primary press June edition
FROMTHEHEADOFPRIMARY I t on ly seem s just yest erday, I w as w rit in g t he up dat e f or t he Talan oa. Even in t he p ast t w o w eeks, w e have had w on derf ul p erf orm an ces on assem b ly f rom our Year 4 an d ECH2 st uden t s, our Year 3' s visit ed t he p olice b an d an d Kila World t o rein f orce con cep t s learn t durin g t he Force an d En ergy UOI an d I can n ow see t he w orkers at op t he n ew b uildin g st ruct ure f rom m y of f ice w in dow ! I s it just m e, or is t im e p assin g t oo quickly? I t on ly rein f orces t o us all, how very im p ort an t it is t o cherish every m om en t an d t o m ake t he m ost of t he t im e w e have. What a t errif ic p erf orm an ce b y our t w o p rim ary st uden t s in our very recen t school p roduct ion . Am azin g! An d t o m ake it m ore am azin g, Tob y at t he last m om en t , f illed in f or on e of t he lead roles an d did it like a p ro! We con grat ulat e b ot h Tob y an d Talei f or t heir ef f ort s. We are very p roud of you! Well don e t o t he en t ire I SS t eam on an ot her sup erb school p roduct ion . I n our last Prim ary Press, our PYP Self - St udy p age st at ed t hat w e w ere lookin g f or p aren t s w ho had b een w it h us f or t hree years. Alt hough I B p ref ers t his t o b e t he case, w e are n ot t urn in g dow n an y p aren t w ho w ishes t o b e p art of our self - st udy t eam s. An in f orm at ion session regardin g t he self - st udy w ill b e p resen t ed af t er t he b reak t o our group of p rim ary p aren t rep resen t at ives. I f you are p assion at e ab out b ein g p art of t he self - st udy p rocess , you on ly n eed t o com e an d see us! We are hap p y t o accom m odat e. Already, w e have f orm s f lyin g in t o p rim ary of f ice f or our act ivit ies f or t erm 3. This is great t o see. Som e p eop le have asked w hy on ly Tuesday an d Wedn esday? Teachers an d assist an t s are in volved w it h t heir ow n p rof ession al learn in g on Mon days an d Thursdays each w eek, som et im es even Wedn esdays, so w e are un ab le t o cat er f or t hose days in regards t o school b ased act ivit ies. There are som e t errif ic op t ion s in p lace f or af t er school act ivit ies, so b e sure t o have your children sign up as soon as p ossib le. We do require a sign ed p erm ission slip t o regist er t hem . Pain t in g p roject s in t he p rim ary should b egin in t erm 3 so all of t hose w on derf ul p aren t s w ho of f ered t heir t im e an d assist an ce w it h t hese p roject s, w e w ill b e in t ouch af t er t he b reak, or even b ef ore. Our b ot t le t op n um b ers are b uildin g quickly an d af t er t he b reak, w e w ill b egin or colour sort in g t o est ab lish w hat kin d of m ural p ict ure w e w ill b e ab le t o collage w it h our t op s. We m ay even op en it up t o st uden t s t o com e up w it h t he idea. I t w ould b e great t o have som et hin g t hat relat es t o I SS an d Fiji. Let ' s p ut on our t hin kin g cap s an d com e up w it h som e ideas! We w elcom e our n ew school n urse, Ms Jodie Baron s. Ms Baron s is an excit in g an d w elcom e addit ion t o t he I SS t eam . I n t he n ew t erm w e hop e t o have p rocedures in p lace t o share w it h t he school com m un it y on her role an d how she w ill assist in regards t o f irst aid, illn ess an d healt h p rom ot ion . We w ish you all a saf e an d f un f illed holiday an d look f orw ard t o seein g you all b ack w it h us f or Term 3, st art in g Wedn esday, July 13. A rem in der t hat Mon day an d Tuesday, 11 & 12 July are t eacher on ly days. Karen an d t he Prim ary Team
YEAR 4H BUI LDI NG I NSPECTORS On May the 30th and 31st, 4H went on an excursion. We didn't go far, but it felt like a different world. We visited the building site for our new primary school. ?Let?s go to the building site and learn from people that use mathematics everyday in their work life." I should have written down who stated that. Those words stuck with me. Dr. Marsden and Ms. Whittaker supported our spontaneous idea we had in the classroom. Learning about 'shapes' and 'sizes' and trying to find real life examples of them in the building site was our next learning adventure. Such experiences help us to make sense of the world around us by making links between experiences and learning. These experiences stay with us. They allow us to transfer learning outside the classroom back into it and vice versa. Pupils not only experience mathematics in concrete and novel settings, but in venturing outside they can be liberated from the sometimes restrictive expectations of the classroom. As a result, we can expect to find the following benefits: -
higher levels of motivation almost limitless resources
an opportunity to see maths as cross-curricular greater curiosity leading to more effective exploration creative ideas driving investigations meaningful application of problem solving strategies and thinking skills a heightened sense of purpose and relevance the all important bridge between theory and reality Ran improved attitude to learning greater enjoyment and achievement a realisation that our environment offers limitless opportunities for learning and enjoyment
Learning mathematics outside the classroom is not just enriching, it is also at the core of empowering an individual?s understanding of the subject. Vinaka Vaka Levu to the Primary Head of School, Head of School and all of the friendly workers who welcomed us onto their work site.
4H (the "Blue Helmet" inspectors)
May the ' Force and Energy' of music be with you Our year 3 students concluded their UOI on ?Force and Energy? by inventing their own musical instruments using recycled materials. Students were divided into groups of their choice from Pipes, Glass bottle music flutes, Guitars from tissue boxes/rubber band strings and original inventions such as carrot flutes. It took our students about 2 to 3 weeks to have their instruments constructed, painted and ready for presentation with evidence of the presence of force and energy in producing sound. The construction of the instruments were part of our students' summative assessment task and it was encouraging to witness our student's creativity as they engaged in building their instruments from scratch. We would like to thank our ?Maintenance Department?, Mr Bali and his team for assisting our students with the use of industrial tools where adult help was needed. A big ?VINAKA VAKALEVU? as well to our infamous Primary Art teacher Mrs Stice, who allowed us to use her classroom as we worked on painting our instruments to add finishing touches to our instruments.
PERSONALSOCIALPHYSICALEDUCATION NATI ONAL SWI M M I NG There were forty-nine students that took part in the Interschool National Swimming Competition that was held at the Aquatic Center on the 27th ? 28th May, 2016 from ISS primary. The swimmers not only enjoyed the day but were able to display great swimming skills, won medals and even break records. Our boys came fourth in the boys primary competition winning 9 Gold, 5 silver and 8 bronze medals while our girls managed to attain 2 Gold, 3 silver and 6 bronze medals. The highlight of our achievement was when our under 10 boys relay team broke two records. A special assembly was organized to thank our swimmers and parents were also invited to come and witness the achievements of these talented and courageous swimmers. A total of 45 medals were presented on the day to the winners and a certificate of participation was awarded to the remainder of the team.
year on e lear n in g adven t u r es What a busy Semester Year 1 has had! The teachers are all very proud of the achievements of the students and their hard work and we look forward to a great Semester 2. We sadly have to say goodbye to Yunis and Tahlia this term and we wish them and their families all the very best for the next adventures. We welcomed Hudson and his family in 1H this term. We would also take this time to thank Ms. Inga, our Learning Support teacher here in Year 1 as she will be leaving us during the first few weeks of term 3. Ms. Inga has been a enormous support for the students and teachers In Year 1. THANK YOU Ms. Inga! Un it of In qu ir y Year 1 have finished their unit of inquiry for this term, learning about 'How we Share the Planet'. As part of this unit, students have been learning about how their actions impact on the environment and what they can do to help the environment, including the natural resources that are here on this planet. We started of this unit by going to Waila Water Treatment Plant to learn about water and the process that it goes through before it reaches us. Students have been looking at the 3Rs of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle and have been actively participating in activities to deepen their understanding of the 3Rs. We had lots of fun going to the photocopying room to understand the concept of reducing an artwork as well as learning about the different ways to reduce the amount of paper and plastic we use. Throughout the unit of inquiry the students also learned about reusing items. In Art, the students used old books that were of no use to anyone anymore and turned the pages into bunting. We also had a great time recycling plastic bottles and turning them into creative art pieces. We demonstrated our learning about our impact on the environment, by making water tanks with messages on it to show what the solution of a problem is here on this earth in regards to looking after our resources.