5 minute read


By The Real Frank Dux

Leadership, Courage and Ferocity Is Not Gender Exclusive

When courage is needed, the vast majority of people have the inclination to look outside themselves to find it. They look to the charismatic, fiercest, and cunning amongst them someone to lead them, someone unwilling to back down when the odds are stacked against them.

Anyone experienced in combat up close and personal has been slapped in the face with the harsh reality that LEADERSHIP IN WARFARE IS NOT GENDER SPECIFIC. For this very reason, there exist any number of female warriors who have managed to transcend out of their imposed subservient 2nd class citizen role in a male-dominated society.

This can particularly be true in traditional Asian and Pan Pacific cultures where there often exists a class distinction for female warriors.

Like Japan’s Onna-musha (⼥武者) female Samurai. In the ancient Chinese martial arts world, there exist many examples of women warriors. Simularly, Lin Siniang, who lived from 1629 to 1644 personally trained an army of women. Then there is Fu Hao, a 13th century BCE female Chinese general that led 13,000 males into battle; and the 5th Century BCE female warrior Yuenu; so skilled she is considered the Chinese female version of Japan’s greatest duelist, Miyamoto Musashi, arguably the archetype for the most legendary of female Chinese warriors, Mulan.

When others insist women play little role in the warfare of western civilization there exists any number of female warrior archetypes – Ireland’s pirate queen, Grace O’Maley; France’s savior Joan of Arc; Great Britain’s Queen Boudicca defeating the Romans; there is in Greek mythology Bellatrix the maiden who dares to fight with men; and then, Mary Edwards Walker, being the only woman to be awarded the highest US Military decoration -- The Medal of Honor.

Modern military organizations in recognizing this reality see to it women are integrated into combat units. Given technological advancements in firearms and unarmed combat training many routinely outfight their male counterparts.

A highly decorated Afghan/Iraq War US Marine combat veteran, Rachel Rugato, is so experienced, fierce, and proficient at it that she is contracted to gunfight in simulations against elite Tier 1 commandos in preparing them for combat She is one of the elite women in the Executive Protection Industry, responsible for the security of many a Fortune 100 company.

Likewise, the MMA world has many a female luminary I’d put up against any number of male grandmasters that engage in certificate swapping and are trade show mafia pay for honor types!

That the closest they ever got to a fight is behind a keyboard or spreading gossips. Liable to go into and possibly die from shock if hit by a Pro-female MMA fighter. Them having never ever experienced what it is like to get punched or kicked full force in the body or face.

Obviously, muscularity and male appendages do not make up for lacking in real experience and measurable skills. Without mentioning names, I think anyone possessing critical thinking skills who has full contact sport experience recognizes this truth and those misogynist martial art luminaries I am referring to.

I am discounting female teachers and coaches in martial arts. In Japanese systems The “Menkyo Kaiden” (trans “license of full transmission”) is often held by women. Like the worlds premier expert in and outside of Japan teaching traditional Japanese Bajutsu (the martial art of fighting from horseback) and Takagari (鷹狩) is Japanese falconry, a sport of the noble class, and a symbol of their nobility, their status, and their warrior spirit is Musashi Shibata-ryu,

Nikki Wulfe, Likewise, the inheritor and premier expert in Hawaiian martial art of Kumu Lua possessing a level of skill and knowledge is unimpeachable and who I’d pick to fight alongside me facing a lethal threat more than most all the male martial artists I know of, is Michelle Manu.

Certain misogynists, nonetheless, hold out that unlike ranking in modern arts inheriting a system or being awarded a “license of transmission” are usually solo affairs.

There is no “panel of four or more ” people giving out rankings in the pre-Meji era aka koryu arts. It is always the school's headteacher having the “arbitrary’ decision to give or not to give any promotions to his students.

Suggestisvely is sexual desire, is why women are figureheads. Nikki Wulfe and Michelle Manu measurable experiences and visible skill sets eviscerates that falicy

No one can determine “legitimacy” in terms of possessing a particular martial art lineage by assuming only a line of male teachers should exist.

Considering, one of the three great martial art styles of Southern China, Wing Chun is founded during the Qing Dynasty by a Buddhist nun, Ng Mui, of the famed Shaolin Temple.

In terms of examination of the lineages of “koryu ninjutsu” do not be misled by a preexisting narrative invented by self-serving elitists who advance their special interests by having propagated lies of sole legitimacy

When if examined their own alleged “koryu” lineage cannot be, forensically, traced further than mid-20th Century.

Interestingly, in my own situation these self-proclaim authorities speak out both sides of their mouth talking of the kunoichi “female ninja” becoming the headmasters of certain lineages. And yet, demand proof of my lineage by requesting proof of the existence of my male instructor.

Someone, genuinely authentic, would know better and be asking for both a male and female lineage. Since, in the tradition of the true Shinobi arts one has these two intersecting lineages A fact, unknown to the un-initiated.

In my own situation, there exist the male Tanaka family line as well as his wife’s… but that is for another time.

Be sure to look for my upcoming work “Ninja’s Are Bullshit: Racketeering & Racism in the Martial Arts ”

Until then, I caution you to not make the novice mistake of casting female martial artists into the trap of a double bind by way of assuming that women are not as capable as males, showing disbelief if they tell you they are, nor devalue their ability to teach others if they are not.

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