On wellness and dressing yourself from the inside out
Overcoming Anxiety
Letting go of worrying
4 Things to Say to Children Instructing your children with wisdom
IN THE LIGHT WINTER 2013 | Issue No. 4 EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief
Ashley Ormon | Executive Editor
Susan Dusterhoft | Editorial Assistant
Danielle Wright |
Contributing Writers Warren Baldwin
Contributing Photographers Cover Photo: A. J. Alexander Mitarart Photography Stock Free Images
Published By
Proverbs & Wisdom P.O. Box 3019 Garden City, NY 11531
ŠProverbs & Wisdom | IN THE LIGHT Magazine All material is strictly copyrighted and all rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the written permission of Proverbs & Wisdom is strictly forbidden.
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EDITOR’S LETTER Health’s pricetag...or does it have one? You can put a price on almost anything, but good health is priceless. Tera Thomas, the focus of our cover story, is passionate about health. A selfproclaimed “health nut,” she’s really more a health advocate – teaching people what they need to know about their bodies. What I find fascinating about the information she provides is it’s not something my doctor would have ever told me. When a cancer diagnosis was given to my relative in late 2012, my perspective on health completely changed. The doctors were questioned on natural remedies to stop the cancer’s growth, or how a different lifestyle could have prevented it, but no answer was given. However, through my family member’s personal research and self-education process, they discovered God-made herbs and plants which not only prevented cancer, but killed existing cancer in the body. So when I found out about Thomas, who’s all about health self-education, I wanted to interview her personally (page 16). Yet, the editorial team realized it wasn’t only physical health we needed to focus on. That’s why on page 10 we get a deeper understanding on anxiety and overcoming worry. Then we shifted gears to raising healthy children. There’s a great need for orphans to be raised in healthy home-environments (page 12). And once those children, or any child, enters your family they need to be instructed with wisdom (page 20). Oh, and I mustn’t forget, if your stomach growls after absorbing this information, check out page 22 for a healthy, easy-tomake snack. This issue marks IN THE LIGHT magazine’s one year anniversary. As in previous issues, the editorial team has given their best to shed light in helping you become more informed and empowered. As the Editor In Chief, I would like to personally thank you for supporting us this past year; and for those of you who are new to us, we welcome you with open arms. Our goal for this issue is simple. Educate and take care of yourself. When your outward appearance is worth one million dollars, but your health isn’t worth one cent, then how rich are you? By educating yourself on living better, you will, God willing, reap a wealth of long-term health benefits. So here’s to another year, another issue, and another day to thank God and ask Him to keep us all in good health – spiritually, mentally and physically. God Bless You,
Ashley Ormon | Editor In Chief
Contents inthisissue Editorial The Reader’s Voice Conversation INTERVIEW 10 | Overcoming Anxiety Q & A with Rita Schulte on the causes and how to stop being anxious
Silent Voices WORLD VIEW 12 | Voice for the Orphans The neglected children CHURCH VIEW 20 | What to Say to Children Teaching instruction to children
06 >>> IN THE LIGHT_Winter ‘13
12 Healthy Eating
Staff Picks BOOKS 22 | Editorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Picks Get cozy and read a book
RECIPES 24 | Quick, Easy Fruit Salad Let go of the junk food, eating a healthy snack
C ov e r Stor y
16 | Tera Thomas: Being Your Own Doctor The importance of everyone learning how to maintain wellness
The Reader’s Voice. YOU SPEAK. WE LISTEN.
[ JULY/AUGUST 2012 ]
I See God in You
We see God in others when we are so close to Jesus and our heart is so full of His love, that each individual looks like His child in our eyes.” —Dave Moore “His Word says we will know His children by their love and works….Yahweh has blessed me tremendously…thank you for this giveaway.” —Karen Lyons
Share your voice! Email: Tweet: Like: 08 >>> IN THE LIGHT_Winter ‘13
START YOR DAY GREAT WITH GOD. Available on and <<< 09
9 Questions with Rita Schulte
Rita A. Schulte is a licensed professional counselor in the Northern Virginia-DC area. Her show, Heartline Podcast and Consider This, airs on several radio stations and the Internet. Schulte has also written articles for Counseling Today Magazine, Thriving Family, and Christianity Today, and Kyria. Her book on moving through the losses of life will be released in Fall 2013 by Leafwood Publishers.
Why counseling? What made you choose this profession?
My dad became ill about 14 years ago. I was caring for him [at] our home, [and] I decided to go back finish my undergrad degree in psychology through Liberty University’s distance program. I was going through a very difficult time watching my dad’s condition worsen. Eventually, I got very depressed and started having panic attacks. I sought counselling at Grace Ministries. After my time and training there, I was asked to be on staff as a counselor. I loved it so much I decided to go for my Masters degree.
You seem to be a huge advocate on matters of the heart. Why?
Because I don’t think people understand how unresolved or unidentified hurts and losses impact every area of their lives, especially their relationship with God. The long-range impact of these losses is often obscured, buried beneath the conscious surface in an attempt to avoid pain. The truth is, we are all in a daily battle for our hearts. If we don’t notice and pay attention to how the issues of life are impacting us, in time we’ll find our hearts will grow cold and our connection to God will be affected.
10 >>> IN THE LIGHT_Winter ‘13
As a specialist in anxiety counseling, how do you help people prevent and deal with anxiety? First, by educating them on anxiety. I believe knowledge is power and leads to change. I did a podcast show to educate folks on anxiety and to help them understand the origins, causes and symptoms of anxiety. The next step is to give people concrete skills to manage their anxiety: deep breathing, muscle relaxation and a body scan. The biggest part lies in uncovering the beliefs and fears that drive the anxiety. We just came out with a webinar of me teaching cognitive distortions (thinking errors) that help people learn how what we tell ourselves impacts our mood and feelings.
Are there any methods in which one can overcome anxiety?
Absolutely. Anxiety is such a treatable condition, but many people are ashamed or embarrassed to go for help. Besides what I already mentioned, medication is available to treat all types of anxiety disorders such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety, Social Phobias and whatever else. Medication can be very helpful to help people get to a place where they can do the counseling work. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the modality of choice for anxiety disorders, so if someone is struggling they will want to find a therapist who does that.
On your website you mentioned you’ve worked with women who have been victims of domestic violence. How have you helped them? When you’ve been abused, you have a pretty poor self-image. I used a clip from the movie The Lion King to illustrate this point and one precious lady I had in the group has told me for years how that spoke to her. She is a dear friend today. The other thing I was asked to do a lot was teach them how to relax and de-stress.
Do you have a memorable experience in your career? Something life-changing?
I think the most rewarding part of my work is when someone’s life is turned around. I work with a lot of eating disordered clients, and in the last couple months I’ve had 3 girls come back who are totally free. One of my gals, who was home for her college break, met with me a couple of weeks ago. She is now starting her own ministry to help young women who are struggling by connecting them to Christ. It doesn’t get any better than that. You know, you never really know if what you’re teaching people is going to make a difference, but if you’re faithful to stay the course, God will work. I’ve received so many cards from people, sometimes a few years after I’ve met with them, and they have shared how God used our time together to set them free.
How has your faith affected your counseling profession? For one, it’s freed me up not to feel “responsible” to fix anyone. I know it’s God’s work in the hearts and lives of these precious folks, I just get the awesome privilege of walking alongside them with whatever He is up to. My faith is the foundation for everything I do, and I truly believe that real healing can only come when He sets us free.
Any last statements or something you’d like to leave us with?
Know you have an enemy who wants to assault your heart through life’s loses and challenges. Know you are in a battle for your heart and you must fight because your heart matters to God. Follow your passion−it’s a way to invest in the plans and purposes of God and be used for His glory. Never be willing to hit the delete button on the painful places in your life, because those are great opportunities for spiritual growth and maturity. And no matter how bleak things may look, remember God knows exactly what He’s doing. [Your] story isn’t finished yet!
How can we, the public, help these women? I worked with NOVACO-Lutheran social services. They need people who will volunteer and who will be sponsors and mentors. You can give your time, or give financially. These ladies are my hero’s and I always tell them that. Most of them are from other countries and have had to overcome so many obstacles like learning a language, going to school, working, [or] taking care of their children. They are amazing; very courageous.
06 >>> IN THE LIGHT_May/June 12
Speaking up for neglected and abandoned children By Ashley Ormon
Children are precious individuals, but every year thousands are neglected and abandoned. In late 2011, the United States Department of Health and Human Services reported over 100,000 children who were waiting to be adopted. And “waiting to be adopted” only includes children whose parents’ rights were terminated. Child Welfare estimated more than 400,000 children collectively in foster care. Many of these children are taken from their homes due to physical abuse, such as being withheld food or severe beatings, sexual abuse, and emotional maltreatment. Under these conditions, the government often permanently removes the children from their caretakers and places them into foster care. And although foster homes may provide a safe haven for children, the long-term effects for those who remain in the system aren’t so bright. Studies conducted by psychologists and the federal government show children in single-parent homes face a harsher future than those in two-parent homes. So how much more detrimental is it for children in foster care, who have house parents: an individual who cares for a set number of children? INTHELIGHTMAG.COM <<< 13
Veronica Brocato, the founder and president of Voice for Orphans, said, “Most children who don’t find secure lives in homes find them on the streets later on.” Thirty percent of America’s homeless population has a history of being an orphan. Twenty-five percent of inmates were in foster care. At least 50% of teens girls in foster care become pregnant once, or more, by age 19. “And many children who are victims of human traf-
fingers at foster care, but God didn’t call the government to take care of orphans. He asked the church.” She references to James 1:27 which reads: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” On the organization’s website, they write: “There are 143 million orphans around the world. There are an estimated number of
“I need people to understand statistics have names and faces.” ficking are orphans,” says Brocato. Children who are never adopted “age out” of the foster care system at age 18. The government mandates them to leave and survive on their own. These teens become victims of their childhood pasts, engaging in the sex and drug abuse they witnessed as children, and have kids of their own who become neglected and abandoned. We can blame the foster care system for these issues, but perhaps they aren’t the ones to blame. Brocato says, “It’s very easy to point
2.5 billion Christians worldwide. If everyone played their part, there would essentially be no more orphans.” But unfortunately, Brocato says the church isn’t rising up. Brocato hopes to cause a paradigm shift from orphaned children to adopted children. Causing this shift, however, is the organization’s biggest struggle. She says, “People do not understand the gravity and need.” Voice for the Orphans therefore educates prospective adoptee parents on the foster care system and connects them with people who can
help. “My heart is to go wherever the people are,” says Brocato on bringing this issue into the light. The organization goes to expos and events to talk to people in the community also. At a “Summer Blast” event Brocato’s staff met a young child who had recently became an orphan. “I need people to understand,” says Brocato. “Statistics have names and faces.” This child was ripped out of their home at midnight – and was scared. After talking to the child and sharing encouragement, the child was put at ease. Children find comfort in people who care and love upon them. That’s why awareness is vital. There are countless myths about foster care and adoption. One of the biggest myths is the high cost and time length in adopting a child. However, the government issues grants and subsidies to people adopting, making the cost free or minimal. Concerning time, Adoptive Families magazine conducted a poll in which 76% of children’s adoption process was completed in a year or less. By teaching facts, Brocato hopes to “break down the myths with truths.” And is it working? Gradually. Brocato tells a woman’s story who had been fostering a little girl for months. She read the information on the organization’s website and received confirmation to adopt the girl. “Now that’s one more child with a family,” Brocato says happily. “But we can’t stop. Every child deserves the unconditional love [of ] a family.”
HELPING ORPHAN CHILDREN For more information on orphaned children, visit 14 >>> IN THE LIGHT_Winter ‘13
Knowing God...
Proverbs & Wisdom
Proverbs & Wisdom is about spiritual growth and empowerment. We don’t strive to just tell you about God, but encourage you to know Him personally. As a part of our community, you’ll grow in the Lord, and be enlightened on becoming who God created you to be. <<< 15
10 >>>IN THE LIGHT_May/June 12
emerging lifestyle specialist Tera Nikki Thomas, who’s often refers to heself as “TNT,” strives to bring forth change in thought and action. Born in Detroit, Michigan to professional podiatrists, Tera’s life began with her family’s move to Richmond, Virginia at the tender age of three. Richmond later became the roots for her strong, family structure. As successful professionals, TNT’s parents instilled within her a foundation for confidence and self-worth. This released an enterprising spirit, focused on her pursuing her dreams to become a TV personality. At age thirteen, Tera’s natural talent was recognized by Richmond’s public access channel and she was asked to host Impact On Youth, a program dedicated to teenagers ages thirteen to eighteen. The show featured prominent celebrities such as Queen Latifah, Bootsy Collins, Jermaine Dupree and many more. Tera cultivated the value gained through these experiences as she moved forward to the next phase of her life at George Mason University where she graduated and received a Bachelor’s Degree in Persuasive and Political Communication. Tera has been an advocate for health and wellness for the last seven years.
What made you interested in health?
Getting into health was almost intentional for me. I was going to Walgreens one day and I saw a book lying on top of a trash can. I’m a complete bookworm, and I’m thinking, “What? Who leaves a book like that?” So I picked it up. The book’s name was Food As Medicine and I ended up reading it. I was amazed how food can be used as medical treatment. There are specific fruits and vegetables for different parts of the body too. For example, avocados are good for the ovaries. Some fruits’ shape even resemble the part of the body their beneficial for.
So you’re self-educated?
My health education is self-education. It’s good to go to classes and everything, but we can actually learn more when we selfeducate because then, we aren’t learning to simply take a test. Instead, we’re learning to live a lifestyle and it’s that healthy lifestyle which changes us.
How do you feel about medical professionals?
Doctors aren’t preventable care, they are for after you have a problem. Preventable care comes from having the correct diet, eating healthy and natural food, and exercising. I read the book The Anti-cancer Diet and they recommend [killing] cancer through a healthy diet. Not chemotherapy. INTHELIGHTMAG.COM <<< 17
There’s a lot of power in educating yourself on health.
How do you personally define wellness?
Wellness comes from being well in the mind, the body, and the soul. When someone asks, “How are you?” and you tell them “I’m well” you’re saying you have health and an equal balance among the three.
Do you think Christians have an unbalanced focus on spiritual and physical health?
Yes, I do. But I also believe if you’re a spiritual person you’ll find that natural balance between the two. Both are important. Our body isn’t ours. It’s something God gave us. And we’re supposed to take care of what God has given us.
How do you feel about the whole “Christians and yoga” thing? Some believe since yoga’s spiritual principles weren’t
founded upon Christianity, it’s wrong. Do you agree?
I believe it’s up to the individual. Yes, yoga is spiritual but any exercise can be spiritual when you think about it. Yoga is spiritual because you’re moving your body in 90 degree angles and you’re in positions for a long time. I think it’s all in how you do it and how you perceive it to be for you.
Speaking of working out, what routines do you favor for getting and remaining in shape?
I bought myself a mat, a jump rope, a kettle bell, and I found a place where I can do about 40 steps to work out on. I’m ready!
So you’re the all-natural medicine person and all-natural work outs too? No gym membership?
I had a gym membership. Honestly, I went without one for a little while and I just signed back up again, but really, you don’t need a gym membership. You can practically learn anything you want on Youtube and find your own workout. You can buy a mat and do exercises that way.
Very true. If you aren’t motivated, and this goes for anything, it’s hard to accomplish a task. Especially when it comes to being physically fit. Right. If you’re not motivated or inspired to exercise, you’re going to waste your money on a membership. Being physically fit is something you have to want. I know I hear some people say they don’t have time. They don’t have an hour to work out. But if you do the right exercise, a ten minute workout can be better than that one hour workout.
With the rise of obesity, especially in children, do you have any theories on what this is linked to?
I do. I think it’s because they’re cutting out and limiting playtime in school. When I was growing up we had playtime in school all the time. I’m pretty sure when I was a little girl I had abs because I was always active. But now, children don’t play as much and parents buying their children [fast food] doesn’t help. Parents need to recognize, too, their health habits will be passed down to their children. Whatever health lifestyle their children see them living, their [children] will probably continue on.
What about diet? What are your eating health habits? And lately, juicing and blending is getting popular 18 >>> IN THE LIGHT_Winter ‘13
with the rise of “natural smoothie” places with, “Really? I never knew that.” I want to tell people what they don’t know because that’s what is really going to opening up. I do both [juice and blend]. Juicing is good and so is blending. It depends on what you want. Blending has more texture to it, but I love juiced apples, carrots, and ginger. I’m not really a carrot person, but carrots are so delicious to drink! And since fruits have natural sugar, you don’t need to add any, unless you want honey.
help them.
I’m also pretty excited about this new store opening up in my area. To me, it’s the new Starbucks. It’s called Kale Me Crazy. They’re going to sell fresh juices and smoothies.
Yes, I’m trying to enlighten. I don’t believe people intentionally want to be in the dark. People are looking for light. Of course I can tweet “I just got Red Bottom shoes,” but who’s that helping? I’m trying to inform. I believe if people surround themselves with the right people, even on Twitter, they can learn a lot.
What about vitamins?
Some people are against supplements, but I personally like them. If you get yourself a good quality supplement you’ll feel the difference. And when you don’t take it, your body will definitely feel a change.
Are there any foods you recommend staying away from, or you personally don’t eat?
I also tweet for myself and if it inspires or helps someone else in the process that’s great. But tweeting helps to inspire me.
People perish for a lack of knowledge, the Bible says. Informing people is important.
“I don’t need to go get a Snickers bar to have sugar; all I have to do is have ketchup. Fructose corn syrup is in there too.”
Sugary foods and candy. I don’t buy any of those fruit juices in the stores anymore. Most of them have high fructose corn syrup in them. Most things do actually. I don’t need to go get a Snickers bar to have sugar; all I have to do is have ketchup. Fructose corn syrup is in there too.
Last thoughts? What’s your “cry out” message to everyone?
I just want people to treat their physical body the same way they’re into their outward appearance. Like you spend money doing your hair, buying shoes, and getting nice clothes, spend money for your inside too. Health is a lifestyle.
What’s your take on government and health? Interested in what Food As Medicine is about? Check out Health is decreasing for us in our country and the government knows. How could they not? Even if you’ve seen how the animals we eat are treated. The cows are fed corn and cows don’t naturally eat corn. They’re supposed to be eating grass. You look at the animals they [the government] are raising to feed us. The animals look sick. And whatever state of mind that animal is in will be passed on to us. The animals seem depressed and they’re unhealthy. Then we kill them, eat them, and wonder why we’re all depressed and unhealthy too.
its description under our “Staff Picks” for books on Page 23.
Just a disclosure, please know this information is not a substitute for seeing your personal medical professional. To connect with Tera Thomas, visit her website, at or tweet her on Twitter:
How has social media impacted your message on health?
Social media is great. A lot of people say I tweet inspirational stuff, which I do, but every now and then I throw in a health fact or two. Then people respond back to me INTHELIGHTMAG.COM <<< 19
What Your Kids Need to Hear From You (Their Parents) By Warren Baldwin
Much of our childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s working vocabulary will
be learned by the time they are five years old. It is incredibly important that the words they hear during those first five years are healthy and wholesome, and the intent in which they are delivered is spiritual and nurturing. Critical and negative speech will plant unspiritual and self20 >>> IN THE LIGHT_Winter â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;13
defeating thoughts deep within their psyches, which can then shape unspiritual and self-defeating behavior. Every child deserves to hear at least four things during their formative years. The first is instruction. Instruction covers all aspects of life, from dressing neatly to treating other
people with respect and working hard at a job. These things cannot be left to chance. Incredibly, I encounter a number of older teens who have never had a job, and have never even had occasional work, such as raking leaves, cleaning out a garage, or painting an old shed. They graduate high school or college and wonder why employers aren’t standing in line to give them a good job. It also doesn’t help their chances of landing gainful employment if they haven’t been taught to give a firm handshake, look someone in the eye, and carry on a conversation. The list of necessary things to teach a child would also include basic instruction about God and spiritual things, good behavior, dating
etiquette, maintaining moral purity, principles of fulfilling a healthy, marital life, and even parenting. Teaching teenagers about parenting may be one of the best inducements for them to date carefully and marry wisely. Secondly, our kids deserve to hear appropriate correction. “The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing” (Proverbs 12:18). Belittling a child as a means of correcting him may alter his behavior for a time, but it will likely plant hurt and resentment even more deeply. The goal of correction when children act out or misbehave is not to produce feelings of low self-worth and uselessness, but to encourage them to think about their conduct and course in life. Appropriate correction means we address the misbehavior of the child. We want him to know he acted badly without thinking he is a bad or incorrigible child. Calling the child stupid, bad, and hopeless breaks the child down; it doesn’t build him in the wholesome image of God. “The tongue of the wise brings healing, (see Proverbs 12:18)” even when done as disciplinary action. Thirdly, every child deserves words of encouragement. The world will hurt our kids enough, wounding their spirit and diminishing their sense of worth. Shelley Faust wrote, “No matter how deeply hidden, wounds left unattended do not disappear. Hurtful words become a filter through which we see and experience life if we let them.” (http:// We need to speak gracious words that balance the negativity of the world and clean the filters of hurtful words. We certainly don’t
need to join in the destruction. “Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones” (Proverbs 16:24). Listening to our kids, expressing confidence in their abilities, and encouraging their attempts at new activities helps produce confidence and self-assurance in them, something they will need to live life bravely and successfully. Finally, our kids need our help in shaping their vision for the future. When they are in middle school we can speak about issues they will face in high school, college and beyond. This is not an attempt to ignore the present or rush their lives. Rather, it is a way to help them think forward and envision a future that has room in it for them. We can speak to them about study programs, career choices, relationships (including marriage), and where they might like to live. Talking to our kids about their future in a positive way can help them overcome insecurities or fear and actually embrace the future with excitement. Proverbs 13:14 says, “The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares of death.” Life is too precious to just let it happen. The lives of our children are too precious to let them grow up on their own. We must teach with great intentionality and urgency the important lessons of life and eternity. Our teaching is the fountain of life to save them from the snares of death. “The wise in heart are called discerning, and gracious words promote instruction.” —Proverbs 16:21 Warren and his wife Cheryl have 3 grown children. They live in Kansas where Warren serves as a preacher and adjuncts for a junior college. They also serve as their church’s youth leaders. Warren blogs at www.warrenbaldwin. He has written one book: Roaring Lions, Cracking Rocks and Other Gems from Proverbs. INTHELIGHTMAG.COM <<< 21
not a fan.
Are you a follower of Jesus? Don’t answer too quickly. In fact, you may want to read this book before you answer at all. Consider it a ‘Define the Relationship’ conversation to determine exactly where you stand. You may indeed be a passionate, fully devoted follower of Jesus. Or, you may be just a fan who admires Jesus but isn’t ready to let him cramp your style. Then again, maybe you’re not into Jesus, period. In any case, don’t take the question---Are you a follower of Jesus?---lightly. Some people don’t know what they’ve said yes to and other people don’t realize what they’ve said no to, says Pastor Kyle Idleman. But Jesus is ready to clearly define the relationship he wants with his followers. Not a Fan calls you to consider the demands and rewards of being a true disciple. With frankness sprinkled with humor, Idleman invites you to live the way Jesus lived, love the way he loved, pray the way he prayed, and never give up living for the One who gave his all for you.
In His Steps What does it really mean to be a Christian? In His Steps was the first to ask “What would Jesus do? and quickly became one of the best-selling books of all times. A classic Christian novel. “I want volunteers from First Church who will pledge themselves, earnestly and honestly, for an entire year; not to do anything without first asking the question, ‘What would Jesus do?’” The town Reverend never dreamed that among those who responded would be the most influential members of his congregation. Together they pledged themselves to a new step of faith that would change, not just a handful of people, but an entire town-for good.
22 >>> IN THE LIGHT_Winter ‘13
The China Study Even today, as trendy diets and a weight-loss frenzy sweep the nation, two-thirds of adults are still obese and children are being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, typically an “adult” disease, at an alarming rate. If we’re obsessed with being thin more so than ever before, why are Americans stricken with heart disease as much as we were 30 years ago? In The China Study, Dr. T. Colin Campbell details the connection between nutrition and heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The report also examines the source of nutritional confusion produced by powerful lobbies, government entities, and opportunistic scientists. The New York Times has recognized the study as the “Grand Prix of epidemiology” and the “most comprehensive large study ever undertaken of the relationship between diet and the risk of developing disease.” The China Study is not a diet book. Dr. Campbell cuts through the haze of misinformation and delivers an insightful message to anyone living with cancer, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and those concerned with the effects of aging.
Fast Food Nation In 2001, Fast Food Nation was published to critical acclaim and became an international bestseller. Eric Schlosser’s exposé revealed how the fast food industry has altered the landscape of America, widened the gap between rich and poor, fueled an epidemic of obesity, and transformed food production throughout the world. The book changed the way millions of people think about what they eat and helped to launch today’s food movement. In a new afterword for this edition, Schlosser discusses the growing interest in local and organic food, the continued exploitation of poor workers by the food industry, and the need to ensure that every American has access to good, healthy, affordable food. Fast Food Nation is as relevant today as it was a decade ago. The book inspires readers to look beneath the surface of our food system, consider its impact on society and, most of all, think for themselves. INTHELIGHTMAG.COM <<< 23
Fresh fruit salad with honey vanilla yogurt dressing by Susan Dusterhoft
Healthy eating habits are hard to maintain, especially if the norm is fast food. It is already the third month of the New Year. While some still have yet to change their unhealthy eating habits, why not turn things around with something fresh and easy to make? Here is a recipe to help ease the transition to from junk food to better food.
Susan Dusterhoft honed her writing skills through an administrative career spanning across six different industries. Through it all, she has allowed her faith in God and Jesus Christ to guide her through the maze of life. Following her heart and the guidance she received through prayer, Susan now shares the wisdom she has gained throughout her career and life as Todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Working Woman. Susan is currently working on a novel and a cookbook while also writing for several online publications and managing two blogs. Visit her website at: 24 >>> IN THE LIGHT_Winter â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;13
Dressing Ingredients:
Greek yogurt, plain with honey Pure vanilla extract, ½ to 1 teaspoon Vanilla bean seeds scraped from 1/2 vanilla bean, optional Honey, additional honey to taste if needed
Orange, 1 small, sliced and juiced Banana, 1 medium, bright yellow and sliced Grapes, 1 medium bunch, seedless and green, halved Raspberries, ½ cup Blueberries, ½ cup Strawberries, 2 cups, hulled and cut in half
Supplies: Mixing bowls, two small Serving dish, two small Knife Spatula, two Spoons
“The best part of this recipe is that it takes 10 minutes to prepare and it’s super easy to make.”
Recipe: Using a small mixing bowl, combine the Greek yogurt already infused with honey and the vanilla extract. As an option for additional flavor, add extra honey and the vanilla beans. Set aside. Hint #1: This recipe is very versatile in terms of the dressing. If honey is not a favorite flavor, there are a number of Greek yogurt options available that have other fruit flavors infused into the plain white variety. Be creative and be sure to include the real fruit as part of the actual salad. Cut and slice the banana into a mixing bowl. Using a sharp knife, peel the orange like you would an apple making sure to remove as much of the white rind as possible. Cut the slices in between the membranes and put them directly into the mixing bowl on top of the banana. Squeeze the juice from the rest of the orange into the bowl. Gently mix the bananas with the orange slices. The juice from the orange will help the banana from turning brown. Add the berries and grapes and gently mix all the fruit together. Scoop the mixture into serving bowls. Top with the yogurt dressing and garnish with additional fruit pieces. Hint #2: Use fresh fruit, not frozen. The frozen variety leaves to much water behind when thawed and turns the fruit mushy. The best part of this recipe is that it takes 10 minutes to prepare and is super easy to make. By whipping up the yogurt dressing in advance, it is available for those times when nothing else will work for a quick meal. Remember to use fresh fruit, not frozen, and enjoy for breakfast, lunch, dinner or a snack.
Thank you
for joining us in our 1ST YEAR!