Talanoa Volume 2

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Ta l a n o a Newsletter of International School Suva

Volume 2 18 March, 2016

Principal’s Report Dear Parents and Guardians, As we are nearing the end of the first term of 2016, I am struck by how quickly the year seems to be moving. Whilst we continue to welcome new students to school, and also say farewell to those who are moving on, it is remarkable how the new faces of 2016 now seem to be well established. On that note I am delighted to welcome Helena Southcombe to the teaching staff of ISS. Ms Helena has a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Primary Education from the University of Eichstatt and has four years experience teaching in both Germany and Australia. Ms Helena started in Year 4 today amid much excitement. I take this opportunity to not only welcome MS Helena but also to thank Ms Carol Apted who willingly stepped into the classroom when Miss Buffy Jack left earlier this term. It would be remiss not to mention the response of the entire ISS community to the appeal to help communities affected by Cyclone Winston. As we all watched the path of Cyclone Winston move away from Suva during the evening of 19 th February, many of us started to breathe a little more easily. The school, as you are aware, was relatively unscathed and the majority of staff were able to start back after missing only one day, with students starting a day later. Lack of power and water affected some members of our community for days and weeks after but, generally, school continued as usual. From the first day back at school students and their families wanted to help and they wanted this help to be meaningful. The response of the entire community has been overwhelming and every week we have been travelling to affected communities to offer assistance, give donations and work, and every week we have met members from our community making the same trips often quite independently of any organization. The reports that have come back to us from community leaders and members throughout the country have been one of hope. Certainly there is much work to be done to rebuild the country, but the resilience and generosity of the Fijian people leaves us in no doubt that this will be done. The Year 8, 11 and 12 camps taking place next week are also taking place with a focus of giving back to our local partners in the community and will see students clearing up, Finally, I congratulate all our Head Students who were badged at our assembly earlier this term. The secondary Head Students are Adubi Plange, Alena Waqainabete, Amelia Kami, Kevin Liu, Damien Raju and Arjun Bhugra, whilst in Primary the students are represented by Isla Robertson, Toby Bower, Leamalie Jensen and Papanui Liew-Masters. I commend all our Head Students on the courage they have displayed in taking on this position and wish them good luck for the year ahead. Kind regards, Anna Marsden Principal

Inside this Issue  Principal`s Report  Council Update  Primary Update  Year 6 Community & Service  Congratulations to our Head students 2016  Francophonie Day  Middle School Physical Education  Outdoor Education  Middle School Physical Education  Year 7 Camp  ISS PTFA  Secondary Science Update - Data Loggers  The Royal Suva Yacht Club’s Junior Sailing  ISS Production  Upcoming Events

The International Schools Association

From the Chair of Council Council Update Primary School Rebuild The primary school rebuild is progressing according to plan however we did experience a delay early on when it was discovered that the soapstone foundation near the green cottage was at a lower level than the engineering surveys had indicated. This potential downside we have turned into a benefit as we’ll now create some extra space to be used for storage and activity rooms. We celebrated the first concrete pour a month ago with the primary school children who all came to watch the pour, however I think they were more excited about the sausage sizzle and ice creams they received. An update on the master plan for the building projects can be found on the school’s website.

Notice Notice is given of the 40th Annual General Meeting of Members of The International Schools Association to be held in the Multi-purpose hall at International School Suva, Siga Road, Laucala Beach Estate, Suva, on Thursday, 14 th April 2016 at 6.00pm. Jacquelyn Terry Chair of Council International School Suva 16th March 2016


Head of School Replacement Thanks to all of the parents who responded to my request for attributes they wish to see in our new head of school. We included your comments into our review of the long list and have now selected a shortlist of five. These five appear to be excellent candidates with a significant amount of experience in leading international schools catering to students from early childhood through to secondary. It is exciting to read their accomplishments to date and I’m looking forward to meeting them to listen to their vision of where they can take our school. Cyclone Winston We all know of people who have tragically lost their loved ones or homes, and our hearts go out to them. The response from the school community to this disaster has been phenomenal and is very humbling. I happened to be at school on a Friday and watched as many children delivered food, clothing, hardware, toys and books to the board-room; so much was donated that it was difficult moving around the room. Once the goods were sorted and packaged, students then delivered the packages to carriers to take to the villages in Tailevu. Next week, instead of the normal school camp, the students in years 11 and 12 head off to spend the week helping rebuild the village of Nataleira, in Tailevu. We know there are many of you who are happy to remain as unsung heroes but a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has donated and also visited villages in their own time to assist in the recovery. Jacqueline Terry Chairman, ISS Council



I, _________________________________of_________________________________________ _ being a member of the above Association, hereby appoint ____________________________, of____________________________________ or failing them ____________________________, of ____________________________________ as my proxy to vote for me on my behalf at the Annual General Meeting of the association to be held on the 14th April 2016.


INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SUVA SCHOOL COUNCIL ELECTION NOMINATION FORM PARENT REPRESENTATIVE __________________________________________________________________________________ Please complete all the details on this form and return it to: Joan Foster Returning Officer International School Council PO Box 10828 Laucala Beach SUVA schoolcouncil@international.school.fj Note that all details need to be completed for the nomination to be eligible. All persons listed on this form must be eligible to vote in the ISS Association. Other than details required for the purpose of the election, all information will be kept confidential. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Details of Nominee: NAME: ________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: __________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBERS: HOME________________WORK________________MOBILE________________________ SIGNATURE: _____________________________________ WITNESS: _______________________________ DATE: ____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Details of the two persons willing to nominate the person should be listed below: 1

NAME _____________________________ CONTACT: ______________________ SIGNATURE __________________________WITNESS ________________ DATE__________________


NAME _____________________________ CONTACT _______________________ SIGNATURE __________________________WITNESS ________________ DATE__________________ TH


Lot 59, Siga Road, Laucala Beach, P.O. Box 10828, Suva, Fiji. Telephone: (679) 339 3300, Fax: (679) 334 0017, Email: info@international.school.fj www.international.school.fj

Member of AAIBS, Centre for U.C.L.E.S., E.T.S., I.B. Examinations.

Primary Update

March 15, 2015

The age old argument - homework, is it truly worthwhile? Homework - an eight letter word which will always spark an immediate and impassioned response. Thank you to all parents who completed our recent homework and communication survey. From this information and feedback gleaned from our teachers, we will be putting together a homework policy for primary, hopefully one that will ensure all stakeholders are happy, especially our students. We do have to keep in mind however, that we cannot make every single person happy as we all have varying opinions on any given topic. Finding that middle ground is what we hope to do. We have had parents and teachers provide very strong arguments around why there should be homework and the same for why we shouldn‟t have homework and all make very good, valid points. If we look at the research around homework and in particular Professor John Hattie‟s research, he would say that “Homework in primary school has an effect of around 0”. I tend to agree. But, we are not here to cater for Professor Hattie or me. We are here to do the very best for all of our students. So if we are to provide our students homework, we need to get it right. It‟s saying that it‟s probably not making all that much of a difference, but let‟s improve it. Research also states that 5 - 10 minutes has the same effect as 1 - 2 hours and the worst thing we can do with homework is give students projects. The best thing we can do is to provide homework that reinforces something that they have already learnt. This was overwhelmingly supported by the parents who completed the survey.

 Homework can have the effect of helping a parent to understand the progress the child is making or otherwise and can therefore help make parent-teacher interviews more meaningful;

 Successful schools see education as a collaborative process between student, parent and school, and consider parents to be partners in their child‟s education. Schools that assist parents in providing support to their children tend to have better educational outcomes;

 Homework‟s value is largely as a tool to develop the capacity of students, eve when it has nor mark or grade attached.

 Effects of homework are higher when involving rote learning, practice or revision of subject matter;

 Effects were also higher when homework was not complex, or when it had a novelty aspect;

 Homework should clearly articulate a purpose and outcome so ensure students understand why they are doing the homework - to practice skills, to apply skills, to find new information, to create something or to elaborate things covered in class;

 Vary the approaches to providing feedback. It is not always feasible for teachers to We also know through research that students are more likely to complete homework if comment on every single thing. Having a mix of teacher feedback, student they know teachers are keeping track of their progress and providing feedback on errors feedback, self assessment, sharing with a buddy, sharing with the class are all ways and areas for improvement. Feedback on anything students do at school is crucial and to provide feedback. does make a difference to their learning. This, however is not an easy task. So how much homework is enough? There is absolutely no research advice on how much time What does all of this mean for us here at ISS in primary? students should spend doing homework. After hearing all of this, do we adopt a set policy or prescribe a particular way of doing homework that will improve student 1. Not all students (from Early Childhood to Year 5) should be expected to do the same amount of homework. outcomes? 2. Teachers should not give too much homework. 3. The homework tasks may need basic parent support and encouragement, but Research findings on homework suggest parents shouldn't be expected to be teachers. The homework should be relatively  Feedback on homework is a vital step in the learning process and without timely easy, but not too easy. feedback some of the learning benefits of homework may be reduced; 4. Homework can be used for practicing and applying skills learnt at school - and therefore useful in the sense that practice of a sport or musical instrument is useful.  Homework can reduce the amount of time available to pursue other activities and 5. Projects should be rarely given out as homework, although „novelty‟ homework that is interests which may have equal or greater long term benefit; a change from the norm may promote engagement.  Homework at the primary level has little impact on academic performance, but 6. Feedback about the homework tasks is important. This may be related to learning may play an important transitional role in preparing students for middle and intentions and success criteria. It could be linked to achievement in other areas. secondary school and beyond; Reward effort.  Measuring homework by the time spent doing it is an imprecise and inadequate 7. If homework causes problems for a child, teachers should find a way to assist. E.g. Modify, lessen the amount, provide direct assistance, chat to parents. measure that does not take into account the quality of the work or the ability of the student, or increasingly importantly, student access to technology;

8. If for any reason a parent communicates that his/her child is unable to do homework (e.g. sick, tired, parents don‟t feel homework is useful, too busy, need a break), teachers should go with the parent‟s wishes and excuse the child from doing the homework. 9. Teachers should discuss with their students about how to approach completing homework tasks and offer support for those who need guidance. 10. Reading will be a „given‟ in any homework provided. Daily reading with or without parental support makes a huge difference in any subject area. Over the next two weeks, a homework policy will be developed and shared with all at the beginning of Term 2. From that point in time, the school will follow this policy as a whole. If homework is weekly, then it shall be that all year levels provide weekly homework. Once again, thank you for taking the time to provide your views on homework. It is greatly appreciated! Other stuff We hope you enjoyed reading our first Primary Press for the year. It was encouraging to see so many people access the document. We even had viewers from Australia and Europe. Our next Primary Press is due to be published at the end of Week 10. (end of term) To conclude the primary update this week, we would like to introduce our new focus attitude for the remainder of the term - commitment. The PYP attitudes are a vital focus in the development of positive attitudes towards people, the environment and learning. The attitudes are meant to be an explicit part of daily learning, modelled by both students and staff. These are woven into daily school life - the classroom, at lunch times, etc. Students also reflect on the attitudes during learning experiences and assessments. When reinforced at home, these attitudes will become second nature for children. Commitment is being committed to their learning, persevering and showing self-discipline and responsibility. I always think of „The Little Engine that Could‟ when I think of commitment. “I work hard. I finish what I start. I don‟t give up!” Please take the time to discuss this with your children. This is worthwhile „homework‟. What a terrific and funfilled swimming carnival this week! Congratulations to all involved. It was fantastic to see so many students participate and enjoy themselves. That‟s what it‟s all about! Karen and the Primary Team



Damien Raju Adubi Plange Kevin Liu Alena Waqainabete Arjun Bhugra Amelia Kami

Papanui Liew-Masters (Deputy Head Boy) Leamalie Jensen (Deputy Head Girl) Toby Bower (Head Boy) Isla Robertson (Head Girl)

How are we celebrating it at International School Suva

What is Francophonie Day? It is a day that celebrates the numerous countries of the world that speak the French language and share the French culture. There are over 274 million French speakers on Earth and the International Francophonie Organisation aims to spread the principles and lessons of the French language. The “Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie” was founded on March 20, 1970 and is still active today.

Fun Facts about French language

At International School Suva, the French students in Secondary School are hosting a day exploring aspects of French culture: food, music and sport. On the 18th of March, recess and lunch breaks will be dedicated to the selling of food such as: chocolate mousse, crêpes, chocolate éclairs, madeleines, crême brûlée, and quiche. As for entertainment, during lunch our very own students will be performing songs and dances in French, as well as games to play and videos on display available to all who attend the event. All the funds raised from this event will go towards the victims of Cyclone Winston (see poster attached).

● French is the 9th most widely spoken language on the planet and the one, together with English, to be spoken on all five continents. ● French is also the only language, with English, that is taught in every country of the world, with 100 million students and 2 million teachers - 20% of whom are outside of official French speaking countries.

Francophonie Member Countries Beatrice, Talii and Alejandro- Year 12 French-

Outdoor Education

Middle School Physical Education Middle school students have embraced movement and learning new skills this term. Our students have taken ownership of their personal preparation and undergo a rigorous warm-up program which is self-led. Over 98% of MS students participated in the Athletics carnival, putting into practice new skill and techniques they have learned in class. For the past three weeks, we have been engaged in Invasion Games utilizing the skills and principles of Soccer, Rugby and Basketball. New concepts such as running into space, anticipating play patterns and creating “miss-matches” are all contributing to better team play as the students learn “game-sense”. The highlight of this unit of work has been the special presentations and work-shops put on by NRL-Fiji. The students learnt key concepts of the game of Rugby League and Well-being. We congratulate the students on their work thus far and look forward to continued participation as we begin our Aquatics Unit. Brett Barons / Jennifer Liew MS PE Staff

Year 7 Camp At 7:30am on Wednesday morning (9th March), 37 Year 7 bright-eyed and bushy tailed Year 7 students arrived at school happy and eager to hit the road and travel to their ultimate camp destination, Mosquito Island. Some students were excited and looking forward to the activities planned while others were ready to just ‗chillax‘ on the beach and take in the sights. Upon arrival on the island we began a whirlwind of activity involving the setting up of our tents and the building of our very safe camp fires. We were so exhausted by the end of this that we just had to stop and eat. Some took longer to eat than others due to the huge bonfires prepared to cook lunch – of course the bonfire had to die down before pots and pans could actually be placed upon the fire to cook the food in. The students found the team building games enjoyable although most found it a challenge to actively listen on the first day which led to a 7:30pm curfew. Luckily there was much improvement during the following day and all enjoyed the subsequent bonfire on the beach during the second night, happily roasting marshmallows and sharing ghost stories. All students were encouraged to participate in all the activities to the best of their ability. One of the highlights was the impromptu concert the students participated in during the afternoon of the second day. No one could possibly forget the ―walrus aerobics class‖ performed by Hefrani, Maryanne, Josiah Stice and Gautam – lucky we had yoga mats and that we were able to record the stunning performance. Our camp wouldn‘t have been a success without the help of our Year 7 camp team. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the students, the parents who helped their child to prepare, Mr. Dona, Mr. Pana, Mr. Eddie, Mr. Lai, Ms. Tima and Ms. Shivana. We would like to also thank Mrs. Awais who attended our camp as well. It is hoped that the students continue to reflect upon the achievements they made at camp and apply the important life skills they have learned to their everyday lives (both in and out of the school environment). GO YEAR 7!

Year 7 News Class Captains and Deputy Class Captains

Since the induction of our class captains and deputy class captains the Year 7 classrooms have been a hive of activity. The class captains have taken the initiative to plan, organise and facilitate one pastoral session a week. This is an opportunity for the captains to help develop a rapport with their peers and to encourage teamwork amongst the year level. Their first session was based upon goal-setting and the captains used the student diary as a tool to aid their talk and hands-on tasks that they had prepared for the rest of the year group to do. The session went really well and we look forward to seeing more sessions from the captains throughout the year. Solar Oven Investigation

As part of reduction of CO2( greenhouse gas) emissions, Year 7 put on their design hats two weeks ago to design their solar ovens which they tested last week. They worked in groups of four or five and brainstormed ideas for the best material to use and they were required to describe the purpose of using their choice material. Students were also asked to explain how their ovens work and were interviewed on sight by our camera crew which consisted of Ms Shivana and Tooba. Video of this activity is on Media\2016\Sec\Video\MS\Year7\Science\Solar Oven activity The construction of ovens began and the room was filled with cardboard boxes, aluminium foils, cling wraps, rectangular glass slabs, black paints, scissors, tapes and improvised plates for cooking. Last Monday, students tested their ovens and interestingly no two designs were exactly the same but all ovens worked. They helped themselves to their afternoon snacks which they cooked in the ovens. One group had 4 platefuls of nachos with cheese and bolognaise sauce while the other groups had to share the contents of one plate. Chocolate and cheese on crackers and other simple treats were enjoyed by all.

Musical Tutoring for all!


PTFA ‘Welcome to 2016’ Social Evening - 10th March, 2016

Dear Parents, Teachers and Guardians,

The PTFA wishes to thank all the Parents and staff who turned up to the Social evening. This was the first social event by the PTFA (Interim committee) and there was an expectation that 2016 will be a great year of working together and moving forward as a community. We look forward to seeing more parents in our upcoming events.

Please be reminded that the ISS PTFA Annual General Meeting is being held next Wednesday 23rd of March at 3pm in the amphitheatre at school. We would love to have as many of you there as possible. This is your chance to have a voice and also an opportunity to raise any items on the agenda at the AGM. Furthermore, please be advised that nominations for those who wish to sit on the PTFA committee can be submitted via email prior to the AGM or by attending the AGM on the 23rd March at ISS. It would be wonderful for the PTFA to grow in numbers to help us have a really fun and social 2016 at ISS. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you all at the meeting Kind regards, Lisa Nili Interim Secretary PTFA, ISS

THE PTFA INTERIM COMMITTEE President V/President Secretary Parent Liason Rep Social Committee Rep Teacher Reps Administration Rep Treasurer Events & Marketing Coordinator -

Sharon Smith Johns Candie Italiano Lisa Nili Lorraine Rimmer Amerika Grewal Lindy Stice and Renee Broughton Anna Marsden Vinesh Chand (ISS Business Office) Salote Narayan

s r o il a S r io n u J Ahoy SECONDARY SCIENCE UPDATE - DATA LOGGERS Great news for the secondary science students of ISS. The school has recently purchased the latest version of Data Loggers and this will be of great benefit and improvement to their academic learning. A data logger or also known as a data recorder is an electronic device that records data over time or in relation to location either with a built in instrument or sensor or via external instruments and sensors. The school purchased data loggers are able to interface with a personal computer or ipad and use a software to view and analyze the collected data either in the classroom or out in the field. This latest device allows our students a comprehensive, accurate picture of the environmental conditions being monitored, such as air temperature and relative humidity amongst other things. This also means that the ISS laboratory is well equipped with the latest resources for the students.

The Royal Suva Yacht Club’s Junior Sailing Squad is now open for 2016 registrations If your child is 8 years older or more, able to swim 50 metres unaided and is interested in sailing, our RSYC Junior Sailing programme officially opens on Sunday 3 April. We sail on Sundays from 12noon till 4pm from April through to late November. Junior members sail in Optimists and Lasers provided by the club. Learn to Sail 2106 Junior sailing is divided into cadets or first time sailors and the squad. During the course of the year our cadets learn seamanship and how to confidently sail for leisure. In addition, we have fun day sailing to various locations in Suva Harbour and participate in races and regattas hosted by the RSYC, the Fiji Yachting Association and other clubs in Fiji. Once confident and certified, the cadet sailors move through to our RSYC Junior Squad for more serious fun. The RSYC Squad 2016 For those members that have already participated in the RSYC Junior Squad or already know how to sail, our racing season commences this month with the Savusavu Yacht Club hosting a regatta over Easter. A contingent of our sailors are heading to S2 for Easter and will compete with the local junior sailors. Please contact PeterOvenden@gmail.com for more information on the S2 regatta. During the course of the year our squad improve upon their sailing technique and those that wish to, graduate from Optimist dinghies to Laser sailing. Participation in our squad is an ideal way for confident sailors to evolve their skills and build on their knowledge of leisure sailing and racing to an international standard. After every sailing we have sausage sizzle at the club and you are most welcome to join our young members. Parent Participation and Support We are a volunteer group, so if you can lend a hand, please do. We like our junior sailors to be independent when rigging and cleaning up, however a helping hand when moving the boats in and out of the water and back into storage is always welcome. From time to time during the year you may be asked to organise a social event or be involved in fun day sailing to islands in the harbour. If you are already a sailor or have a boat that can double as a rescue boat, you would be most welcome. If you know of anyone that would like to sponsor the junior sailors, please let us know. Safety is our Priority At RSYC we take the safety of our junior sailors (and all sailors) very seriously, if your child is not confident with the water then there is little chance that they will make a good sailor. Membership Applications Drop by the club and complete a membership and junior sailing application form.

Upcoming Events (Term 1)

ISS Production 2016

1st & 2nd June Save the dates..

‘CAUGHT in a Dozen’ Production preparation has kept us all busy and on our toes, but it is coming together quite well with its various different varieties of characters and the unique elements that include audio visual work. This has never been used in the past productions, so we look forward to seeing you all at the show. You don't want to miss this extremely funny, heart-warming, and family-friendly tale. Mia Kami Student Director

Thursday, April 21 Year 3 Camp

T1: WEEK 10 Tuesday, March 22 Year 8 camp

Secondary PT intervies

Wednesday, March 23 Year 8 camp

Friday, April 22 Year 3 Camp

3:00pm PTFA AGM

5:00pm Year level update

Thursday, March 24 Year 8 camp

T2: WEEK 3

PRIMARY PRESS Term Ends 1:30pm Whole School Assembly - Year 4

Wednesday, April 27 Year 4 Camp 2:40pm PTFA Monthly Meeting

5:00pm Year level update

Thursday, April 28 Year 4 Camp

Friday, March 25 Good Friday public holiday

Friday, April 29 Year 4 Camp Coca Cola Games

Thursday, March 31 Suva Zone 1 Athletics Competition T2: WEEK 1 Tuesday, April 12 All students begin Monday, April 18 Model United Nations

Saturday, April 30 Coca Cola Games T2: WEEK 4 Wednesday, May 4 YEAR 5 CAMP Thursday, May 5 YEAR 5 CAMP

T2: WEEK 2 Tuesday, April 19 Model United Nations

ECH Mothers Day Morning Tea

Wednesday, April 20 Year 3 Camp


Friday, May 6 YEAR 5 CAMP

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