Internet Marketing Magazine July 2012

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JULY 2012

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THE STATE OF THE INTERNET In this section of Internet Marketing Magazine we cover the low down on what are the big plays that have happened online in the last month and how they affect you. A Nasty Place for Hacking and Exploits Month by month the volume of hacking and exploits online continues to grow. The big scalp this month was LinkedIn with reports of 6.5 million passwords allegedly leaked and posted to a Russian hacker site. The passwords that were stolen were encrypted with SHA-1 encryption and can be cracked if the user employs a simple dictionary password. If you have a LinkedIn account now would be a great time to change your password to a new highly secure one. The Web Marketing Center, the company that publishes Internet Marketing Magazine also witnessed a record number of exploits in the last month that were reported to its Marketing Agency arm at There is currently a big shift online with hackers now taking aim at web server’s more than individual computers. Many of the exploits and malware witnessed in the last month were against Wordpress sites. Web administrators can greatly reduce the risk of their Wordpress sites being compromised by utilising a good quality tight security hosting like Rackspace, updating Wordpress and its extensions to the latest version and by adding PCI security scanning and seals to the website. Previously we used to use the McAfee Secure tool but have now switched to the Trust Guard PCI scan as it is roughly half the cost and scans for over 45,000 vulnerabilities. If you find your site in a compromised position then a great service that can help you remove the Malware on your businesses website is Sucuri. They will scan and clean the malware for you and then re-submit your site to the search engines on your behalf.


internet marketing magazine july 2012

Amazon Cloud not as Bullet Proof as we are led to believe Amazon Cloud went down in late June, taking Netflix, Instagram and Pinterest With It. Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud in North Virginia had a major service outage on the 29th of June 2012 due to severe thunder storms in the area. One of the main selling points of the Cloud is that there are redundancies to prevent just such occurrences. While it is obvious that server load shifts between servers fine it appears that the loss of a data centre to the Amazon Cloud did not result in workload failover to an alternate data center. A small step backwards, perhaps, for cloud computing. Facebook to get it’s own Browser? Popular rumour circulating the web is that Facebook is reportedly eyeing a takeover of desktop, tablet and Smartphone browser maker Opera Software. Opera Browser offer a fast web browsing experience optimized for any mobile phone or touch-screen tablet. It also has Mac and PC versions.

Opera Mobile

An acquisition of Opera could give Facebook a major boost if they decide to enter the browser wars with Microsoft, Google, Apple and Mozilla. About 270 million people use Opera browsers every month, the software company claims. Furthermore, more than 168 million people used the Opera Mini browser in March 2012, with a total of 117 billion pages served.

Google’s new Tablet – the Nexus 7 Google unveiled its take on the tablet—small and budget-friendly—at its developer conference, Google I/O, in June.

The reason for the alleged acquisition would be Facebook positioning itself as a major player in the next generation of the web as ‘Web 2.0’ loses its mantle to the web’s next big phase ‘Mobile’. The Dawn of the Days of the Responsive Web Google Nexus 7

See below the preview of Microsoft’s new, soonto-be-released website, based on the Metro design The seven-inch tablet, made by manufacturer Acer, language and responsive web design principles. will sell for $199—the same price as the Kindle Fire of the same price as the Kindle Fire of the same size, and less expensive than Apple’s iPad 2 which starts at $399. Learning a lesson from Amazon, Google can see that the only way to beat the premium-worthy iPad is to go for the millions of customers who are ready for smaller and cheaper tablets, and then grow those customers into more Android-powered devices and Google-powered services like Google Play over time.

Microsoft’s Responsive Redesign

Whilst the technology was invented over two years ago, Microsoft’s new soon to be released site is the first site from a big tech company to embrace responsive web design. Simply put, a site is responsive if it reconfigures itself, on the fly, to fit different size screens. In a world of smartphones, mini and full size tablets, laptops, desktops and flat screen TV’s, many designers have started to build responsive sites to serve this profusion of screen formats. What we are witnessing here is the future direction of web design.

Bieber smashing it on the Social Media Justin Bieber has one of, if not the greatest social reach of any individual on the planet. Bieber boasts 21 million Twitter followers—more than any person on Earth except for Lady Gaga with 26 million. His 43 million Facebook fans are more than Mitt Romney’s and Barack Obama’s put together. With 740 million views, his breakout ballad, “Baby,” is the most-watched video in YouTube history; if you assume three minutes per song, his VEVO channel’s 2.4 billion impressions are enough to provide one minute of video to every person on the planet. Pretty crazy stats all in all. internet marketing magazine july 2012


From the Desk of the Editor Last month was a great month for Internet Marketing Magazine with the Systemisation and Monetisation knowledge of James Schramko a real highlight.

getting good value from Internet Marketing Magazine I’d really appreciate it if you could spare 1 minute of your time and click this link to give us a quick honest review (click ‘view in iTunes’ then scroll down and click ‘write a review’, thanks :).

This month you will now find the new full ‘Dominating on eBay’ Matt Clarkson Interview audio in the ‘Audio Expert Interview’ section of the member’s area. Matt Clarkson has a deep knowledge Until next time… Wishing you the best of success of eBay and how to monetize it to its full extent. online He shares how to rank in it well and how to leverage eBay as part of your overall eCommerce strategy. It’s free, so if you haven’t been sent your link to the member’s area please feel free to register for it today at become-member/


Important: We’re working on building the number of reviews we have on the Apple platforms so as to keep dominant rankings in the search. If you are


internet marketing magazine july 2012

Greg Cassar Internet Marketing Strategist & Editor – Internet Marketing Magazine



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july 2012




DOMINATING ON EBAY An Interview by Internet Marketing Strategist Greg Cassar

Matt and Amanda Clarkson are world-renowned eBay experts. They have built their own large eBay store empire and also have gone on to teach thousands of people all around the world how to create their own successful eBay businesses. Below is an in-depth interview with Matt Clarkson on the very latest trends and techniques with eBay. I started working seven and a half years ago to try make money on the internet and like most people, we went to all different types of education seminars, workshops, invested in programs trying to figure out how to crack it with eBooks, websites, domain names and all sorts of stuff - I had a bit of trouble with that. The biggest thing missing was traffic and we solved that by getting into eBay and leveraging the large volumes of traffic that were already there.

Matt and Amanda Clarkson

The good thing with eBay, it is so wide open that you can see all the stats, you can see all the figures of who is selling and what is selling. From that, we were able to determine, “Hey, this is something worthwhile - this is a viable business.” We sold our first item on eBay. We even made the fatal mistake of spelling the item in the title incorrectly, so we could barely be found for this item we were selling.

Greg: Prior to getting into eBay, I know both yourself and Amanda were working in more, what we’d call traditional employment – how did the eBay business come about for you? We started off at 99 cents and at the end of seven days we sold a set of CD’s for 133 dollars. And Matt: I think like many people grabbing a first look even though we had done everything wrong, we for something different, your eyes are open to all sold these CD’s for 133 dollars – people couldn’t different opportunities, and we tried shares, we even really find us properly and we thought ‘wow tried renovating properties. My background is I’m imagine if we could do this professionally and aca carpenter and so we actually renovated eight tually know what we are actually doing’, because properties together and managed to still survive the power of the traffic was just so unbelievable. our marriage, which was exciting :) and build two houses. But the main ingredient missing was cash Greg: With eBay, like any form of Internet Marflow. So, we started to look for a way to create an keting the niche selection can be crucially imongoing consistent cash flow. So, just like many portant. With eBay, do you recommend people just started looking around, trying to find what find and ‘own’ a niche? Or do you recommend was out there and what is was a possibility at the the general mass-market scatter gutter gun type time. approach?


internet marketing magazine july 2012

Matt: Many other sellers we saw were trying to sell the same items as us but also a whole bunch more – they might have for example, lawn mowers, then high heel shoes, then school books and it just didn’t make sense. We focussed on one niche product range, and so by having one niche, we realised that by doing that we were becoming the dominant player in that one niche and were also seeing our results skyrocket, because people knew when they went to our eBay store, they were coming there just for one product range. And so that’s when we clicked on the fact that it’s important instead of being a catalogue where you have 50 thousand types of products, if we just had one niche for say even a dozen cluster products based around that niche we would really quickly dominate it and get a lot of the traffic and then become a successful business. The great thing is that there are 50 thousand categories on eBay. So, if you only want just one it is pretty easy to find an open market. Greg: Did you find that if you then want to grow and scale and you’ve got one niche or vertical, do you then look at complementary products and services that your existing market could already want, so you could market to them again?

new customer, we start the whole relationship, or the process with them, because as you know with eBay receiving good feedback is paramount to your success. You build a relationship with these customers and inadvertently a great result from that is that once you give them good service then when you market to them ongoing - they know you, they remember you, or more importantly they trust you, which means you get a lot more back in business. Greg: I know that with eBay a lot of sales are of physical products. With physical products, have you found that there are some price points that seem to work better than others, as far as being profitable – so, any sweet spots there, or price points that you find really just don’t work, or are best to avoid?

We realised over time that it doesn’t really matter whether you’re selling a $5 item, or a $500 item. It really depends on a number of factors. First off, how well you present your products. So, are you adding value and building up a value of the item to get the price you’re looking for? Are you adding in bonuses that might entice people to want to shop with you, rather than your competitor, and are you able to deliver on a promise and give great customer service? We realised that we don’t have to try to be at the low end of the market. We can be at the high end of the market and in fact we sell a lot of our products now for higher prices than our competition. For example, if we have a Chinese seller who is selling the same product as us, they’re selling it cheaper than we actually buy it for wholesale, and yet we’re still able to convert people to want to shop with us because we can really build the value up. So, we haven’t seen any particular no-go zones with pricing, or how much people are prepared to spend. It really comes down to how you present the product, doing your key work research so people will find you, and capturing as much traffic as you can.

We might have a main product Matt: It is really interesting be- that is a hundred dollars, and Matt: Traditional Internet Mar- cause with the way eBay is now, to catch some more traffic we keting is having your website, people there are now looking for can use some of the five-dollar building a database, finding your things, and they’re not strictly products that have different key niche and marketing to those peo- price shopping, they’re not just words. My aim isn’t to sell the ple over and over. We apply the trying to get the cheapest prod- five-dollar product, although that same principles that we would as uct, they’re also looking for an does help, it is to get the traffic Internet Marketers to our eBay experience. for the hundred-dollar product. business. So once we receive a

internet marketing magazine july 2012


Greg: There has been a change and evolution of the eBay platform over time. If we think back a few years ago it was predominantly the auction system, and also a lot of second-hand goods, where as you see a lot of new goods and a lot of ‘Buy Now’ direct selling. Why do you believe this is that way, and how has that come about? Matt: I think that quite often a company that comes out the gates so quickly and grows so massive, such as eBay, for a while there they might be the untouchable with what they do, but then inevitably like any market place, new competition comes in. What eBay have realised is that as more and more people become confident with shopping online they’re looking for an experience as if they were going into a retail store, or wanting to spend larger amounts of money safe in the knowledge that they are getting good quality products. So they understood that they needed to have more of a slant towards new items, not second-hand items, because second-hand items sold by inexperienced sellers wasn’t giving a great experience. So what they wanted to do was turn it into the world’s largest department store. That ‘department store’ experience for people isn’t in an auction format – predominantly it is more a ‘buy it now’. So, what they’re doing is, if you’re a seller trying to sell a brand new item instead of trying to place an auction they will give you cheaper fees, and they will actually raise your items in the search results if you user buy it now. eBay is forcing the market place to adapt and evolve, but you get rewarded for doing so.

but also they will now look at what is called the ‘detailed seller rating’. For those that have been to eBay in the last 12 months you will see you customers you can give you up to a five-star rating for things like, item description, whether it was shipped on time, the price of it and the communication. The way it works is if you’re judged highly by your customers and they give you high five stars then that can help contribute to the formula of raising you in the eBay search results. Now, on the other flip side is if you get low stars, if you had ones and twos, eBay look at that they can then penalise you and start pushing your results of your items down the search results. There is even more factors than that. For example, lets say I’m selling just a pair of shoes and I have a competitor who is selling the same things. If we’re on a par with our service and similar feedback and that sort of thing, but I’ve sold 400 pairs and the other person has sold 800 pairs they will actually still be ranked higher than me because the system sees that they’re a successful seller, and ultimately that is what eBay want is more sales made, so they’ll rank it on how successful you are – with all these other components.

Greg: One of the good things about eBay is that you don’t need to worry about the traffic, but how you rank in eBay search is still vitally important. Getting a good reputation as a seller can make a difference. How else can you get ranked more highly for your products in the eBay search? Matt and Amanda’s Ebay Ranking

Matt: Well, because of the way that they’re encouraging people to shop for brand new products and use the ‘Buy it Now’ system, they’ve come up with quite a unique formula. Part of that formula is that they will look at the feedback you have, which is a standard rule on eBay,


internet marketing magazine july 2012

Greg: Some people think they’ve either got to be ‘I’m an eBay seller’ or ‘I sell on the rest of the internet’. What are your thoughts about the one platform or the other mentality? Do the platforms really complement each other?

If you’re judged highly by your customers and they give you high five stars, then that can help contribute to the formula of raising you in the eBay search results.

internet marketing magazine july 2012


Matt: The thing is that I struggle with, and many people struggle with this as well, is being able to get traffic on the internet. So when we look at what eBay have done is they’ve created a way where they can get tons and tons of traffic, in fact there are 300 million registered users around the world and still thousands of people joining every day. So we start the formula of success with an eBay business, get established, get credibility, get the traffic and then we convert people to our own website from theirs. Anyone looking at creating an online presence I believe really should look at the options of including eBay as one of those strengths. We all talk about multi-channel marketing now, including whether it comes traditional or online, if you don’t have eBay included in that multi channel mix then we’re missing out on a ton of traffic and the profits.

with someone who is prepared to be the drop shipper and we become their online agents, so to speak. Greg: The great thing about that is that you’re not fishing in the exact same pond as everyone else. Matt: Yes, agreed, who wants to do that. We have a number of students doing this type of strategy, but one of our students this year will do four million dollars on eBay through drop shipping and they hold no stock - they outlay no money for stock, and they ship nothing.

The other strategy where you purchase and own your stock items is the one that we do. Currently, we ship it out ourselves, but you also have the option these days where you can still own your own stock. You purchase it, you import it. Then you can put it through a fulfilment company who will do the Greg: Let’s talk about product procurement, and I entire shipping component for you. It gives you the know this is an area that both yourself and Amanda flexibility of being able to still know that you can are very much experts in, and also importing side. outsource many aspects of an eBay business, and Do you recommend like a drop-ship approach, or keep control because you own the stock. owning and controlling your own stock inventory so that you can control the customer experience Greg: Something we spoke about before that I more? wanted to come back to, was really about the future of eBay and where they’re going, because Matt: The short answer is, I believe you can suc- obviously they are a platform that is evolving and cessfully do both. there is much media and press about them going head-to-head with Amazon, and I know that Now, the long answer for that is that, if you’re going they’re also buying a lot of different web techto do drop shipping, which is essentially – another nologies. What do you think really is the future of company owns the product and they’ll ship it di- eBay and where do you believe that they’re going rectly to your customer for you once you’ve made – as someone who is very much an insider in this the sale – is one way. Now, what people have done space? in the past; and still do, is there are big companies that might have a big range of products and they Matt: Well, it is really interesting to see the way might have five or ten thousand people attempting it is changing. I do believe that ultimately they will to sell and drop ship the same product. become a department store. The great thing that Amazon has done is forced eBay to change the modThe way we do it is, we actually teach our students el away from just second-hand and used goods, to to look for and establish a relationship with a manu- this new product business model. I believe that the facturer, or an agent, or someone who has access to future will seriously just expand from there. If we stock, who currently isn’t in that market space and look at it currently, six out of every ten online doesn’t really understand how it works, and then sales done in Australia is done on eBay. So, when we will do a one-on-one relationship with them as you think of that, you think, “wow that is such a opposed to them having a hundred or a thousand huge market place” and what it really comes down people trying to do the same thing. So, instead of to is just I believe, more professional sellers delivercompeting with everybody we find a unique market- ing more products will be where the growth is. place, find a unique product and then match it up


internet marketing magazine july 2012

Another thing you mentioned too is eBay buying a lot of different web platforms. They’re now part owner of Craigslist, they own Gumtree and eBay classifieds. So what they’re doing is they’re really targeting a whole heap of different areas, but it is for that main core strategy, which I believe which is finding and keeping more traffic coming back to a platform.

I think one thing to think about as well is it is 2012 and people think that the internet is very mature, and in some ways it is, but in other ways I think it is still just a baby, an infant compared to where it is going to go over the next ten or so years. I think it is a little bit like buying real estate that is beside the coast. With certain regions people thought ‘it is an hour away and there’s no point buying real estate there because that will never be worth anything’. They also own PayPal. PayPal is expanding, because And then 20 years later they go, “Oh, if only I knew they now have card swipers; you just plug into a back then to buy that real estate by the coast that smart phone and I think more and more it is the was an hour away from town”. I think the internet peripheral products around it. is still very much like that. There is a world of opportunity, and it changes all the time, so provided The next level I think for eBay, is helping people you can position yourself well I think there is still make that transition of having a website as well as amazing opportunities out there. their eBay store. And they’ve recently purchased Magento. So they’re actually now facilitating peo- Matt: Yes, that is an interesting comment Greg, ple have their own off eBay platforms. because one of the things I do say when I’m talking to people is, relating to that property analogy, in 20 Greg: The good thing about that is it is a very stra- years time people are going to say one of two things tegic move. Magento is an awesome platform, and I to themselves. They’re either going to say, “Gee believe that over time there will be a whole bunch I’m really glad that I got started online and created of clever tools that will enable you to push your an income when it was still doable and easy.” Or product feed to eBay and to your Magento store at quite possibly they could be saying “I wish I started the same time. 20 years ago when it was still easier.”

internet marketing magazine july 2012


Greg: That’s true, because imagine starting in 20 years in 2032 – the internet is going to be a vastly different beast. But if you’ve been selling online for 20 years and you have got a reputation, even if you start off slow and every year just gets bigger and bigger and bigger. I was online for five years before I became full time Internet Marketer, which in some ways sounds like a lot of time, but in other ways I was working full time and I made a lot of mistakes along the way and then got to the point where things started to line up for me - and now I’ve been full time internet marketer for four years, or something to that effect. So time just really flies by.

Greg: Agreed. Think long term strategic, rather than I’ve got to do it in the next 12 months. It is good if you can do it in the next 12 months. One of the things that I really like about yourself and Amanda is your integrity - I’ve known you for many years, and I know for a fact that you’re teaching a lot of those mistakes that you made in early days so that your students can leverage those learning’s and get great results quicker. How can our readers and listeners find out more about you online?

Matt: Well we have a number of different programs that are available to teach people eBay. Our online component is Matt: What happens is that in a great monthly lesson. People our modern world where we’ve can just go to been programmed to wanting and just get on there. We’ve and getting something instant- got a great blog. We’ve also ly, even to the point where you got some great online trainput yourself into debt to own ing to help people out. And if something now, rather than they want to start slow that is saving and waiting for it, and a great way to do it. Or, we can what it means now is we have ramp it up depending on what an expectation that if things they want to learn – how quickdon’t happen quickly and in- ly. stantly and easily then people get disheartened and they quit Greg: You’ve also got a free too soon. I think you’re a great DVD and report. That was example there, where you said where I got started with my it took you five years to create eBay education. And I got that an income to support you and one from the BiddingBuzz. your family and sustain you on- so that also is a great going – yet, you didn’t give up. resource for people to bring Whereas other people could themselves up to speed on give up when they’re so close what is going on in that space. to just cracking their nut and I A big thanks goes out to Matt think people need to just focus Clarkson for sharing with the on going, “Hey you know what, Internet Marketing Magazine if it takes me an extra year to Community. crack this then I do set myself free - it is so worthwhile.”


internet marketing magazine july 2012

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WHY PEOPLE FAIL TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE By Nick Cownie Over the last 17 years I’ve studied countless personal development programs in the quest to answer one life-changing question: Why Do Most People FAIL While Only A Few Ever Achieve Real, Lasting SUCCESS? If there’s a book, CD, DVD, blog or seminar on it, I’ve probably bought it – and let me tell you, most of it is a massive waste of time and money. During the years I spent studying “what makes you tick”, I began to notice a set of clear and consistent patterns. The patterns differed wildly between people who were successful and people who were failing. I have now refined my analysis of these patterns which I call your blueprint for SUCCESS or FAILURE and created a system for making shockingly effective and efficient changes to these blueprints in 7 minutes or less.

about it? The answer: You must take your thinking to a higher level. And to do that – in the shortest time possible – you need to understand why people fail. The FAILURE Blueprint

As Internet Marketers it can be easy to overlook the The FAILURE Blueprint consists of seven habits that vital importance of constantly improving your mind- you need to overcome if you want to achieve sucset. When there are so many tasks to be done every cess. The seven habits of FAILURE are: day to make money online, where do you find time • F Fear to fit in a weekend (or week-long) seminar on get• A Attention Displacement ting your head right? • I Indecision • L Lack of Action But the fact remains: you’ll only make as much • U Unrealistic Expectations money online as your mindset lets you make. Your • R Repeating Patterns thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and subconscious • E External Negative Influences programming either support your goals, or they sabotage your success.

Albert Einstein said, “You cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it”. Stop and think about that for a moment. If your current level of thinking got you to where you are now, and where you are is not where you want to be, it makes only sense that your current level of thinking won’t take you any further than you are right now. If that’s true, what can you do


internet marketing magazine july 2012

Let’s look at the number one habit of FAILURE a little more closely. Fear Fear is one of the most powerful emotions that you can experience. In fact, in terms of evolution, fear is so important to you as a human that you actually have a part of your brain called the amygdala which is designed to register and respond to fear and anxiety.

Here’s where it gets really interesting. The amygdala has its own unique memory system designed to remember fear. No other single emotion has its own unique “memory bank”. From the viewpoint of evolution, fear serves a useful purpose. If you’re being chased by a sabre tooth tiger, fear will cause you to run for your life or stand and fight. The problem with fear is that although there are no longer sabre tooth tigers chasing you around, fear makes you act as though there are. To see this ancient and deep-seated response in action, you need only walk into a bar or café anywhere in the world and ask almost any man to approach a beautiful woman and introduce himself. I’m sure you can imagine what his response would most likely be (and if you’re a man reading this—don’t worry, I don’t mean you … I’m sure you’re different!).

That’s an obvious example. So weight, her business would start how about less obvious examples? to struggle. I’ve found practically everyone has some form of fear limiting them from reaching the levels of wealth, health and relationship success that they want. If you’re like most people then you’re also being held back by your fear. After working with literally thousands of entrepreneurs from all over the world, I’ve found the strange thing is more often than you’d think it’s fear of success that stops people. I’ve lost count of the number of people who attend my workshops hoping to make massive breakthroughs in their sales, marketing, weight-loss, confidence, wealth, health and relationships by eliminating fear and procrastination who haven’t realised that they are afraid of the very success they are striving for. Why would you be afraid of success? Most commonly it’s because of one of two things:

When we delved into the unconscious causes and links between the weight and her business, we uncovered a deep-seated belief that a woman can’t be beautiful and rich, only one or the other. This belief had been formed when she was very young because her mother, although an extremely beautiful international model, was also completely financially dependent on her husband. Earning your own money was considered “un-ladylike”. When we fast-forward forty years or so to my student’s present struggle it becomes obvious that achieving financial independence through internet marketing is linked to the fear of losing the respect of her mother and to the fear of being thought of as unladylike. None of this happens consciously which is why it can be so difficult to discover the cause of your fear without the tools and techniques taught in the 7 Minute Mindset.

1. You don’t want your family and friends to feel differently about you. 2. The road to success is rarely, if ever, comfortable. For example, one of my students is a tall, blonde, successful fifty- You (and every other human on something with dreams of becom- the planet) have a powerful and ing an online millionaire teaching innate drive to be comfortable. women how to master their money. When you’re in your “comfort zone” you feel safe and secure beShe discovered that every time cause it is familiar. You know what she started experiencing success to expect in most situations, and in her business, her weight would you know how to deal with them. balloon out of control. Similarly, Anything that has the potential to whenever she focussed on improv- move you outside your comfort ing her health and began to lose zone tends to be avoided.

internet marketing magazine july 2012


The problem here is that in order to achieve success online you will have to do many things that make you uncomfortable. This is one major cause of procrastination and seriously stops people making money online.

So What Can You Do About It?

He knows at a deep, unconscious level, that the journey to achieving the relationship success he so desperately wants will make him very uncomfortable in the shortterm.

Nick Cownie

The first step is to assume you are suffering from the 7 habits of FAILURE. Why? Because at best you’re not – if that’s the case you’re probably already making good money online – and at Let’s return to our example of worst, you are in fact struggling the guy in the bar approaching with at least one of them, and the attractive woman. Logically it takes only one to completely he knows that approaching the derail your online business. woman is the right thing to do. He knows that unless he approaches The ancient Greek philosopher her, he can’t possibly hope to Aristotle said, “The unexamined meet her ... to attract her ... to life is not worth living”. So take form a relationship. She may be the time today to honestly checkjust two metres away. She might in with yourself (no-one needs to even have caught his eye and know) and get real about which smiled at him. of the 7 habits of FAILURE are sabotaging your success. Yet those two metres will feel like ten kilometres for our guy. Only when you know where Why is that? It’s because he is you’re starting from can you take more comfortable not approach- your thinking to a higher level, ing her than he is walking over and really make a solid income and saying hi. He is more com- online. fortable being alone than he is pushing outside of his comfort zone to get what he really, truly desires.

Even imagining this scenario is enough to make most guys feel a little nervous. It’s only when you change the unconscious causes and conditions that make you comfortable in one situation and uncomfortable in another that you can take control of your mindset, overcome your fear and create an improved and expanded comfort zone for yourself.


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is Australia’s superfast mindset change expert, author of ‘The 7 Minute Mindset’, and indemand speaker, coach and mentor to entrepreneurs all over the planet. Nick is known for his unconventional approach to rapid mindset improvement, sales strategy and lifestyle business design. You can get instant access to Nick’s free ‘7 Minute Breakthrough’ video training and download the first chapter of his book by going to http://



WHO’S MINDING YOUR STORE? HOW TO CONVERT MORE OF YOUR WEBSITE VISITORS TO WEBSITE BUYERS! By Ari Galper At this very moment, there are people leaving your website without buying a thing – and there hasn’t been much you can do about it – until now. With online conversion rates hovering around 1%, out of every 100 visitors (that you pay to bring to your site), 99 of them are LEAVING and they probably aren’t telling you why. Sure, you can change your headlines, test the colors of your graphics or add more testimonials to try and get a bump in your conversion rate, but that’s still not going to open the “black box” of sales opportunity hidden in your website. A few years ago when I started selling an e-book on my site that teaches sales people how to sell without applying pressure to their prospects, the sales of the e-book weren’t anything to get excited about. Oh sure, I bought ads on Google and worked around the clock to get as much traffic as I could to my site, but my conversion rate stayed fairly flat. Then I started using every technique taught by the internet gurus to improve conversion: changing the offer, the guarantee, you name it, I tested it. And yes, I did get a small incremental jump in my conversation rate, but nothing to get excited about.

exactly what I realized with “offline” selling, that if you put sales pressure on your prospect or website visitor via phone or chat, they’ll instantly shut you down. Why will they end their chat if you apply sales pressure? Because live chat is a very sensitive medium, and it can only be used for the purposes of creating real genuine trust with your visitors. And when your visitors trust you, they start buying from you! After three years and over 4,149 chat conversations later, we’ve boosted our conversion rate 10 times, and made some key discoveries you need to know to improve your conversion rate: 1. Earning the TRUST of your online visitors is the “holy grail” for marketers who sell products or generate leads from their websites. The majority of your web visitors are SKEPTICAL, they don’t trust what you’re telling them on your site. And not directly addressing their cynicism and being willing to chat directly with your visitors, CUTS YOU OUT of a large portion of your sales you could be making on your website.

Then I said to myself, “What if I added the ‘human touch’ to my site, meaning what if my visitors could chat with me through my site so that I could help them feel comfortable ordering and find out why they aren’t buying?” I went ahead and put a live chat box on all my website pages and started engaging my visitors in conversations. At first, I tried to “sell” them on my product…you know, the old-school way of selling, putting pressure on them to buy what I had. Then I realized,

Earn the Trust of Your Online Visitors

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2. You don’t own a website, you own a STORE, and it’s open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

1. Adding the “human touch” to your site will fail if you don’t use a sales methodology that is void of sales pressure.

Talk about a mindset shift – One early morning at about 2 a.m. I logged into my live chat sysIt will be tempting to just put live chat software tem, which monitors my visitor’s movements in on your website and start “selling” to your visitors real time, and discovered there was a party on my because you’ll be excited about getting “live” site! There were plenty of visitors clicking around prospects that you’ll want to “close”. That type at the wee hours of the morning. When I saw that, of selling doesn’t work using live chat. The only I realized I don’t have a website, I have a STORE way you can unlock that “black box” of sales opthat’s open 24/7. And what a tragedy it would be portunity in your website is to have a sales methto have no one from my company in my “store” odology that is trust-based that uses words and chatting with my visitors around the clock…ouch, phrases designed to bring out the truth of what so much lost sales opportunity. I now live in Sydyour visitor is really thinking. There is an art beney, Australia and have a live chat team who covhind the science. ers my “store” around the clock. Who’s minding your “store”? 2. You’ll need to take the chat function seriously if you want to make it profitable. 3. There are “HOLES” in your website sales process that your visitors are falling through that you If you implement live chat the right way, you’re can’t see. looking at a potential serious boost to your conversion rate. But you can’t just outsource it and The reasons why your visitors are not buying from forget about it…it’s too important not to take your site will shock you. When we noticed that under your wing. Now, you don’t have to moniour visitors started buying when we started chattor the chat box yourself, but be sure someone ting with them, we also paid close attention to on your staff is managing the folks you assign to the chat conversations that told us why many of “mind your store”. You can easily hire stay-atthem were NOT buying. You see, even though a home contractors from sites like under lot of them didn’t just come out and tell us why “customer service” to find competent folks to they weren’t buying, I realized that every queshandle your chat function. tion they asked indicated some kind “hole” in my online sales process. For example, a whole bunch As you’re reading this, there are visitors on your of our visitors were asking us if we had a guar- website who would buy if they could chat with antee for our program. Of course we did, but for someone live. Remember, your website visitors are some reason they weren’t “seeing” it in our sales real human beings, not just statistics, and if you can page. So we went to examine the page and real- “reach out” to them using the “human touch”, then ized the guarantee section had too many distrac- you’re on your way to creating real trust with your tions around it causing our visitors not to “see” potential buyers. it. So we removed the distractions, and then all of a sudden the guarantee questions stopped and sales went up. Lucky we discovered that “hole” Ari Galper and plugged it up quickly. Here’s a little formula I came up with based on my experience using live chat: Real-time Intelligence + Plugging Up “Holes” = CONVERSION BOOST Now, with those wonderful discoveries came a couple important lessons learned that you need to know:


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Ari Galper is the World’s #1 Authority on Trust-Based Selling and the creator of Unlock The Game®, a new sales mindset that overturns the notion of selling as we know it today. Unlock The Game has been available for over 10 years and has made sales breakthroughs for business owners and entrepreneurs in over 38 countries. You can take a Free Test Drive of Unlock The Game by downloading Ari’s free audio seminar “7 Sales Secrets Even The Sales Gurus Don’t Know!” at http://www.



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BUSY TIMES FOR ADWORDS THE THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW! By David Booth It’s been a very busy last couple of months for AdWords, and if you’re an AdWords advertiser, you might feel like you’re drowning in product updates, feature releases, and changes to the platform. Here’s a distilled list of some of the most important ones that you as an advertiser or agency need to know about: ADWORDS EDITOR UPDATE If you’re using AdWords Editor (and you should be), yesterday was an important date. As of June 12, 2012, if you’re not on a > 9.0 version (the latest version is 9.7.1), you can still use the offline tool Google Adwords Rotation Settings Petition to make all the updates and changes you want, but when you post those changes, nothing will hap- June 1, 2012: Google listens! And here’s the impen. So upgrade or beware. portant part, Google changes this policy to the following: Also note that when you upgrade, you’ll need to • Campaigns set to rotate ads evenly will do re-download your account(s). If you’ve got comso for 90 days instead of 30, giving plenty of time ments or pending changes you want to hang on to, to run a split test and accommodate the needs of you’re going to need to export a backup of your most marketers account (if upgrading from the interface, just se• A full on opt-out form is published. You can lect the “Backup then Upgrade” option) and then now go back to the good ‘ol days by filling out re-import your backup once you’ve upgraded and this form and your rotation will never be autore-downloaded your account(s). matically changed for you AD ROTATION SETTINGS You might have been watching this soap opera unfold, but here’s the recap: April 30, 2012: Google makes the announcement that if you’re rotating your ads evenly, you’re probably doing it by accident, so they’ll go ahead and “fix” it for you by automatically shifting you over to an “optimize for clicks” setting after 30 days. April 30, 2012: AdWords users who are using even ad rotation for things like manual ad split tests very much on purpose go nuts. Flood of complaints and even a petition follow.


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MATCHING CHANGES FOR PHRASE AND EXACT Similar to the ad rotation situation, Google announced that if you’re using phrase and exact match, then you probably meant to include “close variants,” which include: • Plurals (“book” vs. “books“) • Misspellings (“pixxa” vs. “pizza”) • Stemmings (“contradict” vs. “contradiction”) • Accents (“café” vs. “cafe”) • Abbreviations (“Aug concerts” vs. “August concerts”)

Problem is, many of us did not want to include those things, but the good news is that there’s an out. For those of you that want to keep exact exact and phrase phrase, make sure to go into your Campaign Settings and make yours look like this:

Close Variants Adwords Settings


• Although 15 conversions is an absolute minimum, during the Beta period this requirement was much higher. As with any statistical model, the more data you have, the better the prediction. • This works well when you have a very well defined, direct response type of goal. Think ecommerce transaction or very specific inbound lead that has a defined value. • Let this thing run. It needs to collect data from a representative sample to predict the behavior of a total population, and for it to do this, you have to leave things alone and be patient. Also watch out for seasonality, holidays, and other things that provide traffic that is not necessarily representative of your “normal” population of visitors.

BIG NEWS IN MOBILE It’s true. As of 2011, there were more mobile deThough this has been there for a long time, it’s vices on earth than there are toilets. This market now accessible to everyone and the requirements is exploding, and there have been lots of updates to participate have been relaxed considerably. here. If you love CPA bidding and the Conversion Optimizer, now you can have AdWords do the work of ADMOB (FINALLY) INTEGRATED IN ADWORDS INoptimizing bids and targeting against conversions TERFACE across the entire Display Network for you. AdWords advertisers now have access to 350M+ mobile users through the apps they use. Thanks This tool uses all kinds of data points (things like to the 2009 AdMob acquisition, you can now tarbrowsers and operating systems, geographic loca- get individual apps and app categories right from tion, time of day, etc.) to build a model that can your AdWords interface. To get started, create a be used to predict which potential placements new “Display Network Only (mobile apps)” camare more or less likely to result in a conversion paign and select specific apps and/or app categoand then adjust bids and targeting appropriately. ries as placements from the Display Network tab > In order to use this, you have a few requirements: Change Display Targeting button. • You must be targeting the Display Network (remember to always use separate campaigns for search and display!) • You must have a minimum of 15 conversions per month • You must be using the Conversion Optimizer (CPA bidding). Once you meet this criteria, head to your campaign settings and you’ll see one for “Automatic campaign optimization (Display Network only).” Go ahead and turn it on (you won’t have the option to turn it on until you meet the requirements), and although the above list is all you need to do, there are some things we’ve found that help make DCO work Admob even better. internet marketing magazine july 2012


DEVICE LEVEL TARGETING We’ve had the ability to target smartphones, tablets and desktop / laptops for a while now. Then it got even better when we could choose operating systems, and laterversions of those operating systems. The combination of a “tablet device” and an “iOS” operating system got us the iPad market, for example. But now, we can simply pick devices from a list! You want to target just Kindle Fire users? Have at it:

Mobile App Extentions

Device Level Targeting

In your campaign settings (Networks and Devices), you can choose models you want to go after, and coupled with the device-level mobile reports in Google Analytics (available since summer of 2011) that show you data on those devices, you can now optimize at even deeper levels! MOBILE APP EXTENSIONS If you’re marketing an app download (iOS or Android), then listen up. While you’ve been able to define a destination URL of a marketplace for a while now, things just got more interesting. Take a look at this extension that will likely take up the vast majority of a smartphone’s viewing area: Beta advertisers have reported average 6% lifts in CTR so far.


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Google is pulling app data (like screenshots and descriptions) right from Google Play and the iTunes Store and adding a big download button for you. This is already available in the interface (Ad Extensions tab) and all you need to do is enter the package name (or look it up through the handy interface), some link text and a link URL.

Add Mobile App Extension

TRACK MOBILE APP DOWNLOADS (ANDROID ONLY) AdWords advertisers can now use the Conversion Tracking feature to track not just webpages and calls (did you know that? Not exactly what you might be thinking…scroll down to the “Set up on a mobile site with a phone number” section), but now you can track downloads from the Google Play store (used to be the Android

Market). Note that while the mobile app extension includes iOS, Apple still hasn’t given Google access to the back end of the iTunes Store, so app download tracking only applies to Android apps. Get started by creating a new conversion and selecting the “Mobile app download” radio button:

You’ll see a list of who you’re competing with in the auction (their display URL domain), what their impression share and average ad positions are, what percentage of the time you show up along with that competitor and how often you’re above them (overlap and position above rates), and what percentage of the time ads are showing up in the top ad slots (versus side).

Track Mobile Apps Download

ZIP CODES & BULK UPLOAD Selling yachts and private jets and miss the golden years when you could simply upload a list of the richest zip codes to target your ads? Those golden years are now back! For US advertisers, zip codes can again be targeted and you can see this level of detail in the geographic performance reports of the Dimensions tab.

Auction Insights Report

WHAT WILL BE NEXT? There have been many more things happening in the world of AdWords recently, and the pace doesn’t seem to be slowing. We’ve seen automated rules at the MCC level, a new Display Network tab and interface, a new contextual targeting engine, more labels, new Quality Score details, updated Keyword and Traffic Estimator Tools, the launch of the Trusted Stores program, and now big changes to the way product ads and product listings will behave – better be prepared for what’s next! What do you think about all these changes? Other important ones you want to highlight?

Zip Codes and Bulk Upload

Bulk locations in the Advanced Location targeting area is back as well, and you can dump up to 1,000 city codes, names, or other locations in at a time. The only caution here is that all of those targets must be in the same country. So if you want to upload that list of the world’s richest cities, you’ll need to go one country at a time. AUCTION INSIGHTS REPORT In your Keyword reports, you can now look at a host of new competitive data for one keyword at a time. Get started from the Keywords tab and the Keyword details dropdown (check the box next to a keyword in your reports first).

David Booth

is a founding partner and principal consultant at Cardinal Path, as well as an author, instructor, adjunct professor, and regular speaker. As a consultant, David has advised and worked with companies and organizations across five continents in web analytics and business intelligence, statistical analysis and testing, technology selection and deployment, and online & search marketing. David is the author of Google AdWords Essential Training and Google Website Optimizer Essential Training and served as a technical editor of Performance Marketing with Google Analytics and Google Analytics Essential Training. He is currently completing work on Display Advertising: An Hour A Day, and he teaches a masters level course on web analytics and online marketing at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. internet marketing magazine july 2012



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IF YOU WANT MORE SALES, GIVE YOUR CUSTOMERS A REASON YOU ARE NOT FULL OF B.S. By Scott Bywater Let’s face it. Everyone makes claims. But not everyone delivers on those claims. And if your customer doubts you can deliver – it’s going to stop them from making a decision.

bunch of studies I could use to come up with angles for an advertisement. Here’s a snapshot of the page… As you can see, there’s a significant amount of re-

So how do you get the readers of your web site and emails over the line? It’s simple. You have to prove you can do what you say you can do. To show you how this works, take a look at the chart below… search here, and when I type in massage in the find part of the page it takes me directly to the studies about massage. Here’s what I discover… “Massage Decreases Depression and Anxiety in Breast Cancer Patients” “Massage Therapy Reduces Hand Pain”

Most business owners underestimate just how powerful this whole “prove you’re not full of crap” “Chair Massage Decreases Anxiety During Drug concept is. And even when they do understand it, Withdrawal” they’re not sure how to find the stats to back it up and make their ads unique. “Massage reduces pain following thoracic surgery” So let’s imagine you are a massage therapist looking “Massage benefits emergency nurses” to credentialise the benefits of massage. Instead of making silly claims people would scoff at, go to “Massage therapy reduces insomnia in postmenoGoogle and do a search like this… pausal women” I clicked on the second one and discovered a whole

“Abdominal massage may ease constipation” “Massage decreases painful menstruation” “Foot massage decreases agitation in dementia patients”


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“Research Exclusive: Psychological Side of Headaches Improves With Massage Therapy”

Here’s why: A recent pilot study, “Changes in Psychological Paramaters in Patients with Tension Type Headache Following Massage Therapy” (you can Google it) found some startling results.

“Foot and Ankle Massage Boosts Balance in Elderly”

There were 16 participants.

“Massage Eases Symptoms of Tension Headaches”

All of them reported episodic or chronic tension type headaches for six months or more prior to the study (often for 4 hours or more at a time).

“Facial massage reduces anxiety and boosts mood”

I could go on and on and on. There are so many studies on this page that if you read them would completely alleviate your scepticism about a therapy many are uncertain of. But how many massage therapists do this? I’m yet to see one.

Each participant received two 45 minute structured massages per week, focusing on myofascial trigger points. Guess what happened when they used the latest technology to measure the result?

Let’s look at some of the angles and hooks here for Anxiety levels dropped. different types of advertisements… Depression levels dropped. • A letter sent to doctors of breast cancer patients asking them to refer you on to their pa- Stress levels dropped. tients with a scientific study saying how it reduces depression and anxiety in breast cancer patients. So what can massage do for you? • A letter to emergency nurses explaining how [continue on to cite more studies, talk about your massage can benefit them. credibility and close with a special offer] • A letter to postmenopausal women about how to improve their sleep. • An ad which reads: Constipated – this could See how powerful that is? When people come to your help. practice, you could also use this study to sell your • An ad in a seniors newspaper / magazine ex- clients into 6 months of treatment. Not only would plaining how massage improves balance. you be making more money and getting a larger commitment from your clients, you’ll be making a Can you see how getting the right research informa- difference to their lives as well. tion can open up literally dozens of little niches, hooks and angles you can use to promote your prod- How’s that compare to a simple ad which reads: uct? MASSAGE THERAPIST, then lists a few of the different massage therapies available and gives you a Ok, let me have a crack at an ad so you can see phone number? the research and how it can be transformed into an advertisement… Find facts like this for your advertising and you’ll have an overwhelming advantage over your competition. New Hope for Headache Sufferers Anyone can do this. Do you suffer from headaches? Does it drive you crazy? Cause you anxiety? Make you feel depressed, Find a heap of research related to your industry. stressed and out of sorts? Nail it down to a specific study. Then use that study (or studies) as the foundation of your ad. If you answered yes, then I urge you to read this message. internet marketing magazine july 2012


This is the key to having ads that aren’t full of hype. This is what gives your customers a real reason to believe. We’re all looking for it. We’re all sick of hype. We want substance. We want something that makes a difference. Studies like this allow us to get exactly that.

1. Flowers have an immediate impact on happiness. All study participants expressed “true” or “excited” smiles upon receiving flowers, demonstrating extraordinary delight and gratitude. This reaction was universal, occurring in all age groups.

Anyway, so you can see how I created the ad from the study - here’s a copy of the article I got the research points from…

2. Flowers have a long-term positive effect on moods. Specifically, study participants reported feeling less depressed, anxious and agitated after receiving flowers, and demonstrated a higher sense of enjoyment and life satisfaction.

Anyone can use this. A tyre dealer could find research about the amount of deaths which occur each year due to bald tyres. A florist could find research on how flowers make people happier. Believe it or not there’s been a whole study conducted about this. Do a search for the emotional impact of flowers study. Here’s a little chart I pulled from the web. The initial source is the State University of New Jersey… Now doesn’t that chart make you want to buy more flowers? How about these research findings taken from the study and sourced from allaboutflowers. com…

3. Flowers make intimate connections. The presence of flowers led to increased contact with family and friends. “Common sense tells us that flowers make us happy,” said Dr. Haviland-Jones. “Now, science shows that not only do flowers make us happier than we know, they have strong positive effects on our emotional well-being.” Doesn’t that research make you WANT to go out and buy flowers? And considering that happiness is linked to productivity (read the Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor if you’re in doubt), doesn’t it make you want to buy flowers for your office as well? This literally took me 5 minutes to find. But you’re unlikely to find this study in any florists ads, web sites or promotions. In fact, you’re unlikely to find these sorts of studies in any of your industry promotions either. And that’s good news – because it shows just how easy it is to stand out against your competition.

Scott Bywater

A team of researchers explored the link between flowers and life satisfaction in a 10-month study of participants’ behavioural and emotional responses to receiving flowers. The results show that flowers are a natural and healthful moderator of moods.


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Do you want to learn the easiest way to get more customers fast? Leading advertising copywriter, Scott Bywater, has just completed a set of marketing and advertising “cheat-sheets” to make your online marketing work more effectively. Download it for free by visiting

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SPLIT-TEST YOUR WAY TO PROFITS! By Ryan Jackson In the online world today, you would be well aware that your marketing material has to be constantly evolving to compete with the ever increasing marketplace. In my 6-years of business, I have had to learn to adapt to industry changes and learn new techniques to help my bottom-line. And so began my journey into split-testing – an extensive subject. When I first began researching about conversion rates and testing, I specifically chose to concentrate on A/B Split Testing.

A/B testing is essentially one of the most widely used methods of split testing by Internet Marketers and other businesses on the web to improve their website conversions. It essentially consists of making numerous changes on the site and testing them out at separate periods in order to find out which ones are happily embraced by your target customers and influences them to take the action you require. In the world of online marketing and e-commerce, effective split testing of a firm’s website can be the difference between a highly profitable blog and one that earns pocket change in ten years. OK so you have decided to try to ramp up your website conversions by conducting A/B split test-


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ing and I am happy to congratulate you on having the balls to take this giant step. The million dollar question now is what exactly do you test? Here are 5 high flying split testing tips that could turn your website into a winner. 1. There are so many critical elements of a website that makes valuable impressions on visitors that come to come around and the only way you can achieve the maximum conversion potential of your website is by having the right elements at the right place at any point in time. This is why you have to test every area of your website ranging from page headlines to product descriptions as well as landing pages, opt-in boxes, text fonts, text sizes, background colors, clickable buttons, etc. 2. The aim of every business on the web is to make maximum profit and sometimes selling one item could be more profitable than getting 10 orders for another. This is why you should try to place the most profitable items at highly conspicuous areas of your site where your visitors can easily notice them. Make sure they are placed at the upper part of your webpage where visitors’ eyes can catch them as soon as your site finishes loading, without having to use the scroll button. 3. Product descriptions should communicate directly to potential consumers what they stand to gain by ordering instead of going on and on about its features and capabilities. You should know that no customer will shell out valuable dollars for the most innovative product on the market if he or she has no idea if it will be useful to them. 4. Avoid making outrageous claims in your product headlines and descriptions because

many potential consumers simply bolt when something sounds too good to be true. Therefore make sure any claims you make sounds convincing and backed by proof such as images, testimonials or even more essentially, videos. 5. Many consumers get convinced when they come across products or services that claims to solve their problems specifically so you should avoid being too generic when describing the capabilities of your products. For instance, a middle aged woman trying to lose weight will find a product claiming to “recharge the metabolic systems of pre or post menopausal women and trigger rampant body fat loss” more interesting than one which claims to be “effective for weight loss in both adults and children”. The importance of split-testing cannot be overemphasized in internet marketing and failing to test could be the difference between a soaring online brand and one that experiences plummeting sales. No matter what Niche you are in, you should figure

out your current ‘conversion rate’ and start testing some ideas to help increase your bottom-line. Such small changes can have dramatic results! So get testing!

Ryan Jackson

is a 6-year veteran direct response web designer from Central victoria, Australia. He is the current creative director for and Having spent the first 3 years kneedeep in the internet marketing industry, he has since worked on many projects for the CPA networks, Commercial Clientele & celebrities. His fields of expertise have expanded over the years to not only accommodate for web design, mobile design and branding, but also marketing, web video creation and conversion optimization. He just recently managed to obtain a conversion-rate of over 50% for a reputable corporate brand and continues to design sites for a multitude of industries.

internet marketing magazine july 2012






doing great. However if you have something to lose as old, stable top keyword rankings, you got hit. Many of the sites and blogs effected were very popular and always focussed on high quality articles. This really doesn’t make sense and it shows how we need to rethink what we are doing online, what we are writing and how we need to promote our websites.

Everybody is buzzing all around now, how latest changes Google did affected their search traffic greatly! Chances are if you monitor your own properties on Google Analytics, you may have seem significant drop in your traffic recently!

The most visible and buzzed topics about Google changes were: • Big link networks taken down • Duplicate page content • Over Optimization • Too many ads above the fold • Social signal importance

What mistakes should you avoid doing? And how to fix them? 1WD was seriously affected as well from March 20! Its time to list down the most popular mistakes we Besides Google Panda release, there were 2 rounds all probably have done before, but should avoid of changes Google did, hurting almost every site now! Interesting that a lot of these mistakes aren’t search traffic: new, but before all of those techniques were really • Panda 3.3 - Search quality highlights: 40 chang- working. Most mistakes are easily found because es for February they do not look real and Google has raised his • Panda 3.4 on March 23 - Search quality high- eyebrows to search everything unnatural. lights: 50 changes for March 1. Obsessing about exact-match anchor text So what exactly do these changes mean? Do you Everybody who has done link building anywhere need to be worried and what can you do to be pre- has been working to target perfect term for their pared and be more likable in Google’s eyes? website. Wherever you could, you try to include your term, for example: web design blog. Which sites were affected, which were not? You can include this term while: After asking around, I found out that mostly new • Commenting on other blogs websites ~1 year weren’t affected, but a lot of • Writing guest posts sites which had some very high-ranking keywords, • Getting paid links, advertising felt a big decrease there. Some sites in reality re• Writing your forum comment, Yahoo Anceived a 10-20% drop in traffic. swers, Quora, including term in signature • Using link building tools, blog networks It seems if you have average links, new website and haven’t done spammy SEO promotion, you are


internet marketing magazine july 2012

Previously this technique was really working even if there were people warning about over working, but there weren’t so many drawbacks. Until now. Such obsessing does not look natural for Google and it’s easy to spot it! How to fix this mistake? Do your keyword research again and choose 5-10 terms you would like to rank for and mix them in wherever you can. Change your signatures to be different. Instead of working for one term, when guest posting for example, include related article you have on your blog, not your home address anchor text. 2. Ads Above The Fold Google has announced that pages with too many ads above the fold are now penalized by Google’s page layout algorithm.

A lot of fundamentals have never changed, Google’s changes just encourage you to work on best content, real relationships, best user reading experience and be quick to change and improve. 1. Don’t chase the algorithm, create content for users You might be hearing top SEO ad- vice all the time, people talking about how to help you promote your content, and easy ways to huge traffic and highranking. The truth is even if some of these spammy techniques work, they won’t work in short future. Blackhat SEO guys, make it their job to search for the loopholes and change all the time. I would suggest to work on long- term white hat techniques, which will do a lot of good for you in long run. With online business it’s important to feel safe about it and know that you will earn approx the same or more money each month.

These news completely make sense in order to ensure the best reading experience, however it’s 2. Track everything hard for blogs who want to earn some income to Use Google Analytics, KissInsights, Kissmetrics, remove those top ads, without loosing money. Seomoz Pro, Webmaster Tools to be able to keep up with trends, get information about your visiWe are doing bad work on 1WD ourselves, but we tors and make sure your site follow the best techare working on removing those ads slowly and once niques, check if links are working. our own Labzip product will be ready, we plan on having just one banner ad on sidebar for better experience. How to fix this problem? Easy answer – just remove those ads! Every blog owner knows it’s not so easy to do that, as it removes the related income! What you can do instead is to move some of those ads below the first page, put them on the middle or bot- tom of sidebar or at the end of the blog post. 3. Duplicate page content This is a very popular technique used by spammers, who just copy other site content and publish it as unique. Don’t do that. What should you do now to improve your search rankings? Okay, you heard about a lot of mistakes, but what exactly do you need to do now to be friends with Google, to improve your traffic and brand?

Keep track of everything

internet marketing magazine july 2012


3. Be aggressive and quick on changes • If you are interested on being friends with Google, you need to be friends with your visitors. If all the sites are going mobile and on tablets, you need to create your website to be accessible on those new devices. • If everybody is implementing HTML5, CSS3 then use it so your code becomes cleaner and shorter. • If browsers are stopping to support Flash, then you better start focusing on new techniques. • Responsive designs help for site to be supported on all those different resolutions, use it!

7. Work on good link building techniques These include writing guest posts, working on real relationships with influencers, with your peers where you can help each other by linking on relevant posts, writing comments and leveraging from those relationships. Check which links can harm your site rankings: If you did over optimize before on your site, you should be very worried, so here are some useful articles to read about how to recover from those bad links. Check also which links can be harming your site and remove them.

4. Social network importance Google is pushing its social net• How to Check Which Links work Google+, Facebook is working Can Harm Your Site’s Rankings together with Bing search engine, • 6 Ways to Recover from Bad Twitter search results appear realLinks time. The future is in social net• Link Profile Tool to Discover works, Google are getting better Paid Links or Other Anomalous and better on indexing such inforLinking Activity mation very quickly, they listen to social signals. Is your site affected by Google algorithm changes and how you are 5. Update Your Old Content solving them? Would love to hear This can take a lot of time if you your stories and solutions. have a lot of articles and pages. If you have old posts which rank very good, it’s worth updating them checking for broken links and up to date information. 6. Implement SEO basics and good on-site strategies The most important thing is to use very simple and clean code, validate HTML and CSS to prevent any crawl errors. If you will keep your code clean, pages will load faster – load speed also affects search rankings!


internet marketing magazine july 2012

Dainis Graveris

is 23 years old blogger and designer, founder of 1stWebDesigner, now more silently managing everything behind the scenes. He usually hangs out in Twitter tweeting design related links and chatting with people. If you have any questions or feedback that’s the best place to start!

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