SnowKidz Report 20/21

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Report Season 20/21

The past season presented numerous challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic. This was not made easier with information that was constantly changing. As such our message to Organisers this season was “if in doubt, wait it out”. Thankfully this message was heard and whilst interest in staging SnowKidz events was high, Organisers showed restraint and are waiting for the situation to improve to begin staging events again. For this I would like to open this foreword by saying thank you to all the Organisers for their patience.

But the SnowKidz season was not just a big waiting game. Whilst we waited, we took the time to reach out to new partners and new Organisers. The move was fruitful with 38 new Organisers including Ski Dubai (UAE), Kuyem (CHI), Le Club de Ski de Fond d'Evain (CAN), Travel Point (ROM), SV Oberperfuss (AUT), EOS Karpenisiou (GRE), WEEK 4 KIDS (ITA) and National Snow Show (GBR) amongst others joining the programme. In addition to new Organisers five new partners joined SnowKidz. The partners include INTERSANDS, The International Ski Instructors Association, International Federation of Ski Patrollers, Special Olympics and World Para Snow Sports. Each of these organisations bring a wealth of knowledge in their respective areas and will be a big asset in expanding SnowKidz. To each of these new partners and new Organisers I would like to extend a warm welcome to the SnowKidz family.

To conclude this foreword I would like try answer the question “where do we go next?”. Whilst I am not and would not like to be a fortune teller my outlook is positive. FIS has made a commitment to continue the SnowKidz programme and offer all its support features for the next season and beyond. In addition my experience has shown that the snow sports industry and its stakeholders are resilient. The full capacity of the industry will not return overnight but I am confident it will return to a good position within the next two years.


The FIS SnowKidz Report would not have been possible without the support of the Event Organisers and the contributions of hundreds of participants whose feedback has been invaluable. Thanks are also due to the FIS Member National Ski Associations which promoted the concept and all local and international partners and sponsors for their continued support.

Ready, aim, fire!. Helsinki (FIN) A fun challenge. Valkeakoski (FIN)
Contents Page Executive Summary ......................................................................................................... 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3 Who is the International Ski Federation? .............................................................................. 4 What is Bring Children to the Snow? ..................................................................................... 4 What is SnowKidz? ................................................................................................................ 4 SnowKidz Goals Analysis ........................................................................................................ 5 SnowKidz in Numbers ..................................................................................................... 7 Fast Numbers ......................................................................................................................... 8 SnowKidz by Continent and Country ..................................................................................... 9 Types of Organisers ................................................................................................................ 10 Example Events ...................................................................................................................... 10 Timelines and Milestones ............................................................................................... 11 SnowKidz Awards ........................................................................................................... 13 Communication Activities ............................................................................................... 15 Website .................................................................................................................................. 16 Social media ........................................................................................................................... 16 Integration into FIS Channels ................................................................................................. 17 World Cup Integration ........................................................................................................... 17 FIS Youth and Childrens Seminar ........................................................................................... 17 Partner Actions ............................................................................................................... 18 Feedback from Event Organisers ..................................................................................... 25 Suggestions for Event Organisers .................................................................................... 28 Concluding Remarks ....................................................................................................... 31

Executive Summary

Happy to be together. Jahorina (BIH)

The 2020/2021 season of SnowKidz saw 110 events events and actions in a 12 months period. The decrease in activities was primarily due to COVID-19 restrictions. Despite the lower numbers the number of overall SnowKidz Organisers increased by 38 to bring the total number to 537. In addition five new partners were added. They are INTERSANDS, The International Ski Instructors Association, International Federation of Ski Patrollers, Special Olympics and World Para Snow Sports.

The following report analyses each of these results and other aspects of SnowKidz to give a comprehensive overview of programme.

2 Executive Summary
We are looking forward to the time we can meet our heros. Lake Lousie (CAN) Thank you. Harrahov (CZE)

A new experience. Jõulumäe Tervisespordikeskus (EST)

3 Introduction

Who is the Internation Ski Federation (FIS) ?

As the governing body of international skiing and snowboarding, FIS manages the Olympic disciplines of Alpine Skiing, Cross-Country Skiing, Ski Jumping, Nordic Combined, Freestyle Skiing and Snowboarding, including setting the international competition rules. Through its 123 member nations, more than 6’500 FIS ski and snowboard competitions are staged annually. Specific initiatives are undertaken by FIS to promote snow activities as a healthy leisure recreation, notably for the young.

What is Bring Children to the Snow?

The ‘Bring Children to the Snow’ campaign was launched in 2007 as an international, multi-year campaign to promote snow activities as the number one leisure choice for children and youngsters. The campaign aims to encourage newcomers to the snow whilst adding additional value to those who already participate in the sport.

The campaign seeks to achieve this vision through two primary programmes; FIS SnowKidz and the FIS World Snow Day. The primary target group

is children between the ages of 4-14 as well as their families. Whilst targeting children and their families, FIS also hopes to motivate more teenagers and young adults.

The campaign is focused on generating competitors for any particular FIS discipline. ‘Fun in the snow, fun on the snow’ is the motto at the heart of the campaign.

What is SnowKidz?

FIS SnowKidz is the first phase of the Bring Children to the Snow campaign. It is a unique program and communications platform that enables organisers around the world to share and showcase their events to bring children to the snow. Events can occur at any time and in any place around the world.

4 Introduction
From the deserts to the mountains, SnowKidz are everywhere. Aucallama (PER)

FIS SnowKidz Goals Analysis

Deadline for goals: 2025

Primary Goals:

Goal: Enable children and families to explore, enjoy and experience the fascination of snow through special events and activities organised as part of SnowKidz

Measure: To have an accumulated total of 6'000 events and actions across 45 countries

Status: On track – Calculations show that even with the reduced number of events due to COVID-19 the programme is on track to reach this goal.

Goal: To ensure Organisers are satisfied with their events to bring children to the snow.

Measure: To average an 85% retention rate of events.

Status: On track - The current retention rate stands at 23%. Despite this results calculations show that this goal can still be achieved by the deadline.

5 Introduction
Smile :). Ounasvaara (FIN) Bringing snow sports to the schools. Dordrecht (NED)

Secondary Goals

Goal: Increase awareness about the need to protect and conserve the natural environment.

Measure: To have had 100 events with environmental activities inside their event program.

Status: On track – The number of events with environmental activities in place for this past season was 10. The reduced number was due to resources being diverted to manage COVID-19 restrictions.

Goal: Promote the health benefits of snow sports to all participants.

Measure: To establish a partnership with an external body who focus on physical health.

Status: In progress - Due to the focus of many health companies and organisations being COVID-19, discussions about a partnership were not a priority. Further attempts will be made in the coming seasons.

Goal: Emphasise the importance of snow safety and awareness of rules of conduct

Measure: To have had 100 events with safety activities inside their event program.

Status: On track – The number of events with safety activities in place for this past season was 8. The reduced number was due to resources being diverted to manage COVID-19 restrictions.

6 Introduction
A small break in restrictions provided a great opportunity to get on the snow. Brauneck (GER)

SnowKidz in Numbers

the next generation. Mavarovo (MKD)

Fast Numbers

• 2 new countries: United Arab Emirates and Mexico

• 9 global partners: Atomic Skis, Dinoski, International Federation of Ski Patrollers, INTERSANDS, International Ski Instructors Association, MND Group, Right to Play, Special Olympics and World Para Snow Sports.

• Average of 12.7% growth on all social media channels.

• 22 participating countries

• 38 new SnowKidz Organisers

• 91% of persons who attended a SnowKidz event stated they would attend the same event the following year.

• 109 events and actions this season

• 537 Event Organisers

• 697 kilograms of equipment distributed this season

• 4’693 SnowKidz events and actions since 2009

• Over 21’806 views on YouTube

• More than 91’316 visitors to

• Over 4.9 million participants since SnowKidz inception

SnowKidz in Numbers

Like the name says, "SKI4ALL". Skiparque Manteigas (POR)

FIS SnowKidz by Continent and Country

Europe retains its position as the continent with the highest number of events and actions.

9 SnowKidz in Numbers
Nor th America 0 Events 0 Countries Europe 101 Events 19 Countries Asia 0 Events 0 Countries Africa 0 Events 0 Country South America 8 Events 3 Countries Australasia 0 Events 0 Countries Austria 1 Chile 1 Belgium 1 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 Czech Republic 11 Estonia 3 Mexico 1 Netherlands 2 Peru 6 Portugal 5 Romania 6 Russia 5 Serbia 4 Slovakia 1 Slovenia 1 Sweden 25 Greece 2 Italy 7 Latvia 1 Macedonia 1 Finland 14 Germany 8

Types of Organisers

Despite the influx of new Organisers, the distribution of the types of Organisers has remained the same as last season. Ski/Snowboard clubs remain the highest making up 35% of the 537 Organisers. This is followed by Ski/Snowboard schools (13%) and National Ski Associations (11%).

Example Events

Falcade (ITA): WEEK 4 KIDS

Throughout Finland: Kids Move!

Throughout Sweden: Alle pa Snow

Oberperfuss (AUT): Veniercup der Volksschulen

Arauco (CHI): Free sandboarding lessons

Jõulumäe (EST): Free kids ski lessons

10 SnowKidz in Numbers
Verdict? 100% happiness. Seli (GRE) Types of SnowKidz Organisers.

Timeline and Milestones

Dressed to impress. Icoana Cavnic (ROM)

(31.05.2021) SnowKidz 2020/2021 season closes.


(03.03.2021) Special Olympics and SnowKidz partner


100th SnowKidz event/action completed – Everyone on Snow Bollnäs 2021 (SWE)

(27.01.2021) Federation of Ski Patrollers partner with SnowKidz


FIS extends partnership with World Para Snow Sports to include SnowKidz


INTERSANDS and SnowKidz sign new partnership agreement


All Care Packages allocated, applications for Organiser Care Packages close


2022 SnowKidz Award confirmed


50th SnowKidz event/action completed - Kidz Snowfun Tour 2021 Helsinki (FIN)


International Ski Instructors Association and SnowKidz join forces

(01.11.2020) Distribution of Organiser Care Packages commences

(01.10.2020) Applications for Organiser Care Packages opens

Timeline and Milestones

(01.06.2020) A new season of SnowKidz commences

(02.06.2020) COVID-19 information provided to all SnowKidz Organisers

Feb. 2021 Dec. Nov. Oct. Sep. Aug. Jul. June
May. Apr. Mar.

SnowKidz Awards

Making sure everyone has a chance to try snow sports. Koltsovo Alpine Ski Resort (RUS)

The 2020/2021 season was a non-SnowKidz Award season as the Award takes place every two years. The next SnowKidz Award will be presented in 2022.

14 SnowKidz Awards 2020
Will reigning champions Everyone on Snow take the title in 2022? SnowKidz Awards 2020 results
sunshine and happy moments in a dark time.
Communication Activities Bringing
Kerava (FIN)

SnowKidz has undertaken a series of communications actions to promote the events, actions and programme. They are as follows:


The home of all things SnowKidz, the website has been an integral part to the program. Organisers are able to register, monitor and manage their events online through the Live Profile System. The clever integration of the Live Profile System with the Event Locator means that any amendments are updated in real time. This allows the public to track, follow and plan participation in events easily. In addition to the communications of events, photos and videos by event Organisers are also displayed in reports. This gives the public even further engagement in the events.

Number of individual visitors: 91’316

Social media

FIS SnowKidz has seen an average of 12.7% growth in the last 12 months.


• Average monthly reach 22’433


• Average monthly reach 5’118


• Average monthly views 291

Estimated total impact: 1.6 million

16 Communication Activities
FInally able to get on the snow. Mallnitz (AUT)

Integration into FIS Channels

The FIS website and its associated channels have a large global reach. SnowKidz has been integrated into these channels in two ways. Firstly, each week SnowKidz publishes news on This news is then further pushed out via the FIS Newsflash system. Secondly, SnowKidz content is regularly posted on the FIS Alpine, Cross-Country, Freestyle, Snowboard, Ski Jumping and Nordic Combined social media channels.

Est. exposure: 1.5 million

World Cup Integration

Whilst spectators were limited at FIS World Cup events, displaying the SnowKidz promotional trailer at FIS World Cups still proceeded. The act was more a symbolic gesture to give hope to viewers of the competitions.

Est. exposure: 1000

FIS Youth and Children Seminar

Due to COVID-19 restrictions plans of presenting at the FIS Youth and Children’s Seminar were postponed.

Est. exposure: 0

17 Communication Activities
Hopefully we can all share drinks and food again soon. Lake Lousie (CAN)

Partner Actions

Entertaining kids in both winter and summer. Falcade (ITA)

The FIS SnowKidz Partners have been integral in the SnowKidz success. The following section highlights their valuable contributions:

Atomic Skis

For the 20/21 season two activities were set to take place with the support of Atomic. However due to COVID-19 restrictions these activities had to be placed on hold. It is the hope that the activities will be able to take place in season 21/22.


Activations with Dinoski were also placed on hold this season as resources needed to be diverted to managing COVID-19. The cooperation will be revaluated and activations will look to be implemented in the next season.


The International Federation of Ski Patrollers (FIPS)

The International Federation of Ski Patrollers (FIPS) is the international organisation representing ski patrol and associated ski safety organisations with membership from throughout the world. These organisations comprise ski patrollers, physicians, lawyers, engineers, technicians, ski equipment manufacturers, snowsport instructors, ski area managers, policemen and women, ambulance officers, and a raft of other volunteers and professionals, who are involved in the multidisciplinary activities of ski patrolling. The partnership with FIPS came to fruition at the end of the season and concrete actions will be implemented in season 21/22.


INTERSANDS is sand sports international governing body. The cooperation with INTERSANDS commenced as it was recognised that the interest in snow sports is high amongst communities living in “sand environments”. For this season of SnowKidz INTERSANDS connected SnowKidz with new Orgnisers in these communities.

Partner Actions


One par tner, many solutions

International Ski Instructors Association

The International Ski Instructors Association, known better by the acronym ISIA, is the world body for professional ski instructors. The ISIA was formed in 1971 and there are currently 37 member nations representing the very best in ski instruction around the world. For this season of SnowKidz ISIA activated its extensive communications network to ensure ski and snowboard schools around the world were introduced to SnowKidz.

MND Group

MND Group continued their support of the successful SnowKidz Safety Animations. For this season four new languages were added bringing the total to 18 languages. All animations are available free to SnowKidz Organisers via the SnowKidz Digital Toolkit.

Partner Actions


Right to Play

Together with Right to Play, FIS launched the “Project Play” project. The project will see SnowKidz establish a new programme to give under privileged children in Lebanon a chance to try snow sports. The project is done in conjunction with Right to Play and one of its ambassadors, Pat Burgener. In March 2020 the first event was set to take place but was postponed due to COVID-19. Another attempt was made in March 2021 but once again had to be postponed. It is the hope that the event can finally take place in March 2022.

Special Olympics

The Special Olympics partnership shows a lot of promise. Together with the organisation a series of tools will be developed to help SnowKidz Organisers open their events to children with an intellectual impediment. The first series of tools is set to launch later in 2021.

Partner Actions

World Para Snow Sports

World Para Snow Sports is the snow sports branch of the International Paralympic Committee. Overseeing competitions in Alpine and Nordic skiing as well as snowboarding, the organisation has a large network of organisers and stakeholders. Working together, these stakeholders were invited to host SnowKidz events. Equally, SnowKidz Organisers answered the call to open events to persons with a physical impediment. The cooperation is in its infancy and will grow over the years to come.

Partner Actions


Preferred Suppliers

The Preferred Suppliers are the top level suppliers used by FIS. The aim of the program is to offer SnowKidz Organisers access to the suppliers who help make top level events, such as World Cups. For the 2020/2021 season of SnowKidz the suppliers included Amwerk Internova and Liski Sport Equipment,

Partner Actions
Frosted hair, I don't care. Dolomiti Superski (ITA)

Feedback from Event Organisers

SnowKidz assemble. Harghita (ROM)

From the 15th May – 15th June 2021, FIS collected feedback from all Event Organisers. This was done via a survey. This years survey was simplified as some aspects could not be measured due to COVID-19 restrictions. The results are as follows:

Organiser Actions

For the 2020/2021 season “Free lessons” took over “Free lift passes” as the main offering from SnowKidz Organisers.

26 Feedback

Do you plan to organise a SnowKidz event for the 2021/2022 season?

88% of SnowKidz Organisers have said they will stage events and actions in the 2021/2022 season. This is a positive sign given effects of COVID-19 restrictions.

27 Feedback

Suggestions for Event Organisers

Despite resort being closed some clubs still hosted a day for kids. Gace (SLO)

Dressed for success. Cavnic (ROM)

Based on the feedback from Organisers and data obtained from events the following ideas are suggested to SnowKidz Organisers for the future.

Enter The SnowKidz Awards

The 2022 Snowidz Award is confirmed. All SnowKidz Organisers are eligible to enter the Award. Applications will open on the 1st October 2021 and will remain open till the 15th February 2022. There is a 63’000chf prize pool and the title of “Worlds Best Kids Snow event/action” to be won.

Hint: Check out the case studies from the last SnowKidz Award on for hints on how to win.

Don’t forget to register events

SnowKidz has a two part registration process. Once you have completed the “Organiser registration” it is important that you then register your events. Regsitration of events is always open and takes only 5min.


Hint: If you plan to enter the SnowKidz Award, registration of your events is imperative to be eligible.


Take Advantage of Preferred Suppliers

The Preferred Suppliers is a list of companies who produce items which make events possible. All Suppliers on the list are used by SnowKidz and FIS for various actions inc. the World Cups. This means their services and/or products are reliable and high quality. Click the link below to obtain the contact information of the Preferred Suppliers and to see their catalogues.

Hint: When contacting a Preferred Supplier, make sure to mention you are a SnowKidz Organiser. Registered SnowKidz Organisers receive special prices.


Handing out the prizes. Brauneck (GER) Hurry up mum! I want to go skiing. Sakhalin (RUS)

Concluding Remarks

Scissors, paper, rock for who goes first? Pozo Santo (PER)

The future of snow sports, and indeed all sports, is uncertain. As such it is imperative that stakeholders in snow sports unite and do their best to introduce a new generation to snow sports. Thankfully this process is now easier than ever.

With over 10 years of experience, the backing of snow sports governing body, events and actions taking place all over the globe, documented best practices and numerous support features, SnowKidz has shown the challenge of introducing a new generation to snow sports can be overcome and yield long term good results. What’s more, access to all the SnowKidz support is free of charge.

Looking ahead, FIS is committed to SnowKidz in the long term. The programme is open to all no matter background or what level of experience one has in snow sports. FIS is eagerly anticipating the years ahead and hopes to work with many more stakeholders in snow sports.


See you next season! Falcade (ITA) Aaaaaaaaand GO!. Vihti (FIN)

SnowKidz Report - Season 20/21

Marc Hodler Haus

Blochstrasse 2

CH-3563, Oberhofen am Thunersee Tel +41 33 244 6161 Fax +41 33 244 6171


Gian Franco Kasper

Executive Editors

Andrew Cholinski and Jenny Weideke

Graphical Concept / Layout / Print

Andrew Cholinski

Copyright No articles may be reproduced without identification of the source (Copyright: FIS).

The FIS logograms and World Snow Day logo are registered trademarks of FIS. FIS wishes to thank all its members and partners for their contributions to this publication. Without them this would not be possible

Photo Credits

National Ski Associations

Agence Zoom

I-stock photos

SnowKidz Event Organisers

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