C.P. Mobili Catalog Exclusive

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italian furniture

Exclusive line volume 1

Exclusive line volume 1

Un fantastico viaggio dove la tradizione classica si rinnova dando vita a nuove forme e finiture. Nuove ispirazioni attente a sod-



disfare spazi abitativi sempre più esigenti. Sono tre le parole chiave che CP Pernechele esalta in queste splendide collezioni: qualità, stile, funzionalità.


A fantastic journey where the tradition of classical giving renewed life to new forms and finishes. New inspirations conscious living spaces to meet growing demanding. There are three keywords that CP Pernechele enhances these wonderful collections: quality, style and functionality.





Невероятное путешествие, в котором классическая традиция рождает новые формы и отделки. Новые идеи, способные воплотить самые изысканные желания. Три ключевых слова характеризуют эти великолепные коллекции ч.П.Пернекеле: качество, стиль и функциональность.


Armonia di linee e proporzioni, finiture di lusso in foglia oro e argento per una collezione di pregio ed alta classe, a sottolineare una forte immagine nella vostra quotidianità.


Proportions and lines matching, gold and silver leaf luxury finishings, for a high quality and valuable collection, to emphasize a strong image of your daily life. Гармония линий и пропорций, роскошная отделка из золотой и серебряной фольги характеризуют коллекцию высокого класса. Эта мебель будет ярким пятном в вашей повседневности.


ART. E1 VETRINA 2 PORTE 2 doors glass case Сервант L 162 P 55 H 217 ART. E2 CREDENZA 3 PORTE piano ciliegio naturale 3 doors sideboard cherry natural top Буфет L 185 P 60 H 93 ART. E3 TAVOLO ALLUNGABILE Extensible table Стол L 180 P 100 H 80


ART. E4 SEDIA Chair Стул L 53 P 45 H 117 ART. E5 SPECCHIERA Mirror Зеркало L 120 H 130 ART. E6 LAMPADARIO Hanging lamp Люстра ART. E7 APPLIQUE Wall bracket Стенная лампа



ART. E4 SEDIA Chair Стул L 53 P 45 H 117


Inventare ed esaltare nuovi stili di vita pur mantenendo una tradizione classica piena di emozioni. 10


Inventing new ways of life and enhance while maintaining a classical tradition, full of emotions.


ART. E2 CREDENZA 3 PORTE PIANO CILIEGIO NATURALE 3 doors sideboard top natural cherry Буфет L 185 P 60 H 93 ART. E5 SPECCHIERA Mirror Зеркало L 120 H 130


Riflessi di luce per esaltare colori e forme.

Reflections of light to enhance color and shape.



ART. E1 VETRINA 2 PORTE 2 doors glass case Сервант L 162 P 55 H 217



ART. E7 APPLIQUE Wall bracket Стенная лампа

ART. E5 SPECCHIERA Mirror Зеркало L 120 H 130

ART. E8 CONSOLLE PIANO CILIEGIO NATURALE Console top natural cherry Консольный столик L 185 P 58 H 84

ART. E9 CREDENZA 3 PORTE PIANO LACCATO 3 doors sideboard lacquered top Буфет L 185 P 60 H 93

ART. E2/MA CREDENZA CON VARIANTE POMOLO RIGATO Sideboard possible with ruled knob Буфет управляемая кнопка

ART. E2/MB CREDENZA CON VARIANTE POMOLO SCREZIATO Sideboard possible with chapped knob Буфет потрескавшийся кнопки



Le soluzioni adottate sono il risultato di uno studio rigoroso, svolto in collaborazione con maestranze specializzate che hanno realizzato artigianalmente finiture soffisticate.

The solutions adopted are the result a rigorous study, done in collaboration with skilled workers who have handmade finishes soffisticate.

ART. E2 CREDENZA CON POMOLO GIRASOLE Sideboard with sunflower knob Буфет подсолнечник кнопки

ART. E2/MC CREDENZA CON VARIANTE POMOLO QUADRIFOGLIO Sideboard possible with 4 petals knob Буфет 4 лепестки кнопки

Qualità esclusiva e inconfondibile stile italiano sono i nostri patrimoni principali.

Exclusive quality and unique italian style are our main asset.




ART. E10 PORTA TV IN FOGLIA ARGENTO Silver leaf tv stand Подставка под тв серебро листа L 183 P 53 H 68

*ART. E10/MB PORTA TV VARIANTE POMOLO GIRASOLE NERO Tv stand possible with sunflower knob Подставка под тв подсолнечник кнопки

ART. E10/MA PORTA TV VARIANTE POMOLO CHIOCCIOLA Tv stand possible with snail knob Подставка под тв улитка кнопки

ART. E11 COMO’ Chest of drawers Комод L 152 P 64 H 95


ART. E12 LETTO CON TESTATA FIORITA Bed Кровать L 201 P 207 H 151 ART. E13 COMODINO Bedside table Тумбочка L 68 P 39 H 71




Armonia e intensità nei dettagli.

Harmony and intensity in detail.



ART. E14 POLTRONA FOGLIA ARGENTO Leaf silver armchair Кресло L 93 P 100 H 111


ART. E13 COMODINO Bedside table Тумбочка L 68 P 39 H 71 ART. E15 LETTO CON TESTATA VENTAGLIO Bed Кровать L 201 P 207 H 151


ART. E16 ARMADIO 4 ANTE 4 doors wardrobe Шкаф L 281 P 65 H 245





ART. E16 ARMADIO 4 ANTE (APERTO) 4 doors wardrobe (open) Шкаф (открытый) L 281 P 65 H 245

Essenze di qualità, linee sinuose, eleganza e raffinatezza nei decori, a creare un arredamento classico personalizzabile, specchio della vostra anima.


Quality’s essence, sinuous lines, elegant and sophisticated decorations, to create a classic collection which can be personalized, reflecting your soul. Древесные породы высокого качества, плавные изгибы, элегантность и утонченность декора создают классическую, но индивидуальную обстановку, зеркало вашей души.


ART. E20 CREDENZA 3 PORTE 3 doors sideboard Буфет L 185 P 63 H 100 ART. E21 SPECCHIERA PER CREDENZA Sideboard’s mirror Зеркало L 158 P 5 H 115 ART. E22 TAVOLO ALLUNGABILE Extensible table Стол L 180 P 92 H 80


ART. E23 SEDIA Chair Стул L 50 P 49 H 117 ART. E24 VETRINA 2 PORTE 2 doors glass case Сервант L 125 P 50 H 215 ART. E25 LAMPADARIO Hanging lamp Люстра ART. E26 APPLIQUE Wall bracket Стенная лампа


ART. E22 TAVOLO ALLUNGABILE Extensible table Стол L 180 P 92 H 80


ART. E23 SEDIA Chair Стул L 50 P 49 H 117



ART. E23 SEDIA Chair Стул L 50 P 49 H 117


ART. E25 LAMPADARIO Hanging lamp Люстра

Trasformare elementi d’arredo che nel quotidiano sembrano immutabili dando un tocco particolare di stile. 42


Transforming furniture elements that appear in the daily immutable giving a special touch of style.

ART. E20 CREDENZA 3 PORTE 3 doors sideboard Буфет L 185 P 63 H 100


ART. E21 SPECCHIERA PER CREDENZA Sideboard’s mirror Зеркало L 158 P 5 H 115 ART. E26 APPLIQUE Wall bracket Стенная лампа


Colori delicati, forme morbide, decori raffinati: filosofie di vita senta tempo. 46


Delicate colors, soft shapes, refined decoration: philosophy of life feels time.



ART. E24 VETRINA 2 PORTE 2 doors glass case Сервант L 125 P 50 H 215

ART. E30 LIBRERIA 4 PORTE 4 doors book case Книжный шкаф L 290 P 55 H 255


ART. E31 SCRIVANIA Writing desk Письменный стол L 177 P 82 H 80 ART. E32 POLTRONA GIREVOLE VERA PELLE Swivel armchair natural leather Кресло истинная кожа L 76 P 89 H 121 ART. E33 SEDIA VERA PELLE Chair natural leather Стул истинная кожа L 65 P 61 H 103






Una storia che nasce dall’amore tra un passato mai dimenticato e un nuovo mondo che necessita di estetica e armonia. 56


A story that is born of love between a past never forgotten and a new world in need of beauty and harmony.



ART. E35 COMODINO Bedside table Тумбочка L 56 P 40 H 75 ART. E36 LETTO Bed Кровать L 203 P 212 H 177

ART. E37 PETTINIERA Toilette Ночной письменный стол L 180 P 51 H 80


ART. E21/A SPECCHIERA Mirror Зеркало L 158 P 5 H 115 ART. E38 POUF Pouf Пуф L 49 P 50 H 74 hs 41 ART. E39 ARMADIO 4 ANTE 4 doors wardrobe Шкаф L 290 P 70 H 255


Istanti di vero relax da vivere in assoluta armonia.

Moments of true relaxation living in absolute harmony.



ART. E35 COMODINO Bedside table Тумбочка L 56 P 40 H 75 ART. E40 COMO’ Chest of drawer Комод L 130 P 58 H 100 ART. E41 SPECCHIERA Mirror Зеркало L 87 P 5 H 110 ART. E42 LETTO MATRIMONIALE Bed Кровать L 206 P 220 H 160

ART. E132 POUF Pouf Пуф L 85 P 53 H 49 ART. E41/A SPECCHIERA Mirror Зеркало L 80 P 7 H 105 ART. E43 SECRETAIRE DECORATO Decor’s secretaire Секретер L 120 P 53 H 115 ART. E44 ABATYOUR Abatyour Лампа


ART. E45 POLTRONA FOGLIA ARGENTO Leaf silver armchair Кресло L 82 P 85 H 111 ART. E46 PIANTANA Floor lamp Торшер


ART. E47 COMODINO Bedside table Тумбочка L 60 P 38 H 63

ART. E51 SPECCHIERA Mirror Зеркало L 76 P 5 H 96

ART. E48 LETTO Bed Кровать L 200 P 207 H 125

ART. E49 APPLIQUE Wall bracket Стенная лампа

ART. E50 COMO’ Chest of drawer Комод L 123 P 56 H 107



Elementi inseriti in un perfetto equilibrio esaltato da eleganti decori.

Materials incorporated into a perfect balance enhanced by stylish decoration.

ART. E50 COMO’ Chest of drawer Комод L 123 P 56 H 107


ART. E51 SPECCHIERA Mirror Зеркало L 76 P 5 H 96 ART. E46 PIANTANA Floor lamp Торшер


ART. E52 ARMADIO 4 ANTE 4 doors wardrobe Шкаф L 288 P 66 H 255



Un’arredamento che garantisce comfort e praticità.

Furniture that guarantees comfort and convenience.

Antiche finiture artigianali create con terre colorate e stese a pennello, dipinti a mano e colori personalizzabili a trasmettere il gusto, l’intensità ed il calore della vostra opera d’arte.


Antique handmade finishings, created using mould colours origin in brush spread working, hand painting and personalized colours, to inspire the taste, the intensity and the warmith of your masterpiece. Старинные






минеральных красок, и цвета согласно вашему желанию создают красивый и теплый образ вашего произведения искусства.


Particolare del piano con effetto finto marmo. Detail of the top with effect false marble. Деталь фальшивка эффекта мраморным полом.



ART. E60 COMO’ DECORATO PENNELLATO A MANO Chest of drawer decorated brushed to hand Комод L 149 P 54 H 101



ART. E61 CREDENZA DECORATA PENNELLATA A MANO Sideboard decorated brushed to hand Буфет L 140 P 58 H 90


79 ART. E63 COMO’ DECORATO PENNELLATO A MANO Chest of drawer decorated brushed to hand Комод L 141 P 56 H 98


ART. E64 CREDENZA DECORATA PENNELLATA A MANO Sideboard decorated brushed to hand Буфет L 169 P 54 H 96




ART. E65 COMO’ DECORATO PENNELLATO A MANO Chest of drawer decorated brushed to hand Комод L 120 P 54 H 93

Ogni singolo elemento viene progettato per diventare un punto di riferimento stilistico e qualitativo.

Each element is designed to become a reference style and quality.


85 ART. E66 CREDENZA DECORATA PENNELLATA A MANO Sideboard decorated brushed to hand Буфет L 138 P 55 H 96

ART. E67/MA COMO’ CON VARIANTE POMOLO ROSETTA Chest of drawer possible with roses knob Комод кнопка повысилась



ART. E67 COMO’ DECORATO PENNELLATO A MANO Chest of drawer decorated brushed to hand Комод L 130 P 53 H 90


ART. E68 CREDENZA DECORATA PENNELLATA A MANO Sideboard decorated brushed to hand Буфет L 209 P 56 H 108


ART. E70 SEDIA Chair Стул L 54 P 56 H 106


91 ART. E69 LIBRERIA DECORATA PENNELLATA A MANO Book case decorated brushed to hand Книжный шкаф L 189 P 42 H 210

ART. E71 SCRIVANIA DECORATA PENNELLATA A MANO Writing desk decorated brushed to hand Письменный стол L 140 P 82 H 81

ART. E72 CONSOLLE PENNELLATA A MANO Console brushed to hand Консольный столик L 100 P 43 H 76




ART. E73 COMONCINO PENNELLATo A MANO Chest of drawer brushed to hand Малый комод L 96 P 50 H 88



ART. E74 TAVOLINO DECORATO PENNELLATO A MANO Small table decorated brushed to hand Столик L 120 P 80 H 49


Percepire gli spazi per uno stile di vita libero.

Perceive spaces to a free lifestyle.



ART. E75 TAVOLINO DECORATO PENNELLATO A MANO Small table decorated brushed to hand Столик L 120 P 120 H 50



ART. E76 TAVOLINO DECORATO PENNELLATO A MANO Small table decorated brushed to hand Столик L 70 P 70 H 75

ART. E77 TAVOLINO DECORATO PENNELLATO A MANO Small table decorated brushed to hand Столик L 59 P 59 H 75

Storie ricche di stili e passioni.

Rich history styles and passions.


103 ART. E78 TAVOLINO DECORATO PENNELLATO A MANO Small table decorated brushed to hand Столик L 79 P 79 H 77



ART. E79 TAVOLINO DECORATO PENNELLATO A MANO Small table decorated brushed to hand Столик L 82 P 62 H 76



ART. E80 TAVOLINO DECORATO PENNELLATO A MANO Small table decorated brushed to hand Столик L 60 P 60 H 74

ART. E81 TAVOLINO DECORATO PENNELLATO A MANO Small table decorated brushed to hand Столик L 60 P 60 H 74





ART. E82 TAVOLINO DECORATO PENNELLATO A MANO Small table decorated brushed to hand Столик L 60 P 60 H 74



ART. E83 TAVOLINO DECORATO PENNELLATO A MANO Small table decorated brushed to hand Столик L 90 P 90 H 74


ART. E131 SEDIA Chair Стул L 53 P 63 H 116

ART. E98 SEDIA Chair Стул L 53 P 58 H 102


Colori, profumi e naturalezza del sud ovest francese ad arredare con brio, allegria, leggerezza la tua casa. Incisioni al laser personalizzabili.

French south west’s colours, scents and naturalness, to furnish your home with liveliness, joy and lightness. Laser working engravings which can be personalized. Цвета, ароматы и непринужденный характер юго-запада 116

франции вносят блеск, веселье и легкость в обстановку вашего дома. Лазерная гравировка по вашему заказу.


ART. E90 VETRINA 2 PORTE 2 doors glass case Сервант L 149 P 47 H 203 ART. E91 TAVOLO CON 2 ALLUNGHE Table with 2 leaves Стол L 110 P 110 H 82 ART. E92 SEDIA Chair Стул L 55 P 61 H 103



Raggiungere la giusta armonia decorativa in ogni ambiente della casa.

Achieve the right harmony decorative in any room of the house.


ART. E93 CREDENZA Sideboard Буфет L 170 P 55 H 97

ART. E91 TAVOLO (APERTO) Table (open) Стол L 190 P 110 H 82


ART. E94 TAVOLO OVALE ALLUNGABILE Extension oval table Стол L 160 P 110 H 79 ART. E92 SEDIA Chair Стул L 55 P 61 H 103

ART. E94 TAVOLO (APERTO) Table (open) Стол L 260 P 110 H 79



ART. E95 TAVOLO OVALE ALLUNGABILE Extension oval table Стол L 130 P 105 H 79 ART. E96 SEDIA Chair Стул L 53 P 59 H 101

ART. E95 TAVOLO (APERTO) Table (open) Стол L 230 P 105 H 79



L’arredo classico regala alle stanze un’armonia fatta di eleganza e funzionalità.

Classic furniture gives the rooms made a harmony of elegance and functionality.


ART. E97 TAVOLO OVALE ALLUNGABILE Extension oval table Стол L 110 P 80 H 79 ART. E92 SEDIA CHAIR Стул L 55 P 61 H 103

ART. E97 TAVOLO (APERTO) Table (open) Стол L 180 P 110 H 79


ART. E99 TAVOLO CON 2 ALLUNGHE Table with 2 leaves Стол L 160 P 90 H 83 ART. E96 SEDIA Chair Стул L 53 P 59 H 101

ART. E99 TAVOLO (APERTO) Table (open) Стол L 240 P 90 H 83




ART. E100 LIBRERIA Book case Книжный шкаф L 160 P 50 H 224



ART. E101 CONSOLLE Console Консольный столик L 150 P 40 H 80


ART. E102 PORTA TV Tv stand Подставка под тв L 160 P 50 H 45



Trasformare la casa in un ambiente originale, rivestendo lo spazio con uno stile unico e raffinato.

Transform the house into a unique environment lining the space with a unique style and refined.



ART. E103 LIBRERIA Book case Книжный шкаф L 148 P 36 H 203

ART. E104 SCRITTOIO Writing desk Бюро L 120 P 70 H 78

ART. E105 POLTRONA GIREVOLE Swivel armchair Кресло L 66 P 60 H 103

Realizzare combinazioni per evidenziare profili e forme degli elementi.

Making combinations to highlight profiles and shapes of the elements.


ART. E104 SCRITTOIO Writing desk Бюро L 120 P 70 H 78



141 ART. E106 ENOTECA Wine bar Винный брусок L 50 P 50 H 108

A RICHIESTA NUMERI PERSONALIZZABILI Personal number on demand К прикладным номерам персонал

ART. E107 PORTA TELEFONO Telephone stand Подставка под телефон L 50 P 35 H 77



Elementi che lasciano spazio ad una meravigliosa estetica.

Elements that give way to a wonderful aesthetic.


ART. E108 BUREAU (APERTO) Bureau (open) Книжный шкаф


ART. E108 BUREAU Bureau Книжный шкаф L 90 P 45 H 87



ART. E109 PORTA TV Tv stand Подставка под тв L 90 P 45 H 81

ART. E110 TAVOLINO RIALZABILE Small table, tilt-down top Столик L 120 P 80 H 45


La casa che esalta il tuo stile e i tuoi progetti.

The house that enhances your style and your projects.


ART. E111 LIBRERIA/RETRODIVANO Book case Книжный шкаф L 130 P 38 H 70


ART. E111 LIBRERIA/retrodivano Book case Книжный шкаф L 130 P 38 H 70


ART. E113 TAVOLINO PIANO CILIEGIO Small table, cerry top Столик L 100 P 100 H 45



ART. E115 TAVOLINO PIANO CILIEGIO Small table, cerry top Столик L 120 P 120 H 45

ART. E112 TAVOLINO PIANO VETRO, BORdO ORO Small table, glass top and gold Столик L 100 P 100 H 45

ART. E114 TAVOLINO PIANO VETRO, BORdO ARGENTO Small table, glass top and silver Столик L 120 P 120 H 45

Rispettare le caratteristiche dei materiali, delle forme, delle finiture e dei colori.

Observe the characteristics of materials, forms, finishes and colors.



ART. E117 TAVOLINO PIANO CILIEGIO Small table, cerry top Столик L 120 P 80 H 46

ART. E116 TAVOLINO PIANO VETRO Small table, glass top Столик L 120 P 80 H 46



ART. E119 TAVOLINO PIANO CILIEGIO Small table, cerry top Столик L 65 P 65 H 46

ART. E118 TAVOLINO PIANO VETRO, BORdO ARGENTO Small table, glass top and silver Столик L 65 P 65 H 46

ART. E121 TAVOLINO 2 CASSETTI, PIANO ciliegio 2 drawers small table, cherry top Столик L 120 P 120 H 45


ART. E120 TAVOLINO 2 CASSETTI, PIANO CILIEGIO, BORdO ORO 2 drawers small table, cerry top and gold Столик L 100 P 100 H 45



ART. E122 TAVOLINO CON CASSETTO PASSANTE, PIANO CILIEGIO, BORdO ORO Small table with passing drawer, cerry top and gold Столик L 100 P 100 H 45




ART. E123 TAVOLINO CON CASSETTO PASSANTE Small table with passing drawer Столик L 65 P 65 H 46

Stanze viste come rifugi intimi.

Rooms seen as shelters close.



ART. E124 TAVOLINO CON 2 CASSETTI 2 drawers small table Столик L 120 P 80 H 45



ART. E125 CREDENZA BORDO ORO Sideboard gold frame Буфет L 169 P 54 H 96



Intense tonalità cromatiche animano le atmosfere della vostra dimora.

Intense hues enliven the atmosphere of your home.

ART. E126 CREDENZA BORDO ORO Sideboard gold frame Буфет L 138 P 60 H 102


ART. E127 CREDENZA BORDO ARGENTO Sideboard silver frame Буфет L 118 P 52 H 91


Dettagli trasformati dal gusto dei nostri artigiani.

Details transformed taste of our craftsmen.


173 ART. E128 COMO’ ORO/ARGENTO Gold/silver chest of drawer Комод L 149 P 55 H 100

ART. E129 COMONCINO decorato ORO/ARGENTO Decored gold/silver chest of drawer Малый комод L 133 P 52 H 91



ART. E130 COMO’ BOMBATO Chest of drawer Комод L 133 P 52 H 91

Ricerche sempre più attente al dettaglio. Dal passato al presente con un’eleganza senza tempo. 176

Research increasingly attentive to detail. From past to present with timeless elegance.


ART. E4 SEDIA Chair Стул L 53 P 45 H 117

ART. E23 SEDIA Chair Стул L 50 P 49 H 117


ART. E131 SEDIA Chair Стул L 53 P 63 H 116

ART. E70 SEDIA Chair Стул L 54 P 56 H 106

ART. E98 SEDIA Chair Стул L 53 P 58 H 102

ART. E92 SEDIA CHAIR Стул L 55 P 61 H 103

ART. E96 SEDIA Chair Стул L 53 P 59 H 101


ART. E105 POLTRONA GIREVOLE Swivel armchair Кресло L 66 P 60 H 103

ART. E33 SEDIA Chair Стул L 65 P 61 H 103

ART. E32 POLTRONA GIREVOLE Swivel armchair Кресло L 76 P 89 H 121

Furniture and Finishing Design

Via Veneto

Work Project

Matteo Benati Graphic

Silvia Sorio Photo

M. Marcato, Photografica Colour Separations

Comer Print

Grafiche Siz

Printed in November 2009

速 Copyright by C.P. sas All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publisher. All details and pictures are subject to change without notice and are not binding the Supplier.

C.P. sas Via Veneto, 110 • 35040 Casale di Scodosia (Pd) • Tel. 0429 87746 • Fax 0429 87566 info@cpmobili.it • www.cpmobili.it

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