5 minute read
Fly Tying: The Klinkhopper
The Klinkhopper
It was 35 years ago in Norway, on the 27th of June 1984, that the first Klinkhåmer Special was born, from the vise of my old friend Hans van Klinken. Designed for fishing grayling in the river Glomma. Now re garded as a modern classic and an absolute standard pattern, for all trout and grayling fishing the world over, it is probably the best and most adaptable emerger to date. The Klinkhopper is my adaptation of the original for a Hi-Viz grasshopper pattern that gives a very nice footprint/profile and it has worked extremely well for me.
Firstly, when tying the Klinkhop per, the correct hook should be used. This should have a curved shank, wide gape, slightly heavy wire and a straight eye. Hans has his own Klinkhamer hooks designed espe cially for this pattern, Daiichi 1160.
The post has several functions, its an up-right wing that, in combination with the slightly heavy wire hook, keeps the pattern on an even keel when fished, it’s a quick sight indi cator, that helps immensely at a dis tance, in low light and in rough wa ter conditions and it’s also the anchor point for our parachute hackle.
The rear of the post, if trimmed cor rectly, will also be the foundation for our slender tapered dubbed body. When wrapping the base of the post, in preparation to accommodate the hackle, this needs to be nice and firm, a drop of varnish or head cement will help with this.
A problem with the ‘traditional par achute hackle’ is finishing it neatly, you always have to wind your tying thread forward through the tho rax and hold the hackle fibres out of the way when you whip finish. This method avoids all that and results in a para-perfect hackle.
Your saddle hackle should be pre pared by stripping off 10 mm of the fibres from one side and 60-70 mm of the fibres from the other (step 11). This will ensure that when wrapped the hackle fibres will have maximum surface contact when fished, keeping the body and thorax of the fly, just under the water where they belong. Before you begin wrapping the hack le, re-position your hook in the vice, from it’s original horizontal position to vertical. This makes wrapping a parachute hackle as easy as wrapping a traditional collar hackle!
Re-attach your tying thread at the base of the post, and wind it down, close into the thorax. If you have a material clip on your vice, once your thread is secure, hang it out of the way (step 19). Now wrap your hackle as you would a traditional dry fly col lar hackle, taking care that each turn of hackle is close to the previous, all the way down into the thorax.
When you reach the thorax, release your tying thread from the materi al clip and make one wrap over the hackle and one wrap under to secure it. Trim away the surplus hackle. Now trim your post to the required length, take your whip finish tool and make one whip finish, between the hackle and the thorax, taking care not to trap any hackle fibres. Before you make the second and last whip finish place a small drop of var nish on the tying thread closed to the thorax. This varnish will be drawn into the whip finish as you tighten, and secure it. The result should be a perfect parachute hackle.
Material List//
Hook: Mustad C49 6-14 Thread: Sheer 14/0 Brown Post: Para-post Body: Chartruse dubbing Rib: Tying thread dubbing loop Wing: Yellow dyed partridge hackle Legs: Yellow pheasant tail fibres Thorax: Olive ostrich herl Hackle: Yellow dyed grizzly hackle
Remove your tying thread and the klinkhopper is ready to fish…
Klinkhopper from the side.