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The New Normal, Together Again
By: Dr. Andy Davies, Head of School

The theme of this edition of Touchstone is “Together Again”. Usually this phrase relates to the happy feelings we experience when we are reunited after being separated from others by location or distance. In these times of Covid, however, most of us have been in our homes in the same city, but compelled to be distanced by the pandemic.
In any event, the fact that the ISB community is finally “together again” is truly a happy turn of events and one that is very welcome. We have oscillated between virtual school, hybrid school and on campus school “with restrictions” over the past few years so finally being 99% normal is a great source of joy.
Student trips are back on, performances have full audiences, parents are back enjoying the campus, sports are in full swing, mask use is diminishing, and most importantly kids are learning in classrooms with their teachers - the natural state.
The recent IASAS events of Soccer, Cross Country and Model United Nations exemplify what “together again” means for our school and our community as we were also reunited with the outside world and our IASAS friends at ISKL, ISM, JIS, SAS and TAS. Our ISB teams were back together, competing with schools from our 40 plus year old cultural and athletics conference. Talking to students, parents and coaches, these experiences were deeply missed.
From a parent community perspective, our PTA has the throttle full on as we return to Adult Education, the International Family Fair, Intercultural Week, Touchstone, Popcorn Sales, Welcome Wai and so much more. Additionally, the Booster Club is very busy supporting our athletics and cultural teams, as well as providing a great service to our whole community. We are very grateful to our volunteers for working so hard for our community.
As a faculty at school we are also very happy to be truly together again. Virtual learning was just about tolerable for us but we are in our element when kids are with us at school. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our faculty and staff for all of their hard work both during the worst of the pandemic and as ISB returns to its plentiful activities calendar.
Let’s hope that COVID-19 really was a once in a hundred years event, that we always remain together with those we care about, and importantly that kids are in school where they belong.