How to Water Your Cannabis Plant?

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How to Water Your Cannabis Plant? You always need to give proper water to your plant for good cannabis production. This is required as the growth of your plant depends greatly on it. There is no exact science for watering the cannabis plant as you are not able to plant observe the roots and also know what is happening in the soil. Also, you need to water the plant in different ways as you the weather in which the plant is growing constantly changes and also the climate may also get fluctuated. Here are some strategies that can help you to keep your plants healthy and hydrated properly: ● ● ● ●

You need to have keen observation, whenever you are watering your plant Look at the leaves. See if they are dark green or yellow in color Are the leaves strong and vibrant? How is the soil?

Many inexperienced growers overwater their plants while marijuana production. You need to understand that watering plants unnecessary is not good. You need to follow a healthy cycle of dry and wet as it is very important for the roots of the plant to grow out and reach deeper into the soil. If you want to see if your plant is growing, then you can stick your finger down a couple of inches and see if it is dry. If the soil is dry, you should water the plants.

When you think your cannabis plants might be thirsty, take time to observe:

For determining the plants in the pot, you can also pick up the pot and feel the weight of it. You need some experience. Make sure to lift up your pots after watering them and get a feel to know how heavy they are when it is full of water. From this, you will get a sense of what a dry or light plant feels like.

An underwatered plant will look weak and droopy and will also have brown and yellow leaves. There will be no strength in the leaves and they will also feel lifeless. Same will be the case of overwatered plants, except their leaves will be dark green in color and also the leaf tips will be in curl. If you are not aware of the cannabis watering schedule, then you should know one rule that it is always good to under water the plants rather than overwater them.

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