Welcome from our High School Principal
High School Principal (justina@isb ac th)
ISB Vision, Mission, & Definition of Learning
Our Vision
Our Mission
Definition of Learning
Our Values
ISB Student Attributes
DELVE Philosophy and Rationale
DELVE Course Objectives
DELVE Student Timeline of events
Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich Requirements
Students must meet the participation requirements listed below (see exceptions below): Courses
In Thailand Trips
Outside Thailand Trips
DELVE Risk Assessment & Safety Procedures Criteria
DELVE Regulations
Cancellation Policy & Force Majeure
Student Responsibilities
Parental Responsibilities
Behavioural Expectations
DELVE Technology Expectations
Student Reflection Guidelines
Registration Process
Lucky Number Draw
Registration Guidelines:
Registration Checklist
DELVE Courses
Important Notes:
Beaumont Adventure
Care for Coral
Cycling in Thailand
Elephant Nature Park
Habitat for Humanity Thailand (Local)
Junior Special Olympics (JSO)
Kanchanaburi Ourland
Khao Yai Adventure
Khum Lanna
Lanjia Lodge
Maharaj Home for Boys
Marine Conservation Koh Tao/Koh Samui
Maekok River Village Community Service
Mercy Center
Nonthaburi School for the Deaf Painters
Pramahatai Suksa Inclusive School
Pun Pun Organic Farm
Reclaiming the Coastline
Sam Roi Yot
Shark Guardian
SUP Expedition
Teacher Internship
Wat Koo Kindergarten
Wildlife Conservation & Service Important Notes:
Bali Indago
Bhutan: Culture and Trekking Tour
Japan Trekking
Langkawi Island, Malaysia
Nepal: Trekking and Service
Surfing in Bali
Vietnam: Service & Community Insight
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to the Discover Explore Learn Volunteer Enrich (D.E.L.V.E) program handbook. DELVE is a required weeklong program for High School students that involves outside-of-the-classroom learning experiences. Activities take place on or off campus, in country, or in neighboring countries. DELVE is an integral program that provides exciting learning and service opportunities for our students as well as a multitude of new contexts for friendships to develop
ISB is committed to providing its students with the knowledge, skills and understandings to live in and contribute effectively to a global society This vision is embedded in our mission statement and our curriculum The DELVE program plays a significant role in these aspects of student learning too Similarly DELVE gives ISB students some of their most enduring High School memories In short, we want students to learn and grow from their community service work, develop awareness for global issues, and deepen their understanding of the country and region in which they live.
The Discover Explore Learn Volunteer Enrich program involves every student and every teacher in the high school; the organization, administration and implementation of the program is a team effort and we ask that parents and students play their part in meeting all requirements. Please read this handbook and the DELVE section of the Parent/Student Handbook so that you fully understand all the opportunities, expectations, travel details, and safety precautions before choosing a course
If you have any questions regarding registration or the DELVE program, please contact Khun Pat Boonswad (email: patarinb@isb ac th or ext 3380) or Mr Assimakopoulos (email: petera@isb ac th or ext 3381)
We look forward to another successful year of learning outside of the classroom.
Justin Alexander
High School Principal (justina@isb ac th)
Enriching communities through the intellectual, humanitarian and creative thoughts and actions of our learners.
Through outstanding teaching in a nurturing environment, ISB inspires students to:
● Achieve their academic and personal potential
● Be passionate, reflective learners
● Become caring, global citizens
● Lead healthy, active, balanced lives
ISB values meaningful and transferable learning where we construct understanding by developing and applying knowledge, skills, and attitudes As learners, we develop and show our understanding when we:
● Apply our learning to new situations
● Inquire to extend our learning
● Create solutions
● Integrity
● Care
● Courage
● Commitment
● Balance
● Gratitude
● Respect
● Responsibility
● Communicate our learning effectively
● Make connections across our learning
● Reflect critically on our learning
● Creative
● Socially Intelligent
● Adaptable
● Globally-minded
● Self-managing
● Value-driven
ISB defines a global citizen as someone who is aware of the wider world, cares about people and the environment, and takes action to make the world a better place.
The Discover Explore Learn Volunteer Enrich DELVE program is designed to give students the experiences that will inspire them to become caring global citizens. Students will engage in sustainable service and/or gain awareness of issues that transcend borders. They will develop an understanding of issues of poverty, indigenous peoples, and environmental degradation and preservation while simultaneously helping people Students will often plan and work as teams, strengthening their teamwork for a common goal of the greater good
As a result of participating in Discover Explore Learn Volunteer Enrich DELVE students will:
● understand that humans have intrinsic worth regardless of differences
● be curious about and sensitive to human diversity, including the cultures of the host country
● work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures
● understand that people, places, economies and environments are all inextricably interrelated and that choices and events can have an impact on a global scale
● be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment
● appreciate and care about the environment and be committed to sustainable practices
● take action to preserve and protect the environment
● understand that social injustice is rooted in personal and cultural prejudice as well as socio-economic disparity
● have concern for social injustice and inequality and affirm the rights and dignity of all people
● take action to address social injustice
May 17
May 17
May 23
May 24
May 28
May 29
August 7
August 9
August 15
August 21
August 21-27
September 9
DELVE Handbook Uploaded to ISB Website
DELVE iFair through CAS website (cas.isb.ac.th)
Grade 11 and Grade 10 Registration Opens
Grade 9 and Grade 8 Registration Opens
Khun Pat and Peter A. to follow up with any unregistered students
New Families DELVE Registration Opens
New Families DELVE Registration Due
Student Assignment List Posted at school by ID number & emailed out
Online Trip Permission/Medical Forms & Parent Permission Forms send to parents via Operoo
1st DELVE Course Meeting (Teachers to follow up with students whose parents have not submit the permission form)
Window for changes and knock on effects of changes
Permission Forms due
September 30 Payment Due
September 11
2nd DELVE Course Meeting
October 2 3rd DELVE Course Meeting
October 30
November 13
November 18-24
4th DELVE Course Meeting
5th DELVE Course Meeting
Courses may depart ISB as early as Monday, November 18th
All courses return to ISB no later than Sunday, November 24th, 2024. International Courses: flights might depart on Sunday, November 17th at night.
Students must meet the participation requirements listed below (see exceptions below):
1. DELVE Credit
Students who successfully complete their DELVE course requirements will receive ¼ elective credit. DELVE is a required course for graduation from ISB Students will be graded on a Pass/Fail basis All course requirements must be completed to receive credit Partial credit will not be awarded
2. DELVE Reflection
Students are asked to complete reflection tasks throughout their DELVE experiences. Reflecting is an important part of learning Students are asked to take the time to evaluate their actions, review their effectiveness, understand the world around them, and have a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses
3. DELVE Assessment - going beyond ‘showing up’
We believe that the primary learning during DELVE occurs during the course itself in the experiences and interactions that students will have with nature, the people they connect with, their sponsors, their fellow course participants and themselves Experiential learning is best achieved and retained when students are given opportunities to reflect upon their learning
Students are expected to be present on all the days during DELVE week Being present goes beyond showing up We want our students to engage with each other, their teachers, sponsors, visiting communities, and nature. The minimum requirements for the week are demonstrating clear and polite communication skills and a willingness to grow through their actions.
To successfully pass the DELVE course and earn ¼ credit, each student must:
● Attend DELVE planning and follow-up meetings
● Participate and engage fully in the activities and learning opportunities provided
● Post their DELVE reflection on the medium that the sponsor chooses
● Assist the group in submitting and preparing photos and materials for student publications. Some courses may have additional requirements as specified in the individual Course Descriptions in this Handbook. The course sponsor will assess each student and assign a Pass or No Credit grade.
4. Students may not repeat a DELVE Trip.
Rationale: We believe that the goals of DELVE are achieved through participation in a variety of trips.
Beaumont Adventure
Care for Coral
Cycling in Thailand
Elephant Nature Park
Habitat for Humanity Thailand (Local)
Junior Special Olympics (JSO)
Kanchanaburi Ourland
Khao Yai Adventure
Khum Lanna
Lanjia Lodge
Maharaj Home for Boys
Marine Conservation Koh Tao/Koh Samui
Maekok River Village Community Service
Mercy Center
Nonthaburi School For The Deaf
Pramahatai Suksa Inclusive School
Pun Pun Organic Farm
Reclaiming the Coastline (EWC)
Sam Roi Yot
Shark Guardians
SUP Expedition
Teacher Internship
Wat Koo Kindergarten
Wildlife Conservation & Service
Bali Indago
Japan Trekking
Langkawi, Malaysia
Surfing in Bali
The nature and purpose of specific DELVE courses may expose students to a degree of risk not typical of regular on-campus classes Recognising that courses involving travel, physical activity, and exploration are not risk-free, all courses are subject to a risk and safety assessment. The following criteria have been established to assess and minimise the potential risks associated with DELVE courses. All courses are subject to the following:
● Prior to departure, a review of student health records shall be conducted. Parents must inform course sponsors of any special health-related issues regarding their child(ren).
● Specific courses may require students to submit a medical clearance certificate and a physical.
● Courses which require rigorous physical activity or special skills may require mandatory pre-course training or assessment Such requirements will be stated in the course description
● Program administrators will work with regional security personnel to stay current with travel advisories and warnings.
● Out-of-Bangkok courses must include emergency medical evacuation and insurance coverage for all participants Such coverage will be included in the cost of each course Courses shall not include activities for which appropriate insurance coverage is not available
● Competent medical personnel shall prepare first aid kits appropriate to the nature and destination of each course.
● Access to emergency medical care, communication availability, travel conditions, and evacuation procedures must be confirmed for all out-of-Bangkok destinations. Such information must be communicated to all participants and parents before departure.
Important Safety Requirement - Medical
Please be aware that parents may be asked to retrieve their children in the event of a medical issue during overnight trips outside of Bangkok, as a precautionary measure. We understand that this may be an obstacle for parents to permit their child to attend an overnight trip. Students would be isolated comfortably until their parents come to take them home.
Registration DELVE
DELVE registrations are prioritised by grade level, with priority sign-ups given to Grade 12 students and final priority to Grade 9
If we are asked to cancel a DELVE trip due to circumstances out of our control, we will offer the following refund policy
a Before August 30th: 100% refund if DELVE is cancelled Some costs cannot be refunded - materials, perishables, services for nonprofit organisations, airline deposits, etc We will work with the providers and airlines to guarantee and refund as close to 100% of the payment as possible
b After August 30th and before September 13th: No less than 50% will be refunded if we are forced to cancel DELVE for reasons outside our control Some bookings and accommodations might be non-refundable Some costs cannot be refunded - materials, perishables, services for nonprofit organisations, airline purchases, etc. We will work with the providers and airlines to guarantee and refund as close to 50% of the payment as possible.
c. After September 13th: We will work with the providers to guarantee and refund as much of the payment as possible. A complete loss of payment might occur as this is very close to the departure date, and many accommodations and bookings will be cancelled without a refund.
d. For all air travel trips, a non-refundable deposit to the airline will be subtracted from the refund after plane tickets are booked. Airline tickets are booked one to two weeks after placements. The amount depends on what was non-refundable by the airline
e. Families that decide to change DELVE trips might be charged the full amount of the trip they plan on switching out of and the cost of the new trip. This depends on what the provider has booked and is unable to refund before the trip
Students wishing to change the course assignments after the last transfer date will be responsible for any costs the original course retains due to the cancellation so that other participants do not have a sudden increase in costs
● Get familiar with all the courses on offer through this booklet and the videos found on the CAS website (cas.isb.ac.th).
● Obtain parental approval BEFORE registering for any course
● Meet requirements for their assigned course and submit a payment for this course
● All payments are non-refundable and non-transferable if a student decides to remove themselves or wishes to transfer to a new trip.
● Attend all pre-course orientations and meetings.
● Complete the online registration process, including registration, physical exam, waiver, behavioural, and emergency treatment information
● Submit a signed Parent Permission form through Operoo
● Students must communicate to parents all necessary information received during pre-course meetings.
● Remit course payment in full on the dates provided in the timeline of events. Students who do not make the payment dates may have their DELVE privileges revoked by the school and be transferred to a Day Trip course
● Fulfill all pre-course, course, and post-course requirements
● Abide by the faculty sponsor and school DELVE expectations.
1. Read the DELVE Handbook to know the safety procedures, requirements, and expectations and to help their child(ren) make considered choices
2 Complete the Parent Permission Form through Operoo by the due date
3 Optionally, attend the DELVE meeting open to parents
Safety and learning are the top priorities of the DELVE program. As such, students may not inconvenience or hinder the learning of others nor jeopardise the safety of the group members Students must satisfy sponsors who have the background to enjoy and participate in the course and will be supportive of the group during the week
If overnight course sponsors foresee identifiable exceptions to school travel (i.e. special meals, customs, etc.), they will advise the Administrator in charge and will inform students and parents of these exceptions
Only medications listed and approved on the submitted physical forms will be accepted.
It is important to stress that there will be “zero tolerance” for the following behaviours during DELVE activities and courses:
● Drug/alcohol use or possession
● Theft/vandalism
● Breaking curfew
● Smoking
● Actions that violate the laws of the host country
● Renting of motorised vehicles
● Use or possession of weapons
In each of these cases, students will be sent home at the parent’s expense if it is feasible to do so When appropriate, the student will be placed in a Supervised Study Hall on campus for the remainder of the week. Further consequences will be enforced upon return to ISB, including requirements for the following year’s DELVE.
Sponsors have full authority to dismiss from the course any student whose conduct is objectionable, harmful to the group, or reflects negatively on ISB. When conflict arises or conditions force changes in the itinerary, sponsors have jurisdiction to make final decisions.
We aim for students to “disconnect” with technology during their week-long DELVE experience. Mobile phones, computers, iPads, iPods, etc are not essential for students to have a positive and safe experience In case of an emergency, communication should take place between the parents, Mr Assimakopoulos and the sponsor/co-sponsors. Final decisions regarding the use of student technology will be made by individual course sponsors.
When writing their reflections, students should focus on their own learning during the week. This can better solidify understanding and ensure that the learning extends beyond DELVE and is retained beyond the week.
Students should consider:
● The relevance of what they learned
● How their learning connects to or conflicts with what they knew before
● How their learning would serve them in the future
● What further questions their learning has left them with
● What future solutions might be possible or should be pursued
Students can use the questions below to guide their reflection about the course They do not have to answer all but rather should use them to generate ideas and reflection
1 What did you learn from this course
a. about the global issue or community service project the course focused on?
b. about the culture, you were a part of?
c. about yourself?
2 How did you grow and/or change as a result of this course?
3 How was this experience similar to or different from what you had expected?
4 What was the most challenging part of this course?
Students will register online via an online form sent directly to their email addresses The form has a unique password that is associated with each student’s email address
Students will be required to choose four trips based on their preferences The order of priority of their selections will be taken into consideration However, it's important to note that certain trips have limited seats available, and as a result, students may be assigned to any of their four choices depending on the availability of seats
All our trips have a limited number of spaces for each grade level Some trips can be quite popular and fill up quickly Therefore, it is really important that you select a variety of trips you are interested in
Students that duplicate their selection by choosing the same trip are placing themselves at a disadvantage By not providing a second, third or fourth choice to choose from, the student will be placed where spots are available after placing their entire grade level
Student registrations will be sorted by choosing a number from 1-500
During a pre-registration process, students will be asked to choose a number from 1-500 After the grade level has selected their number, a number from that range will be randomly selected A registration window for number selection will be clearly communicated to all students. Students unable to select their number during the time allocated will be given a number outside of the range and their number will not rank when placing them on DELVE. In other words, students that submit their registration late will be placed after all the high school students are placed.
The randomly selected number is where the first placement will begin. For example, if the randomly selected number is 378, the student that selected a number of equal or greater value will be the first one in their grade level placed on their DELVE trip The rest of the placements will follow in sequential order And numbers not selected will be skipped
If multiple students choose the same number, students will be sorted by their birthdate.
After placing number 500, the next student to be placed will be number 1 The numbers will follow in order until we reach the starting number.
● Students may not select a course they have already participated in during previous years.
● Students are not assigned to courses “so that they can be with their friends”.
● Students must submit the parent permission form for their DELVE selections by the required deadline
○ After students select their four choices, parents will be sent a form to confirm they are comfortable with all of their child’s selections Once parents have confirmed, we can start placing students
● Payments must be made directly at the cashier or online. Instructions on how to pay online will be communicated directly to the parents.
● The number of participants in a course determines the final cost, hence final costs may be adjusted once sign-ups are known As such, once a student is assigned, a student should not change courses Payments are non-refundable to cover costs for the original course, all new costs associated with a new course must be paid in full.
Students should follow this checklist to ensure that they are well prepared for DELVE Registration:
❏ Discuss with your parents how much cost your parents are willing to cover.
❏ Check course availability on the CAS website (cas.isb.ac.th).
❏ Choose top courses taking into consideration DELVE requirements and past choices
❏ Sign up on the appropriate night for registration
❏ Check the lists posted for placement
❏ All students are required to return the completed Parent Permission Form by the deadline.
Students who fail to meet the payment due dates may have their DELVE privileges revoked by the school and transferred to an on-campus course.
● Course outlines are subject to change based on a variety of reasons such as but not limited to
○ fitting the needs of the students signed up,
○ trip provider's recommendations,
○ changes in local political environments,
○ natural events etc…
● Course prices are approximate, in most cases costs have been overestimated, however, final costs are determined by the total number of students that sign up for a course In the case where excess has been collected, families will be reimbursed
● Some courses will not run due to low enrollment numbers. Students that chose such trips will be moved to their other choices. As a general guideline, most trips require a minimum of 12 students to run.
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich) students will:
● Be curious about and sensitive to human diversity, especially the culture of Northeast Thailand
● Work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures
● Appreciate and care about the environment and be committed to sustainable practices
● Take action to preserve and protect the environment
● Be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment
Course Description:
In this six-day learning adventure, we will visit and become part of the Beaumont Ruam Patana School, located in Chaiyaphum province, in the Northeast of Thailand - Isaan. Beaumont Ruam is a private educational institution established in 2013. The school offers high-quality free education to children from disadvantaged backgrounds in the rural area of Sap Yai. To support the school, parents and guardians contribute 15 hours of work each semester in various tasks such as gardening and maintenance, which helps foster community involvement and support The school has nearly 300 students with plans for further growth and development The curriculum includes organic farming and vocational training programs, to create a self-sustaining educational model. These initiatives not only support the school’s operations but also provide valuable skills and economic opportunities for the students and local community. This DELVE gives you the opportunity to explore both the culture and the natural environment of the Northeast of Thailand You will take part in service opportunities at the school including teaching and working on the school farm You will also have the opportunity to explore the stunning natural environment of the northeast in the national parks of Tat Ton and Sai Thong
Daily overview - some highlights:
Day 1:
● Depart ISB and travel to Chaiyaphum (Approximately 340 kilometers northeast of Bangkok The journey by bus takes around 4 to 5 hours)
● Arrive at Beaumont Ruam Patana School
● Welcome/orientation & School Tour
Day 2 & 3:
● Take part in service work
● Farming on the School's Farm (Goats & Cheese, Green Leaf Cultivation)
● Supporting Students' Learning In-Class
● Education Beyond the Classroom
● Share ISB Students' Special Skills (Music, Art, Sport, Drama)
Day 4 & 5:
● Tat Ton National Park: Located about 23 km north of Chaiyaphum town, this park is known for its stunning waterfalls, including the popular Tat Ton Waterfall, which is over 6 meters high and 50 meters wide
● Sai Thong National Park: Famous for the beautiful Sai Thong Waterfall, this park also has diverse flora and fauna. It is ideal for jungle trekking and camping, providing students with a hands-on experience of Thailand's natural biodiversity
Day 6:
● Return to Bangkok
To participate in this course, students must:
● Have permission to be in the water and be able to swim
● Be willing to collaborate with others on a project
● Be willing to engage in meaningful service projects and look for opportunities to gain a deeper understanding of the benefits of service work.
● Have an open mind to learning about Northeastern Thailand culture, customs and traditions.
Max Number of Participants:
Approximate Cost: 18,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: Mr. Sheridan
Meeting Room: 3-323
Course Location: Thailand
Course Category Cat. 1 (Service)
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● Understand that people, places, economies, and environments are all inextricably interrelated and that choices and events can impact a global scale.
● Be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment, especially the coral reefs and marine ecology
● work and communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures
● develop and apply knowledge, skills, and understanding of coral restoration, monitorization and plantation to preserve and protect the marine environment
● contribute to the mitigation and management of waste
● Appreciate and care about the environment and be committed to sustainable practices
● Learn to identify various marine, plant, and coral life
Departure Date: Mon, Nov 18, 2024
Arrival Date: Thursday, Nov 21, 2024
Please note that the dates above are subject to change depending on ticket availability
Daily overview: Day Date Schedule Details 1
6:00 AM 7:00 AM Bus to BKK Suvarnabhumi 9:00 AM 10:30 AM Fly from BKK to USM Koh Samui 11:00 AM 12:30 AM Private speed boat transfer 18 Nov 2024 1:00 PM 2:00 PM Introductions and Lunch @Koppee Meals (L, D) 2:15 PM 3:15 PM Arrival & Check In
3:15 PM 4:30 PM SCUBA/Snorkel gear allocation
4:30 AM 6:30 PM Introductions & Ecology lecture
6:00 PM 7:00 PM Dinner @ Koppee
7:00 PM Head back to hotel for down time 2
8:00 AM 8:30 AM Breakfast @ Koh Tao Resort
8:30 AM 11:30 AM Activities with local kindergarden 50 kids ages 3-6
19 Nov 2024 11:30 AM 12:30 PM Lunch @ Koppee
12:30 PM 2:30 PM Artificial Reef Lecture
Meals (B, L ,D)
2:30 PM 3:30 PM Beach/Land Clean Up
3:30 PM 4:00 PM Break
4:00 PM 5:00 PM Artificial Reef Project Design
5:00 PM 7:00 PM Dinner @ Koppee
6:00 PM 8:00 PM Night Dive for Group 1
7:00 PM Head back to hotel for down time or movie night 3
8:00 AM 9:00 AM Breakfast @ Koh Tao Resort
9:30 AM 11:30 AM
Dive 1: Group 1 art reef monitoring, Group 2 clean up dive
20 Nov 2024 11:30 AM 12:30 PM Lunch on boat
Meals (B, L ,D) 12:30 PM 3:00 PM
Dive 2: Group 2 art reef monitoring, Group 1 clean up dive
3:00 PM 4:00 PM Clean Equipment, Debrief and Count Trash
4:00 PM 5:00 PM Artificial Reef Project Design
5:00 PM 7:00 PM Dinner @ Koppee
6:00 PM 8:00 PM Night Dive for Group 2
7:00 PM Head back to hotel for down time or movie night
8:00 AM 9:00 AM Breakfast @ Koh Tao Resort
9:30 AM 11:30 AM Coral Predators Lecture
11:30 AM 12:30 PM Lunch @ Koppee
21 Nov 2024 12:30 PM 3:00 PM Drupella Sea Snail Removal Dive
Meals (B, L ,D) 3:00 PM 4:00 PM Clean Equipment, Debrief and Count Drupella
4:00 PM 5:00 PM Exploration of Mangroves
6:00 PM 7:00 PM Dinner @ Koppee
7:00 PM Art Reef Project Presentation
8:00 AM 9:00 AM Breakfast & Departure
9:30 AM 2:30 PM Ferry & Bus To Surat Thani Airport
3:40 PM 5:00 PM Flight to Don Mueng From Surat Thani
22 Nov 2024 5:00 PM 6:30 PM Return to school
Lunch to takeaway
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Snorkel or dive depending on their skill levels.
● Having an Open Water Scuba Certification or Advanced Open Water Certification allows students to work near the coral with local scientists actively
Max Number of Participants: 25
Approximate Cost: 38,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: Mr Galbraith / Ms Soo
Course Location: Koh Tao
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● be curious about and sensitive to human diversity, especially the culture of the host country.
● be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment
● work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures
● learn about Bike Maintenance, Safety, and Riding
● participate in a multi-stage bike ride every day
● rafting on the Phetchaburi RIver
● volunteer at a local wildlife rescue
Departure Date: November 18, 2024
Arrival Date: November 22, 2024
Please note that the dates above are subject to change depending on ticket availability
Daily overview:
Day 1:
Visit Tha Kha Floating Market
Bike safety brief and bike fitting
Cycling from Tha Kha Floating Market to Ban Suan Restaurant (31 KM)
Lunch at Ban Suan Restaurant
Transfer from Samut Songkram to Nana Resort Kaeng Krachan
Water Valleyball (pending permission from resort) or other team building activities
Basic bike maintenance session
Day 2:
Cycling from Nana Resort to rafting launch point (40 5 KM)
Snack time (light lunch) and safety briefing
Rafting on the Petchaburi RIver (inflatable plastic rafts) to Nana Resort
Day 3:
Cycling to Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT) (35 KM)
Introduction at Service Learning
Volunteering at Rescue Center
Day 4:
Trekking in Ban Krang (3 KM)
Transfer to cycling start point, pre-ride bike check, cycling to Boathouse Paradise Resort (40 KM)
Day 5:
Cycling Boathouse loop (27 KM)
Transfer back to Bangkok
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Be willing to collaborate with others
● Be physically and mentally willing to do their best riding each day
● Be enthusiastic about learning and adventuring in Thailand
Max Number of Participants: 35
Approximate Cost: 46,000 baht
Tentative Sponsors: Mr Bell / TBA
Course Location: Kaeng Krachan
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● Find out about the problems facing elephants in Thailand today
● Work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures
● Gain a fascinating insight into the life of the elephant and how these magnificent creatures think, live and react
● Have a chance to enjoy the elephants - and help future generations to have this privilege too
● Have the opportunity to look after rescued cats and dogs
● Come away with a real understanding of the issues facing elephants and will have played an active part in genuinely making a difference.
Departure Date: Monday 18th November 2024 (lunchtime)
Arrival Date: Friday 22nd November 2024 (lunchtime)
Please note that the dates above are subject to change depending on ticket availability.
Day 1: Arrive in Chiang Mai Check into the hotel Explore the old town night market and independently get dinner at the market.
Day 2: Transfer to the Elephant Nature Park (ENP). Orientation at the park. Start service project. This will include:
● Experiencing elephant families and how they choose friends; Finding out about the problems facing elephants in Thailand today;
● Caring for the elephants, including the preparing of food, construction, maintenance of mud pits;
● Caring for rescue dogs, cats and more.
Day 3: ENP service continues as before
Day 4: ENP service continues as before NB There may be an opportunity to float down the river in rubber rings one day!
Evening activities include reflecting on each day’s service, a Thai cultural event, watching the movie ‘Love and Bananas’ based on the ENP and time to just relax.
Day 5: Breakfast at the Elephant Nature Park Transfer to Chiang Mai airport Return to Bangkok at lunchtime
In order to participate on this service project, students must:
● Be prepared for physical work and to get muddy;
● Be prepared to interact with rescued elephants, cats, dogs and other animals;
● Be genuinely interested in conservation, especially in regards to the Asian elephant;
● Participate fully in park activities, working in teams or individually.
Max Number of Participants: 16
Approximate Cost: 30,000 Baht
Sponsors: Mr. Snook / Ms. Lebel
Course Location: Chiang Mai Elephant Nature Park
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● be curious about and sensitive to human diversity, especially the culture of the host country
● be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment.
● work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures.
● develop and apply knowledge, skills and understanding of adult education with respect to learning a second language
● take action and develop empathy while developing and executing enrichment lessons for ISB Thai support staff.
Monday, Nov 18 - Friday, Nov 22
Course Description:
Habitat for Humanity is an organization that seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world. Although this may seem an overwhelming task, Habitat has at present built over 95,000 homes around the world providing over 400,000 people with safe, decent and affordable housing Through volunteer labor and donations of money and materials, Habitat houses are sold to qualifying homeowners at no profit and no-interest loans Habitat encourages concerned citizens like us to come together for a short period of time in volunteer groups called “Global Village Teams” to help construct homes for and with families in desperate need of housing.
Students and their leaders will travel by bus to a build site approximately 1 hour drive from ISB. After instruction in how to use various tools and how to lift and carry materials, students will help in the construction of a concrete block house Tasks will include mixing and carrying cement, pouring the floor, and building walls The work will be tiring but rewarding In addition, students will interact with the homeowners and Habitat staff
Daily overview. Each of the trip will follow the following schedule:
7:30 - 8:00 am Leave ISB travel to work site
9:00 Safety briefing / Orientation
9:30 - 12:00 House building work
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00 - 3:30 House building work
3:30 - 4 Clean up
4:00 Leave for ISB
5:00 Arrive at ISB
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Be willing to work outdoors in all weather conditions
Click here for Table of Contents 22
● Be willing to collaborate with others on a project
● Explore & gain a deeper understanding, appreciation, and purpose behind Habitat
Upon completion of DELVE, students will:
● Post their DELVE reflection in a Google drive folder which will be provided.
Max Number of Participants: 35
Approximate Cost: 30,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: Mr. Sweeney / TBD
Course Location: TBD
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● be curious about and sensitive to human diversity, especially the culture of the host country.
● be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment
● work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds
● develop and apply knowledge, skills and understanding of education with respect to learning a second language.
● take action and develop empathy while executing enrichment lessons for the children at Wat Sa Kaeo orphanage
● be responsible hosts who are culturally competent while ensuring guests feel comfortable in spaces they are unfamiliar with
(Day trips - 07:00 - 15:00)
Daily overview:
● Requirements:
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Be comfortable with the use of Technology in a classroom setting.
● Be willing to plan activities and collaborate with others on a project.
● Positively participate in the planning and delivery of all lessons and learning activities.
Max Number of Participants: 35
Approximate Cost: 9,000 baht
Tentative Sponsors: Ms. Fuson/ Ms. Brock
Course Location: Wat Sa Kaeo Orphan Aid Center, Bang Sadet, Pa Mok, Ang Thong
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● Be accepting of the diverse population within Nonthaburi
● communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures
● Learn how to be adapt activities to be more inclusive
● Continuously educate oneself about different communities, and perspectives to foster a more inclusive mindset
● Cultivate a sense of empathy for inclusion Click here for Table of Contents
● Seek diverse perspective and understand the importance of others needs
● Connect with individuals of different backgrounds
Departure Date: November 20, 2024
Arrival Date: November 24, 2024
Daily overview:
Day 1: This is an introductory day Students plan three arts and crafts activities and learn Thai phrases to use with buddies how to address the buddies This is just a day where you get information about what we’re doing in the week
Day 2: ISB students arrive at ISB, go to Srisangwan school, and are introduced to their buddies. There will be three rotations (30 minutes each): singing activities and two arts and crafts. ISB students will leave Srisangwan school to go to BigC, where they will have McDonald's for lunch and buy their buddies personalized gifts They will then head back to ISB and be dismissed
Day 3: ISB students arrive at ISB first, then go to Srisangwan school. There will be a set up for the activities, and the students will complete two of the three rotations, then, there will be lunch at Srisangwan school, followed by the last rotation The rotations will be cookie decorating, arts and crafts, and a photo scavenger hunt ISB students will come back to ISB and be dismissed
Day 4: ISB students arrive at ISB and then go to Srisangwan school. We will spend time setting up the activities and explaining them. Three out of the four rotations will occur, followed by lunch. Afterwards, the last rotation will happen The rotations are "capture the flag,"; rock, paper, scissors tag, portraits of the other person; and Just Dance ISB students will come back to ISB and be dismissed
Day 5: ISB students will arrive at ISB and complete their delve reflections. Then they will write cards for their buddies and assemble their gift bags. ISB students will go to Srisangwan school and give their buddies gifts, then say goodbye and take photos. ISB students will return to ISB, and the leaders will present a video of the JSO Delve, then ISB students will be dismissed
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Research to gain more knowledge on the importance of accessibility
● Be willing to collaborate with others
● Be open-minded towards people of different backgrounds
● Be prepared to do a series of activities with a partner
● Be willing to participate in activities
Max Number of Participants: 40 (depends on how many buddies participate)
Approximate Cost: 5,000 baht
Tentative Sponsors: Ms. Valenzuela and Mr. Tahan
Course Location: Bangkok, Thailand
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● be curious about and sensitive to human diversity, especially the host country's culture
● be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment, especially the human/elephant conflict
● work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures.
● develop skills related to sustainable construction and learn about environmentally-friendly building techniques
Departure Date: 18 November
Arrival Date: 22 November
Please note that the dates above are subject to change depending on ticket availability
Daily overview:
Day 1: Arrive in Kanchanaburi, float down the river, and trek through the jungle exploring ecology to arrive at OurLand. Tour of OurLand.
Day 2: Learn about human/elephant conflict mitigation techniques, visit a tree nursery, do a waterfall trek We will also visit a Red Squirrel, a sustainable farm and agro forest We end the day with a campfire
Day 3: Visit the Erawan Waterfall and identify different biodiversity species We will visit a trash and recycling center to see what sustainable projects are happening, and end the day with a cooking class and dinner as a group.
Day 4: This day is dedicated to learning about mudbricks and sustainable construction techniques. We will learn how to make mudbricks and work on projects such as the creation of a waterhole. Free time at the hotel swimming pool will be a welcome end to the hardworking day
Day 5: Breakfast and visit to an Elephant Sanctuary, lunch and then reflection time before departing back to Bangkok after lunch.
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Be willing to do physical work and get muddy
● Have a genuine interest in sustainability, biodiversity, and techniques and projects being done in Thailand to support conservation efforts.
Max Number of Participants: 35
Approximate Cost: 30,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: Ms McCosh/ Ms Choi
Course Location: Kanachaburi
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● be curious about and sensitive to human diversity
● be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment, especially the human/elephant conflict
● gain insight into nature conservation and the work being done for endangered species in Thailand and Khao Yai specifically.
● be willing to be physically active and learn wilderness/outdoor activities and skills.
Dates: 18 November - 22 November 2024
Departure Date: Monday, November 18
Arrival Date: Monday, November 18
Daily overview:
(instructions: add outdoor, service, and/or water sporting activities for the parents to get an understanding of what the trip is about. If this DELVE has camping, add it.)
Day 1: Arrive in Khao Yai and meet the JUMP facilitators We will do personal and team goal-setting and build group dynamics through a variety of activities
Day 2: Kayak adventure and then an afternoon of bushcraft, learning outdoor skills like knot-tying, firemaking and compass skills.
Day 3: Travel to a waterfall and do a moderate hike, followed by a trip to the elephant conservation area where we will learn about the activities needed to care for the elephants
Day 4: Explore a cave where we will learn about the geology and troglodyte animals of Thailand Last night is the Challenge-o-Rama, focusing on a series of team building challenges
Day 5: Celebrations and appreciations for the week, travel back to ISB.
(instructions: add anything students need to know, bring or be skilled at before joining your DELVE)
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Be ready to kayak for a few hours at a moderate pace.
● Be interested in learning outdoor skills.
● Be willing to contribute to group tasks and activities
Max Number of Participants: 35
Approximate Cost: 35,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: Ms. Barnes/ Ms. Leoni
Course Location: Khao Yai
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● Develop communication skills and the ability to work in teams
● Learn practical skills through construction projects at a local school
● Appreciate the cultural and environmental diversity of Thailand.
● Learn about sustainable tourism in a Thai context, and the importance of community participation to achieve sustainability and the sustainable development goals.
Departure Date: Monday 18th November 2024 (morning)
Arrival Date: Friday 22nd November 2024 (late afternoon/early evening)
Please note that the dates above are subject to change depending on ticket availability.
Daily overview:
Day 1: Travel by air to Chiang Mai and transfer by private van to Khum Lanna in Phrao (93km). Visit school site in Phrao where service-learning activities will take place over the week. Overnight at Khum Lanna.
Day 2: Service learning at Sahakorn Damri School - construction work and painting Overnight at Khum Lanna Optional evening bike ride around the village
Day 3: Service learning at Sahakorn Damri School - instal water pipes and electrical system Cooking experience and overnight at Khum Lanna.
Day 4: Complete work at Sahakorn Damri School. Spend time with students at the school. Transfer to Chiang Mai. Dinner at local restaurant and visit to Night Market. Overnight at the Duangtawan Hotel.
Day 5: Visit Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep in the morning and return to Bangkok in the afternoon by air
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Be able to work outdoors on projects including some physical activities (e g renovation and repair of facilities)
● Be open to cultural exchange with our hosts at Khum Lanna and the wider community.
● Be willing to collaborate with others on a project.
Max Number of Participants: 20
Approximate Cost: 39,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: Mr Picton/TBC
Course Location: Khum Lanna Heritage Resort, Phrao (near Chiang Mai)
As a result of participating in this DELVE trip, students will:
● Understand that humans have intrinsic worth regardless of differences
● Be curious about and sensitive to human diversity, including the host country's cultures
● Work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures.
● Understand that people, places, economies, and environments are all inextricably interrelated and that choices and events can impact a global scale.
● Appreciate and care about the environment and be committed to sustainable practices
● Take action to preserve and protect the environment
DELVE Description:
In this course, students will have the chance to discover and experience one of Thailand’s most culturally diverse regions – the Golden Triangle They will experience the culture and life of the local Hmong and Lahu villagers by making local handicrafts, participating in cultural performances, visiting a local school, visiting the homes of the local villagers, and engaging in service projects such as working on an organic green tea farm, creating small irrigation dams, and planting trees. The primary service activity will be to work with the Hmong and Lahu communities to develop a nursery for the Mekong Giant Catfish, listed by The World Conservation Union as a critically endangered species Students will also have the opportunity to enjoy the relaxed, lush, green, mountainous environment of the Golden Triangle through hiking, cycling, bird watching, and star gazing Students will stay at Lanjia Lodge, an eco-friendly lodge run by Earth Care that is located inside a Hmong and Lahu village nestled on a hill overlooking the Mekong River and Laos. Built in traditional Hmong style with Western comforts, “Lanjia” means “peaceful” in the Hmong language. While there is plenty of activity in this course, we will also enjoy the peacefulness of our surroundings.
To participate in this course, students must:
● Attend all DELVE Meetings
● Students must be able to ride a bike competently Upon completion of DELVE, students must:
● Submit a DELVE reflection
Max Number of participants: 24
Approximate Cost: 61,000 Baht
Sponsors: Mr. Sambula/ TBA
Course Location: Lanjia Lodge (on a hillside 20 minutes from Chiang Kong, Chiang Rai)
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● understand that humans have intrinsic worth regardless of differences
● work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures.
● be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment
● have concern for social injustice and inequality and affirm the rights and dignity of all people
● understand the needs of less fortunate children and develop empathy for children without families
Start Date: Monday November 18th
Finish Date: Friday November 22nd
Course Description:
The focus of the Maharaj Home for Boys program is to bond with and look after children from a local home for boys who are separated from their families. Activities revolve around providing children with enriching and memorable experiences, playing with them, sharing meals with them and developing empathy for children who live without family support. We will spend the week engaging children in one-on-one activities, showing respect for their needs and demonstrating that kindness and understanding are essential human qualities. Two of the five days will be spent taking the boys to Bangkok attractions, with one day at the Maharaj School for boys, and the other two days will be on-campus at ISB, playing games and participating in activities planned by course participants.
Daily overview:
Day 1: ISB students work on campus at ISB to organize, plan and arrange activities and lesson plans for the Maharah Boys, which will take place at ISB on Day 2 and Day 5.
Day 2: Morning activities at ISB with the first group of Maharaj boys (aged 6-10). Lunch at ISB, followed by the afternoon at Harborland Indoor Playground (at The Mall Ngamwongwan).
Day 3: ISB students and the second group of Maharaj Boys (aged 8-12) spend the day at Dreamworld.
Day 4: ISB students travel to the Maharah Foundation and spend the day planting trees, and other outdoor service activities.
Day 5: On campus activities with the Maharaj Boys, aged 6-12.
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Be dedicated to working one-on-one with small children.
● Be flexible in expectations, patient with others and show respect for children.
● Be willing to participate fully in planning and carrying out two days of activities and games.
Max Number of Participants: 20
Approximate Cost: 8,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: Mr Farrell / Mr Nichols/ Mr Ochoa
Course Location: Local Day Trips in Bangkok
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich) students will:
● observe healthy and damaged reefs/ ecosystems
● design and build an artificial reef
● participate in a beach clean up to see the impact of plastic waste/microplastics
● work with local conservation organizations that raise awareness and understanding of marine conservation and efforts
● gain a better understanding of environmental issues and sustainable solutions to combat environmental degradation in southern Thailand
Departure Date: Monday 18 November (early morning)
Arrival Date: Friday 22 November (evening)
Please note that the dates above are subject to change depending on ticket availability
Daily overview:
Day 1: Flight to Koh Samui, van transfer, lunch in Koh Samui, ferry to Koh Tao
Day 2: Snorkelling activity to collect data on health of coral reef; creation of artificial reef structures; evening shopping and/or hiking activity
Day 3: Design of original artificial reef structure; construct coral nurseries; beach clean-up; evening mini-golf, bocci, bowling etc
Day 4: Snorkelling trip to various locations around Koh Tao and surrounding islands; evening barbecue on the beach Day 5: Ferry from Koh Tao to Koh Samui, lunch in Koh Samui, flight from Koh Samui to Bangkok
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● be comfortable swimming in the water (with a life jacket) and with moderate physical activities (beach clean-up, walking)
● participate in the learning activities (lessons, snorkeling, beach clean-up)
● be willing to collaborate with others on the Reef Project and Coral Watch
● Have a keen interest in marine conservation
Max Number of Participants: 35
Approximate Cost: 47,000 baht
Tentative Sponsors: Ms Hazel / Mr Ford
Course Location: Koh Tao
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● Take action to address social injustice by planning and teaching English to local hill-tribe children and carrying out building projects within the school or local villages
● Be curious about and sensitive to human diversity, including the cultures of the host country.
● Work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures.
● Understand that humans have intrinsic worth regardless of differences
● Have concern for social injustice and inequality and affirm the rights and dignity of all people
Departure Date: 18th November
Arrival Date: 22nd November
Please note that the dates above are subject to change depending on ticket availability
Daily overview:
Day 1: Travel to Thaton, leadership challenges, team-building games, introduction to the project
Day 2: Make rafts and sail down river, short hike in the local area, prepare to work with students
Day 3: Community project, cooking class, games
Day 4: Community project, confidence course, reflection.
Day 5: Climbing wall, archery, return to Bangkok.
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Be willing to collaborate with others on a project
● Be able to participate in water activities and a short hike
● Be willing to work outdoors
● Be willing to interact with children in a local school
Max Number of Participants: 35
Approximate Cost: 25,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: Mr Johnston/ Mr Seiple
Course Location: Thaton, Chiang Mai
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● Be curious about and sensitive to human diversity, including the cultures of the host country,
● Work and communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures,
● Understand that social injustice is rooted in personal and cultural prejudice as well as socio-economic disparity,
● Take action to address social injustice by developing creative learning activities for underprivileged young Thai children and providing community donations, and
● Develop and apply skills, knowledge, and understandings of early childhood education.
Dates: Monday - Friday (Nov. 18 - Nov. 22, 2024)
Daily Departure from ISB: 7:15 am
Daily Arrival back at ISB: 2:30 pm
Daily overview:
Daily Arrival at HDF Mercy Centre: 8:45 am
Daily Departure from HDF Mercy Centre: 1:30 pm
Day 1: Orientation to HDF Mercy Center, classroom observations, planning and shopping for the week
Day 2: Teaching, clean-up, lunch and planning for the next day’s lessons and activities
Day 3: Teaching, clean-up, lunch and planning for the next day’s lessons and activities
Day 4: Teaching, clean-up, lunch and planning for the next day’s celebration of learning
Day 5: Celebration of Learning: sharing, activities, sport games, treats, prizes, and gifts
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Show interest, empathy and care for preschool/ kindergarten-age children,
● Annotate assigned readings about early childhood development and education,
● Prepare age-appropriate and creative lessons, learning materials, and activities,
● Enthusiastically deliver lessons and activities with an effort to include all children,
● Purchase supplies to be used and left at the school, as well as treats, prizes, and gifts for teachers and students, and
● Provide community donations (clothing items and toiletries) to Mercy Center Up-stitch Program.
Max Number of Participants: 20
Approximate Cost: 5,000 baht
Tentative Sponsors: Ms. Reau/ Mr. Lorence/ Ms. Alonso
Course Location: Klong Toey, Bangkok
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich) students will:
● Understand that humans have intrinsic worth regardless of differences
● Be aware of and sensitive to human diversity, including those with physical and intellectual differences
● Work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures.
Monday Nov 18- Friday Nov 22
This is a day trip, from around 7:30-3:30 PM Times will vary slightly depending on the day’s activities
Daily overview:
Day 1: Experience school life at Nonthaburi School for the Deaf.
Day 2: Practice ASL (American Sign Language) and English with friends from NSFTD through science activities
Day 3: Field Trip: Bounce, Dreamworld, Ancient City or similar
Day 4: Field Trip: Bounce, Dreamworld, Ancient City or similar
Day 5: ISB students organize fun learning activities at ISB and farewells.
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Attend all pre-course meetings
● Be respectful, friendly and on time
● Maintain a focus on building relationships and learning new language skills with NSFTD friends
● Learn some signs in ASL and practice some basic sign language
Upon completion of DELVE, students will:
● Post their DELVE reflection on the DELVE page
Max Number of participants: 20
Approximate Cost: 8,000 Baht
Sponsors: Ms. Robinson / K. Pimpirat / Ms. Soule
Course Location: Nonthaburi / Bangkok
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich) students will:
● Understand that humans have intrinsic worth regardless of socio-economic and cultural differences,
● Be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment,
● Have concern for social injustice and inequality and affirm the rights and dignity of all people,
● Take action to address social injustice by painting a school, communal home or center in a low income neighborhood of metropolitan Bangkok
Click here for Table of Contents
● Learn the skills required to prepare and paint a work area
● Learn the value of collaboration by working together as a team to achieve a common goal
Course Description:
Students will participate in repairing and painting a school or other social service provider buildings in and around Nonthaburi and Bangkok Students will be engaged in work that is hot, dirty, and challenging Participants can expect to be tired and/or uncomfortable for much of the week Conversely, the sense of accomplishment provided by that effort, the sense of teamwork found in such a collective endeavor, and the sense of gratitude shared by those assisted will, like the painting itself, be a long-lasting benefit of a much shorter sacrifice.
Daily overview:
Day 1: Monday, 18th November
Day 2: Tuesday, 19th November
Day 3: Wednesday, 20th November
Day 4: Thursday, 21st November
Day 5: Friday, 22nd November
7:15 Meet at ISB
7:30 Depart from ISB
8:30 - 13:00: Paint wall/playground equipment
13:45- 14:30 Lunch
14:40 Back to ISB
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Not experience heat-related medical issues
● Not be allergic to dust or other substances likely encountered in this type of project
● Provide their own old work clothes, including close-toed footwear.
● Be predisposed to laugh, smile perhaps even sing when tired and uncomfortable Upon completion of DELVE, students will:
● Post their DELVE reflection on the DELVE Haiku page
Max Number of Participants: 20
Approximate Cost: 8,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: Mr Thomas Myers / Ms Cathy Li
Course Location: TBA
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● Help kids learn life skills through movement, sport, and social contribution
● Develop and apply parkour knowledge, skills and understanding
● Teach a fun and socially-integrated curriculum that uses the power of movement & obstacle-based training (parkour) to support youth in developing transferable life-skills
● Learn and improve personal skills such as confidence, adaptability, perseverance integrity and
● Become stronger physically AND mentally
● Become more honorable, compassionate and give back to the local community
● Own your skills, decisions, and actions and be able to apply them to different fields and environments
Dates: 18th - 22th Nov 2023
Daily overview:
Day 1: 9:00 - 4:15
Day 2: 9:00 - 4:15
Day 3: 9:00 - 4:15
Day 4: 9:00 - 4:15
Day 5: 10:00-4:00
Morning: train at The Movement Playground (TMP), Sukumvhit 69)
Afternoon: teach at Prasert Islam school (near ISB)
Morning: train at TMP Afternoon: teach at Prasert Islam school
Morning: train at TMP Afternoon: teach at Prasert Islam school
Morning: train at TMP Afternoon: teach at Prasert Islam school
Morning: train at ISB Afternoon: Perform at Prasert Islam school
Detailed schedule link: Parkour schedule: November 18-22, 2024
● You do not need previous parkour experience and will be taught the skills you need
● You do not need to speak Thai
In order to participate in this course, students must understand that:
● This is a physically demanding week and you will be expected to run, jump and climb
● You will have to demonstrate and teach the skills learnt to local students
Max Number of Participants: 20
Approximate Cost: 19,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: Dr Eales / Mr Ortwein
Course Locations: ISB - Nonthaburi,
The Movement Playground - Sukumvhit 69, Bangkok, Prasert Islam School - Pakkret, Nonthaburi
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich) students will:
● Understand that humans have intrinsic worth regardless of differences
● Be curious about and sensitive to human diversity, including the cultures of the host country
● Work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures
● Be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment
● Understand that social injustice is rooted in personal and cultural prejudice as well as socioeconomic disparity
● Have concern for social injustice and inequality and affirm the rights and dignity of all people
● Take action to address social injustice by developing creative learning activities for underprivileged young Thai children
Course Description:
ISB students will perform community service in Bangkok at the Pramahatai Suksa School, supported by the Human Development Center (HDC) Monday morning, students will have their first day, observing and helping the Thai teachers in their classrooms (Thai elementary school children/ ages 4-6) For the remainder of the week, ISB students (in groups of three or four) will become the classroom teachers They will plan, prepare, implement and assess lessons of their own creation in art, language, science, movement, and music Students will also organize a farewell and thank-you party for Friday afternoon Working with the children and teachers of Pramahatai Suksa, ISB students will gain an awareness of both the range of developmental needs and abilities of young children as well as a greater awareness and understanding of the early childhood life of one segment of the Thai society. The course will focus both on community service and cultural exploration.
Requirements, students must:
● Show interest, compassion and care for school age children from preschool to grade 6 in a personal survey.
● Research inclusive schools and classrooms
● Annotate assigned readings about early childhood development and education.
● Prepare lesson plans and instructional materials for 5 days.
During Course, students will:
● Prepare age-appropriate lesson plans and instructional materials for the rest of the week.
● Enthusiastically deliver the lessons with an effort to include all the children in the activities, showing an ability to differentiate lessons, and an ability to be flexible!
● Participate actively in daily feedback sessions.
Upon completion of DELVE, students will:
● Write their DELVE reflection and submit it.
Max Number of participants: 30
Approximate Cost: 8,000 baht
Tentative Sponsors: Mr. Masson, Ms. Moolasart Course Location: Patumwan, Bangkok, Thailand
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● Experience a sustainable lifestyle with minimal environmental impact
● Participate in natural building projects and acquire skills in sustainable construction and natural painting
● Collaborate as a community to garden, care for chickens, make local products such as soaps
● Learn about local and global environmental issues and solutions they can implement
Departure Date: !9th November 2024
Arrival Date: 19th November 2024
Please note that the dates above are subject to change depending on ticket availability.
Daily overview:
Day 1: Arrive at the farm, get rooms organized and eat lunch. Tour of the farm and learn about its mission. Community work such as feeding chickens and gardening in the late afternoon.
Day 2: Hands-on introduction to earthen buildings Making and using natural plasters from sand and clay and natural paints from tapioca flour, sand and natural pigments
Day 3: Introduction to seed-saving and hands-on practice in collecting seeds; off-site tours of other sustainable community projects in the village
Day 4: Further seed saving and hands-on practice in processing and storing seeds. Making various products such as yogurt and simple shampoo.
Day 5: Sharing and celebrating our experiences over the past few days Return to the airport and to Bangkok
Website for Pun Pun Organic Farm is here: https://www.facebook.com/punpunlearningcenter/
The overall daily routine is breakfast at 8am, lunch at noon and dinner at 6pm. There will be rest time after lunch, during the hottest time of the day Students can rest in their rooms or in the Pun Pun cafe After the afternoon activities, there will be community work such as feeding chickens, composting and gardening After dinner there will be various activities including discussions with the Pun Pun community
● Be willing to interact meaningfully with the people at the farm.
● Be willing to practice the farming and building skills they learn about through the week
● Have a positive attitude towards being in a new and unfamiliar environment
Students are advised to bring mosquito repellant, water bottle and shoes suitable for farm work (closed toe with gripping soles). All water at Pun Pun is filtered so refilling water bottles is easy.
Students are asked to minimize bringing any disposable plastic such as packets of food and plastic carry bags.
Max Number of Participants: 20
Approximate Cost: 27,000 Baht
Sponsors: Dr Mandy and others to be added
Course Location: Pun Pun Organic Farm, Ban Bao, Mae Taeng, Chiang Mai
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich) students will:
● Work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures
● Understand that people, places, economies and environments are all inextricably interrelated and that choices and events can have an impact on a global scale
● Be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment
● Develop outdoor skills including; canoeing, expedition meal planning and outdoor cooking
Course Description:
Students who participate in this trip will take responsibility for planning and participating in an outdoor expedition
On Monday, students will travel to ISB’s Environmental Wilderness Campus (EWC) where they participate in canoeing and water safety training. In addition, students will also learn about camp cooking and budgeting in order to plan their meals for the trip. This first night students will stay at the EWC.
On Tuesday, enroute to Prachuap Khiri Khan, students will stop to purchase all of their menu items for the following days This afternoon will feature a hike up Khao Daeng mountain to a viewpoint overlooking Sam Roi Yot National Park and the surrounding communities Wednesday and Thursday, students will gain an appreciation for the natural environment by canoeing klongs and hiking to the famous Phraya Nakhon Cave system. Students will assist in mangrove rehabilitation projects, working to repair areas damaged from shrimp farming. Friday will feature a sunrise hike before departing Pranburi for ISB.
Students will be responsible for the preparation of all of their own meals while staying at a local hotel
This itinerary is subject to change at any time due to conditions out of our control
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Be physically fit
● Enjoy being outside in a tropical climate for long periods of time
● Be willing to help will all aspects of an outdoor expedition
● Be able to swim
Upon completion of DELVE, students will:
● Post their DELVE reflection on the GCW Haiku page
Daily overview:
Day 1: Water Canoe and water safety workshop @ EWC
Day 2: Team Grocery shopping, Khao Daeng Mountain hike @ Pranburi Resort
Day 3: Canoeing Bang Pu Klong, Phraya Nakkon Cave Hike
Day 4: Canoeing Pak Nam Pran Klong, Service project @ Sirinat Rajiini Mangrove Centre, Masterchef challenge
Day 5: Depart Pranburi for ISB
Note: Students will be expected to fully participate in:
- loading/unloading and carrying canoes
- paddling and hiking for extended periods of time
- exposure to outdoor elements
- cooking meals on a camp stove
- clean up and care of equipment.
Max Number of participants: 18 students
Approximate Cost:
30,000 Baht
Sponsors: Mr. Bowyer/ Mr. Westergaard/ Wild Panthers Staff
Course Location: ISB’s Environmental Wilderness Campus & Prachuap Khiri Khan
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● be curious about and sensitive to human diversity, especially the culture of the host country
● be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment.
● work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures
Departure Date: Monday, 18 November
Arrival Date: Friday, 22 November
Please note that the dates above are subject to change depending on ticket availability.
Daily overview:
Day 1: Arrival, team building, beach clean-up
Day 2: Visit fishing village, hike to Phraya Nakom cave, swimming
Day 3: Kuri Buri national park, elephant observation
Day 4: Thai cookery course, wakeboarding, paddle boarding
Day 5: Mangrove walk
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Be willing to collaborate with others on a project
● Positively participate in the planning and delivery of all lessons and learning activities
Max Number of Participants: 24
Approximate Cost: 26,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: Mr El Maaroufi
Course Location: Sam Roi Yot
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich) students will:
● Complete a series of snorkel/diving expeditions to observe the marine ecosystem
● Participate in data collection for marine databases, beach clean ups and community awareness projects
● Become Shark Guardian student Ambassadors.
Course Description:
This is a new trip in collaboration with the registered charity; Shark Guardians Based in Ao Nang, Krabi the Shark Guardians are a leading charity specializing in the education of marine conservation Students on this trip will participate in the following:
● Shark snorkeling/scuba diving research expedition around Phi Phi and Ao Nang islands. A diving speedboat will be used for transport during the expeditions.
● Shark Guardian educational presentations to local schools
● Participating in citizen science and research projects, including coral restoration
● Beach Cleanup and citizen science data collection activity
● Shark Guardian Student Ambassador Program
Accommodation in Krabi: Glur Hostel Ao Nang Gender separated 4 bed or 8 bed dormitories
Proposed Itinerary:
● Monday 18th November - Depart ISB Fly to Krabi
● Monday 18th November to Saturday 23rd November- complete snorkeling/diving expeditions, coral restoration, beach clean ups, data collection, presenting to local schools and ambassador training.
● Saturday 23rd November - Return to DMK Link to a detailed Itinerary here
In order to participate in the scuba diving part of this course, students must:
● Hold an Openwater scuba diving certificate if they wish to dive on the trip The trip is open to snorkelers too.
● All participants must be confident swimmers Upon completion of DELVE, students will:
● Post their DELVE reflection on the DELVE page.
Max Number of participants: 24
Approximate Cost:
47,000 Baht
Sponsors: Mr Giles/ TBA
Course Location: Krabi
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● Be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment
● Work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures
● Embrace a sense of adventure using physical skills to grow and push boundaries.
● Gain independence by overcoming hardships through experiential learning.
● Explore the culture of Kanchanaburi, deepening their knowledge of Thailand through engaging with community-led initiatives and interacting with their environment
Departure Date: 18th November
Arrival Date: 22nd November
Daily overview:
Day 1: Transfer to Kanchanaburi, plan and shop for food, learn camp set-up skills (tent-building, bushcraft) and cook meal
Day 2: Prepare breakfast/lunch, practice Stand-Up Paddleboard skills, begin SUP expedition down river Kwai. Set up camp and have MasterChef competition
Day 3: Full-day SUP expedition downriver Set up camp and learn more bushcraft skills
Day 4: Break down camp and head to Erawan National Park for a hike to the waterfalls
Day 5: Debrief the trip and have some morning activities, pack-up and transfer back to ISB
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Attend all the DELVE pre-course meetings
● Be comfortable with moderate physical activities such as hiking and swimming
● Be willing to collaborate positively with others, such as collecting plastic from the river
● Be respectful and open-minded when engaging with local Thai communities and when exploring the biodiversity of Kanchanaburi
Max Number of Participants: 35
Approximate Cost: 33,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: Mr McHale
Course Location: Kanchanaburi
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● Understand the tasks and responsibilities of teaching in a classroom
● Reflect on the qualities and skills necessary to be a teacher
● Support their supervising teacher with everything necessary to teach in a classroom, including clerical tasks
● Appreciate that students learn at different paces, and that all deserve to be treated with respect
● Communicate with mentor teachers and students in a positive manner
● Understand that personal prejudice or bias can impact personal relationships and individual learning in the classroom
● Design, prepare and teach a lesson independently, with approval from the supervising teacher.
Start Date: Monday, November 18
Finish Date: Friday, November 22
Daily overview:
Day 1-5: Arrive at school, check in with DELVE supervisors, report to the mentor teacher’s classroom, and gather as a group at 2:30 pm for reflection
Course Description:
During this course, participants will serve a one-week apprenticeship under the guidance of an Elementary or Middle School supervising mentor teacher. Students will begin their active role as teacher intern by observing their mentor teacher and reflecting on those qualities needed to teach successfully at the assigned level. Based on a pre-teaching discussion with their supervising teachers, students will devise a “teaching project,” which will include planning and teaching a lesson Teacher interns will work with individual students, small groups and/or classes, and participate in classroom management activities such as taking attendance attendance, monitoring students, and distributing and marking class work.
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Write a letter of introduction to their supervising mentor teacher
● Participate in pre-internship meetings with their mentor teacher
● Positively participate in the planning and delivery of lessons and learning activities in elementary and middle school classrooms.
● Prepare a lesson plan and instructional materials to teach at least one class/idea independently
● Be engaged in the teaching process, and have the enthusiasm necessary of a leadership role in an elementary or middle school classroom
● Support the classroom teacher and students in any ways needed
● Be willing to complete all tasks as assigned by the mentor teacher (whether it is photocopying and organizing materials or teaching full lessons for individuals or groups).
● Demonstrate flexibility in the face of challenges
● Some classrooms (e g languages or arts) may require specialized knowledge in that field
● Reflect on their own involvement in the classroom, how students learn differently, how teachers meet their students’ learning needs, and how/if the teacher internship has altered their perception of the teaching profession.
Max Number of Participants: 20
Approximate Cost: 3,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: Mr. Spiers / Mr. Duffy / Mr. Soule
Course Location: ISB
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● Be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment, especially related to waste management and waste creation
● Work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures
● Take action and develop empathy for the Thai community related to sustainability.
Departure Date: 18 November 2024
Arrival Date: 22 November 2024
Daily overview:
Day 1: Day 1 is designed to set the precedent of what happens when waste is not managed.
Day 2: Day 2 introduces students to successful community waste banks and encourages them to discuss how they could set up or support local communities in their area to be more sustainable In the second half of the day, students will process the plastics they collected the previous day and turn into bricks, panels, or other products Bricks and panels will be used to build and expand TerraCycle Foundations workshop area and waste banks.
Day 3: Day 3 Landfill to waste energy tour. We want the students to see how the waste is currently managed and the scale of waste delivered daily to landfills.
Day 4: Day 4 students will tour a recycling facility and see how the collected waste is cleaned and recycled into flakes and pellets to be sent to factories to make new products They will also help clean the mangroves and plant new trees at Bangpu.
Day 5: We will finish with a beach cleanup workshop and also have a chance to enjoy a cleaned beach. We are also looking at a coral planting option as well.
● Post their DELVE reflection on the DELVE
● Be able to work outdoors on projects, including some physical activities (e.g. renovation and repair of facilities; planting/harvesting agricultural produce).
● Be willing to collaborate with others on a project
● Provide their own old work clothes, including close-toed footwear
Max Number of Participants: 35
Approximate Cost: 18,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: Mr Stephenson / Mrs Hall / Khun Sucheera
Course Location: Day trip
As a result of participating in this D.E.L.V.E. course, students will:
● be curious about and sensitive to human diversity, especially the host country's culture.
● be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment.
● work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures
● develop and apply knowledge, skills and understanding of early childhood education.
● take action to address social inequality by developing and carrying out enrichment lessons for underprivileged children.
Dates: November 18-22, 2024 (Monday to Friday)
Daily overview:
Students in this course will assist in a local elementary school Wat Koo which is supported by both the Buddhist temple and the Thai government From Monday to Friday, In groups of five or six with at least one Thai speaker in each group, ISB students will interact and teach Wat Koo School students every day in the morning at Wat Koo School There are two morning sessions, before and after Wat Koo School morning snack time ISB students will come back to ISB for lunch, and plan lessons, prepare teaching/activity materials, implement and assess lessons of their own creation in themes related to art, language, science, movement and music in the afternoons at ISB trip meeting room. Wat Koo kindergarten may also arrange a mid-week field trip for our students to visit the Wat Koo temple and learn more about the host country’s culture On the last day of the trip during the second morning session, ISB students will perform to celebrate the learning experience and to show our appreciation to the Wat Koo School children and teachers
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Attend all the DELVE meetings
● Prepare each day’s lesson plans with instructional materials before going to Wat Koo School
● Research to gain more knowledge of early childhood development and education During the trip:
● Positively participate in all the activities in the school
● Manage each morning session’s time effectively to achieve each day’s teaching goals
● Prepare lesson plans and instructional materials in the afternoons at ISB
● Complete writing a reflection as instructed by our DELVE coordinator
Max Number of participants: 20
Approximate Cost: 8,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: Ms. Zhao / TBA
Course Location: Wat Koo Kindergarten in Pakkred
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● be aware of how their choices and decisions affect animals and their environment
● work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people
● Experience and Embrace nature
● Understand how animals come to need support and how they are looked after
● Understand that there are different forms of conservation, and describe how some are better than others.
● Reflect on how humans affect the lives of wild animals.
Departure Date: Monday, November 18th, 2024
Arrival Date: Friday, November 22nd, 2024
Daily overview:
Day 1: Visit activists at Love Wildlife, Activities at Sanook Farm
Day 2: Visit WFFT, reflecting on experiences
Day 3: Mangrove Ecosystem experience, Night Walk
Day 4: Birding at Baan Maka, Pramburi stream hike, Safari Camp at Phanoen Thung Camp. [Astronomy night activity]?
Day 5: Meet the Sunrise at Phanoen Thung Camp viewpoint, Mindful orchid nature walk
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Be willing to collaborate with others on a project
● Ability to walk on uneven surfaces
● Have an open mind to experiences
● Be able to work with others
Max Number of Participants: 35
Approximate Cost: 30,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: TBA
Course Location: Rachaburi, Pechaburi, Kaeng Krachan National Park
● Course outlines are subject to change based on a variety of reasons such as, but not limited to: fitting the needs of the students signed up, trip provider's recommendations, changes in local political environments, natural events etc
● Course Prices are approximate, in most cases costs have been overestimated, however final costs are determined by the total number of students that sign up for a course
● Some courses will not run due to low enrolment numbers. Students that chose such trips will be moved to their second choices. As a general guideline, most trips require a minimum of 12 students to run.
As a result of participating in the D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich) Australian Adventure students will:
● Expand their horizons. Be curious about travel and learn to think, understand and serve beyond their community.
● Be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment.
● Build cross-cultural connections and a sense of global community.
● Understand that we all have a responsibility to make a difference today for a sustainable, thriving future.
● Communicate effectively and sensitively with people from other backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures.
● Gain greater understanding of self, others and the environment
● Immerse themselves fully in the Australian lifestyle
Activities overview:
1 Walking tour around the city and scavenger hunt
2 Exploring wildlife park - discovering Australia workshop
3 A day in Pinnacle Desert
4 Learn to surf&cultural workshop Swim with Wild Dolphins, whale watching, and beach activities
5 A day in Rottnest Island
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Attend all pre-course meetings
● Have the ability to swim independently for 300 metres
● Have the ability to ride a bike confidently
● Be willing to collaborate with others in hands-on projects.
● Positively engage with all those on the trip.
● Be willing and ready to engage meaningfully with a new culture and different ways of living.
● Be respectful of all trip and activity leaders
● Be willing to participate fully in all activities
● Have a passport which is valid for more than 6 months and a valid Thai re-entry visa
Upon completion of DELVE, students will:
● Write a 250-word reflection in a Google Doc to include at least 4 pictures about their experiences and takeaways from the week This must be uploaded into the assignment on Google Classroom
Max Number of participants: 20
Approximate Cost: 120,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: Mrs Jennifer McRobbie/ Mrs Madalina Corneanu
Course Location: Perth, Western Australia
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● Be curious about and sensitive to human diversity, especially the culture of the host country
● Be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment
● Work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures.
● Develop and apply knowledge, skills and understanding of natural habitats and how we can mitigate and rehabilitate the human damage done to them.
● Take action and develop empathy while developing and executing reef replanting and restoration
Departure Date: 18 November 2024
Arrival Date: 24 November 2024
Please note that the dates above are subject to change depending on ticket availability
Daily overview:
Day 1: Arrive in North Bali, visit a temple and meet local fishermen in Les Village.
Day 2: Walk and talk with village people; engage inservice work (regeneration of coral reefs); go snorkeling; learn about sustainable fishing
Day 3: Engage in focused work on regeneration of coral reefs in the Les Village ocean; go snorkeling; evening games
Day 4: Learn about salt farming; make ‘bath bombs’; visit Tirta temple and do a Balinese purification ceremony; travel to Ubud; evening games.
Day 5: Surfing on the east coast.
Day 6: Participate in a cycling and rafting adventure; evening games and relaxation
Day 7: Experience a Balinese “Mepantigan” - a unique martial art designed not for self-defense but for learning about nature in mud! Head to the airport
● Have the ability to swim confidently and ride a bike
● Be willing to collaborate with others in hands-on projects
● Positively engage with local fishermen and other community members
● Be willing to learn about and respect other cultures.
Max Number of Participants: 35
Approximate Cost:
80,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: Mr. McMillan/ TBA
Course Location: North Bali
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● be curious about and sensitive to human diversity, especially the culture of the host country.
● follow a training plan to ensure they can walk up to 15km or 5 hours including hills. The maximum altitude is 3120m /10245 feet
Daily overview:
Dates: Monday 18th November - Sunday 24th November 6 nights / 7 days
Departure Date: Monday 18th November flight KB153 Dep BKK 05:00, arr Paro 07:15
Arrival Date: Sunday 24th November flight KB152 Dep Paro 16:20, arr BKK 20:30
Please note that the dates above are subject to change depending on ticket availability
Day 1: 18 November 2024: Arrival: Bangkok - Paro - Thimphu (Hotel)
Day 2: 19 November 2024: Trek Starts: Thimphu - Punakha - Limukha (camp)
Day 3: 20 November 2024: Limukha - Chhungsakha (camp)
Day 4: 21 November 2024: Trek Ends: Chhungsakha – Samtengang (camp)
Day 5: 22 November 2024: Samtengang - Paro (Hotel)
Day 6: 23 November 2024: Paro - Hike to Tiger’s Nest (Hotel)
Day 7: 24 November 2024: Departure: Paro – Bangkok
Day 01: 18 November 2024: Arrival: Bangkok - Paro – Thimphu (KB153 DEP/0500 ARR/715)
Distance: 65km (1.5hrs) Elevation: 2,250m/7,382ft Overnight in Hotel
On arrival at Paro International Airport, you will be greeted by your guide and driver After reaching Thimphu visit Buddha Point overlooking the beautiful capital city
· National Memorial Chorten You will see local people of all ages circumambulating and reciting prayers for the well-being of all the sentient beings
· National Takin Reserve Center where you can see herds of our national animal Later explore Thimphu town and the authentic Bhutanese craft bazaar
Day 02: 19 November 2024: Trek Starts: Thimphu - Punakha - Limukha
Driving Distance: 130km (4-5hrs) Elevation: 1,200mts / 3,900ft
After an early breakfast drive to Punakha passing Dochu La Pass (3150m). After reaching Punakha, embark on the Samtengang trek.
Hiking Distance: 12 km Duration: 4 hours Ascent: 880 m
Camp altitude: 1,980m Overnight Camp
After passing majestic Punakha Dzong you cross a footbridge over the Pho Chhu and walk up to Shengana. This is the longest bridge in Bhutan. You then climb gradually through the forest until you reach Limukha. Make sure you are carrying enough water as you won’t find any on the way to Limukha.
Day 03: 20 November 2024: Limukha - Chhungsakha
Hiking Distance: 14 km Duration: 5 hours Descent: 430 m
Camp altitude: 1,550 m. Overnight Camp
The path leads through beautiful forests to Chhungsakha a small village of about 10 houses. You’ll find a holy stone and impressive Cyprus tree here that are reminders of Drukpa Kuenley, the “divine madman”.
Day 04: 21 November 2024: Trek Ends: Chhungsakha – Samtengang
Hiking Distance: 13 km Duration: 4 hours Overnight Camp
You walk downhill through paddy fields until you cross Pho Chhu before climbing again through the village of Sha on your way to Samtengang. We enjoy archery and dart games in the afternoon. Evening, visit a local farm house to experience authentic Bhutanese lifestyle and hospitality
Day 05: 22 November 2024: Samtengang - Paro
Driving Distance: 135km (4-5hrs) Elevation: 2,320mts / 7616ft Overnight Hotel
· After breakfast at the camp, drive to the charming and quaint little town ofParo Bhutan National Museum which will acquaint you with the natural and cultural history Paro Rinpung Dzong which was built in 1646 AD and has been the legislative, executive, judicial and religious centre for the people of Paro
· Evening, an interactive GHN (Gross National Happiness) session will be arranged in the hotel.
Day 06: 23 November 2024: Paro - Hike to Tiger’s Nest
Elevation: 3,120mts / 10,240ft Hiking Housr: 4 – 5hrs Overnight Paro Hotel
After breakfast, hike to the picturesque and iconic Taktshang Monastery Also known as ‘The Tiger’s Nest’ this monastery sits at 900m above Paro valley and clings beautifully on the cliff
· Evening includes a Bhutanese Cultural Show with a mix of varied Bhutanese traditional dances where you can participate and wear Kiras & Ghos (traditional attire)
Day 07: 24 November 2024: Departure: Paro – Bangkok (KB152 DEP/1620 ARR/2030)
After breakfast sightseeing: Kyichu Lhakhang and Paro town and lunch in a local restaurant
Transfer to Paro International Airport for your onward journey
Requirements: In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Have a reasonable level of fitness as we hike 4-5 hours on 4 of the days and warm clothing
Max Number of Participants: 22
Approximate Cost: 115,000 baht
Tentative Sponsors: Mr Caballero / Ms Walsh / Mr Werner
Course Location: Bhutan
As a result of participating in D E L V E (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● Be curious about and sensitive to human diversity, including the culture of India
● Work, live, and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures,
● Understand that people, places, economies and environments are all inextricably interrelated and that choices and events can have an impact on a global scale,
● Have concern for social injustice and inequality and affirm the rights and dignity of all people,
● Demonstrate physical skills to meet the demands of various outdoor activities, such as yoga, trekking, rafting and ziplining
Departure Date: Monday 18th November 2024
Arrival Date: Sunday 24th November 2024
Please note that the dates above are subject to change depending on ticket availability.
Daily overview: (final daily activities are still being finalized)
Day 1: Travel Day: arrival in Delhi, short cultural visit and lunch and transfer to Dehradun (flight), transfer to Camp Panther
Day 2: Full Day Rafting Session; cultural and environmental evening experience
Day 3: Morning Yoga on the beach; zip lining adventure; Rishikesh walking tour; “Aarti” ceremony by the banks of Ganga
Day 4: Trekking to Sirrasu village; local school visit and service opportunity working with school children; evening cooking experience
Day 5: Morning Yoga on the beach; team building experiences; Heena Ceremony experience; zip line transfer to campsite & set up campsite for a night camping
Day 6: Transfer back to Camp Panther; visit Dilli Haat for shopping and transfer back to Delhi to fly to Bangkok
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Be willing to collaborate with others on a project
● Be willing to step outside of your comfort zone with outdoor adventures and other cultural experiences
● Research to gain more knowledge of reciprocal service partnerships to positively engage with young learners at the local school
● Positively participate in the planning and delivery of all learning activities.
Max Number of Participants: 35
Approximate Cost: 72,000 baht
Tentative Sponsors: Mrs McMillan/ TBA
Course Location: Rishikesh, India
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● be curious about and sensitive to human diversity, especially the culture of the host country.
● be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment.
● work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures
● engage with and make an active contribution to a local community,
● learn about the ways in which de-population and aging affect local communities and nations as a whole
● Come to understand more about their role is helping maintain a rich and vibrant bio-diverse world
Departure Date: 19 November
Arrival Date: 24 November
Please note that the dates above are subject to change depending on ticket availability.
Daily overview:
Day 1: Arrive in Japan // travel to + tour the extensive grounds of Usa Shrine for an introduction to the vibrant history of the Kunisaki Peninsula
Day 2: Outdoor service with local shiitake mushroom farmers // tree planting + work in locale community garden // soba-noddle making class // Wadaiko Japanese drumming performance + workshop
Day 3: Zazen meditation at Futago-ji with local priest Gojun-san // travel to Himeshima island // island exploration
Day 4: Homestay with local farmers to engage in learning about culture and farming methods
Day 5: travel to Dazaifu for exploration of an elegant Shinto shrine // time to explore local artisans + shops
Day 6: Travel back to Bangkok
Please note that the itinerary is subject to change..
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Be willing and ready to enjoy a day of outdoor service
● Be willing and ready to enjoy multiple days of beautiful walks and hikes (up to 15km a day)
● Be willing and ready to enjoy the beauty of nature
● Be willing and ready to engage meaningfully with a new culture and different ways of living
Max Number of Participants: 25
Approximate Cost: 110,000 Baht
Click here for Table of Contents 53
Tentative Sponsors: Mr Mees / Ms Denby-Harrison / Mr Ram
Course Location: Kunisaki, Japan
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● be curious about and sensitive to human diversity, especially the culture of Malaysia.
● be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment.
● work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures
● be willing to be physically active and to try new activities
● be mindful of environmental protection as natural ecosystems are explored
● be contributors to the smooth running of the program by supporting each other and offering help when needed.
Departure Date: Monday, 18 November
Arrival Date: Friday, 22 November
Please note that the dates above are subject to change depending on ticket availability.
Daily overview: see overall description here
Day 1: Scarecrow Making, Local Cooking Class, Museum Tour, Buffalo & Rice Planting
Day 2: Kayaking in mangroves, exploring bat caves, doing a mangrove boardwalk
Day 3: Rainforest Trek , canopy adventure with ziplines, ropes course.
Day 4: Waterfall activities and free swim, learning about rubber making, engaging in batik art
Day 5: Knowledge ‘test’, beach games and packing up
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Be keen on engaging in outdoor activities.
● Be able to swim
● Be willing to contribute to group tasks and activities
Max Number of Participants: 20
Approximate Cost: 45,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: Ms. Garrigan/Ms. Voigt
Course Location: Langkawi Island Malaysia
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● discover their own physical capabilities, through trekking for long periods of time, and up to 3210 m
● appreciate the natural beauty of the Himalayan region
● be curious about and sensitive to the cultural diversity of Nepal
● work and communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
● take action and develop empathy while developing and executing lessons for students at Moonlight School
Departure Date: November 18, 2024
Arrival Date: November 24, 2024
Please note that the dates above are subject to change depending on ticket availability.
Daily overview:
Day 1: Arrive in Kathmandu, check into hotel
Day 2: Fly to Pokhara, drive to Thikedhunga, and trek to Ulleri, about 2 hours (2070 m), stay overnight in a tea house.
Day 3: Trek from Ulleri to Ghorepani (2860 m) about 5 hours, staying overnight in a tea house.
Day 4: Trek to Poon Hill (3210 m) for sunrise, and then back to Thikedhunga, and drive to Pokhara
Day 5: Fly back to Kathmandu, with time to sightsee
Day 6: Service project at Moonlight School
Day 7: Return to Bangkok
In order to participate in this course, students must:
● Have an appreciation for beautiful natural surroundings, such as seeing the highest mountains in the world!
● Be willing to train to a level of fitness appropriate for hiking
● Acquire and pack appropriate gear for winter weather at elevation, including a backpack and broken-in hiking boots.
● Have a good attitude in tough situations, such as steep hills, difficult weather, or early mornings
● Participate in the planning and delivery of all lessons and learning activities at Moonlight School
● Be respectful to local culture and environment, and follow guides’ and teachers’ instructions
Max Number of Participants: 25
Approximate Cost: 90,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: Ms. Shrestha / Mr. Wall
Course Location: Nepal: Kathmandu, Pokhara
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich), students will:
● Be curious about and sensitive to human diversity, especially the culture of the host country.
● Be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment.
● Work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures
● Develop and apply knowledge, skills and understanding of natural habitats and how we can mitigate and rehabilitate the human damage done to them.
Departure Date: 18 November 2023
Arrival Date: 23 November 2023
Please note that the dates above are subject to change depending on ticket availability.
Daily overview:
Day 1-3: We will discover the unique Balinese culture and way of life, rarely seen by visitors, through interaction with the Balinese communities of Penge village, Tabanan We will participate in a rice field and “subak” trekking adventure, being immersed in the daily life of the village, while also engaging in meaningful local community service such as various farming projects to assist the local farmers.
Day 3: After lunch we will head to the surf village of Medewi and check into Brown Sugar Surf Camp for the Surf and Culture part of our trip We’ll get straight into the basics of Surfing 101 We will also learn how to identify safe zones in the ocean, how to get yourself out of a rip and practice some basic lifesaving techniques to help others in need Day 4-5 We will continue our surfing progression session building on our surfing skills, learning a few new tricks, and have a friendly competition between ourselves. This is a chance to push your surfing skills to the next level with the hope that you can return to Bali to continue surfing on your own. In the evening you’ll learn to art of Balinese dancing and take part in a workshop with our local chef and Balinese dance instructor, Ibu Made
Day 6: On our final day, we hit the surf for our last session and enjoy what the ocean has to offer before packing up and heading back to the airport
● Have the ability to swim confidently for at least 200m and be okay with swimming in the ocean
● Have a basic fitness level to fully participate in 3 days of surfing lessons
● Be willing to collaborate with others
● Positively engage with local community members.
● Be willing to learn about and respect other cultures.
Max Number of Participants: 35
Approximate Cost: 66,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: Mr Vaughan/ To be advised Course Location: Bali -Tabanan & Medewi
As a result of participating in D.E.L.V.E. (Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich) students will:
● Be curious about and sensitive to human diversity, especially the culture of North Vietnam
● Be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment while understanding that individuals have worth regardless of differences and backgrounds
● Work and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures.
● Appreciate and care about the environment and be committed to sustainable practices.
● Take action to preserve and protect the environment.
● Be aware of how their choices and decisions affect people and the environment.
Course Description:
Upon arrival in Ho Chi Minh City on Day 1, we are warmly welcomed at our resort and engage in a delightful welcome session with icebreakers and introductions, fostering new friendships The evening features delicious Vietnamese cuisine and team-building activities, setting the stage for camaraderie. Day 2 starts with a hearty breakfast, followed by visits to French colonial sites, the Independent Palace, and the War Remnants Museum, concluding with a traditional Water Puppet Show. On Day 3, we volunteer at Smile and explore the Cu Chi Tunnels, deepening our connection with the local community Day 4 brings a cycling adventure in Ben Tre, including mud fishing, team-building, and a local cooking class Day 5 sees us journey to Can Tho City, cycling through picturesque paths, learning about local culture, and enjoying campfire activities On Day 6, we explore Can Tho City's landscapes, with stargazing and reflections in the evening. Finally, Day 7 features a visit to a floating market and the Cao Dai Temple before departing for the airport, filled with gratitude for the memorable experiences and friendships formed.
Daily overview - some highlights:
Day 1 Highlights
● Arrive in Ho Chi Minh City
● Orca Challenge
Day 2 Highlights
● Walking Tour of French Colonial Sites
● Tour of Independent Palace
● War Remnants Museum Tour
● Water Puppet Show
Day 3 Highlights
● Cu Chi Tunnels Tour
● Volunteering at Smile
Day 4 Highlights
● Stop at Shrimp Farm
● Mud Fishing
● Local Cooking Class
Day 5 Highlights
● Start of Cycling Trip
● Ferry Crossing from Co Chien River to Tra Vinh
Day 6 Highlights
● Cycling & Learn about Local Culture Day 7 Highlights
● Floating Market Visit
● Cao Dai Temple Tour
To participate in this course, students must:
● Have a valid passport for more than six months and a valid Thai re-entry visa.
● Have permission to be in the water and be able to swim
● Have an interest in cycling - two of the days on this trip will include cycling
● Be willing to collaborate with others on a project
● Be willing to engage in meaningful service projects and look for opportunities to gain a deeper understanding of the benefits of service work.
● Have an open mind to learning about Northern Vietnamese culture, customs and traditions.
Max Number of Participants: 50
Approximate Cost: 60,000 Baht
Tentative Sponsors: TBA
Course Location: Vietnam