ISS Magazine 2024 Digital

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Each year, the ISS Magazine Cover Competition encourages students to unleash their creativity and interpret the year’s theme through art and design. This year’s theme, The Heart of ISS, invited participants to explore and showcase what makes our school so special—our vibrant multicultural community, strong connection to the ocean, and our mascot, Vai the Manta Ray.

The winning design was carefully selected by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), who evaluated the entries based on creativity, artistic quality, and how well the artwork reflected the theme. After much consideration, Erykah Bryar’s stunning design that beautifully embodies the heart of ISS and our connection to the ocean was chosen.

“Hi my name is Erykah and I am delighted to have my design on the front cover of this years magazine!

The cover wasn’t the first idea that popped into my head. I had 6 other covers that I also worked on. Thanks to my class 403 for choosing this cover to submit for the competition!

I love using Canva to design things like posters, movies, presentations and letters to my bestie Brielle. So of course I used Canva to design my cover. The Vai represents our school spirit. The arms at the bottom show the diversity that I see every day at ISS that energises (the lightening) our school spirit. Go Vai!”













CAS Year12



MUN Production CareerCounsellor




If you find your picture in this yearbook, it represents your time at our school during 2024. This school is not just mine or yours; it is a community created by all of us. Whether during assemblies, sporting events, break times, classes, or even on the bus, our school embodies our collective spirit, our Mana, our ISS. Thank you for being an integral part ofthisjourneyin2024.

The realization of how time seems to be speeding up occurs at the end this first full year of celebrating the ISS Vai. Our mascot is everywhere and truly stands for what we are as a school and as individuals in the group. We are strong by ourselves; powerful, intelligent, resourceful and awesome in our own way. As a group we are a phenomenon that all will recognizeforitsuniquenessandbeauty.

The importance of our Vai has grown so much because of what you have done, individually, with your class and peers and as a whole school. At the endof2024,Iwouldliketotakeamomentandthank you for that. I believe that the togetherness we find in our mascot will only strengthen us in looking ahead and looking back. Looking ahead at the incredible plans in front of us, and back to all those thousands of ISS students that are out there in the worldandthatwewouldliketocelebrateaswell.


We will have a new year ahead of us at ISS with amazing things to look forward to and when we look back at 2024, it will be with all those in this ISS Magazine in our minds, with gratitude for all the learning and joy we shared. This document is a wonderful tool to remember the present in the years to come. I wish for you to look back at any time and getasmileonyourface,IknowIwill.





It is with great honor and a deep sense of gratitude that I stepped into the role of Board Chair for this remarkable year. As I reflect on our journey, I am filled with pride and appreciation for the vibrant and dedicated community that makes our international schooltrulyexceptional.

Firstly, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you—our dedicated parents, inspiring teachers, enthusiastic students and unwavering supporters. Your commitment, passion, and collaboration have been the cornerstone of our success and growth. It is your collective efforts that createthenurturingenvironmentinwhichourstudents thriveandexcel.

Wearealsoincrediblyproudoftherichdiversitywithin our community. Our school stands as an educational, social, and community hub that connects us all, celebratingourdifferencesandunitingusinourshared goalsandvalues.

This year, a great deal has been happening! We saw numerous events that highlighted our community and our school has again put itself on the map, becoming more and more visible and active in local and regional functions. It is clear that our presence and contributions have been felt far beyond our walls.Frompersonalachievementsandmilestonesto school-wide events in both academics and sports, ISScontinuestoshineandmakeusproud.

In our commitment to continuous improvement, we have maintained a strong focus on reliable educational growth. Our priorities are always centered around elevating the quality of education and the overall student experience. Alongside this, we have been enhancing our facilities to better cater to the needs of our students of all ages across the yearlevels,andthebroadercommunity.

We have also seen our people come together joyfully at school events and celebrations. Indeed, there has been much to celebrate and share! It is always a pleasure to experience the dynamic energy of assemblies, exhibitions, the Production or Fun Day! We’ve also celebrated the addition of some elements thatexpressourunityandbelonging,suchasourVai - these symbols reinforce our shared identity and pride.

As for the future, our school is not only keeping up with a changing environment but also aiming to be proactive in many ways. In an environment that is constantly evolving, growing, becoming more abundantanddiverseeveryday,wearecommittedto leading and adapting to these changes with foresight andenthusiasm.

The progress we have achieved is a testament to the strength and spirit of our community. It is your support and dedication that have driven us forward, and we are excited to see what we will accomplish together in the coming year. We are looking forward to continued growth, collaboration, and shared success.

Vinaka vakalevu! Thank you once again for your trust and support. We wish you all the best for the holiday,andlookforwardtoseeingyouin2025.




KateReimann StaffRepresentative

ReneeDansey StaffRepresentative


SarahYoung Parent Representative

WilliamWeems ChairofFacilities& ChairofMarketing

Laura Sasvári BoardChair

JoannaBatten Chairof Governance

LilianaWarid DeputyBoardChair

MichaelD.Wood ParentRepresentative

Megan Streeter Non-Member

Alifereti Vamarasi ChairofFinance


LeanneHunter ParentRepresentative


The PTA Bula Committee has made incredible contributions to the ISS Campus during this year with various projects these include the Vai mural project, bean bags for students, planting passionfruit vines and having a studentloungeareamade.

The mural idea began in 2023 with a proposal to the PTA Bula Project Committee. “The Bula Project” is a comprehensive initiative designed to enhance various aspects of the ISS School Environment. The idea of the mural was to beautify the campus and celebrate the art of local artist and alumnus Jack Eastgate. With Jack on board,wereachedouttoourartstudentstoensuretheprojectwascollaborative,blendingtheirideaswithJack's style.

The student mural committee was formed from the same students who worked on the set design for the 2024 "I Am Moana" production, as they already had experience with large-scale painting. These students from Year 10Allana, Siena, Silivina, Stephanie, Tamara and Uini - not only showcased their skills but also represented the diversenationalitiesinourschool.

Havealookathow theartcametobe!




This year has been a remarkable one for our Ocean Program. Guided by our mission "To empower our ISS community with ocean literacy, ocean advocacy, and ocean based competency skills, enriched by diverse cultural awareness," we have continued to embedoceanliteracyacrosstheschool.

In the Primary Years Programme, each year level has a Unit of Inquiry that focuses on the ocean. Our Ocean Extension Program that runs through the school from Reception to Y10 has also expanded. This program allows students to choose a project or a skill thattheywouldliketodevelop.

This gives the students the opportunity to enhance their water skills through paddle-boarding, kayaking, and snorkelling or actively advocating for ocean conservation through creative projects. We have been fortunate to collaboratewithlocalocean-basedorganisationsandNGOs,whoseguestspeakersprovidedinvaluableinsights. Our program highlights include hosting our first-ever Ocean Youth Conference, called the Veivueti Ocean Conference, where students from local schools shared their ocean conservation initiatives and participated in workshops. Additionally, our Primary Ocean Club took the lead in celebrating World Ocean Day, Shark Week, and contributing to the conference. Parent engagement sessions held throughout the year further fostered communityadvocacyforoceanpreservation.Theprogramcontinuestogrowandthrive.

On June 12th, the inaugural Veivueti Kids Ocean Conference took place at ISS, bringing together students from five schools to celebrate World Ocean Day. Organized by our Ocean Coordinator, Hannah Nanovu, this inspiring event allowed students to share ocean-related projects, fostering a sense of community and commitment to ocean literacy. Each school selected a UN Ocean Decade Challenge, connected it to local issues in Fiji, and spent two months conducting research, field trips, and expert consultations. The day featured student presentations, interactive workshops led by local organizations, and engaging guest speakers, all highlighting the importance of protecting our ocean. It was a powerful example of education in action and our students’ dedication to safeguarding marineecosystemsforthefuture.

Veivueti Kids Ocean Conference


Mata Ni Ua, which means "we speak for the waves," is the lunchtime ocean club for Year 4 and 5 students who are passionate about the ocean. The club plays an active role in promoting ocean awareness and protection through important events like Earth Day, World Ocean Day, and Shark Week. During Shark Week, students organized a fundraising event to adopt sharks, with proceeds going to a local organization dedicated to shark conservation and education. Year 4 students had the opportunity to visit the Shark Lab, learning about shark conservation and the specific sharks they adopted. Year 5 students focused on the role of parrotfish in maintaining coral reef health, presenting their findings at the Veivueti Ocean Conference. Through these initiatives, Mata Ni Ua students continue to demonstrate their commitment to ocean advocacy and conservation,becomingvoicesfortheprotectionofourmarineenvironment.


In the Primary Years Programme, every year level participates in a Unit of Inquiry (UOI) focused on the ocean, guided by the Ocean Literacy Framework, which encompasses seven principles covering topics from marine ecosystems to oceanic influences on climate. Students engage deeply with their ocean UOI through hands-on learningandenrichingfieldtripstoourOceanLearningCenteroraboardtheISSExplorers,ourschoolboat.

We also collaborate with local organizations such as USP and the museum, where students connect classroom learning to real-world ocean conservation efforts. Guest speakers support the student learning, sharing insights on critical ocean issues like coral heat tolerance, sea level rise, and marine technology. We’ve even connected with research vessels via Zoom, giving students the opportunity to learn about new ocean species and the cutting-edge technology used in marine exploration. On Friday afternoons, students participate in our Ocean ExtensionProgram,choosingactivitieslikesailing,paddleboarding,aquariumcare,ortraditionalnavigation.

This rich variety of experiences enables students to explore the ocean from different perspectives, building confidence,waterskills,andadeeperconnectiontomarineconservation.Thewholeoceanprogramhelpsfoster their understanding of local and global ocean issues, encouraging them to become active advocates for ocean protection.


The Secondary Ocean Extension Program is a dynamic, hands-on initiative designed to inspire and empower students through meaningful connections with the ocean. Aligned with ocean literacy principles, the UN Ocean Decade challenges, and the SDG goals, the program offers students the opportunity to choose activities based on their interests—from traditional navigation to water skills like kayaking and snorkelling. The activities are enhanced by local NGOs and organisations, participating in field trips to explore reefs on our ISS Explorer, collecting data in our local waterways, and testing innovative designs. Through these immersive experiences, they gain a deep understanding of the ocean’s challenges and develop skills to address them. Various year levels embracedoceanliteracyprinciplesthroughtheirsubjects.

Year 6 engaged in an impactful IDU on habitat preservation, exploring intertidal zones, mangroves, and reefs, culminating in a display for the Veivueti Conference. Year 9 focused on ocean challenges, creating activities to raise awareness shared with visiting students. Other year levels have given students a chance to voice their concerns or knowledge about the ocean, such as the Year 10 poetry slam and a song written by the students for World Ocean Day. Senior students strengthened their ocean connections by attending the Pacific Human Rights Film Festival, and exploring traditional navigation and cultural ties to the sea. Two students also joined the IUCN Youth Conference on Ocean and Biodiversity. This term, alumni will host a marine careers presentation,inspiringstudentstoexploreocean-relatedprofessions.


Primary Learning Support Team

Secondary Learning Support Team

TheLearningSupportDepartmentstrivestopromoteinclusionatInternationalSchoolSuva.Ourteamprovides specialised support and instruction to students. This year we collaborated with teachers to promote inclusive practices and supported student participation in the classroom as well as in school programs including Oceans, Community and Personal Projects, TASA, PYP Exhibition and Sports. With the help of Y6 student, Amelia Singh, the LS Department organised and celebrated two Neurodiversity Weeks, both benefiting Hilton Special School.Wecelebratethegrowthandsuccessesofourstudentsin2024.

L-R: Amanda Musuka, Seini Gukilau, Regina Mastapha, Mary Leano, Jemesa Laliqavoka, Ashley Chandra, AnniePrasad,WainisiTikotani,&JesiTulevu.
LaiseaneAtago MereFong SuluetiLedua ClaudetteWilson SusanMcGoon

Welcome to Primary

ECH | Reception | PYP


The completion of any school year brings the opportunity to celebrate the wonderful achievements earned and the progress made by both our learners, and the greater school community as a whole. It also provides the opportunity to reflect and then plan accordingly for the following year- to come back stronger,toimprove.Asthe2024schoolyeardrawsto a close, it is vital we acknowledge these two distinct opportunities in equal measure, with equal importance.

The 2024 school year in Primary was a year of action. Our students demonstrated their empathy and strong values through their community action projects, as well as their commitment to looking outside of ISS to bridge gaps and build pathways for a stronger, healthier society. These connections and contributions are key to ISS and its PYP philosophy. Our learners were presented with critical real-world issues, and worked collaboratively to gain deeper understandings while putting forward goal-oriented solutions. Our students embraced change and transition by farewelling and welcoming students and staffwithopenness,andasteelydetermination.

Looking ahead to 2025, we must work alongside our strategicplanandcontinuewiththemantraofputting students first. A learner at a world class school with a holistic approach will learn to play an instrument, speak another language, and participate in its sports teams. They will perform, paint and sculpt, and be ingrained in the local culture. They will read and write, with great skill and a profound understanding. Theywillembracenumeracyandarithmetic,andlearn toproblemsolve,reasonandthinkcritically.Theywill designandbuild,createandreflect,andtheywillgrow as young humans into tomorrow’s leaders. This is our mandate at ISS, and it can absolutely be achieved by workingtogetherasacommunity.

So let us celebrate the successes of the school year 2024, and return inspired, energized, refreshed, and readytorockin2025.


This year, our school has focused on deepening our understanding of International Mindedness and the Learner Profile. We’ve spent time exploring what these concepts mean for us here in Fiji, connecting them to our daily learning and life in an IB school setting. Through this journey, students have thrived in their units of inquiry, making meaningful connections both globally and locally, and taking action to impact their communities.

In the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP), International Mindedness is described as: "A worldview that connects people to the global community, fostering responsibility, empathy, and respect for diverse cultures and societies. This concept draws on varied perspectives to build a shared sense of humanity and stewardship for our planet."

This year, we’ve seen students embody International Mindedness by:

Recognizing and reflecting on their feelings and attitudes toward others

Listening to diverse perspectives without judgment

Valuing peers and teachers for who they are

Releasing assumptions and letting go of biases

Becoming aware that body language can convey inclusion or exclusion

Staying curious

Actively seeking opinions from diverse groups

Our Year 5 students have taken the PYP Exhibition to new heights this year, showcasing their creativity, passion, and commitment. They’ve led fundraisers, organized action groups, raised awareness on issues close to their hearts, and demonstrated a sophisticated level of design and creativity through their exhibition displays.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone for being an integral part of this journey. We look forward with excitement to what 2025 will bring for our students and our community!

Meet the Primary Staff





Ms. Mere Faletono, Henry Connell, Ivy Magee, Elise Stimson, Oran Lobendahn, Yuqi Cui, Ms.FenZhuge.

Ms. Shirley Lata, Matilda Williamson, Samuel Temby, Anohki Sharma, Erika Clynk, VianshPrasad,EllieTurner,MatildaMackey.


“Play is my work.”

is our brain’s favourite way of Learning”.



George Stimson, Tyler Davis, Han Su Gao, Thibault Cambier, Ivy Robertson, Nathan Srivastava.


Mrs. Alisi Vakatawa, Sam Hall, Jacob Ellis, Ojasvini Ahuja, Oliver Gain, Anaya Ghare, Raad Ammar,Ms.SainianaTisolo.

Insert(L-R): VictorToucas,HannahMcGrath.

During our Unit of Inquiry on Living Things and Oceans, Kuita's students showcased remarkable curiosity and enthusiasm while exploring these interconnected topics. They engaged in hands-on activities by planting vegetables in both the classroom and planter boxes, which helped them understand the basic needs of living organisms. Through these experiences, students discovered various habitats, such as forests and oceans, learning about how different creatures thrive in their environments. Additionally, they had the chance to learn about pet care from SPCA staff and visited Colo-i-Suva Forest Park to deepen their understanding of forest ecosystems. This exploration of living things was complemented by discussions and activities focused on ocean ecosystems,allowingstudentstoappreciatethediversityoflifebothonlandandinthesea.





BrodyBarrera,PaulineRigamoto,WilliamMackey,AnayshaGounder. JuliaPradini,RiyanShankar,Yushen(Isa)Liu,SamuelWyse.

Ms. Lydia Rickard, Liam McNamara, Dalia Yazbek, Tejasvini Ahuja, Lachlan Dewar, Ms. MaryPickering.

Insert(L-R): CheBryar

blossomed in so many ways. The children had opportunities to form friendships and build a wonderful learning community. Each day was filled with curiosity and adventure, through every learning experience whether we were planting seeds in the gardenordancingtoourfavouritesongs.






Ms.Toya,PiaCosic,VedikaPrasad,AhmadMustafa.LaraHaraldson,KakatisiPayne, MsVilimainaBogitini.


"Throughout the year, the Reception 1 children have displayed exceptional curiosity and inquiry skills, showing a genuine love for learning. They have flourished on their learning journey, eagerly engaging in a wide range of activities that have helped them accumulate numerous enriching experiences and skills. Whether it was through hands-on experiments, creative art projects, or exploring the world around them, they embraced every opportunity with enthusiasm and resilience.

It has been a joy to watch their confidence grow, as they learned not only academic skills but also how to work together, share, and solve problems. The energy and excitement they brought to the classroom each day have been truly inspiring, making this year an absolute pleasure.

Watching this energetic group develop their independence and curiosity has been incredibly rewarding, and we are proud of all they have accomplished. We look forward to seeing their continued growth as they move on to new challenges.”



BackRow(L-R): Isikeli Rokoraite, Isaac Temby, Siale Rigamoto, Vincent Maass, Louis Simpson, Mrs. Pauline Tudreu


Ms. Josephine Augustina, Mehvish Hayat, Lina Homann, Zehira Soko, Shanvi Kumar, Elia Crowe,MargaretKoroijiuta

Insert(L-R): AlynaAntoniou,GeorgePercival

IenjoyedtheUOIunit Choiceswhenwegotto choosewhat wewant.-Isaac

I enjoyed the swimming classes.- Isikeli

Ienjoyedthescience experimentsespecially walkingwater.-Alyna

What I enjoyed in Reception ...

Ienjoyedplaying withthecooking set.-Zehira

Ilikedfreechoice,I gettoplayanddo funthings. - Mehvish

DoingtheUOI lessons. - Lina

I enjoyed building during free choice and I liked art class. - Margaret

Ienjoyedlearning Math.-Louis

IenjoyedPMP classes. -Siale

Ienjoyedplaying BingoduringMath time.-George

drawingIenjoyedand -writing. Shanvi


BackRow(L-R): Camila Vaurasi, Varshana Om Prasad, Seija Richardson, Meera Tappoo, Abigail Niumataiwalu,FionnánLobendahn.


Ms.KeshlinVikash,DanielleBrewster,JacopoFrancesconLazzari,IsrarBinHossain,Truong Hung Tran (Mon), Amelia Caffery, Josephine Koch, Seo An (Lily) Jang, Ms. Elisapesi Lupe Masirewa

"In our Reception 3 Team, we have had exciting adventures! Each trip has helped us discover something new about nature!"

"We explored various cultures and had a great time trying new things and learning how people celebrate."

"We really enjoyed storytime at the library! Listening to stories from different places sparked our imagination and took us on wonderful journeys!"

"Our class celebrated fun events like parades and festivals. We loved dancing, singing, and celebrating together, which made us feel joyful and excited!"




Joshua Viegelahn, Flynn Rikard, Ben Vidal, Lusila Uili, Meli Lagi, LinFeng Han, Sebastian Ogen.

Ms.Maria(Homeroom)KechengLai,EmikoContreras,IsabelleXinYinOng,SiennaMorton, AliseOsuga,ZadieVarley-Quin,Ms.VositaWilliams.

Insert(L-R): KartikChandra.

Sebastian - “I enjoyed the Bau Island trip because I signed the same book as Queen Elizabeth II.”

Lusila - “Visiting Extra Supermarket to learn how food travels from factory to shelves.”

Ben - “I enjoyed doing challenging Maths games in the classroom and visiting the FMF Biscuit factory.”

Emiko - “Visiting the FMF Biscuit Factory to learn how biscuits are made and to taste their cookies.”

Zadie - “I enjoyed the Bau Island trip because I learnt about Fiji’s History.”

Keith - “I loved doing Maths games and to solve the Maths challenges given by Ms. Maria.”

Joshua - “I enjoyed the Maths classes because we play with numbers to solve challenging activities.”

Kartik - “Visiting Mosquito Island to learn about old boats and participate in a treasure hunt.”

My best memories in Year 101

Isabelle - “I enjoyed the Vou Circus because the performers were able to express themselves through dancing.”

Lin Feng - “I have made new friends and I love doing Maths.”

Alise - “Visiting Bau Island because I saw the house Queen Elizabeth II stayed in for two hours.”

Flynn - “Visiting the FMF factory to learn about and taste their cookies. I like writing because I can create my own stories”

Meli - “Making new friends and learning new things.”


We adopted China during Harmony week. Visit to

Having a break at the Park

Mosquito Island Excursion Enjoying each others company
Extra supermarket
Celebrating Birthdays
Library week
We visited FMF Biscuit Factory.
Bau Island Trip
Visiting a local market.
Working with our Year 8 Buddies'
Learning at Sukuna Park


BackRow(L-R): Ms. Erin, Fergus Dewar, Kyizom Namgyal, Theo Castagnoli, Bethel Getachew, Kahil Patel, NyrahAmin,Ms.LaiseaneAtaogo



Insert(L-R): DurantMackenzie,YichenZhang,AdiTukunaBogiva

Playingwithmy friends! -YuZhi Ilikemyfriends! -Yichen

OurFavoriteFirstGrade Memories:

MyfriendKyizom! -Yuha

MosquitoIslandand writingfiction stories!-Nyrah

Ilovefreechoiceandgoingto theFMFfactorybecausewe gotcookies! -Tristan Myfriends! -Bethel

I love free choice and going to Ratu Sukuna Park! - Fergus

PlayingMakea10! -Hope

102ismyfavoriteclass! -Kyizom

Going to FMF was fun! - Durant

Going to the circus and beating Ms. Litia at a math game! - Kahil

Playingwithmy friends! -Sophia


BackRow(L-R): Ms. Rosie Mackey, Ethan Royce, Habib Mohammed, Christus Lum, Victor Cambier, Avyukt Nath,Ms.LitiaNaqica.


Jin Koimaru, Asenaca Finau, Willow Turner, Amara Romine, Shreya Vinod, Julia Mahoney, Jin(Aiden)Sichen,Ms.LaiseaneAtaogo.

Insert(L-R): YukitoWatanabe,GeorgeGlees.

Amara Driving the ISS Explorer around Mosquito Island

Ethan Mosquito Island Bau Island Avyukt Ratu Sukuna Park Excursion

Willow FMF factory Extra Supermarket


Sitting of the friendship bench with my friends


Seeing how much all my students have grown this year! Very proud!

Our Favourite First Grade Memories


Singing at the Chiefs house on Bau Island

Victor 103 Class parties

Christus Extra Supermarket Excursion

Shreya Extra Supermarket Excursion

Julia Paddleboarding around Mosquito Island

Habib Racinginthe swimmingcarnival

Jin Bau Island


Reading stories on Mosquito Island


BackRow(L-R): Tahi Bani Vete, Edgar Stats, Cayetano Tenerio. Castellion, Kuo Zhang, Elloe Samuwai, ReillyHurd


Nico Elizabeth James,Victoria Tory Lee, Sloane Fitzmaurice, Mina Jadallah, Amen Getachew,ViraZherebko

FrontRow(L-R): KylaniBryar

Ms. Shehana Dean, John Caffery, Layla Gatelliar Topham, Viola Francescon Lazzari, NaylaaKoya,NevaanDass,Mr.JitokoBogitini


LearningExperiencesAcross CurriculumAreas


BackRow(L-R): JoshuaDuff,EllieLiu,JiwanAhn,ArcherWilliamson,SamiFaraz,Mr.GerardMastapha.


Ms. Sulueti Ledua, Maia Delafosse, Harper Donelly, Harrison Liu, Lucia Serrano, Diyora Alieva,EdwardUlacake,KeirShahyyar,Ms.SofieRokairate.




BackRow(L-R): LolaBerrera,YuezeSun,IbramHossain,ArjanVanNimwgen,OseaLund,MiaConlan



Paula Pulatov, Archie Donnelly, Audrey Connell, Rio Wong, William Camassei, Anna Vaninni

Ms. Shehanah Dean, Remi Simpson, Rory McAleese, Rixt van der Wielen, Paloma Harrit, LinruiGao,Ms.SomalSingh.


BackRow(L-R): Ms. Fariah Ali, Pinso Lund, Hanyang Ma, Ava Asim, Caroline Vanualailai, Kartik Prasad, FlynnVarley-Quin,Mrs.ElenoaVamarasi.




BackRow(L-R): Mrs. Melania Raisele, Jonas Leraille, Maya Koren, Mrs. Achal Ram, Adeline Bendrup, Keoni Sasvari,Ms.FariahAli.




BackRow(L-R): Ms. Fariah Ali, Ankush Sharma, Oladipo Diomedi-Camassei, Elise Haraldson, Carter Morton,RubenYazbek,Mr.JasonPeel.

FrontRow(L-R): MatildaStimson.



Adventures Beyond the Classroom



BackRow(L-R): Ms.LusianaGris,BillieGibson-Opetaia,JackHikuroa,ZaraDu,Mr.KasariSeru

SecondRow(L-R): Rayaan Singh, Anais Smeby Wong, Eminoni Kurusiga, Ms. Irina Pawul, Aarian Verma, AdithriMenon,OliverConnel


AlexanderNereigaRead(Ceiba),ZiqiGao(TuanTuan),AnisaPatel,TristanSamuwai, TheoGattelierTopham


BackRow(L-R): Mr. Kasari Seru, Seremaia Bale, Ryker Van Nimwegen, Adi Bevu Finau, Kenshin Iwase, OreoluwatomiwaOlatunji.

SecondRow(L-R): Harrison Howard, Scarlett Anderson, Mrs. Veniana Baledrokadroka, Francoise Wete, MinjaeKang.




BackRow(L-R): LiamHurd,RuaridhHorkan,TheoMoser,NovaUlacake,XimuYang(Jerry).




Ms.MelaniaRaisele,EdieRickard,ReubenVansittart,YichenTang,SaiTazawa,Ms.Bryony Pullman



Year501 Homeroom

BackRow(L-R): Louis Siauw, Yang Xiao (William), Theodore Everingham, Abigail Naivalurua, Zonaira Khan, VidaDelaCruzFountoukis,Ms.TaraiviniWatikini



Mr. Joji Vunicagi, Swaraangi Samel, Alexa Antonio, Fiona Osuga, Selena Perreira, Joanne Ong,MsVositaWilliams


Year502 Homeroom


BackRow(L-R): Ms. Rhiannon Maguire, Suliana Serrano, Louie Ferrando Emery, William Shepherd, Finn McAleese,AmeliaPonzoni,JudeJadallah,Mrs.VositaWilliams Euan Kark, Makare Finau, Vivienne Hart, Edgar Wolf, Madhav Om Prasad, Nina Tenorio Castelein,Mrs.TaraiviniWatikini



Year503 Homeroom

BackRow(L-R): Mr.JoshWest




Mrs. Tarai Watikini, Amy Inkster, Magnolia Norris Harrit, Lana Yazbek, Josephine Robertson,BabettevanderWielen,YunaViegelahn,MollyZhou,Mrs.MereFong IjorenMackenzie,MaluSasvari,DragonZhao,IshaanTappoo,AhamedAyaan



Year5Campat Natalei...

Year 5 Memories...



Front Row (L-R):

Back Row (L-R): Mr. Timothy Ulucake (Music), Mr. Navin Narayan (Design Technology), Mr. Savenaca Bola (Arts), Xavier Fesaitu (Library), Mr. Nacanieli Tuiketenavunivalu (Physical Education). Ms. Salasaini Vatumoto (Vosa Vaka Viti / Fijian), Ms. Vicky Ram (Hindi), Ms. Phoenix Quin (Design Technology), Mrs. Vitalina Nabola (Arts).

Insert (L-R):

Mr. Petero Tuisiga (Physical Education), Ms. Dan Shao (Chinese Mandarin)


Chinese Library

Sign Language

French Storytelling








Welcome to Secondary



As we reflect on this year, it’s impossible not to be inspired by the commitment, growth, and accomplishments of our students and staff. Each day, I am reminded of the unique qualities that make our school a place of both rigorous learning and compassionate community. This year has been one of resilience, achievement, and shared purpose,andit’sanhonortowitnessandsupportsuchvariedcontributionstoourvibrantschoollife.

Our students have risen to new heights, from excelling in their studies (IB DP, IB certificates, ACT, and High School Diploma) to showing leadership in our bespoke Ocean program, athletics, extracurricular activities, service projects, and cultural events. Across our classrooms, students have engaged deeply in the process of learning, taking on challenges with curiosity, spirit of inquiry, developing agency, and taking meaningful action.. The diversity of thought, backgrounds (61 nationalities for families and 16 for faculty), and experience within our community only strengthens our shared journey, helping each of us broaden our perspectives and buildgreaterunderstanding.

One of the highlights of this year has been the success of our various programs, where students have demonstrated academic rigor and creativity. Our IB DP, ACT, and High School Diploma pathways have produced impressive results, with students working towards not only high academic standards but also embodying our school’s core values. From the arts (I Am Moana production, Art & design Showcase etc) to athletics(wheremanyofourathletesrepresentedFijiatinternationallevel),eachdepartmenthascontributedto an enriching, well-rounded education for our students, providing them with opportunities to excel and discover newpassions.

This year, I’m particularly proud of our continued focus on student well-being. Through our PSE program, our Parent Enrichment Program (PEP) Talks, and the dedication of our pastoral care team, we’ve seen positive changes in how students engage with their studies and with one another. They’ve developed skills in resilience, empathy,andself-awareness—qualitiesthatwillservethemwellineverychapteroflife.

As we close this year’s book, I want to thank every member of our community—students, parents, teachers, and staff—for their invaluable contributions. It’s truly a privilege to lead and to be part of this remarkable journey. To our graduating class, we are excited to see where your paths will lead and look forward to hearing of your future successes. To everyone returning, let’s carry forward the lessons of this year and approach the new one withoptimism,energy,andcommitment.

Withgratitude, PaulHorkan




As we close another year at International School Suva, I am filled with pride reflecting on the dedication and growth of our MYP students, staff, and community. This year, we truly embodied our vision to Navigate, Nurture, Aspire, making strides that have enriched not only our students’livesbutthebroadercommunityaroundus.

Our classrooms have been vibrant hubs of exploration and discovery, where students embark on learning journeys full of joy and wonder. Our dedicated teachers carefully plan lessons and assessments to ensure that each student is challenged, supported, and inspired. Throughhands-onactivities,groupwork,andinnovative learning approaches, students are able to connect deeply with the material, making progress they can be proud of.

The growth we see in our classrooms each day is a testamenttoourcommitmenttonurturingwell-rounded, capable,andenthusiasticlearners.

OurcommitmenttoServiceasActionhasbroughtunique opportunities for students to apply their learning beyond theclassroom.Projectsthisyeartackledlocalissueswith a global mindset, from environmental conservation effortstocommunityhealthinitiatives,allowingstudents to engage meaningfully and contribute to the world aroundthem.

StudentsinYear7workedwiththeirLanguage&Literature teachers to create storybooks, full of myths and legends, and with their Science teachers to advocate for the ocean. Students in Year 8 created informative posters about reproductivehealthandDesignstudentsinYear9explored mentalhealth,producingsupportiveandinformativework. This experience helps students grow as empathetic, proactive individuals, nurturing a mindset of lifelong service and advocacy. The Community Project in Year 8 andthePersonalProjectinYear10havecontinuedtoshine as cornerstones of the MYP journey. Through these projects, our students develop skills in research, project management, and critical reflection while exploring topics that they are deeply passionate about. We have seen projects ranging from technological innovations to explorations of cultural heritage, all demonstrating our students’ aspirations and talents. Year 8 students continue todevelopconnectionswithlocalcommunitiesthroughthe Community Project. Each project is a testament to their creativity,resilience,andabilitytoturnvisionintoaction. Our focus on Interdisciplinary Learning has also been instrumental in fostering connections between subjects, enriching students' understanding by revealing the interconnectedness of knowledge. From Science and I&S collaborationsexploringhabitatpreservationtohumanities and the arts projects reflecting on global citizenship, studentshavehadopportunitiestonavigatecomplexideas, recognize patterns across disciplines, and engage with multiple perspectives. These experiences not only deepen understanding but inspire curiosity and a drive for continuallearning.

Throughout the year our students reflect on their learning through their ePortfolios, an online collection of learning artefactsthattheyhavechosentorepresentthejourneyand celebrate the outcome. Each year, students use their portfoliostocreateandtracklearningandsocialgoals,and express themselves through a new platform. These portfolios are shared with parents during the student-led conferencesattheendoftheyear-agreateventthatallows ustocelebratelearningtogether.

The International School Suva’s commitment to the MYP reflects our belief in a holistic approach to education. The MYP empowers students to take ownership of their learning, fostering critical thinkers who are ready to lead and innovate in an ever-changing world. This year, as we reflectonwhatwehaveachievedtogether,Iamimmensely grateful for the support of our teachers, parents, and community. It is through this shared commitment that we continuetonavigatechallenges,nurturegrowth,andaspire togreatness.

Here’s to another remarkable year of learning, growth, and discoveryatISS!


I know how much dedication, determination, and perseverance it takes to complete the IBDP. I’ve seen you tackle challenging deadlines, analyse complex theories, and engage in deep reflection, all while balancing CAS, TOK, and the Extended Essay. I know the late nights, the countless drafts, and the moments of self-doubt that came along the way. But most importantly, I know the pride you shouldfeelforhowfaryou’vecome.

Youknowthelessonsyou’velearnedextendfarbeyondthe pages of textbooks or the confines of the syllabus. You know the value of curiosity, collaboration, and critical thinking. You’ve learned to embrace challenges, support one another, and find creative solutions. You're ready to facetheworldwithconfidence.


We know this journey wasn’t always easy, but we walked it together—through every success, every setback, and every breakthrough. We know the bonds you’ve formed, the resilience you’ve built, and the potential that lies ahead. As you leave this chapter behind, remember: I know, you know, we know—you have everything you need to make an incredible impact on the world. Congratulations, and thankyouformakingthisjourneyunforgettable.

I am elated to take this opportunity to extend my most sincere congratulations to all the students in the ACT program. Your unwavering dedication and perseverance are truly admirable, with special recognition to our Year 12 students, who have not only endured but excelled in the ASTscalingtest.

The ACT program is distinguished by its inclusivity and adaptability, enabling our senior students to craft their own academic paths by selecting from a diverse array of subjects, starting in Year 11. This year, our Year 11 cohort embarks on an exciting venture with the introduction of Beginning Spanish, an enriching addition to the ACT program at ISS. The program’s core mission is to ensure our students are well-equipped for the transition to universityandthebroaderworldbeyondhighschool.

At this pivotal moment, I extend my warmest congratulations to our graduating Year 12 students and wish them every success in their future endeavors. I would alsoliketoexpressmyprofoundgratitudetoourdedicated AST teachers and the committed educators who have tirelessly contributed to the success of the ACT program thisyear.

Meet the Secondary Staff








Caitlin Scobie, Jorgie Morrissey, Kobi Contreras, Haoxuan Wang, Tian Tian Du, Isikeli Bale, BichengLiu,WillowMcGrath,PalaFanguo.

Vania Subrail, Toby Batten, Faustina Tuisiga, Kiana Nanovu, Avaiki Vamarasi, Samantafa Vamarasi,MoanaHikuroa,NevaanAbhimannu,ElsieBindrup.

Mr. Ryan Ludher (YC), Eltiyan Menik, Sharish Hayat, Upel Namgyal, Hanyu Ma, Aryan Prasad, Amelia Singh, Rian Amin, Annette Stephens, Maiyah Moser, Ivy Liu, Aamu Linda, MathisPrandini,Ms.ShellyForbes,Ms.CynthiaDutt.

Trisha Patel, Jinrui Tang, Jayni Dass, Micah Clark, Marissa Rai, Jean Leraille, Liliana Vansittart,SiyuHou.

Jacob Duff, Aprameya Dwivedi, Ida Ibold, Maja Plinkert, Achintya Dwivedi, Koray YoonYildiz.


Class Leaders

Ida Amelia
TianTian Marissa

Being part of the Year 6 community as Advisory teachers this year has been an incredible and rewarding experience. From your first steps into secondary school to the challenges we’ve faced, it has been a joy to learn, grow, and laugh alongside such a remarkablegroupofstudents.Together,we’ve shown resilience, creativity, and kindness— qualitiesthatwillcarryusfarinlife.

We’ve embraced the idea that learning is a lifelong journey, where every success and challenge offers a chance to grow. As Han Jisung wisely said, "Anyone can be anything, YOUcanbeeverything."Eachofushasgrown inourownway,andwecouldn’tbeprouderof the progress we’ve made, both academically and personally. Let’s keep working hard to unlock the potential in ourselves and others, knowing that many more amazing adventures lie ahead. Thank you for making this year so specialforallofus!

John Zen Miku








William Batten, Josefien van der Wielen, Aarush Abhimannu, Aaisha Patel, Sheyraab (Ozzy) Dorji.

Ms. Caireen Erbsleben, Ms. Nimisha Prasad, Mr. Benjamin Gibson (YC), Tsulthrim (Noddy) Dorji, Grayson Davis, Nemai Kosoniu, Aryah Deo, Medha Sharma, Matthias Cambier, ShubhPrasad,Ms.SeiniGukilau,Ms.PatriciaRokotuinuku(YC),MsNoorinahHoozeer.

AyraHaniff,DominicBrewster,NatanimGetachew,FreyaHorkan,AvrielleWendyKautoga, BhavyaKarepalli,KairavAnand,BhodiMohan.

Hibba Datta, Vaniya Prasad, Inaya Manohar, Minseo Kang, Hannah Viegelahn, Ashriel Lal, RoseSherwood,BridgetAfford-King,BethanMay.


Ayla Damlamian, James Eric Darlow, Addyson Lobendahn-Wood, Lito Tazawa, William (Billy)Weems,JoshuaMcNatt,JeanneDelannoy.

Year 8Homeroom

BackRow(L-R): Vayu Sharma, Elijah Clark, Sakapo (Sako) Vodivodi, Roko Musuka Uluiburotukula, Warren Mackenzie,EshanKabir,Ford-DanielKaijuka.


Mr. Ashniel Bijay, Bernardo Lewis, Sheik Mohammed Fardeen, William Inkster, Qihang (Philip) Gao, Offifun Hailemariam, Pravir Chand, Aditiya Gaurav, Josep Ferrando Emery, Mr.RahulSingh.

Ms. Tanya Ulacake (YC), Dinora Aliyeva, Alice Veitch, Lina Favae, Anna Diomedi Camassei, Kassandra (Kassy) Taylor, Apsara Prasad, Niya Fanguo, Claire Osuga, Maeva Vamarasi, EmilieRock-Naraghi,ScarletBentleyFisher,Ms.ReginaMastapha.

SecondRow(L-R): Serah Tagi, Zayra Shinya, Lilla Young, Fulori Salusalu Manoa, Kaitlyn May, Khulan (Lani) Gordiner-Altangerel, Skye Wade, Lumi Tuuli Linda, Roxanne Kirarock, Ms. Analay Vaurasi (YC).


FrontRow(L-R): EliseBriers,LeoLindebo,ClaireOsuga.

Memory Lane


The Year 8 Community Project is an essential component of the IB Middle Years Programme, designed to promote community awareness, collaboration, and personal growth. Under the theme “The Heart, Head, and Hands of Learning and Giving,” students engaged with local issues through meaningful, hands-on projects. Working in groups, they collaborated with 12 local communities, selecting causes that resonated with them and focusing on creatingpositivechange.

The 2024 projects showcased the students’ creativity and commitment to service. One notable initiative was ablooddriveorganizedduringtheISSFunDay,which helped support Fiji’s blood bank. Two groups partnered with local orphanages, St. Christopher’s Home and Dilkusha Home, with one group focusing on advocacy to raise awareness about the challenges faced by orphaned children. Additionally, two groups worked with Father Law Home, a residence for the elderly—one group raised funds to provide dryers, a washing machine and toiletries, while the other organized social activities and collaborated with the ISS PTA Impact Fund to supply essential cleaning agents.

Education-focused projects included the "Au Kila e dua na Gone" initiative with John Wesley Primary School, "Nuitaka me Vuli" with St Joseph the Worker and the "Vakabulai Project" with the Gospel School for the Deaf, each addressing specific needs within the schools. Mental health was another significant focus: the Vakabauta Boys’ group raised funds to purchase toiletries and custom-made mattresses for St. Giles Hospital, Fiji’s only psychiatric hospital, while the Green Ribbon Project produced a video advocating for teenage mental health awareness. The Ose Project dedicated its efforts to supporting Fiji’s only Horse Sanctuary, focusing on the care and rehabilitationofrescuedhorses.

Throughout these initiatives, students developed vital skills, including planning, teamwork, problem-solving and effective communication. They learned to manage tasks and present their projects, gaining a deeper appreciation for the value of collaboration and communityservice.

The impact of these initiatives was felt throughout the community, with organizations and individuals expressing gratitude for the students’ dedication and hard work. From the blood drive to advocacy efforts and educational support, the students’ contributions demonstrated how young people can effect positive changeintheircommunities.

Reflecting on their experiences, students expressed pride in their contributions and a newfound understanding of teamwork and resilience. The 2024 Year 8 Community Project empowered them to grow as compassionate global citizens and inspired them to continuemakingapositivedifferencetogether.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all parents, students, companies and businesses that supported these projects, particularly in fundraising efforts. A special acknowledgment goes to the ISS PTA Impact Fund, which partnered with four project groups, contributing a total of $2,165.23. This support was instrumental in helping students achieve their goals. We look forward to continued collaboration and communityengagementinfutureprojects,aswestrive to embody the heart, head and hands of learning and giving.



BackRow(L-R): Richard Nong, Sivakumaran Karthigeyan, Augustine Tan, Jethro Blaik, Eroni Rabou, Joab Mastapha, Lachlan Scobie, Alessandro Mocci, Roko Iliasa Tabete, Leo Kruger, Sebastiano Mocci,AohangLin,ZhaoFuWang,MingfuZhou.





Mr. Iosefo Rauto, Adria Salvado, Khrishen Verma, Orlando Hill, Benjamin Mackenzie, Jet Collingwood, Eneriko Manoa, Epeli Dianimoto, Elaijie Vamarasi, Solomon Koroidimuri, ZurielGoundar,JoshuaTom,KeleHunter,JonahPlinket,DaniMeyer.

Mr. Jonathan Uluviti (YC), Abigail Fisher, Denisha Kumar, Faith Tefak’hanisi, Xinya Liu, Zhi Rui Zhang, Nimisha Lal, Lucy Darlow, Rachel Duff, Sierra Woodruff Lyons, Jane Staden,AlynaSeru,LaveniaMurphy,AlmaDeLaCruz,Mr.PatrickSavea.

Mrs. Annie Prasad, Iris Bentley-Fisher, Hallie Morrissey, Tea Cauchois-Pegie, Shreya Patel, Anika Siauw, Taika Linda, Willa Ibold, Jacinta Tuisiga, Tabai Kenema, Isabel Busby, CrystalKaran,Mrs.ArietaKor0idimuri(YC).

Gideon Tora, Jordhan Temo, Michael Tubanavau, Lily Bakoauea, Ms Moya Laufer, Mrs. AnaNute,Mrs.RoohiSayed.

Thisyear,ourYear9sembarkedonajourney of Personal and Social Development, exploring various topics that have enriched their understanding of themselves and their interactionswithothers.

Growth Mindset has been a central theme, empowering students to view challenges as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles. Students have learned that their abilities are not fixed but can be cultivated through effort and perseverance. Consent has emerged as a crucial aspect of healthy relationships. Students explored the concept of freely given agreement and the importance of respecting boundaries. By understanding consent, students have learned to communicate effectivelyandbuildtrustwithothers.

The year level have also had the privilege of participating in the Buddy Program, connecting with ECH students in a meaningful way. The program has provided students with opportunities to build lasting relationships, learn from each other's experiences, and foster a sense of belonging withintheschoolcommunity.

Through various activities and interactions, the year 9 students had the chance to share their perspectives, support one another, and create a positive and inclusive environment. The Buddy Program not only strengthened our year 9 interpersonal skills but has also deepened their understanding of diversity andempathy.




Francis Bakaniceva, Chen Hao Du, Joshail Ram, Baardan Singh Adhikari, Aarav Deo, VedantSamel,SinaIzumi,EmeliaLobendhanWood.

Ms.HelmaMesa,Ms.JosephineDass,Ms.MelindaMackenzie,DriyaHelliKumar,Anabela Besetimoala, Uini Payne, Conner Harris, ShangZhou (Alex) Zhao, Silivina Vatuvei, Ryan Rock-Naraghi,TamaraPenfold,Ms.WainisiTikotani(YC),Mr.AdrianKumar(YC).



Tarisma Kruger, Saket Kishor Dawande, Manisha Rai, Stephanie Wu, Allana Kirarock, TaynaCustodioLopes,JaiLudher,SienaTedrick,SaishaTappoo.


Year 10 Camp 2024

Our year 10 students who attended the ISN Model United Nations conference 2024!

2024 I Am Moana Production

Year 10 Sports

Girls band performing ‘BIRDS OF A FEATHER’ at the 2024 ISS arts exhibition night

Year 10 boys band performing ‘Talking To The Moon’ at the 2024 ISS arts exhibition night

Emelia & Ryan’s theatre perfromance at the 2024 ISS arts exhibition night

Have a look at more fun we had in Year 10!!

PersonalProjectCoordinator -TanyaUlucake

Our Year 10 students in 2024 embarked on a diverse range of Personal Projects, exploring topics from social media to ocean conservation. Through this student-centered inquiry, they developed essential skills like time management, research, and critical thinking. The projects not only showcased their passions but also demonstrated their ability to apply ATL skillsandembodytheIBLearnerProfile.

As Saisha Tappoo shared, "This project was a dream come true, allowing me to transform my original composition into a globally recognized song." The Personal Projects Exhibition was a testament to the students' dedication, creativity, and learning.

We extend our sincere gratitude to our Year 10 students for theirexceptionalworkandcommitment.Vinakavakalevu!


BackRow(L-R): Ihaia Tamani, Hua-Wei (David) Zhang, ShiQi (Thomas) Liu, Aiden Jamnadas, Roko Aisea Savou,AminioFinau,DanielGrammaticoDiTullio,KaelDamlamian.


Eyosias Hailemariam, Junxi (Chuchu) Shao, Xiangrui (Ray) Mi, Eldrick Menik, Joseva Baleiveicau, Isaac Mackenzie, Rohan Ludher, J’lein Kironde, Yi Dan Zhang, Ms. Froseann Stevens(YC).

SecondRow(L-R): Rylan Hall, Uno Yoon, Amani Boukhany Dada, Callie Rabou, Tiana Parshotham, Brianna Tagi,StirlingSmith,RuiZhang,JaslynHaer,JinZheDu.


Mr. Apisalome Damuyawa, Ermias Getachew, Denzel Wete, Bailey Tedrick, Bulou JojianaVunakece, Latina Fatiaki, Malia Larsen, Magnolia Woodruff Lyons, Almira Haniff, Xuanmu(Roy)Zhang,Ms.ElizabethNaigulevu(YC).

FrontRow(L-R): Carlos Galego Cartaya, Joelinda Ditoka, Ding Yen (Ogilvy) Hui, Ms. Emi Naucukidi, Ms AmandaMusuka,Mr.JesseDonnelly.


The Year 11 camp to Nukulau Island was a transformative experience, packed with firsts for many students— from their first boat ride on the "ISS Explorer" to their first island camp outside of Suva. The journey began with a scenic ride and a welcoming swim, setting a relaxed and fun tone. Students quickly adapted to island life, pitching tents together, fostering teamwork, and bonding with classmates beyond usual friend circles. They enjoyed an evening history lesson under the stars, learning about Nukulau’s significant role in Fiji’s history. Day two was filled with hands-on activities, including paddling a six-man vaka, and preparing a traditional lovo dinner, gaining appreciation for Fijian culture. Despite a rainy farewell on day three, students reflected on the trip as a rewarding blend of learning, teamwork, cultural appreciation, and memorable fun, building skills in resilience, adaptability, and communication.


In 2023 and 2024, our Year 12 students embarked on a transformative CAS journey that began with a community service project at Navatu Secondary School in Vanua Levu. Braving the intense heat and physical demands of the renovation work, our students demonstrated unwavering dedication and teamwork. Adara's reflections captured the essence of the experience: "The camp was grueling but incredibly rewarding. We not only made a tangibledifferenceintheschool'senvironmentbutalsoformedlastingbondswiththelocalstudents."

The Navatu project exemplified the core principles of CAS: personal and interpersonal development through experientiallearning.Byactivelycontributingtotheircommunity,ourstudentsgainedvaluableskills,fostereda sense of accomplishment, and cultivated a deeper appreciation for the power of collaboration. This experience laid a strong foundation for their continued CAS journey, inspiring them to seek out new opportunities for serviceandgrowththroughouttheyear.


“IB taught me coffee, resilience, and the true meaning of 3 a.m”

“Done with IB, can’t say the same about IBS”

“Enjoy the Butterflies”Daniel Ricciardo

“Live Life Gold”

“I was never absent, just late”

“I want to thank me”Snoop

“Whatever happens, what happened’’

“My secret to success? Just write ‘Only God knows’ and hope for the best!’

“Ahh….It's a temporary setback, it's a momentary loss..”- Preminger

“My art? A masterpiece. My sanity? Abstract”

“A little mental breakdown can do wonders for a girl”

“I’ve sacrificed a lot. I may have tripped on the road multiple times but I was able to still move forward”

“But if God got us, then we gon’ be alright”-Kendrick Lamar

“No such thing as a life thats better than yours” (Love YourzJ. Cole)

“Be a good person, but don't waste your time in proving it”


“Job’s not finished”Kobe Bryant

Caitlin Zi Ying Tan
Aniketh Lal
Adara Hanniff
Finn Kruger
Jordan Raghwan
Inaya Goundar
Derik Castillo
Corbyn Mackenzie Chaeeun Oh
Filimon Manoni
Bryannah Kutty
Caroline Acraman
Faith Tudreu


“I have too much on my mind to broaden it”

“I know!”


“You know?”

“When Suva needs saving, just call me”

“IB is an opposition”.

“Music heals the heart and soul”

“IB Done!!”

“Life is hard, but that's what makes it interesting.”

“The happier I get, the less I see.”

“Always fashionably late…. just like my IA submissions”

“What’s next? Van life and a $2 bank account”

“There is a solution to every problem”-Mr. Krabs

“Don’t stress, Jah will bless”

a rock”

Yue Guan
Nicole Singh
Nathan Fulcher
Solomon Bakaniceva
Panapasa Seduadua
Maira Du
Mittal Dayal
Masao Soakai
Lagilagi Gonewai
Juliette Chong
Stanley Mathews
Yifan Wang
Yihan Lou “Gonna be
Senuka Sunnadeniya
Kelvin Joe
Joy Clark #cooked


What an exciting and promising Prom for all the students who attended from grade 9 to 12. This was the first time for year 9s to participate in this school hosted event.The evening at Eden’s restaurant on September 7th saw students dressed in their elegant attire and tuxedo suits ready for an unforgettable experience. As the hours slipped by, the high schoolers graced the dance floor and had the time of their lives as their favourite music numbersstartedtoplay.Greatfood,outstandingmusic,awesomecompany!



The Language and Literature Department is all about encouraging students to think critically, communicate clearly,andexploretheworldthroughavarietyoftexts.Westrivetofosteragenuineloveofreadingandwriting whilehelpingstudentsdeveloptheskillstoanalyse,interpret,andexpressthemselvesconfidently.

This year, we’ve had some exciting moments. We introduced new units that dive into the connections between language, culture, and identity, sparking some lively discussions in class. Our students have embraced the chance to hone their writing skills, whether it's through essays, creative pieces, or critical analysis. One of the standout moments was seeing students take charge of projects that connected literature to real-world issues, alongwiththeirbrilliantperformancesinpublicspeaking.

Through these experiences, we're helping students build the tools they need to navigate a diverse, connected world. It's been a fantastic year for the department, and we’re incredibly proud of everything our students have achieved.We'relookingforwardtoevenmorecreativityandsuccessnextyear!


Our Mathematics Department across MYP, ACT, and IBDP programs is dedicated to building confident problem-solversandcriticalthinkerswhocanseethebeautyandrelevanceofmathineverydaylife.

This year, we celebrated a highly successful Math Week, where students from every year level delved into the practical side of mathematics through daily quizzes, intriguing puzzles, and engaging Kahoot challenges with exciting prizes up for grabs. The introduction of team-based math competitions added a fresh dynamic, sparking friendly rivalry and teamwork as students competed to solve complex problems together. It was a fantastic experience that deepened students’ appreciation of math, showcasing the diverse ways it shapes our worldandfosteringavibrant,inclusivemathcultureschool-wide.

L-R: Mr. Ryan Ludher, Ms. Caireen Erbsleben, Ms. Helma Mesa, Mr. NemaniDianimoto(SAL),Mr.AdrianKumar, Mr.IosefoRauto.


The Science Department has had an exciting and transformative year, marked by the successful integration of thenewACTandIBDPScienceCurriculumsintoourteachingandlearning.

One of our proudest achievements was the Science Fair Projects and Exhibition, showcasing the creativity and curiosity of our students. The Ocean-Based Science Fair for Year 9 was a particular highlight, with many students venturing into the field to conduct real-world experiments in marine environments. Their passion for oceanresearchwasinspiringandledtosometrulyoutstandingprojects.

WealsoembracedtechnologywithdigitalsciencefairexhibitionsforYears8and9,enablingstudentstopresent their work in interactive and dynamic ways. A standout experience for our senior students was the field trip to the Vatukoula Gold Mine. This immersive learning opportunity allowed students to explore the geological, physical,andchemicalprocessesinvolvedingoldextraction,givingthemapracticalunderstandingofindustrial science.

As we reflect on this year, we celebrate the curiosity, ingenuity, and dedication of our students and teachers. We lookforwardtomoreexcitingscientificdiscoveriesintheyearahead!

L-R: Mr. Patrick Savea, Mr. Ryan Ludher, Mrs. Arieta Koroidimuri, Mr. Paul Brotherton, Ms. Froseann Stevens, Mr. Ashniel Bijay (SAL), Ms. Zeba Kausar,andMr.ApisalomeDamuyawa.



This year, we have nurtured students to gain an in-depth understanding and appreciation of various topics where students are equipped with various skills for investigating historical, geographic, economic, cultural and political aspects of societies. We farewelled Rabia Ahmed in Term 1 and welcomed Pallavi Singh who taught Y9 & 10 I&S, Y11 Business Management. Mr Henry Murphy taught Y9 & 10 I&S, Y11 Economics, Y12 Business Management and Y12 Economics. Y8 &10 I&S, Y11 Global Politics and Y12 History was taught by Ms Elizabeth Naqiolevu, Ms Tanya Ulacake taught Y7, 8 and 9 I&S, Ms Katy Hourston taught Y12 Global Politics and Ms MilikaWaqainabetetaughtY7&8I&SandY11History.

L-R:Mrs.KatyHourston,Mrs.TanyaUlucake,Mrs.PallaviSingh,Ms.ElizabethNaigulevu, Mr.HenryMurphy,Mrs.MilikaWaqainabete(SAL),Ms.ShellyForbes.


My Classroom Economy (MCE) has influenced me to manage my money well and make sustainable and good financial decisions. It has taught me financial skills like budgeting and help me create a plan for income and expenses.-NevaanAbhimannu

This unit helped me understand all the different aspects of money and successfully use it. The main thing I learned is how important it is to understand financial literacy. There are so many other concepts to financial literacylikebudgeting,bills,savings,interestandmore.-IdaIbold


Elijah Clarke - I & S learning this year was an amazing journey and I had a blast learning every topic Ms. Tanya setoutforus!

Josep Emery  - I&S was magnificent this year, I felt inspired to continue digging into topics and was grateful for alltheinformationtaughtandprovidedduringtheyear.

Claire Osuga - I love how I&S made me strengthen my critical learning/thinking skills and how we are able to studyinsuchcaptivatingways!

ScarletBentley-Fisher-TheI&Sexperiencethisyearwasamazing,beingabletounderstandandlearnaboutthe world around us helped us as students to become more self-aware about global and national issues. The assessments were always challenging yet intriguing and the lessons were head on, I believe this class has really helpedmedevelopmylearningandresearchingabilities.


I enjoy my Economics class. I am enjoying our current unit of Macroeconomics because we are learning about the economy of Fiji and why the price of goods, drop or increase. We have learnt about how the government controls a part of the economy of Fiji. It was shocking to learn how much impact, we as consumers have on the marketeconomy.TheexamsandassessmentsarechallengingbutIhavehadmyfriendsintheclassalsohelping mealong.


I find Global Politics to be a very interesting and engaging subject. It puts into perspective and informs us about the events happening around the world, giving us the vocabulary needed to form our world views and opinions. TheclassesarefunandengagingandIwouldliketohavemorein-classdiscussionsonthetopics.


Historyhasbeenanextremelyinterestingcoursethatcoverstheprogressionofmajoreventsthroughouthistory, which includes conflicts, political change, and shifts in ideology. This includes important time periods, such as the 1950s to 1990s global conflict between communist and democratic political beliefs in the Cold War, and this historycourseensuresthatmultipleperspectivesofaneventiscoveredanddiscussed,whichIgreatlyenjoy.



The Y7 students learned about agricultural resources and were challenged to create their own home gardens by planting vegetables or herbs that culminated in utilizing their harvest in various dishes. Students gained an understanding of the concepts of fairness and development with sustainable farming practices and the major differences between industrial farming and organic farming. Below are a few photos of their group work in preparingamenuofculturallydiversedishes.


Adarra Haniff (Y12 and Joshua Mugabi (Y11) were the Secretary Generals for this year’s Model UN where we hosted students from Adi Cakobau School, Christian Mission Fellowship, Jai Narayan College, International SchoolNadi,MaristBrothersHighSchool,NatabuaHighSchool,SaintJoseph’sSecondarySchoolandYatSen Secondary School. These students were assigned to five committees, Our Y11 and 12 students took on Chairpersonrolesinthefollowingcommittees






Nathan Fulcher, reflected on his role, ‘Having chaired the 2024 UNHCR Council in ISS's MUN was a great pleasure and honor. I had the opportunity to meet and be in charge of a group of enthusiastic and eagerly internationally-mindedacademics.TheMUNexperienceasawholewasoneofgreatlearning,bonding,andjoy. Most definitely without a doubt something I would recommend to anybody to try and experience.’ Aiden Jamnadas, valued his role as Chairperson and stated that ‘chairing the ISS MUN 2024 General Assembly Council was an enriching experience as he gained valuable leadership skills and public speaking skills when facilitating the productive debates among the delegates’. The role also provided him with a deeper understandingofglobalissuesandtheimportanceofdiplomacyandcollaboration.

Students debated a range of global issues and formulated resolutions using the conferencing jargon for setting out preambulatory and operative clauses. On the second day of the conference, students had to reorganize their lobbygroupsastheyhadtoaddressemergencycrises.WewereprivilegedtoreceivethePermanentSecretaryfor Education, Ms Selina Kuruleca who presented the awards at the closing ceremony, and encouraged the students to work collaboratively across multiple platforms to rally support, and uphold principles of integrity, to be inclusiveandreflectonhowtheirapproachwillbeforthegeneralwellbeingofeveryoneconcerned.

It is always a pleasure to host and to see our students engage in discussion and debate to devise solutions to pressing global concerns. Adara Haniff and Joshua Mugabi commended the student delegates for their participation, stating, ‘Your engagement and dialogue have enriched the discussions and paved the way for meaningful and fun collaborations. We are inspired by the collective commitment and passion evident in every session,andweareconfidentthateveryonehasenjoyedtheexperienceofMUNthisyear.’

MrsMilikaWaqainabete ModelUNCoordinator


The Language Acquisition Department at ISS is dedicated to fostering multilingualism, intercultural understanding, and global citizenship among our students. Our program is designed to develop language skills that empower students to communicate effectively and confidently in diverse cultural contexts. With a focus on inquiry-based learning and real-world application, we aim to help students become proficient in both the languageandtheculturesassociatedwithit.

This year, we have expanded our offerings to include new units that highlight the connection between language and identity, encouraging students to reflect on their personal experiences while engaging with global perspectives. A notable highlight from this year was our service-learning initiative, where students applied their languageskillstosupportlocalcommunities,deepeningtheirsenseofsocialresponsibility.

Our department continues to prioritise student-centred learning, offering differentiated instruction tailored to meet the diverse needs of our learners. From immersive cultural activities to integrated technology for language practice, we strive to create an engaging and dynamic environment where students can thrive linguistically and personally.

This year, the Language Acquisition Department at ISS celebrated several key events and projects that showcasedthehardworkanddedicationofbothourstudentsandstaff.

One of the major highlights was the Service-Learning Initiative, where students used their language skills to support local communities. This initiative enabled them to apply their learning in real-world contexts while developingempathyandinterculturalcommunication.

In addition, our department launched the Digital Language Portfolio Project, allowing students to document their language learning journey through multimedia, reflections, and self-assessments. This ongoing project has become an essential tool for enhancing personalized learning and fosteringself-directedgrowth.

In celebration of the Year of the Dragon, the entire school community came together for a festivestarttotheschoolyear.

L-R:Ms.NoorinahHoozeer,Ms.ShaniahOlsson,Ms.AnalayVaurasi,Ms.Patricia Rokotuinuku, Ms. Regina Mastapha, Ms. Mary Leano, Ms. Fayza Moumeni, Ms. DanShao(SAL).


A major highlight was the Year 11 and 12 students' trip to China in June, where they visited Shanghai, Beijing, Xi’an, and Suzhou. This trip provided invaluable cultural and linguistic experiences, further deepeningtheirunderstandingofChina.

On School Fun Day, the campus resonated with melodious Chinese songs and instrumental music, while Chinese parents contributed delicious food, creating a warm and joyful atmosphere. The MidAutumn Festival celebration in MYP also provided students the opportunity to learn about the origins of the festival, create informative posters, and make and taste traditional mooncakes, immersingtheminChineseculturaltraditions.

Our students also excelled in various language competitions and assessments, reflecting their growing proficiency and confidence. In particular, students from PYP, MYP, DP, and HSD Chinese Studies represented the school in the Confucius Institute's Chinese Song Competition,showcasingtheirlanguageskillsandmusicaltalents.


The MYP Sign Language students embarked on an journey exploring the power of sign language as a universal communication tool. Through their assessment, students created innovative solutions to promoteinclusivityforthedeafcommunity,suchas designing educational tools and awareness campaigns.

The units culminated in a vibrant celebration showcasing their work, including live demonstrations, interactive games, and a heartfelt signing performance. This event highlighted the importance of empathy, creativity, and global citizenship, aligning with the school's commitment to fostering a culture of inclusivity and understanding.


The Year 7 Spanish class celebrated the conclusion of their unit on Festivals and Celebrations with a lively "fiesta"activity.Thestudentslearnedabouttraditional Spanish and Latin American celebrations, with the highlight being the breaking of a "piñata," an exciting activity that added an authentic cultural touch to their learning. Everyone enjoyed sharing snacks, listening to festive music, and applying what they had interactivelylearnedinclass!


In honour of Francophonie Day, a group of enthusiastic students created a special video to promote awareness of the event.Throughthisvideo,theyhighlightedtheimportanceof Francophonie Day, shared fascinating facts about Frenchspeaking countries, and explored the many ways French culture has shaped the world. Their goal was to inspire their peers to engage with the French language, understand its global influence, and join in the celebrations of FrancophonieDay.


Standing (L-R):

Sitting Left (Top-Bottom):

Sitting Middle (Top-Bottom):

Sitting Right (Top-Bottom):


Mr. Benjamin Gibson, Ms. Shelly Forbes, Mr. Ryan Ludher. Ms. Josephine Dass, Ms. Kate Reimann, Ms. Eleni Vuniamatana, Ms. Moya Laufer

Ms. Cynthia Dutt, Ms. Emi Naucukidi.
Jesse Donnelly, Ms. Melinda Mackenzie (SAL), Ms. Caireen Erbsleben, Ms. Nimisha Prasad.


ThisyearhasmarkedasignificantmilestonefortheVisualArtsprogramatISS.Ourstudentshaveengagedwith a diverse range of materials, including digital, 3D, and sculptural mediums. The integration of iPads and Procreate has equipped students with industry-standard tools, effectively preparing them for post-school opportunities. Additionally, we have expanded our sculpture offerings, with Year 8 students exploring techniquesusingconcrete,plaster,andsolderingwire.

This year also marks the successful return of the Arts international trip, where students travelled to Sydney to visit galleries, and theatres, and participate in workshops. This experience provided students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in Sydney's vibrant creative scene and was a highlight for both students and facultyalike.

Another highlight of the year was the 2024 Art and Design Expo, where students' creations and artisticprocesses were celebrated by all who attended. The Year 6 students showcased their work from the "What is Art?" unit, displaying their experiments and learning of visual arts vocabulary. Their glass tile creations demonstrated their ability to transfer skills to new settings as they worked on multiple panels and glass. Year 7 explored various paintingmediathroughthethemeof'Vanitas,'reflectingcontemporaryusesofsymbolismintheirartwork.Year 8 delved into 3D media while investigating photography, using light to enhance their pieces. Year 9 presented Cubist-inspired sculptures and Surrealist clay artworks, while Year 10 exhibited their 'Cityscapes,' an inquiry intoSuvaCity,alongsidetheirexpressionistgraphicnovelsthatadvocateforaddressingsocietalissues.

Congratulations also to Chaeeun and Jordan on their exceptional Year 12 final exhibitions! Your displays beautifully showcased the culmination of your hard work and creativity throughout the diploma program. You shouldtakegreatprideinyourcontributionsanddedication,whichtrulyshonethroughinyourpresentations.


Ithasbeenanincredibleyearoncampus(GoVai!),andour secondary music room has been an enriching and exciting hub all year round! Students have clustered through and filled every available space in the room, whether it's during lessons or at break time practice and rehearsals- it has been bustling productively and overflowing with beautiful collaborations and harmonies. This year our students continue building and honing their skills that inform their practical responses, while also broadening their knowledge in music theory and understanding music history and contexts.

Our Year 6 and Year 7 students delved into new musical terms and explored the works of various composers. Students learned how musical elements are utilised to narrate stories and successfully applied these principles to create their own short musical pieces. Class performances were a highlight, filled with enthusiasm and some nervous energy. Proud to report that everyone made it through! Year 8 students explored rhythms from different cultures around the world and experimented with these patterns to inform their creative responses in the form of a song which they had to pair with a United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). Students also dove deeper into music theory, learning chord expansions that aided their creativeresponsetoashortBluescomposition.

Our Year 9 students began this year looking within themselves to become more aware of who they are as artists and what it means to use their platform to communicate effectively and form meaningful connections. Students experimented with making specific choices in the creation of their compositions and how important these steps are in further aiding the success of their intended outcome. Students also joined forces across the Art disciplines in an interdisciplinary unit that encouraged further team work amongst the cohort to combine their skills and knowledge in their collaborative creative response. Year 10 students have been able to examine music's ability to form and restore connections, despite space and time. Discussions and research regularly also ventured into how music advocates. Students used these discussions and findings to inform their creative compositions and responses through songs and instrumentals. Students are commended for the immenseeffortdedicatedtowardstheirmusiclessons.

The ACT Year 11 and Year 12 senior students have been diligently engaged throughout the year, and have produced notable compositions and creative responses in their units of study. Students stretched their createive wingstobeautifullyshowcaseaculminationoftheirskills and talents. These, together with their fellow music and secondary students, were artistically performed to a live audience during our Art & Design Expo. Congratulations Finn and Senuka for your achievements in music! An exciting highlight for our senior music students this year was the Arts international trip which gave our students the opportunity to visit music institutions and participate in workshops that further boosted their passion and interestinthesubject.

In addition to academic progress, students have also showcased such a great camaraderie amongst themselves especially in collaborating for performances that involve different year levels. These have been stunningly showcased during school assemblies and events, the annual school Fun Day, the Art and Design Expo, and theepitomewasduringthisyear'sschoolproductionof"I Am Moana". We are grateful for all the achievements of 2024, and we look forward to more invigorating moments fromourstudentsintheyeartocome.

Ms. Josephine Dass
Ms. Eleni Vuniamatana


This year in Theatre, students across all grades embarked on diverse and engaging explorations of performance, creativity, and collaboration. From the very first steps on stage to intricate explorations of world theatre traditions, the students have grown as performers, designers, and storytellers.

Year 6 began their journey with the unit Welcome to Performing, where they embraced the power of collaboration, working together to create original group performances that showcased their newfound love for the stage. In Year 7, students were immersed in the colorful and lively world of commedia dell'arte. They not only studied the art form but also crafted their own masks and costumes, bringing the exaggerated characters of this tradition to life. Year 8 explored the enchanting realm of Greekmythology,beforemovingontogroupperformances and a dive into the world of radio drama. They capped off their year by bravely performing individual monologues, honing their voice and character work. Year 9 students expanded their skill set by delving into monologues, set design, and physical theatre. Their year ended with a rich interdisciplinary unit alongside music and visual arts, creating advocacy pieces on the impact of deep sea mining on the environment. In Year 10, students took on the challenge of studying renowned theatre practitioners, leading to both original and scripted performances. Their efforts culminated in directorial debuts, where they took thereinsinbringingtheirvisionstolifeonstage.

Our Year 11 and 12 DP and ACT students focused on theatreinnovationandstyles,engagingindeeppractitioner exploration and investigating world theatre traditions. Their work reflected a sophisticated understanding of how theatre can be used to communicate universal themes. A special mention goes to Joy Clark and Caitlin Tan, two outstanding IB Higher Level students, who presented their Solo Theatre Pieces for the very first time in front of a live audience—a milestone achievement for any young performer.

This has been a year of artistic growth and exploration, and we look forward to seeing these students continue to developtheircraftintheyearstocome!



This year’s school production, I Am Moana, was nothing short of a triumph. After six months of tireless rehearsals, dedication, and teamwork, our students brought the story of Moana to life with stunning performances,capturingthespiritofadventure,culture,andcourage.

Aspecialmentionmustgotoourfouroutstandingstudentdirectors:CaitlinTan,CarolineAcraman,Manisha Rai,andRokoAiseaTabete.Theirjourneybeganninemonthspriortotheperformance,dedicatingthemselves toshapingthisproductionwithvisionandcreativity.Theirleadership,combinedwiththecommitmentofthe castandcrew,resultedinanincredibleshowcasethatresonateddeeplywithboththeperformersandthe audience.

We would also like to extend a heartfelt thanks to the staff members who dedicated so much of their time and energy behind the scenes. Your support, guidance, and hard work were invaluable to making this production a truesuccess.

Together, everyone’s passion and collaboration made I Am Moana a standout moment in our school’s year, one thatwillberememberedforyearstocome!


This year in the Design department, we have been actively engaged in solving problems for our target audiences while exploring our local community and its designers. Year 6 students have focused on mastering kinetic sculptures using recycled materials. Year 7 students have embraced digital tools to design their dream homes, and Fabric Design where they created bags that showcased their identity. They also engaged in food design, creatingcookiesthatraisedawarenessonthe10Ocean’sDecadeChallenge.

We were excited to introduce woodwork this year, with Year 8 students collaborating with the reception class to create wooden toys. Year 9 students partnered with the Early Years (ECH) to produce felt books that aid in developing fine motor skills, as well as creating well-being videos that promote good mental health awareness through short films. We also integrated robotics, coding, and electronics into the curriculum through a new lightingunit,equippingstudentswithreal-lifeskillstobetterpreparethemforlifebeyondschool.

In addition to our emphasis on enhancing the program and introducing industry-standard practices, we have prioritised strengthening our community connections by inviting experts to share their knowledge and insights. InYear8,wehadtheprivilegeofhostingDr.SereanaandourSchoolCounsellors,Ms.NishaelandMsSue,who discussed the causes and effects of mental health, which greatly informed our production of well-being films. Ms. Mere from ECH, also provided valuable insights into child development and the importance of developing strong fine motor skills. We also welcomed local experts to our school, including Tiare Kumar from 'A Beautiful Mess,' who educated us on sustainability and jewellery crafting. Her guidance proved invaluable during our visit tothe'SandBar,'wherewecollectedfoundobjectsforourjewelleryunit.


At ISS, our Physical Education department is all about fostering a healthy, active lifestyle for every student. We believethatstayingactiveisessentialnotonlyforphysicalhealthbutalsoformentalwell-being.Thisyear,we're focused on creating a welcoming space where all students feel inspired to join in, no matter their experience or fitness level. Our programs help students grow their athletic abilities while learning the value of sportsmanship, and we highlight how regular physical activity supports a balanced, healthy life. The PE Department at the International School celebrated an outstanding year of achievements across various sports. Highlights include the U15 Basketball team winning the National Championship, a high jump record set at the Coke Games, and five medals earned at the same event. Three students represented Fiji at the Oceania Games, while five basketball players were selected for a tournament in Australia. Seven students qualified for the Punjas Games, and swimmers shone at national events, winning 36 medals, including 11 golds. These successes reflect the dedicationofourtalentedstudents,coaches,andstaff.

L-R: Mr. Rahul Singh, Mr. Jonathan Uluiviti, Mr. Paul Brotherton (SAL), Mr.StevenChand,Ms.CynthiaDutt.





U15 Netball Team
Open Boys Netball Team
U19 Netball Team
U15 Football Team
U19 Football Team


U15 Boys Basketball Team
U19 Boys Basketball Team
U19 Girls Basketball Team
U15 Girls Basketball Team


What an eventful year this has been! Students in middle year and secondary have had access to multiple opportunities to expand their knowledge and gain valuable career guidance. Various initiatives, including dedicated career guidance sessions, alumni visits, workshops and open days allowed students to explore potential career paths and receive first-hand advice from professionals. Both in-person and virtual university visits further enriched their experience, providing opportunities to interact with institutions and get a clearer sense of the opportunities available post secondary. These activities played a significant role in broadening students’ understanding and aspirations for theirfuture!


The past year has been a whirlwind of exciting after-school activities, offering students a plethora of opportunities to explore their interests, develop new skills, and forge lasting friendships. From intellectual pursuits to physical fitness, creative arts to community engagement, there was somethingforeveryone.

For those with a love of language and literature, the Book Club provided a platform to delve into captivating stories, discuss thought-provoking themes, and connect with fellow bookworms. The Debating Club sharpened critical thinking skills and honed persuasive arguments, empowering studentstoarticulatetheirideaswithconfidence.

The Craft Activities group ignited imaginations, allowing students to experiment with various materials and techniques. The Set Production and Music for Production teams collaborated to bring stories to life, learning about stagecraft,sounddesign,andthemagicofliveperformance.

The Gym offered a space to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle, with a range of equipment and activities to suit different fitness levels. The Volleyball team fostered teamwork and sportsmanship, while the Chess Club provided a mental workout, promoting strategic thinking and problem-solving skills. The Polynesian Dance group immersed students in the rich cultural heritage of Polynesia,learningtraditionaldancesandmusic.

The Knitting club offered a calming and creative outlet, teaching valuable skills and fostering a sense of community. The Homework Club provided a quiet and supportive environment for students to complete their assignments, receive assistance from mentors, and improve their academicperformance.

As the year draws to a close, we reflect on the countless hours of fun, learning, and growth that these after-school activities have provided. We encourage all students to continue exploring their passions and taking advantage of thediverseopportunitiesavailabletothem.


“To break open an unopened flower shoot”

BasuBawaraisallaboutbreakingfreefromtheordinaryandsteppingintonew,excitingchallenges.Inspiredby theimageofacoconutflowershootburstingopen,thisprogramgivesstudentsthechancetoexplore,learn,and grow beyond the classroom. Every Wednesday, participants dive into one of several learning pathways, building real-world skills and confidence. The program fosters collaboration, reflection, and innovation, helping students discover their passions while developing important ATL (Approaches to Learning) skills. Whether it's crafting solutions, connecting with cultures, or designing projects, the goal is simple: choose your path, find yourvoice,andshapeyourfuture.

Program Projects

Global Advocacy

Are you ready to tackle the world’s toughest problems? This pathway brings real-world issues to the table, from fast fashion to child labour. Students explored the impact of fast fashion on landfills and the environment in general. They also examined methods for advocacy and applied these to an issue that concerns them. In addition, they investigated the methods adopted by young global activists to understand the effectiveness of each advocacy campaign. Through this elective, students became aware of global issues, developed research skills,appliedreferencingskillsandcommunicatedtheirresearchinvariousmediums.

Travel Masters

This group is all about planning your dream getaway while learning essential travel skills. Students have mastered everything from budgeting to itinerary creation, even researching cultural etiquette and first aid. By working in teams and presenting travel proposals, participants sharpened their collaboration and critical thinking skills. This pathway nurtured independence and prepared students to confidently explore the world. It'stheperfectopportunitytodiscovernewcultures,navigatetheunexpected,andplantheirnextadventure!

iTaukei Language

Discover the beauty of Fiji’s iTaukei language! This pathway focused on building conversational skills through greetings, songs, and food-related vocabulary. Students explored Fijian culture through storytelling and cooking, developing an appreciation for the traditions that define life in Fiji. Reflecting the values of openmindedness and communication, participants left with not just new words but a deeper understanding of communityandculturalpride.

Local Skills for a Global World

In this pathway, students connected with traditional and survival skills, exploring everything from herbal medicine to weaving. Whether husking coconuts or cooking with local ingredients, participants discovered the value of practical knowledge in today’s world. The program fostered problem-solving and adaptability, showing how local traditions can make a global impact. These hands-on experiences nurtured students' sense of responsibilityandappreciationforsustainableliving.

Problem-Solvers Project (PSP) (semester 1 only)

PSP is where creativity meets action! Students identified school problems and pitched solutions with detailed budgets and timelines to school leaders. In semester one, they tackled everything from colourful garden signs to instructional fire extinguisher signage. The hands-on approach fostered teamwork and public speaking, as students brought their ideas to life. Whether repainting chairs or designing murals, the PSP helped students embodythelearnerprofileofcaringbymakingarealdifferencewithinourschoolcommunity.


The library engaged three temporary staff Miriama, Jerran and Patrina to RFID tag and encode our collection. We are upgrading to RFID and will migrate to AccessIT in December to streamline our library processes and be more efficient. This change will allow us to focus more on serving our learning community by tailoring our services and programmes to better meet future information needs. We would also like to acknowledge the PTA library funding whichwillbeusedto strengthenourDiversity,Equity,Inclusion,Justice&Belongingcollection.VinakaVakalevu.








GaleReferenceComplete -SchoolEdition


L-R: Jerran Ufamarata, Patrina Kostatino, Ateca Bicinivalu, Nina Nakaora, Laisani Taleiviti, MiriamaLalama,XavierFesaitu.


At ISS, the Social Media and Events Department is the dynamic force behind keeping our school community informed, engaged, and connected. Whether through vibrant social media campaigns, informative posts, or expertly coordinated events, this team ensures that the essence of our school’s values and achievements is shared withstudents,parents,staff,andthewidercommunity. Their work goes beyond just managing platforms; they create a sense of belonging by celebrating the multicultural spirit of ISS. From showcasing student accomplishments and academic milestones to promoting cultural festivals, sports days, and special school events, the team captures the heartbeat of our diverse school, fostering unity and prideamongthe57nationalitiesthatcallISShome. Through creative storytelling, engaging visuals, and seamless event management, the Social Media and Events Department ensures that every voice and every moment at ISS is amplified, allowing our vibrant community to thrive both online and offline. They are the unsung heroes who bringusalltogether,onepostandoneeventatatime.


@International School Suva

@International School Suva

L-R: Simal Devi, Anthea Prasad, Benitera Koroijiuta


(L-R): Ms. Susan McGoon, Nurse Peggy Megnus, Ms. Nishael Raj, Doctor Sereana Wood.




AshaaniBala VirisilaRatubuli
Back (L-R): Ms. Anthea Prasad, Ms. Simal Lata, Ms. Doreez Kutty, Ms. Mira van der Wielen, Ms. Va Solomone, Dr. SereanaWood,MsJoelynWhippy.





Front (L-R): Josua Waqamailau, Ritesh Kumar, Avnil Singh, Jeetesh Nandan, TevitaRokodaveta.



Timaleti Naqam
Laisa Wati
Sebuita Tukuwasa
Losalini Rasei
Unaisi Buiaculacila
Vilisi Sewaruta
Esita Vunisa
MerewaiSau Taivea
Jiutajia Sakovulaono
Raluve Lareivanua
Vika Tabua




Write something profound or just a doodle— either way, make it legendary! (No pressure!)

Autographs 2024


The school magazine editorial team has put in an incredible effort over the past semester during our TASA, craftingengagingcontentandcapturingvibrantmomentsfromourschoolevents.

Special recognition goes to our talented Social Media Manager, Simal Lata, and our dedicated Marketing & EventsCoordinator,AntheaPrasad,fortheiroutstandingcollaborationinphotography.

Each of those involved have showcased their creativity and their teamwork has truly brought the pages to life, showcasingthespiritofourschoolcommunity.

Hannah Viegelahn Bhavya Karepalli
Aaisha Patel Nemai Kosoniu
Jordhan Temo
Jayni Dass
Vania Subrail Moana Hikuroa (Charlie)
Caireen Erbsleben Nimisha Prasad

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