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Welcome a new season with nautical inspirations, summery collages and fresh new ceramics



Beach buoys

Elizabeth Jamieson and James Walsh of south Caledon started Jamieson Walsh Woodworking in the summer of 2020 while searching for a pandemic hobby. James has always been handy at woodworking, and Elizabeth was eager to try her hand at the decorative creations. James hails from Nova Scotia and Elizabeth’s family now lives there too — which explains the cheery maritime colour schemes. Look for nautical cedar buoys, paddle-inspired pine signs and cedar drink coasters, all in bright colours and crisp geometric patterns. Elizabeth designs and then paints the pieces after James has crafted them. Future plans include larger scale, traditional furniture suitable for any home, from rustic to modern. (Buoys, set of three, $30, Jamieson Walsh Woodworking)

Sunrise to sunset

Mulmur’s Kathryn Allyn believes making art in a variety of formats, from one-of-a-kind pieces to greeting card reproductions, keeps her work accessible to all. For her clever collages she starts with reusable household and packing materials as paper bases and adds detail with pen, charcoal and pencil crayon. These textured layers allow for a compelling play of light and shadow, as in her “Sunrise” limited-run signed print. Her “Summer Sky” original piece evokes a late afternoon walk in midsummer solely in pencil crayon. “My surroundings and experiences are a continual source of inspiration,” says Kathryn. “Recent works, including ‘Sunrise’ and ‘Summer Sky,’ are my expression of listening to the world around me and experiencing the seasons change.” (11" x 14" “Sunrise” limited-run signed print, $30, Kathryn Allyn)

Tactile charms

Jacqui Liberty of Erin’s Soft Fire Ceramics took her first pottery workshop as a creative outlet more than a decade ago while doing her master’s in public health. Over the years she trained further in the craft and became a member of the Credit Valley Artisans pottery guild. “After having twins three years ago, I didn’t really have any time for me. When the first lockdown hit I returned to pottery with renewed focus as a way to help me come back to myself.” Now, working from home as a potter is her main gig. Jacqui creates quiet, minimalist mugs, bowls and vases in neutral hues. When she adds texture, glazing or the rare pop of colour, it’s with a keen sense of restraint. (Mugs, $40–$42. 6" bowls, $40, Soft Fire Ceramics)

sources Jamieson Walsh Woodworking, Caledon. JamiesonWalshWood on Etsy. @jw.wood.working on Instagram Kathryn Allyn Art, Mulmur. KathrynAllynArt on Etsy. www.kathrynallynart.com Soft Fire Ceramics, Erin. www.softfireceramics.com. @softfireceramics on Instagram Broker

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