Research Paper
E-ISSN NO : 2455-295X | VOLUME : 3 | ISSUE : 8 | AUG 2017
PROFESSOR, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, MEGHALAYA, 9TH MILE, KHANAPARA, BARIDUA, RI-BHOI DISTRICT. ABSTRACT In the present study an attempt was made to investigate the strength of dimensions of home environment at the academic achievement of class X students. Two dimensions of the home environment were taken into consideration for the study. The study was carried with the 472 samples selected randomly from the schools by using the standardized tools Family Environment Scale (FES) by Dr. Harpreet Bahtia and Dr. N. K Chadha (1993) to collect the data. To find out the strength Organization and Control dimensions of home environment Mean, SD and Percentage (Under Various Qualitative Norm Groups as per the Test Manual were calculated. Study shows that the degree of importance of clear organization structure at home influence the academic achievement. Keywords: Academic Achievement, Home Environment, Organization, Control.
Introduction Attitudes of family and the cultural setting in home play a fundamental role on achievement of children. It is well accepted fact the accepting, warm and loving parents make a home which provides an environment of security, belongingness and psychological rich nourishment for growth and academic achievement. On the other hand autocratic and harsh families deteriorate the children’s achievement. Different kinds of discipline persist in different homes. In authoritarian home, the adolescent becomes submissive and is afraid to take the initiative in assuming responsibility. Constantly in his attempts to achieve independence the adolescents develops such a strong resentment against his parents that he will not communicate with them. An adolescent whose parents use democratic control has more harmonious relationship with his like parents. Since they trail him like a near adult, he likes and respects them and is willing to go to them for advice and help to his problems. He enjoys his home life more and is more appreciative of what his parents do for him. As a result the climate of the home is more warm and acceptable. Home and Family Environment influence academic achievement in numerous ways. Several research studies attributed a strong association between family environment and academic achievement. Adaval and others (1961) found that parents of failure students accepted that lack of supervision was a major cause of failure. Inadequacy training by parents was positively correlated to low academic achievement. Kuppuswamy (1980) stated that when children are given reasonable freedom, they are bound to be resourceful, cooperative, self reliant and well adjusted which in turns have a Positive impact on achievement. Mishra (1982) found that girl perceives high simulation in home environment
and normal simulation in school environment obtained higher scores on overall scientific creativity and originality aspects of it. Hess and Holloway (1985) found a linked between parental control and school performance outcomes. Bloom (1986) hypothesized that the home environment had significant effects on the level of student learning. Dornbush et al (1987) found that authoritarian and permissive parenting was negatively associated with grades. Authoritarian parenting was positively associated with academic performance of the children.
Operational Definitions of the Term Used 1. Academic AchievementIt refers to the scholastic achievement of the students at the end of an educational program. It is reflected in terms of the percentage of marks obtained by class X students in the H.S.L.C. Exam conducted by Meghalaya Board of School Education (MBOSE). 2. Home EnvironmentIt refers to the psycho-social climate of home as perceived by children. It provides a measure of the quality and quantity of cognitive, emotional and social support that has been available to the children within home. Home environment consists of the following dimensions3. OrganizationIt refers to the degree of importance of clear organization structures in planning family activities and responsibilities 4. ControlIt refers to the degree of limit setting within a family.
Research Paper
E-ISSN NO : 2455-295X | VOLUME : 3 | ISSUE : 8 | AUG 2017
Objectives 1.
To find out the strength of organization dimension of home environment as perceived by class X students. To find out the strength of the control dimension of home environment as perceived by class X students.
Hypotheses of the Study: (A) Research Hypotheses: There is significant relationship between both the dimensions of home environment and academic achievement of class X students.
(B) Null Hypotheses: There is no significant relationship between various dimensions of home environment and academic achievement of class X students.
Tool Used The Family Environment Scale (FES) constructed by Dr. Harpreet Bhatia and Dr. N. K. Chadha have been used to measures the home environment with respect to the given dimensions of Home Environment (System Maintenance Dimension) Viz: Organization and Control.
Sample The sample for the present study consist of 472 students studying in class X which were selected randomly by giving fair representation to all types of schools.
Data Collection
The investigator visited the schools under study and sought the permission from the heads of the institutions under study and tests were administered to the class X students. While administering the tests, instructions were read out by investigator and illustrative examples were explained to the students. When required. It was made sure that all the students had understood the instruction fully regarding the answering of the tests and then they were asked to respond the tests.
Findings Organization To find out the strength of organization, Mean SD and Percentage (Under Various Qualitative Norm Groups as per the test manual) were calculated.
Showing Mean, SD and percentage Under Various Qualitative Norm Groups as Perceived by Class X Students. (N=472) Raw Score
40 above
Qualitative Norm AS Per Manual High
7 to 9
62 below
The table shows that the majority of students i.e. 59.11% perceive that organization of their home environment is average with M=8.15 and SD=0.77 followed by 28.18% students who perceive that organization at their home environment is low with M=4.97 and SD=1.26. the group with 12.71% students who perceive that the organization at their home environment is high with M=10.00 and SD=00. The study has revealed that the students belonging to average organization group achieve more as compared to the students belonging low organization group. It shows that there is a favorable effect of group organization on student's achievement in favor of average organization group. It means that the degree of importance of clear organization structure in planning family activities and responsibilities influence the academic achievement of children.
Control To find out the strength of control, Mean SD and Percentage (Under Various Qualitative Norm Groups as per the test manual) were calculated.
Showing Mean, SD and percentage Under Various Qualitative Norm Groups as Perceived by Class X Students (N=472) Raw Score
18 above
14 to 17 13 below
Qualitative Norm AS Per Manual
The table shows that the majority of students i.e. 48.09% perceive that control is average in their home environment with M=15.42 and SD=1.04 followed by 38.77% students who perceive that the control is low with M=11.47 and SD=1.66. The group with 13.14% students who perceive that the control at their home environment is high with M=18.70 and SD=1.61. The study has revealed that the students belonging to high and average control group achieve more as compared to the students belonging to low control group. It shows that there is a favorable effect of group control on student's achievement in favor of high and average control group. It means that the degree of limit setting within a family influence the academic achievement of school children.
Research Paper
E-ISSN NO : 2455-295X | VOLUME : 3 | ISSUE : 8 | AUG 2017
Conclusion Home environment structured in a specific ways affects children achievement positively. Thus, better is the home planning, higher will be the academic achievement. There should be clear organization structure in planning family activities and responsibilities in the family. High parental control is associated with high achievement. Disciplining home is essentially detrimental for cognitive development. Parents at home should provide limit setting within a family, and should subscribe good quality home environment to induce the children to achieve more.
REFERENCES 1. B.Bhatia: A Book of Education for Beginners. Kalyani Publishers Ludhiana, New Delhi, Noida (U.P), 110002 2. R.D.Hess and S.D.Holloway: Family and school as educational institutes. In R.D.Parke (Ed), Review of child development research (Vol.7, pp179 222).Chicago: University of Chicago 1985. 3. B.S.Bloom: The Home Environment and School Learning. Paper commissioned by the study group on the National Assessment of Student Achievement. 1986. (ERIC Document Reproductive Service No. ED 279 663. 4. S.M.Dornbusch, P.L.Riter, P.H.Leiderman, D.F.Roberts & M.J.Fraligh (1987). The relation of parenting style to adolescent school performance, Child Development, 58, 1244 1257. 5. S.B.Adaval: Home background in Academic Achievement. Scientific views about Influence of Home in Academic Achievement. 1961. 6. B.Kuppuswamy: A textbook of children behavior and development. New Delhi, 1980. 7. K.S.Misra: Effects of children’s perception of Home and School Environment on their Scientific Creativity. D. Education Raj, University Published in third survey of research in education NCERT, 1982. 8. S.L.Chopra: A study of some non-intellectual correlates of academic achievement D.LTT Education, Lucknow University 1982. 9. The Family Environment Scale (FES) constructed by Dr. Harpreet Bhatia and Dr. N. K. Chadha have been used to measures the home environment with respect to the given dimensions of Home Environment (System Maintenance Dimension) Viz: Organization and Control.