he scores. A few plays later, he scores another touchdown; however, this time the crowd, coaches and players guide him and tell him when to stop or what direction to run. We all get possession of the football of leadership from time to time. Sometimes we will fumble, sometimes we may score, but I believe the journey to the end zone is impossible without being part of a team and the guidance from the very people you are trying to score for.


UTSA I N JAMAI CA Last year, dental students from UTSA traveled as part of GHSA's first global mission trip to the communities of St. Mary's Parish, Jamaica. The trip was a great success. In just three days the doctor and student volunteers treated over 200 patients, including 140 extractions!

Dr. Ahmed Sabbah, student Rebecca Garcia, student Heather Burbick, Dr. Joseph Burbick, student Taylor Reece, student Ezinwanne Ejesieme

Drs. and students with the Jamaican national who returned after treatment with gifts for everyone!


I CD OFFI CER ELECTI ONS The meeting of ICD's governing body, the International Council, held in New York City, USA, culminated today with the induction of theInternational Officers and Secretary General, who were charged to lead the College during our pre-centennial year by ensuring established policies and new initiatives are being carried out, and that the College Core Values and ICD Brand are being promoted and observed in all Sections throughout the world. I nt er nat ional Pr esident : Bet t ie R. McKaig, USA Sect ion I nt er nat ional Pr esident Elect : Akira Senda, Japan Sect ion I nt er nat ional Vice Pr esident : Richar d M. Sm it h, USA Sect ion I nt er nat ional Tr easur er : Keit h Suchy, USA Sect ion I nt er nat ional Edit or : S. Dov Sydney, Eur opean Sect ion I nt er nat ional Past Pr esident : Clive Ross, Aust ralasia Sect ion Secr et ar y General: John V. Hint er m an, USA Sect ion Headlines from the New York International Council meeting will appear in the December issue of the e-newsletter The College Today, followed by a complete meeting review, reports from the Sections, humanitarian projects around the world and much, more in the next issue of the College's award-winning annual Journal, The Globe, to be published and distributed electronically in the Spring of 2019. About t he I nt er nat ional College of Dent ist s The International College of Dentists has been Honoring the World's Leading Dentists Since 1920 ? , and now has over 12,000 dentists who hold the title of FICD (Fellow International College of Dentists) in 122 countries throughout the globe. Fellowship in the College is by invitation only and is granted in recognition of an individual dentist ?s ?outstanding professional achievement, meritorious service, and dedication to the continued progress of dentistry for the benefit of humankind". In 2020, the College will be celebrating its 100th-year anniversary. Additional information on ICD governance and global humanitarian and other service projects may be viewed at www.icd.org or by contacting the Media Center at media@icd.org.



Out going Regent : Rise L. Martin, Lakehills, TX (830) 612-2626 dr.rise@lakehillsdental.com Regent : Jay C. Adkins, Lubbock, TX (806) 793-3556 drjay65@hotmail.com Vice Regent : Roland S. Davies, Austin, TX (512) 474-7356 rdaviesdds@aol.com Deput y Regent : Gus Gates, Temple, TX (254) 778-0686 gatestemple@aol.com ICD Treasurer: Richard M. Smith, Amarillo, TX (806) 353-4361 rmadsen2@aol.com Counsel ors: (N) Kathleen Nichols, Lubbock, TX (806) 698-6684 toothmom@kathleennicholsdds.com (SE) Rita M. Cammarata, Houston, TX (713) 666-7884 rmcdds@kids-teeth.com (S) JosĂŠ L. (Joey) Cazares, McAllen, TX (956) 686-5000 cazaresdds@sbcglobal.net (SW) Jamie Bone, Kerrville, TX (830) 257-7444 jamie@hcfdental.com (N) David A. Duncan, Amarillo, TX (806) 355-7401 david@drduncan.net (NE) Larry D. Herwig, Dallas, TX (214) 361-1845 ldherwig@sbcglobal.net (E) David F. Nichols, Tyler, TX (903) 561-7604 djnichols@suddenlinkmail.com (E) Mike Giesler, Atlanta, TX (903) 796-9921 mlgies@aol.com (W) John M. Purdy, El Paso, TX (915) 373-5646 JMPURDYDDS@aol.com

President : Jerry Katz, Austin TX (512) 343-0033 jpkatzdds@gmail.com Past President : Donna Miller, Waco, TX (254) 772-3632 Donna.Miller.DDS@gmail.com President El ect : Kavin Kelp, Austin, TX (512) 306-0115 jk24k@yahoo.com Sec/ Treasurer: Mark E. Gannaway, Garland, TX (214) 828-8915 mgannaway@tamhsc.edu Sec/ Treas El ect 2019: Audrey Stansbury, Frisco, TX (972) 824-4340 audreystansbury@gmail.com Communicat ions Direct or: Jon Williamson, Cedar Hill, TX (972) 299-6356 THOR1980@att.net Edit or: Claude (Rick) Stephens, Jr., Duncanville, TX (972) 298-1474 clarost@aol.com


2019 ICDUSA Sect ion Annual Meet ing in conj unct ion wit h t he ADA Annual Session

Sept ember 3- 6, 2019 San Fr ancisco, Cal if or nia Pr elim inar y Schedule Tuesday, September 3

1:00 PM ? 5:00 PM

Executive Committee Meeting

Wednesday, September 4

7:00 AM ? 4:00 PM

Foundation BOT and Committee Meetings

Wednesday, September 4

7:00 AM ? 4:00 PM

USA Section Committee Meetings

Thursday, September 5

8:00 AM ? 4:00 PM

Board of Regents Meeting

Thursday, September 5

5:00 PM ? 7:00 PM

Fellowship Orientation and Reception

Friday, Septemer 6

1:00 PM


Friday, September 6

6:30 PM ? 11:00 PM

Reception and Dinner

For more information, visit ht t p:/ / www.usa-icd.org

2019 Sout hwest Dent al Conf er ence Oct ober 10- 11, 2019 Dal l as, Texas Kay Bailey Hut chison Convent ion Cent er 650 S. Griffin Street, Dallas, TX 75202 For more information, visit ht t p:/ / swdent alconf .org/

2019 TDA Annual Meet ing May 2- 4, 2019 San Ant onio, Texas For more information, visit ht t ps:/ / t dam eet ing.com /


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