In The Field Magazine - South Mississippi

Page 1

February 2011

Mississippi’s AGRICULTURE Magazine


Tommy Delia Generations of Growing Beautiful Flowers

Covering What’s Growing INTHEFIELD MAGAZINE

February 2011


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February 2011


Stone High FFA member Arizona Parden finishes first in state in the 4-H/FFA Replacement Beef Heifer Development Contest. I am Arizona Parden, a junior at Stone High School in Wiggins, Mississippi. I live in the Big Level community of Stone County with my parents Dale and Jacki Parden. I have been a member of the Stone High FFA Club for the past three years. My FFA advisors are Mrs. Shelly Pulliam and Mr. Brad Morris. I have enjoyed being in our FFA club and have participated in several activities in the club. I have participated in the FFA tractor driving and maintenance contest for two years, and in 2009 I made it to the state level. I represented our club at the Mississippi Legislature breakfast in 2010. Most of all I have enjoyed my livestock project. I started in the cattle business when I was 6 years old, raising Holstein calves, that’s when I decided to go with the commercial breed. Mrs. Pulliam asked me if I would be interested in entering the 4-H and FFA replacement heifer contest. I asked her what I would have to do. She said pick three heifers from your calves, keep good records, bring calves to the contest and do an oral presentation to a panel of judges. I said, sure that sounds like fun. I don’t like talking in front of people, so I thought this might be a problem. But I guess it will help me get ready for my senior project presentation. I chose three Brangus heifers, a breed developed to take advantage of the superior traits of Brahman and Angus cattle. The contest lasted for one year, with results being announced at the state fair in October 2010. Detailed records on the three cattle were recorded weekly. I showed how I weaned the calves, and how much feed the calves ate for the year. What vaccination I used and why I used that vaccination. I had to tell about the bull that I chose to breed my heifers with. I had to budget all my spending and tell how much the calves where worth at the time of weaning and how much they were worth at the end of the contest. I sent a copy of my calendar, budget, and list of contacts to Dr. Dean Jousan’s office on July 28, 2010. We took the heifers on August 14, 2010 to Hinds Community College Bull Test Station in Raymond, Mississippi. The heifers where weighed, evaluated by ultra sound and visually evaluated. I presented a power point presentation on all the work that I had done on my heifers. The judges asked several questions about my project. I knew this project would be fun but talking in front of people was still my concern. Being prepared for the presentation and knowing what I was talking about made it much easier. This contest gives young cattle farmers a great learning experience. Learning how to keep good records is important to know what you have spent, and having good herd health helps through a hard winter.

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By: Arizona Parden

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FFA Journal


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From the Senior Managing Editor

Sarah Holt

Cover Story

Until Next Month,



Tommy Delia Generations of Growing Beautiful Flowers

Covering What’s Growing


February 2011


Tommy Delia 20 4 FFA Journal Arizon Parden 6 Pine Belt Observation What is the most valuable thing a person can possess? 8 The Garden Calendar: February 10 The Whipping Bowl 11 Farmer’s Advice

15 Ruth Remembers Part II

21 Buckley Named State 4-H Vice President

South Mississippi’s AGRICULTURE Magazine


No Farmers No Food

HEY READERS, hidden somewhere in the magazine is a No Farmers, No Food logo. Hunt for the logo and once you find the hidden logo you will be eligible for a drawing to win a FREE InTheField® T-Shirt. Send us your business card or an index card with your name and telephone number, the page on which you found the logo and where on that page you located the logo to: InTheField® Magazine, P.O. Box 5377, Plant City, FL 33563-0042 All Entries must be received by February 20, 2011. Winner will be notified by phone. You Too Can Be A Winner - Enter Now! 4


“The LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you.” Numbers 6:25

22 Did you know? Mississippi Trivia 25 Grub Station Bosun Joes 26 Rocking Chair Chatter 28 Brenda’s Beliefs

In The Field® Magazine is published monthly and is available through local Mississippi businesses, restaurants and other local venues. It is also distributed by U.S. mail to a target market. Letters, comments and questions can be sent to P.O. Box 5377, Plant City, FL 33563-0042 or you are welcome to email them to or call 813.759.6909.


February 2011

Karen Berry

Al Berry

19 Mississippi’s Sportsmen Report By Ben Willoughby

Call today for advertising rates and watch your business grow.



13 Business UpFront: Register Metals


Mississippi’s AGRICULTURE Magazine

Publisher / Owner

February 2011

Mississippi’s AGRICULTURE Magazine

At In The Field magazine, we want to bring you good news. Good news of family farms making it through the tough times, generation after generation. Also the new farm, start up farms in this day and age, taking a chance on a tradition that stems back to the beginning of time. We hope you enjoy our publication. When today’s media is filled with gloom and doom, we hope to spread a little sunshine by highlighting the farmers and ranchers who work to provide a safe, sustainable food source for everyone. In this issue you will read about Tommy Delia, long time nursery man, now working for Farm Depot. Part II of Ruth Remembers takes you on a journey of her life, growing up in Texas, and Ben Willoughby reports on the fishing conditions. A very special thank you to our advertisers. You allow us to continue to cover what is growing.

On October 10, 2010 I went to the Mississippi State Fair in Jackson to get the results of all my work I had done for a year on this project. When the winner was announced I found it a tad hard to believe. I was really shocked at the moment, but at the same time I was very excited. The payoff of all my hard work for a year was worth a 16-foot bumper-pull cattle trailer customized with my name, a bottle of ivomec eprinex pour on wormer medicine and a paid trip to Mississippi State University artificial insemination seminar. I averaged spending 10 hours a week over the past year on this project. Winning made all the work worthwhile.

February VOL. 1 • ISSUE 11

Senior Managing Editor Sarah Holt

Office Manager Bob Hughens

Circulation Sean Idland

Advertising Sales Keith Naquin Danny Crampton

Art Director

Juan Carlos Alvarez

Staff Writer Al Berry

Contributing Writers Phil DiFatta Ben Willoughby Royce Armstrong Judy Smith Brenda Valentine Ruth Counts

Guest Writers Arizona Parden


Royce Armstrong Judy Smith

Advertisers warrant & represent the descriptions of their products advertised are true in all respects. In The Field® Magazine assumes no responsibility for claims made by their advertisers. All views expressed in all articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Berry Publications, Inc. Any use or duplication of material used in In The Field® magazine is prohibited without written consent from Berry Publications, Inc. Published by Berry Publications, Inc. INTHEFIELD MAGAZINE

FFebruary ebruary 2011 2011


’ s i v a D t Bren

Subscriber Order Form

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What is the Most Valuable Thing a Person Can Possess? Brandon Smith has been in construction since he could walk. Danny was very proud of his son. Jeremy was growing into a Along with his brothers, Brandon owns and works with All fine young man. Square Construction. Brandon has been cutting plywood with One rainy afternoon, Jeremy was headed home not three miles a circular saw since before he started grade school. Brandon from Oak Grove Middle School when he lost control of his recently let his attention lapse while cutting a piece of plywood vehicle in the curves of Old Highway 24. Jeremy Edwards lost and the circulating saw cut into his finger. Ouch! Brandon said his life that afternoon and Danny Edwards lost his fine young that after getting over the shock of the squirting blood he real- son, never to see him on this earth again. ized that luckily he had NOT sawed his finger completely off. Good health is something we so often take for granted. A good Rushing to the hospital, his finger needed 10 stitches to repair friend of mine is Brother Dean Stewart, Senior Pastor of Good the damage made by the saw blade. Hope Baptist Church in Purvis. Dean Pat Sandifer works over at Lamar County has shared with me that the most valu“I pray GOD’s favor for Schools. Pat’s son Neil loved to hunt. A able thing a person can possess is GOD’s few years back, Neil was hunting just a myself and my family every favor. Dean said, “I have seen good few miles from their home when he called disappear in the blink of an eye, night. I pray GOD’s favor, THE health his dad to come get him. Neil was done and I have seen wealth disappear as if it MOST VALUABLE THING A hunting for the day. Between the time Neil was never there. But, GOD’s favor can had called his dad and the time Pat arrived and will be with you forever. It is the PERSON CAN POSSESS, from the house, Neil had fallen from his most valuable thing a person can poson you and yours.” tree stand and landed on his head. Pat sess.” ~ Brent Davis found Neil on the ground with all the Brandon Smith has GOD’s favor. Branproper safety gear and harnesses still on. don didn’t lose his finger. What happened? Nobody really knows. After many months Pat and Neil Sandifer have GOD’s favor. Neil is still alive and in the hospital Neil is still alive, but facing many challenges. they are able to see and visit each other when they want to. Needless to say, that hunting trip changed Neil’s (and Pat’s) Danny and Jeremy Edwards have GOD’s favor. Father and son life forever. will see each other again when they are reunited in Heaven. Jeremy Edwards had just turned 15 1/2 years old and had start- I pray GOD’s favor for myself and my family every night. I ed to drive on his own. His dad, Danny Edwards, was at that pray GOD’s favor, THE MOST VALUABLE THING A PERtime with Oak Grove Middle School as a school police officer. SON CAN POSSESS, on you and yours. 6


February 2011

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Kim Rodgers, RPH

Our Hours: Monday Thru Friday 9:00 to 6:00 Saturday 9:00 to 5:00 Sunday Closed INTHEFIELD MAGAZINE

February 2011


The MSU Garden Calendar: February 2011 Planning

• Decide on plants you would like to have in your spring garden and flower beds. • Consider buying new plants that you have not tried before. • Determine how many seed packets you need, remember to order extra seed if you are planning to replant • for a second crop of flowers after the heat of the summer


• Check tools for rust. Clean rust from spades and hoes. Prevent future rust by coating tool heads with mineral oil or used motor oil.


• Plant cold weather annuals Nasturtiums, Pansies, Snapdragons, English Daisies, Sweet William, and Calendulas • Start cold weather vegetables in cold frame Bro coli, Cauliflower, Onion sets, English Peas, Kale, Carrots, Collards, Beets, Radishes, Kohlrabi, and Chinese Cabbage. • Plant Asparagus in prepared beds. • Start seeds of Herbs indoors for transplant outdoors. • February is an ideal time to set out Dogwoods. Planting site should be well drained and plants should be planted shallowly. Dogwood prefers acid soil. • Broad-leaved Evergreens such as Magnolia, Holly,

357 Hwy 589 • Purvis, Mississippi 39475 • just off I-59, Exit #51



• Roses -- Apply top-dressing of organic fertilizer under thick layer of compost or rotted manure. • Fertilize Trees and Shrubs (not spring flowering shrubs) if not fertilized in January.

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Pest Control

• Spray garden with dormant spray. This will kill many eggs and spores of insects and diseases. Do not apply if temperatures will dip below freezing within 4 hours of application.



• Prune evergreens for size and shape. Cut out dead wood of flowering shrubs. Dispose of clippings to prevent disease or insect spread. • Prune Hydrangeas during the last week in the month.

Home Accent

In Bloom

• Winter blooming shrubs can be forced to bloom indoors by cutting stems when buds begin to swell and placed in water indoors. Warmer temperatures will stimulate blooming. Place sprays of Forsythia, Flowering Quince, Oriental Magnolia, or fruit trees in a vase in a sunny window.

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Crocus, early Daffodils, Helleborus, Hyacinth, Pansies, Scilla, Snowdrop, Snowflake, Violet, Camellia, Forsythia, Flowering Quince, Loropetalum, Pussy Willow, Thumbergia Spirea, and Winter Jasmine.

Thank You!

Open 11:00 am to 2:00 pm Sunday Through Friday 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm Friday and Saturday Evening

Graceland of Purvis

and Photinia can be set out at this time. • Plant new roses, or move old roses soon after February 15.

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February 2011

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M A G A Z I N E Ken Fulmer

Owner of Fulmer’s General Store Please check out our online store at: INTHEFIELD MAGAZINE

February 2011




Enjoy the little things. One day you will look back and realize they were the BIG things.

Robert Brault

Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason!

Karen Stanley Smith

If you’re going through hell, keep going.

Winston Churchill

Cowboy Stew


by: Tara Davis

mix all ingredients in slow cooker. Cook on low in crock pot 8 - 10 hrs or until beef is tender. You can also add 1 tbsp of mince garlic

s i e p i c e r t i u c s i b This

Easy! Directions:

Pour the batter into a cup cake pan. Bake in oven at 350 for 25 minutes or until biscuits are brown

Karen’s Biscuits Ingredients:

Dozier Davis

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.


1 3/4 pounds beef stew meat 1 28 oz can of baked beans in BBQ sauce 1/2 chopped onion 4 potatoes chopped (leave peel on) salt and pepper to taste

People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.

by: Karen Stanley Smith

1 tablespoon mayo, 1 tablespoon sour cream, 1 cup self-rising flour, then add milk to get to the right consistency...

They are really good…….

Albert Einstein

……It was on that bridge that Naomi and I did most of our dating with the boys. There wasn’t much to do for entertainment so at night we would sit on the planters, rakes or whatever Dad parked around the edge of the yard and we would sit with our dates and sing. Naomi had a very pretty soprano voice and I followed along with an alto voice. We must have sung pretty good because there was always boys willing to listen to us sing!

Ruth Counts

LEAF RIVER SPORTS 1718 Evelyn Gandy Pkwy

Hattiesburg, MS 39401





February 2011


Business UpFront By Hank Daniels

510-B Wingate Road • 5 miles from New Augusta & Richton Full service family style restaurant inside our general store

601-964-8222 Hours: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Monday thru Saturday ~ CLOSED SUNDAY ~

Baked Fresh Daily Amish White and Wheat Bread, Jalapeno Bread, Cinnamon Rolls, Pies and Cakes, Rolls and Buns

Bulk Food Also Available For Purchase

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Country Girl Milk, Red Rind Cheese, Homemade Butter

Pumpkins, Indian Corn and other Fall Decorations Old Timey Hard to Find Items: Dish Pans, Foot Tubs, Etc.

A large selection of Old Timey Candies and Food Items Place Your Orders For Fresh Baked Goods

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February 2011

Register Metals, LLC

Agriculture is in Jeff Register’s DNA. Jeff is owner of Register Metals in Gulfport, Mississippi, but his roots in agriculture go way back. Jeff started out in the chicken farm business many years ago. After several years in the chicken house business, Jeff realized there was a need for someone willing to take down old chicken houses. When he started building hay barns with the materials left from tearing down chicken houses, a business plan started to form. After doing business in Alabama for 12 years, Register Metals moved in to Gulfport in 2005, just before Hurricane Katrina. “The hurricane set us back almost a year,” Jeff said. “We had to rebuild most of our plant after that hurricane tore through here.” Register Metals has been in the metal building business over 18 years. Their goal is to design and build high quality metal buildings. “We roll out the metal right here at our Gulfport plant,” Jeff said. “There isn’t a ‘middle man,’ which means our customers get quality buildings at a fair price. We do a lot of business all over Mississippi. We also do a lot of work in Alabama and in the Florida panhandle.” Jeff is the proud father of three kids. His oldest daughter, Lake, is a student at Ole Miss. His other daughter, Halee and his son, Jeffrey, are both students at Gulfport High School. Along with Register Metals, Jeff owns and operates a 1000 acre farm in Highland Home, Alabama. Jeff says, “We grow a lot of corn and a lot of hay on the farm. We also run a good number of cattle.”

Their Goal is Quality!

•Special Order “Rolling Steel” Doors •Skylights--R-panel and Tuff Rib Panel Translucent x 12 •Screws •Insulation--VPR 3” thick Vinyl back or foil poly single bubble CUSTOM CUT Soffit Panels 5-V Crimp Panels Snap Lok Panels Register Metal Products offer: A 40 year Warranty on colored panels Lifetime warranty on screws One year warranty on roll-up doors

Register Metals is setting the standard for metal building products. They offer: METAL BUILDINGS Commercial, Residential & Industrial METAL ROOFING Commercial, residential and industrial Custom cut to order Choose from multiple styles and colors •Tuff Rib Panel •R-Panel/PBR Panel •10” Soffit Panel •5-V Crimp Panel •Image II Standing Seam Panel POLE BARN KITS Standard and custom sizes Various heights Wide variety of color choices ACCESSORIES •Doors--Roll Up and Personnel. Both available in wind rated or non wind rated

Jeff Register invites anyone shopping for a metal building, any style, any size to take a tour of their Gulfport plant, conveniently located at 14370 Seaway Road just off Interstate 10 and Highway 49. Jeff invites you to check out their website at or give him a call at


February 2011


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Feed Dealer

February 2011

Lori Ford and her Grandmother, Ruth Counts

Ms. Ruth Counts will soon be 95 years young. She was born in Texas in 1916 but has called Hattiesburg, Mississippi home since 1994. Ms. Ruth is the Grandmother of Lori Ford, one of the three partners that own and manage Movie Star Restaurant in Oak Grove. Movie Star Restaurant is well known for their mouth watering fried chicken and delicious peach cobbler. Both these tasty items are made from Ms. Ruth’s original recipe. Lori, nor Ms. Ruth, are willing to share those recipes. These are Ms. Ruth’s memoirs which InTheField Magazine is proud to run as a multi part series in consecutive issues of our magazine. We hope you enjoy these memoirs as much as we did when we first read them. Katherine L. Davis, Editor All the older kids worked in the field. I wasn’t old enough or big enough so by the middle of the morning, mama would bake a plain or mince meat cake and I would take that warm cake to the field workers for a snack. Mama always saw that we had enough good food to eat. Even when we went to the field and had to wait for daylight to start working, mama got up even earlier to build a fire in the old wood burning stove and would cook hot biscuits, bacon, eggs, ham, sausage, and fried potatoes. We always had potatoes and onions under the house and it was my job to crawl under the house and bring them out. In the fall of the year, Dad would go to Waco on the train and hire hands to come out and pick cotton. They would live in shacks on the place for several weeks. One time during the fall on a Saturday afternoon, Dad ordered five gallons of ice cream to be sent to the farm on a train from Waco. We ate all we could and gave the rest to the field workers. It was a treat for us as well as for them. That was the only time we got all the bought ice cream we could eat. Dad was real good to the hands and some of them would come back year after year. Dad would have a bunch of hands in the field, he would be busy hauling the cotton to the gin and he would put me out there to keep tally on the weights. I was young, probably about 12. I would have one chance to see how much each sack weighed, keep each of the hands weight separate, know how much to put on the wagon to make a bale and at the end of the week figure up how much he owed each hand. It was a big job for a 12 year old but everybody had a job to do and that is just the way it was. We always had a dog in the yard. I fondly remember our dog, Ole Dave. He must have been kin to a grey hound. He was black, had long legs and a long tail and he lived to be real old. Mama told us kids Ole Dave was going to live always and turn into something good to eat! The fleas were bad out in Texas and there were not any insecticides at the time. The fleas got on a sore on his tail and the maggots got in the sore and was about to eat it off. We doctored it, but didn’t seem to do any good. Ole Dave was about to die and I said “Mama, I thought you said Ole Dave was going to live always and turn into something good to eat.” And she said “Well honey, I guess he did! Those maggots are finding Ole Dave pretty good eating!” Yes, Ole Dave finally died. We also had a dog named Ole Ring. He was a big dog and looked like a dark brown collie. Each day I would have to drive the cows to the bottom and herd them while they ate. Ole Ring would help

me keep them all together. That is another job that was a big job for such a young person but that is just the way it was. You had to carry your weight and grow up fast. One night when my older brother Ersa had come home with his wife Faith, we made ice cream out in the yard in the old hand crank freezer. We emptied the freezer can and left it in the yard. After we went to bed and was asleep, there was a big commotion in the yard. Some animals was jumping and growling. Mama woke Ersa and he looked out and hollered “Ring” and the commotion stopped. Ole Ring had been licking the freezer can and got his head stuck in the can and was about to smother! Back then people worked hard and didn’t have much entertainment. When we could we would go to church in the horse drawn wagon on Sunday. Most every Sunday we had company. Either someone from church would come home with us or kinfolks would come to visit. Uncle Dub, my Dad’s brother had 12 kids. When they came over, that was a bunch. One Christmas, we had 54 folks over for Christmas dinner. Mama baked a turkey that she had raised. That turkey weighed 34 pounds! Back then the men ate at the first table, then the women would have to wash the plates to set the same table again. Someone always minded the flies off the table with a towel. With the mules, cows, chickens, cats and dogs there were always lots of flies. Mama would manage to see the children got something to eat. One time it was so cold the lake in the front of our house froze over and we were able to skate on it. When the lake was drying up, there was lots of fish in it, so my brother Vantley took an ole buggy tire, put three foot of poultry wire around it and he would get in the center of it, hold the wire on each side and wade out in the water. When he would see or feel a fish, he would drop the wire and the fish would be trapped inside the round wire trap. He furnished the whole community with fish as there was no refrigeration and the fish had to be eaten immediately. While I was still real small Dad bought a car, an old Franklin. It didn’t have a radiator and I don’t remember riding in it very much, I do remember all of us pushing it a lot, though. I think we probably pushed it further than we rode in it. The car wasn’t around long and we went back to the horse drawn surrey. A surrey is just a two seated buggy. It was several years later before we got another car, a Model T. We had a big yard and it was kept clean to the edge of the field and to the lot fence. There were no lawns and every sprig of grass and every weed was hoed. The yard was swept with a broom every Saturday. One Saturday, my sister Naomi was told to pick up the shucks in the yard and she began to fuss. She said “When I get grown, I am going to get married, wear high heeled shoes, live in the city and I am NOT going to have a shuck in my yard!” She never reached her goal. It was about this time, we moved to the Joe Briley place. We went to school at Birome (Texas). The school only lasted seven months of the year and only went through the ninth grade. The kids had to pick cotton and pull bales in the fall of the year and get out of school in the spring to hoe the corn and chop the cotton. We carried our lunch, which was a boiled egg, and Naomi got up every morning in time to make us a sugar pie. When mama had them to spare, she would give us a half dozen eggs to sell to the other kids and then we would have the money for a great big apple or a candy bar. We kids walked to school but when it was muddy and rainy and cold, Dad would hitch up the team and come after us in the wagon. All the kids on the road we lived on would get to ride. We got our mail at the Birome Post Office. We would walk a mile and a half to get the mail. One time, Aunt Ila sent us a big box of clothes. It took Naomi and me both to carry it home. We had to cross a long bridge and were so tired we had to stop and rest on the bridge. We opened up the box and tried on all those clothes right there while resting on that bridge. It was on that bridge that Naomi and I did most of our dating with the boys. There wasn’t much to do for entertainment so at night we would sit on the planters, rakes or whatever Dad parked around the edge of the yard and we would sit with our dates and sing. Naomi had a very pretty soprano voice, and I followed along with an alto voice. We must have sung pretty good because there was always boys willing to listen to us sing! INTHEFIELD MAGAZINE

February 2011


Register Metals, LLC




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er month

February 2011


February2011 2011 February



AMERICAN BASS ANGLERS, MISSISSIPPI DIVISION If you enjoy bass fishing but can only fish on weekends and holidays, if you enjoy the competition of tournament fishing but are not quite ready to lock horns with Kevin Van Dam or Cliff Pace, there is an organization tailor made for you and that is American Bass Anglers. This organization was started in Florida back in 1975 as a support group for our military and has shown remarkable growth in recent years. The Mississippi Chapter is American Bass Anglers District 129. The director is Mike Murphy. Mike grew up in the Clinton area and married a lady from McComb. They spent 35 years working in various locations for UPS, Memphis, Nashville and Austin, Texas to name a few. He retired last August. He was selected Director of the local chapter or division and got things rolling in September of 2010. Dues are $25.00 per year or $40.00 for two years. There are several weekend tournaments set for 2011. All will be held at Ross Barnett and will launch from Tommy’s Trading Post on Highway 11. The upcoming schedule is February 19 – 20, March 19 – 20, April 16, May 5, and June 18 – 19. The two day Division Championship will be held July 16 and 17, launching from Tommy’s Trading Post. Mike says that you do not have to pre-register for any tournament. You can just show up at Tommy’s the day of the event and have your hooks sharp. Fees for each tournament are $65.00 plus $5.00 big bass fee. The payouts are really good with most of the fees paid going back to the fishermen who place.


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February 2011

American Bass Anglers offer:

*Close to home tournaments *Low entry fee tournaments *Over 1,000 tournaments in 41 States *Huge national championships. *Bring your boat and use your boat in the tournament *Level playing field for all anglers *True National Draw Trail *Sponsor programs *Non-boaters welcome

If you are interested in joining American Bass Anglers, call Mike Murphy at 601-720-6067 or visit their Website at WWW. or call toll free 888-203-6222 for more information.

SALT WATER REPORT: Chris Morse at Marsh Works in Hattiesburg reports that they have been really catching some fine trout at Bayou Caddy. They caught some trolling but mostly dropping anchor and bouncing jigs off the bottom. On his most recent trip they caught several five pounders, lots of three pounders and lots of two pounders. Contact Chris at Marsh Works (901-277-3777) for up to date salt water fishing reports and they also offer an excellent line of lures for specs, reds, founder and more. FRESH WATER REPORT: The lack of rain during the summer and into the fall and winter has caused our local lakes and ponds to be as low as I ever remember seeing them. Fishermen can use these conditions to their advantage. For one thing the fish are in a smaller area, plus with the low water levels the observant fisherman will take note of many things not visible when the water is at its normal level. Most fish, bass in particular, relate to some sort of structure such as bridge pilings, stumps, tree tops, logs and ditches. While the water level is low take a little time, keep your eyes open, ease around in your boat and take note of everything the low water conditions are letting you see. Unless your memory is super sharp it would be a good idea to take notes as to locations that when at normal water levels could possibly be a hot spot for a bass or two.

Until next time, be sure to keep your hooks sharp and wet…….

Ben Willoughby is a native of Liberty, Mississippi where he grew up on the family farm. Today Ben lives in the Oak Grove area of Hattiesburg, Mississippi with his wife, Tommie. They have two daughters and three grandsons. Ben writes for several outdoor publications and newspapers. He can be heard each weekday morning at 7:45 AM on ROCK 104 RADIO with his outdoor report. Ben is an avid hunter and fisherman. He also enjoys looking for Indian artifacts.

Turner Brothers Taxidermy Studio We are full service, year round, award winning taxidermists. We have been serving Mississippi hunters and fishermen for over 21 years. We offer quality work at a fair price.


Why trust your trophy to anyone else? 315 East Pine Street, Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39401 INTHEFIELD MAGAZINE

February 2011


Tommy Delia and Roudet Smith of Farm Depot

Tommy Delia,

Generations of Growing Beautiful Flowers By Brent Davis Delia’s Magnolia State Nursery was in the same location in pot. He is also the go to guy for fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, South Hattiesburg for over 51 years. Today, if you want to speak garden equipment, garden tools and hardware. with Tommy Delia and benefit from his years of expertise, you Tommy says in February gardeners should begin to get their garwill have to visit Farm Depot in West Hattiesburg. “My Daddy, den spot ready. Till your garden area up and spread lime. Lime Joseph Delia, started Magnolia State Nursery and Delia’s Florist takes about 90 days to go active, so you need to put out your lime in 1947. We were located in South Hattiesburg by the Beverly early. If you haven’t already done so, put out your pre-emergent Drive-In,” shared Tommy Delia. “There was a whole family weed control in February. Stop the weeds before they start growof us involved in that business. We did everything, FTD florist, ing. Tommy also shares that the time to plant potatoes is mid landscaping, garden center, year round February. nursery. The business opened in 1947 and “You get a lot of odd question in this closed in 1998. We were in the same locabusiness,” Tommy said. “Folks will tion for 51 years.” bring in a leaf and ask what is wrong In 1947 the Delia family opened a branch with their plant. They will bring in an store in Cloverleaf Mall, mainly selling insect in a pill bottle and ask me how to flowers and gifts. The store was called kill it. I have had questions about how “Delia’s Flower World”. to get squirrels out of attics, armadillos “I worked from birth in the nursery busifrom under houses. At Farm Depot we ness”, said Tommy. “Before school, after have fungicides for the leaves, insecschool, on Saturdays. The nursery busiticides for the bugs in the pill bottles, ness was our life. I started working full repellants for the squirrels, and traps for time in the nursery business over 40 years the armadillos!” ago. Working with plants and flowers is Tommy Delia is considered by many all I know.” to have the premier bonsai garden Tommy is ordering garden supplies for this spring business in the Hattiesburg area. “A After the closing of Delia’s in 1998, Tommy was the floral manager for three bonsai is a plant that grows in a dish years at Albertson’s in the Cloverleaf Mall. “The day Albertson’s or pot, not in the ground. The plant is trimmed to resemble an decided to pull out of Mississippi I saw a help wanted ad in the old tree. I started growing bonsai plants over 40 years ago. We newspaper that said ‘nursery manager needed’. My wife told me had customer demands in the early 1970’s for the plants and the I had better call them because I needed a job. I called the phone plants appealed to me so I started growing bonsai plants as a side number and it was Southern Home Center in Downtown Hatbusiness back then.” Tommy shows and sells his bonsai plants tiesburg. They hired me right away!” Tommy said. “Farm Depot by appointment only. He has bonsai starter plants that start at purchased the Southern Home Center in November of 2002. We $5.00 and full grown plants that start at $20.00. Please call him at then moved to our present location in West Hattiesburg in 2003.” 601-583-4585 for an appointment. (Farm Depot is located at 42 Office Park Dr. behind Petro Automotive Group. Their phone number is 601-582-3545.) “I have really enjoyed working at Farm Depot these past eight Tommy said, “If you are gonna sell stuff you gotta know your years. I feel like I am at home here. I invite anyone with questions products.” Tommy oversees the nursery department at Farm Deabout their plants or their garden to come by and see me.”



February 2011

Recently Covington County 4-H member, Michael Buckley of Collins, Mississippi was elected as State 4-H Vice President. Michael was elected during a state wide election held at the 2010 State 4-H Club Congress. As the State 4-H Council Vice President Michael will represent Mississippi 4-H at State and District events, which he will help plan and conduct. In addition to his membership on the State 4-H Advisory Council, Michael will be a part of the state 4-H leadership team and will provide programmatic input for statewide 4-H programming for the more than 94,000 youth that participate annually in Mississippi 4-H activities. Michael has been a member of Covington County 4-H for eight years where he has held numerous county and district positions. In addition to his leadership project work Michael spends much of his time involved in other 4-H projects such as shooting sports and the livestock projects. Michael is an active livestock exhibitor where he has won numerous awards while exhibiting his Beefmaster cattle all across the nation. He was also a member of the 2010 State livestock judging team. In his shooting sports project work, Michael was named as an alternate for the 2010-2011 state 4-H rifle team. Michael serves as a teen volunteer leader assisting wherever needed during 4-H Events. Michael is extremely excited about his term as State Vice President and hopes to make a difference in the lives of all 4-H members across Mississippi this next year!

Michael Buckley

Buckley Named State 4-H Vice President

For more information on any Covington County 4-H Activity Contact: Ellen P Russell, Covington County 4-H Youth Agent, Mississippi State Extension Service at (601) 765-8252.

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February 2011


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Mississippi culture and heritage has been greatly influenced by the Indian tribes. This is evidenced in the names of many of the counties, small towns, communities, rivers and streams scattered across Mississippi. Below are some of those Indian names and translations, the source of which is Mr. Bob Ferguson, Tribal Historian of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

MISSISSIPPI - Father of Waters AMITE - Friendly River ATTALA - Indian heroine, he is here BOGUE CHITTO - Big Creek BUCATUNNA - Collected Together or Peaceful Creek BYHALIA - Bear trail through great oaks CHATAWA - Sparkling Waters CHICKASAW - Your Clan CHOCTAW - Separation CHULAHOMA - Red Fox COAHOMA - Red Panther CONEHATTA - Pale Skunk COPIAH - Calling Panther ISSAQUENA - Deer River ITAWAMBA - Indian Chief IUKA - Name of an Indian Chief NANIH WAIYA - Slanting Hill (Most important Choctaw Indian site in the state) NESHOBA - Gray Wolf OKALONA - Beautiful Lake OKTIBBHEHA - Bloody Water or Battle Creek PASCAGOULA - Bread People PELAHATCHIE - River of Help PONTOTOC - Neighbor SENATOBIA - Winding Serpent TALLAHATCHIE - Rock River TCHULA - Fox TEOC - Pine Tree TILLATOBA - Tall Tree TISHOMINGO - Chief TOCAWA - Healing Water TOMBIGBEE - Casket Maker TOOMSUBA - Tomb of Dead Horse TUNICA - Little People TUSCAHOMA - Red Warrior WINONA - First Born Daughter YAZOO - River of Death YOCONA - Earth

February 2011

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February 2011


Bosun Joe’s By: Judy Smith Ellisville By:in Hank Daniels


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FDebruary ecember2011 2010 February 2011

As the town of Ellisville continues to expand, local businesses are stepping up to meet those growing needs in the community. Bosun Joe’s Seafood Restaurant is one of those businesses that opened up a few months ago, but the business is not new to the area. The business was originally a Catfish One walk-up restaurant that operated three days a week, but owners Michael Welch and Dr. Joe Michael Robertson felt that the time was right to relocate their business to the historic Hotel Alice, bringing a full-scale seafood restaurant to the residents of Jones County. Upon entering Bosun Joe’s, customers are greeted by a homey atmosphere. From the beautiful hardwood floors to the nautical decorations and historical pictures of Ellisville, patrons can enjoy a delicious seafood meal in cozy confines. The warm, welcoming staff greets you as you walk in the door and is always there to make sure that your meal is just to your liking. Welch, who started as a cook for Catfish One in 2003, ensures that only the highest quality catfish and seafood are served up to customers. Bosun Joe’s receives all of its catfish from Mississippi Delta catfish farms. “It is important to us to bring only the best to our customers,” Welch said. “It might cost us a little more to get the Mississippi catfish, but it is definitely worth it. It’s important to us to know the beginning stages in the growth of the catfish until they end up on our plates.” All other seafood served at Bosun Joe’s comes from Mississippi and Alabama locations around the Gulf of Mexico. Diners can be assured that they will receive only the freshest and tastiest seafood, and all meals are made to order. So, if you like your catfish filets a little crispy, just ask and the talented cooks at Bosun Joe’s will make sure you get what you want. Every meal and specialty is hand breaded and made fresh daily and cooked in 100 percent peanut oil. There are no pre-prepared or pre-packaged meals here. Bosun Joe’s has a wide range of delectable offerings for diners, ranging from catfish, jumbo fried shrimp, popcorn shrimp, shrimp poboys, oysters, and much more. No meal would be complete without those signature Bosun Joe’s sides to go along with it. Bosun Joe’s is known for hand-breaded hushpuppies and fried dill pickles and mouthwatering turnip greens. At Bosun Joe’s, you’ll want to sample the soup of the day and the stuffed crab. Once you try any of these appetizing offerings, you’ll be hooked. Welch said that some of their new items have been big hits in the area and keep customers coming back for more. Bosun Joe’s offers homemade onion rings made fresh daily. One of their latest offerings is a seafood pasta salad that has been well received. “News about the seafood pasta salad has kind of spread by word of mouth, and a lot of people are coming in just to try it,” Welch said. To finish off the meal, Bosun Joe’s offers fried apple pie, ice cream, and apple pie a la mode. Any of these choices will be the perfect topping to a hearty, delicious meal served by an excellent staff in a warm

environment. Bosun Joe’s also offers various catering options for any occasion. Welch said that the Hotel Alice location offers several rooms that can be used for private parties, and they also offer various catering options for office or home locations. They have a portable trailer and equipment that are enabled to serve upwards to 1,500 people, Welch said. Welch said that it is important for Bosun Joe’s to give back to the community that has been so good to them. They are strong supporters of local schools and various organizations, but Welch feels that he has been given so much more than he can ever give back. “The community has been so good to us, and we have received such a positive response,” Welch said. “It has meant so much to us to get to know the local people and really become a part of their lives.” Welch said the part of his job that he enjoys most is “visiting with the customers.” When diners walk in, Welch and staff make a point to greet them and make them feel welcome. “We really want to establish a connection with our customers and the community,” Welch said. Diners have enjoyed the memories that Bosun Joe’s brings back to them. “A lot of our customers like to come in and reminisce about special times enjoyed at the old Bosun Joe’s on Highway 84,” Welch said. “We love to hear all the stories about first dates and special occasions or anniversaries spent at the old Bosun Joe’s.” Bosun Joe’s continues in the tradition originated with the original Bosun Joe’s Southern Fried Seafood restaurant opened in the 1970s in Laurel by its founder Papaw Joe Stringer, Mr. Catfish One. Jones County is lucky to have such a quality seafood restaurant that is devoted to serving only the best to its customers with a warm staff.

Bosun Joe’s located at 110 Front Street in Ellisville is open Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Come visit Welch and his staff. You won’t be disappointed.

HUB CITY WEST FARM & GARDEN 31 Pioneer Dr. • Hattiesburg, MS 39402


Justin & Kim Young 601-268-9400 INTHEFIELD MAGAZINE

February 2011


The other day I was walking down the sidewalk in downtown Plant City and a bug tried to fly up my nose. Of course it made me sneeze, and immediately the person walking in back of me said, “God Bless You.” I said, “Thank you,” and went in to the Chamber of Commerce. I thought, why do they say, “God Bless You,” when you sneeze? I asked Marion, Amy, Jane, Susan and Al at the Chamber if they knew, and they all said they had no idea. Later that day I ran into Dean Snyder and asked him if he knew. He said, “Yes Al, as a matter of fact I do know why they say ‘God Bless You’. When I was going to Harvard I wrote a thesis paper on this very subject. To sum it up, the Romans apparently routinely greeted sneezing with a salutation, most often, “May the Sun be with you!” The writers back then referred back to the legend of Prometheus, who made a clay model of a man, then brought him to life by applying a heavenly celestial-fire-filled reed in the clay man’s nostrils.” Wishes for good health appeared to have been born out of a number of epidemics beginning the Middle Ages. There was a legend that the habit of sneezing dates back before Christianity, even before the time of Jacob. Back then the shock of sneezing was fatal. Buford, the right hand man for Cyrus the Great, bargained with the Gods, exchanging the fatality a of sneeze for the promise that a prayer would be said every time one sneezed. Thus, from that we get today’s “God Bless You,” so says Dean. Why I spend time on the subject of sneezing I’ll never know, but one thing I did learn is that there are numerous superstitions about sneezing. When you sneeze you do it with your eyes closed, and your bodily functions completely are beyond your control. Have someone take your picture when you sneeze and you’ll see what I mean. Your face contorts, you might turn pink and the threatened explosion comes whether we are at home, attending a funeral or behind the wheel of our car. ‘Nuff of that, let’s move on to another subject. I have two questions. One, if man evolved from monkeys and apes why do we still have monkeys and apes? Two, what do you do if you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant? I’ll let you work on those. Have you ever heard of “Coon Dog Cemetery?” I have and I have been there. It’s located in northwest Alabama in a small, grassy meadow, deep in the rich, thick wilderness of Freedom Hills. The coon dog graveyard was established in 1937 on a popular hunting camp where coon hunters from miles around would gather



to plot their coon hunting trips, and compare coon hounds. The first coon hound buried there was old “Troop.” It was said he was “cold nosed,” meaning he could follow cold coon tracks until they grew fresh, and he never left the trail until he had treed the coon. The only dogs that are allowed to be buried there are coon dogs. Key Underwood who established the graveyard said, “there is no way we would contaminate this burial place with poodles and lap dogs.” The official name is now “Key Underwood Coon Dog Memorial Graveyard,” which has over the years become a popular tourist attraction and is the only cemetery of this kind in the world. More than 200 coon dogs have been laid to rest here, and all have met the three requirements for internment. 1 - The owner must claim their pet is an authentic coon dog. 2 - A witness must declare the deceased is a coon dog. 3 - A member of the local coon hunters’ organization must be allowed to view the coonhound and declare it as such. You can find the “Coon Dog Cemetery” 7 miles west of Tuscumbia on U.S. Highway 27. Turn left on Alabama Highway 247, travel about 12 miles. Turn right, and follow the signs. For more information contact the Colbert County Tourism and Convention Bureau. Put this place on your next vacation, and watch the expression on your friends faces when you tell them where you went. Some people make profound statements, and I have collected a few of my favorites; • Will Rogers - We could certainly slow the aging process down if it had to work its way through Congress. • Billy Crystal - By the time a man is wise enough to watch his step, he’s too old to go anywhere. • Joe Namath - Until I was thirteen, I thought my name was SHUT UP! • Rodney Dangerfield - My luck is so bad that if I bought a cemetery, people would stop dying. • Lillian Carter - (mother of Jimmy Carter) Sometimes when I look at my children, I say to myself, “Lillian, you should have remained a virgin.” • Victor Borge - Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people only once a year. Have you noticed how many people are using their cell phone while driving? Stranger things have happen on the interstate highways. When Lamar Maxwell of Lithia was with the Florida Highway Patrol he pulled over a car that was being driven by a chimpanzee on I-4 between Plant City and Lakeland. Recently I heard the story of a highway patrolman that pulled alongside a speeding car on the freeway in California. Glancing at the car, he was astounded to see that the blonde behind the wheel was knitting! Realizing that she was oblivious to his flashing lights and siren, the trooper lowed his window, turned on his bullhorn and yelled, “PULL OVER!” “NO” the blonde yelled back, “IT’S A SCARF!” Till next month I leave you with this to ponder. Why is it that when you’re driving and looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio?

February 2011

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601-794-7839 February 2011


Brenda’s Beliefs By Brenda Valentine First Lady of Hunting®

Brenda Valentine is a free lance columnist that has been appearing in other editions of InTheField Magazine. We are proud to welcome her as a contributing writer to the Mississippi edition of InTheField Magazine. Few, if any, conservation stories are as remarkably successful as that of the National Wild Turkey Federation. Hunt-able populations of wild turkeys can now be found over most of North America. Due to this widespread availability there has been a virtual explosion of turkey hunting fans and fanatics. Once it was thought that only those gifted few with a trained ear and a talent for mimicry calling could hope to be a successful or accomplished turkey hunter. To that way of thinking I say, hog wash. As with any kind of hunting, there are a variety of methods, any of which can put a gobbler in the cooking pot. A couple decades of springs devoted to outsmarting my fine feathered friend has convinced me it is all up to the bird. It’s the gobbler that decides whether he will waltz in twirling and showing off his full courting regalia or if he’ll cower away snubbing your most desperate pleading on every call in your hunting vest. A wild turkey has a mind of his own that can and does change often. This is the reason that not any one tactic will produce success every time. The hunter that keeps an open mind, a flexible attitude, and a large bag of tricks will always be the hunter with the most filled turkey tags. I’d rather be a mediocre caller with a variety of tunes than an expert with only one song. There are days that all gobblers will turn a deaf ear to the most seductive yelps of a box call yet be utterly suicidal for any random scratching on a slate. I’ve seen a snuff can tube call inspire five gobblers to race headlong into a load of Winchester No.5’s, while a gold-trimmed custom wing bone yelper sent them running for cover. The reaction of a wild strutter on any given day is usually determined by a trial and error check. This is one reason why I carry an arsenal of hunting tricks and tools in my turkey vest. My new signature “Sweet Talker” friction call does double duty since it has a glass striking surface on one side and a slate on the other. With the red cedar “Sweet Strike” peg it is possible to sound like multiple hens without having to carry multiple pot calls. I also depend on a well tuned box call for windy days or other situations when there is a need for a louder yelp. Add to this a tin full of assorted diaphragms and a locator call, such as those that mimic a crow, hawk or woodpecker, and I feel confident and prepared for even the most stubborn old gobbler. There is a direct link between comfort and success since being comfortable means you are more apt to hunt longer and it is easier remain still. Here’s my list; Redhead Turkey Lounger vest. This vest has a patented integrated stadium style seat that supports my back for the most comfortable seat in the woods, plus it keeps my bottom dry when sitting on wet ground. I outfit my shotgun with the best recoil pad available and an extendable monopod shooting stick. Winchester Extended Range Turkey Ammunition is tops for reaching out and seriously touching the bald noggin of what was almost our National Bird. Having survived a round of tick fever a few years ago, I’m extra cautious about using a good tick spray on my hunting clothes, plus tick gators on my pants legs. The RedHead Leafy suit has a fine mesh liner that prevents ticks from gaining access and the Mossy Oak camo patterns helps me melt in to any habitat. There you have it! Be confident, hunt comfortable, and kill more turkeys. 28


February 2011

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February 2011


Product of the Month

C L A S S I F I E D S For Sale By Owner, 127 acre pine plantation, included with property is a very well maintained 2002 3 bedroom 2 bath double wide mobile home and a newly constructed 30’ by 50’ metal barn. Property is located at 214 Deavers Road five miles southeast of downtown Purvis. $3600 per acre. Please call 601-818-5211

Purvis Flower Shop, Valentines Day

February 14th.

Come see us for your valentine flower needs. 401 Mississippi Avenue, Purvis, Mississippi 39475, Phone: 601-794-8280.

Bio Enhancers Sumagrow is a con-

CubCadet LTX1040 Lawn Tractor w/19hp Kohler engine and 42”Deck $1399. Call 601-268-2647. Cub Cadet I1050 zero turn mower w/25 hp kohler engine and 50” deck $2599. Call 601-268-2647 ANGUS BULL FOR SALE Lane Smith, Purvis, MS Call 601-606-7859 ANGUS HEIFERS Angus Heifers for sale Lane Smith, Purvis, MS Call 601-606-7859

centrated microbiological formula that helps lawns, forage grasses, feed lots, ornamentals, and crops process the natural nutrients found in the soil and in the air. Healthier, stronger root balls with much less use of artificial fertilizer are found in plants where Sumagrow was used. 20% better yield with amazing cost savings because less artificial fertilizer is needed! Sumagrow is healthier for ponds, lakes and waterways because artificial nitrogen is not needed when Sumagrow is used. Cost per gallon is $49.95, and a gallon will treat a

Herbicide Granules Weed and 10784 & 107 Grass Stopper An easy way to preventGardener’s weed Sp growth around ornamental 11-15-11 trees, shrubs and listed flower An excellentand all-purpose pl and vegetable gardens both fast and sl other areas where contains undesired Nitrogen. Contains weed growth may occur. Weed neces to aid in developm free flowerbeds andelements gardens can and crop yield. These elem be yours! Controls Annual Blue-since they be replenished grass, Barnyardgrass, Crabgrass, depleted by the high use an the other soil by vegetable Johnson Grass and many grasses and flowers listed on laUPC Number bel. Application Rate: Apply as 7-32221-1 4 lbs 35 cases per pa early as possible in the growing Number 7-32221-1 season for season-long UPC weed 15 lbs 100 cases per p control. Can be applied anytime around trees, shrubs and Rates: estabApplication Vegetable beds:established 2 lbs. per 100 sq. ft. lished plants. For per 25 feet of row plants atVegetable least 2”rows: to 3”1/2 talllb.sprinkle Bedding plants: 1/2 lb. per 25 sq. ft. on soil surface at the rate of 1 oz Ornamentals & shrubs: 1/2 cup per 3 feet of he per 10 sq. ft.


full acre for an entire growing season. We will ship the product directly to you. For more information about Bio Enhancers Sumagrow please call Lynn at 601-408-9634.

Always Read and Follow Label Directions

For Sale: Registered Red Brangus heifers and bulls. Please call Dr. Richard Gingles, DVM at 228-863-8490

Turf and Ornamental Weed and Grass Stopper (35 lbs)

Use in ornamental landscape areas, established lawns and ornamental turf. Can be applied up to 4 weeks later than other preemergence Crabgrass preventers. Provides superior control of Crabgrass and many other annual grass and broadleaf weeds Application Rates: Consult label for turf and ornamental landscape area application rates. Always Read and Follow Label Directions

Discover paradise! Only one hour north Metal Buildings and barns. of Hattiesburg. Lake Eddins is a 700 acre gated Cut out the middle man! We are the manulake community. Lake front lots and lake front facturer and the contractor. Check our prices homes available at reasonable prices. Please and save money. 228-678-0971. call 601-917-2781 for more information. Bad Boy ZT50/60 zero turn mower w/27 Kohler engine and either 50 or 60” Deck. $4999. Call 601-268-2647 BadBoy MZ48 zero turn mower w/26hp engine and 48”fabricated deck. $3499. Call 601-268-2647. Landau BT206LX Pontoon Boat with 60 HP Yamaha and Trailer. Great for fishing or cruising. Four captain’s chairs, sink and two live wells. $8000, please call 601-917-2781

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FFebruary 2011 ebruary 2011

Farm Depot in Hattiesburg is 24,000 square Feet of Feed and Seed, Horse Tack, Pet Supplies, Work Wear, Western Wear, Hardware, Garden Supplies, a Year Round Nursery and Much More!

Tommy’s Tips for February: Tommy says in February gardeners should begin to get their garden spot ready. Till your garden area up and spread lime. Lime takes about 90 days to go active, so you need to put out your lime early. If you haven’t already done so, put out your pre-emergent weed control in February. Stop the weeds before they start growing. Tommy also shares that the time to plant potatoes is mid February. Tommy Delia has been working in the nursery business for over 55 years and is considered to be one of the premier garden experts in the state. I NT HE FIELDMM AGAZINE HE FIELD AGAZINE INT

February2011 2011 February


Good Luck to all the local 4-H show participants this month

On Hwy 49 one mile South of Interstate 59 on the right

Boot Country

Carries a FULL line of Fire Resistant Jackets, Jeans, Shirts, Coveralls, Overalls and Headwear


6467 Hwy 49 • Hattiesburg, MS 39401 32 INTHEFIELD MAGAZINE February 2011

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