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Rationales for Space Agency establishment
Many countries are also looking to the space domain to meet socioeconomic development goals. In their research of the formation of new space agencies between 2014 and 2019, Knittel Kommel et al. (2020) identify six categories of space agency establishment rationale: economic, socioeconomic, coordination, centralization, geopolitical, and regulatory (see box below). Their report found that most countries established space agencies based on a combination of rationales, but the two highest scoring motivating factors among newly founded space agencies included socioeconomic and economic rationales, at 21.2% and 27.3% respectively.288 The case study analysis of this report also identifies economic and socioeconomic factors as key drivers of space ambitions among selected emerging spacefaring countries. In Saudi Arabia, economic diversification plans are underway to attract foreign investment and generate thousands of jobs.291 Space is central Vision 2030 plans for economic reform and diversification, as the country seeks to shift from a resource-based economy.292
Similarly, in the case of South Africa, the space program sits at the center of broader socioeconomic goals. The South African space program focuses on three priority areas: i) environmental resource management, ii) health, safety and security, and iii) innovation and economy.293
➢ Economic: Focused on generating economic growth (GDP). ➢ Socioeconomic: Prioritizing the improvement of national welfare, using space data and applications to improve governance and enhance sectors e.g. agriculture, environment. ➢ Coordination: Integrating activities across national academic, commercial, and government space sectors. ➢ Centralization: Combining dispersed government space sector activities and actors into one agency. ➢ Geopolitical: Enhancing national security, facilitating participation in the international space community, building status as a spacefaring country. ➢ Regulatory: Managing the space sector by establishing a regulatory framework, complying with international law. 290
288 Knittel Kommel, R. K., Peter, A. Puig-Hall, M., Riesbeck, L. (2020) Exploring Insights from Emerging Space agencies. https://aerospace.csis.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/2020_GWU_ExploringInsights_FINAL_2nd-Edits-101920-compressed.pdf 289 Ibid. 290 Ibid. 291 Rashad (2020). 292 Space Watch (2022) Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030: A Golden Opportunity for Space?. https://spacewatch.global/2016/05/saudi-arabias-vision-2030-golden-opportunity-space-2/ 293 Feldscher (2019).
Space is seen as a driver of development and the social and economic benefits are prioritized. Space-based systems are developed to provide solutions, for instance, tracking boats off South Africa’s shoreline to catch illegal fishing boats and drug smugglers.294
Brazil has renewed interest in space, prioritizing the economic potential for collaboration with international partners. The 2019 Technology Safeguards Agreement (TSA) between the United States and Brazil could see US companies utilize Alcântara Launch Center for international missions, which could significantly boost the national economy.
Knittel Kommel et al. (2020) identify geopolitical rationales as central to space agency establishment, with 15.2% of space agencies founded between 2014 and 2019 citing this as a leading rationale.295 Nations may establish space agencies to participate in the international space community and enhance international relations.296 The emerging spacefaring countries analyzed in this report also demonstrate strong geopolitical motivators for space agency establishment, which are closely linked to wider economic and socioeconomic goals. South Korea has invested heavily in the space sector, with goals to become the seventh country in the world to have its own satellite-based positioning, navigation and timing system. Already a technology leader, South Korea aims to enhance its capacity to develop advanced technologies and boost economic growth. These goals are linked to the geopolitical priorities to enhance national security and maintain the country’s defense posture on the Korean peninsula.
Whatever the core rationales underlying the foundation of a space program, countries can expect wider impact on their economies and societies. As more actors look to space, it is important to consider the benefits they bring to the international spacefaring community, as well as potential risks and challenges, identifying how these can be overcome.
294 Feldscher (2019). 295 Knittel Kommel et al. (2020). 296 Ibid.