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International School Bangkok’s (ISB) Booster Club provides extra financial support to students participating in arts, athletics, and clubs while promoting school spirit across campus. Twenty parents and three administrators made up the Booster Club Board, along with their dedicated volunteers.

Again, this year, the COVID pandemic hindered the ability to raise funds. The volunteer workforce also shrank significantly due to parents’ limited access to campus for most of the school year. However, the dedication of Booster Club Board members combined with extended hours in the Booster Hut, online sales, Spirit Tent, and Panther Pops revenues allowed Booster to donate over THB 702,000 for the 2021-22 school year.

As ISB celebrated its 70th anniversary, Booster’s focus this year was continuing to promote “Panther Pride” in our community. They introduced new spirit wear in the Booster Hut, including a new gray hoodie and t-shirt commemorating ISB’s platinum anniversary. Boosters also worked closely with several student-led organizations by donating merchandise from “The Hut” for club initiatives such as Project Panthers Cancer Research Project, Athletics Council, Share the Meal, and the middle school CC Challenge.

We continued our partnership with the PTA and contributed to a grant to improve the rock climbing facility in the new gym. We also made a monetary contribution to support our “littlest panther,” Evelyn, as she continued her battle with cancer.

Booster Financials

As the campus begins to open up more to the parent community, the number of volunteers is growing. With a renewed sense of excitement, we look forward to getting back to normal and celebrating the outstanding accomplishments of our student artists, musicians, athletes, and clubs.

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