convening for impact

What happens when the brightest minds contribute their diverse perspectives and skills to address the biggest questions facing humanity’s expansion to space?
We collectively drive forward more sustainable, inclusive and impactful solutions for our interplanetary future.
How can lessons of the past inform our decisions for a better space future?
One year deliverable
Collect lessons from our past that will inform the first permanent settlement on the Moon or Mars as a first area of focus. The process will include:
• Developing a tool to look through the entire human history of events that have parallels to our space future activity and create a catalog of events.
• Creating an analysis of cause and effect for lessons learned.
• Interviewing existing specialists/scholars.
• Creating documents for policy makers of the 77+ space agencies in the world.
• Visualization of the connection between historic events and space future activity.
Elena Rocci
Evgenya Shkolnik
Scott Webster
Rejane Cantoni
Teri Knoll Binaei
Alex MacDonald
Jim Bell
Chris Mackay
Jacques Masson
Timiebi Aganaba
Chris Hadfield
Theodora Ogden
Sara Scoles
Mary-Jane Rubenstein
Jose Acain
David Brown
Evgenya Shkolnik
How do we establish property rights in space and what limits should we place on space resource extraction or utilization?
One year deliverable
Inventory all known space resources and their associated rights as they exist today. This project will create a living schematic of known space resources that will be revisiting periodically and serve as a reference guide for the evolving field of space resource management.
John Thurmond
Kevin Hubbard
David W Brown
Tanja Masson-Zwaan
Kris Zacny
Angel Abbud-Madrid
Dan Bliss
Meenakshi Wadhwa
Shawn Linam
Jacob Malthouse
Jessy-Kate Schinger
Greg Autry
Wade Stokes
Glenn Williamson
Antonino Salmeri
Erika Wagner
Kimerly Cameron
Melissa De Zwart
How can we rapidly accelerate the utilization of space resources and in-space manufacturing to address climate change?
One year deliverable
Space can address the impacts of climate on the Earth by either moving Earth-based activities to space or bringing space resources down to Earth. The project will identify Earth-based activities with the greatest energy requirements and propose strategies that leverage space to offset the impact of these activities on climate change.
Katherine McConachie
Pete Worden
Daniel Faber
Paul Westerhoff
Matt Gialich
Sian Proctor
Etosha Cave
Anousheh Ansari
Elena Rocchi
Scott Parazynski
Loretta Whitesides
The creative minds of storytellers can produce new economic models for many to read and imagine. But for those models to be feasible and useful to society, they need to be based on factual economic principals. This project will facilitate dialog between space economists and storytellers to imaging new economic models of human activity in space, by hosting a “space economy camp for storytellers and economists”.
Tracy Drain
Lance Gharavi
James Schalkwyk
Robbie Schingler
Eric Stribling
Kari Love
Kim Macharia
Cady Coleman
Mary Robinette Kowal
How do we build effective maps of lunar orbits?
How do we design open protocols for lunar time standards?
How can we rapidly accelerate the utilization of space resources and in-space manufacturing to address climate change?
Transmission webinar
Dec 14, 2023
2023 project progress
Applications for project funding opens. Student project pitch event.
Transmission webinar
June 15, 2023
2022 project progress + 2023 project announcements
Individuals who contribute to projects of their
MAY1 Projectapplicationsclose
2022 Project Progress + 2023 Project Announcements
June 15, 2023 // 11-12 pm AZ/PT
2023 Project Progress
December 14, 2023 // 11-12 pm AZ/MT
2023 Project Progress + 2024 Project Announcements
June 27, 2023 // 11-12 pm AZ/PT
What happens when we aim for the biggest questions that engage the broadest set of collaborators?
We accelerate the pace of innovation and create more inclusive and sustainable solutions.
Projects teams, led by an ASU faculty member apply for and secure 1-year funding. Projects receive project support to ensure that goals are
Diverse teams form around big audacious questions, set 1-year outcomes, activities and milestones.
faculty 1-year of seed management met.
Project outputs reach as many people as possible through commercialization, open source access, publication, licensing or other appropriate means.
Project continues through partnerships and/or follow-on funding as a first step to scalability.
How do we reduce the probability of a cataclysmic space war by redefining the way that space is understood and by laying the foundations for an innovative, interdisciplinary commitment to preserving space as a collaborative domain free from war?
How do we create governance and coordination mechanisms for the lunar surface? The Moon Dialogs produce credible, actionable mechanisms facilitating lunar coordination, policies, norms and laws; leveraging voluntary frameworks and cross-sector, international support.
How do we build a JEDI (just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive) space for all of humanity? This project seeks to answer this question of what a JEDI space means and how to open space access to more of humanity through surveys, conversations and events.
What is the state of “space activities” globally, across countries, agencies, and projects?
This project seeks to create a viewer of space activities through the lens of their key benefits, drivers, and end goals, tracked at the project level over time, investment level, and geographic location. LET’S EXPLORE
How do we become better stewards of “Spaceship Earth?” While many organizations around the world are conducting vital research into understanding and modeling climate change, there remains a need for continual and integrated modeling of earth systems and the global economy visualized over decades and centuries.
How do we galvanize public support for space exploration?
Podcast hosts Astronaut Cady Coleman and scientist Andrew Maynard talk to a range of guests from the likes of Blue Origin, to NASA.
Angel Abbud-Madrid, Director, Center for Space Resources, Colorado
School for Mines
Jose Acain, Founder and CTO, AstroForge
Timiebi Aganaba, Assistant Professor, Arizona State University*
Anousheh Ansari, CEO, XPRIZE*
Greg Autry, Clinical Professor for Space, Thunderbird School of Global Management
Natalya Bailey, CTO and Co-Founder, Accion Systems
Amir Banifatemi , Chief Innovation and Growth Officer, XPRIZE*
Jim Bell, DPI and Imager Lead, Arizona State University
Kim Binsted, Professor, University of Hawaii
Dean Bergman, Director of Business Development, Honeybee Robotics
Dan Bliss, Professor, Arizona State University
Ted Bonk, Technical Fellow, Honeywell
David W Brown, Freelance Author
Sean Casey, Vice President, Atlas Space Operations
Laurie Chappell, Sr. Director Space Systems
Gary Galnan, Co-Founder and CEO, CisLunar Industries
Rejane Cantoni, Independent Artist*
Etosha Cave, Co-Founder and CSO, Twelve
Justin Chandler, Deputy Director of the Strategic Initiatives Group, USSF*
Ahsan Choudhuri, Professor, University of Texas El Paso
Cady Coleman, ASU Global Explorer and Astronaut*
Michael Crow, President, Arizona State University
Paul Davies, Professor, Arizona State University
Melissa De Zwart, Professor (Digital Technology, Security & Governance), Flinders University*
Rich Dissly, Sr. Manager for Business Development, Ball Aerospace
Gilles Doucet, Consultant, ABH Aerospace
Tracy Drain , Flight Systems Engineer, NASA/JPL*
Lindy Elkins-Tanton, Vice President, Arizona State University*
Daniel Faber, CEO, Orbit Fab, Inc.
Nicola Fox, Director, NASA Heliophysics Science Division
Darren Garber, CEO/CTO, Accion Systems
Chandra Gonzales Mowrer, Chief Officer, XPRIZE
Lance Gharavi, Professor, Arizona State University*
Matt Gialich, Founder and CEO, AstroForge
John Grunsfeld, Physicist and former NASA astronaut
Chris Hadfield, President & CEO, Chris Hadfield, Inc.*
Michelle Hanlon, Co-Founder and President, For All Moonkin, Inc.
Robin Hanson, Assoc. Professor, George Mason University
Tanya Harrison, Manager of Science Programs, Planet Labs*
Kathleen Howell, Professor, Purdue
Kevin Hubbard, PhD candidate, Arizona State University
Julia Hunter, Sr Vice President, Virgin Galactic
Simon Jackman, Fellow, Linacre College* Lisa Jones, VP of USG Programs, Maxar*
Marc Kaufman, Author
Aaron Kemmer, Co-Founder and Chairman, Made in Space, Inc.
Teri Knoll Binaei, Founder, Art + Production*
Mary Robinette Kowal, Author, Robin’s Roost, Inc.*
Joe Landon, VP Advanced Programs Development, Lockheed Martin*
Chris Lewicki, Founder, Interplanetary Enterprises, LLC*
Shawn Linam, CEO, Qwaltec*
Kari Love, Red Burns Fellow, New York University
Alex MacDonald, Chief Economist, NASA*
Kim Macharia, Executive Director, Space Prize
David Mackay, Chief Pilot, Virgin Galactic
Will Marshall, Co-Founder and CEO, Planet Labs
Shawn Murphy, CEO/CTO, Titan Advanced Energy Solutions, Inc.
Jacob Malthouse, Executive Director, Open Lunar Foundation
Tanja Masson-Zwaan, Asst. Professor, Leiden University
Jacques Masson, Export Control and Risk Manager Officer, Clear Space
Philip Mauskopf, Professor, Arizona State University
Katherine McConachie, Director of Learning, Arizona State University
Sally Morton, Executive VP Knowledge Enterprise, Arizona State University
Dava Newman, Director, MIT Media Lab*
Theodora Ogden, Research Analyst, RAND Europe*
Nnedi Okorafor, Professor of Practice, Africanfuturism Productions
Scott Parazynski, former NASA astronaut
Sian Proctor Astronaut, Artist in Residence, Arizona State University*
Jessica Rousset, Deputy Director, Arizona State University*
Mary-Jane Rubenstein, Professor of Religion and Science in Society, Wesleyan University*
Antonino Salmeri, Policy Researcher, Open Lunar Foundation, Space Generation Advisory Council*
Amy Salzhauer, Founder and Managing Partner, Good Growth Capital
James Schalkwyk, Program Manager, Breakthrough Initiatives
Jessy Kate Schingler, Director of Strategy, Open Lunar Foundation*
Robbie Schingler, Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer, Planet Labs*
Sarah Scoles, Freelance Journalist
Rob Sherwood, Principal Director, Strategy Integration, The Aerospace Corporation*
Evgenya Shkolnik, Associate Professor, Arizona State University
Asif Siddiqi, Professor, Fordham University
Bob Smith, CEO, Blue Origin
Dale Stephens, Professor, University of Adelaide
Ellen Stofan, Director, Smithsonian Institution*
Sebastian Straube, Founder and CEO, Interstellar Ventures
Taryn Struck, Sr. Program Manager, Arizona State University*
David Thomas, Executive Director, MILO Institute at Arizona State University
John Thurmond, Advisor, Innovation, Hess Corporation*
Julia Tizard, Vice President, Virgin Galactic
Gui Trotti, Architect/Designer, Trotti + Associates
Meenakshi Wadhwa, Director, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University
Erika Wagner, Sr Director, Emerging Markets, Blue Origin*
Scott Webster, Co-founder, Chairman of the Board, Orbital Sciences Corporation, Telesat Government Solutions
Paul Westerhoff, Regent Professor & Fulton Chair of Environmental Engineering, Arizona State University
George Whitesides, Chair of Space Advisory Board, Virgin Galactic
Loretta Whitesides, Founder, SpaceKind, Yuri’s Night*
Glenn Williamson, CEO, Canada Arizona Business Council*
Simon Pete Worden, Chairman, Breakthrough Initiatives
Kris Zacny, Vice President, Honeybee Robotics
Robert Zubrin, President, Pioneer Astronautics