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from Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Port Stephens and Hunter Valley | INTOUCH MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 22' ISSUE
November Horoscopes
SCORPIO 23 OCTOBER – 21 NOVEMBER You made a valiant effort to fall in line last year, with precious less success. But Scorpios are true battlers - you know that if you work hard and stay resolute, rewards eventually follow. Your first strategy: recognise your target; next: hammer away until you get results. Just don’t overdo it. Even super-ambitious-you needs the occasional break. Look forward to January, when Scorpios can make time for play. In the meantime, your libido is also granted more fun, so you’d be daft not to take advantage. Don’t worry if these unions don’t last forever. The memories will.
SAGITTARIUS 22 NOVEMBER – 21 DECEMBER Rarely short of admirers, Sagittarians can be outrageous flirts who live life to the full. This month, you’re feeling particularly high-spirited, and restless energy keeps you constantly on the move. Not in the mood for dreary obligations, restrictions on your freedom will seem unbearable. If outworn love is holding you back, then it’s time to give yourself some much-needed breathing space.
CAPRICORN 22 DECEMBER – 19 JANUARY This month you’re socially magnetic and come across as a professional wizard at work. The people you meet and the directions you take steer you towards happiness and success. This extends to the romantic arena, too - with your irresistible allure drawing love to you. At work, expect to rub shoulders with seasoned professionals who seem all too happy to help you.
AQUARIUS 20 JANUARY – 18 FEBRUARY Don’t hide away from the world, Aquarius. It’s time to face up to all the challenging possibilities on offer. If you’re aiming for a better job, a pay rise or a more desirable place to live, capitalise on recent benefits. Another plus: you’re feeling much less coy sexually. Your allure is all but irresistible this month, and what starts as a casual flirtation could turn into something more permanent.
PISCES 19 FEBRUARY – 20 MARCH Who’d blame you for giving up on love? But let’s face it, sometimes you expect too much from relationships. Occasionally, our protective mechanisms hide vulnerabilities but can also shut out others in the process. Free up those emotional chains, and you have a chance of finding or keeping your soulmate. In matters of love, there’s no hurry to decide, and the last week of November could surprise you.
ARIES 21 MARCH – 20 APRIL So many areas of your life have been left simmering, with your career also in the melting pot. Take heart. November encourages physical, mental and spiritual renewal - this time, with you as an active contributor. Many outworn habits and attitudes have to go. And when feeling this vibrant, it stands to reason that your sexual magnetism is at its full strength. Embrace life, and it will love you back.
TAURUS 21 APRIL – 20 MAY Last month’s uncertainty continues thanks to Taurus’s nemesis, a meddling Mars - so steer clear of launching new projects. On the plus side, the first few weeks of November are an ideal time to reassess plans that didn’t work out the first time. Fine-tune your CV, or add bells and whistles to the proposal you thought you had finished. You can always improve upon that initial flash of genius.
GEMINI 21 MAY – 21 JUNE Geminis step into a month packed with ambition. Thanks go to Jupiter, who ups both your work responsibilities and your popularity rating. Don’t worry about any extra duties - you have all the right qualities to meet most challenges. After all, you’re used to switching from low to high gear and then back again. Your driving force? The promise of financial independence. Just don’t forget to stop for the occasional breather.
CANCER 22 JUNE – 22 JULY We all have hidden tensions that can cause us to behave in ways we don’t always understand. But this month’s problems may not be that serious, so don’t make matters worse. If you feel you’ve lost direction, try to free yourself from any self-imposed rut. Be bold and believe in yourself. Don’t be afraid to tell it like it is, and don’t buckle to ideas that are second best.
LEO 23 JULY – 22 AUGUST We all need a helping hand every so often. November introduces a wise mentor who can bring new wisdom into your life. As a bonus, the cosmos also focuses on finances. Nothing less than worthy recompense will cut it now. And don’t worry if less scrupulous colleagues try to steal your glory. With you one step ahead, they’ll be left straggling two steps behind. Love also features. Business trips, too.
VIRGO 23 AUGUST – 22 SEPTEMBER Sometimes it seems fate gives with one hand and takes with the other. Thankfully, November signals the end of this struggle. Once again, you’re motivated and heading towards success. If you have a brilliant proposal in the back of your mind, bring it to the fore. If you’re more inclined to hit the road for a while, now’s your chance to roam. It looks like an important financial leap could also be on the horizon.
LIBRA 23 SEPTEMBER – 22 OCTOBER Early November may not be your best time. If putting on an act gets you by, fine - but if your dilemma is desperate, tell it like it is. Besides, not everyone is playing fair. Call it manipulation or coercion - a certain someone knows which strings to pull. The upside? When Venus offers extra time for play later in the month, slip into party mode. At the same time, the Sun generously boosts finances.
intouch contributor TANYA OBREZA
Tanya was born in Slovenia and emigrated to Australia with her parents as a young girl. It was during her first visit to England that Tanya was introduced to astrology, and in 1980 she gained her London Faculty of Astrological Studies qualifications. Over the years, Tanya has established an extensive and wideranging international following, mostly due to her reassuring, down to earth presence.