17 minute read

English Department

Department ENGLISH

The English Department is committed to ISB’s Mission to inspire students to achieve their academic potential, be passionate, reflective learners, become caring, global citizens and lead healthy, active balanced lives. Specifically, our goal is for students to reach their academic potential in writing, speaking and reading. We believe students should be exposed to a rich foundation of literature through a combination of whole class mentor texts and student choice. Through the exploration of literature and language, students will develop their powers of comprehension, expression and critical thinking, but will also grow an appreciation for the beauty and power of language, imagination, and a deeper understanding of the human spirit. The English Department is committed to the development of the reading and writing skills of all high school students with our standards-based curriculum and the teaching of narrative, informational and persuasive modes of writing. Reading is the single most important factor in determining a student’s language capacity, significantly improving oral and written communication skills. To this end, the English Department is committed to an independent reading program in efforts to instil a life-long love of reading. The English Department is also committed to the writing process in an effort to ensure both best practice and best outcomes in the development of student writing.



“The bedrock of English Lang & Lit is its precise process that made me a more inquisitive, critical, and purposeful student. Every lesson, test, and assignment influenced me as a learner. Whether I’m discussing the existence of a supreme being, hyper-analyzing the use of an anaphora to elicit empathy in the audience, or surgically crafting a 300-word paragraph, English Lang & Lit tore down what I thought I knew about English and rebuilt me into a sharper academic.”

Luca, Gr11


Grade: 9 | Length: 1 YEAR | Credit: 1

Prerequisite: Grade 8 English or Humanities or equivalent

English 9 is a standards-based curriculum that provides students with the opportunity to investigate a range of literary genres and written text types. Units of study are developed according to the adopted “Common Core State Standards,” which identify key essential questions and transfer skills. Each unit of study offers a variety of literary genres, written tasks, and oral communication opportunities. Students are introduced to a range of nonfiction and fiction text types as well as the associated literary terminology for each text type. Emphasis is placed on developing the argumentative, informational, and narrative writing skills of students through the teaching of the writing process. Students will use writer’s notebooks to reflect on what they are studying and develop new ideas that are later polished and edited into final pieces outside of class. Students can expect to have regular individual conferences with teachers to move forward as readers and writers. Students will further develop speaking skills through a variety of formal and informal oral activities. Grammatical usage and vocabulary will be studied within the context of reading and writing. Students will complete independent reading requirements designed to create a lifelong pursuit of reading for pleasure.


Grade: 9 | Length: 1 YEAR | Credit: 1

Prerequisite: English language learner and teacher recommendation

The English 9 B curriculum is specifically designed for EAL students and will allow them to gain proficiency in English through the exploration of a range of text types, both literary and nonliterary, in a supportive learning environment. They will be expected to read and discuss a range of texts in a meaningful way and create argumentative, informational, and narrative texts that show an awareness of audience, purpose, structural elements, style, and rhetorical devices. Grammatical usage and vocabulary will be studied within the context of reading and writing. Students will complete independent reading requirements designed to create a lifelong pursuit of reading for pleasure. Units of study are developed according to the adopted “Common Core State Standards,” which identify key essential questions and transfer skills. Each unit of study allows students to develop language skills that will help them to be successful in all areas of the curriculum. The course will also create a pathway for students who wish to study either English A or B at the IB Diploma level.


Grade: 10 | Length: 1 YEAR | Credit: 1

Prerequisite: English 9 or equivalent

English 10 is a standards-based curriculum that provides students with the opportunity to investigate a range of literary genres and written text types. Units of study are developed according to the adopted “Common Core State Standards,” which identify

key essential questions and transfer skills. Each unit of study offers a variety of literary genres, written tasks, and oral communication opportunities. Students are introduced to a range of nonfiction and fiction text types as well as the associated literary terminology for each text type. Emphasis is placed on developing the argumentative, informational, and narrative writing skills of students through the teaching of the writing process. Students will use writer’s notebooks to reflect on what they are studying and develop new ideas that are later polished and edited into final pieces outside of class. Students can expect to have regular individual conferences with teachers to move forward as readers and writers. Students will further develop speaking skills through a variety of formal and informal oral activities. Grammatical usage and vocabulary will be studied within the context of reading and writing. Students will complete independent reading requirements designed to create a lifelong pursuit of reading for pleasure.


Grade: 10 | Length: 1 year | Credit: 1

Prerequisite: English language learner and teacher recommendation

The English 10 B curriculum is specifically designed for EAL students and will allow them to gain proficiency in English through the exploration of a range of text types, both literary and non-literary, in a supportive learning environment. They will be expected to read and discuss a range of texts in a meaningful way and create argumentative, informational, and narrative texts that show an awareness of audience, purpose, structural elements, style, and rhetorical devices. Grammatical usage and vocabulary will be studied within the context of reading and writing. Students will complete independent reading requirements designed to create a lifelong pursuit of reading for pleasure. Units of study are developed according to the adopted “Common Core State Standards,” which identify key essential questions and transfer skills. Each unit of study allows students to develop language skills that will help them to be successful in all areas of the curriculum. The course will also create a pathway for students who wish to study either English A or B at the IB Diploma level.


Grade: 11 | Length: 1 Year | Credit: 1

Prerequisite: English 10 and recommendation of current English teacher

English 11 is a standards-based curriculum and continuation of the English 10 program. The course provides students with the opportunity to investigate a range of literary and nonliterary texts. Units of study are developed according to the adopted American “Common Core State Standards.” Through the study of a variety of text types and media, students build knowledge, analyze ideas, delineate arguments, and develop writing, collaboration, and communication skills. Personal choice will be an integral part of the course, as students will select novels and other texts for study based on their interests. Additionally, visual literacy will be an essential component of this course. Students will learn to formally analyze photos, film, and other forms of media. Throughout the course, students will make connections between selected texts and key global issues. Emphasis will be placed on developing writing skills, with a focus on clear communication of purpose for a range of audiences. Students will develop the skills to become powerful writers of narrative, argumentative, and informational texts. Individualized instruction is a core component of this course; students will engage in daily reading and writing conferences while personalized learning goals are established and reached. Students will also develop speaking skills through a variety of informal and formal oral activities. This class is a strong alternative to students who do not require the IB Diploma. This course is standards-based, and students in this course will develop the necessary skills required to succeed in university.


Grade: 12 | Length: 1 YEAR | Credit: 1

Prerequisite: English 11 and recommendation of current English teacher

English 12 is a standards-based curriculum and continuation of the English 11 program. The course aims to prepare students for the rigors of university coursework and provide opportunities to investigate complex literary and nonliterary texts. Units of study are developed according to the adopted American “Common Core State Standards.” This course will include a strong research component, and students will produce academic writing in preparation for further studies. Personal choice will be an

integral part of the course, as students will select novels and other texts for study based on their interests. Additionally, visual literacy will be an essential component of this course. Students will formally analyze photos, film, and other forms of media. Throughout the course, students will make connections between selected texts and key global issues. Emphasis will be placed on developing academic writing skills, with a focus on clear communication of purpose for a range of audiences. Students will develop the skills to become powerful writers of argumentative and informational texts. Individualized instruction is a core component of this course; students will engage in daily reading and writing conferences while personalized learning goals are established and reached. Students will also develop speaking skills through a variety of informal and formal oral activities. This class is a strong alternative to students who do not require the IB Diploma. This course is standards-based, and students in this course will develop the necessary skills required to succeed in university.

AP ENGLISH Literature & Composition

Grade: 12 | Length: 1 year | Credit: 1

Prerequisite: English 11 and recommendation of current English teacher

AP English Literature and Composition allows students to evaluate and understand works of fiction, poetry, and drama from various periods and cultures. The focus of the course will be on intensive reading and discussion of the literature. The course is intended to provide students with an academic experience parallel to that of a college-level literature course. This course will also include a writing component that focuses on expository, analytical and argumentative writing about the literature through both discussion and essay format. Students enrolled in this course will be actively preparing themselves for the AP Literature exam.


(Standard Level)

Grade: 11-12 | Length: 2 years | Credits: 2

Prerequisite: English 10 and recommendation of current English teacher

The IB English Language A course is a two year study of both language and literature. This program’s intent is to promote an appreciation of the wealth and subtleties of language, visual literacy, and the exploration of what is ‘text’. Three areas of exploration include: (1) readers, writers, and text, (2) time and space, and (3) intertextuality. Through the study of works of literature linked to non-literary bodies of work, students will develop an understanding of relationships between texts and a variety of perspectives, cultural contexts, and local and global issues with an appreciation of how they contribute to diverse responses. Students are assessed through a combination of formal examinations, written coursework and oral activities. The formal examination comprises two essay papers, one requiring the guided analysis of unseen non-literary texts, and the other a response to a question based on the literary works studied. The formal examination also includes an individual oral assessment where students must orally connect a literary extract, non-literary extract, and a chosen global issue. Students in this course also maintain an active learner portfolio which includes creative written tasks in a variety of genres. Students who take this course will be expected to take the standard level IB English A Language and Literature examination.

IBDP Language and Literature Subject Guide


(Higher Level)

Grade: 11-12 | Length: 2 years | Credits: 2

Prerequisite: English 10 and recommendation of current English teacher

The IB English Language A course is a two year study of both language and literature. In this course students will engage with a wide range of texts, in a variety of media and forms, from different periods, styles, and cultures. Through the study of both fiction and non-fiction, this course seeks to foster skills of critical interpretation and analysis. Students will actively work to develop skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, presenting and performing. Units focus around developing an understanding of relationships between texts and a variety of perspectives, cultural contexts, and making literary connections to local and global issues with an appreciation of how they contribute to diverse responses and open up multiple interpretations. Students who take this course will be expected to take the higher level IB English A Language and Literature examination which is comprised of

two essay papers, one requiring the analysis of unseen literary and non-literary texts, and the other a response to a question based on the literary works studied. Students also produce a portfolio of written tasks in a variety of genres, and perform two oral activities presenting their analysis of works read. In addition, HL students will have a fourth assessment component, the higher level (HL) essay, a written coursework task that requires students to explore a line of inquiry in relation to a studied non-literary text or texts, or a literary text or work. The outcome of this exploration is a 1200-1500 word essay in which HL students are expected to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the nature of linguistic or literary study.

IBDP Language and Literature Subject Guide


(Standard Level)

Grade: 11-12 | Length: 2 years | Credits: 2

Prerequisite: English 10 and recommendation of current English teacher

Through the study of a wide range of literature, the IB Language A Literature course promotes the appreciation of the rich craft of literature and for students to develop an ability to reflect critically on their reading and writing. Works are studied in their literary and cultural contexts through close and critical reading. Students are encouraged to make significant connections and insights and use a variety of written and oral tools to express their understanding. Through the study of 9 texts across the genres of drama, fiction, poetry, and non-fiction, students will be introduced to the significance of context, intertextuality, and the connections between readers, writers, and texts. Thematically, the course uses literature to explore 7 main concepts: Culture, Communication, Creativity, Identity, Perspective, Representation and Transformation.

IB Assessments for Standard Level students include a 15 minute Individual Oral where students compare how two works from the course connect to a Global Issue. They will also complete Paper 1 (Guided Literary Analysis) and Paper 2 (Comparative Essay) during IB Exams in May of Year 2.

Students who take this course will be expected to take the Standard Level IB English A Literature examination.

IBDP Language A Literature Subject Guide


(Higher Level)

Grade: 11-12 | Length: 2 years | Credits: 2

Prerequisite: English 10 and recommendation of current English teacher

Through the study of a wide range of literature, the IB Language A Literature course promotes the appreciation of the rich craft of literature and for students to develop an ability to reflect critically on their reading and writing. Works are studied in their literary and cultural contexts through close and critical reading. Students are encouraged to make significant connections and insights and to demonstrate eloquence and organization in both written and oral work to express their understanding. Through the study of 13 challenging texts across the genres of drama, fiction, poetry, and non-fiction, students will be introduced to the significance of context, intertextuality, and the connections between readers, writers and texts. Thematically, the course uses literature to explore 7 main concepts: Culture, Communication, Creativity, Identity, Perspective, Representation and Transformation.

IB Assessments for Higher Level students include a 15 minute Individual Oral where students compare how two works from the course connect to a Global Issue. They will also complete the HL Essay, a literary essay where students pursue an individually chosen inquiry into one of the works studied in the course. Finally, they will sit for Paper 1 (Guided Literary Analysis) and Paper 2 (Comparative Essay) during IB Exams in May of Year 2.

Students who take this course will be expected to take the Higher Level IB English A Literature examination.

IBDP Language A Literature Subject Guide


(Higher and Standard Level)

Grade: 11-12 | Length: 2 year | Credits: 2 (English credit)

Prerequisite: EAL program placement within previous 3 years and English & EAL teacher recommendations

The purpose of the course is to provide students with the necessary skills and intercultural understanding to enable them to communicate successfully in an English-language environment. The students will have the opportunity to

develop written and oral communication skills in English through the study of authentic examples of both written and spoken texts. They will be expected to create a range of texts that show an awareness of audience, purpose, structural elements, style, rhetorical devices, and register. Students must also engage in oral activities that require them to discuss issues related to the course in a meaningful way. The study of literature from English-speaking cultures is also a key component of the course and enables students to develop an understanding of both text and culture. Throughout the course there are ongoing assessments that reflect the IB assessment requirements but contribute to an overall ISB grade.

IB English B HL/SL fulfills ISB’s English requirements for grades 11 and 12. IB English B HL/L may replace an EAP class for EAL program students. EAL program students enrolled in IB English B HL/SL are encouraged to take EAL Enrichment classes if they are not yet reading at grade-level.

IBDP English Language B Course Guide



Grade: 9-12 | Length: 1 year | Credit: 1

(Arts credit may be granted – may be repeated for credit) Prerequisite: None.

Students in the Media Studies Elective design, produce and distributeMedia Publications under the flagship title PantherNation, our online school magazine. Publications are influenced by best practices and trends in journalism with a focus on news, events and issues relevant to high school students. Students develop the skills necessary to produce written and/ or video accounts of news stories, features articles, editorials, and sports coverage that are then published in both online and hard copy formats. Students also generate topics, identify and maintain sources, conduct interviews with various school personalities, peer edit each other’s work, and ‘keep a finger on the pulse’ of HS student life at ISB. Added to this, students will have the opportunity to use industry standard technologies in Layout, Design, HTML Coding, Java Scripting and many other technologies. Those who select this elective must be responsible enough to meet deadlines, creative enough to produce engaging stories, eloquent enough to write and speak with conviction, and be interested in the art of writing and video production to the point of seeking to continually improve the quality of both media platforms.


Grade: 9-12 | Length: 1 semester | Credit: 0.5

Prerequisite: None

The Creative Writing course aims to increase student skills in writing vivid, effective prose and poetry and to improve their critical awareness when reading and writing. The course aims to work on the student’s writing skills in a variety of different styles and genres, through critical examination of exemplary texts, through exploration of different techniques of composition, but most importantly, through close reflection on the student’s own writing. The primary teaching method will be tutor-led, full-class workshops (including peer editing), but there will also be one-to-one time with the tutor. The most important aim of the course will be to sharpen the student’s awareness of writing as a craft and as a means of concise communication. Students will be expected to produce written work every week.


Grade: 9-12 | Length: 1 semester | Credit: 0.5

Prerequisite: None

The purpose of this course is to improve students’ knowledge and skills of oral communication and active listening while providing opportunities to speak before a group and listen to other speak employing this knowledge and skills. Principles of effective oral communication including delivery, organization, content, and stress management will be taught. Students will read and watch effective speeches as models. The course will include a functional approach to effective speaking with practical application in informative, impromptu, and persuasive speaking. Skills covered in the course will include organization, body language, eye contact, volume, effective visuals and powerful language. Students will compose and deliver creative monologues, original oratory, persuasive speeches, debates and oral interpretations of a literary work.

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