THE PASS KEY VOLUME 14, ISSUE 1 January 2017 Opening the Door to the International College of Dentists in the Maryland Chapter of District 4
FROM THE DESK OF THE DEPUTY REGENT JAMES W. TANEYHILL Three years ago when I was first asked to be the Deputy Regent for Maryland I adopted as a goal to increase our fellows' involvement in the community. We have been able to make some progress toward that goal. Last winter, Eric Katkow and Barry Lyons were instrumental in arranging for ICD fellows and fellows from the American College of Dentists to team up as facilitators for the ethics seminars which are part of the third-year curriculum for the students at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry. This is an excellent application of ICD and ACD talent for use within the dental school. This program was not without its challenges in that the time that it was offered was not at all convenient for those who are still practicing. Never the less, I highly commend Eric and Barry for their effort. This is the type of thing at which the ICD membership excels. We are again going to participate in staffing this program. Details are contained later in this newsletter. Please consider contributing your time to this endeavor. Interacting with the students is always enjoyable and rewarding and you get a free lunch courtesy of the ICD or ACD. We have been involved with another project at the dental school. As described in the last edition of this newsletter, the ICD- Maryland has sponsored the student led “Practice Management Study Club.” Last fall, as a result of our meetings with then sophomore Robert Clark and his colleagues, we offered to fund this club. So far it has met four times last winter and spring and three times this fall. I presented on “Overhead and Numbers” in September, Alan Schiff presented on “Practice Management” from a tax and accounting standpoint and in November, ICD Fellow Charlie Fine spoke about “Group Practices.” Joanne Block-Rief has done a wonderful job with the coordination and arrangements between the students and the presenters.
In This Issue
From the Desk of the Deputy Regent
In Memoriam
Maryland Chapter news: New Fellows, Awards, Ethics Seminar Series, Membership,
Deputy Regent Office
Special Thanks
Spring Meeting
She has welcomed students into her office as part of the activities associated with the club and she has presided over the scheduling of speakers for the four sessions planned for the winter and spring. Terrific job, Joanne. If you have any interest in helping Joanne with this program, please let her know. The most important point to understand to that the students get zero training in this area anymore. They are very hungry for anything involving private practice. Your contribution, regardless of how elementary it may seem to you, is uncharted ground to the students. Please contact Joanne ( Finally, I would like to present and idea for an additional project. Each year at the annual breakfast meeting for deputy regents, we have an opportunity to learn about what other components may be doing to help in their communities. Several components have reached out to the local veteran groups in an attempt to provide care to those who do not qualify for VA care, which is just about all of them, and who just cannot afford it. I have a mechanism in mind that I believe would be effective in screen those veterans who truly are destitute and truly in need of care. The first step is to form a committee of leaders from around the state who would be willing to take the initiative in establishing the program. Once off the ground, I do not fore see this effort requiring much administrative time. If you would like to help me in the establishment of a program for needy veterans, please let me know ( In Memoriam This past Summer we lost George Williams. George served for many years as our Treasurer. He was a wonderful friend, an accomplished dentist, an excellent teacher. His lost continues to be felt by all who knew him. May he rest in peace. MARYLAND CHAPTER NEWS The chapter currently has 103 members which includes the four new members who were inducted at the annual meeting in Denver this past October. I am proud to introduce them:
Dr. Jean Judy Carlson Jean was sponsored by Kathleen Frankle. She lives in Easton and practices General Dentistry in Cambridge. She earned both a B.S. degree in Dental Hygiene and a D.D.S. degree at the West Virginia University. She has completed mini-residencies for General Dentists in Orthodontics, Sedation Dentistry and Pediatric Dentistry. She has hospital privileges at the University of Maryland System Shore Regional Health at Chestertown and teaches at Chesapeake College in Wye Mills. She is also a Fellow of the American College of Dentists and the Pierre Fauchard Academy. She has been active in a wide range of professional, community and humanitarian activities.
Dr. Maurice Sebastian Miles Maurice was sponsored by Mel Kushner. He lives in Bowie and practices General Dentistry in Laurel. He earned a B.S. degree at Belhaven College (now Belhaven University) and a D.D.S. degree at Howard University. He served as a member, Vice-President and President of the Maryland Board of Dental Examiners and continues to represent the State of Maryland on the American Board of Dental Examiners and Northeast Regional Board of Dental Examiners. He has been active in community, humanitarian and especially legislative activities in support of the profession.
Dr. Susan Margaret Pearson Susan was also sponsored by Kathleen Frankle. She lives and practices General Dentistry in Silver Spring. She earned a B.S. degree at the University of Michigan and a D.D.S. degree at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is also a Fellow of the American College of Dentists and the Pierre Fauchard Academy. She has been particularly active in the Paragon Program of the Academy of Women Dentists and participated in multiple humanitarian projects, including Mission of Mercy, Smiles on Wings and the Maryland Foundation for Dentistry for the Handicapped.
Dr. Arpana Singh Verma Arpana was sponsored by Renee Ava McCoy Collins. She lives in Gaithersburg and practices General Dentistry with her husband in Fredrick. She earned a B.S. degree at the University of Maryland at College Park and a D.D.S. degree at the University of Maryland at Baltimore. She is also a Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry. She currently serves on the Maryland State Board of Dental Examiners and the American Association of Dental Boards. She has been active as a volunteer with the Montgomery County Public Schools and has participated in the Mission of Mercy program. Finally, Arpana has graciously volunteered to assume the duties of Treasurer for our Chapter.
I am delighted to welcome these four new members. Their backgrounds and professional accomplishments are exceptional.
Jim Taneyhill
AWARDS The International College recognizes membership longevity by way of an attachment to the lapel pin (which each of us received during the original induction ceremony). This year, the Maryland chapter awarded six longevity awards: 25 Year Members: Martin Barley Jerry Bowers Edwin Crooks
15 Year Members: Gary Colangelo John Duckworth
Dr. Rick Grubb receiving his 15-year award from
Richard Grubb
ICD-USA President Dr. Margaret Culotta-Norton
The Maryland Chapter presents the George B Clendenin Award annually to that rising second-year student at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry who attained the highest overall average during her first year. This year, the award winner was Ms. Raime Shah. Raime hails from the San Francisco Bay area. On behalf of the Maryland Chapter, ICDUSA, congratulations, Raime, and all the best going forward in your career.
Dr. Ed Morris, Dr. Margaret Culotta-Norton, Ms. Raime Shah and Dr. James Taneyhill
ETHICS SEMINAR SERIES In 2016, we combined forces with the American College of Dentists in order to staff an Ethics Seminar series at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry. The seminars this year are being held on Tuesdays, February 14, 21 and 28, and March 7 and 14. The time commitment is from about 9:15 A.M. to Noon on each date. Admittedly, the time frame is not very convenient especially if one is still practicing; nevertheless, I ask that you to take a look at Eric Katkow's letter immediately below. Thanks, Jim ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Fellows, The University of Maryland School of Dentistry has asked our help in mentoring the 2017 ethics seminars they have planned for the dental students. Each volunteer Fellow is paired with a second volunteer to spend 50 minutes with a small group of students to discuss a specific issue; then a second small group of students discuss the same issue. All volunteers meet immediately prior to the class sessions to discuss the best way to present the information. One not need be an ethics expert. I’ve found the students are most receptive to our real-life stories - cases we’ve all had and how we dealt with them. From past experience, I’ve found we spend a little time on the specific, pre-assigned questions about the actual case to be discussed and then most of the time on our “stories.” The dates are all on Tuesday mornings - which I realize is not the ideal time for practicing dentists - but I hope you can make time for at least one or two of these five dates: February 14, 21, 28, and March 7, 14. The sessions are from 10:00-11:50 A.M.; we will meet as a group at about 9:30 for a brief discussion and for our assignments. Maggie Wilson organized these sessions many years ago; then Judy Porter took over; then Vanessa Benavent; and now Fotini King is the coordinator. Please contact Dr. King at and let her know your contact information and your dates of availability. If you have colleagues whom you feel would be interested, please let them know about it. Any organizational/technical questions should be addressed to Dr. King.
I thank all of you in advance. Sincerely, Eric Katkow D.D.S., F.A.C.D., F.I.C.D. 410/730-2020 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A WORD ABOUT MEMBERSHIP In the past, you have been most responsive in your attention to identifying new candidates. I ask that you continue to reward your colleagues who have distinguished themselves in our profession and in their community by nominating them for ICD Fellowship. The application process is not difficult. It is done completely on line. You really have only three things to accomplish; 1) Writing and uploading a short letter of Sponsorship; 2) Getting your nominee to sit down and fill out the Candidate Information Form,(often the most difficult part); and 3) Convincing another ICD Fellow to write and upload a supporting letter of recommendation. That's it. I ask that you reach out to a deserving friend just as your sponsor did for you. You will make your colleague feel good about him/herself, you will feel good about yourself, and the College will benefit from the talent and energy that your new candidate will bring to us. Now is the time to get started. The application deadline is May 15. DEPUTY REGENT The term of office for the Deputy Regent position is generally four years. I am entering into my fourth year and feel that this is a good time to ask for my replacement. While this position is not among the most difficult that you will ever undertake, occasionally, a minor time commitment is required. The support staff at the USA Section Office in Gaithersburg is world class. I have never asked for anything that they did not fulfill immediately. Furthermore, Ed Morris and I stand ready to assist in every possible way. If you feel that you would like to give it a try, please let me know. It has been a pleasure to serve as your Deputy Regent for the Maryland Chapter. SPECIAL THANKS The 2016 USA-ICD Section President Margaret (Margot) Culotta-Norton accepted our invitation to attend the Maryland Chapter annual dinner meeting in December. President Culotta -Norton was in the final weeks of her term of office. For her to give up yet another night of her life to be with us, in my humble opinion, was truly wonderful. Margot has been a great president and an even better friend to our Chapter. Thank you, Margot. ICD-ACD SPRING MEETING This spring it is the ICD-Maryland Chapter’s turn to organize the annual ICD-ACD Maryland meeting. This year I have asked Usa Bunnag to present. Usa has developed the Smiles on Wings program, an extraordinary outreach activity in Thailand. Her presentation at the ICDACD – District of Columbia Chapter annual meeting was very well received. I am looking forward to her presentation to our Chapter. Stand by for meeting details as we move into the Spring.
Editor: Dr. J. Terrell HofLeadership Coordinator:
OFFICERS OF THE MARYLAND CHAPTER Deputy Regent: Dr. James W. Taneyhill Counselor: Dr. W. King Smith Treasurer: Dr. Arpana S. Verma Editor: Dr. J. Terrell Hoffeld Leadership Coordinator: Dr. Edwin L. Morris
feld Dr. Edwin L. Morris