The pass key International college of dentists
Volume 15, issue 1 february 2018
FROM THE DESK OF THE DEPUTY REGENT JAMES W. TANEYHILL: Your Maryland Chapter enjoyed a relatively active year in 2017. We continue to financially support a very successful student-led Study Club at the University of Maryland, that addresses the business side of Dentistry. Fellow Joanne Block Rief volunteered to mentor this group and has done a great job! Please consider giving her a hand. If you are considering helping out, but are reluctant to step forward, I would like to dispel any misgivings you might have. The students do not get any training in practice management in their standard curriculum anymore. The wise ones have recognized and understand the need for this background prior to setting up a practice. They are hungry for and most receptive to any and all practical information. The students would welcome any teaching/mentorship that you may contribute to their Study Club. Again, thanks to all who volunteered to facilitate the Ethics Seminar Series. A special thanks to Fellow Eric Katkow for taking the lead as liaison between the ICD and the UMSOD. I truly hope we can continue supporting this series. It is an area where I feel that the ICD along with the ACD can make a unique contribution. Finally, this is the time of the year when I ask that you consider nominating a colleague for membership. The “Why?” is basic. This is the best opportunity available in our profession to recognize a colleague for his or her outstanding service or contribution to Dentistry. This is precisely what your sponsor did for you. Isn’t it time for you to pay it forward? The nomination process is direct, Here is how: go to and sign in (if you have not registered for access to the website or cannot remember your signIN THIS ISSUE: in, go to CONTACT US and request those data). Then go to From the Deputy Regent MEMBERS > NEW FELLOW PROCESS > SPONSOR > New Maryland Fellows SPONSOR A CANDIDATE > CANDIDATE SPONSOR FORM. George B. Clendinin Award Then just fill in the blanks. The website will forward the completMaryland Chapter Officers ed form to me; after I approve your candidate’s suitability, you will need to have another Fellow write a supporting letter of recFellows in the News ommendation while you inform your candidate of the great honBusiness/Dinner Meeting or that is about to befall him or her. Finally, instruct the candiBaltimore Station Project date to complete the CANDIDATE INFORMATION FORM. That The “I” in ICD is it. The USA Central Office handles everything from then on.
We welcomed two new Fellows this past year and so far, I have one new candidate this year. (Thank you, Barry Cohan.) The USA-ICD meeting this year is in Honolulu so if you are looking for an excuse for an Hawaiian vacation next October, you and your candidate have a ready-made opportunity! On behalf of Terry Hoffeld, our Editor and Arpana Verma, our Treasurer, best wishes for a safe and enjoyable Winter and Spring. I look forward to seeing you at the ACD-ICD combined meeting in May. Yours in Fellowship, Jim Taneyhill
NEW MARYLAND FELLOWS: JEROME S. CASPER Jerry Casper earned his B.S. degree at the University of Maryland at College Park and his D.M.D. degree at the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. He completed a General Dental Practice Residency and North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, NY. He served a Fellowship in Special Needs Pediatric Dentistry at Johns Hopkins Hospital Kennedy Institute. He then completed a Pediatric Dental Residency at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry and has been a Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry ever since, with offices in Olney and Crofton MD. He has hospital appointments at Laurel Regional Medical Center (Chief of Dentistry), Peninsula Regional Medical Center and Shady Grove Adventist Hospital. He is a member of the Dean’s Faculty of the University of Maryland School of Dentistry and is a part-time faculty member in Pediatric Dentistry at the Maryland site of the New York University Lutheran Medical Center. He is also a current Board member of the Montgomery County Public Schools Health Department. On the personal side, he is an avid fitness buff (triathlons, marathons, swimming) and he maintains an active interest in history, particularly American (including a recent trip to visit the Normandy landing sites of D-Day). JOHN M. MCCOMB Jack McComb earned his B.A. degree in Biology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in 1976 and his D.D.S. degree from the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery in 1980. He completed a General Practice Residency in the U.S. Army at Fort Jackson in Columbia, SC (1980-1981) and served at the 97th General Hospital Dental Clinic in Frankfurt, Germany (19811984). He operates a General Practice in Lutherville, MD. He serves as the Baltimore County Trustee to the MSDA. On the personal side, he and his wife, Carol, have two daughters and four grandchildren. His fun interests include music (guitar student), woodworking, golf and working on old cars (currently restoring a 1984 Mercedes-Benz 380SL).
The George B. Clendenin Award is presented each Fall to that second year student at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry who, at the completion of the freshman year, attained the highest combined academic average. There is a stipend that accompanies this award. The award winner this year is Katherine V. Bell. There was a formal presentation at UMSOD and she was also recognized as our guest at the December Business/Dinner Meeting. Katie is from the Silver Spring area and she describes herself as a “nontraditional� student in that she was a little older when she entered UMSOD. She had previously worked in her mother's orthodontic office and is about to be a new mom. Congratulations, Katie!
Award Presentation at UMSOD (L to R): Joanne Block Rief, Jim Taneylhill, Katherine Bell and Stan Block
OFFICERS OF THE MARYLAND CHAPTER Deputy Regent: Dr. James W. Taneyhill Counselor: Dr. W. King Smith Treasurer: Dr. Arpana S. Verma Editor: Dr. J. Terrell Hoffeld Leadership Coordinator: Dr. Edwin L. Morris
MARTIN A. BARLEY GARNER D. MORGAN Fellows Martin Barley and Garner Morgan, both members of the Patuxent Dental Society, were inducted into the Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame (MSCHF) for the year 2017. The induction ceremony and luncheon were held on Thursday, October 26, 2017. Each inductee received a membership certificate, MSCHF lapel pin, and a copy of the Blue Book that includes the name, picture, and a brief summary of volunteer service for each of the 2017 honorees. A copy of the Blue Book is kept in the archives at the Langsdale Library, University of Baltimore. The Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame, Inc. is a private, allvolunteer organization that has been functioning since 1987. The sole purpose of the organization is to publicly recognize and honor each year individual senior citizens who are at least 65 years of age. Nominees must live in Maryland and have performed outstanding service in their communities. Further details about the award and the complete list of 2017 honorees can be found at: MSCHF 2017 Honorees BARRY L. COHAN The University of Maryland School of Dentistry (UMSOD) conferred upon Fellow Barry Cohan the 2017 Alumnus of the Year Distinguished Public Service Award. This award recognizes meritorious professional leadership and service to the UMSOD and the community. For more than 40 years, he has run a private family practice of dentistry in Baltimore while steadfastly contributing his time, wealth, and knowledge to the UMSOD and the community. He is a member of the Maryland State Board of Dental Examiners and serves as an examiner for the Commission on Dental Competency Assessments (CDCA). He is a past president of the UMSOD Alumni Association Board of Directors and currently sits on the Board of Visitors and the University of Maryland, Baltimore President's Roundtable. Since 2011, he has served as a part-time Assistant Professor on the Dean's Faculty, spending two days a week teaching residents and undergraduate students in pediatric dentistry and facial pain. Full text of the award can be found at: UMSOD Alumnus of the Year 2017 MELVIN F. KUSHNER Fellow Mel Kushner was able to establish, three years ago, an Externship Program for UMSOD senior Dental and Hygiene students at the Access Carroll Integrated Healthcare Center (Access Carroll Healthcare Center). This program currently involves about a dozen Dental preceptors (several of whom are ICD Fellows). He reports that this has been a great experience for all involved and is extending an invitation to have one or two more Fellows join the team at the Access Carroll site. The externship program provides experience in all phases of general dentistry. As a preceptor, you will be able to make valuable use of your practical experience and training while gaining the satisfaction of knowing that you've made a significant impact on the education of our future colleagues. You will also receive CE credits for your participation and become a member of the Dean's Faculty at UMSOD. For further information and to request a tour of the Carroll County facility, please contact Dr. Mel Kushner at 410/274-5554, or email
FELLOWS IN THE NEWS (continued) GEORGE R. SHEPLEY In October, at the ADA Annual Session, Fellow George Shepley was installed as the District 4 Trustee for the American Dental Association. This is a four-year term and (as the model on which the ICD District 4 is based) represents Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and the Federal Dental Services (Army, Navy, Air Force, Veterans Administration, and Public Health Service). Further details can be found at: ADA Press Release
ROBERT E. WILLIAMS Fellow Robert Williams is currently serving as the Co-General Chair of the Annual Session of the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) to be held in Washington, DC in May 4-8, 2018 (Leadership for 2018 AAO Annual Session). In his continuing roles as a Clinical Associate Professor in the Orthodontic Department of UMSOD and Editor of the Middle Atlantic Society of Orthodontists (MASO), he has been appointed to represent the MASO on the Global Strategic Planning Committee of the AAO.
MARYLAND CHAPTER BUSINESS/DINNER MEETING On Thursday, December 7, about one-quarter of the Maryland ICD Fellows assembled for the semi-annual Chapter Business/Dinner Meeting. The site was one that most of us had never visited before, the Elkridge Furnace Inn, an historic site, founded in 1744 (Elkridge Furnace Inn). We thank Fellow Sheldon Seidel for recommending this interesting and relatively convenient meeting place. Following a meet-and-greet Fellowship Hour, during which many of us toured the historic building, to the delight of the staff, who wore garb appropriate to the founding period. When we were seated for dinner, those staff served us with the courtesy and flair we attribute to colonial times. Following the repast, there was a full agenda of introductions, announcements, recognition awards and formal presentations, as outlined below. Deputy Regent Jim Taneyhill served as Master-of-Ceremonies throughout. Two of our Maryland Fellows passed away during 2017 and were remembered during a period of silence. Those Fellows were Doctors F. Grant Hill, Jr. (Woodbine; Funeral Home Obituary) and Robert T. Scott (Westminster; Baltimore Sun Obituary).
At the October 19, 2017 ICD-USA Convocation in Atlanta, two new Fellows were inducted and have chosen the Maryland Chapter as their principal affiliation with the College. New Fellows Jerome S. Casper and John M. McCombe were introduced. Information about them is provided elsewhere in this PassKey newsletter. Other new Fellows, residing in Maryland, but who chose to affiliate with the indicated Chapters, more appropriate to their practices, included: Adam J. Frieder (D.C.), Renèe W. Joskow (U.S. Public Health Service), Nicholas S. Makrides (U.S. Public Health Service), Victor R. Siegel (D.C.) and Nancy C. Tilkin (D.C.). All of these other Chapters are, of course, within the ICD District 4, so we hope to see these Fellows at future Maryland Chapter events to which they have a standing invitation. Section I (U.S.A.) of the ICD provides recognition awards, in the form of attachments to the ICD lapel pin, for periods of 15 and 25 years of continuous Fellowship in the College. Six Fellows from the Maryland Chapter qualified this year: completing 15 years were Fellows Steve Cohen, Lew Libby, Don Tilghman and Karl Zeren; completing 25 years were Fellows Terry Hoffeld and Warren Morganstein.
15-year Awardees Lewis Libby and Don Tilghman
Jim Taneyhill presenting 25-year Award to Terry Hoffeld
Each year, the Maryland Chapter has the privilege of awarding the Dr. George B. Clendenin Award, a scholarship that provides a monetary award to the second-year Dental student at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry who achieved the highest scholastic average at the end of his/her first year. The recipient this year was Katherine V. Bell. Katie was not only present to receive the award, but also left an impression on those of us who spoke with her during the course of the evening, that we felt reassured about the future of Dentistry in the hands of this next generation.
As mentioned in the report of the Deputy Regent, the Maryland Chapter has two ongoing projects with the students at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry. The coordinators for each of those projects summarized their activities over the past year and plans for the future. Fellow Joanne Block Rief reported on the Practice Management Study Club and Fellow Eric Katkow outlined the upcoming third year continuation of the restored Ethics Seminar Series, which is being continued as a joint effort of the ICD, the ACD and the UMSOD Dean’s Faculty. The Deputy Regent also made the point that we could begin additional projects, as appropriate to the interests of current Fellows, and asked for recommendations from any having a particular project in mind. [Fellows Block Rief and Katkow are pictured on the next page]
Joanne Block Rief
Eric Katkow
The major presentations of the evening were delivered by Fellows Ed Morris and Art Jee. Ed had been designated in October to become, on January 1, the Regent for District 4 of the College (DC, DE, MD, NJ, PR and each of the Federal Dental Services), having served as the Vice-Regent over the past four years. He reported on the accomplishments of the District under his predecessor Fellow Carmine LoMonaco, the current status of the Chapters and ideas for the upcoming four years of his appointment. Following a question-andanswer period, the floor was turned over to Art. Art is currently the President of the Maryland State Board of Dental Examiners. He focused on the challenge of running a regulatory organization, answerable to the executive and legislative branches of the State, but with responsibility for the protection of the public in regard to our profession. Discussion led, of course to the relationship of the Maryland State Dental Association (MSDA), with its advocacy, outreach and educational roles. Since several members of the audience were current or former MSDA Board Members, clarification of confusion about the two bodies was usefully dispelled.
Ed Morris
Art Jee
Exciting News – New Community Action Project at Baltimore Station The ICD Maryland Chapter has very recently established a relationship with the facility known as Baltimore Station. This is a residential center located in South Baltimore for previously homeless veterans. The object is to establish a “Donated Dental Service” type of program to help some of these men with their Dental needs. The administration at Baltimore Station is super excited about this opportunity for their residents.
More to follow in a separate email upcoming from the Deputy Regent.
THE “I” IN ICD The International College of Dentists is, by definition, an INTERNATIONAL organization, but it is all too easy to think locally, potentially missing global opportunities for expanded perspectives, which are so readily accessible to us. Indeed, many U.S.A. Fellows have established collegial working relationships and even close personal friendships with Fellows from other nations. . If this idea appeals to you, browse the International ICD website. LEARNING ABOUT DENTISTRY IN OTHER ICD SECTIONS All members of the College regardless of their native language or country of residence, adhere to one universal motto, Recognizing Service and the Opportunity to Serve. Among the Core Values of the College is: “Education: Contribute to the advancement of the profession of dentistry by fostering the growth and diffusion of dental knowledge worldwide.” Despite Fellowship in this international body and the best of our intentions, it is too easy to be provincial in our outlook on Dentistry compared with how it is practiced around the world, thereby missing opportunities for professional growth. Listed below are several recent review articles on the status and policies of practice in China, which became Section XIII of the International College of Dentists in 2010. All of these articles are “Open Access” and can be downloaded as PDFs at no charge. None of these is specific to the ICD, nor does their inclusion constitute endorsement of their content by the ICD at any level. They are presented solely as informational for those who would like to explore other parts of the world of Dentistry of which each of us is honored to be a part. If you find this information interesting, please contact the editor and similar reviews of policy and practice in other ICD Sections may be included in future issues of the Maryland PassKey. • Oral health in China: from vision to action, IJOS: International Journal of Oral Science (2017), Click Here for PDF • Oral Health Status and Oral Health Care Model in China, The Chinese Journal of Dental Research (2016), Click Here for PDF • Meeting the oral health needs of 12-year-olds in China: human resources for oral health, BMC Public Health (2017), Click Here for PDF • Determinants of Catastrophic Dental Health Expenditure in China (2016), PLOS ONE (2016), Click Here for PDF FDI WORLD DENTAL FEDERATION The FDI World Dental Federation (originally Federation Dentaire Internationale) is the organization representing all of the various national Dental Associations of the world (the ADA is a Member and the ICD is an Affiliate Member). They have released, during the first week of February 2018, two related documents, agreed upon internationally by the Member nations, regarding the global burden of periodontal disease. These are the most recent products of the FDI Global Periodontal Health Project. The documents are entitled: • White Paper on Prevention and Management of Periodontal Diseases for Oral Health and General Health • Periodontal Health and Disease – A practical guide to reduce the global burden of periodontal disease. Each of these can be downloaded at no cost from the same webpage: Click Here to Select PDF. If Periodontal Disease is not your focus, browse the rest of the FDI website starting from that site; there are lots of other resources available there.