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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS) ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-3, Issue-12, December 2016

Complex fuzzy linear systems † Yanlong Han, Xiaobin Guo 

Solution of fuzzy complex linear system of linear equations was described and was applied to circuit analysis problem by Rahgooy et al.[21]. In 2014, Behera and Chakraverty [6] discussed the fuzzy complex system of linear equations by the embedding method and redefine the complex fuzzy number. In this paper the complex fuzzy linear system ~ C~ z w is investigated uniformly. A numerical procedure for calculating the fuzzy solution is designed and a sufficient condition for the existence of strong fuzzy solution is derived based on the right-hand side elements expressed by different complex fuzzy numbers recently. Finally, a example is given to illustrate our method.

Abstract— In paper the complex fuzzy linear equation ~ is an Cz  w in which C is a crisp complex matrix and w arbitrary complex fuzzy numbers vector, is investigated. The complex fuzzy linear system is converted to a equivalent high order fuzzy linear system Gx  b . Numerical procedure for calculating the complex fuzzy solution is designed and the sufficient condition for the existence of strong complex fuzzy solution is derived. A example is given to illustrate the proposed method. Index Terms—Complex fuzzy numbers; Matrix analysis; Complex fuzzy linear systems; Fuzzy approximate solutions.



There are several definitions for the concept of fuzzy

Since many real-world engineering systems are too complex to be defined in precise terms, imprecision is often involved in any engineering design process. Fuzzy systems have an essential role in this fuzzy modeling, which can formulate uncertainty in actual environment. In many linear systems, some of the system parameters are vague or imprecise, and fuzzy mathematics is a better tool than crisp mathematics for modeling these problems, and hence solving a fuzzy linear system is becoming more important. The concept of fuzzy numbers and arithmetic operations with these numbers were firstly introduced and investigated by Zadeh [28], Dubois and Prade [11] and Nahmias [18]. A different approach to fuzzy numbers and the structure of fuzzy number spaces was given by Puri and Ralescu [20], Goetschell and Voxman [13] and Wu and Ma Ming [24; 25]. In 1998, Friedman et al.[12] proposed a general model for solving an n n fuzzy linear systems by an embedding approach. In the past decades, a lot of results about how to deal with some advanced fuzzy linear systems such as dual fuzzy linear systems (DFLS), general fuzzy linear systems (GFLS), full fuzzy linear systems (FFLS), dual full fuzzy linear systems (DFFLS) and general dual fuzzy linear systems (GDFLS) have been set forth. These works can be seen in [1--6; 10; 23; 26]. Some fuzzy matrix system also have been studied by the same way. In 2011, Gong et al. [14] ~ ~ investigated a class of fuzzy matrix equations AX  B by the same way. In 2013, Guo et al. [15; 16] proposed a computing method for solving fuzzy Sylvester matrix equations AX  XB  C . For complex fuzzy system of linear equations, few researchers have developed methods to solve them in the past decades. The fuzzy complex numbers was introduced firstly by J.J. Buckley[8] in 1989. In 2010, M.A. Jahanigh[17] studied firstly the n  n fuzzy complex linear systems.

numbers (see [13; 18; 27; 28]). Definition 2.1. A fuzzy number is a fuzzy set like u : R  I  0,1 which satisfies: (1) u is upper semicontinuous, (2) u is fuzzy convex, i.e.,

 

u x  1    y   min u x , u  y  for all x, y  R,   0,1 ,


u is normal, i.e., there exists x0  R such that

 

u x0  1 , (4) sup pu  xR, ux 0 is the support of the u , and its closure cl(suppu) is compact. 1 Let E be the set of all fuzzy numbers on R . Definition 2.2. A fuzzy number u in parametric form is a

 

pair u, u of functions u r , u r ,0  r  1 , which satisfies the requirements: (1) u r  is a bounded monotonic increasing left continuous function,

(2) u r  is a bounded monotonic decreasing left continuous function, (3) u r   u r ,0  r  1 . A crisp number

x is simply represented by

ur , ur   x, x , 0  r  1. By appropriate definitions the fuzzy number space u r , u r  becomes a convex

1 cone E which could be embedded isomorphically and isometrically into a Banach space. Definition 2.3. 1 x  xr , xr  , y  y r , y r   E ,0  r  1 and Let

Yanlong Han , College of Mathematics and Statistics, Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou,China,86-18893703384. Xiaobin Guo , College of Mathematics and Statistics, Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou,China,86-13919030082.

k  R . Then (1) x 


 

y iff x  r   y  r  , x  r   y  r  ,


Complex fuzzy linear systems


 A  iB ~p  iq~   u~  iv~

x  y  x r   y r  , x r   y r  ,


(3) x  y  x  r   y  r  , x  r   y  r  ,

 

 

 (4) kx   k xr , k xr  , k  0,  k xr , k xr  , k  0.

 A~p  Bq~   i Aq~  B~p   u~  iv~ .

Comparing with the coefficient of i , we have

p  Bq~  u~,  A~  ~ ~ ~  Aq  Bp  v .

Definition 2.4. An arbitrary complex fuzzy number should x~ p  iq~ , where ~ be represented as ~ p  pr , pr  and

 ~ written as x   pr , pr   i qr , qr  .


~ G~ x b .

In order to solve the complex fuzzy linear system (2.1), we need to solve the fuzzy system of linear equations (3.1). Firstly, we set up a computing model for solving CFLS. Then we define the complex fuzzy solution of CFLS and obtain its solution representation by means of generalized inverses of matrices. Finally, we give a sufficient condition for strong fuzzy approximate solution to the complex fuzzy

(2) k~ x  k~ p  ikq~, k  R ,

x~ y  ~ p  u~  q~  v~   i ~ p  v~  q~  u~  . (3) ~ Definition 2.6. The linear system equation c12 c22  cn 2

~   c1n  ~ z  w  ~1   ~1   c2 n  z2   w2   ,             ~   cnn  ~ zn   w n

where cij ,1  i, j  n are


linear system.

~ of fuzzy linear equation (3.1) are denoted When ~ z and w by the parametric form i.e. ~ w ~ ,w ~ ~ T w 1 2 ,  , wn , ~  u~  iv~  u r , u j r   i v r , v j r  , w j j j j j



q~  qr , qr  , for all 0  r  1 are two fuzzy number x can be vectors. In this case, the complex fuzzy vector ~

in which the elements

~ written as x  pr , pr   i qr , qr  . Theorem 3.1. The n n complex fuzzy linear system (2.1)is equivalent to a 2n  2n order fuzzy linear system

~ G~ x b ,


A G   B Proof. We


 

 G  G  , X r   S    G G     br  Y r     br  ,  

Definition 3.1. An arbitrary complex fuzzy vector should be x~ p  iq~ , where ~ p  pr , pr  and represented as ~

 

 

j  1,2, , n,0  r  1, some results for solving fuzzy linear equation (3.1) are obtained by the following analysis. Theorem 3.2. The fuzzy linear equation (3.1) can be extended to a crisp function linear system as follows SX r   Y r , (3.4) where


~ z  ~ p  iq~  p r , p j r  i q r , q j r , j j j j j

is called a fuzzy solution of the complex fuzzy linear system (2.1) if ~ z satisfies (2.2).

 

T ~ z  ~ z1, ~ z2 ,  ~ zn ,

T ~ z  ~ z1 , ~ z2 ,~ zn 


~ ,1  i, j  n w are complex fuzzy numbers, is called a ij complex fuzzy linear system(CFLS). Using matrix notation, we have ~, C~ z w (2.2) A complex fuzzy numbers vector


it admits a 2 n order fuzzy linear system. We express it in matrix form as follow

Definition 2.5. For any two arbitrary complex fuzzy numbers ~ x~ p  iq~ and ~ p , q~ , u~ , v~ are fuzzy y  u~  iv~ where ~ numbers, their arithmetic is as follows: x~ y  ~ p  u~   iq~  v~  , (1) ~

 c11   c21   c  n1

~  B  ~ p  u    ,      ~ ~ A  q   v  

A  B 

x can be q~  qr , qr  , for all 0  r  1 . In this case, ~

 xr    xr  ,  


g  ij of matrix G  and g  ij of

matrix G are determined by the following way:

 0, g  ij  gij else g  ij  0,1  i, j  n ;   if gij  0, g ij  aij else g ij  0,1  i, j  n . if gij


~ x  xr , xr  . Proof. Let b  br , br  ,0  r  1 and ~    Suppose G  G  G in which the elements g ij of    matrix G and g ij of matrix G are determined by the following way:   if g ij  0, g ij  g ij else g ij  0,1  i, j  n ;   if g ij  0, g ij  aij else g ij  0,1  i, j  n . ~ x  b can be expressed as The fuzzy linear equation G~

~  B ~  ~ p  ~ u (3.2) , x   ~ , b   ~ . A  q  v  denote C  A  iB, A, B  R nn and

~  u~  iv~ where u~ and v~ are fuzzy number vectors. We w p and also suppose the unknown vector ~ z~ p  iq~ where ~ ~ q are two unknown fuzzy number vectors. ~ , we have Since C~ z w



International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS) ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-3, Issue-12, December 2016

G   G  xr , xr   br , br . Since

 

 

we have

 k x j r , k x j r  , k  0, , k~ xj    k x j r , k x j r  , k  0

we have

 

 

G  G  G . ~

~ , then z  z is the solution of z w the result that if C~ complex fuzzy linear system, i.e.,

 x  r    G    x r    G    


 G   xr    br   .        G    xr    br 

 







j  1,2,, n,0  r  1,


  q r   max x r , x r , x 1, x 1, q j r   min x j r , x j r , x j 1, x j 1 ,

~ , then z  z is the solution of z w we obtain the fact if C~

z  z   w  w.






j  n  1, n  2,,2n,0  r  1,

(3.9) is called the fuzzy minimal solution of the fuzzy linear

~ , then z  z is the solution of C~ z w

 

  p r   max x r , x r , x 1, x 1, j


p j r   min x j r , x j r , x j 1, x j 1 ,

G x x  bb.

(3.1). If p i r , q i r ,1  i  2n are all fuzzy numbers then


C z  z  w w , in which C is the absolute values matrix of C . complex fuzzy linear system, i.e., and


defined by

x  b is On the other hand, the fuzzy linear system G~ ~ . So z w equivalent to the complex fuzzy linear system C~

Remark 3.2. if


Z   p j  r  , p j  r   i q j  r  , q j  r  ,1  j  n

complex fuzzy linear system, i.e., C

xi r , xi r ,1  i  2n are


X r   x j r , x j r  ,1  j  2n denotes the minimal solution of (3.7). The fuzzy number vector


G x x  bb. ~ ~ It means if Gx  b , then x  x is the solution of fuzzy linear system, i.e.,


bi r , bi r ,1  i  2n


systems (2.1) as follows.


b r   b r    

functions of r , and having calculated X r  which solves (3.7), we define the fuzzy minimal solution to the fuzzy linear

G  G xr   G  G xr   G  G xr , xr   br , br  , 



G  xr   G  xr   br ,    G xr   G xr   br ,

C z  z  w  w and C z  z  w  w . ~ x b , Proof. In fact, by the computing model of G~

we have

G    G 

where S is the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of matrix S . However, the solution vector may still not be an appropriate fuzzy numbers vector. Restricting the discussion to triangular

~ , then z  z and z  z are the z w Remark 3.1. if C~ solutions of complex fuzzy linear system, i.e.,

 


From Eqs. (3.7), we have the following results to the property of analytical solutions.

 

X  r   S †Y  r  ,

Expressing Eqs. (3.7) in matrix form, we have  G    G 

C z  z  w  w is

obvious. In order to solve the fuzzy system of linear equation (3.1), we need to consider the systems of linear equations (3.7). It seems that we have obtained the minimal solution of the fuzzy linear system (3.1) as

 G xr   G  xr   br ,    G  xr   G xr   br .

x  b is On the other hand, the fuzzy linear system G~ ~ . So ~ equivalent to the complex fuzzy linear system Cz  w

G  xr   G  xr   br ,    G xr   G xr   br .


G  xr   G  xr , G  xr   G  xr   br , br .

C x  x  b b,

xr , xr  G  xr , xr       G xr , G xr   G xr , G xr 



So the Eqs.(3.3) be rewritten as

Thus we get

G  G xr   G  G xr   G  G xr   xr   br   br  , 

 G xr , G xr  , G  0, G~ x   G xr , G xr  , G  0.


 G  xr   G   xr   br ,    G  xr   G xr   br .


~ z 

Proof. In similar way, from Eqs. (3.7),





r , p j r  iq j r , q j r ,1  j  n


Complex fuzzy linear systems

br  a bounded monotonic decreasing left continuous vector

is called a strong complex fuzzy minimal solution of the complex fuzzy linear systems (2.1). Otherwise, ~ z is called a

function with br   br ,0  r  1 . According to Eqs. (3.8), we have

weak complex fuzzy minimal solution. To illustrate the expression (3.9) to be a fuzzy solution vector, we now discuss the generalized inverses of non negative matrix  G S    G 

  x r    G G   b  r          G   b  r     x  r    G  E F   b r    ,   F E   b  r  

 G   G  

in a special structure. Lemma 3.1[7]. Let


 G S    G 

G G

,   

Now that E  0 , F  0 and br  ,  br  are bounded monotonic increasing left continuous function vectors, we know that x r  is a bounded monotonic increasing left

then the matrix S

 G   G  †  G   G  †   † † 2  G   G    G   G    1

G  G   G  G   † † G   G    G   G    †

continuous function vector and x r  is a bounded monotonic decreasing left continuous function vector. And  pr   pr       qr     qr    E br   br   F br   br     

(3.10) is the Moore-Penrose inverse of the matrix S , where   †   † G G , G G are Moore-Penrose inverses of

 

transpose of a matrix  .

1 Theorem 3.6[19]. The inverse S of a nonnegative matrix S is nonnegative if and only if S is a generalized permutation matrix. Theorem 3.7[7]. Let S be an 2n  2m nonnegative matrix with rank r . Then the following assertions are equivalent: † (a) S  0 , (b). There exists a permutation matrix P , such that PS has the form  T1     T2  , PS        Tr  0  

the complex fuzzy linear equation (2.1) has a strong complex fuzzy minimal solution as follows: (3.11)

  p r  x  r      Eb  r   F b  r  ,   q r       x  r    p  r     F b  r   Eb  r  ,   q r       1   †   † E   G  G   G  G   , 2   1    †   † F   G  G   G  G   .  2  

where each T i has rank 1 and the rows of T i are orthogonal to the rows of T j , whenever i  j , the zero matrix may be absent.  GD   for some positive diagonal (c). S †   GC    GD

 GC  

G . In this case, †  †  C  D   G C  D  , C  D   G C  D  .


G   G    G   G    . † † G   G    G   G    †


† We know the condition that S  0 is equivalent to E  0 , F  0.


    † † G   G    G   G    0,

Example 4.1. Consider the following CFSLE: 1  1 ~z1   r ,2  r   i 1  r ,3  r   .   ~     1 3  z 2   4  r ,7  2r   i r  4,1  2r 

Since b  br , br  , we know that br  is a bounded monotonic increasing left continuous vector function and ~

The following Theorems give some results for such S  † and S to be nonnegative. As usual,  denotes the

element in which is a triangular fuzzy number. By the † analysis, it is equivalent to the condition S  0 . Theorem 3.3. If   †   † G G  G G  0,

Proof. Let † E F S   F E  †   †   1  G  G   G  G  2  G  G †  G  G †    

 E  F  br   br   0. Thus the complex fuzzy linear equation (2.6) has a strong fuzzy minimal solution.

matrices G   G  and G   G  , respectively. The key points to make the solution matrix being a strong † fuzzy solution is that S Y  r  is fuzzy matrix, i.e., each

z   p  r  , p  r   i q  r  , q  r  , 0  r  1, where

xr   E br   F br , xr   F br   E br  .

 

z1  ~ p1  iq~1  p1 , p1  i q1 , q1 , Let ~



International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS) ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-3, Issue-12, December 2016

 

~ z2  ~ p2  iq~2  p2 , p2  i q2 , q2 .


Applying Theorem 3.1., the complex fuzzy linear is equivalent to following fuzzy linear system Gx  b 1  1 0  0 

1 3 0 0

0 0 1 1


p   r ,2  r   0  ~  1    p2   4  r ,7  2r   . 0  ~ ~    1  r ,3  r    1 q  1     ~   3   q2   r  4,1  2r 



Form Theorem 3.2., we need to solve the following function linear system 1  1 0  0 0  0  0 0 

0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1


0  p1   r      0  p2   4  r      q1 0 1 r  .     0  q2   r  4     1   p1   r  2  0   p2   2r  7      0   q1   r  3      3   q2   2r  1 


[6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

By the Eqs. (3.8), we have  p1   r       p2   4r     1 r   q1    q     †  G   r  4   2  G    p   G  G   r  2  1      2r  7    p2   r 3        q1     2r  1    q2   1.375  0.625r     0.875  0.125r   0.125  0.625r    1.375  0.125r   .  2.875  0.875r     1.375  0.375r   1.625  0.875r     0.875  0.375r  Thus we obtain the solution of the complex fuzzy linear system as

[11] [12] [13] [14]



[17] [18] [19] [20] [21]


 1.375  0.625r ,2.875  0.875r     ~ z    i 0.125  0.625r ,1.625  0.875r ,  ~ z   ~1    ,   z 2   0.875  0.125r ,1.375  0.375r      i  1.375  0.125r ,0.875  0.375r 

[23] [24] [25] [26]

which admits a strong complex fuzzy solution of original system. V. CONCLUSION In this work we presented a matrix method for solving ~ where C is a crisp complex fuzzy linear equation C~ z w ~ is an arbitrary complex fuzzy vector, complex matrix and w respectively. Numerical procedure for calculating the model is designed and the sufficient condition for the existence of strong complex fuzzy solution is derived. In addition, some theorems are stated and proved to the property of analytical solutions. Numerical example showed that our method is

[27] [28]

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Yanlong Han , College of Mathematics and Statistics, Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou,China,86-18893703384. Xiaobin Guo , College of Mathematics and Statistics, Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou,China,86-13919030082.

effective to solve the complex fuzzy linear system.



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