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Spain: Giving landfills a better cover
Images © SADECO

The project ‘Consortium for a coherent European landfill management strategy’ (COCOON) brings together eight partners from six countries. Their goal is to improve landfill management in their regions and turn it into an economic opportunity with new jobs, more safe recovered land, and a more efficient use of resources, such as landfill gas or water.
Sanitation Cordoba (SADECO) joined the project to bring good practices in landfill management from other countries in Europe to Andalusia in Spain. They looked for resource-efficient and environmentally-sound landfill management solutions which could be funded by the regional operational programme.
SADECO brought several ideas to the region. During a site visit in Germany, they saw a safe yet less expensive and faster method
Giving landfills a better cover
Landfills in Spain’s Andalusia region will soon provide their towns with a new land, safely recovered in novel ways using ideas from Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium. 2.36 million euros from the Structural Funds is making better landfill management in the region possible.
for sealing a landfill using construction and demolition waste. The Baena landfill in Cordoba is now being sealed the same way.
Another idea came from the Netherlands, where landfills are partially excavated so that the land can be better recovered for safe use. SADECO developed a similar landfill mining project for Dehesas Viejas, which will provide the town in Granada with additional usable space. SADECO also decided to map their landfill sites for a better overview for their management, inspired by similar IT tools used in Germany and Belgium.
The three projects received in total over 2.36 million euros from the regional operational programme.