2022 ISS Magazine

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2022 2022


Ithasbeenabsolutelywonderfultobeback on campus this year and we extend our heartful gratitude to our entire school communityforembracingongoingchange and for your unwavering support and commitment to our school and especially our students this year. It has been an emotional,challengingandunprecedented year, but we have found comfort in love, friendship,advice,mentorshipandcoming together as a community to share our burdens.


Weareproudofourcommitted,generous and courageous people who have continued to leverage the science of learning to prepare our students within ourevolvingeducationsystemforaworld that can be volatile, uncertain, complex andambiguous.AsaBoard,ourpeopleare our greatest priority and we strive to see them grow and develop as much as our school.



Weapplaudthediversityinourpeople, especially in our teachers and leadershipteamswhoallowlearningto transcend the classroom so that it is real, relevant, authentic and connected with the world. Our people have continued to build our culture of competence around being studentcenteredandstudentdriven,whichhas been evidenced in student work, reflections and concerns. We don’t simplywishtosurvivebuttothriveand enhance the development of each individual’scoreskills.


Thechangingprioritiesinourworldpost COVID means we need to explore our hopes and fears more deeply in terms of the home-school relationship, social deprivation in students, parents and teachers caused by isolation during the pandemic and our parent-school partnership.YourBoardlooksforwardto having some authentic and difficult conversationswithyounextyear.

We wish you all a happy, safe and enjoyableholidayandwelookforwardto seeingyouin2023.

Vinaka! Megan Streeter Board Chair










Head of School


I am delighted to celebrate this school year as it winds down. We have now restored all activities that were set aside because of Covid-19 and added some new things. I think this year showed a new school commitment to quality and continuous improvement. Our school’s established long-term goal is to be a high quality school compared to other international schools and to be respectedinternationallyforouruniqueworkandstudent results. I believe we are moving forward toward that vision, even if we have moved a bit slowly during recent challengingtimes.

As an example of this movement, the school’s standardized test results have continued to improve compared to international norms, in spite of Covid-19 and online programs, and I believe ISS was one of the best places for students to study to remain ahead of their peers. I have to be quick to say that credit for that goes to most of our families as well as to our staff who performed heroically, and I hope we do not have those same challengestoovercomeagainforaverylongtime!

I believe ISS is on its way to new levels of quality, engagement, sustainability, reputation, and student outcomes in the next few years. The Strategic Plan (available on the school website) has four main strategic goals: 1) ensuring strong student results at all levels, 2) increasing ISS’s standing as a top globally-reputable international school, 3) developing and expanding needed resources for ISS, and 4) providing improved systems to inform, guide, and inspire the school. Those goals are actively guiding our direction and we are committed to achievingthem;watchandsee!

We are proud that ISS is already a respected and established school in the international community. ISS is truly international with 55 or more nationalities represented in our school community. ISS is known world-wide, partly for its unique Ocean Science program, and its international status will benefit all our students in various ways. This yearwepurchasedanOceanScienceboatandadded specialized Marine Science staff to help students from ISS have an increased global awareness and ability to understand and influence global issues in any location or culture. We also published three OceanSciencechildren’sbooksauthoredbyourown fabulousteacherHannahNanovu.

Thiscomingyear,ISSwillhaveitsFifty-Year Birthday!EarlyinTerm3weexpecttohavea celebrationofthatmilestone,andIinviteallpresent andpastISSfamiliestojoinusinthat.Wehave muchtocelebrateatthispointwithourestablished programsandreputationandmanycelebrated alumniaroundtheworld.Wearepleasedthatmost ofourolderbuildingshavebeenreplacednowwith goodlearningspacesforstudents,asinallothertop schools.Whenwecelebrate,wehopetodocument manyotherachievementsandtothankthemany peoplewhohavecontributedindifferentwaysto ourpresentstatus.

Finally,Ibelievethiscomingyearwillbemylastas PrincipalorHeadofInternationalSchoolSuva.Imust say,thesesixormoreyearshavebeenarealjoyforme becauseofthepositive,enthusiastic,visionaryattitude ofourschoolfamily,parents,students,teachers,and supportstaff.Whataprivilegethishasbeen!Thankyou everyoneforthechancetobeinthiskeyroledoing whatmattersmost!

Best wishes,


ItwasJanuary6th,2022andIwashavingameetingaboutthe start of the year. I couldn't believe it, after all our planning and excitement about 2022 we were facing more online learning. I couldn’t have been more disappointed for our community. Luckily for us the closure of campus did not go on for long and we were able to get back to face to face learningquickly.

2022 has been a very exciting and busy year. We have returned to campus and have been able to fully reinstate all our programs. This has included all our extracurricular activities, whole school production, options program, camps and excursions, whole school celebrations and our involvement in local sports competitions. Our students have thoroughlyenjoyedbeingabletoreconnectwiththeirfriends andteachers.

Our Year 5 students shone during the exhibition and have developed into a successful and strong cohort who have exhibited the leadership skills needed to move to the next stage of their schooling. They have been a stellar example to our younger students on how to lead by example and we wish themwellfortheirfutureendeavours.

This year came with its own challenges. One of the biggest challenges we faced was the loss of Rosi Uluiviti. Rosi was a highly visible part of Primary, she guided many of us on our own journeys and loved working with the students. We will forever remember Rosi for her hard work and dedication to ourstudents.

I would like to thank our whole community, students, teachers and parents for ensuring the success of the year. If you are leaving us, take care, you all hold a special place in ourcommunityandwewishyouthebest.Forourcommunity, Ican'twaittoseewhat2023willbring.

Don'tcrybecauseit'sover,smilebecauseithappened. Dr.Seuss



Students this year have continued to grow in their learning as they develop as inquirers, take responsibility for their own learning by reflecting, develop different skills through different experiences while trying to make an impact in their ownlives,thosearoundthemandglobally. With the numerous camps, excursions, guest speakers, hands on experiences, play, sports, and many more we have seen the students thrive being backatschool.

It was a joy to be able to celebrate the Year 5 students, their learning and action at Exhibition for theirfinalinquiryinthePrimaryYearsProgram.

Teachers have also been inquirers themselves as they attended a virtual workshop that was held in Term 3 all about the Approaches to Learning Skills. Thisyearteachersalsofocusedonwhatitmeansto be back in the classroom by reconnecting with students socially and emotionally to help them becomethebestlearnerstheycanbe.


as we lost a friend, mentor, leader, & collaborator, Ms Rosi our PYP coordinator. She is and will continuallybedeeplymissed.

Thank you to our school community who have volunteered their time, visited open mornings, & attended assemblies. I wish everyone a welldeservedholiday.



Front Row: Claudette Wilson, Mere Fong, Susan McGoon, Renee Dansey,

Front Row: Claudette Wilson, Mere Fong, Susan McGoon, Renee Dansey, Rebecca Clentworth, Bryony Pullman, William Tawake, Veniana Baledrokadroka Rebecca Clentworth, Bryony Pullman, William Tawake, Veniana Baledrokadroka

Second Row: Mary Pickering, Jacqui Bolton, Alisi Nabainivalu, Shalesni Lata, Sainiana Vula,

Second Row: Mary Pickering, Jacqui Bolton, Alisi Nabainivalu, Shalesni Lata, Sainiana Vula, Mere Faletono, Mereoni Daveta, Jana Karountzos, Natalie Kent, Selai Nawai, Vosita Williams, Mere Faletono, Mereoni Daveta, Jana Karountzos, Natalie Kent, Selai Nawai, Vosita Williams, Taraivini Waitikini Taraivini Waitikini

Third Row: Elenoa Vamarasi, Fariah Ali, Nina Nakaora, Salaseini Vatumoto, Vicky Ram,

Third Row: Elenoa Vamarasi, Fariah Ali, Nina Nakaora, Salaseini Vatumoto, Vicky Ram, Hannah Nanovu, Vitalina Nabola, Shehana Dean, Fiona Singh, Somal Singh, Jitoko Bogitini, Hannah Nanovu, Vitalina Nabola, Shehana Dean, Fiona Singh, Somal Singh, Jitoko Bogitini, Litia Naqica Litia Naqica

Fourth Row: Fourth Row: Asinati Draunimasi, Kasari Seru, Joji Vunicagi, Asinati Draunimasi, Kasari Seru, Joji Vunicagi, Navin Narayan, Petero Tuisiga, Navin Narayan, Petero Tuisiga, Waisele Suka, Timothy Ulacake, Savenaca Bola, Waisele Suka, Timothy Ulacake, Savenaca Bola, Erin O'Brien, Maria Viani, Gerard Mastapha, Erin O'Brien, Maria Viani, Gerard Mastapha, Pauline Tudreu Pauline Tudreu

Fifth Row: Josephine Augustina, Keshlin Vikash, Laiseane Ataogo, Lydia Rickard, Fifth Row: Josephine Augustina, Keshlin Vikash, Laiseane Ataogo, Lydia Rickard, Rangeeta Singh, Payal Nandani Rangeeta Singh, Payal Nandani

Left to Right: Miss Mary Pickering, Israr Bin Hossain, Varshana Prasad, Minha Mudassar, Lara Haraldson, Shanvi Kumar, Tiksha Prasad, Taniora Patrick, Ms Jacqui Boulton.

ECH 1 Vonus

Every student does the best they can with the skills they have in each moment ...


Play is FUN...

We play in the dirt...

We play in the mud...

We play in the water, and it is so FUN...

Back Row (left to right): Ms. Sainiana Vula, Kimani Moineau, Barack Muir, Otto Crowe, Kit Edgar, Zephyr Lewis, Shreya Vinod, Aditukana Bogiva, Ms. Mere Faletono Front Row (left to right): Ethan Royce, Kahil Patel, Jacob Uriel, Nyrah Amin, Oscar Rhodes, Asenaca Finau

Living Living Living Things Things Move, Move, Move, Eats, Eats, Eats, Breathe Breathe Breathe and and and Grows... Grows... Grows...

Excursion to the Suva Harbour




Making new friends until the end of the year.

We are different but we are the same.


Back row (left to right); Alice Nisbet, Sophie Tijisen, Yu-zhi Cui, Mason Cuaycong, Saskia Patterson, Sienna Morton, Caleb Webb-Ferguson

Front row(left to right ); Ms. Saleshni Lata, Fergus Dewar, Layla Tabone, Kartik Chandra, Vaanya Aggarwal, Ms. Alisi Nabainivalu


MihikaKumari IsabelRalston

We are great Inquirer's we like to explore with Nature.

ECH2Kuita' s

We love to build big buildings.

Kuita's Students have been open-minded and courageous towards their learning using their creative thinking skills and being balanced with different learning experiences this year.

Celebrating 100 days of school.

Dressing up & roleplay is creative thinking. ExcursionontotheSuva Harbour Diwali Celebration
PMP in action Swimming

Communication Skills

Reception 1

Self Management Skills

Back Row(L-R) Ms Josephine Augustina , Naylaa Dean, Rio Smeby Wong, Krish Tappoo, Viola Francescon Lazzari, Grace Anderson, Ms Rangeeta Singh.

Front Row(L-R) Sloane Fitzmaurie, Anudhyan Baral, Raef Patrick, Cayetano Castelein, Bainato Koroijiuta, Ibram Bin Hossain, Nevaan Dass.

Research Skills

Social Skills

Thinking Skills

Self Management Skills

Communication Skills

Thinking Skills

Research Skills

Social Skills

Reception 2

paragraph text

Back row (l-r): Ms Lydia Rickard, Bruce Fulford, Rory McAleese, Paloma Norris Harrit, Mia Conlan, Lucia Serrano, William Diomedi Camassei, Ms Payal Nandani

Front row (l-r): Edward Ulacake, Osea Lund, Ronin Leong, Meng Xiao, Arjan Van Nimwegen

Communication Skills

Reception 3 Reception 3 Reception 3

Self Management Skills

Back Row- (L-R): Ms Laiseane Ataogo, Ms Shirthi Singh, Linrui (Rain) Gao, Elloe Samuwai, John Caffery, Mina Jadallah, Paula Pulatov, Madeleine Andersen, Arahbella Patel, Ms Keshlin Vikash.

Research Skills

Social Skills

Front Row(L-R): Arjun Sikri, Edgar Stats, Walter Rigamoto, Diyora Alieva, Amelia Soakai

Thinking Skills

Self Management Skills

Communication Skills

Thinking Skills

Research Skills

Social Skills

Sitting(LefttoRight): Riyaan Kaba, Ruben Yazbek, Ankush Sharma, Awliya Fariz, Phaedra Owen, Maya Muir, Rowan Munoz-Smith, Krishiv Abhimannu

Standing (Left to Right): Pinso Lund, Mr. Gerard Mastapha (Teacher Assistant), Ms. Maria Vianny (Homeroom Teacher)

Absent: Maeve Coughlan, Tran Thuc Nguyen (Mun)

We had lots of fun in Year 1 We had lots of fun in Year 1 We had lots of fun in Year 1






Learning in 101

Diwali Celebration

Fiji Day Celebrations

Harmony Week

Music Class

Physical Education

Art Exhibition Visiting the Construction Site
Ready for The Rarama Festival

BackRow(L-R): Ms.ErinO'Brien(HomeroomTeacher),PabloEspejo, AvaAsim,KartikPrasad,EliseHaraldson,IraiaPatrick,Ms.LitiaNaqica (TeacherAssistant)

FrontRow(L-R):SophieWelsh,JonasLeraille,ElodieBrewster, HarveyPaterson,IsabelleMogridge,TitouanCauchoisPegie


Learning about the Bermuda Triangle

Mosquito Island

The question of the day

Building and baking with Ms. Hannah Math

Reading Mercy Watson

Free time to invent and build

Excursion to Oceania Art Center

Playing our Minecraft game we invented at playtime






I enjoyed Soccer with my friends


Year 1P Reflections

I enjoyed Sports Day and swimming class


I made new friends


I enjoyed PE


I enjoyed playing team up tag with my friends.

Carter and Jesse

I enjoyed music


I enjoyed watching Neverland


I enjoyed Fun Day because there was lots of fun activities like the bouncy castle and eating candy floss!


Back (Left -Right) Ms Litia Naqica (Teacher Assistant) Caroline Vanualailai, Keoni Sasvari, Jesse Abbott, Leon Mehler, Han Yang Ma (Annie), Mrs Pauline Tudreu (Homeroom Teacher). Sitting (Left -Right) Fredrick Batten, Mackayla Webb-Ferguson, Carter Morton, Elissa Dugu, Yuyao Cui, Riyansha Shankar, Oladipo Diomedi Camassei.
IenjoyedOceanDay Caroline
Excursions Wacky Wednesday Inquiry Fiji Day Book Week

Sitting (L-R) Alexander Wright; Benjamin Rose; Harry Mogridge; Ms Shehana Dean (TA); Hailey Scott-King; George Sherwood; Anisa Patel.

Standing (L-R) Jitoko Bogitini (Homeroom Teacher); Sebastien Tabone; Naomi Gee; William Erikson, Karl Howard; Theo Moser; Alexander Tate; Vallarie Goundar; Ruaridh Horkan; Ms Theresa Daunoco (Support Teacher)

2 01

Sitting (L-R) Rudra Chauhan; Sai Tazawa; Daniel Cullen (Class Ambassador); Seung Vin Ku; Ryker Van Nimwegen; Charlie McGrath; Louis Datcharry.

Standing (L-R) Gerard Mastapha (TA); Rayaan Singh; Felix Macmillan; Anais Smeby Wong; Olatunji Oreoluwatomiwa; Ximu (Jerry) Yang; Mia Cordier-Feron; Bianca Tijsen; Fiona Singh (Homeroom Teacher)

0 2

2 0 2

Sitting(L-R Somal Singh (Homeroom Teacher)Aarien Verma; Nova Ulacake ; Tristan Samuwai; Kyle Fitzmaurice ; Zara Wilson; Melania Raisele(Support Teacher)

Standing (L-R) Farrah Edgar; Isabella Andersen; Zara Du; Adi Bevu Finau; Tisyaa Basu; Aanya Singh (Class Ambassador); Alexander Ceiba Noreiga Read; Shehana Dean (TA)

Absent: Andrew Hamilton

0 3
2 0 3

Back Row (L-R) Mrs. Elenoa Vamarasi, Joanne Ong, Faiqah Fariz, Yang Xiao, Martina Aja-Hajj, Ishaan Tappoo, Meera Gokal

Front Row (L-R) Bede Ray-Podomore, Magnolia Norris-Harrit, Wesley Kavika, Malu Sasvari, Vivienne Hart, Om Madhav Prasad


Jack Welsh Ms.Fariah

Inquirers fromallover

..wewondered welearnt welaughed welost BUT wedidn't giveup!


BackRow(L-R): Mr.Joji Vunicagi, Maya Gokal, Amelia Ponzoni, Tahlia Fisher, Simone Lange, Alexa Antonio, Jude Jadallah

FrontRow(L-R): Pradipta Dahal, Marlinna Moresi, Nina Tenorio-Castelein, Makare Finau, Livia, Mehler, Edgar Wolf, Yeji Zhao


Lana Yazbek Mr Kasari Seru

BackRow(L-R) Mrs Asinati Draunimasi, Marcus Cuaycong, Suliana Serrano, Josephine Robertson, Sora Tamura, Louie Emery

FrontRow(L-R) Finn McAleese, Drystan Owen, Akari Fukuda, Euan Kark, Zonaira Khan, James Gilbert, Amy Inkster

Absent: Ari Ray-Podmore, Prince Kumar, Miss Fariah

Ms.Fariah Prince Kumar Ari Ray-Podmore

The real magic wand is in our The real magic wand is in our The magic is in our minds.We believe in ourselves. Alone we minds.We believe in ourselves. Alone we minds.We believe in ourselves. we are smart, together we are brilliant. smart, together we are brilliant. are smart, together we are brilliant.

We're the Joyful Year 303

Back row (L-R): Pala Fanguo, Vania Subrail, Jayni Dass, John Silva, Faustina Tuisiga Hanyu Ma, Micah Clark, Mariss Rai, Jinrui Tang, Shosei Kemsey, Aprameya Dwivedi, Mr .Seru

Front row (L-R): Aahil Muhammed, Sheyden Goundar, Avaiki Vamarasi, Toby Batten, Rian Amin, Fergus Tijsen Aria Zenos, Miku Oba

Teacher: Mrs. Veniana Baledrokadroka

Teaching Assistant: Mr. Seru



Thereisaroomonthetopfloor, 402isthenameonthedoor.

Wehavesmarties,thesporties, thecrazies,thenaughties. Youcanlockthemallupina drawer!




Backrow(L-R):EwanMuñoz-Smith,SharishHayat,AmeliaSingh,GraceKhelan,MaiyahMoser,Elian Jahjah,SamantafaVamarasi,KianaNanovu Frontrow(L-R):PenaiaCalebKatoni,JamesMenik,TianTianDu,NevaanAbhimannu,LucyErikson, GeorginaCullen,ElizabethGilbert :JeanLeraille,AchintyaDwivedi,ThassapongCharusakwong
JeanLeraille AchintyaDwivedi Thassapong Charusakwong
403... isfunandCRAZY! hasfunny teachers hadcamp atLeleuvia! islikea hobbit hole! means 'Headsdown, thumbsup!' is cool means lots of help has FRIDAY TREATS! Hada Poetry slam! Demonmeansthe Dentist! lovesa TidyUpRhumba Nevaan,Zen,Georgie,TianTian,Achintya,Lucy,Lizzie,Sharish,Elian
Year4Camp May2022

501 501 501

Back Row (L-R): Miss Jana, Koroi Anise, Astrid Garric, Dominique Brewster, William Batten, Addyson Lobendahn

Wood, James Coughlan, Samara Fisher, Ms Jesie, Ms Williams

Front Row (L-R): Minsung Eo, Estella Macmillan, Marie Ebisawa, Riley Abbott, Henry Howard, Matei Eftodi, Zara Ludher

Absent: Vaniya Prasad & Ayla Damlamian

Lets Rewind Lets Rewind Lets Rewind life in 501! life in 501! life in 501!

Forward to Year 6

Forward to Year 6

Forward to Year 6

Back Row (L- R): Miss Natalie, James Darlow, Lucy Wilson, Zedekiah Pratt, Matthias Cambier, Shubh Prasad, Ms Tarai

Front Row (L- R): Alaisha Khatri, Sienna Lucas, Aaisha Patel, Aimen Khan, Rianna Kaba, Aarush Abhimannu, Aurélie Datcharry

Absent: Madeleine Lange & Devansh Pal

502 502 502

Snapshots from ouryear

Back (L-R): Ms Nawai, Julien Salvado, Rose Sherwood, Freya Horkin, Hibba Datta, Lito Tazawa, Ayra Haniff, Charlotte Rose, Ms Tarai.

Front (L-R): Alexander Denzler, Daniel Espejo, Daniel Hart, Avrielle Kautoga, Evelyn Tate, Eva Wright, Samuel Manakilagi.

Absent: Ashriel Lal

503 503


Year 5 Exhibition

PrimaryLearning SupportTeam One to one Support WIDA Testing In class Support EAL Support Speech Therapy Support Individualized Learning Program MultiLit Support PM Readers Assessment Counselling
Wehave exploredOcean Literacythrough ourUnitsof inquiry Wehadan amazingtime Takingpartin OceanActivities forourOcean Options Primary Primary Ocean Ocean ToLearnmore aboutOurOcean Programin PrimaryScan Here

Wehada Fintastictimeat ourWorldOcean DayFestival

Programme Programme

Wehavehadsome amazingguest speakers, camps,Boat tripsandmuch more.....

Tofindoutmore aboutwhatwe havebeenupto thisyear.Scan Here

IjoinedMATANIUA becauseIwantedto learnmoreabout theocean

Didyousee thatfish!


PrimaryWorld OceanDayFestival

Iloveditwhenwe werelearning aboutdifferent typesofsharks!

Themoney raisedwillgo toadopting sharks

Comeandbuy aniceblock!

IjoinedMata NiUasothatI couldlearn moreabout theocean

IlikebeingpartofMata NiUabecausewegetto learnthingsaboutthe oceanandthings connectedtotheocean

We MAtaNiUa

Myfavouritepartof MataNiUaislearning aboutoceananimals

IenjoyedCampbecause wegottolearnabout theoceanandplayin theoceanwithmy friends

IjoinedMataNiUabecause Ihavealwaysbeenscared toswimintheocean.Now MataNiUahaschanged howIthinkoftheocean

IthinkMataNiUais importantbecausewe protectandresearch oceanlife

Cool Shark Tooth! Cutecrab!

Myfavouritepartof MataNiUawascamp andlearningabout sharksandcoral

Ireallyenjoyedcamp becauseIgottolearn aboutdifferenttypes ofsharks

IjoinedMataNi UabecauseI lovetheocean andthethings init

InMataNiUa Ilearntlots about sharksand theirhabitat

Comeand planta mangrove withus! ThankyouVictor Bonitoforteaching uslotsabout Coral

IjoinedMataNiUabecauseIwantedtolearn moreaboutmarinelifeandhelptheoceanby educatingpeopleabouttheirimpactonit

Iamtrulyproudof thisgroupof amazingdedicated students!

I Camp

Thisisacool coralnursery!

IlovethatMataNiUgets involvedwitheverything todowiththeocean

Myfavoritepart wascamp becauseIlearned newthingsabout sharks!


Myfavoritething aboutMataNiUa thisyearwasthe camp

MataNiUaisimportant becauseitmeansthat morepeoplearelooking aftertheocean

...and thebest hair winners are.....

Ilikedhelpingthe oceanand the animalsintheocean

Myfavouritepartwas whenwehadourcampand we learnedaboutallthe differenttypesofsharks andlotsofcoolfacts!

HappyWOrlDOceanDay!Wehadsomuch funplanningandrunningthe activities!Thankyouforjoiningus!

EveryoneSay Shark!

Ilikedlearning aboutcoral planting

Somuch fun!

WedonatedmoneytoUtoNiYalo& PaddlingClubtosaythankyoufor teachingtheYear4&5Students

Hi! CAMP! Hi!



Hindi Studies

Hindi Studies

Primary Design& Technology

This year we have continued to grow our D&T program. Wehavehadan amazingtime inquiringwiththe studentsthrough aD&Tlens.

Imagine &Plan Create

Thestudents haveapplied designthinking tounpackand solvedifferent scenariosfrom...

...exploring coding, to designing underwater research stations, exploring space and much much more!

TEST& Improve





School Counsellor Corner

"Tell me more about how you feel..."


Whatabusy,wonderfulandfulfillingyear forus!

After two uncertain years of lockdowns and distance learning, this year brought withitthemeasureoftheimpactandthe trauma of COVID 19. We have had a surge in the number of students and staff who accessed help through talk therapy, art therapy, play therapy and teaching of coping strategies and mindfulness exercises for anxiety and depression. Arrangements for external professional supportwerealsoprovided.

We've also spent time in the classrooms with the students, facilitating the learning of social, emotional and physical issues in a safe setting where students feel comfortable with sharing their thoughts, feelings and ideas on different topics.

Thisyearhasseengreatdevelopmentsin our ISS Child Protection program and trainingofstaffthroughouttheschool.

The wellbeing of our ISS community continues to be our highest priority and we are so proud of the number of studentsandstaffwhohavecomeforward to seek help in the support and resources thatweprovide,promotingandfacilitating healthiermentalwellbeing.

Onwards and upwards!


Secondary Counsellor - Jillian Schultz

Primary Counsellor - Susan McGoon


Secondary School

What a great year at ISS! There has been great flexibility and agility shown by faculty, students, and parents in adapting to the needs of life and learning whilst exiting the pandemic. From a starting point of online learning and moving to a restructured schedule to facilitate the potential ongoing movement between learning modes (oncampus, remote, and blended), to rebuilding relationships on campus, a gradual relaxing of Covid-19 protocols, to the reopening of campus to parents for an array of events it has been a wonderful journey together.

Despite the readjustments, changes, and updates there has been space for students to relearn how to interact with each other in a positive and constructive manner. Watching the smilies, laughter, and joy in the collaborative learning experiences has been refreshing and invigorating for all faculty too. It has been immensely positive for all concerned.

That positivity has resulted in a resumption of all of our experiential learning activities. It was great to be able to visit the various year level educational excursions with the many and varied activities e.g. rafting, hiking, raft building etc, the subject specific trips focusing on the specific units of inquiry e.g. the Individuals and Societies farm to fork trip, our Model United Nations conferences, and our whole school production and Secondary music concert. These were great classroom extension opportunities for our students.

So too were our after school and lunchtime activities. There was a range of sports, arts, tech, and academic activities offered throughout the week for our students. All of these enrichment activities further develop life skills and bring balance to our student’s lives. In terms of life skill development, our Ocean Literacy Program certainly promoted, challenged, enhanced, and supported our students e.g. Noughty Knots, traditional & modern fishing. Activities such as the beach clean up, coral restoration, mangrove propagation not only benefited the students but our local community and planet too.

Head of Secondary

There have been other opportunities for students to develop and enhance their learning in many new ways. The Independent Learning Time has provided opportunities for our students to take control and ownership of their time and learning and how to structure it according to their own preferences and needs. We have seen such a personalized response and the feedback and outcomes have, in the main, been very successful & positive.

There have been great opportunities to celebrate student learning too. The IBDP Extended Essay celebration was a great insight into the indepth research and study that our seniors carry out. The combined Personal Project, Community Project &, CAS exhibition in conjunction with the science fair was yet another wonderfully attended event that highlighted the opportunities students have to showcase their skill-sets and conceptual understandings.

Although the year has been intense, there has been ample opportunity for reflection too. Students have shared their feedback on many aspects of the school including the dress-code. They have been able to showcase their learning with their parents at the student-led conferences and the feedback from all concerned has been that it was a wonderful shared experience. All of these opportunities have resulted in additional clarity, guidance, and support for students and it is great to have them part of that important process.

On a personal note, there has been some time reflection too, as this is my first full academic year at ISS. It has been quite a journey with six months of remote work on systems, policies, and procedures, to being on the ground working with a great team of students, faculty, staff, and parents to support their respective learning journeys at ISS to become world class citizens and lifelong learners.

My first year at ISS has been exciting, inspiring and rewarding. It has been a privilege to meet and work with the students and staff at ISS. To be able to join such a welcoming and supportive communityhasbeenreallywonderfuland I hope to give back as much as ISS has giveninitswelcometome!

Parents often ask what makes the MYP different from other programmes. My answer would be to come to ISS and spend some time with our students. Our students embody so many traits of the IB LearnerProfile.TheyareCaring,theyare Risk-Takers,theyareOpen-Minded,they are Knowledgeable and so much more! From the Community Project to the Personal Project, from the Habitats interdisciplinary unit in Year 6 to the Poetry Cafe in Year 10, from the sports field to TASA to Oceans - so many great things going on! Our students display the confidence, caring and approaches to learningthattheMYPinspires.

Middle Years Programme Coordinator

In addition to this, the MYP programme at ISS is strengthened and fortified by the extraordinary experience and dedication of a very knowledgeable group of teachers. Throughout the year, the teachers have been enhancing their expertise through the comprehensive development programme offered by the school and many have been on MYP workshops, a long-term investment in the future of the programme and the learning experience that students will haveatISS.

We are looking forward to the next academic year and already have some excitingnewplansawaitingthestudents. By working together we (staff, students and parents) can build on our successes thus far and ensure that next year is as successfulasthosebefore.

I look forward to seeing everyone next year!


First Row: Satbir Singh, Arieta Koroidimuri, Carol Yao, Cynthia Chen, J Vanitha, Ryan Ludher, Karuna Prasad, Zeba Kausar, Michelle (Shelly) Forbes, Sarah Manning, Caireen Erbsleben, Andrew Eames, Dan Shao

Second Row: Paul Horkan, Adrian Kumar, Rabia Ahmed, Silina Bale, Milika Waqainabete, Amanda Musuka, Tanya Ulacake, Eleni Vuiamatana, Benjamin Gibson, Premila Devi, Sharna Tobin, Patrick Savea, Kate Reimann, Jenifer Liew, Elizabeth Naigulevu

Third Row: Wainisi Tikotani, Nemani Dianimoto, Rahul Singh, Annie Prasad, Froseann Stevens, Regina Mastapha, Ashniel Bijay, Parwez Al Ahemad, Fernando Carbo, Rich Walrath, Katy Hourston, Henry Murphy, Apisalome Damuyawa, Semiti Lovo


Firstrow(L-R): Niya Fan, Beatrice Peters, Shiyana Samarasinha, Samairah Koya, Lina Favae, Fulori Manoa, Yoochan Park, Bernardo Lewis, Anna Diomedi Camassei, Wonchan Park, Isabelle Foster

Secondrow(L-R): Mrs. Patricia Rokotuinuku, Mrs. Seini Gukilau, Ms. Shelly Forbes, Mr. Ryan Ludher, Mrs. Regina Mastapha, Mr. Jonathan Uluiviti

Thirdrow(L-R): Changmin (Adam) Yang, Kassandra Taylor, Elijah Clark, Skye Wade, Roxanne Kirarock, Dulcie Boring, Roko Musuka Uluiburotukula, Mohd Aman Khan, Zechariah Katonivualiku, Shon Prasad, Dinora Aliyeva, Scarlet Bentley Fisher

Fourthrow(L-R): Dominic Penrose, Maeva Vamarasi, Lilla Young, Bomi Ra, Serah Tagi, Remi Datcharry, Aditya Gaurav, William Inkster, Josep Ferrando Emery, Sheik Mohammed Fardeen, Apsara Prasad, Mayu Fukuda, Alice Veitch

Absent: Sakapo Vodivodi, Rosalie Fulford, Alexander Gilbert

What a year it has been! Congratulations to the Year 6 family, from feelings of apprehension at the beginning of the year to now, ready to take on the challenges of secondary life! We have learnt to become more independent, manage our time more effectively and becomeresilienttochangesaswegrewthisyear.Wehave seen some of our friends leave throughout the year and madenewones.Thelearningexperiencesandeventsthat took place this year will remain as lasting fond memories foraverylongtime.Thankyouforsuchanamazingyear.





in other places
Taakau Taus Onni Lily-Rose
Jenah Leni Pep&Fulori
Fardeen,Zech, Will&Aman
Our Vlogs talk about our experiences in Year 6. Enjoy

Year 6







My Classroon Economy

Financial Literacy Watch out world, here I come!

Wonchan,Shon, Yoochan&Dominic Rosalie&Maeva Anna,Lina, Alice&Niya Apsara,Shiyana, Kassy&Isabelle Dulcie,Bomi&Dinora

This is how excited we get about learning.

...NO CAP! ...NO CAP! ...NO CAP!


Firstrow(L-R): Mr. Patrick, Gideon Tora, Makakoloa Soakai, Leo Kruger, Elaijie Vamarasi, Roko Illaisa Tabete, Raphael Koroidimuri, Estella Bingham Irvin, Eneriko Manoa

Secondrow(L-R): Ms. Annie, Michael, Richard Nong, Kartik Singh, Abigail Fisher, Lily Bakoauea, Faith Khelan, Crystal Karan, Mikeala Bingham Irvin, Tony, Zhaofu, Mr. Semiti Lovo

Thirdrow(L-R): Sivakumaran Karthigeyan, Lucy Darlow, Janah Zenos, Anahira Denzler, Tea Cauchois Pegie, Denisha Kumar, Aanya Gokal, Lavenia Murphy, Jacinta Tuisiga, Denisha Khatri, Antonio Foster, Jordhan Temo

FourthRow(L-R): Khrishen Verma, Oliver Garric, Kele Hunter, Idhaant Basu, Adria Salvado Andre, Olivia Cullen, Mala Singh, Lucie Robertson, Nazima Kua, Viliami Faasau, Tan Augustin Bo Yu, Joab Mastapha


Ms.Milika Ms.Naigulevu BrydieTobin Ms.Caireen IrisBentleyFisher ZurielGoundar AlynaSeru
fijiDay ISS2022CadetFlagRaisingSquad
upon a time, MASK UP PEOPLE!
are super active


Yay We made it!!

Sigatoka sanddunes

Smiles of survival

Forthe ocean

Year 7 Class Captains PSE


First Row (L-R): Lasarusa Misivono, Charuthas (Shin) Charusakwon, Saket Kishor Dawande, Jai Ludher, Saisha Tappoo, Ranya Dada, Tarisma Kohese, Jade (Xingcheng) Li, Isobel Lucas

Second Row (L-R): Connor Harris, Minh Tri Nguyen Le, Jacobo Barajas Delgado, Nehemiah Manoni, Allana Kirarock, Manisha Rai, Yaazhini Karthigeyan, Stephanie Wu, Kitty Hu.

ThirdRow(L-R): Zac Li, Maximo Aja Hajj, Jackson (ChenHao) Du, Scott Hamilton, Mahir Soko, Driya Kumar, Uini Payne, Kayla Pulatov, Sarona Moresi, Sina Izumi, Emelia Wood.

FourthRow(L-R): Francis Bakaniceva, Kye Nanovu, Mufaro Charlie Aalbaek, Tristan Penrose, Hannah Baleivicau, Heilala Faasau, Annie (Patricia) Boring, Marayka Eyre, Zuleika Sasha Whippy

Teachers: Mrs. Dan Shao, Silina Bale, Rich Walrath, Sarai Manning, Eleni Vuliamatana, Andy Eames, Tanya Ulacake


In Term Two, we embarked on a three-day trip to the lush, tropical Island of Nukulau, lying just ten kilometers away from Suva. Throughout this trip, we took part in a variety of fun sports and activities like rugby, volleyball, football, swimming, and beach walks around the island. One of the thrilling aspects of this camp, which everyone agreed was the best highlight, was the island's pier — a superb experience tojumpoffwithfriends,whichwasimpossibletomiss outon.

On the second day, while the tide was still low, we took the opportunity to discover the beautiful island with a long trek around the whole island. It was a lot of fun exploring the outside of the campsite. Many foundcrabsandfishhidinginthenooksandcrannies of the rocks, we even spotted a sea snake resting among the dry branches! Later in the afternoon, we settled down and played sports and games. Although the sky is heavy in gray, it did not stop us from havingfun.WestartedagameofboysVS.girls'water rugby, and spent hours playing in the chilly sea, jumping,swimminganddivingtosnatchtheball.

When we arrived, we divided our class and found our 'roommates' to build four or six-person tents which we assembled together through teamwork! On the afternoon we arrived, the weather was clear, with white fluffy clouds on the sky, and the sun reflected on the ocean beautifully as it set behind the horizon line. Students lay down on the pier to talk and relax while the sky became dark and the crescent moon emergedalongwiththestars.LightsfromSuvaslowly flicked on and illuminated the night as groups of friends talked and laughed. The weather became damp in the evening and the sky started drizzling, We had dinner together in the meeting area, then retreated to our cozy tents and chattered away with ourroommates.

Lateronatnight,weperformedinsmallsgroups.The small, squishy area was filled with laugher and excitement as groups showcased their product to the whole class, from singing performances to hilarious skits, dancing shows to pick-up line competitions. After the performance, Chocolate awards were given to students who had the best show, and students who displayedATLskillsthroughoutthistrip.

Onthelastmorning,weweregreetedwithheavyrain amidst the early breakfast, shaking our still-asleep heads. Everyone made a run for their things as tents felldownunderthedownpour,rushingtosupportthe tents while everything inside was getting wet. Soon later, we took turns on the boat to return to the mainland.

We enjoyed our fun time at Nukulau Island despite theweatherchallengeswefaced,everyonehasshown a different side of themselves throughout this trip that was never known before. Memories of all the fun things that happened will be forever cherished in our year8matavuvale.

Welcome to our achievers outside the classroom. We start with our amazing track king and queen Francis and Emelia who took part in the annual Coca-Cola Games for the first time. Francis participated in the 100m and 200m, winning a Gold medal in the 100m and a Bronze in the 200 m. Emelia competed in the 100m sprint, coming first in her heat and finishing 5th in the final. We are very proud of their accomplishments.

The Suva Zone Basketball Tournament, 9 of our students from Year 8 played in the U15 teams. After being undefeated for a while in their pool games they lost to Suva Grammar 19-17. They placed 3rd overall and learned a lot just from being there. Though the tournament didn't go as they had hoped, they were still happy about being there in the first place because this was one of the first Interschool competitions that Fiji has had since Covid-19. (Players from our grade include: Francis, Jai, Kye, Michael, and Saket)

With our basketball U15 girls who also participated in the same tournament, they had a progressive experience. During the first day they tied with Yat Sen 16-16 and won against Suva Grammar 16-4, however, they lost in the final to Grammar 25-15. The loss was quite emotional, but the girls have improved a lot and learned even more since they started. Results of this was them coming in 2nd place overall and are still training in hopes of victory next year. (Year 8 girls who participated: Emelia, Uini, Kayla, and Manisha)

Mahir Soko, ‘the boy of the shadows who moves with the night’, trained diligently for 4 weeks to prepare for an boxing exhibition match against Meli from Nakasi. Although there was no winner in an exhibition match, both boxers were given a draw.

Many of our Year 8 girls and boys were also given the chance to go to Netball Nationals this year. We did not manage to win many of our games but we improved with every game and experience. With this we hope to learn and train more and come back even better next year. (Year 8 students who participated: Francis, Michael, Emelia, Uini, Kayla, Manisha, Tarisma, and Zuleika)

Sina, our U14 gold medalist at the Nadi Open National Tennis Tournament and competed in the West Pacific Championships in Lautoka where she was ranked 6th in the West Pacific!

Heilala Fa’asau, our swimmer, competed in Junior Pan Pacific Championships representing Samoa in Hawaii. When she returned she was able to break the news to her year level that she had broken a national record! Her time for the 100m Breastroke was an outstanding 1 minute and 27 seconds. She hopes to keep training and improve.



We knew academics would be challenging in Year 8, but we definitely underestimated it. From managing the mass of tasks and summative assessments to conducting Science Fair for the third year, not to mention completing our first-ever community service project, there was a lot to manage. We had times of fun and times of stress, times of tears and times of rest. Let's justsaythatithasbeenaninterestingyear.

Everyone worked together to create as enjoyable a school environment as possible. We all worked towards achieving many goals, some of which were academic and others more personal. Achieving these goals, whether it be better grades, better self and time management, or improved social and communication skills was tough. However, we put in our best efforts to make our goals and dreams a reality.

Though academics were difficult this year, our year 8 family worked smarter and harder to make sure that everything was completed to the best of our capacity.

Group photo at the Year 8 assembly Students working in design class Conducting science experiments Students working on community projects


What is it?

We began community projects thinking that it was about creating the largest, most impressive project possible; we believed that the worth of the project was determined by the size of the service. But that’s not what a community project is about. Community projects are student-led acts of service to a chosen community. The community should be one which the students are passionate about (many of us only seemed to understand the value of this after we had begun our action stage). We also discovered that the projects are not all about the quantity of people we impact, but the quality of the impact. Despite all the graying hair and occasional arguments, in the end, it was worth it. The feeling of knowing you made a difference in someone’s life is what truly completes the project.

My group's community project focused on ensuring small children receive the quality education that everyone deserves. The success of our project depends on how much effort and passion we put into our service. I swam as many laps as I could within 1 hour to raise money to purchase educational resources for Nasautoka District School and its library. This library had been damaged due to previous weather conditions. Additionally, we held a book drive to receive donated books to contribute to the community's school library.

I have experienced that community service is not just to feel good about yourself but to help others in need that will make a long lasting, powerful and positive difference in their lives. All the small things such as picking up rubbish from the ground, organizing a book drive, all contribute to making communities better as a whole.

My group and I focused on advocating climate change in the Pacific and exploring the roles mangroves play in protecting the local environment. While this may sound just like any other boring project, we found that our community seemed passionate about what we were speaking up for. Furthermore, the topic we focused on had value to us, as we were determined to do something about it.

Dedication. At the end of the day, a community project is built on one’s dedication to a topic. And to show true dedication to something, it cannot be a ‘one time thing’. It has to be consistent and heartfelt. Despite our project not being grand and something out of the ordinary, we put in effort and took our time to understand the need and the community. If we had done that from the start, maybe we would not have made as many mistakes on the way. Nevertheless, we learned this lesson through experiences of our own, so we will be sure not to forget it.

Self management skills are very important to complete this project. If we had used more weekends during school holidays during the beginning and middle of the project we would not be as stressed at the end to complete it.

Manisha Rai: Kayla Pulatov: CommunityProjectsCoordinator TanyaUlacake

My group had chosen Pearly Gates Home as the community we wanted to work with. The home helps teenage girls who are victims of sexual, physical, or verbal abuse recover from their traumatic experiences. We identified various problems they have at the home, but the most concerning one for me personally was that the girls did not have the right materials to achieve a good education at school. Thus, my group and I decided to start a fundraiser to raise money to buy the girls school supplies.

This community has had a massive impact on me; While working with the girls, I have developed patience and have become a better listener, as well as an observer. However, it has also shown me that there are greater problems than just “Oh no they don't want to be my friend anymore,” or “I look so ugly.” Kids our age and younger are going through terrible and traumatic situations they shouldn’t be going through, just because other people can’t control themselves. My message to the future classes partaking in community projects: avoid choosing a community that will get you a good grade, or a community that is receiving enough help. Rather, choose one that you are passionate about and that needs the most help.

For our community project, my group was focused on interacting with a young community: Bright Little Ones, a kindergarten for children aged six and below. Our Sustainable Development Goals (or SDGs) were Quality Education and Life Below Water; we incorporated both by raising awareness and teaching the children about the subject of ocean pollution. We chose this as our goal because of our appreciation and sympathy for our oceans— especially as islanders. Incorporating both Quality Education and Life Below Water into our project was not laborious, as we consistently found ways to connect the dots to both of our SDGs

To summarize our project, we led a beach cleanup for the preschoolers and even joined some of their classes. We developed relationships and really enjoyed spending time with them. Our group was very cooperative throughout the project and passionate about our goals. With empathy, teamwork, and efficiency, this project turned out to be successful and we each left with a different mindset and understanding. Community Projects are a great way to grow and develop. There are many highs and lows of the project but if you really put your heart, mind, and soul into YOUR project—it will all be worth it in the end.

Community projects are opportunities that are given to us to help a community of our choice. The community my group identified was Pacific Harbour and the problem we identified was the lack of awareness regarding the amount of waste left on the public beaches in that community. Our SDGs were 14 and 15: Life On Land and Life Below Water. Based on my experience, I would recommend talking to a community representative beforehand and not just creating assumptions; by doing this, you may overlook larger problems or target things that aren’t actual issues.

I'll be honest: community projects take time and effort. There will be struggles, but that's what a community project is about. You will come to realize that what you're doing is more than just a school project; your actions actually affect real people and places. Therefore, what you do makes a difference whether you think it or not. Another important note is to listen to your coordinator and advisors, as they know what’s best.

Heilala Fa’asau: Zuleika Whippy: Kye Nanovu:


First Row (L-R) : Chuchu Shao, Cecily Fa'asau, Joseva Baleiveicau, Kael Damlamian, Khushi Patel, Joshua Mugabi, Rylan Hall, Malia Larsen, Jaslyn Haer.

Second Row (L-R) : Ms. Carol Yao, Anabelle Robertson, Carlos Galego Cartaya, Ihaia Tamani, Aiden Jamnadas, Roko Aisea Savou, ShiQi Liu, Aminio Finau, Arthur Veitch, Ms. Adi Ana Nute.

Third Row (L-R) : Mrs. Premila Devi, Taylah Miller, Lunisi Taufa, Jin Zhe Du, Yi Dan Zhang, Rohan Ludher, Brianna Tagi, Eldrick Menik, Bulou Jojiana Vunakece, Tarau Savou, J'lein Kironde, Mrs. Arieta Koroidimuri.

Fourth Row (L - R): Mr. Satbir Singh, Prince Mathew Topno, Almira Zoya Haniff, Stirling Smith, Aliya Pulatov, Amani Dada Boukhany, Shreeja, Callie Rabou, Tiana Parshotam.

Many People ask. “After Year 8, then what?” Well it’s safe to say that the Year 9 class of 2022 is and will always be the greatest class to ever exist at the International School of Suva, and probably the entire universe.

Term 2’s Camp without a doubt was the major highlight of the Semester because of all the memories that were shared while in the province of Namosi. The experience was unforgettable due to a number of fun games, songs, and activities planned by our amazing Year Coordinator Ms. Koroi as well as the amazing team of teachers; Ms. Ana, Mr. Parwez, Ms. Prem, Mr. Tobin, and Ms. Yao. The 2 days spent in Namosi were filled with much enjoyment and relaxation with a couple of thrilling moments during storytelling time where people showcased storytelling skills that took us on journeys of laughter, wonder, and frightening lessons through folklore tales that left each of us wanting more.

Throughout the year, the Year 9 class of 2022 has shown what it really means to transition from young and naive teenagers to confident and independent young adults who are capable of meaningful impacts within the community. In Term One, we were tasked with organising a walk through gallery for the younger students in Year 8. The aim was to educate and inform the Year 8 students about issues surrounding the ocean with the intention to guide them with knowledge regarding their community projects as well as inspire them to take action regarding issues that affect the oceans. This moment wasn’t just your ordinary passing of the baton on to the Year 8s. No, This moment signified much more. This moment signified the role that the Year 9 class of 2022 holds as a beacon for role model behaviour in the ISS community.

Another one of the notable events of the camp was the mini Olympics that showcased each team's spirit of teamwork and sportsmanship. The most memorable of the events was the archery event which saw a captivating duel take place to determine the silver and gold medal positions. Regardless of what team won the Olympics, each event brought upon much enthusiasm and sportsmanship which goes to prove how much each and every single member of year 9 class of 2022 is valued as part of a family.

Hey guys, How’s it going, aren’t we all glad Year 9 is over? But then again if you really think about it, that means Year 10 is starting, and frankly, that’s not much better. But it’s ok, we can focus on the positive side. I’m sure for everyone this year has been crazy, new things happening, cool things you’ve learnt, and maybe even meeting new and cool people.

The first year of highschool would always be a pretty big and significant part of our life, unless you don’t believe in anything before university (college, whatever), or have a really bad memory. Anyways, I just wanted to wish everyone the best for next year, whether you’ll be here or not, and as always, subscribe to technoblade.



First Row (L-R) : William Clarke, Mittal Dayal, Stanley Meciusela Matthews, Christian Eftodi, CharlesLum,SolomonBakaniceva,WeipengYuan.

SecondRow(L-R): Mr.NemaniDianimoto,KelvinJoe,PanapasaSeduadua,YifanWang, Nicole Singh, Kiara Samarasinha, Juliette Chong, Nathan Fulcher, Filimon Manoni, Mrs. Rabia Ahmed.

ThirdRow(L-R): Mrs.KarunaPrasad,SenukaSunnadeniya,CaitlinTan,ViennaSemaan, JordanRaghwan,JoyClark,FinnKruger,JemimahSchultz,BryannahKutty,DerikBarile, Mr.AdrianKumar.

Fourth Row (L - R) : Prasiddhi Dahal, Adara Haniff, Aileen Jiang, Yihan Lou, Aniketh Jiten Lal, AnesuEmilAalbaek,FaithTudreu,KiraWallace,ChaeeunOh.

Absent: InayaGoundar,AnjaliMohan,SetalekiMasaoSoakai,MairaDu,andTeioShone.

ClassVl o g!

IB MYP 5 :


The MYP 5 Personal Project is an opportunity for the Year 10 students to explore and investigate one of their passions. It is a chance for each student to do what they want to do, to show the skills they have developedovertheyearsintheirsubjectsandthrough the approaches to learning, and to apply them to an area or topic on which they decide. It is connecting classroom learning engagements with personal experience in an authentic way that is empowering as it helps to develop their own interests for lifelong learning.

Ms. Shelly Personal Project Coordinator

& LearningSupport LearningSupport LearningSupport E.A.L E.A.L E.A.L


In any one school there will be students with specific learning needs. These learning needs will differ in nature, intensity, and duration where the student may experience learning at any time throughout their lives. What do we do with these students? This is where the Learning Support Teamcomesin.TheLearningSupportTeamplays a key role in ensuring that the specific learning needs of students experiencing difficulties with learning are met so that the students may experience success. The team offers one to one support services that targets individual learning needs, with accommodations and instructional modifications to ensure equity and quality classroomlearningforourstudents.

English as an Additional Language

English as an Additional Language is a term usedforthestudyofEnglishLanguagebynon -native speakers in an English-speaking environment.ThroughlearningEAL,students build their confidence in communicating effectively and confidently in the English Language through speaking, reading, writing, andlistening.

Seini Patricia Annie Wainisi Amanda Semiti Regina

CAS CAS Creativity, Activity & Service

CAS is having a diversion from academics and allowing yourself to choose, plan and prepare activities that you are passionate about or for. (Fiona L.)

It is rewarding because you get to do things that involve the community like our first experience of the year, the Learn to Swim Program with our ECH & Reception students. It was challenging to know that we had to prepare ourselves, lead and teach our little learners the life skill of swimming. (Samantha B.)

It is enjoyable because you get to choose activities and experiences that will build you, challenge you and take you out of your comfort zone. (Sahil D.)

As global citizens it allows us to act on what we see...

Enhances and improves communication skills.

Challenges social interaction and public speaking.

Helps us to be aware of our surroundings and communities...to offer help and service when we can.

CAS Coordinator Tanya Ulacake


"It was a great experience as a senior to learn how to be more open minded with kids and to be able to teach ourselves patience and understanding"
-Hannah Malo

ACT Coordinator Apisalome Damuyawa

This year has been great and challenging for both students and teachers in the ACT programme as we transitionbacktofacetofacelearning.Aspecialthank you to the outgoing Curriculum Coordinator, Mr YogeshMaharajwhohassetahighplatformbeforehis departure at the end of the first semester. I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the students doing the ACT programme for their determination and diligence, in particular our year 12s whohavesuccessfullycompletedtheASTscalingtest.

The ACT programme is open and flexible as it allows our senior students to choose from a wide range of subjects as they embark on their first year of senior level in year 11. Since there is no prescribed combination of subjects, students are able to choose coursesthatplaytotheirstrengths.Thisyear,students inYear11gettheopportunitytotakeupGlobalStudies which is a new subject offered under the ACT programmehereatISS.Thefocusistoensurethatthe students are well prepared for the transition into universityaftercompletinghighschool.

Hear from a Student!

The ACT programme has been a person-specific programme that has enabled a degree of specialization at this early stage that IB would not have offered me. I enjoyedtheprocessofbeingabletoselectsubjectsthat would benefit me through the transition to university and working life as well as subjects I found passion in, allowingmeadegreeofflexibility.

I enjoy how the programme is equal in the importance placed on examinations and assessments as both of thesetypesoftasksdevelopdifferentyetequallycritical setsofskillsthatwillberequiredatthetertiarystageof study.Forexample,beingaSciencestudent,therewasa large jump between the standard of practical development and lab report quality. The emphasis on those being attributed to my final grade forced me to not just understand but conduct such with a high quality. Furthermore, the separation of the last two yearsintosemestersmimicstheuniversitysystemmany ofuswillbeentering-agoodfoundationalpreparation forthatnextstageinourlives.

At this juncture, I would like to congratulate our graduating Year 12’s and wish them all the very best in theirfuture endeavors.Furthemore,Iwouldalsoliketo extendmydeepestgratitudetotheASTteachersandto all the hardworking teachers facilitating the ACT programmeformakingthisyearasuccessfulone.


MerryChristmas& HappyNewYear!

In addition to this, the ACT programme has also allowed me to pursue several extra-curriculars, be more present within the class and head student dynamics and take on projects of a more demanding nature. This has allowed me to introduce a degree of balance between work and passion that has shaped my nature,approachtotasksandmindset.



FirstRow(L-R): Minh Thu Nguyen Le, Cindy Sobtafo, Hannah Malo, Joelle Kirabo

SecondRow(L-R): Zachary Manonii, Keani Larsen, Jordan Clark, Zane Jamnadas, Tabbai SoKO, Liam Hall

ThirdRow(L-R): Ms. Cynthia Chen, Hyun June "Joshua" Kwon, Naysan Joshi, Yashan Patel, Leona Douglas, Mr. Benjamin Gibson, Mr. Henry Murphy, Zoran Kironde, Finnley Hill, Papanui Liew-Marsters, Chelsea Kausimae, Ms. Froseann Stevens

FourthRow(L-R): Baylian Saberi, Sinaukoro Paelate, Salanieta Kunatuba, Rudransh Gupta, Luciano Aja Hajj, Tanay Kumar

Absent: Lily Finau, Merelesita Vuniyaro, Rayna Mohan, Robert Hunter

Class Vlog!

With the Fiji day assembly, the first year of the IB/ACT programs and the official introduction to Year 12, this year has definetly been eventful for the class of '23

Education is the light

...when's the math I.A. due?

IsMr.Gibson madatthe boysagain?

IB Diploma Coordinator Cynthia Chen

AsIwritethisarticle,ourYear12DPstudentsare sittingfortheirexternalDPexaminations.Ithas been such a great pleasure to see students’ smiling faces at the end of each examination, which means they were well-prepared and performedconfidentlyinexternalassessments.

Returning to face-to-face learning offered us opportunities to celebrate our students' learning successes through varied events, such as the Theory of Knowledge Exhibition, the Extended EssayCelebration,andtheCreativityActivityand Service Exhibition. We have witnessed many impressivehighlightsinwhichstudentsshowcase their learning outcomes and demonstrate highlevel communication and critical thinking skills withopen-mindedness.

Our commitment to increasing students’ numbers in the DP programme has been finally rewardedwithabignumberofYear10students enrolling in the Programme from 2023. This reflects the success of our MYP programme implementation and its solid foundations providing students’ seamless transition into the DPprogrammeatourschool.

With steady ongoing improvements in implementingboththeMYPandDPprogrammes, our teachers are committed to supporting students’ holistic development as competent and independent lifelong learners leading successes infuturejourneys.

2022 2022 2022 Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition


While we wish our Year 12 DP students all the very best in their career path, we are looking forward to welcoming new DP students in 2023 afteragreatandrelaxingholiday.

2022 Extended Essay Exhibition


Year12 Year12

Graduating Class of 2022

"almost missed the deadline again"

"we’ll see who's still around a decade from now"

"Life is good, coz as long as God chooses to wake me up I can handle anything, that includes her attitude"



"Work hard in silence, let your success be the noise #comredzz"

"It's time to be a big girl now, and big girls don't cry"


if you couldn’t find me, i was in my mum’s office ;) "

“Love the life you live. Live the life you love.”

—Bob Marley

Helen (Anqi) Wang

"Helen Wang is pretty much the nicest person you will ever meet..." - Everyone

Ashleigh Singh

"Helen Wang is a liar."


"feeling good, living better"

- Drake

"get on my level ;) "

Gareth Turare Milan Haer Aurora Sinclair "wait, what? Zoë Pratt Temalai Paelate Fergie Manoa Keteca Hena Dass Daswaney Inés de Torres Neha Singh

Graduating Class of 2022

Keir Barnes

"been farting y’all ain’t seen poop yet"

Ratu Donasiano

Paula Vunakece "Veilo?? "

Jiayu (Anny) Chu

"Forgive but never forget, and pray for a future better than the current"

Simran Singh

“You can't move forward without saying goodbye to the past.”

Haddasha Rarawa

"The new friends and cool memories made at school eventually outweighs the sleep deprivation, trust"

Sanskruti Dawande "Over and out"

Elliot Seam

“My unmatched perspicacity coupled with my sheer indefatigability makes me a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor.”

Fiona Laygo


IB dying over the last two years for a piece of paper"

Zarina Goundar

"if tomorrow isn't the DUE date today isn't the DO date"

Sahil Dahal

"La vie est pain."

-Albert Camus.

Samantha Belleman

"Life gave me lemons and now I am overwhelmed and freaking out because I feel obligated to make lemonade"

Aastha Prakash

"I procrastinated my way through"



Dewan Mohan
Reg, reckon you can help me with my senior quote?”
Mr Api Ms Vanitha Mrs Liew Mr Bijay Ms Reimann

Year 12 Reflection

2022 was a challenging but exciting year for all of us as it was the first time for all the Year 12s to take in-person exams and do face-to-face learning as senior students. While we were busy with our studies, we were able to find time to relax and bond as a class. We started off the year with multiple fundraising events for our Senior Ball. In the first semester, we organized events for Valentine’s Day and held bake sales and sausage sizzles. Later in the year, we got to finally have our first school production in 2 years "Never Land". This semester also provided us with opportunities to showcase our leadership skills through Harmony Week and Fun Day activities, as well as initiatives such as the homework assistance scheme, Pride Month and Art for Peace (Ukraine). To end the year on a positive note, we helped organize the Music Concert showcasing our class’s artistic talents. Alongside these activities, we also challenged the teachers in various sport activities in basketball, futsal, rugby and frisbee. Overall, Year 12 was bittersweet. We will enjoy the memories but miss everyone at ISS. Thank you Ms. Vanitha, Mr. Bijay, Ms. Liew, Ms. Reimann, and Mr. Api for being there for us during our difficult times and supporting us through year 12. Good luck to everyone and we wish you all the best.

Careers Counsellor

Karuna Prasad

guest speaker USPOPENDAY


Ithasbeen2longyearssincetherehasbeenany formofschoolcompetitionsduetotheCovid-19 outbreak. Leading up to the tournament the buzz in the air was full of excitement as all teamswereeagertoparticipateandshowcase theirskillsonthecourt.

ISS sent 5 teams under the guidance of Mr Jonathan Uluiviti; Under 15 boys and Girls, Under17boysandgirls,andanUnder19boys team to participate in the Suva Basketball Secondary Schools Zone competition. The competition was held at Yat Sen Secondary Schoolover3days.

The competition was to determine which schoolswouldqualifythroughtotheFijiSchools Basketball Nationals which is to be held in Decemberfromthe19th-21st.

AllISSteamsdidexceptionallywellthroughout thecompetitionasISSwentinastheunderdogs compared to power house schools like Suva Grammar, Yat Sen and Marist Brothers High School.

The boys Under 15 and 17 teams had many challenges throughout the pool stages as they facedteamsthatweretallerandmoreathletic. Despite the challenges they faced, they managed to qualify through to the semi finals beating their opponents with speed and aggressiveness.

U17boyslosttoYatSen17-8inthesemifinals andtheUnder15boysmissedoutonqualifying to finals after a nail biting loss against Suva GrammarSchool.SuvaGrammarwon19-17.

The Under 19 boys team were in a tough pool and failed to qualify through to semi finals. Despite not making it to the semi finals they have qualified through to the Basketball Nationals

ThegirlsUnder15and17teamswereincredible as they displayed heart and grit throughout theirgamesastheymanagedtosecureafinals spot in their respective grades. Both teams playedSuvaGrammarSchoolinthefinals.

In the girls Under 15 finals ISS fell short as Suva Grammar proved to strong despite a valiantpushtoclosethegapinthefinalminutes. SuvaGrammarwon 24-15.

IntheUnder17girlsfinal,withonly6players, ISS played their hearts out until the final secondsasitwasacloselycontestedgame.With about50secondsleftinthe4thquarterISSwas downbytwopointsandthepressurewasonto scoreabasket.HannahMalowouldgoontonail acrucial3pointshot whichsealedthegamefor ISS, winning 13-12. Hannah Malo also went on toreceivetheMVPawardinthegirlsUnder17 Grade.

CongratulationstoallISSteamsforqualifyingto theSecondarySchoolsBasketballNationals!





Afterverylittlenotice,asmall,yetkeenTrack&Fieldteam participatedinthisyear’sSuvaZone1trialsinJune.Theteam celebratedmuchsuccesswithsixindividualathletes,andone relayteamqualifyingfortheCokeGames.Allathletesarekeen totraininpreparationfornextyear’strials.


Aftera2yearabsence,theCokeGamesreturnedtotheHFC StadiuminAugustwithabang.NineISSAthletesjoinedalmost 3000otherathletesfrommorethan200FijianSecondary schoolsinwhatiswidelyacceptedasthelargestTrack&Field eventintheSouthernHemisphere.

AllathletesrepresentedISSwithpride,settingpersonalbest timesandjumpingandthrowingadmirably.Asourfirst competitor,YashansetthestandardforotherISSathletesto followwithanoutstandingraceinthe1500mfinalwherehe stormedhometofinish5th.EmeliaandFrancisfollowedsuit bywinningtheirheatsinthe100mandqualifiedamongstthe fastestrunnersfortheirrespectivefinals.Salaroundedout theactiononasuccessfulDay1inthefinalofthe IntermediateGirlsDiscus.

Day2sawLeonaunfortunatelymissoutonamedalinthe IntermediateGirlsHighJump.Shewasonlyonesuccessful jumpawayfrom4thandweareconfidentthatshewillbeback strongernextyear.Francisagaincontinuedtoimpressby winninghisheatforthe200m.YashanandKeirracedstrongly intheir800mheatswithKeirqualifyingforthefinaland Yashannarrowlymissingtheout.Day2finishedwiththefinals forthe100mandEmeliaandFrancisdidnotdisappoint.After missingthestart,Emeliacamebackgallantlytofinish5th whilstFrancisracedtoglory,collectingthegoldmedalinthe Sub-JuniorBoys100mfinal.

Day3actionsawtheSub-JuniorBoys4x100mrelayteam race.Afteralatereplacementduetoinjury,theboysraced wellandwithmoretimecouldhavemadesomeofthe transitionsalittlesmoother.Keirexecutedawellthoughtout strategyinthe800mfinalovertakingmanyrunnersinthefinal laptofinish6thandFranciscollectedanothermedal,thistime bronzeintheSub-JuniorBoys200mfinal.


2022wasafun-filled,actionpackedandfastpacedyearforthePHEDepartment.Afteran extendedtimeononlinelearning,students returnedtofacetofacelearningwithvarying degreesofexcitement,apprehension, coordinationandfitness.Thisyearthefocushas beenonengagementandenjoymentwhilstalso learningabouttheanatomyandphysiology.

Afewofthehighlightsoftheyearincludes theYear11&12Outdoor&Environmental Educationdaytripsandcampswhere studentsenjoyedhiking,caving,snorkeling anddiving.FunandlaughterwiththeYear 9sand10splayinggamesthattheyhave created,mixedyearlevelVolleyball competitionsaswellastripstotheAquatics Centre,UniversityoftheSouthPacificand theNationalStadiumforvariousunits.

ThankyoutothePHEteamfor2022;Mr. BrendanTobin,Mrs.JenniferLiew,Mr. RahulSingh,Mrs.TanyaUlucake,Mr. ApisalomeDamuyawaandMr.Jonathan Uluiviti,forengagingallstudentsinlearning manyvaluablelessonsaboutthemselves, andothers,inandthroughphysical education.


The Language department has experienced significant growth in 2022. Right at the beginning of the year, we introduced a new foreign language, Spanish, alongside the existing options of French, Mandarin Chinese and Sign Language. Spanish has beenavailabletostudentsinMYP5andIBDP Year 11. The students have enjoyed this new option,anditspopularityhasgrownoverthe course of the year, with many students expressinginterestinitfor2023.

Students in French classes have studied a rangeoftopicsacrossMYP1to5,continuing to build their skills in all 4 criteria of the MYP Language Acquisition curriculum:

Criteria A: Listening, B: Reading, C: Speaking, and D: Writing. Ms Bale’s French class were also able to have a guest speaker, Mayalène Saulia, visit them to speak about New Caledonia, hence bringing in some authentic Francophone experiences into the classroom. Mr Ahemad’s MYP 3 - 5 classes werealsochallengedtolearnthroughproject based learning, and created their own authentic audio-visual products in the French language, such as a talk-show, GRWMVideo,songs,travelwebsite,etc.

TheChineselanguageteachingteamhasbeen busy with their units of study, ensuring that no student gets left behind. Both teachers have worked tirelessly to teach innovatively, differentiate their lessons for the various phases present in class, and follow-up with students who needed the extra time and help. They also organized some wonderful authentic cultural experiences for the students. This included celebrating the Dragon Boat festival in school, with external guests teaching students about the festival's historyandhowtomakeZongzi.Thestudents also visited the Chinese Cultural Centre in order to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. As part of their visit, they learnt about the Chineseteaculture,papercutting,calligraphy aswellashowtosolvetheRubik’scube.

Year 10 Spanish students presenting a travel to a Spanish city: Bilbao Year 8 & 9 French - Group work 2022 Language Aquisition Team

The Sign Language students have had a busy year as well, progressing in their skills,andhavingfunintheirlessons.They were also very fortunate to have the opportunity to meet with and view the presentation of a deaf artist, Sakiusa Volavola, during library week. Year 6 students were also given their sign names byMsLeona,adeafteacheratNadiSpecial School. Future plans include visits to the Deaf school in Suva for our students to experience the use of Sign Language in the deafcommunity.

Finally,attheendof2021,webodegoodbyeto MarieLacassagne,whoreturnedtoFrance.We also welcomed Fernando Carbo, who came on boardtoteachSpanishandFrench.Inaddition the current team is comprised of Parwez Ahemad(French),SilinaBale(French),Cynthia Chen (Chinese), Dan Shao (Chinese) and PatriciaRokotuinuku(SignLanguage).

Wewouldliketotakethisopportunityto wishtheoutgoingandseniorstudentsthe very best in their future academic endeavors. Wishing everyone happy festivities!

Deaf artist Sakiusa Volavola presenting during library week. Chinese students learning calligraphy at the Cultural Centre. Students learning to solve the Rubik's cube at the Chinese Cultural Centre. Experiencing tea culture. MYPChineseclasscelebratingMid-AutumnFestivalattheChinaCultureCentre

Individuals andSocieties

This year, we officially changed our department name to match the IB group name which is Individuals and Societies, abbreviated as I&S. We also introduced a new IB subject, Global Politics and its equivalent ACT subject, Global Studies, giving our students an additional subject from the existing three, Business Management,EconomicsandHistory.Therange of MYP units in Y6 -10 have provided essential foundationsforthesesubjects.Weareexcitedto see our students choose from these subjects and to pursue fields that will enable them to be effectivecontributorstotheirowncommunities.

Studentshaveconnectedtheirlearningtothecommunity through a range of field trips. The Y7’s visited the NaivaluruaresidencefortheUnit:NourishFarmtoFork. They learnt to cultivate and plant vegetables or herbs for their own home gardens, and learnt different ways of propagating vegetables and composting. As a culmination of their unit, students in groups, used the vegetables or herbs they planted to plan a meal that had elementsoftheirculture,andtoprepareandpresentitat school for judges in a ‘Cook off’ competition. The Global PoliticsstudentsattendedthePacificLeadershipSummit atUSP,andgainedinsightsonregionalissues.

Our team includes Ms Katy Hourston who joined us to teach Global Politics. We also welcomed Ms Rabia AhmedwhojoinedtoteachEconomics,aswefarewelled MsPallaviTripathi,whoreturnedtoIndia.Asateamwe have collaborated and planned to keep our students engaged and improve on our teaching and student learning.

Year 10 Civil Rights Protest Posters
Year 10 Freedom of Speech protest poster Mrs Naivalurua seeding


Good Job Year 7!! Good Job Year 7!! Good Job Year 7!!

This has been an eventful year in the Science Department. Students were back in classrooms after a year of onlineschoolingandtheteacherstook fulladvantageofthis.Lotsofhands-on practical, field trips and activity based learning has been the theme of this year.

Fewofthehighlightsoftheyearincludes Year 11 and Year 12 Biology Debate on Neuroethics, Science Fair and its exhibitionforYear6toYear9students, OceansthemedScienceFairfortheYear 9 students, Year 9 field trips to the Nasese foreshore for sampling experiments and water testing experiments,Year11and12Biologyfield triptotheKoroniviaResearchStationto learn about the different asexual reproduction methods in plants and Year 12 Oceanography fieldtrip to the Mineral Resource Department where they learnt about Fiji's geological history, the different types of rocks, minerals and their geological significance,aswellasthenatureofthe workdoneattheSeismologyLab.

Furthermore, some Year 9 students had a snorkeling field trip at the nearby reefs for data collection. Some Year 10 students also visited the US Embassy to meet and greet the NASA scientists who were visiting Fiji. Moreover, the Year 6’s did a Habitat Preservation Project as part of an InterdisciplinaryUnitandtheirschool camp.

The Science team for 2022 comprised of Mr. Ashniel Bijay (Subject Area Lead), Mr. Apisalome Damuyawa, Ms. ArietaKoroidimuri,Mr.PatrickSavea, Ms. Froseann Stevens, Ms Zeba Kausar, Ms. J Vanitha and Mr. Ryan Ludher.

Maths Maths

Mathematicsdepartmentshavelongprovidedthebulkof the mathematics content which include MYP Mathematics,IBDPMathematicsandACTMathematics. This is a huge responsibility, and one that present varietiesofchallengesandopportunities.

Mathematics is a fundamental part of human thinking and logic, and integral to attempts at understanding the world around us and ourselves. It provides an effective wayofbuildingmentaldisciplineandencourageslogical reasoning and mental rigor. Mathematical knowledge playsacrucialroleinunderstandingthecontentsofother school subjects such as science, social studies, and even musicandart.

The mathematical department have been trying it’s best to prepare students to meet the demand of the world and we are so fortunate to have experience teachers.

WithintheyearwehaveMasterYogeshleavingtheteam andthespacecreatedwastakenbyMasterSatbir.Toward theendofthisyearMsVanithawillbeleaving.

With team teaching we are able to function as a team to improve the learning of the students.We wish our studentsarerestfulbreakandlookingforwardtoanother yearofteachingandlearning


Years Years Years6-12 6-12 6-12


I believe that in a great city, or even in a small city or a village, a great theatre is the outward and visible sign of an inward and probable culture.
~Laurence Olivier



Poetry Recital

Violecne and Gun Control Violecne and Gun Control

One step One step forwad, Three forwad, Three Steps back Steps back

Materialism Materialism

Gender Equality Gender Equality

I Don't I Don't


Language & Literature English Department

The English language team, covering Years 6 through 12, have had a busy year, as we’ve made a few changes in what we’re teaching and the content we’re presenting in classes. The teachers have gone out of their way to ensure we collaborate in teaching teams and have spent the year trying to focus on student learning, our primary mission.

For me, as a teacher, I thoroughly enjoyed the recent Year 8 Sonnet unit, where we looked not only at sonnets, but also we looked at how sonnets can be used to represent real-life situations such as restoring balance in a relationship through restorative practices. I hope we can continue this idea since it focuses on learning and the person and not on punishment. While I was on that journey, I started reading a text that I hope will assist the department teachers in finding better ways of reaching our students to encourage higher levels of learning.

Year 10 has had an exciting year exploring a wide range of themes and concepts that all connect to their experiences and interests. Coming back from online learning, our travelling and tourism unit was a great place to begin, as we got to explore the world around us and think about how we, as travellers, can positively or negatively impact the sustainability of the region that we visit. The students created some thoughtful and informative travel blogs, which you can view here.

(QR code attached).

Learning the skills to survive challenges that are thrown at us was a focus for Term 3, and we investigated this through the text 'Tomorrow, When the War Began' by John Marsden. It also gave us the opportunity to hone in on our skills of analysisexceptionally important as we move into Year 11.

All in all, it's been a year of creativity and identifying ways in which we can take action in order to be global citizens who show, through the steps they take, that we all have a place in improving the world around us.

It has been quite an extraordinary year. Together we have found ways to overcome the challenges in order to access, to participate and to succeed! We have collaborated and produced exciting work with our students where they have displayed dedication, resilience and imagination in undertaking challenging tasks. I wish you all the best for your future endeavours and always remember our actions as educators can change the lives of others.

This year began with a return to face-to-face teaching with a sense of freedom. My academic year was filled with many fun, insightful, and thought-provoking lessons and units. The Year 12s fascinated me with their discussions and views on current world events when covering the unit perspectives in semester one.

The Year 10s were a pleasure with their performances at the poetry recital evening. Parents and teachers alike were amazed at the wonderful display of creativity and talent. Years 11, 9, and 7 certainly kept me engaged and made me laugh as we made our journey through 2022 reading, watching discussing, and debating an array of texts. All in all, the year was successful in what we were able to achieve in our classes. It was a pleasure to interact with students and see them grow in their outlook on life.

The heart of a human begins with a story. This year I loved the focus on stories across year levels in Lang & Lit. I'm grateful for how students created, analysed, explored, and dialogued about stories. From novel studies and film debates to the completion of season 2 of the Year 9 podcast series titled, Reels, Rereads, and Ruminations, witnessing classes dive deep into visual and written texts is one of my favourite parts of being an English and Theatre teacher. What was extra special about our podcasting unit is that the students' work remains available worldwide long after they have left the four walls of their classrooms and ISS. The podcast has been streamed in over 23 countries as of this year. This time around the students took the opportunity to discuss teenage social issues and how books and films adapt and represent them. This unit felt relevant and impactful for all involved. I'm thankful for another year spent growing and learning with my students!

It has been a wild ride in Year 6 this year. One of the highlights was designing our own print advertisements to advocate a message about preserving coastal habitats in Fiji. Exploring the use of rhetorical strategies was fun as we learned how to persuade our readers using knowledge, logic and emotion. Practising these skills on our peers and teachers was dope. Another two interesting devices we touched on were the reasons behind why authors use motifs and symbolism to help make connections with the world around them. We explored this through R. J. Palacio's novel Wonder, where we focused on the symbolic use of the astronaut helmet as a mask. We had fun delving into the depths of the texts we investigated this year and exploring ways in which authors use simple devices in their writing to connect with their readers.

TheparticipationofstudentsintheModelUN is meant to foster skills in negotiation, speaking and communication. At an MUN conference, students work as the representativeofacountry,organizationand must solve a problem with other delegates fromaroundtheworld.

TheMUNengagesstudentsandteachesskills in research, public speaking, debating and writing skills. It fosters critical thinking, teamwork, negotiation, and leadership and allows students to engage and develop deeper understanding of current world issues.

For the first time since 2020, ISS hosted it's annual Model United Nations conference. Having invited schools from all across the country,MUNwasanextremelyenrichingand educational experience, teaching students internationalmindednessanddiplomacy.With Ashleigh Singh and Kashish Daswaney as the Secretary Generals, and Ms. Waqainabete as theteacherleader/supervisor,theconferences wereasuccess.


TheModelUNisaneducationalsimulationin whichstudentscanlearnaboutdiplomacy, international relations and the United Nations.


InearlySeptemberofthisyear,the Model United Nations conference hostedbyInternationalSchoolNadi invited several schools across the country, including ISS, to join as delegates and chairs. With the energetic evenings, and the productive days, the ISN MUN was an experience all the students wouldremember.

itwasincrediblyexcitingtoseethe MUN come back after the forced hiatus implemented by COVID-19. With a passionate core leadership team, driven chairpersons and eager,open-mindedandproactive delegates,theeventwentfromnot just a reintroduction to the MUN modelbutahugesuccess.Withan emphasis on first times (first time chairpersons and first time delegates)wewereabletodevelop a sustainable structure that better prepared students to debate with morepower,confidenceanddepth. It has set the standard for what ISSMUN both culminates in but more so what it means on a personal, people level - care, compassionandconnection”



Swimming in 2022 was challenged by a number of situations. The two years of COVID restrictions cancelled the Fiji National Schools swimming competition schedule. Schools went online and all sporting facilities were closed. In 2022 saw the return of many public sporting activities and competitions. However, the Fiji Sports Council decided to close the Damodar NationalAquaticCentreforacompleteoverhaul. Thismadeitverydifficultforschoolstoresume theirPEswimmingprograms.

ISS Primary schools swim program was successfully completed before the pool closed down. The CAS “Learn to Swim” program with the Year 11 and 12 students instructing ECH classes continued at the USPpool.

Fiji School Swimming committee decided that the Fiji Schools National Swimming Championshipswillgoaheadandthissaw the return after 18 years of the championships to the Suva Olympic Pool. Despite the difficulties 4o schools participatedwithISSregisteringtwoteams ISSPrimaryDivisionandISSUpperSchool Division.

This year was the smallest team that we haveeverenteredwithonly17swimmers,12 in the Primary division (Year 8 students and below) and 5 in the Upper school division. Team captains for 2022 were Papanui Liew – Marsters and Salanieta Kunatuba. The school team finished 3rd overall in the Championships. A fantastic result considering the difficulties that the swimmershadtoundergojusttotrain.

IntheupperDivisionwewon11goldmedals, 5 Silver and 1 Bronze finishing third in this Division.InthePrimaryDivisionwewon11 Golds, 11 Silver and7 Bronze medals, finishing4thinthatDivision.

Furthertothisresult3oftheteamwentonto represent their countries of origin at the Junior Pan Pacific Swimming Championships in Hawaii in August. Faith TudreuandSalanietaKunatubarepresented FijiwithSalanominatedtobetheFijiTeam flag bearer. Helala Faasau represented her homecountrySamoaatthesameevent.



extraco-curricular extraco-curricular activities activities


ISS School Magazine

Board Games


Polynesian Dancers



Hapkido Volleyball Touch Rugby Netball



Neverland has been adapted from the animated Disney classic Peter Pan. Peter Pan is a film we grew up with which made adapting it into a stage production a beautiful experience.

We went along on Peter Pan's journey as he met, Wendy, Jenna, and Michelle with whom he explores Neverland! Journey with us as he makes friends and some not so friendly enemies. Meet the conniving Captain Hook and his trusted, clumsy right hand, Mr. Smee. See what happens when these rivals clash in the ultimate sword fight!

We hope our production reflects the adventure and passion that has been embraced during the creation of this show.

We are very proud of all our cast and crew for the hard work they've put in to make each performance a successful one!


Front row (L-R) - StephenCathers,PaulaCathers,HectorHatch. Back row (L-R) - JoelynWhippy,RebeccaPratt,DoreezCrampton-Kutty, VaSolomone.



Standing: SereanaWood,SusanMcGoon, JilianSchultz

Sitting: PaulaCathers.


Front row (L-R) - StevenChand,VineshChand,VirisilaRatubuli,NiteshChand, KunalChaunan.

Back row (L-R) - KeleraDean,KereniColawai,LornaEvening,RozinaAli,AtecaBicinivalu, AjeshniLata.

ITFront row (L-R)BeniteraKoroijiuta,Sanjeevan Naiker,MeetaKhatri, JashvirBir

Back row (L-R) - MichaelKhelan, RavneelPrasad,AbdulSharuk

Ancilliary Ancilliary Staff Staff


Etuate Volau Jone Yadraica Mikaele Sakiusa Rupantri Sanjay Singh Vikash Anand Olive Nasegesege


Aman Singh Raijieli Rokosiga Vikashni Lata Ashnit Kumar


Laisena Ratu Avnil Lal Ramesh Narain Kishori Nand Raj Ram Bali Jeetash Nadan Dineshwar Sharma Avikesh Ram Denis Morris Bal Ram Reddy Roneel Prasad Nilesh Chand Ritesh Kumar

Upkeep Upkeep Team! Team!

Unaisi Buiaculacila Watalaita Tabua Salome Wati Timaleti Naqamu Sebuita Tukuwasa Esita Vunisa Kini Lewasalato Vika Tabua Ana Daucakacaka Lasisa Wati


Hello! We are the ISS Magazine team

Cindy Sobatafo Teio Shone Bulou Jojiana Vunakece Kira Wallace Adara Zaara Haniff Jemimah Schultz Chaeeun Oh Faith Tudreu Caitlin Zi Ying Tan Mr Semiti Lovo Ms. Karuna Prasad Sienna Tobin





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