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Regimental Memorial Project
Ayear ago we had developed an acceptable design and organised a location for the Regiment’s Memorial. In 2020 we were looking forward to trimming the cost and planning a funding strategy; however, in March, the coronavirus pandemic halted our investigations, both in UK and in Nepal.
We had hoped to reduce costs by carving the Memorial in Nepal using Nepalese materials and skills, but lockdowns in Nepal prevented us from searching for a suitable sculptor. Meanwhile the Pokhara Highway Authorities decided to widen the road outside the Museum compound which impinged on our proposed site, making it unworkable.
Since then we have agreed a new location with Major Yam Gurung (Chairman of the Pokhara Museum Management Board) which is against the front wall of the Museum building, immediately to the right of the entrance doorway. We have also developed a new design that is more suited to the new location. The Nepal and UK Committees are enthusiastic about our revised plans. The new design is much simpler and comprises an upright stone measuring approximately 7–9 feet tall and 10 feet wide with a base that extends about four feet from the front wall of the museum. It would be carved from a hard stone and pale in colour that would contrast well with the surface of the museum behind it. In this position it will look very striking.
As at the beginning of this year we have been much encouraged by further developments on the practical aspects of the Project: we now have a number of potential choices for a sculptor from a variety of locations, which we are currently evaluating and which will enable us better to manage the cost of the Memorial whilst achieving the quality the Memorial deserves. We have made significant strides forward in locating resources in Nepal for the site survey and technical aspects of eventually installing the Memorial; with the generous assistance of the wider Brigade community in Nepal, negotiations are in hand