==== ==== "Unlock the Secret of Law of Attraction By Following Three 'Obvious' Steps." http://attraction.learntomakerealmoneyonline.com ==== ====
So the question you may have is 'What exactly is MLM Attraction Marketing ?' In this article I want to give you some insight into Attraction Marketing and why it can be so powerful for your business. First let me explain Attraction Marketing in the context of traditional business. From the 1950's through to the late 1990's sales trainers taught a model of selling which can only be described as PUSH marketing. This is where you cold call prospects who have not expressed an interest in your product or service, you convince them to make an appointment with you, you go and present what you are trying to sell them, then you try to close them on saying yes and overcome their objections. Its an aggressive and PUSHY model that is largely out of vouge now but for many years this was the only model for sales people and business owners to get their products or services into the market. Now here is an important thing to keep in mind ... nobody likes to be sold. We do however like to make informed decisions especially if it is for something we bellieve will add value in our lives. Now lets compare this old school PUSH selling model with MLM. During the same period of time the model for MLM success was to make a list of your warm market (ie your family and friends none of whom have expressed an interest in going into business necessarily), you cold call them ... yes I know they are your warm market but at this stage they are cold as far as your opportunity goes, and invite them to an inhome meeting or one-on-one meeting. Then you present your opportunity to them and try your hardest to close ... ahh I mean sponsor them into your business. If you are really good at handling objections your sponsoring rate can go way up. This is old school PUSH marketing for MLM. Can you see how similar they are? Well today in business the PUSH model is far less effective. Today it is far easier to PULL people to you through the power of ATTRACTION MARKETING. I have been teaching this model to small business owners in traditional business for a number of years now with great results. So lets look at how Attraction Marketing applies in MLM.
MLM Attraction Marketing is based on the concept of making yourself as attractive as possible to your target market . In order to do this successfully you must have the three key components of attraction ... the right mindset, the right marketing system and the right opportunity. If one of these three is not attractive then guess what? You are right you will not attract prospects to you and your business will fail to grow to meet your hopes and dreams. Attraction Marketing for MLM is all about leading your prospective new team members to you, building a relationship with them, positioning yourself as a highly attractive leader that can help them achieve their goals, and lead them to make the decision that they will join with you. When you have the right attraction marketing system in place your prospects will come to you presold and ready to join you and your opportunity. Imagine the difference in can make in your business and in your life when you shift from chasing and harrassing your family and friends who have no interest in being in business, to attracting a never ending stream of highly qualified leads to your business many of whom sell themselves on wanting to join with you. As Mike Dillard of Magnetic Sponsoring said ... it moves you from the hunter to the hunted. So how do you learn more about MLM Attraction Marketing? How do you implement an attraction marketing system into your business? Well that is why we are developing the FREEDOM DUPLICATOR system ... it is a complete MLM Attraction Marketing System that allows you to: 1/ Learn everything you need to know about MLM Attraction Marketing. Its effectively a FREE MLM Attraction Marketing University. 2/ Use the Freedom Duplicator system to attract a never ending stream of highly qualified leads to your business. 3/ Develop a self funded recurring monthly income stream from your lead generation efforts. Imagine if you earn $300, $500 or $1000 a month, month in month out from your leads. 4/ Duplicate your success to your new team members. Freedom Duplicator when launched will give you a complete MLM Attraction Marketing System that will enable you to move from the old school PUSH marketing to the new model of PULL marketing.
FREE 100% Generic MLM Attraction Marketing University - Discover how you can attract more highly qualified MLM leads than you can deal with. Enroll in the free training here: [http://www.MLMAttractionMarketingUniversity.com]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rodney_Moore
==== ==== "Unlock the Secret of Law of Attraction By Following Three 'Obvious' Steps." http://attraction.learntomakerealmoneyonline.com ==== ====