The Pass Key Opening the door to the International College of Dentists In the MARYLAND CHAPTER Volume 10, Issue 1
October 31, 2012
REPORT by Deputy Regent Edwin L. Morris
MARK YOUR CALENDAR Annual Meeting of Maryland Chapter
Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2012 SHERATON COLUMBIA HOTEL 6:30 PM Speaker: Dean Christian Stohler
****************** Mail reservation, $60 each, By Friday, November 9th to: Dr. George Williams III 12116 Jerusalem Road Kingsville, MD 21087
Leadership Positions Regent 4th District: Margaret M. Culotta-Norton, DC Deputy Regent: Edwin L . Morris
I am writing this report after having just returned from a very enjoyable time at the ICD Meeting in San Francisco. It was a most impressive meeting where everything went like clockwork and, I believe, everyone had a great time. I would like to first thank the ICD staff for all of their hard work. Such an undertaking, with all of its many components, requires a lot of planning and attention to detail. They were able to bring everything together seamlessly and with great style. The newly elected Fellows, five of whom were from Maryland, were inducted in an appropriately dignified convocation befitting this significant honor. The evening dinner and dance was equally well done. Again, to the USA ICD my hat is off to you all. Of course, what made this meeting even more significant for Marylanders is the fact that our own Dr. W. Michael Kenney is the 2012 President of the USA Section of the ICD. Without question Maryland can be proud of Mike’s presidency. All of the Regents with whom I spoke could not speak highly enough about Mike’s leadership during this past year. As many of you know Mike initiated an ambitious effort to develop a strategic plan for the USA section. At Mike’s behest Dr. Robert Frazier, an ICD Fellow and an expert in this field, was kind enough to spearhead the process on behalf of the USA section. The development of a strategic plan forces an organization to look within itself, define what it stands for, what its goals are and where it is headed. The USA Section has successfully undertaken this process and is now focused and ready to move forward into the future thanks to Mike’s leadership. Having known Mike for many years, as have many of you, his organizational abilities and his leadership skills are no surprise. He, of course, has served the Maryland ICD as Deputy Regent, Vice Regent and finally as Regent. While serving as Regent his talents were recognized by his colleagues and they chose to elevate him to the presidency of the USA Section. I would hope that you will join me at our Annual General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 to thank Mike, to catch up on what is happening at the ICD, and to hear what is happening in our profession of dentistry. Dean Christian Stohler has some important information to share with us about our profession and its future. He will be our guest speaker for the evening. 2012 Convocation
Secretary: Robin Gaber Treasurer: George H. Williams, III Counselor: W. King Smith Editor: M. Pitkin Johnson, Jr.
W. Michael Kenney, President, USA Section Margaret Culotta-Norton, Regent. 4th District Edwin L. Morris, Deputy Regent, Maryland
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October 2012
in San Francisco
DIANE D. ROMAINE University of Dayton BA 1987 University of Pittsburg DMD 1995 Allegany-Garrett Dental Society, Past-President General Practice– 17 years Academy General Dentistry-MAGD, FAGD
DIANA M. CAPOBIANCO University of MD Dental Hygiene BS 1994 Baltimore College of Dental Surgery DSS 1998 Attending U. of MD University College toward... Dual MBA/MS Public Health Care Administration Harford-Cecil Dental Society, President 2006
GEORGE R. SHEPLEY West Virginia University BA 1977 W.VA University School of Dentistry DDS 1977 General Practice 34 years Baltimore City Dental Society, President 2005 AGD, MD Pres. 1998-2000; Trustee, Region 5, 2011-14
CHARLES N. MORRIS Towson University 1974 Baltimore College of Dental Surgery DDS 1979 Harford-Cecil Dental Society, Past President General Practice 32 years Aberdeen Rotary President 1989, plus other community service activities
JUDITH A. PORTER West Virginia University BA 1972 West Virginia University DDS 1976 Marshall University 2003, MA Secondary Ed. & Doctor Ed Howard County Dental Association since 2006 Faculty BCDS since 2005
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Personal News and Proud Moments of our Maryland Colleagues Guy Shampaine currently is Chair of the Joint Commission on the National Board of Dental Examiners as well as Chair of the NERB. Rody Jaeger is still working a couple of days a week and continues to do a few NERB Exams. He is thankful for a wonderful life– a great wife, daughters, sons-in-law, grand-children and good health that allows time for playing tennis and golf. Lynn Mouden assumed the position of Chief Dental Officer for the Centers for Medicaid & Medical Services located on Security Blvd. As CDO, he oversees dental policy for the more than 30 million patients covered under Medicaid. With 16 years of private practice experience, faculty appointments in both dental and medical schools, and almost 20 years in state health departments as State Dental Director, he brings a unique perspective to oral health at the Federal level. Robin Gaber sold her practice to Payan Nourmand, DDS and now is officially retired after 34 years of practice. John Patterson, DDS, MBA has been chosen to be Chair of the Board of Visitors for the University of Maryland School of Dentistry. Al Ousborne is Program Chair of the meeting of the American Academy of Dental Practice Association at the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas from March 6—9, 2013.
REMEMBERING … H. BERTON McCAULEY, JR. December 20, 1913 — October 23, 2012 Obit from Ruck Funeral Homes: Born in Duluth, Minn., Bert McCauley excelled in the “A” course at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute and graduated from the University of Maryland School of Dentistry in 1936. While in part-time private practice in Baltimore, he served as the first-time instructor of oral roentgenology at UMSOD. After postgraduate training at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, he worked in Rochester’s radiology department. He consulted on the Manhattan Project in 1943 and showed that fluoride gas improves bone structure. His subsequent research played an important role in the widespread fluoridation of public drinking water, and he led the battle to fluoridate Baltimore’s water supply that succeeded in 1952. He served as Chief of Dental Health in Baltimore from 1949 through 1975 and retired from the Health Department in 1980. Editor’s notes: Bert was involved in more activities than space has to list. A Past-President of the Academy of the History of Dentistry, he was also historian for the MSDA, and generous donor of many institutions, including the National Museum of Dentistry. Among his numerous honors were MSDA’s Distinguished Service Award and the Dental School’s Dean’s Achievement Award. He was inducted into the ICD 25 years ago, but he will best be remembered for simply being a true gentleman.
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Planning Meeting Attending the meeting were: George Williams, Deputy Regent Ed Morris, Rody Jaeger, Robin Gaber, Mike Belenky, Mike Kenney, Fred Pries, Pit Johnson, and John Patterson
Deputy Regent Ed Morris convened a meeting on October 9, 2012 to discuss Proposed Articles of Incorporation and the By-Laws of the Maryland Chapter. Also, Mike Kenney reported on the USA Section’s activities during his year as President. Finally the discussions centered on our future meetings with the ACD as well as during the Chesapeake Dental Conference.
Tom Soliday is well known by all who receive this Newsletter, for as Maryland dentists, you have witnessed firsthand his leadership as President of MSDA and as parliamentarian for our Association’s House of Delegates. In addition, Tom was Speaker of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons’ H/D, where he was respected for his smooth and orderly approach to the groups governing and voting procedures. In 2003, Tom relinquished his position as Speaker of the AAOMS in order to be elected Speaker of the ADA’s House of Delegates. Having held that position longer than any previous Speaker, he leaves having contributed to re-writing and modernizing meeting rules with the release of a new parliamentary resource, the American Institute of Parliamentarians Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure. Today, Tom himself best expressed his stepping down by saying… “This is my last year as Speaker of the HOD for the ADA; so after 10 years, I will finish on October 23, 2012. It is bitter-sweet since I have been so involved for so long but now will have more time to travel with my wife, Nita, to places other than Chicago. I still practice 5 days a week but plan on slowing down in 2014 if I can.” EDITOR: M. Pitkin Johnson, Jr. 1200 Whetstone Drive Arnold, MD 21012