2013 International Parent Newsletter

Page 1

Welcome, p. 1 2013 Orienta'on Program, p. 2 Hotels, p. 3 Transporta'on, p. 4-­‐6 Campus Map, p. 7 Football Promo, p. 8 Web Resources, p. 9 Staff Bios, p. 10-­‐12

Interna'onal Parent Newsle/er 2013

Meet the 2013 Interna'onal Peer Advisors!

Dear Parents, Welcome to Northwestern University! My name is Dom Makepeace and I am the Interna'onal Orienta'on Coordinator for 2013. The Interna'onal Peer Advisors (IPAs) and I will be welcoming the class of 2017 to Northwestern in the fall. We can’t wait get started! I am a senior majoring in both Poli'cal Science and Interna'onal Studies, with a minor in the Business Ins'tu'ons Program. I’m currently interning in Chicago for the summer with Enova Financial, whilst I spent the spring working at Goldman Sachs as part of the Chicago Field Studies Program. At Northwestern, I’m happily involved in many things across campus: I have served on the Execu've Board for the Interna'onal Student Associa'on, acted as Team Lead for Students Consul'ng Non-­‐Profit Organiza'ons, play for the Club Soccer team, and am a brother in the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity. One of the things I love about Northwestern is the wide variety of opportuni'es. From acapella singing, to ul'mate frisbee, to building formula racing cars, you can find people interested in just about anything you could think of – and even more! I have been involved with the Interna'onal Student Orienta'on (ISO) since I took part as a freshman in 2010. The IPAs and I know first-­‐hand what it’s like to travel so far from home to a/end university, which is why we strive to cul'vate a community that interna'onal students can rely on. We will be there to answer ques'ons, explain procedures, and guide the incoming students in their first few days and weeks here. We will be providing useful informa'on to help you prepare over the course of the summer – check out the Interna'onal Office website and keep on the lookout for our ISO Blog, Facebook Page and Resource Guide. Please feel free to approach me with any concerns or ques'ons you have. I look forward to mee'ng you all in a few short months. Un'l then, good luck helping with all that packing! Don’t forget to include some warm socks – Chicago winters can get chilly! Best, Dom


2013 Parent Orienta'on September 13, 2013 Norris University Center

The Third Annual Interna'onal Parent Orienta'on program will help prepare you for life as the parent of a Northwestern Wildcat! If you will be joining us, please plan to be at the McCormick Auditorium at Norris University Center by 9:45am. We have a full and exci'ng day planned for you including: •  Remarks from Dean Julio Ohno, McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Sciences •  Welcome from the Office of the Provost •  Introduc'on to Academic Life from the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office •  Informa'on from the Interna'onal Office •  What to Expect from Wildcat Welcome, and more!


If you have not yet made hotel arrangements, there are a number of op'ons close to campus, including: We recommend booking your hotel as early as •  The Hilton Orrington 1.847.866.8700 possible since space is limited during the start of the academic year. •  Hilton Garden Inn 1.847.475.6400 •  Best Western University Plaza 1.847.491.6400 If you would prefer to stay in the city, there are a number of op'ons available. •  Margarita European Inn 1.847.869.2273 Please visit www.hotels.com for more informa'on. •  The Homestead Hotel 1.847.475.3300


GETTING TO NORTHWESTERN FROM THE AIRPORT Chicago O'Hare Interna'onal Airport is approximately an hour from Northwestern's Evanston campus. There are several op'ons for gehng from the airport to campus, depending on 'me and budget: Go Airport Express Shu0le Airport Express Shu/le provides shared rides from the airport to campus, and as a Northwestern student, you will receive a discount. Reserve your spot online AT LEAST 24 hours before your flight. You must be able to show yourI-­‐20/DS-­‐2019 from Northwestern to receive the student discount. If you are a/ending our Undergraduate Orienta'on Program, they should drop you off at Foster Walker. Cost is about $28. Taxi/Cab There are Taxi lines outside of the baggage claim area. You should join the line of others wai'ng for a taxi, and take the cab at the front of the line. Make sure that you only take cabs from the official taxi line, and do not accept rides from anyone soliciAng inside the airport. This will cost roughly $40-­‐45 with 'p. Public transportaAon—Pace and CTA You can take Pace, the suburban public transit system into Evanston, and switch to the CTA, Chicago's public transit system. Pace is $1.75, and the CTA is $2.25. To do this, take the airport shu/le (free) to long-­‐term parking/Pace. From there, take Pace bus route 250 from O'Hare to the Davis Street CTA sta'on in downtown Evanston, and then pickup the CTA bus route 201 to campus. Get off at Foster.

If you would prefer to rent a car during ISO, there will be a number of op'ons available from the airport. For 'ps on ren'ng and driving in the U.S. try these helpful links: CAR RENTAL TIPS TRAVELING BY CAR IN THE U.S.


Evanston O’Hare Interna'onal Airport

Midway Interna'onal Airport Northwestern University is located a few miles north of downtown Chicago. Expect tolls if driving from O’Hare. 5


The CTA is $2.25 per ride

To get to Evanston from O’Hare, take the blue line toward the loop, transfer to the Red Line at Jackson, and to the Purple Line at Howard. Get off at Foster, and walk 2 blocks east. The Foster-­‐Walker Complex is at the corner of Foster and Orrington.


The Interna'onal Office – 630 Dartmouth Place

Foster-­‐Walker Complex – 1927 Orrington Avenue

The Interna'onal Office 847-­‐491-­‐5613

Norris University Center – 1999 Campus Drive (Wildcard Office in basement, Orienta'on program begins in McCormick Auditorium on first floor, Friday, September 13, 2013)

Norris University Center Wildcard Office in Basement

Foster-­‐Walker Complex



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For more info, check out: www.'nyurl.com/2013ISO IPA List & Biographies IPA Resource Guide ISO2013 Blog ISO2013 Facebook Group Wildcat Welcome 9

Ravi Shankar, Director Originally from India, Ravi, has been in the profession of interna'onal educa'on for twenty odd years. He spent his forma've years in the UK; moved to India to complete his undergraduate degree and graduate degrees in English Literature-­‐specializing in Commonwealth Literature, with par'cular emphasis on 19th and 20th century Bri'sh Literature. In the late 70’s he moved to Kenya to squander his 'me in ideal musings; much to his chagrin, he was rudely awakened by the reali'es of the socio-­‐poli'cal issues in Kenya: in par'cular the dynamics of interna'onal monetary aid, and its impact on culture and society. He enrolled in graduate school at the U.S. Interna'onal University in Nairobi, and completed a M.S. in Management and Organiza'onal Development. His research focus was on intercultural communica'ons and the value systems within organiza'ons. To further his interest in this field, he came to the U.S. in 1982 to study at the School for Interna'onal Training, Bra/leboro, Vermont. The rest, as they say is history! He enjoys running; reading and challenging his three children to become global ci'zens!

Nick Seamons, Associate Director Nick Seamons was born and raised in the wilds of Idaho, and completed his undergraduate degrees at Idaho State University. He has spent 'me living, studying, and teaching in France. Upon his return to the United States, he worked for NAFSA: Associa'on of Interna'onal Educators in Washington, DC, where he centered his passion and focused on the dynamic elements of interna'onal educa'on. Since 2006, he has served in various capaci'es in the Interna'onal Office at Northwestern University, including as the coordinator for campus and community ini'a'ves. Now the assistant director in that office, he works with both regulatory advising and suppor've programming for the approximately 3,000 interna'onal students who call Northwestern home. He lives in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago and travels as oren as 'me and finances allow.

Colleen Seaton, Assistant Director Colleen got the travel bug at the early age of 12 when she visited Kenya with her aunt. She con'nued to make travel a priority, traveling to France in high school and spending a semester of college in the U.K which made traveling all over Europe a breeze. Arer gradua'ng college, Colleen moved to New Zealand to work and travel. She met her future husband who was also traveling but they moved back to Chicago to be close to family. Luckily the travel bug wouldn't go away! They've since traveled to Costa Rica, Honduras and have dreams of many future trips across the world. Colleen has a BA in Psychology and a MA in Counseling. Colleen has been at the Interna'onal Office for 5 years and enjoys working with students from all over the world.

Coryn Shiflet, Coordinator Coryn Shiflet grew up in New York and was first bit by the travel bug arer travelling to England, Scotland and Wales with the Northport High School Tour Choir. During her undergraduate studies at Penn State University, where she received her BA Sociology and Women’s Studies, she traveled with the University Choir to Italy and Austria and par'cipated in a London Theater Study Tour. Coryn also studied Brazilian Art and Culture and fell in love with Brazil arer her trip to Rio de Janeiro and Salvador. She traveled to Israel before star'ng her Master’s degree in Human Geography at the University of Illinois at Urbana-­‐Champaign. During graduate school she focused on Brazilian studies, began studying Brazilian Portuguese and spent a summer in Salvador, Bahia. Coryn began working at the Interna'onal Office at Northwestern University in September 2008 and has since had the opportunity to travel again to the United Kingdom to visit her husband’s family and par'cipated in the Baden-­‐Wür/emberg Seminar in Germany in November 2011.


Adam Blough, Advisor Adam is originally from Iowa. He has been in the profession of interna'onal educa'on for 15 years and at Northwestern for the last five. Adam has a B.A. from the University of Iowa and a M.Ed. from Loyola University – Chicago. As an undergraduate, Adam studied abroad in Spain and traveled throughout Europe. Arer comple'ng his undergraduate degree, Adam was a Peace Corps volunteer in Guinea. He enjoys spending his 'me with his son, a/ending Big 10 athle'c events, playing sports, traveling and reading.

Theresa Johnson, Advisor Theresa was born in Kansas, moved to Illinois, and grew up in Arkansas before heading east to a/end college in Washington, DC. She has a B.A. in Interna'onal Studies from American University and an M.Ed. in Interna'onal Educa'on from George Washington University. During her 'me at AU she studied abroad spending a semester in Brussels and a semester in Paris. Although she has a minor in French, her language skills have become quite rusty. She is trying to fix this by taking classes at the Alliance Francaise here in Chicago! Theresa moved to the Windy City in August of 2011 to start working at the Interna'onal Office. Before that she worked at the Ins'tute of Interna'onal Educa'on with the Fulbright Scholar Program. Theresa loves that the IO is so close to the tennis courts since she loves to watch and play tennis! She also enjoys travelling, especially exploring new places on her bicycle!

Debbie Kaltman, Advisor Debbie Kaltman was born and raised in the Chicago area and first traveled outside the US at the age of 14, when she went to the UK for a family wedding. She received her BA in Performance Studies and History from Northwestern and studied abroad in the Czech Republic and Ireland during her undergraduate years. Arer gradua'on, Debbie worked at the Edinburgh Fringe Fes'val and then returned to the Czech Republic for another year, teaching ESL in Prague and traveling throughout Europe. She is very proud of all of her passport stamps, especially those from her travels to Costa Rica, Peru, Israel and Italy. Debbie returned to Northwestern for her Master’s degree in Higher Educa'on Administra'on, focusing on interna'onal educa'on. She began working at the Interna'onal Office in October 2011, making her the newest member of the team. In her free 'me, Debbie enjoys cheering on the Wildcats, spending 'me with friends and family, exercising, exploring Chicago and planning future travels!

Emlyn Torres, Advisor Emlyn grew up in Los Angeles, California. While her childhood travel mostly involved ambi'ous road trips , she had the opportunity to be a People to People Student Ambassador when she was 13, and in high school she had the opportunity to spend a summer living and volunteering in Kenya and Ethiopia, which has, one way or another, influenced most everything she has done since. While studying at Northwestern University (go ‘cats!) she lived in a garbage village in Cairo, Egypt. Emlyn has a passion for service-­‐learning and global educa'on. She has volunteered with homeless shelters, disaster relief services, and Na've American reserva'ons all over the U.S. and worked on five different AIDS Walk campaigns in three American ci'es before finding her way into the field of interna'onal educa'on.


Cara Lawson, Program Assistant Despite having been born in Evanston, Cara has managed to maintain her impressive Australian lilt, which she acquired through living 12 years on the beau'ful shores of Sydney. It was also on those beau'ful shores that she taught ESL for Cambridge University Sydney, finished her Masters in Linguis'cs at Macquarie University, became a mother and spouse, and a/empted to learn how to surf like someone not born with natural surfing abili'es. Prior to living in the land of Sunshine, Cara acquired another accent, this one from the Alsace region in France, while studying at Strasbourg University. It was here that she learned to drink her coffee black, while pon'fica'on over poems by Baudelaire, and traipsing across Europe with nothing but a map and a Eurail 'cket. Currently, she can be found digging around her garden, tending to both children and plants, and plohng her next overseas adventure…

Chris DeNardo, Program Assistant Chris is an Evanston na've who has traveled to Mexico, Brazil and Ireland. He joined the Interna'onal Office in October of 2012 and has enjoyed gehng to know the interna'onal community at Northwestern. His most significant interna'onal experience was a six week trip to Brazil where he par'cipated in Brazilian language and culture exchange so he is always looking for a chance to prac'ce his Portuguese. At the Interna'onal Office he works at the front desk and sends out the Office's weekly listserv newsle/ers, so you will most likely get an email from him in the future, if you haven't already!


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