WI NTER 2016
?I f you have integr ity, nothing else matter s. I f you don't have integr ity, nothing else matter s.? - Ha r vey M a ckay I w as delighted to take a day out of my busy schedule to fly to Denver and w itness the sw ear ing into the ICD of my good fr iend and for m er shipm ate Dr . St ew ar t Pow er s. As I sat in the audience I w as str uck by the diver sity of m usic the ver y talented Dr . T. Bob Dav i s played for us. It m ade m e think of the diver se backgr ounds of the dentists being honor ed on that day. As I contem plated the diver sity of the honor ees my m ind natur ally and eventually ponder ed the things that they shar ed in com m on. As I m entally distilled their com m on tr aits I ended up w ith the w or d ?Integr ity." M er r iam Webster defines integr ity as ?fir m adher ence to a code of especially m or al or ar tistic values.? I think my assessm ent of our new m em ber s as people of integr ity is accur ate and it m akes m e pr oud to be honor ed w ith m em ber ship in this college. Claude Stephens, Editor
I NTERNATI ONAL COLLEGE OF DENTI STS USA SECTI ON 610 Pr of essi on al Dr . Su i t e 201 Gai t h u r sbu r g, M D 20879 (301) 251-8861 w w w.u sa-i cd.or g of f i ce@u sa-i cd.or g
Let t er f r om t h e Edi t or
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Regen t s Repor t by Dr . Ri se' M ar t i n
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Dr . Joh n Bak er
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Dr . Dan Ben t l ey
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Gr eat Ex pect at i on s
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I CD Den ver 2016 - Con vocat i on
Page 7
I CD Den ver 2016 - Di n n er Dan ce
Page 8
On Ser v i n g Ot h er s by Dr . Kev i n Bei t ch m an
Page 10
Tex as I CD 25 Year M em ber s
Page 11
25 Year I CD Pi n s, I n M em or i am
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Upcom i n g Even t s 1
REGENTS REPORT BY DR. RI SE' MARTI N The fall m eeting of the USA Section Boar d of Regents w as held October 20-21 in Denver , Color ado. All m eetings and events w er e held at the Sher aton Hotel. Dur ing the Annual Convocation, the College w elcom ed 317 new Fellow s w ith 32 fr om Texas (Distr ict 15) in alphabetical or der : Ju de T. Ar i sco ?Tem ple, Kev i n J. Bei t ch m an ? San Antonio, Dan Ben t l ey ? M anvel, Jan el l e Bu r n et t e Bi ck n el l ? Gr and Pr air ie, Fr an k i n Sam u el Bon asso ? Austin, Nor m an Ru ssel l Ch u ? Houston, Don al d F. Coh en ? Houston, Ju st i n A. Dacy ? Boer ne, Br ook e Zan e Lof t i s El m or e ? Tem ple, Dav i d Fr ay - Houston, Du c ?Du k e? M . Ho ? Katy, Er i c Hol l an der ? Austin, Jen n i n e K. Hu et ? The Woodlands, Su m m er C. Ket r on ? Lubbock, Jon at h on R. Ki m es ? Austin, Rober t R. Lem k e ? San Antonio, Ral ph E. M ar t i n ? Cor pus Chr isti, Ch r i st i n e M ar i e M ei n er s ? San Antonio, Ch ar l es W. M i l l er ? Ar lington, Gl en da G. Ow en ? Houston, Jam es L. Pau k er t ? Houston, Joe M . Pi azza Jr . ? Houston, St ew ar t Pow er s ? Red Oak, Su san Pu t h of f ? Ker r ville, Th om as B. Ran der s, Jr . ? Lubbock, Am er i an Di an n a Son es ? Dallas, Jean n e C. Su t t on ? Houston, M adel i n e J. An der son Th om as ? Cedar Hill, Ch ar l es Ever et t Th om pson ? Har lingen, Fr ed J. Voor h ees ? Austin, Ben F. War n er ? Houston, and Th om as R. Wat k i n s ? San Antonio. Thank you to all of you w ho nom inated these deser ving fellow s to ICD! Now is the tim e to subm it your 2017 nom ination. Just go to usa-icd.or g and scr oll dow n the hom e page to click on ?New Fellow Pr ocess?. If you have any pr oblem s, contact Rol an d Dav i es at Dr . Ri ch ar d Sm i t h fr om Am ar illo continues to ser ve as Tr easur er for ICD-USA Section and the entir e ICD. We ar e all in good hands w ith him w atching over our funds. Our annual br eakfast at the SW DC in Dallas w as w ell attended and w e hosted our ICD-USA Section Pr esident, Dr . M ar gar et M . Cu l ot t a-Nor t on fr om Washington D.C. She w as quite a lady posing in her beautiful Texas cow boy hat. Sever al 25 year pin extensions w er e pr esented to Dr . Bob An der t on , Dr . Br i an Babi n and Dr . Ed Sh i l l er . Dr . Cu l ot t a-Nor t on installed our new officer s for 2017: Pr esident ? Gu s Gat es, Pr esident ? Elect ? Don n a M i l l er , Secr etar y/Tr easur er ? M ar k Gan n aw ay, Editor ? Cl au de 'Ri ck ' St eph en s and Im m ediate Past Pr esident ? Don Lu t es. At the TDA m eeting in M ay 2016, Texas ICD hosted the ICD/ACD/PFA br eakfast sponsor ed by M cLer r an and Associates and pr esented a num ber of 25 year pin extensions to ICD m em ber s. Dr . Bi r gi t Gl ass, Dr . Ch ar l es Hoopi n gar n er , Dr . T. Bob Dav i s ,Dr . Fr ed Ph i l l i ps, Dr . Geor ge Ri ch ar ds, Dr . Joh n Kost oh r yz, Dr . Gl en n Ru t h aven Sr ., and Dr . Ru ssel l Sch l at t m an I I I . I am pr oud to say that our Gr eat Expectations Pr ofessional M entor ing pr ogr am is doing w ell at all thr ee dental schools. Thank you to all of you w ho m entor students and help w ith these pr ogr am s. I hope that you enjoyed our fir st digital new sletter in June. We hope to br ing m or e digital new s to you. This has been a busy year. Don?t for get to LIKE our Texas ICD facebook page!
In August of 2016, the Am er ican Dental Association sent out their annual Cer tificates of Inter national Volunteer Ser vice to deser ving ADA m em ber s. The r ecipient dentists all volunteer ed their tim e and ser vices to r elieve pain and suffer ing of people in disadvantaged countr ies. Dr . Joh n Bak er has gone on 38 m ission tr ips over 19 year s to ser ve the im pover ished com m unities in M exico. Dr. Baker has been a full tim e pr acticing dentist in Dallas for 49 year s. Below , Dr. Baker shar es som e of the aspects of his m ission ser vice: ?For 20 year s, my best fr iend Bob Bu r l eson and I had explor ed the m ost im pover ished ar eas of the Chihuahuan Deser t in nor ther n M exico adjacent to Texas. Bob decided to do as m uch as possible to help these disadvantaged fr iends that w e had com e to know. Thr ough the Baptist River M inistr y Pr ogr am , Bob star ted m ission w or k that included habitat im pr ovem ent, education, infr astr uctur e developm ent, m edical and health clinics, dental clinics & m or e. I becam e the dentist for this endeavor , w hich involved car ing for these w onder ful people in thr ee sm all villages and sever al outlying goat cam ps. These M exican Indians exist in the m ost pr im itive im aginable conditions, living in br ush huts, caves, lean-tos, br ush ar bor s, and dug outs - a 150 year ago type of existence w ith dir t floor s and cooking outdoor s for the m ost par t. Needless to say, w ith our equipm ent w hich included com pr essed CO2 tanks and high speed dr ills, w e w er e able to give these people as fine a dental car e as any place in the w or ld. Wor king under a tr ee, a br ush ar bor , a tar p, and som etim es in an adobe hut, w e per for m ed fillings, extr actions, per iodontal cleanings and sur ger y, and all types of car e instr uctions to these im pover ished people. All the w hile w ith goats, chickens, tur keys, hogs, donkeys, hor ses and dogs com peting for our w or k space. Som e of our or al sur ger y w as of the type that, had w e been in the United States, w e w ould have put the patient in the hospital and used gener al anesthesia. How ever , as is often the case, God pr ovides the healing and the pr otection for these types of em er gency situations in such pr im itive settings. We had m any unusual exper iences, such as being taken into custody by locals and having to w or k on 'their ' fam ily. We had m en w ith guns have us do dental w or k on them all day as they held their fir ear m s acr oss their chest w hile w e w or ked. Other s stood in a cir cle ar ound us w ith their r ifles r eady, w aiting each for their tur n. But by and lar ge, my dental car e for these people w as the m ost satisfying aspect of my 49 year s in dentistr y, as these fam ilies becam e my r egular patients, seen and helped 2 or 3 tim es each year for 19 year s.?
DR. DAN BENTLEY, ON I CD MEMBERSHI P As I w as w aiting to w alk acr oss the stage and be inducted into the Inter national College of Dentists, I felt ver y hum bled by the w hole exper ience. Ther e w er e so m any passionate and engaged individuals in the r oom . W hatever I have contr ibuted to this pr ofession and the com m unity has been a gift to m e. As a student at San Antonio I had Dr . Dal e and Dr . Har bor . They pour ed quality into m e and som e of it m ust have stuck . I had a gr eat exam ple of Dr. Richar d Sm ith w hen in pr ivate pr actice in Am ar illo concer ning or ganized dentistr y, and it w as r efr eshing to see and talk to him dur ing the pr oceedings in Denver. The com m unity of faith I w as led to in Am ar illo has had a m ost pr ofound and lasting effect on my pr actice of the pr ofession of dentistr y, and fr om Dr . Wat er h ou se I obtained the desir e to be of som e assistance to the m issionar ies w or king w ith the Tepejuan and Nahuatl people in the m ountain villages of M exico. The fr iendships and oppor tunities to ser ve w hich dentistr y pr ovided to m e ar e still invaluable. I am also so thankful I said yes to educator s in Houston associated w ith this fellow ship like Gar y Fr ey and Jay Wel ch . The w or ld of academ ia w as not on my agenda, but my par tner ?s daughter becam e a dentist, my daughter enter ed UT School of Dentistr y, and after selling my pr actice to the Br adys I follow ed M ichelle to the dental school and have never left. Dental education is a high calling, but oh so r ew ar ding. Fr om it I have oppor tunities to inter act w ith som e of the m ost dedicated people I have ever know n, and now I also get to w or k w ith my pr ecious daughter , also the m other of my four gr andchildr en. I have had a gr eat pr ofessional life, shar ed ever y day fr om the beginning w ith my suppor tive and actively engaged w ife Susan. I am so for tunate. M any have pour ed so m uch into m e, and I am so blessed by them . If I w as called to this, and I think I w as, I am so gr ateful I said yes.
Th e an n u al br eak f ast m eet i n g at SW DC i n Dal l as i s sch edu l ed f or Sat u r day, Sept em ber 16 at t h e Om n i Hot el at 7 am .
2016 Texas ICD New M em ber s
GREAT EXPECTATI ONS The Gr eat Expectations m entor ship pr ogr am continues to pr om ote leader ship and pr ofessionalism by pair ing second year dental students w ith thir d and four th year students, as w ell as faculty m em ber s and w or king dentists.
San Antonio
Photos cour tesy of Dr . M ar k Bau m an
ON SERVI NG OTHERS BY DR. KEVI N BEI TCHMAN ?To help other people at all tim es.? If you have ever been a par t of the Boy Scouts of Am er ica, you w ill r ecognize this as a statem ent m ade in the Boy Scout Oath that w e say at the beginning of ever y event. Since I becam e a boy scout at age 10, these ar e not just w or ds that I r epeat; it is a ver y, ver y im por tant cor e value that I tr y alw ays to live by, even m or eso as an adult. I am ver y hum bled by my r ecent nom ination and subsequent induction into the Inter national College of Dentists. It is not an honor that I sought out; to be quite honest, I w as not ver y fam iliar w ith the ICD and its w onder ful r ole in dentistr y until my nom ination ear lier this year. M y str ong desir e to alw ays be of ser vice to other s, inside or outside of my pr ofession, has alw ays seem ed to m e to be one of the m ost im por tant pur poses of life itself. Thus, I have and continue each day to seek out w ays to fulfill this pur pose. As health car e pr ofessionals, w e have the oppor tunity ever yday to help our patients, and as leader s in our com m unities w e ar e fr equently given the oppor tunity to do even m or e. Each tim e I have had the chance to ser ve other s, I have alw ays com e aw ay w ith a gr eat sense of satisfaction, that I actually got m or e out of it than I expected to. The r ew ar d of seeing som eone else lear n a new skill, as w hen I teach a young boy scout in my r ole as an assistant Scoutm aster , or accom plish a difficult task, as occur r ed w hen I ser ved as a chaper one/band doctor for the near by high school band for 10 year s at their per for m ances, gave my face a sm ile that I couldn't tur n off. Five year s ago, Dr . Ri se?M ar t i n w as kind enough to ask m e to consider becom ing a par t of the Gr eat Expectations Pr ogr am , w her e incom ing dental students at UTHSCSA w er e pair ed w ith a dentist fr om the pr ivate sector to ser ve as a m entor. I vividly r em em ber ed those exciting days in my ear ly pr ofessional life. The anticipation of em bar king on a car eer path I had dr eam ed of since m iddle school and the tr epidation and uncer tainty of how to navigate these new w ater s. Dur ing those ear ly, for m ative year s, I w as ver y for tunate to m eet m any nice futur e colleagues. Som e w er e kind enough to invite m e into their offices to obser ve dentistr y in action. Other s w er e even so gener ous as to take m e out to dinner and ?tell m e the r eal scoop? about life in gener al and dentistr y in par ticular. One sum m er , betw een my junior and senior year in dental school, I w as lucky enough be selected to par ticipate in the Alpha Om ega Dental Fr ater nity Exter nship Pr ogr am . Dur ing this pr ogr am , I spent 2 w eeks in Los Angeles, living w ith fellow dental students fr om UCLA at night, but each day visiting differ ent dental pr actices and soaking up all sor ts of gr eat infor m ation. It w as, in fact, one of these offices, that of Dr. Al Baum and his sons, w hich inspir ed m e to seek out the car eer path I ultim ately chose, that of an or thodontist. For all this, I am eter nally gr ateful. But as I w ent thr ough this m ar velous jour ney, I w ould fr equently ask the beneficent doctor s I m et w hat could I do to r epay their gener osity? Alm ost alw ays I got back the sam e answ er : ?Just r em em ber to give back, to som eone else, w hen the tim e com es. I have never for gotten those w or ds. The Gr eat Expectations Pr ogr am gave m e the oppor tunity to r epay the kindness those doctor s long ago show ed m e. Over the last five year s I m et w ith my gr oup of dental students and explor ed a w ide r ange of topics, fr om clinical pr ocedur es, to how to r un a pr actice, as w ell as som e social tim e to just unw ind like w hen I took the w hole gr oup to play a r ound of Top Golf.
DR. KEVI N BEI TCHMAN, CONTI NUED I have per sonally found the Gr eat Expectations Pr ogr am to be ver y fulfilling. Not only has it given m e another oppor tunity in my life to give back and help other s, but the enthusiasm of these futur e colleagues is contagious, w e had a lot of fun lear ning fr om each other ! I w ould str ongly encour age my fellow , established, dental colleagues to get involved if asked and I am gr ateful to be par t of such a w onder ful pr ogr am . Exper iencing per sonal har dships can also be a sour ce of m otivation to ser ve other s I have found. This could not have been tr uer than w hen I w as inspir ed to cr eate a char itable pr ogr am in 2014 w hich I call "Spr ing For A Teddy Bear Of Love". I began the pr oject in Apr il of that year because I w anted to cheer up kids in the hospital. I knew the childr en got a visit fr om Santa in the w inter , but ther e w as not m uch joy for them to look for w ar d to the r est of the year. The need is som ething my w ife and I exper ienced fir sthand. W hen our son, Joshua, w as bor n pr em atur ely in 1992, he w as held in an intensive car e incubator for a m onth, and even had to under go sur ger y at just 5 days old. I r em em ber w hat a difficult tim e it w as for my w ife and I, and how a sm all teddy bear by the side of the incubator r em inded us to be hopeful. 22 year s later , Joshua, now a str ong college student, declar ed he w as going to apply to m edical school, to becom e a doctor him self. This m ade m e r ecall how far my son had com e fr om those fir st few scar y w eeks of his life. I told my w ife that I w anted to give som ething back to M ethodist Childr en?s Hospital, w her e our son w as car ed for year s ago, and their patients. I knew w hat it w as like w hen my fam ily w as ther e, and I felt this str ong need to br ing other par ents and their childr en hope, because my w ife and I had been thr ough it. So I got together w ith my staff, and or ganized other dentists in the ar ea, to m ake custom bear s for childr en at M ethodist Childr en?s Hospital. M y staff and I then handed out the finished bear s to kids in the cancer w ar d, intensive car e unit (ICU), and em er gency w ar d. In one day in Apr il 2014, w e per sonally handed out 58 bear s. In 2015, its second year , the pr ogr am gained m om entum . This tim e ar ound, my office w or ked w ith 45 classes in 3 local elem entar y schools, engaging their students to build bear s for the pr oject, and ener gized even m or e dentists to sponsor and par ticipate. M or e than 50 dentists and their staff helped the event succeed. In Apr il 2015, w e built 120 bear s, and ever y single child at M ethodist Childr en?s Hospital r eceived a custom -m ade, hand-deliver ed teddy bear. The "Spr ing For a Teddy Bear Of Love" pr ogr am continues to gr ow , in Apr il of 2016 w e deliver ed 155 custom m ade bear s to ever y child in the hospital as w ell as in the hospital's outpatient clinic. It is alm ost im possible to put into w or ds the happiness w e all der ive w hen handing out these teddy bear s, seeing childr en in their hospital beds all of a sudden br eak out in the biggest gr ins w hen w e pr esent them w ith these bear s and ask if they can take car e of them ! Even m or e r ew ar ding, is seeing their distr aught par ents w ho sit bedside, for a few m om ents, lose their sense of w or r y and str ess as they see their child, at least for a little w hile, for get all the tubes and m edicines and exper ience a little bit of joy in their life. It is in m om ents like these, that w e all r ecognize, it is so m uch m or e fulfilling w hen w e ar e of ser vice to other s. M y hope in shar ing these stor ies w ith other s is that som eone else m ight be inspir ed to do som ething to help som eone else. To r ealize that no act of kindness is too sm all, and that the ultim ate r ew ar d is in the giving itself. Being a m em ber of the Inter national College of Dentists now , just r einfor ces my ongoing desir e of this ver y im por tant cor e value of Ser vice, to continue "To Help Other People At All Tim es.?
Jam es Raym ond Fay
Joseph M . Pelle
Billy Don Coulson
C. M oody Alexander
Jam es Leo Gutm ann
John L. Rum ley
W illiam D. Love
Bobby Har old Hughes
Fr ank Santos Jr.
Roy R. Gonzalez
Geor ge A. Richar ds
W illiam E. Wyatt Sr.
Eugene W. Br ock
Eugene Hickey
Rene M . Rosas
Rober t D. Londer ee Jr.
John Fr anklin Nelson
M ar tin W. Str atem ann
M alcolm Tim Dobbins
John D. W ilbanks
Edw in B. Shiller
Jer r y M . Tur ner
Char les H. M oor e
Jam es W. Yancy
Har old L. Sm ith
Low ell D. W hitlock Jr.
Gr egor y B. Scheidem an
A. Edw in W hite Jr
Leighton A. W ier
Patr ick D. Sculley
E. Penn Jackson
David A. Woolw eaver
Rober t L. Har t
Char les L. Br uchm iller
Donald B. Bedfor d
Tom B. King
Richar d A. Eklund
Alan R. Br yant
David G. Br unner
Fr ed F. Sim m ons Jr.
Jam es E. Gjer set
Char les H. Casey
Sim on Civjan
Nor m an T. Speck
John F. Helfr ick
Philip Jon Cor bin
Rober t R. Debes
Rober t B. Jam es
Rober t T. Fr am e
Guy O. Keeter
Jam es Q. Bar nes
Joseph M . Kenw or thy
Bir git Junfin Glass
W illiam J. Kem p
Fr anklin K. Eggleston
Jam es T. M ellonig
Henr y S. Ham m er
W illiam E. Knehans
Fr ed T. Philips Jr.
Ar thur H. Jeske
Jack B. Snow den
Russell H. Schlattm an II
John G. Kostohr yz
Rober t G. Spalten
Jer ald L. M er r itt
W illiam L. Oliver
Cliffor d L. Condit II
Dan C. Peavy Jr.
Andr ew C. Doer fler
Rober t A. Rugeley
Glenn A. Ruthven Sr.
Byr on J. Hall
Russell J. Str atton
W illiam E. Landefeld
Rober t G. Tr iplett
Edw ar d T. Her bold
Char les W. Wakefield Jr.
Olin Br ynilde Vaughan
Ralph G. Johnson III
Ronald D. Woody
Richar d G. Alexander
Kenneth F. Jones
M oham ed Zam aludin
Jam es V. Bur nett
Sam uel H. Adam s II
Kevin L. Seidler
Raul C. Caffesse
Rober t M . Ander ton
M ilton Kevin Sor r els
Leslie O. Fuller ton
W illiam L. Glenn Jr.
W. Kenneth Hor w itz
Paul E. Stubbs
Fr ed A. Gar r ett
Joseph S. M cCr ear y
W illiam E. Litle
Dw ight C. Sw im ley
Char les Hoopingar ner
John H. Par k Jr.
J. Br adley Loeffelholz
Jack H. Har r is
Joseph G. Schneidler
Edw ar d P. Allen
Rober t B. M ayhew
W. Paul Radm an
Walter G. W illiam s
Patr icia L. Blanton
M ichael J. M cQuade
A. Gar y Rainw ater
T. Bob Davis
Sue Ellen Richar dson
Br ian Babin
John B. Far m er Jr.
Edw ar d H. Sauer
W illiam G. Fr ick
W illiam J. Kem p Jr.
Reg L. Gar tner
Paul G. Sw inney
Bur ton J. Kunik
Tom M . M cDougal
Ter r y D. Rees
L. Jack Bolton
John C. Par sons
25 YEAR I CD PI NS AT TDA We ar e so for tunate in Texas to have so m any dedicated ICD m em ber s. We cur r ently have over 100 dentists w ho have been m em ber s of the ICD for m or e than 25 year s. The Texas ICD Boar d decided that they w anted to honor those m em ber s w ho have show n such a com m itm ent. Dur ing the Texas Dental Association m eeting and the joint br eakfast of ICD/ACD/PFA, w ith over 100 dentists in attendance, the follow ing m em ber s w er e r ecognized and pr esented an extension for their ICD pins (star ting top left): Dr . T. Bob Dav i s, Dr . Joh n Kost oh r yz, Dr . Geor ge Ri ch ar ds, Dr . Ru ssel l Sch l at t m an I I , Dr . Lei gh t on W i er , Dr . Bi r gi t Gl ass, Dr . Fr ed Ph i l i ps Jr ., Dr . Gl en n Ru t hven Sr ., and Dr . Ch ar l es Hoopi n gar n er .
Jam es Fay of San Ant onio, Texas
Rober t S. Kline of San Ant onio, Texas I saac Konigsberg of Missour r i Cit y, Texas Tom Lar kin of Addison, Texas John D. Wilbanks of El Paso, Texas 11
Editor - Dr. Claude Stephens 511 W. W heatland Rd Duncanville, TX 75116
2017 I CD USA SECTI ON ANNUAL MEETI NG Oct ober 16 - Oct ober 20, 2017 2017 ICD USA Section Annual M eeting infor m ation w ill be published in Febr uar y at h t t p://w w w.u sa-i cd.or g
2017 TDA MEETI NG May 4-6, 2017 Dr. Jay Adkins, Dr. Jean Bainbr idge and Dr. Tom my Har r ison ar e or ganizing a cour se titled " Rel at i v i t y Appl i es t o Physi cs, Not Et h i cs." The cour se is being held on Fr iday, M ay 5th fr om 8-11 and is FREE. They w ill be show ing dental office scenar ios that challenge your decision m aking pr ocess and w ill r eview ICD and ADA code of Ethics. Cour se Code F100. The ACD/I CD/PFA j oi n t br eak f ast w ill be Fr iday, M ay 5 fr om 6:45-8:15 am at Ruth's Chr is Steakhouse in the Gr and Hyatt and the cost is $35. Register online at h t t p://w w w.t dam eet i n
Cour se Code F79.