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concert news

Feel the healing benefits of music and community amid a celebration of peace at the Coming Home Festival in Amaranth August 11 to 13. This festival along the Mud River includes drumming circles, folk, rock and soul music, artisan vendors, food and even campsites. Weekend and day passes are available online.

Level up your health and wellness knowledge at the Elysian Festival in Orangeville August 12 to 13. Expect a blend of yoga, meditation and alternative practices such as divine channelling, tarot and ecstatic dance. This is a ticketed event, but it’s free to walk through the vendor section.


The Brampton and Caledon Community Foundation is the choice of individual donors, philanthropists and family estates

The Brampton and Caledon Community Foundation provides individual endowment funds in the name of the Donor

An endowment fund at the Brampton and Caledon Community Foundation will support the charity of your choice in perpetuity

The Brampton and Caledon Community Foundation currently holds over 100 endowment funds valued at approximately $ 11 million... and has allocated over $7 million to worthy charities since inception

• Support charities in our community Today...Tomorrow...Forever by creating your legacy and your permanent endowment fund at the Brampton and Caledon Community Foundation.

Serving the Headwaters Community since 2002

905-584-0895 info@bramptoncaledoncf.ca www.bramptoncaledoncf.ca

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