InTouch direct mail portfolio

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DM Make it memorable

“Make ’em laugh. Make ’em laugh. Don’t you know everyone wants to laugh.” Arthur Freed, Singin’ in the Rain (1952) Direct mail has a vital role: to open the door. We like to think of it as an ‘amuse-bouche’. Done well, it will entertain and engage the audience, building awareness and giving you an opportunity to continue the conversation. A small smile can go a long way to making a big impact. It’s all about being memorable. InTouch has extensive experience in creating impactful DM, in B2B and B2C environments. Here is a selection of our work. If you fancy a chat, call us on +44 (0)1295 261161.

InTouch Direct Mail

Allen & Douglas Direct mail

Showing some bad style as a prompt to getting some good style from corporate clothing professionals Allen & Douglas.

Lucy Switchgear Direct mail

InTouch Direct Mail

From a needles in a haystack to long and short straws, these four mailers definitely helped raise awareness and a smile for Lucy Switchgear, resulting in a 50% appointment rate.

Helen McAlinden Direct mail

Irish brand Helen McAlinden’s wallet mailer reflected the high quality of the clothing with huge appeal to a discerning audience.

InTouch Direct Mail

Subaru’s have a reputation for performance. We decided to communicate their lesser known and more surprising qualities to a corporate fleet audience.

Subaru Direct mail

Toyota Direct mail

When Toyota launched New Corolla we launched a range of mailers to drive people to a launch event. The campaign included these flash cards carrying useful phrases in case you were lost for words when you saw it.

InTouch Direct Mail

Mercedes-Benz Direct mail

InTouch Direct Mail

Technicolor Direct mail Technicolor invite to a footballthemed launch event for London-based art directors.

Toyota Direct mail

Another piece from the New Corolla launch which reflects the feel-good nature of the car using simple images. We got a 25% attendance rate through this campaign.

InTouch Direct Mail

Classic Cat Food Direct mail

We know what you’re thinking… doesn’t look like much. But this little letter mailing drove a massive 32% of recipients to respond. People are just crazy about their cats!

InTouch Direct Mail

Action File Direct mail Employees can be tricky to look after. Our HR services client needed to remind companies how to take the pain away.

Mebo Direct mail

We developed the mebo brand from scratch for our client Radley+Co, including name generation, for a range of handbags aimed at ethically-aware ‘bohemian’ urban woman. The mailer also raised awareness of Survival – a charity aimed at helping indigenous peoples who face eviction from their own land. £10 was promised to the cause for every bag sold.

InTouch Direct Mail

Rockingham Direct mail

Selling track days to corporates for Rockingham – even Nigel in accounts can dream!

Toyota Direct mail

InTouch Direct Mail

When we helped Toyota launch New Dyna, we found the link between builders and corner cafĂŠs too good to resist. Massive respect to our client for allowing us to put a dirty thumbprint on the menu!

BD Diabetes Direct mail

BD only produce diabetic needles‌ but they fit all manufacturer’s pens. The diecut allowed us to demonstrate this graphically, with a different brand of pen on each page matching up to the needle. Neat.

InTouch Direct Mail

Lancer Direct mail

For Lancer, experience matters. So, this piece shows you the way out of the maze.

InTouch Direct Mail

Us Direct mail

Call us on +44 (0)1295 261161

Finding customers for keeps

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